Psychosomatics of vision: common eye diseases and the emotions that cause them. Causes of disease by louise hey barley on the eye louise hey eyes vision

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House in the forest in winter or life in a fairy tale
House in the forest in winter or life in a fairy tale

It was already getting dark. Barely dragging feet from fatigue and fighting off a myriad of mosquitoes, I climbed the hill and looked around. IN...

The Hundred Dragons Elevator is the tallest outdoor lift in the world. The 100 Dragons Elevator in China
The Hundred Dragons Elevator is the tallest outdoor lift in the world. The 100 Dragons Elevator in China

The Bailong Elevator is the tallest open elevator in the world. It raises tourists to a height of 360 m.The place where to be ...

Women in the Israeli army
Women in the Israeli army

Few people can be surprised by photographs of Israeli girls serving in the IDF with weapons in their hands. Most often these are slicked beauties from Instagram, ...