Family and society

Making the correct “L” sound in a child

Automation of the sound L Automation of the sound L in syllables a) Automation of the sound [L] in an open syllable Open syllables are called syllables like...

in detail / 30.12.2023
Ferns as opposed to angiosperms

139. Which group includes plants consisting of cells undifferentiated on tissue A) mosses B) horsetails C) algae D) lichens 173. Mosses -...

in detail / 03.11.2023
Liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke

The date of the liberation of Rus' from the Tatar-Mongol yoke is traditionally considered to be 1480 and this event is associated with the Standing on the Ugra. However, in...

in detail / 27.10.2023
International game competition "Man and Nature Man and Nature Olympiad official

Often, primary school teachers are looking for Olympiad works such as “kangaroo”, “Russian bear cub”, “Golden Fleece”, “Man and Nature”. So...

in detail / 12.08.2023
Intellectual game "What?

Game for children in grades 5-6 “What? Where? When? with the heroes of fairy tales." Grishina Anna Anatolyevna, teacher of Russian language and literature MAOU "Secondary School No. 12",...

in detail / 19.06.2023
Gray Humanoids in black clothes

In 1954, the American government came into contact with the so-called agreement, as evidenced by B. Cooper, a former officer...

in detail / 31.03.2022
Using a bug in the Los Santosa gym and a height mod

Hello everyone, dear users and guests of the site. I make videos about secrets, easter eggs, bugs and glitches in GTA games. At once...

in detail / 22.01.2022
Wishful thinking is a disease

wishful thinking Alternative descriptions An invention with the purpose of instilling in another an exaggerated idea of ​​oneself, throwing dust on...

in detail / 20.12.2021
Match puzzles Move 1 match to make 4

Match puzzles have long been used as tasks for developing logic and skills. The popularity of such tasks is due to the convenience...

in detail / 10.12.2021
Solar System Exploration Modern Planetary Exploration

Study of the Planets of the Solar System Until the end of the 20th century, it was generally accepted that there were nine planets in the Solar System: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars,...

in detail / 18.08.2021
Polish campaign of the Red Army (RKKA)

On September 17, 1939, the Soviet invasion of Poland took place. The USSR was not alone in this aggression. Earlier, on September 1, by mutual agreement with...

in detail / 09.08.2021
Congratulations on graduation from deputy Pavel Poselenov

Graduation party script (2012) Developed by: Deputy Director for Educational Work Bogomolova Natalya Nikolaevna p. Petropavlovka Song...

in detail / 17.09.2020
Psychology of illnesses: Constipation

1. CONSTIPATION - (Louise Hay) Causes of the disease Reluctance to part with outdated thoughts. Getting stuck in the past. Sometimes in a sarcastic way.

in detail / 23.07.2020

How to prepare for the GPA in Physics

in detail / 04.07.2020
Most often they write about preparing for the Unified State Exam, undeservedly forgetting about the Unified State Exam. But to take the exam after the eleventh grade, you must first of all...

Ten global environmental problems in pictures

in detail / 04.07.2020
Crafts on the theme “Take care of nature”, drawings on the theme “Ecology of nature” will help children instill a love for their native land, learn how to use waste...

Admiral Kolchak: the story of the fall

in detail / 04.07.2020
GOLDEN TALES OF SIBERIA KOLCHAK’S GOLD Rumors about the great gold of Admiral Alexander Vasilyevich Kolchak have been spreading throughout Siberia for a long time. Many secrets and...

Natural resources and conditions of economic activity

in detail / 01.07.2020
The Nadterechny municipal district is one of fifteen municipal districts of the Chechen Republic. In addition to district municipalities...

Einstein's twin paradox

in detail / 01.07.2020