
Bacteria are ancient organisms

Archeology and history are two sciences closely intertwined. Archaeological research provides an opportunity to learn about the planet's past...

in detail / 05.05.2024
Comedy Pygmalion. Bernard Shaw "Pygmalion" Eliza visits Professor Higgins

Pygmalion (full title: Pygmalion: A Fantasy Novel in Five Acts, English Pygmalion: A Romance in Five Acts) is a play written by Bernard...

in detail / 26.03.2024
Node for generating mathematical representations

Summary of educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the middle group using didactic...

in detail / 24.01.2024
Objectives, principles, rules

This technique can be used not only at work, but also in everyday life; try to accustom your children to it from childhood. Measured -...

in detail / 11.01.2024
Freebies for students: what discounts and benefits are available to students

A very small student scholarship provides ways to save costs in the form of discounts on certain services. Not everyone can receive them...

in detail / 23.11.2023
“The idea of ​​immortality in culture is to constantly suppress entropy”: Vadim Rudnev on time models

Time is a mystery of humanity. Its paradox lies in the fact that, despite the physical indicators of time, psychologically it...

in detail / 24.10.2023
Meet the master of play poetry for children A

Alexander Aleksandrovich Shibaev (1923-1979) did not enter, as they recently said, “into the fold”, into the first rank of post-war children's poetry. Leningrader, huh...

in detail / 18.10.2023
Scientific knowledge about the structure of the universe in India

change 08/25/2010 (photo added) VEDAS The Vedas in a broad sense represent a clearly undefined circle of ancient Slavic and Aryan documents...

in detail / 28.08.2023
Modal verb may: forms and situations of use

Modal verbs are verbs that characterize responsibilities, opportunities, desires and the need for action. They directly convey the attitude...

in detail / 13.08.2023
Psychological foundations of the formation of skills and abilities

The product of our cognitive activity is knowledge. They represent the essence reflected by human consciousness and are remembered in...

in detail / 27.01.2022
Calendar of significant dates

2006-2016 - Decade of rehabilitation and development of the affected regions (third decade after Chernobyl) 2010-2020 - Decade to combat...

in detail / 28.05.2021
Brief history of watch creation

To use presentation previews, create a Google account and sign in:...

in detail / 17.03.2021
Twice Hero of the Soviet Union Anatoly Konstantinovich Nedbaylo

Born on January 28, 1923 in the city of Izyum, Kharkov region, in a working-class family. Graduated from junior high school. Since 1941 in the Red Army. IN...

in detail / 18.12.2020
Completion of the intervention in the Far East Liberation of the Far East from invaders

In recent years, many publications have appeared in which attempts are made to reveal little-known pages of history, to find new approaches to the study...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Why is the OGE important and how does it affect the student’s fate?

The main, or mandatory, state exam is a form of state certification for ninth-graders. Students take four subjects:...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Electronic library of 40 OGE training options online

OGE 2018. Mathematics. 40 training options.

in detail / 01.07.2020
M.: 2017. - 368 p.

The educational and methodological manual of the publishing house "Legion" is intended for...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes briefly

All are eukaryotic organisms. They can be unicellular or multicellular, but all have a common cell structure. Counts,...

in detail / 01.07.2020