
Who is Claude Shannon and why is he famous?

Claude Elwood Shannon is a leading American scientist in the fields of mathematics, engineering, and cryptanalysis. He gained worldwide fame thanks to...

in detail / 18.05.2024
"Sea" idioms in English

“Hold your horses!” - a rare case when an English idiom is translated into Russian word for word. English idioms are an interesting...

in detail / 14.05.2024
Signs: Bit your tongue Why bite your tongue on Friday

Often during a conversation you stumble and feel pain in your mouth - you bite your tongue. Popular wisdom and superstition say that such an event brings...

in detail / 25.01.2024
Racism in Australia - How Attitudes Toward Races Change When You Come to Australia!

What I didn’t expect to encounter in Australia was racism. Moreover, it was practically not covered up, and which was even legalized 50 years ago...

in detail / 23.12.2023
Equilibrium equations for plane and spatial systems of forces

An arbitrary spatial system of forces, like a flat one, can be brought to some center O and replaced by one resultant force and a pair...

in detail / 07.12.2023
Why is China called the Celestial Empire?

China is an amazing country with strong traditions and new technologies. As soon as this magnificent and controversial state is not called...

in detail / 10.08.2023
What is DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid? The structure of nucleotides in a DNA molecule

MOSCOW, April 25 - RIA Novosti, Tatyana Pichugina. Exactly 65 years ago, British scientists James Watson and Francis Crick published an article about deciphering...

in detail / 05.08.2023
Meaning of the word "Arabs" Dates and times

Arabs See Arabia and the Moors. Ushakov's Dictionary Arabs Arabs, Arabs, units.

in detail / 01.10.2022
arab, arab, husband

The people inhabiting Arabia. Ephraim's DictionaryArabs pl. Peoples...

in detail / 13.03.2022
Methodological development on the surrounding world (senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Environmental project “Protection of nature and the environment in the lives of preschool children

Back Forward Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent...

in detail / 26.10.2021
Ballerina Olga Gaiko - proud Carmen, romantic Odette, enchanting Scheherazade and loving Esmeralda

Have you ever wondered whether your chosen profession is right for you? In our experiment, three super-professionals and three applicants take a test for...

in detail / 28.06.2021
Is it possible to survive a fall from a great height?

MOSCOW, November 10 – RIA Novosti, Olga Kolentsova. The trajectory of a falling person, the length of the flight and the landing location depend on many conditions....

in detail / 16.02.2021
Test the new engine

Servers for the World of Tanks 1.5 game update test are dedicated servers where the playability of cards, vehicle characteristics, general...

in detail / 09.10.2020
Causes of diseases according to Louise Hey stye on the eye Louise Hey eyes vision

Causes of the disease 2. BARLEY – (Liz Burbo) Physical blockage Emotional blockage Mental blockage 3. BARLEY – (Valery...

in detail / 23.07.2020
The solar corona over the USA will tell about the “well-being” of a star. The passage of stars through the solar corona.

I'm not a fan of gravitational waves. Apparently, this is another one of the predictions of GTR. The first prediction of GTR about the curvature of space by gravitational...

in detail / 09.07.2020
The myth about the “victims of the Dnieper hydroelectric station”

On August 18, 1941, the Soviet leadership, in panic, ordered the explosion of the Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Station dam, along which refugees and retreating Soviets were walking at that time...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Time "h" for country "a"

Operation Agat was prepared and carried out by the KGB and the USSR Ministry of Defense. The assault group was dressed in Afghan uniforms without insignia. Amina and his...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Nicholas II Alexandrovich

Nature did not give Nicholas the properties important for the sovereign that his late father possessed. Most importantly, Nikolai did not have a “mind of the heart” -...

in detail / 04.07.2020