Church candle

How to get a deferment from the army?

In Russia, young men who have reached the age of majority, that is, 18 years old, who have no contraindications for health reasons, are subject to conscription for military service...

in detail / 09.04.2024
Washington presentation for an English lesson (grade 9) on the topic

Lincoln Memorial. located on the Esplanade in downtown Washington. It was built in honor of the sixteenth US President Abraham Lincoln. His...

in detail / 23.02.2024
Peter I interrogates Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich in Peterhof Peter I interrogates his son

The failure of recent religious paintings forced Ge to abandon this topic for a while. He again turned to history, this time Russian, dear and close...

in detail / 30.01.2024
Interest club: communication in English Opportunity to prepare in advance

We are often asked: what do English Speaking Club meetings look like? We'll tell you:) We meet and speak English for 3 hours each...

in detail / 12.12.2023
Special uranium camps in the Magadan region

Valery Yankovsky The first days of truly hard labor are unforgettable. At 6 in the morning, a light bulb that has been burning all night blinks, on the street - like a hammer to the back of the head -...

in detail / 25.11.2023
Instructions for performing the work

Plan 1. Reasons and content of “perestroika” (main approaches).

in detail / 03.11.2023
Reforms of the political and economic sphere of the USSR in 1985–1991.


in detail / 10.10.2023
Single-celled organisms - list with names and examples

The body of which consists of one cell, being at the same time an independent integral organism with all its inherent functions. By level...

in detail / 22.07.2023
When was Tyutchev born and died?

Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev was born in 1803 on his father’s estate, in the Bryansk district of the Oryol province. His father was a well-born landowner. Tyutchev received...

in detail / 08.07.2023
Metaphysics of the revelation of truth

user2901512 What are the criteria for metaphysical truth? So I know that one of the purposes of Metaphysics is to encode these fundamental...

in detail / 25.06.2023
“Sentence Completion” technique (for egocentrism)

PAT is a compact modified version of G. Murray's Thematic Apperception Test 1, taking a little time...

in detail / 12.03.2023
Overcoming stress during pregnancy How nervous stress affects pregnancy


in detail / 19.03.2022
h;f;sh;sch;ts;x |

Use tongue twisters, riddles, retellings (teaching retelling), stories, fairy tales to develop speech. Teach sound...

in detail / 04.10.2021
English verbs meaning "to leave"

I write all my case studies and marketing plans in Microsoft Word. Everything! When I worked in technical writing, I wrote very long user...

in detail / 17.05.2021
Conclusion of an essay on the topic of humanity

From early childhood, parents, when raising a child, focus on the development of such qualities as kindness, respect, patience, empathy and...

in detail / 27.03.2021
Psychological association tests

How to answer psychological tests? Often, for fun or for the purpose of self-knowledge, we answer psychological tests... sometimes we just...

in detail / 17.03.2021
Reusable spacecraft

New ships of Russia: Soyuz TMA-MS, Progress MS, PPTS and PTK NP Rus. New US ships: Cygnus, Dragon, CST-100, Orion. Existing Russian ships:...

in detail / 07.03.2021
The Principality of Novgorod: form of government, religion, culture Cultural achievements of the Principality of Novgorod

Velikiy Novgorod. Or Mister Veliky Novgorod, as his contemporaries called him, occupied a special place among other Russian principalities. As a center...

in detail / 09.01.2021