The aliens are flying towards the earth. Hostile aliens fly to earth

A lot of alien ships are sent to our planet.

Western ufologists warn humanity of a possible alien invasion. And all because, while studying a map of space, they found several unidentified flying objects that are heading straight for Earth. Different sources have different data on the number of UFOs - most often they mention three gigantic objects, or hundreds of "flying saucers" approaching the Earth. It was possible to fix more than ten objects using the HAARP program.

Moreover, according to some experts, the purpose of the aliens is precisely the attack of the Earth, which will be carried out by them in the near future, and not at all the building of friendly relations. Predicting such a future for their planet, conspiracy theorists claim that the scientific elite of the world keeps the terrible truth about upcoming events secret from all mankind.

Some experts are already starting to panic, declaring that after the mass landing of aliens on our planet, all of humanity will become slaves of another, more developed race. So far, it's more like a script for a science fiction movie. Professional "alien hunters" claim that the US government has long been notified of the coming approach of aliens, but it has colluded with NASA so as not to sow panic among the population of the Earth, monitors the movements of the alien space fleet, at the same time preparing a certain plan, with the help of which it will be possible to actively resist the emerging situation directly in the course of events. Ufologists say that almost all important information on this issue is hidden by special authorities, and only a few fragments of it reach the public.

For example, with respect to the three large UFOs described above, it is known that they are slowly but surely approaching our orbit, and now they can be seen on a star map by entering the coordinates 19 25 12 - 89 46 03. They can also be viewed in a fairly powerful telescope. Scientists have already calculated the trajectory of the movement of aircraft, but it is still impossible to predict the exact date of the arrival of aliens. Opponents of the theory that the objects found in this square are UFOs believe that there is nothing supernatural in this area. And even if you check the coordinates experimentally, it is impossible to find differences from the rest of the starry sky: there are three stars on the site, of a completely standard plan, not different from those that are nearby.

Such contradictions in information can be explained in different ways: perhaps, on purpose or not, incorrect coordinates were given, or specialists who made loud statements about the presence of several UFOs near the earth's orbit do not have sufficient competence. And about hundreds of "flying saucers" information, in general, does not inspire confidence, since, according to some sources, they are taken from the archives and were relevant 6-7 years ago. In any case, an independent check through a search browser gave information for 2011. The material featured a certain citizen named Craig Krasnov, who was an employee of the SETI organization. This company is quite real and its main activity is the search for alien intelligent life. It is noteworthy that no one with the last name Krasnov was found among the company's employees. And the only worker named Craig turned out to have the last name Kovo. It is not possible to establish the truth - either there was an error with the specialist's data, or the information was distorted. In addition, based on the information indicated in these materials, the mentioned “hundreds of alien ships” should have landed on our territory back in 2012. It is worth mentioning that one of the Apocalypses was predicted on this date. But there are no indications of when the attack of our planet by aliens will happen in the materials. The same mysterious specialist Craig Krasnov, according to the source, noted that aliens may have other goals than an attack on earthlings, for example, they can be aimed at helping the inhabitants of the Earth in the fight against global problems. By the way, according to the same Krasnov, there should be no more, no less spacecraft, but only three.

Many experts are inclined to believe that the so-called representatives of the non-commercial Internet press are “guilty” of the appearance of such information, it is possible that this was one of the numerous groups from social networks. They often present outdated information as if it were fresh information. Of course, modern journalists could also make a mistake when studying the material. After all, in 2012, the promised alien attack never happened.

The heads of the largest countries have been in contact with representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations for a long time... The military keep aliens imprisoned at their bases... Aliens regularly abduct earthlings and experiment on them... If "strangers" have already managed to leave such a legacy on Earth, then why none of us have seen them alive - in our age of information openness? Men's Health analyzed for you 6 arguments from alien fans and common sense objections. So:

They say that…

We receive signals from them

For instance: On August 15, 1977, Jerry Eiman, an employee of Ohio University, discovered a narrow-band signal with a duration of 72 seconds in the decoding of fresh data from the Big Ear radio telescope. Its high intensity was so consistent with what is theoretically expected from an extraterrestrial signal that Eiman even attributed a surprised "Wow!"

But: Many attempts have been made to re-detect this signal with the Big Ear and other more advanced telescopes - but without success. We also do not know what information it carried: the radio telescope only measured the power of the wave and did not record the content of the signal. And in general, for more than half a century, astronomers have been listening to the starry sky, in recent years, with the development of the SETI project, millions of amateur enthusiasts from more than 200 countries of the world have joined them. But no one has found anything yet. Is someone trying to establish an intense radio exchange with humanity? Something doesn't look like it.

They say that…

We saw their starships

For instance: On the night of September 20, 1977, in Petrozavodsk, several dozen people observed mysterious luminous objects in the sky above the city - the brightest of them seemed to be emitting multi-colored gases. For the previous couple of tens of thousands of years, in such cases, they thought that these were gods and angels. But now it is very clear: these are messengers from distant planets.

But: In general, people tend to mythologize what they see, but cannot explain. Meanwhile, scientists argue that observers mistake ordinary boring objects for alien ships - the Moon, Venus, satellites, rockets, meteorites, clouds, weather balloons, birds, ball lightning. So, for example, if during the flight of a rocket the unused liquid fuel of the first stage is drained or the thrust of a solid-propellant engine is cut off through the side holes, then giant gas trails in the form of all kinds of jellyfish, umbrellas and spirals can appear in the sky, which glow for several hours after launch. So the phenomena observed in Petrozavodsk were associated with the launch of the Cosmos-955 satellite from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.

They say that…

UFOs have repeatedly been recorded on radar. Technology won't lie

For instance: In the 40-70s of the last century, military and civilian radars often recorded objects that moved in a way that no one and nothing on Earth could. Say, on November 25, 1952, a radar at a US military base in the Panama Canal zone observed two UFOs for 6 hours: objects plied the sky above the base, changing altitude in the range from 300 to 8500 m at speeds up to 1500 km / h. At the same time, the UFOs did not make any noise, and six US Air Force planes sent to intercept them did not find anyone, although visibility that evening was excellent - 80 km.

But: Scientists have suggested that the first (imperfect) generations of radars in this case did not catch signals from real objects, but interference due to atmospheric phenomena. Indeed, since a new generation of radar equipment appeared in the early 80s (it used newborn microprocessor technologies), UFOs have not appeared on radar screens anymore.

They say that…

Thousands of people have seen aliens, talked to them, voluntarily or under duress visited their ships

For instance: The first president of the Republic of Kalmykia, head of the International Chess Federation (FIDE) Kirsan Ilyumzhinov told the media that he had been on an alien ship on September 18, 1997: “The aliens were in yellow space suits. I remember going on a spaceship - and I began to suffocate. Then they also gave me a spacesuit ... "

But: Scientists and forensic experts have checked many testimonies of contactees, but in no case could they find any evidence that a date with aliens really took place. Amazing, right? Experts suspect that most of the stories are reports of hallucinations that were caused by some reasons not yet known to science (although alcohol, drugs and mental disorders are also included in the list).

Alien contact reports have been recorded for over 100 years. It is curious that the technique used by the aliens has changed during this time following the development of earthly ideas about advanced technologies. For example, railway conductor James Hooton, who observed a UFO in 1897 near the city of Texarkana (USA), said that the alien ship was driven by a compressed air engine and was equipped with wings like an airplane. And in 1963, two years after the flight of Yuri Gagarin, in the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), three boys "discovered" a metal sphere with humanoids dressed in silver spacesuits. According to them, the aliens sat inside the sphere, twisting knobs and flipping switches.

They say that…

The existence of aliens and their visits to Earth are confirmed by astronauts

For instance: Edgar Mitchell, a member of the Apollo 14 expedition and the sixth person to land on the moon, has stated many times in the media that aliens exist. Like, he personally talked with government officials who came into contact with aliens, and saw secret evidence of such meetings.

But: Talking about aliens, Mitchell never describes specific examples and cases. When, in 2012, an AskMen correspondent directly asked an astronaut if he had seen aliens with his own eyes, he answered in the negative. True, Mitchell claims that on his way back from the Moon to Earth in 1970, he "managed to connect to the Universe directly and get a unique sacred experience." But Alan Shepard and Stuart Rusa, who flew with him, felt nothing of the sort. Astronauts in orbit sometimes hallucinate under the influence of unusual conditions for the body, such as weightlessness, but none of them has yet claimed that these visions were real. Finally, Mitchell is also a Freemason (a member of the Artesia lodge), an expert in parapsychology and founder of the Institute of Noetic Sciences (specializes in the study of human psychic abilities). A worthy source of reliable information, isn't it?

They say that…

Aliens arrived a long time ago and left us cyclopean structures that earthlings were not able to build

For instance: The theory of paleocontacts became popular in the 60s of the last century after the publication of the book "Memories of the Future" by the Swiss journalist Erich von Däniken. According to the author, aliens are mentioned in many myths (it is they who move across the sky in flying chariots like the vimanas from the Ramayana). And it was they who erected the Egyptian pyramids and moai statues on Easter Island, since the earthlings at that moment simply could not have suitable dump trucks and excavators. The giant images on the sands of the Nazca Desert (Peru) are definitely of alien origin, so many geoglyphs can only be seen in their entirety from the air.

But: We know very little about ancient civilizations in general and their technical capabilities in particular. But moai from the list of von Daniken can already be safely crossed out. In 1986, the Czechoslovak engineer Pavel Pavel and the Norwegian archaeologist Thor Heyerdahl conducted an experiment on Easter Island: during it, 16 people were able to quickly move a vertically mounted moai statue 6.5 m tall and weighing 10 tons without any dump trucks, simply turning it from foot to foot. leg. As for the drawings on the Nazca plateau, the German archaeologist Markus Reindel put forward a theory: the ruins located near the drawings are not altars, as previously thought, but towers 20-30 meters high, from which the drawings were perfectly visible.

"The Great Barrier"

Vladimir Surdin - an employee of the Sternberg Astronomical Institute and the author of the book "UFO: Notes of an Astronomer" - about whether aliens exist and what prevents us from meeting them.

The emergence of intelligent life in the Universe is possible, and we are the first proof of this. Even if this chance is negligible for each individual planet, the mind has a huge number of attempts to realize it: only in our Galaxy there are from 200 to 400 billion stars, and in total there are about 100 billion galaxies in the observable part of the Universe.

Why hasn't anyone come to us yet? For example, because it is quite difficult to overcome interstellar distances. Even with the theoretically maximum allowable speed (the speed of light) from the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, it takes 4.2 years to fly to us. Whether there are ways to overcome the speed of light and whether the mind is able to master them is a very big question.

There is a “great barrier hypothesis”: according to it, any intelligent life leads to the emergence of an advanced civilization, but that, in turn, destroys itself before it has time to develop technologies for interstellar travel. For example, in our case, a global nuclear war or an ecological catastrophe, which will lead to the complete extinction of mankind, can become a “great barrier”.

Many people, including renowned scientist Stephen Hawking, are also concerned about a possible alien invasion of Earth. “To my mathematical brain, the numbers alone lead to the idea of ​​extraterrestrial rationality,” Hawking said. "My guess is that they can exist in massive ships, conquer and colonize all the planets they can reach."

But, as you know, it would be strange if we were alone. Just imagine that "there are a trillion planets in the galaxy," says Seth Szostak, an astronomer at the SETI Institute. "There are many places to live." Dan Wertheimer, director of the SETI research center, added that "only a poor mind doesn't wonder if there is life out there."

So where is extraterrestrial life? Since the 1960s, Soviet scientists, NASA and others have been looking for signs of intelligent life. Scientists have calculated that the universe contains over 100 billion galaxies (and our Milky Way alone has over 300 billion stars, about 400 billion). According to Carl Sagan, there must be a septillion (one followed by 24 zeros) planets capable of supporting life. Of course, intelligent life could well develop even as a result of random events and acquire consciousness. But despite half a century of scanning the sky, astronomers can't find a single sign of life that our radio telescopes should easily pick up.

Scientists note that the aliens should have had enough time to colonize the entire galaxy. What, did they blow themselves up, or is the problem more fundamental? In a recent issue of the Wall Street Journal, Eric Metaxas wrote: “What happened? As our knowledge of the universe grows, it becomes clear that there are far more factors needed for life than Sagan suggested. Two of its parameters rose to ten, twenty, and then to fifty, and the number of planets capable of supporting life decreased accordingly. The number has dropped to a few thousand and continues to fall. As new factors are discovered, the number of planets capable of supporting life has gone to zero and continues to fall. In other words, the statistics show that we should not be here either. In general, there should not be planets with life in the Universe.”

Nevertheless, we are on this warm little planet at the right time in the history of the universe: the molten Earth has cooled down, but not yet completely. And it's not too hot on it; The sun has not yet expanded enough to fry the surface of the Earth. The chances that random physical laws and events will lead us to this point demonstrate a statistical impossibility.

The scientific theory of biocentrism offers an explanation - and predicts that we are alone. While evolution has done an amazing job of helping us understand the past, it cannot capture the driving force. It is necessary to add an observer to the equation. Indeed, “when we measure something, we make the indeterminate and indeterministic world take on an experimental value,” said Nobel Laureate in Physics Niels Bohr. We don't "measure" the world, we create it.

Cosmologists suggest that, until recently, the universe was a lifeless collection of particles colliding with each other. It is represented by a clock that has somehow wound up and will count the time in the most unpredictable way. But they ignored the critical component of the cosmos because they don't know what to do with it. This component, consciousness, remains completely mysterious. How can inert and random bits of matter turn into Lady Gaga?

To understand what is happening, you need to understand what role the observer plays, our presence. According to the current paradigm, the universe and the laws of nature simply came into being out of nothingness. From the Big Bang to the present, we have been incredibly lucky. Our luck began from the moment of creation; if the Big Bang had been one millionth stronger, the universe would have grown too fast for galaxies to form. There are over 200 physical parameters that could have gone wrong as a result of changing them, but everything went exactly as it should, and here we are. Change one and life would never exist.

Our luck doesn't end there. Without a massive planet like Jupiter nearby (which sucks up asteroids), the Earth would be attacked by a thousand times more asteroids, each of which would cause a thermal explosion with dust that would lead to icing and starvation of all life on the planet. The nearest star could become a supernova, and its energy would sterilize the Earth due to radiation. And these are just a few things out of millions that could go wrong.

There is something strange about our existence, concludes Metaxas, “so astronomically dizzying that the phrase “it just happened” is counterintuitive. It's like tossing a coin and flipping heads ten trillion times in a row."

But it all makes sense if you admit that it is we, the observers, who create space and time. Take a look at everything you see around you. All you experience is a whirlwind of information in your head. Space and time are the tools of the mind that stores this information.

In their book The Grand Design, theoretical physicists Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow stated: “There is no way to remove the observer - us - from our perception of the world. In classical physics, the past exists as a definite set of events, but according to quantum physics, the past, like the future, is indeterminate and exists only as a spectrum of possibilities.”

We - the observer - are the first cause, the life force, which destroyed the cascade of space-time events of the past, which we call evolution.

I recently bought a 3D TV to watch Avatar and watched it three times. There may well be a universe in which there is a habitable moon like Pandora, on which extraterrestrial beings live in harmony with nature. The good news is that in such a biocentric universe, there would be no humans to invade their world.

This news came out for the reason that the SETI project (SETI Project (eng. SETI, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is a project to search for extraterrestrial civilizations) is not a government project in any of the countries, but is a scientific non-profit project. It seems like something is starting to happen. According to SETI management sources, they activated some of the antennas intended for signal processing and the exclusive use of the United States Navy. The SETI leadership seems to be very concerned that several very large objects are rapidly approaching the Earth.

Go to the space map at and check out these images. Go to the site, enter the coordinates (listed below) and increase the cursor by -/+ on the left ...

coordinates of giant UFOs heading for Earth:

19 25 12 -89 46 03 - the first large object

16 19 35 -88 43 10 – cylindrical object

02 26 39 -89 43 13 - in the form of a circle

Here are some comments from the SETI researchers: “These objects have been known for some time, and they are real. NASA does not want to release them to the public eye. These alien ships are moving towards Earth and the Government knows about it!”

“I was in touch with my former colleagues at SETI. They informed me that these are definitely alien ships, they are in contact with them using HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) - an American research project for the study of auroras. The project was launched in the spring of 1997, in Hakone, Alaska.The project is featured in numerous conspiracy theories, including claims that HAARP is a geophysical or ionospheric weapon) The objects are now in the constellation BS2-47 +.06 - Obama is going to use this as his justification for the establishment of dictatorial power and the creation of a One World Government. When they are as close as Mars, everyone will know they are there - this will be a regular topic in the media and will be used to whip up public hysteria."

All we can do now is wait. If the ship is a fact, it should be visible with a good telescope. Mass hysteria will be inevitable. Remember the 1938 radio dramatization of HG Wells' The War of the Worlds and how it triggered mass panic, resulting in several deaths? Although, it was more than 70 years ago and times have changed, especially since the space age began in the late 50s, and a “mutual understanding” appeared between people and the Cosmos. More and more people today recognize that the possibility of other intelligent life exists in the universe. Therefore, it should not be surprising if representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations visit the Earth. There will be a lot of hysteria, they will refer to the creation of a world government in order to unite against the "common enemy". Will it be the War of the Worlds, Star Wars, for which science fiction writers and television directors have so perfectly prepared us, or are they flying towards us with friendly intentions? ... Let's wait and see ...

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