Terms in Arabic and their meanings. The meaning of the word "Arabs Dates and times


See Arabia and Moors.

Dictionary Ushakov


macaw would, Arabs, units arab, arab, husband. The people of Arabia.

Dictionary of Efremova


  1. pl.
    1. The peoples of the Semitic ethno-linguistic group inhabiting some countries of Southwest Asia and North Africa.
    2. representatives of these peoples.

encyclopedic Dictionary


(self-name - al-Arab), a group of peoples (Algerians, Egyptians, Moroccans, etc.), the main population of the Arab countries Zap. Asia and North. Africa. The total number of St. 199 million people (1992). Arabic language. Most are Muslims.

Ozhegov's dictionary

AR BUT WOULD, ov, units arab, a m. The peoples inhabiting Western Asia and North Africa, which include Algerians, Egyptians, Yemenis, Lebanese, Syrians, Palestinians, etc.

| and. Arab, and.

| adj. Arab, oh, oh.

Ethnographic Dictionary


representatives of twenty-two states of the Near and Middle East, having common ethnic roots and similar psychology.

Arabs are cheerful, cheerful and cheerful people, distinguished by observation, ingenuity, and friendliness. At the same time, they very often lack initiative and enterprise, and short-sightedness, carelessness and carelessness in relation to the future give rise to many difficulties in their life and work.

Diligence is a distinctive feature of the vast majority of the population of the Arab states. The Arabs work hard in the heat and in the cold, in liquid mud and on a dry field, often half-starved. And common sense, and experience, and the instinct inherited from their ancestors required great effort from them. At the same time, the Arabs never received satisfaction from their work, since labor for them has always been a heavy duty. Therefore, their diligence has its own specifics. It is not combined with discipline, pedantry and scrupulousness, as in other peoples who have been under colonial rule for a long time. Exceptionally difficult living conditions at the same time taught the Arabs to endure hardships and hardships calmly, consolidated in them such qualities of a national character as unpretentiousness, moderation, quick adaptability to any conditions and patience. In addition, they are characterized by an extraordinary love of life, peacefulness, forgiveness, sociability, hospitality, and a sense of humor.

Under the influence of the Arabic language, which is characterized by lexical and syntactic repetitions, hyperbole, metaphors, a special rhythmic and intonational structure of speech, the Arabs developed a tendency to exaggerate in assessing the results of perception of the surrounding reality, not so much logical comprehension of the information received, but increased attention to the form of presentation , style of speech, eloquence of the speaker. They do not like strict logic and objective evidence, but most of all they value aphorism, a variety of impressions. They are characterized by an increased power of reactivity, the stormy nature of actions, impulsiveness, impetuosity, incontinence in the manifestation of their feelings and emotions.

Muslim doctrine, its morality, implanted for centuries among the Arabs, has always proceeded from the absolute significance for people of the moral norms established by the Koran. The latter, divorced from the concrete historical conditions of social development and people's needs, were declared eternal and unchanging. The moral ideal of Islam is the eternally repentant sinner, who strives to win the mercy of the Almighty by his prayers and pious behavior. Therefore, the Arabs were inspired from childhood that the God-fearing, offended by fate person is most pleasing to heaven. That is why, in accordance with such a moral ideal, humiliation, humility, humility, servility, moderation, unpretentiousness, adaptability, and patience were instilled in the Arabs for many centuries. At the same time, the result of the influence of the Muslim religion was the widespread among the Arabs of various kinds of superstitions and prejudices, which to this day bring excessive alertness, suspicion in the perception and understanding of the environment.

The hierarchical system of subordination, implanted by the ruling circles among the Arabs, developed certain norms for the relationship between people. Arrogance, rudeness, and often physical abuse are common practices of the higher in relation to the lower. The relation of the lower to the higher is always distinguished by servility in speech and manner of behavior. At the same time, the Arab, who is accustomed to humbly endure injustice from his superiors, is very sensitive in relations with his equals, shows a high degree of emotional excitability, and often expansiveness, defending issues of honor and personal dignity. In their daily lives, Arabs constantly measure words and deeds with the reaction of those around them, striving to "save face."

In general, in the process of interpersonal communication and interaction, the Arabs are peaceful, inquisitive, friendly, easily make mutual contact, and strive in every possible way to promote the continuation of relationships with people they like. They do not hide their true feelings towards the interlocutor or a foreigner, if they like the latter, and communication with them brings satisfaction and promotes personal development.

The "cultural distance" between talking Arabs is usually shorter than it is accepted among Europeans. The speakers almost touch each other, which indicates mutual trust. At the first meeting, your Arabic interlocutor expresses cordiality and courtesy to you. This is not pretense, but a tribute to tradition: among the Arabs, the opinion prevails that only such behavior is worthy of a Muslim. The subsequent conversation may go less smoothly. Arab interlocutors in every possible way avoid certainty, clear answers "yes" or "no". The Arab understanding of etiquette forbids the interlocutor to resort to straightforward answers, to be categorical; Arabs during the conversation also avoid fussiness, haste. Arab interlocutors always strive to "save face" - both their own and the interlocutor's. It is considered necessary to leave an opportunity for subsequent contacts.

The word, and each person has his own association with it. Let's try to figure out what "al" means in our language, as well as in others, and what deep meaning it has.

Al in Arabic

As for the majority, the first thing that comes to mind is the Arabic language. Let's see what "al" means in Arabic? First of all, it is a definite article, and there are no indefinite articles in Arabic. It is always written together and depicted in the form of a vertical stick. But writing together does not mean that the word "al" becomes an integral part of this word.

Depending on which consonant the article is placed in front of, it must be read differently. If these are the so-called solar letters, and there are 14 of them in Arabic, then the article loses its ending -l and transforms into the first sound of the word after it. For example, shams is translated as the sun, if you need to say "this is the sun", then it is pronounced as "ash-shams". Let's list all the sun letters:

ta, sa, dal, zal, ra, zai, sin, shin, garden, dad, ta, za, lam, nun

So they are read into The remaining 14 letters in Arabic are called lunar, and al is not converted.

alif, ba, jim, ha, ha, ʻayn, gain, fa, kaf, kaf, mim, ha, vav, ya

For example, "al-kamar" (translated - "this is the moon") clearly demonstrates that the transformation does not occur.

In very many words borrowed from Arabic, you can see this article. For example, the word admiral came to us from Dutch, but has Arabic roots. "Amir-al" - the lord of something, originally sounded like "amir-al-bahr", that is, the lord of the sea.

In Russian

But there is this word in Russian. Only it is a union. Let's figure out what "al" means. In modern language, it has been replaced by the word “or”, but sometimes you can still hear from older people: “Where are you going? Are you blind?"

You can also find sentences with such a union in books. “Is it too tight for you to pass in an open field?” - the appeal of a soldier to the bullet. From this sentence it is clear what "al" means the word "is," which is easy to substitute.

What else?

Few people know what else "al" means in our language. Consider other meanings of this word, which are much less common.

Al is one of the many that originates on the territory of Chuvashia. A small, only 30 km long, river proudly carries its waters from the village of Berezovka, Kanashsky district, in order to later become part of the wide and full-flowing Kuban and flow into the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov.

What else does the word "al" mean? This is the name of a lake in Chuvashia of karst origin. Another of its names, longer - Elkul. Today it is recognized as one of the regional natural monuments.

Everyone knows the name of the gangster Al Capone. He was the first to introduce such a concept as "racket". Gambling, smuggling and prostitution were in his interests, although a completely peaceful profession was listed on his business card - a furniture seller. But he sat down for a banal tax evasion.

What does "al dente" mean? This term is used in cooking and translated from Italian means "by the tooth". A certain degree of readiness of spaghetti, when they have not yet had time to boil soft and remain firm inside. Pasta for this dish is taken only from durum wheat. Another dish that is prepared “by the tooth” is rice for risotto.

Terms in Arabic and their meanings.

-● Ahi (Arabic أخي) - the appeal "my brother".
-● Ukhti (Arabic أختي) - the treatment "my sister".
-● Auzu (Arabic أعوذ) means "seeking protection". It is used in the frequently repeated dua "Aguzu billahi minash-shaitanir-rajim". Another spelling: auzu, a "uzu.
Synonym: ta "avuz (taavuz).
-● Allahu akbar (arab. الله اكبر) - Allah is great. Means that Allah is greater than anything created by Him. This is a frequently used phrase. It is recited during adhan and prayer.
-● Barakallahu fiq (arab. بارك الله فيك) - words of gratitude, meaning: "May Allah bless you!" Another form is also used: barakallahu fikum - "may Allah bless you!" - is said in relation to three or more people, or to one, as a sign of respect. When referring to two people, the dual form is used: barakallahu fikuma. A woman is addressed: barakallahu fiki. Another spelling: barak Allah fiq.
-● Biiznillah (Arabic) is an Arabic expression meaning: "With the permission of Allah." Similar to the expression "Insha Allah".
-● Bismillah (Arabic بسم الله) - in the name of Allah. An abbreviated version of "Bismillahir-rahmanir-rahim" (In the name of Allah, the Gracious and Merciful!). These words precede each surah of the Qur'an (except one). These words are recommended to be pronounced before each action.
-● Wallah (Arabic والله) is an Arabic expression meaning: "(I swear) by Allah!"
-● Jazakallahu khair (arab. جزاك الله خير) - means "may Allah reward you with good!". A popular thank you phrase.
Sometimes they just say "Jazakallah" - "may Allah reward (good)!"
The form "Jazakillah" or "Jazakillah khair" is used when referring to a woman.
The form "Jazakumullahu khair" is used when addressing not one, but several people. Another spelling: Jazak Allahu Khair.
- ●Eid Mubarak (Arabic عيد مبارك) - holiday wish "Happy Eid!". Muslims often pronounce this phrase on Eid-ul-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) and Eid-ul-Adha (Eid al-Adha).
-● Insha'Allah (arab. إن شاء الله) - "if it is the Will of Allah", "if Allah wills". Other spellings: Insha Allah, Inshallah, Insha'Allah, Inshallah.
La ilaha illallah (arab. لا اله الا لله) - "there is no god worthy of worship except Allah."
-● La raib (arab. لا ريب) - "there is no doubt (of this).
-● Mashaallah (arab. ما شاء الله) - words expressing pleasant surprise and approval: "It pleases Allah!", "It is by the Will of Allah!" Other spelling: mashallah
-● Ma'a salama (Arabic مع السلامه) - the phrase "In peace!". Usually said when saying goodbye.
-● Rahimahullah (Arabic) - may Allah have mercy on him (her). Synonym: rahmatullahi aleikhi (rahmatullahi aleikh).
-● Radiallahu anhum (arab. رضي الله عنهم) - "may Allah be pleased with them", is added as a sign of respect after the names of the Sahabs (companions) and the wives of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
Other spellings:
-● "may Allah be pleased with them" - radiyallahu "anhum, glad to Allah anhum, glad to Allah ganhum,
-● "may Allah be pleased with him / her" - radiallahu ankh, glad to Allah "ankh, radiyallahu gankh,
-● "may Allah be pleased with him" - radiallahu anhu, glad to Allah "anhu, radiyallahu ganhu,
-● "may Allah be pleased with her" - radiallahu anha, glad to Allah "anha, radiyallahu ganha,
-● as an abbreviation for these expressions - r.a.
-● Salam (arab. سلام) - peace. May have the following values:
1) one of the names of Allah (As-Salam);
2) Islamic greeting (literally means "peace"), which Muslims greet each other. Salam may mean the phrases "Assalamu alaikum", "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah", "Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh". Other spelling: salam
-● Subhanahu wa Ta "ala (Arabic سبحانه و تعالى) - "Glorious is He and Exalted." Often used after mentioning the name of Allah. Other spelling: subhana wa taala, subhanahu wa tagala, etc.
-● Subhanallah (Arabic سبحان الله) - "Glorified be Allah".
-● Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam (arab. صلى الله عليه و سلم) - "peace and blessings of Allah be upon him", is added as a sign of respect after the name of the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam). Other spellings: sallallahu alayhi wasallam, sallallahu "aleihi wasallam, sallallahu aleihi wasallam, sallallahu 'aleihi wasallam, sallallahu 'alayhi wa salam, sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam, sali Allah 'alayhi wa sallam, sally Allah 'alayhi wa sallam.
-● Shukran (arab. شكرا) - thank you
-● Yarhamukullah (arab. يرحمك الله) - means "may Allah have mercy on you." It is reported that Abu Huraira, may Allah Almighty be pleased with him, said that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “If any of you sneezes, then he should say: “Praise be to Allah!” (Al-hamdu lillahi). And his brother should say to him: “May Allah have mercy on you!” (Yarhamuka-llaahu). In this case, he should answer: “May Allah guide you on the right path, and may He improve your life!” (Yahdiikumu-llaahu wa yuslih baalakum)". (al-Bukhari.)

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Content indicated by one or another linguistic expression by a word, sentence, sign, etc. The question of the Z. of linguistic expressions is studied by linguistics, semiotics, and logical semantics. Distinguish subject, semantic and expressive Z. linguistic ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

meaning- Meaning, reason; weight, importance, authority, dignity, strength, value. Real, figurative, direct, own, strict, figurative, literal, broad sense of the word. This girl is an artist in every sense of the word. Turg. The mind of the law (prot.:). ... ... Synonym dictionary

MEANING- one of the main elements of culture, along with custom, norm, value and meaning; a specifically cultural means of connecting a person with the outside world or, in general, a subject with an object through signs. If in economy activity... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

meaning- a generalized form of capturing by the subject of socio-historical experience acquired in the process of joint activity and communication and existing in the form of concepts, objectified in action schemes, social roles, norms and values. ... ... Great Psychological Encyclopedia

MEANING- VALUE, values, cf. (book). 1. Meaning, what the given object (Word, gesture, sign) means. The word knowledge has several meanings. The word sick as a noun. The meaning of this gesture was difficult to determine. 2. Importance, ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

MEANING- 1) importance, significance, the role of an object, phenomenon, action in human activity. 2) Content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign, etc.) of a certain language. The meanings of language expressions are studied in ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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MEANING- VALUE, content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign, etc.) of a certain language. The meaning of linguistic expressions is studied in linguistics, logic and semiotics... Modern Encyclopedia

Meaning- the content side of a sign or a series of signs: language, situation, action, idea or object. In English: Signification English synonyms: Signifiance, Meaning See also: Meanings Signs Financial Dictionary Finam ... Financial vocabulary

meaning- SIGNIFICANCE ideal constructions in which forms of generalizations of cumulative social experience are presented. Under 3. is understood the content of a sign, symbol, image, expressive movement, ritual behavior, etc. in its invariant ... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

Meaning- VALUE, content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign, etc.) of a certain language. The meaning of linguistic expressions is studied in linguistics, logic and semiotics. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • The significance of the reign of Catherine II, V.S. Ikonnikov. The meaning of the reign of Catherine II: [Chit. in East. the island of Nestor the Chronicler 17 Nov. 1896] / [Coll.] V. S. Ikonnikova W 188/212 J 28/68 A 239/398: Kyiv: type. Imp. University of St. Vladimira, ... Buy for 2118 rubles
  • The Significance of Preparations for War in General and Preparatory Strategic Operations in Particular, Leer. Significance of preparation for war in general and preparatory strategic operations in particular / [Coll.] G. A. Leera, prof. Acad. Gene. headquarters D 7/230? 7/122: [St. Petersburg]: type. V. Bezobrazov…

This is an incredibly necessary thing if you are going to travel to the resorts and cities of the Arab countries. Of course, in many resorts of the world, knowledge of English is enough for you, and sometimes only Russian, but this does not apply to the resorts that we are talking about. In many Arab resorts, only Arabic is familiar and common, so this phrasebook will be an indispensable tool for you.

Here are collected the most common topics for conversation and all sorts of frequently asked questions.


Common phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Yesنعم naam (quince)
Notلا la
Thanksشكرا shukran
Pleaseمن فضلك athos
Sorryآسف athos
I do not understand لا افهم Ana Ma Bethham
What is your name? ما اسمك shu ismak?
Very nice يسعدني ezaiak
Where is the toilet here? أين التواليت؟ fine al hamam
Where do you live? أين تعيش؟ aesh fane
What time is it now? ما هو الوقت؟ spruce sah kam
I'm in hurry. Ana mustazhil.
Do you know English? Taarif inglizi?
Who? Min?
What / what? Ay/ayy
Where? Vine?
Where? Ilya vine?
How? Kif?
How? Caddesch?
When? Mata?
Why? Bream?
What? Shu?

At customs

At the station

Walk around the city

In transport

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
guide dalIle
driver SAEC
Taxi Taxi
bus bass
car saiYara
airplane tayYara
ship, boat kareb
camel dzhEmal
a donkey hmAr
the airport matAr
port minAa
station mahatta
ticket bitAka, tazkara
registration tasjil
stop here! Stana ghena
there henAc
here ghena
change (money) mablyak baakyn
Where is the? as-souk al ghura duty free hair dryer tugad?
directly alatUl
back uara
take it slower beshuish
hurry up Asraa
how much does it cost to get to...? bekAm tausIlya lel…?
I want to go to the market. Ana Aiz arUh e'su


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
0 sipher
1 wahid (wahad)
2 itnan (itnin)
3 talata
4 arba-a
5 khameez
6 sitta
7 saba-a
8 tamania
9 tizaa (tes-a)
10 ashara
11 hidashar
12 itnaashar
13 talattashar
14 cart tashar
15 hamas taashar
16 sittatashar
17 sabataashar
18 taman tashar
19 tiza tashar
20 ishrin
21 wahid wa ashrin
22 itnan va ashrim
30 talatin
40 arbaain
50 khamsin
60 sitin
70 sabba-in
80 tamanin
90 tiza-in
100 mia (meya)
200 mitein
300 talatmeya
400 arbameya
500 hamsameya
600 sittameya
700 sabameya
800 tamanimeya
900 tisameya
1 000 alpha
2 000 alphen
3 000 talattalaf
100 000 mit alf
1 000 000 million-an

In hotel

In the shop

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What is the priceكم يكلف bicam hut?
Cashالنقدية fulus; nukud
Cashlessلغير النقدية andi kart
Breadخبز khubz
Waterماء water
Fresh squeezed juiceتقلص عصير جديدة asyr fresh
Sugar / saltالسكر / الملح sukkar/malech
Milkحليب khalib
Fishسمك Samak
Meatلحمة lyakhm
Chickenدجاجة sales
Muttonلحم الضأن lahm haruf
Beefلحوم البقر lyahm bakar
Pepper / spicesالفلفل / التوابل fylfil / bharat
Potatoالبطاطس sweet potato
Riceالأرز ruz
Lentilsنبات العدس adas
Onionالبصل basal
Garlicثوم tum
Sweetsملبس halaviyat
Fruitثمرة favakia
Applesالتفاح tuffs
Grapeالعنب anab
Strawberryالفراولة phrase
orangesالبرتقال burtukal
Mandarinالأفندي kelemantina
Lemonالليمون limon
Pomegranateالعقيق rumman
Bananasالموز muses
Peachesالخوخ hoh
Apricotمشمش mish-mish
Mangoمانجو manga

In a cafe, restaurant

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Check please (bill)يرجى التحقق من (حساب) hysab
Tea coffeeالشاي / القهوة shay / kahwa
Instant coffeeقهوة فورية nescafe
Soupحساء shuraba
Olivesزيتون zeytun
Saladسلطة lettuce
Grilledمشوي mashvi
Friedمشوي mackley
Boiledمسلوق maslyuk
I do not eat meat!أنا لا أكل اللحوم! ana ma bakul lyakhma!
Vermicelliشعر الملاك shaaria
Pastaمعكرونة pasta
Stuffed pepperمحشو الفلفل fylfil mehshi
Sandwichسندويتش sundwish
Cheese / sour cream (sour)الجبن / يفسد كريم)خمر) jubna / laban
Beerجعة bira
Wineالنبيذ nabid


Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Policeالشرطة shurta
Ambulanceسيارة إسعاف isaaf
Hospitalالمستشفى mostascifa
Pharmacyصيدلية sidalia
Doctorطبيب tabib
I got sick / I got sick Ana Marid / Ana Marida
wound, wound jArah
blood ladies
temperature harara
sunstroke Darbat ShYams
diabetes sukkari
allergy hasasiya
asthma Azma
pressure dAgat

Dates and times

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
night leil
day nHar
afternoon baad dohor
yesterday mbArech
the day before yesterday Awwal mbareh
today al Yum
tomorrow bukra
day after tomorrow baad bukra
What time is it now? kam essAa?
Hour elvahida
Two hours assAnie
Noon mountAsaf ennagAr
Midnight mountAsaf ell
A quarter to ten el Ashra Ilya rubie
quarter past six assAdisi varubie
half past six elkhAmisi walnUsf
five past nine ettisie wa hamsu dakAik
twenty to three esAlici Ilya Sulsi
Sunday elAhad
Monday elesnEn
Tuesday elsoulasAe
Wednesday alArbie
Thursday eyakhamis
Friday elgeumue
Saturday essaybit
January eve essany
February Shbat
March ezAr
April nissan
May iAr
June KhazirAn
July TamUz
August ab
September sibteembar
October tyshrIn el Awwal
November tyshrin essani
December kan Unal Awwal
Winter shitaa
Spring rabie
Summer safe
Autumn harif
On Tuesday fi yom essulasAe
This week fi gas lusbua
Last month fi shagr elmazi
Next year fiseIni elkadimi

Greetings - This theme includes a list of phrases needed to greet and start a conversation.

Standard phrases - a list of the most common words and questions that are most often used in a conversation.

Station - so that you do not feel discomfort while at the station in a foreign country, which is associated with a language barrier, use this phrasebook topic.

Passport control - passing through control at the airport, you need to know a number of phrases and answers to questions translated into Arabic, just here these phrases are presented.

Orientation in the city - in Arab cities there are a lot of people and intersecting streets, in order not to get lost, you will need to check the route to your destination with passers-by. This topic will help you with this.

Transport - so that you do not have problems with public transport and taxis, use this topic.

Hotel - when checking into a hotel, be prepared for the fact that you will have to answer some questions, their translation and translation of other necessary phrases are in this section.

Emergencies - anything can happen in a foreign country, to make sure, use this topic from the Russian-Arabic phrasebook. Using the words and phrases from this topic, you can call for help, call the police or ask passers-by to tell an ambulance that you feel bad.

Dates and times - the translation of words denoting date and time.

Purchases - using this section, you can make any purchases anywhere, whether it is a market or an expensive jewelry store. Here are collected all the necessary questions and phrases for this.

Restaurant - in order to call the waiter, place an order, find out what this or that dish includes, you need to know Arabic or just use the words from this topic.

Numbers and figures - every tourist should know how to pronounce this or that number in the language of the country in which he is resting. Just the translation of these figures and numbers is collected in this section.

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