
Presentation: Monaco Presentation on the topic

Religion: Catholicism: The official religion is Catholicism. However, Monaco's constitution guarantees freedom of religion. Monaco has 5...

in detail / 04.05.2024
Vladivostok Marine Fishery College of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution “Dalrybvtuz” Brief list of educational and laboratory facilities used in the educational process

Maritime State University named after Admiral G. I. Nevelskoy (MSU named after Adm. G. I. Nevelskoy) Former names Far Eastern Higher...

in detail / 17.03.2024
Application of barium. Barium. Properties of barium. Applications of barium Barium physical and chemical properties

Contents of the article BARIUM is a chemical element of the 2nd group of the periodic table, atomic number 56, relative atomic mass 137.33. Is located in...

in detail / 08.03.2024
Types of UFOs and their appearance There is a luminous ball flying in our forest

BRUCE MACCABI From a message to Dr. Mirarni The efforts of Dr. Kaplan and Major Oder to start the fireball project have borne fruit...

in detail / 08.02.2024
Origin of the Slavs Origin of the Slavs in ancient times

The Slavs are Europe's largest ethnic group, but what do we really know about them? Historians are still arguing about who they came from, and...

in detail / 07.02.2024
Anatoly Yakunin: biography and family of the general

Even without being a pop or film star, you can become famous throughout the country. People working in law enforcement give their all to...

in detail / 11.01.2024
Places and years of two most important battles of the Second Punic War

Until the beginning 3rd century Rome is waging continuous wars with its neighbors. There was a crop failure in Rome, the solution was to die or steal from neighbors. Last var....

in detail / 16.12.2023
The formation of the Old Russian state The formation of the Old Russian state

Slide 1 Slide 2 Get acquainted with various theories about the emergence of the state among the Eastern Slavs. Find out the prerequisites and stages of education...

in detail / 24.11.2023
Heat transfer - what is it?

Heat exchange between two media occurs through a solid wall separating them or through the interface between them. Heat can transfer...

in detail / 03.11.2023
Revolt of the Drevlyans. Murder of Igor. Igor old How did Igor die?

Igor was the first prince of the Old Russian state from the Rurik dynasty. Few people know that Rurik himself was the Prince of Novgorod. And Kyiv subjugated...

in detail / 08.10.2023
Berlin Strategic Offensive Operation

In 1945, Soviet troops entered the territory of Poland, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Austria and, finally, Germany. IN...

in detail / 06.10.2023
District town and its inhabitants Inspector Gogol N

In “The Inspector General” I decided to gather together everything that is bad in Russia... and at one time I laughed at everything. N. Gogol Comedy "The Inspector General" - the first "big...

in detail / 04.09.2023
What happened in 1904. Entente. Union of Great Britain, France and Russia. Causes and nature of the war

In Russia the situation was heating up. The tragic events of 1904-1905 - the Russian-Japanese War, Bloody Sunday, which caused waves everywhere...

in detail / 11.08.2023
Nganasans - the northernmost people of Eurasia Nganasans number and place of residence

   Number of employees: 1,278 people (as of 2001).   

in detail / 01.08.2023
The language is a Samoyed group of the Ural-Yukaghir family of languages.   

Settlement - Krasnoyarsk Territory,...

in detail / 25.07.2023
A retelling of the comedy “The Tradesman among the Nobility” by Moliere

Comedy in five acts (with abbreviations) CHARACTERS OF THE COMEDY MR JOURLAIN is a tradesman. MADAME JOURDAIN is his wife. LUCILLE is their daughter. CLEONTE is a young,...

in detail / 21.07.2023
Geography theme - atmosphere

Composition of the Earth. Air Air is a mechanical mixture of various gases that make up the Earth's atmosphere.

in detail / 10.06.2022
Air is necessary for living things to breathe...

Summer language schools in England for teenagers

in detail / 31.10.2021