
Physics test on the topic “Radioactivity as evidence of the complex structure of atoms

Radioactivity and radiation hazardous objectsTask #1Question:What is radioactivity?1) This is the ability of some substances to emit harmful...

in detail / 21.01.2024
The most cruel and painful execution

Attitudes towards crimes and criminals differed in different eras and in different countries, so the severity of punishment also varied. But if a person...

in detail / 05.01.2024
Tsarina Maria Ilyinichna, née Miloslavskaya

Maria Ilinichna (née Miloslavskaya) was the first wife of Alexei Mikhailovich (1625 - 1669). The marriage took place in 1648. According to Kotoshikhin,...

in detail / 06.12.2023
How life in nature is changing

The world around us is constantly changing. This applies to both microscopic organisms and landscapes over vast territories. On this spread...

in detail / 22.10.2023
Through the Fire of War From the Exalted Age to the Age of the Dragon

The Gray Guardian is the main character of Dragon Age: Origins (hereinafter referred to as DAO), controlled by the player. His background depends on the chosen class, of which there are six:...

in detail / 03.10.2023
Managerial revolutions in human history

In the 30s of our century, Western sociologists and economists created the theory of managerial revolution. According to this theory, with a broad transition to...

in detail / 13.09.2023
How to spell “not” with adverbs: examples

(Not) far away there is a wonderful forest, Full of secrets and wonders. It’s (not) bad to take a walk (Not) to get lost for a long time. This poem will help us identify the problem:...

in detail / 31.08.2023
Derivative of a complex function x x

Examples are given of calculating derivatives using the formula for the derivative of a complex function. Contents See also: Proof of the formula...

in detail / 25.08.2023
Presentation on the topic "meat" Presentation on the topic "meat advertising"

To use presentation previews, create a Google account and sign in:...

in detail / 06.08.2023
Union of Florence (1439)

Responding to the “amateurish” statements that supposedly Catholics did not seek to unite with the Orthodox, I am writing this post. In front of my grandson Dmitry...

in detail / 04.08.2023
A message on the topic of the fortress walls of Babylon

For quite a long time, scientists considered the legend of the Tower of Babel to be only a symbolic legend of human arrogance. That's how it was until the end...

in detail / 13.07.2023
Coursework: the role of play in the life of a preschool child

Play is the leading activity of a child. S. L. Rubinstein noted that play preserves and develops the childish in children, that it is their school of life and practice...

in detail / 19.06.2023
Current and interesting conversational topics in English How to write a topic in English

English Conversation Club A conversation club is fundamentally different from English language courses. The main characteristic features of conversational...

in detail / 10.06.2022
Abbey of Saint-Denis (Abbaye de Saint-Denis) - one of the oldest abbeys in France Saint-Denis Monastery in France

In the industrial area of ​​the northern suburbs of Paris there is a national historical and cultural monument of France - the Abbey of Saint-Denis (Abbaye de...

in detail / 11.02.2022
Unified State Examination in Social Studies: reviewing assignments with the teacher

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Exam is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores, which serve as a pass to adulthood...

in detail / 05.12.2021
“Favorite corner of the Earth in the works of Kuban poets and composers

creators of the literary exhibition “Houses of the Lermontov Museum in Taman” An oak leaf tore itself from its native branch and rolled into the steppe, like a cruel storm...

in detail / 10.11.2021
Historical figures of the 17th century Historical figures of the 15th and 16th centuries

When studying the history of Imperial Russia, researchers, as a rule, focus their attention on the monarchs who determined the fundamental provisions...

in detail / 28.06.2021
Alphabet of unusual letters. Alphabets. Other complex letter systems

1. NushuIn the southern Chinese province of Hunan, a unique alphabet called Nushu has been used since the 12th century. The wonder of it is that Nushu...

in detail / 05.04.2021