The Holy Trinity

How many awards did Brezhnev have?

On November 10, 1982, the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee, Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, passed away.

Brezhnev... / 24.04.2024
in detail

Analysis of the poem by N. Nekrasov “Motherland. “Analysis of the poem by N. A. Nekrasov “Motherland of Nekrasov, birthplace, history of creation”

Brezhnev... / 24.02.2024
Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov And here they are again, familiar places, Where the life of my fathers flowed, barren and empty, Flowed among meaningless feasts...

Exponentiation, rules, examples

Brezhnev... / 23.11.2023
It's time to do a little math. Do you still remember how much it is if two are multiplied by two? If anyone has forgotten, there will be four. It seems that...

Types of chemical reactions in organic chemistry – Knowledge Hypermarket

Brezhnev... / 21.11.2023
Lesson 2 Classification of chemical reactions in inorganic chemistry Chemical reactions are classified according to various criteria. According to the number of initial...

Writer Ransom Riggs: biography, list of books and reader reviews

Brezhnev... / 20.10.2023
Whose first books became bestsellers amazingly quickly. Biography. The Beginning of a Creative PathRansom Riggs is an aspiring author with only...

It's fun to be a student It's fun to be a student 3

Brezhnev... / 20.10.2023
It's funny to be a student Hard everyday life - 3 Prologue “Somehow I didn’t imagine the weekend like that,” pessimism grumbled. - And I have an unusually gloomy...

Research work "school desk"

Brezhnev... / 06.09.2023
Intended for students in the secondary (sometimes preschool) education system. As a rule, desks require use at the same time...

The concepts of “GOD” and “Lord God” What is the difference between the Lord and God

Brezhnev... / 03.09.2023
What is the difference between the concepts "God" and "Lord"?

Answers priest Afanasy Gumerov, resident of Sretensky Monastery: It is given in the Holy Scripture...

Brezhnev... / 18.08.2023
Dixit gaming club board game card size

Sometimes, in the midst of a lively conversation, you, accidentally looking at some little thing, begin to remember events from your life and gradually become immersed...

Brezhnev... / 12.08.2023
Portfolio of professional activities of a trainer-teacher at the BMU DoD "Dyussh" Portfolio - Document Pr

student of 2nd grade Piliptsov Stanislav What's in a name...

Brezhnev... / 22.07.2023
Chernobyl: the biggest bluff of the 21st century

Stress, stress! Stress (from the English stress - “pressure”, “tension”) is understood as an emotional state that arises in response to all sorts of...

Brezhnev... / 13.08.2022
The sun gives birth to new planets (2 photos) Unusual phenomena in space

Powerful explosions occur in the sun from time to time, but what scientists discovered will surprise everyone. Employees of the American Aerospace Agency...

Brezhnev... / 31.03.2022
From the Bosphorus to the Dead Sea, culture

The Bosphorus is a strait between Europe and Asia Minor, connecting the Black Sea with the Sea of ​​Marmara. Paired with the Dardanelles, it connects the Black Sea with the Aegean, which...

Brezhnev... / 11.02.2022
Hostile aliens are flying towards the earth

Many alien ships are heading towards our planet. Western ufologists are warning humanity about a possible alien invasion. And all...

Brezhnev... / 25.11.2021
Proportional segments in a right triangle Average proportional segments in a right triangle proof

Lesson objectives: introduce the concept of a proportional mean (geometric mean) of two segments;

Brezhnev... / 19.09.2021
consider the problem of proportional segments in...

Quotes and statuses about hobbies, interests and creativity

Brezhnev... / 27.03.2021
We collect for you popular sayings of famous people and aphorisms. If you want to add something new to this section, just write to us...

What are the Pathway and Foundation preparatory programs for?

Brezhnev... / 18.11.2020