The role of play in child development. Coursework: the role of play in the life of a preschool child

Play is the leading activity of a child. S. L. Rubinstein noted that play preserves and develops the childish in children, that it is their school of life and practice of development. According to D. B. Elkonin, “in play, not only individual intellectual operations are developed or re-formed, but also the child’s position in relation to the world around him radically changes and a mechanism for a possible change of position and coordination of his point of view with other possible points of view is formed.” .

Preschool age covers the period from 3 to 6 - 7 years. The last year - approximately - of preschool age can be considered a transitional period from preschool to primary school age.

Preschool childhood is a very special period of child development. At this age, the child’s entire mental life and his relationship to the world around him are restructured. The essence of this restructuring is that in preschool age, internal mental life and internal regulation of behavior arise. If at an early age the child’s behavior is stimulated and directed from the outside - by adults or by the perceived situation, then in preschool the child himself begins to determine his own behavior. The formation of internal mental life and internal self-regulation is associated with a number of new formations in the psyche and consciousness of a preschooler. L.S. Vygotsky believed that the development of consciousness is determined not by an isolated change in individual mental functions, but by a change in the relationship between individual functions. At each stage, one or another function comes out on top.

The game creates a child’s “zone of proximal development,” reveals his capabilities and develops them. Like no other activity, play gives a child the opportunity to experience a sense of freedom, a sense of importance, and emotional comfort.

A child is brought up by those activities that bring him joy, have a positive moral influence, harmoniously develop mental and physical abilities, and it is the game that plays the most important role and is this activity. With the help of games, a wide variety of tasks are solved: educational, educational, health-improving. During the games, favorable conditions are created for the development of children’s motor skills, the formation of moral qualities, as well as habits and skills for living in a team. Elementary skills are developed to navigate in space, to coordinate their movements with the movements of other children.

The game helps the child overcome timidity and shyness. It is often difficult to get a student to perform a movement in front of everyone. In the game, imitating the actions of other children, he naturally and easily performs a variety of movements.

Submission to the rules of the game instills in students organization, attention, the ability to control their movements, and promotes the manifestation of volitional efforts. The longer and more active a child is in the game, the more he practices one type of movement or another, and the more often he enters into various relationships with other participants, i.e. the more he has to show dexterity, endurance, and skills.

One of the teacher’s tasks during games is to maintain sufficient activity of all children, gradually increasing the complexity of movements in accordance with the age characteristics of the students.

If the game is based on a certain concept, then the exercises are methodically organized motor actions, specially selected for the purpose of physical education, the essence of which is to perform specific tasks. In dance and choreography lessons, plastic games with a plot and without a plot are most used.

Story-based games are built on the basis of children’s experience, their knowledge of the surrounding life, professions, natural phenomena, lifestyle and habits of animals and birds. The plot of the game and the rules determine the nature of the movements of not just the players, but the performers.

Plotless games are very close to plot ones - they just don’t have images that children imitate, all other components are the same: the presence of rules, responsible roles, interconnected play actions of all students. Children really like such games; they require students to be more independent, quick, dexterous, and quick-witted.

Role-playing or, as it is sometimes called, creative play is clearly expressed in preschoolers. This is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a generalized form, in play conditions, reproduce the activities of adults and the relationships between them. A child, choosing and playing a certain role, has a corresponding image - mother, doctor, driver, pirate - and patterns of his actions. A child over 3 years of age becomes much more independent, and his joint activities with a close adult begin to disintegrate. At the same time, the game is social both in origin and in content. She will not be able to develop without frequent, full-fledged communication with adults and without those varied impressions of the world around her, which the child also acquires thanks to adults.

Those moments in the activities and relationships of adults that are reproduced by the child constitute the content of the game. Younger preschoolers imitate objective activities - cutting bread, washing dishes. They are absorbed in the process of performing actions and sometimes forget about the result - why and for whom they did it.

For middle preschoolers, the main thing is the relationships between people; they perform play actions not for the sake of the actions themselves, but for the sake of the relationships behind them. For older preschoolers, it is important to obey the rules arising from the role, and the correct implementation of these rules is strictly controlled by them. And the actual game actions gradually lose their original meaning. Objective actions are reduced and generalized, and sometimes completely replaced by speech.

The game contributes to the development of not only communication with peers, but also the child’s voluntary behavior. The mechanism for controlling one's behavior - obedience to the rules - develops precisely in the game, and then manifests itself in other types of activities. Arbitrariness presupposes the presence of a pattern of behavior that the child follows and control.

In preschool age, the number of activities that the child masters increases, the content of the child’s communication with the people around him becomes more complex, and the circle of this communication expands. In preschool age, consciousness acquires the characteristics of indirectness and generality, and its arbitrariness begins to form. At this age, the child’s personality is mainly formed, i.e. the motivational-need sphere and self-awareness are formed. At preschool age, elements of work and educational activity also develop. However, the child has not yet fully mastered these types of activities, since the motives typical for a preschooler do not yet correspond to the specifics of work and learning as types of activity. The work of children consists in the fact that they carry out instructions from adults, imitate them, and express interest in the process of activity. Elements of educational activity are manifested in the child’s ability to hear and listen to an adult, to follow his instructions, to act according to a model and according to the rule, in an awareness of how to perform actions. Elements of educational activity initially arise within other types of activity in the form of a child’s desire to learn something. However, children cannot yet separate the educational task from the practical one; they do not have a special attitude towards an adult as a teaching person.

The breadth of the range of activities of a preschool child shows that he masters a variety of subject content. The sphere of communication with adults is also expanding and becoming more complex. The leading motives for communication are cognitive and personal. The child turns to an adult as a source of knowledge about the natural and social world. The preschooler asks adults questions about the world around him, about people, their relationships and about himself.

Peers play an important role in the life of a preschool child. Children develop relatively stable sympathies and develop joint activities. Communication with a peer is communication with an equal; it gives the child the opportunity to get to know himself. Increasing complexity of activities and communication, expanding the circle of contacts lead to the formation of self-awareness. The child becomes aware of himself, first of all, at the level of the subject of action. He develops a stable positive attitude towards himself, determined by the need for recognition from others. The child recognizes himself as a bearer of individual characteristics - physical appearance and gender, as a person changing over time, having his own past, present and future. Self-esteem of a preschooler appears in special situations that require the child to evaluate himself, but in content it is situational and reflects the assessment given to the child by adults. By the end of preschool age, a specific self-esteem is formed; the child can evaluate himself non-situationally and reasonably.

In the game, all the mental qualities and personality traits of the child are most intensively formed. Game activity influences the formation of arbitrariness of behavior and all mental processes - from elementary to the most complex. Performing a play role, the child subordinates all his momentary, impulsive actions to this task. Children focus better and remember more when playing than when given direct instructions from an adult. The conscious goal - to concentrate, to remember something, to restrain impulsive movement - is most easily identified by a child in play.

Play has a strong influence on the mental development of a preschooler. Acting with substitute objects, the child begins to operate in a conceivable, conventional space. The substitute object becomes a support for thinking. Gradually, play activities are reduced, and the child begins to act internally, mentally. Thus, the game helps the child move on to thinking in terms of images and ideas. In addition, in the game, playing different roles, the child takes on different points of view and begins to see the object from different sides. This contributes to the development of the most important human thinking ability, which allows you to imagine a different view and a different point of view.

Conclusion on Chapter I: In this chapter, I revealed the concept of “game”, also analyzed preschool age, and in conclusion wrote about the role of play in the development of a preschooler’s personality. After which I made a theoretical conclusion: play is the main form of activity and contributes to the development of a preschooler’s attention.

Play for a preschool child is the leading and most natural type of activity, an important condition for full mental, moral, aesthetic, physical development, and his socialization in society.
Children's games in general are the only natural work of a child, which he undertakes without coercion or external influence. At the same time, they are an excellent way to instill almost all the character qualities that we value in people, but which we often try to instill verbally, i.e. verbal, methods or simple habituation, training or exercise.
By playing, a child learns to live. During the game, he quite easily masters it, understands the essence and remembers its basic rules. In the future, such skills will be useful to him, in particular when studying at school. Moreover, during the game, depending on its progress, the child must evaluate the situation and make decisions independently; learns the need for cooperation, learns to respect the rights of another participant in the game, learns to restrain himself and his negative emotions; in return expresses goodwill and sincerity.
No other activity is capable of giving a preschool child so many positive emotions that he so needs for healthy mental and physical development. Games are no less beneficial at older ages, but only if their social content is deepened.
Even a combination of different types of activities does not cause a sharp change in dynamic stereotypes, does not upset the child’s mental balance, but becomes a consistent fragment of his life, which unfolds directly.
The main thing is not to allow (especially under the age of 3 years) a sharp, rapid transition from one type of activity to another, which does not have any logical connection with the previous one, especially if it is little known or completely unknown to the child. This causes protest, reluctance, even painful fear of what is new that is being offered. This is why children react painfully to being distracted from a toy or game that completely captivates them.
By categorically interfering in the world of children's play, adults injure and destroy the world of fantasy, traumatize the child's psyche, deform his imagination, or, finally, provide false patterns of behavior with the feelings of others and attitudes towards the results of their work. Therefore, it is so important to be tactful with children engaged in games and toys. Don’t rush to stop them, even if you have your own plans - on the contrary, take the time to ask what game your child is interested in and what its meaning is. Join in unobtrusively - play along, and you will feel the child’s special gratitude and interest in you.
Thanks to the game situation, you can teach your child something educational and useful. As observations show, preschoolers are very fond of playing games such as “Mothers and Daughters”, “Home”, “Away” and others. Parents can always direct their stories towards mastering certain rules of life in the family, performing duties and observing ethical behavior and relationships.
Guided by the popular wisdom that “it is easier to raise children than to re-educate them” and “you need to start raising them when the child is still lying across the bed,” you should always take care of what, how and with whom your child is doing. And in order to direct him towards positive thoughts and good deeds, it is advisable to pay more attention to games of moral content: they can be both active, say, during the day, and quite calm - before bed.
Games such as “The Magic Word” (when every request and action must be accompanied by the proper selection and use of polite, pleasant words) have a positive educational effect; “One-stop shop” (when a child mentally finds himself in a situation of choice, in which he has the right to choose only one from a large offer of different possible desires.
By the way, a similar situation “in the store” can be used to help children navigate the possibilities of the family budget, the usefulness or excess of certain things; learned to make conscious choices for which they themselves would have to answer in case of failure); “Good - bad” (when in a play situation the essence of good and bad is revealed to the child, and he develops a system of ideas about the cause-and-effect relationships of various actions, actions and behavior in general) and others.
Many parents believe that the games their children are interested in are ordinary entertainment and attach little importance to them. But according to experts, the role of play in the development of children is so great that often the child’s future activities will depend on what games the child plays.
After all, in the process of play, the child’s character develops and he becomes a person, which is why adults should not treat their own children’s games with indifference, being glad that they are busy with something, as long as they do not distract them from their work.
Any games played by children under 10 years old are divided into 3 groups - educational, active and role-playing. The role of educational games is important in the development of a child, especially a preschooler, since they introduce objects and their properties, phenomena, develop thinking and observation, logic and memory. Such games include board games (dominoes, lotto, puzzles), construction sets, pyramids. The role of outdoor games in development lies in the education of the required behavior in a team, in teaching the child the ability to follow certain rules. The third group - role-playing games, is also very important for development. By playing them, a child, imitating adults, learns to correctly perceive the relationship between people and work, and begins to evaluate for himself interesting areas of activity in which he would like to manifest himself.
Just as children learn from adults to speak and dress, eat and wash properly, they learn to play from them. Adults, when purchasing new Smoby toys for a child, explain and show how this or that toy should work, how to use it correctly, and thanks to this, the development process of the baby is accelerated. As the child gets acquainted with the world around him and with people of various professions, he copies all this into his process of playing people of different professions, as well as his own parents. And such copying in children develops a creative core, they have a desire to join adult life. It is very correct if adults teach their child housework in the form of a game; it has a positive impact on development, since it is at home that the child begins to learn all the principles in family life, the meaning of work and the distribution of responsibilities.
Today, computer games also play a significant role in the lives of modern children. Their influence on the development of a child largely depends on the semantic load, as well as on the presence of violence in any form, even if, at first glance, harmless. The most useful computer games for children are quests, since these are puzzles and logical problems that influence the development of intelligence and attentiveness in the younger generation, which do not contain an ounce of cruelty and violence.
Such games will always contribute to the formation of the child’s ideas about politeness, the priority of desires and needs, the possibility of satisfying them, and will develop and enrich his language, even if you do not clearly set such an educational goal for yourself.

Game activity - modeling various life situations - is predominant for preschool children. It is in play that a child’s personality develops, the roles they will play in adulthood are worked out, and the way of interacting with the outside world is learned. Learning new skills and abilities also occurs in a playful way. The leading role of play in the development of a preschool child is determined by the peculiarities of the development of the psyche of children. By watching children play, you can learn a lot about their living conditions, preferences, and character traits.

Psychology identifies the entire younger age as a period of active play activity. Parents often call children's fun a useless activity, a waste of time, and try to replace them with really “important” things - special training exercises, lessons on various fashionable techniques. However, the role of play in a child’s mental development is paramount.

What is the meaning of the game, why is this activity so necessary for kids?

  • While playing, children learn to create and dream, to create their own reality: by connecting together dreams and the reality they know, children’s imagination actively works.
  • Cognitive, cultural, social, physical development occurs - children recreate situations that reflect the interactions of people in society, consolidate their ideas about life.
  • Strong-willed qualities, the ability to build and plan one’s activities are improved, which is a necessary condition for intellectual development.
  • Playing together brings people together, teaches them to find a common language, make contact and maintain it. Children make their first friends in games. Feelings and emotions are formed, the experience of a wide variety of strong experiences and overcoming difficulties appears.
  • Children's speech is enriched and structured.

While playing, a preschooler comes to understand the social essence of all things - every action, manipulation, word has meaning for some person. Gradually, the child develops an understanding of the leading role of human relationships.

Pedagogy distinguishes many types of games:

  • Movable – training of agility, speed, strength, as well as the desire to win, perseverance, empathy, and strong-willed qualities.
  • Logical - help in preparing for school, an important stage in the development of memory, perseverance, and the ability to look for a non-standard solution to a given problem.
  • Didactic – replenishment of vocabulary, formation of coherent speech, ability to formulate one’s thoughts, correct attitude towards various aspects of life (nature, Motherland, professions, people of different nationalities).
  • Role-playing play as a means of child development has a special place, being an effective tool for the formation of mental functions, thinking, imagination, and emotional sphere.

Play from infancy to 7 years

Improvement and development of play activities of preschool children occurs gradually, starting with the most primitive actions.

Entering first grade does not interrupt this path - the importance of play in the lives of schoolchildren is just as great right up to middle school. Children socialize, master the voluntary side of their activities, and model more complex and lengthy plots with a larger number of roles.

Key Components of Creative Play

The main components of the game are content, plot, role.

The plot represents a sphere of real life that children reproduce in their play. The main themes of the plots of children's games:

  • Everyday life: family, shopping, guests, kindergarten, cooking dinner.
  • Manufacturing - here there is a connection with professions: hospital, hairdresser, school, supermarket, construction site.
  • Socio-political plot: “war”, pirates, Indians.

The development of role-playing games proceeds in exactly this order - from everyday situations to the most complex socio-political ones. This is due to the enrichment of one’s horizons and the ability to understand deeper social relationships.

Often, children's favorite game plot is the script of a popular cartoon, movie, or book. Modern children spend hours playing “ninja turtles”, “rescue puppies”, “autobot robots”. Observe what situations your child imitates in such games, perhaps you will understand that you should more carefully select cartoons and films to watch.

With age, children's living conditions change, their horizons broaden, the number of plots for games increases, some plots lose their relevance and cease to be used.

When building the content of the game, the child puts into it what is his current environment. Children reflect what they see and absorb from their immediate circle. Observing different variations of behavior in the “family” game, you can see a variety of mothers: swearing and punishing, preparing food and cleaning, doing work, reading books to their daughters.

Along with the enrichment of plots and content, the playing time increases. Three- and four-year-olds can play continuously for no more than 15 minutes. Five year olds can be captivated for up to an hour. Older preschoolers play real games for several hours, often continuing the same storyline for two or three days.

Creative play as a means of child development is influenced by adults, but their real influence lies in providing children with high-quality “material” and providing an adequate “primary source”. Parents and educators provide the environment and toys, but the most important contribution to children’s play is the work of adults themselves, since it is their behavior, reactions, and emotions that preschool children reproduce in their games.

The older the child, the more pronounced the motives for play become - the child’s need to join the “big”, adult world, to become a full-fledged member of society, to take a recognized place in it, to perform socially important, significant functions.

How to build a children's role-playing game

The structure of the game consists of the following components:

  • roles;
  • game actions;
  • playful use of objects (substitution);
  • real relationships between the guys.


This is the most important component of any creative game - it represents certain actions and statements characteristic of a certain person. The preschooler takes on the role of an adult and builds play behavior, which, in his opinion, is inherent in this adult. The baby speaks, moves, and manipulates various objects appropriately.

Children are very selective about roles. A child will most readily agree to the role of someone who arouses his genuine interest, strong emotions, whose actions impressed or delighted him. The formation of the relationship of this role with other participants in the game is also important - whether the figure has weight, how its interactions with others develop, how high the character’s activity is.

Game actions

The role is realized through play actions - all movements, statements, and manipulations with objects made by the child. Replacing things in real life with toys or some other objects is a technique that will gradually develop abstract thinking and imagination. Usually, the younger the child, the less demanding he is when it comes to toys - the baby will be happy to use sticks, stones, pencils, paper, pillows and blankets.

Psychologists recommend that parents buy fewer toys for their preschool children. When a child has a wide range of objects that can fill any game, there is no need to fantasize, imagine, or abstract from a specific form. By providing a child with a small set of ready-made toys, we give him the opportunity to develop more deeply and intensively.

Partnership interaction

Building partnerships between playing children includes the following points:

  • Joint discussion, planning a storyline, pronouncing some of the actions of the players.
  • Determining the role of each participant, choosing game attributes.
  • Controlling actions as the plot develops.
  • Making adjustments to the game.

The older the participants in the game, the more progressive their real functions are, the higher their ability to negotiate and stick to the plan. When talking about the role of creative games in the development of a preschool child, teachers and psychologists focus on natural socialization, the ability to live in the interests of the team, and the acquisition of a partnership spirit. The game is of key importance for the formation of a children's team. Kids learn to hear each other, negotiate, seek compromise, sacrifice their interests for the interests of their peers, using the following tools:

  • Planning - future events, plot are discussed by all participants.
  • Discussion of the initial concept - what roles the friends will play, is it possible to switch roles so that everyone can be the main character.
  • Creating a gaming environment - the environment and subject content are selected together.

Parents believe that children's games, being a meaningless, useless activity, are devoid of purpose and result. This is a misconception: the implementation of the accepted role is the goal, and the effectiveness of the manifestation of the role, its correspondence to real heroes is the result.

In order to organize playful, direct plot-role communication within the chosen plot, preschoolers use the following techniques:

  • Role reversal. During the game, children can repeatedly change roles, introduce new characters, and get rid of some.
  • Transition to playful cooperation. Looking closely at each other, the kids play side by side, each in their own imaginary field, and only over time do the plots unite and create a common play space.
  • The guys are guided by the feelings they experience in relation to the characters. Thanks to such empathy, interest in the game is maintained, the plot develops, and the content is enriched.
  • Dramatization of events - increased emotional tension, the need to help the heroes, save them - is a means of reviving the game, making it attractive, and maintaining interest at a high level.

The role of adults in organizing games

Parents and teachers must understand that the role of play in a child’s mental development is not to teach certain plots or behavior patterns, but to create conditions for natural, free mastery of the ability to communicate, empathize, and make friends.

An environment suitable for play activities often does not require any special spaces; it consists of the simple presence of peers nearby and the absence of coercion and control from adults.

If, as you grow up, the game becomes more complex, enriched with new ways of interaction, the ability to introduce new characters appears, the ability to combine different situations develops, and dialogues improve, then we can talk about an increase in the level of the game, and therefore an increase in the number of its participants.

Kindergarten teachers have their own methodological tasks for organizing play activities:

  • Involve yourself in children's creative play, demonstrating by your own example the techniques of play activities.
  • Adjust the ways of developing the plot and game actions in accordance with age.
  • Develop gaming skills and explain their meaning.
  • Make sure that children in the game reflect acquired skills, ideas, learned behavior patterns, gently guiding the children.
  • Introduce didactic toys, teach animation, plot creation
  • Introduce board and outdoor games and rules.

Parents need to remember that children’s play activities develop spontaneously, naturally, intuitively - there is no need to create a special developmental climate or fill the environment with special toys. The constant active involvement of parents in children's play can even be harmful - the child will not be able to independently, without the help of mom and dad, choose and direct the storyline, fill in the content, enrich role behavior, and build interaction with friends.

Just as his work is important for every adult, a child needs play. Through play, the child gets acquainted with the world around him, with relationships between people. Play has one of the dominant roles in the development of preschoolers, since it is in it that we see the projection of the child’s thinking, imagination, his inclinations and interests.

How does play influence the development of a child’s personality?

  • In the game, the child learns to communicate and interact with peers, acquires new qualities that are needed for successful communication;
  • The child’s imagination influences the ability to come up with various games himself. The better the imagination is developed, the more interesting games the child will come up with. Other children are drawn to those who know how to create interesting games, and this develops sociability and sociability in the child, making him a leader among a certain group of kids;
  • Play is the most interesting thing in the life of every child, therefore, it is in the form of play that the qualities most necessary for later life are developed: obedience to the rules, compliance with the role taken, memory development, focus;
  • In the game, we often note the reflection of our adult relationships, since, even when playing “shop,” one child will behave measuredly and politely, while the other will quarrel and sort things out. A preschooler cannot come up with such behavioral tactics on his own - this is probably a projection of your relationships with other people. You may not notice many nuances in your behavior, but by the way the child behaves in the game, you can note some deviations in the negative direction. Change your behavior and your playing style will also change;
  • Play is extremely important as a means of developing responsibility, comparing thoughts with actions, calculating possible consequences, attentiveness, and developing voluntary perception. Through play, the child learns to manage his emotions, behavior, and compare them with the behavior of other children;
  • The child will quickly understand this truth: in order to play with other children, you need to obey the rules of the game. Due to his zeal to communicate with peers, the child learns to be disciplined, which requires a lot of effort from him;
  • The role of the game is especially important in the development of the leader personality and the follower personality, because these qualities are one of the most important in life. If your child is a leader, he will immediately take the initiative, offer a lot of options for variety in the game, and take “command” into his own hands. If your baby is a follower, then he will impeccably obey the rules that others have come up with. If you don’t like your child’s leadership, teach him to be a leader, and you can see the results of your efforts during the game;
  • If a child plays with toys, then this is the best opportunity to teach the child to share them, eradicate greed, and also teach him to clean up after himself;
  • In play, a child develops his thinking best, the ability to calculate his next step, and predict the behavior of another person.

Variety of games

Until the child goes to kindergarten, that is, until about 3 years old, he does not have any knowledge of what a game is. More precisely, he has a game, but it is at the elementary level. When a child has a sufficient vocabulary, some life experience, and peers around him - then we can talk about play as a means of development, since it is collective play, invented and meaningful, that has the greatest value.

  • Role-playing games

We all remember our childhood games of “hospital”, “store”, “family” - we assigned roles for friends, and maybe even for all our relatives, came up with each of our clearly assigned roles, imagined a plot, and played with pleasure. This is called a role-playing game, because the name itself already contains the essence of this gaming activity.

This is where the child’s character, his concept of relationships between people, his preferences for a particular social status or profession are most clearly manifested. And even if some role alarms you or the child’s behavior does not satisfy you, remember that while this is a game, the child does not need to be distracted. Note to yourself those oddities that alarmed you the most, and then talk about this with your child, find out his motives - perhaps it was your behavior that caused such a performance of roles.

Role-playing play, as a means of child development, has an undeniably important role, especially in the formation of personal qualities and the ability to communicate and live in society. The child’s imagination develops, because in each game he gets used to a new role and must fully correspond to it.

And if everything is clear with the roles, then you will have to think about the plot. If a child himself comes up with a plot and direction for the game, this speaks of his unusually developed imagination, ability to think broadly and creatively, and to be fluent in playful activities. If your baby cannot think so broadly yet, come up with a plot yourself.

But the most important thing is the inventory, the helper items that will turn the game into some semblance of real life. Agree, playing with real pills, a doll syringe and bottles is much more interesting than with an imaginary thermometer. Perhaps you have old USSR money lying around at home - give it to your child, let it be an interesting help for playing “shop”.

The role of play in the development of personality is not only in the formation of certain feelings and qualities of the child, but also in the child’s knowledge of the world, teaching him elementary, but much-needed knowledge about shape, color, size, and space.

Didactic games are aimed more at learning than entertainment. But thanks to bright cubes, figurines, educational toys, the child takes up the game with pleasure, learning to group objects, having previously compared them according to given criteria: by purpose, by external features (yellow objects to yellow, or cubes in one basket, and balls in another ).

Thanks to didactic games, the child develops attention, concentration, perseverance, cognitive abilities develop, and through the game he will quickly learn to distinguish objects.

Movement is life! And in childhood we didn’t need to talk about this, because any child cannot sit still - he loves to run, jump, and hide. Excessive activity of children needs to be directed in the right direction, that is, into play.

We all know very well the game with chairs, the number of which is 1 less than the number of players. While the music is playing, the children dance around the chairs, but as soon as the music stops, everyone must sit on a chair. The one who does not get the chair is eliminated from the game. An interesting, funny, active game that develops a desire for a goal in a child.

The role of outdoor play in a child’s development is to help him develop speed in movement and thinking, discipline and the ability to play by the rules. In addition, it is in outdoor games that a child often sees treachery and a desire to “go ahead” in other participants. If you notice that your child is doing the same, explain to him that bad manners and rudeness can be overcome with cunning.

Outdoor games are a great way to distract an active child from dirty tricks, or to liberate a quiet one.

Toys are the main value

Of course, you can play without toys, but this is the same as eating straight from the frying pan, without a plate, fork and spoon - the process is the same, but with additional elements it is much easier, and in the case of toys, much more interesting and exciting.

There is an imaginary division of toys into “girls” and “boys,” but you should not limit the child by not buying a construction set for a girl, or forbidding a boy to play with dolls. Each child has his own imaginary world, and he has the right to choose the toys that he likes. It’s worth giving your child toys for different purposes every time, so that his inner world is enriched, and his childhood becomes more and more interesting every time.

  • Dollhouse

We are used to the fact that only our daughters play with dolls, but our sons should also have at least 2 dolls so that they can play role-playing games with them. In order for a child to transfer your everyday life into play with a doll, he needs all the things that you use at home, but in a doll version - a house, furniture, dishes, clothes, household and cosmetic supplies.

  • Constructors, puzzles

If construction toys and transformers are more for boys, then everyone likes puzzles.

Let's try to determine the role of play in a child's development using construction sets as an example: we can notice the amazing ability of a child to construct something new from the same parts every time, something that even an adult would not have thought of. Some boys are able to sit on Legos for hours and build castles, fortresses, cars, and then play with them as if they were a whole imaginary world. Construction sets and transformers develop imagination and fine motor skills. And if you buy not just a set of parts, but also with various methods and methods of connecting them, then you will see real happiness in the eyes of the child, because now he has more room for flight of imagination, the opportunity to learn how to hold a key in his hands, work with nuts.

But even adults love putting together puzzles, since it is a very exciting activity that can keep a person busy for more than an hour. The main thing is to choose an interesting picture, because the baby prefers to paint cartoon characters rather than nature. You, as parents, probably know your baby’s favorite characters - so buy your baby a puzzle with large details to start with. Games with puzzles develop in a child extraordinary attentiveness, perseverance, desire, and desire to complete the task. As a result, parents have a free hour, and the baby develops thanks to a beautiful puzzle. You should not buy puzzles with a solid pattern, for example, sea, forest, field, since most of the small pictures will be similar, and it will be difficult for even an adult to assemble them, not to mention a child, and this may discourage the child from playing with puzzles.

  • Educational toys

Developmental toys are very important for the smallest babies, since play as a means of developing the baby’s skills cannot yet be considered, because the baby is unlikely to be able to participate in it. Therefore, children need to be developed with the help of toys: musical, bright, large, beautiful, each of which is aimed at developing a particular skill. Your little one should undoubtedly have at least 2-3 such toys.

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Healthy babies to all!
Ps. This applies to boys too! There are just more girls here ;-)

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It is difficult to overestimate the role of games in raising a child, especially preschool age... Parents can use games to develop qualities that are important for the child...

No one will argue that if we are interested in some type of activity, we will do the work much faster and with better results than doing a boring task. This rule works for both adults and children. And even more so for children. A child cannot, like an adult, mobilize himself to work by willpower or additional motivation (a bonus, for example). If we want to involve a child in some activity, it is better to invite him... to play. And then helping the mother, learning something new, will be much more interesting for the child.

Thematic material:

What does the game give?

For moms and dads, the world around them seems clear, but the baby just has to figure out all its collisions. By playing in a profession, he can touch adult life, try to become brave, strong, responsible. By communicating in the game, he learns to give in and make contact with other guys.

An adult can use such a game to develop qualities that are important for a child.

For example, responsibility. If your child plays in the hospital, you can tell him that it is time for the sick to rest, gain strength, and that this is important for them. If he is a pilot, remind him that he needs to get a good night's sleep, because he is responsible for the lives of many people. And then in real life you will notice that it has become easier for you to put your baby to sleep. He will understand your requirements better.

If you played in kindergarten, it is worth talking with your daughter or son about what a good teacher should be. If you were putting out a fire, discuss the professional qualities of a firefighter or rescuer. Tell your child what a circus performer, for example, or an astrologer studies in order to master their profession.

While playing mother-daughter, it is worth discussing what character is inherent in his doll mother or doll father. Which qualities can be called good and which ones can be called bad. In the future, this will help girls become feminine and economical, and boys - brave, strong and responsible.

If children build something in play, this can be considered the first step in their preparation for work. Musical toys develop breathing, hearing and help in the development of speech.

Moving exercise is good for your health. Develop dexterity. It is especially good to organize them outdoors. If one of the guys is too shy, try to involve him in the general game and overcome his shyness.

Sometimes we just think that entertainment is a waste of time. The role of play in the development of a preschool child is difficult to overestimate; children do not just play, they learn to live, little by little they become adults.

Learning the alphabet, developing attention

While having fun, the baby thinks only about the game. He does not set himself the task of learning anything, mastering something new. But it will be much more interesting for him to remember a letter, for example E, if you offer to do it in the game. Ask your baby to clap his hands when he hears it. And then say any words. For example:

  • pine
  • Rowan
  • chamomile
  • And rice

When the baby learns to easily identify the letter at the beginning of a word, you can complicate the task and hide it in the middle. We are looking for the letter A:

  • sweater
  • trousers
  • dress

While studying letters, you can at the same time remember the names of groups of objects: these are trees, and these are flowers, and these are clothes. By using pictures in the game, diversify it and consolidate what has already been learned. Ask your child to choose dishes or images of poultry from all the cards. You can try to develop attention. For example, from five or six pictures of clothes, quietly remove one and ask the child which card is missing?

Learning to count

If several children are participating in the game at the same time, you can use the ball to strengthen counting skills. An adult should stand in a circle with the kids and agree on the rules. The person who catches the ball must continue counting without interruption. We need to try to ensure that each of the guys has the ball and everyone has to count out loud. When children can easily perform this exercise, you can complicate the conditions. For example, boys catch a ball and count down, and girls do the usual counting. There are quite a lot of similar games and they definitely give a positive result in mastering knowledge.

The role of an adult

If an adult correctly assesses the role of play in the development of a preschooler, he can and should provide assistance at the initial stage of play. Help organize it. If the emotional background seems aggressive or somehow one-sided to you, you can add new impressions to the game, take it in a different direction. Playing with children will give you positive emotions yourself. Childhood passes quickly, don’t miss the opportunity to briefly return to this wonderful time and give your kids the joy of communication and learning through play.

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