Fairy house in the forest. House in the forest in winter or life in a fairy tale

It was already getting dark. Barely dragging feet from fatigue and fighting off a myriad of mosquitoes, I climbed the hill and looked around. In the half-darkness of the passing day, the forest and the forest were everywhere, and only very far ahead, because of the trees, something turned blue - either water, or a haze of fog over a forest swamp.

Where to go?
The area was completely unfamiliar. But the Karelian taiga is not a joke. You can walk tens of kilometers along it without meeting a soul. You can climb into such forest swamps that you can't get out back. And I, as if it were a sin, this time did not take any food or matches with me and, most importantly, did not take a compass. I went out in the morning to wander a little outside the village in the woods, but I myself did not notice how lost my way.
I scolded myself for such negligence, but now what to do? Walk through the taiga among windbreaks and terrible swamp swamps, go to no one knows where or spend the night right in the forest, without fire, without food, in this mosquito hell? No, you can't sleep here.
“I’ll go while I have enough strength,” I decided. - I'll go where the water or fog turns blue. Maybe there’s a lake and I’ll get to some dwelling. ”
Having again descended from the hill and trying not to lose the taken direction, I went forward.
There was a pine boggy forest all around. The legs were sinking in a thick cover of moss, as in deep snow, constantly bumping into bumps, now on the remains of rotten trees. It got darker and darker every minute. Drawn by the evening dampness, a stronger smell of wild rosemary and other marsh herbs. A deep taiga night was approaching. The familiar sounds of the day were replaced by the mysterious rustles of the night.
I am an old hunter, I have spent the night in the forest more than once, and most importantly, I have a reliable companion with me - a gun. Why be afraid? But, I confess, this time I became more and more creepy. It is one thing to spend the night by a fire in a familiar forest, and another thing to spend the night in a deep taiga, without fire, without food ... and this is a languishing feeling that you are lost.
I walked at random, then stumbling over the roots, then again stepping inaudibly on the soft moss cover. It was completely quiet around. Not a single sound disturbed the peace of the endless forest spaces.
From this deadening silence it became even more melancholy and alarming. It seemed that someone terrible was hiding in the swampy swamps and is about to jump out of them with a wild, ominous cry.
Fearing the slightest rustle and holding my gun at the ready, I entered the outskirts of the swamp.
Suddenly there was a loud crunch of dead wood. I involuntarily raised my gun. Someone big, heavy rushed away from me. Dry branches could be heard cracking under it.
I took a breath and lowered the gun. Yes, this is an elk, a harmless giant of taiga forests! Now he is already racing somewhere far away, you can barely hear him. And again everything falls silent, plunges into silence.
In the dark, I completely lost the direction I was going in the beginning. I also lost all hope of getting somewhere. I walked with only one thought: by all means get out of this gloomy, swampy lowland to some hill, and then lie under a tree, wrap my head in a jacket from mosquitoes and wait for dawn.
I didn’t even feel like eating because of extreme fatigue. If only I could go to bed as quickly as possible, to rest, not to go anywhere else and not to think about anything.
But something is getting dark ahead - there must be a forest hill. Gathering the rest of my strength, I climbed onto it and almost screamed with joy. Below, behind the hill, a light shone brightly.
Forgetting fatigue, I almost ran down the hill and, making my way through the thorny bushes of the juniper, went out into the clearing.
On the edge of it, under old pine trees, a small house could be seen - probably a fishing hut or a forester's hut. A fire was burning brightly in front of the house. As soon as I appeared in the clearing, a tall figure of a man rose from the fire.
I went to the fire:
- Hello! May I sleep with you?
“Of course you can,” replied a tall man in a strange wide-brimmed hat.
He looked me over carefully:
- Are you a hunter, perhaps?
- Yes, a hunter from Zaonezhie. Lost a little. - I named my village.
- Wow, and it has brought you so far! It will be thirty kilometers from here. Exhausted? Want to eat? Now the ear and tea will ripen. Rest for now.
I thanked and sank down next to the fire completely exhausted.
Many pine cones were thrown into it, and their acrid smoke drove away mosquitoes.
That's when I finally took a deep breath! How good is the fire in the forest when you get to it after long, weary wanderings ... How much warmth and life in these running golden lights! .. And how cozy, well, boiling, the kettle, as if humming a song about rest after a distant, difficult paths.
My new acquaintance walked away from the fire and hid in the house.
I looked around. The fire made it difficult to see what was behind the clearing. On the one hand, right behind the house, the forest was faintly visible, and on the other side, the clearing seemed to break off somewhere into darkness, and from there a slight monotonous lapping of waves was heard. There must have been a lake or river there.
The owner left the cabin carrying a wooden bowl, spoons and bread.
- Well, let's have a snack, - he invited, pouring a steaming ear from a pot into a bowl.
It seems that never in my life have I eaten such a wonderful fish soup and drank such fragrant tea with raspberries.
- Eat, eat, do not hesitate, we have this berry growing through the fumes, - the owner told me, pushing the box, filled to the top with large ripe berries. “You’re lucky that you wandered here, otherwise you could have lost your way in these forests. Are you a stranger, right?
I said that I came here for the summer from Moscow.
- Are you from here? Is this your house? - in turn I asked him.
- No, I'm also from Moscow. I am an artist, my name is Pavel Sergeevich, - my interlocutor introduced himself. - I never thought of meeting a Muscovite here in the taiga! He laughed. - I’m not in Karelia for the first year, I’m spending my third summer. So, you know, I liked this land, as if I lived here for a century. I have my own boat in Petrozavodsk. As I arrive from Moscow, now all my belongings are in the boat and I’ll sail. First along the lake, and then along this bay. He goes straight to Onega. The first time I swam here by accident. I had a tent with me, and lived in it. And then I came across that hut and settled in it.
- What is this hut?
- Who knows! It is true that someday there was a forest hut or a fishing hut. Only nobody is here. Maybe the hunters come in in winter. But in the summer I live here, write sketches and fish.
- Aren't you a hunter? I asked him.
- No, not a hunter, - Pavel Sergeevich answered. - I, on the contrary, try to lure all animals here. And mind you, the first condition: do not shoot near this house, otherwise we will immediately quarrel.
- What are you, why am I going to shoot here! The forest is large, there is enough space.
- Well, that means that we agreed. Now let's go to bed, - the owner invited me.
We entered the house. Pavel Sergeevich lit an electric flashlight and directed it into a corner. There I saw wide bunks covered with a mosquito canopy.
We climbed under the canopy, undressed and lay down on a soft bed of a thick layer of moss, covered with a clean sheet. The pillows were also stuffed with moss. This bed and the whole hut smelled amazingly good of the forest freshness. The window and door were wide open. It was cool under the canopy and mosquitoes did not bite at all. With an ominous howl, they rushed around us, but they could not get it, no matter how much they tried.
“Look what’s being done,” said Pavel Sergeevich, again lighting the flashlight and pointing it at the canopy.
I looked at the illuminated circle of transparent matter, and I felt creepy: all of it seemed alive from the solid mass of mosquitoes clung to it outside. “Without the canopy we would have been completely eaten overnight. What a blessing that I have come across this forest hut! "
- Well, now let's listen to what Moscow says, and sleep, - said Pavel Sergeevich, taking out a small detector receiver and headphones from the corner of the canopy.
- Do you have a radio? - I was surprised.
- But how! There are no newspapers here - you have to know what is going on in the world. Yes, and good music is good to listen to. One of these days Tchaikovsky was broadcasting a concert for violin. I put the headphones next to the pillow and listened all evening. Wonderful! Just imagine: the taiga is all around, the pines are noisy, the lake is splashing - and right there the violin sings ... You know, I listen, and it seems to me that it is not a violin at all, but the wind - the taiga itself is singing ... It's so good - I would be listening all night long ! - Pavel Sergeevich took out a cigarette and lit a cigarette. - And next year I will definitely bring a small dynamo here, install it on the stream and bring electricity to my house. Then you can stay here longer in the fall, until the freeze-up. I will paint taiga in autumn dress.
Pavel Sergeevich tuned in to the radio and put the headphones between us on the pillow. It was perfectly audible, but I was so tired that I could no longer listen to anything. I turned to the wall and fell asleep like a dead man.
I woke up because someone was lightly shaking my shoulder.
- Stand up quietly, - Pavel Sergeevich whispered. - Look at my guests.
The edge of the canopy was raised, and I looked out from behind it.
It was already full day. Through the wide open door was visible a clearing and behind it a narrow forest backwater. A tied boat swayed close to the shore.
But what is it? On the shore near the boat, like at home, a family of bears was walking: a bear and two already grown bear cubs. They were picking up something from the ground and eating.
I looked at them, afraid to move, afraid to scare away with a careless movement these sensitive forest animals, who so trustingly approached the very dwelling of a person.
And the bears continued their morning breakfast. Then, apparently having eaten, the cubs began to fuss. They tumbled and fought each other. Suddenly one of the cubs ran to the shore and instantly climbed into the boat. The second immediately followed suit. The cubs got into the boat and began to rock it. And the old bear sat down on the shore right there and watched the kids.

The cubs started a fight in the boat as well. They fiddled around until they fell into the water. Snorting and dusting themselves, both jumped ashore and continued their game.
I don't know how long this extraordinary spectacle lasted - maybe an hour, maybe more. Finally, the bear family went back to the forest.
- Well, did you see my guests? Are they good? Pavel Sergeevich asked cheerfully.
- Very good. Is this not the first time they come here?
- No, very often, almost every morning. As I cook the fish soup, strain the broth, and leave all the boiled fish on the shore. This is a treat for them. The first time a she-bear came to visit me at the beginning of summer - apparently, she smelled fish. Since then he has been visiting. I also lured the cubs into the boat with fish. I started to put it there, so they climb and got into the habit. And what sketches I made of this bear family! Want to see?
I gladly agreed.
We quickly got dressed and got out from under the canopy.
The house consisted of one room. Under the window was a clean-cut table, littered with pieces of canvas, brushes, paints, and various fishing equipment. In the corner were fishing rods, spinning rods, nets. In general, it was immediately felt that a fisherman and an artist lived in this house.
“Well, here are the fruits of my labors,” Pavel Sergeevich said playfully, going up to the table, and began to show me his work. These were small, unfinished sketches.
Pavel Sergeevich carefully, with love, took them one by one and put them against the wall. And the life of the forest inhabitants of the Karelian taiga began to unfold before me. There were also bears that I knew - in a sun-drenched meadow, and a moose with a moss calf wandering through the moss swamp, and a fox family at their burrow, and hares, and many different birds - black grouse, wood grouse, hazel grouses ... Animals and birds, as if alive, then, sensitively alert, they looked at me, then they walked peacefully among the green bushes.
And what wonderful corners of nature! Here is a mountain stream rushing among gray granite rocks and suddenly spills into a small reservoir ...
“I always catch trout here,” says Pavel Sergeevich. - And this is Lake Onega when you come out of the bay. - And he shows a small sketch: water, sun, wooded banks, and at the very shore near the reeds - two loons.
How vivid and familiar it all is! As if he himself wandered through the dense taiga, and then got out into the wide expanse of Onega.
I reviewed all the sketches. Each of them was good in its own way, and each had something new, its own, and most importantly - the soul of the artist himself was felt, ardently in love with this harsh forest land.
- Very very good! - I said when we reviewed everything. “Lucky man, you don't have to hunt. Anyway, take home such trophies that we, hunters, don't even dream of.
Pavel Sergeevich smiled:
- Yes, a pencil and a brush completely replace a gun for me. And it seems that neither I nor the game are at a loss from this.
We left the house. It was morning. The sun had just risen, and a light night fog floated like a pink cloud over the taiga.
After making a fire, we drank tea, and Pavel Sergeevich explained to me in detail the way back to the house.
- Come again! - he said goodbye, when I was already climbing the hill.
I turned around. The whole house was visible at a glance, and in front of it was a clearing, a bay and further a forest, a forest to the very horizon.
- Of course I'll come! - I answered and went down the hill into the thicket.

A fabulous house in the woods, reminiscent of a teremok!

In the forests of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina (USA), a charming house sits on a hillside. Outside, it resembles a real teremok, and inside it is decorated as a fabulous dwelling. The house fits perfectly into the surrounding landscape.

The owners, fans of fantasy works, wished to settle in a house that would be different from modern boring buildings. That is why the new dwelling looks more like a teremok or a castle. As for a 2-storey building, its area is relatively small (78 square meters), but inside there is everything you need for a comfortable stay.



Only natural materials were used for the construction: stone and wood. On the ground floor there is a living room and a kitchen. All furniture is selected in warm colors, which makes the interior very cozy.


On the second floor are the bedrooms of the owners of the house and their children. In the nursery, you can find a stunning bunk bed carved from tree trunks.



Outside on the terrace there is a barbecue and a jacuzzi bath. Perhaps there is nothing better than being in warm water with a glass of wine in your hands and enjoying the peaceful view of unspoiled nature.

Every second citizen wants to escape from their stone jungle to nature. Escape to the bosom of nature for a day, for two, on vacation, for the summer. Many would like to buy or build their own house in the forest and live there both in winter and in summer. And who doesn't dream of celebrating the New Year in the forest in winter in a cozy house, in the middle of this white winter fairy tale?

Fairytale house in the forest in winter in the village

But not many will agree to trade urban comforts and conveniences for a simple country life. Already accustomed to the fact that the house is always warm. It does not need to be heated. Others are doing this. The apartment always has hot and cold water. And you don't have to go far in need. The pot, that is, the toilet, is next to it.

Another thing is in the countryside. To make the house warm, you need to try. How much work does it cost to chop a few woodpiles of firewood to light the stove. And for water you need to go with buckets and with a rocker on your shoulders to the nearest well. Well, take a walk with empty ones wherever it goes. But with full ones, not many of the present townspeople will be able to return with full ones, and even not to spill half while walking back.

If you need hot water, you first need to heat it on the stove. And for this you need to light the stove. And to light the stove, you need to bring firewood. And in order to have something to bring, you must first prepare them. This is how the heat chain and the water cycle emerge in rural nature.

Separately, it should be said about a small house on the outskirts of a village estate. There is such a special house in every homestead. After all, there is no central sewage system in most villages. So imagine the situation. Case in winter, frost under forty degrees Celsius. And the inhabitant of the fairytale house in the woods was impatient ... Wouldn't freeze something in the backyard!

Cozy dream house in a winter forest in the city

Fortunately, times are changing. And already many villagers are installing water heaters in their homes. Gas is supplied to some villages and it is no longer necessary to prepare such quantities of firewood for the winter. There is a water supply system or individual wells and wells for water remain only in the paintings of artists, and in the memory of people.

Any resident of a forest village with hands can arrange life and comfort for himself at the level of urban housing. And there is nothing to say about a city dweller dreaming of a house in the woods on the edge of the village. And there are more opportunities than a villager.

Go to any hardware store. How many materials and devices have appeared on sale! There are long burning stoves on wood, coal and other solid fuels. Gas ovens, diesel-fueled, electric ovens and so on. Pumps, pipes, water heaters - whatever your heart desires.

If you yourself are not able to build and build all this, then there are companies that will build a house with all the amenities on a turnkey basis. Come in and live! It is here that it is not the comfort and convenience of a village house that comes to the fore, but its surroundings, an aura, if I may say so.

What are the advantages of a city dweller who decides to exchange comfort for exorbitant country labor. Almost like Vysotsky's song about climbers (it's about comfort and exorbitant work). What about the benefits? So here they are:

  1. Close to nature
  2. Fresh air
  3. Silence and unhurried flow of life
  4. Bath!

Villages were almost always based on a river or lake. And most of Russia is a forest, coniferous or deciduous, or even virgin or, as they say, black taiga. Therefore, in almost any village there is a forest and a river or a stream or a lake. In extreme cases - a pond with crucian carp. Here and the morning fog by the river, like milk. And the murmur of a stream or the rustle of the waves of a river or lake.

And the noise of trembling foliage under the pressure of a mischievous breeze is not forgotten even after twenty years of living in the city. The one who was awakened at dawn by the knock of a branch on the window will remain forever a soul in the village. Winter sledding downhill, skiing in a snowy forest. How can this be exchanged for a birdhouse in the city?

The air that a person breathes is transparent. Maybe that's why we don't notice him. That's when it becomes impossible to breathe in the city, when the smog and the stench, then we remember the clean country air. And the air in the village, far from the city, is clean and transparent both in winter and in summer.

In a house in the forest, especially in the winter, or on the edge of the forest, time stops. It seems to flow more slowly. There is no rush, no city bustle at all. Measured calm unhurried village life in the silence of the forest. Even the wind in the forest makes less noise and is mischievous.

And of course, one of the main advantages of village life is the bathhouse. The bathhouse is not the same in the city! No city baths can compare with the baths in the village. Especially if she is on the shore of a reservoir. Your own bath is a source of pleasure. Enjoy the scent of wood in a hot bath, warmth that warms the body and a broom, birch or some other. The bathhouse is generally a separate world of pleasure.

Summary: In a fairy tale, kindness and good deeds almost always triumph over evil. It is exactly the same in the tale of the brilliant brothers Grimm, in the fairy tale House in the Woods. On a sunny, warm and good day, the woodcutter went out into the forest and told his daughter that she would feed him. When he walked along the road to the forest, he purposefully scattered millet along the road, so that it would be much easier for his daughter to find a lumberjack and bring it for his food. The girl could not find the way to her father, but she wandered into a small old house where an old man lived with animals. The girl began to ask for a little stay in their house for a while. The eldest daughter cooked food, and ate enough herself, but forgot to feed the poor animals, she did not even remember about them. When night fell, the eldest daughter of the woodcutter simply fell through the floor. Exactly the same strange story repeated itself in another lumberjack's barrel. Now it's the turn for the smaller daughter. At the beginning she fed all the animals, an old grandfather, and only after she ate a little. When the girl woke up in the morning, she did not believe what she saw. Before her stood a handsome, kind young man, who later admitted that all this time he was bewitched by evil spells, but a caring and kind girl freed him from an evil spell.

Text of the fairy tale House in the woods

A poor woodcutter with his wife and three daughters lived in a small hut near the forest. One morning, as usual, he went to work and said to his wife: - Let the eldest daughter bring me breakfast to the forest, otherwise I will not have time to finish my work by evening. And so that she does not get lost, I will take a bag of millet with me and sprinkle grains along the way. And so, when the sun was already high above the forest, the eldest daughter took a pot of soup and went. But sparrows, larks, finches, blackbirds, and siskins have been eating all the millet for a long time, and the girl never found her way. She had to go at random, and she wandered through the forest until nightfall. And when the sun went down and the trees rustled in the darkness and owls began to hoot, the girl became very scared. And suddenly, through the branches of the trees, she saw a light in the distance. “People live there, and they will probably let me spend the night in their house,” she thought and went into the light. Soon she saw a house with lighted windows and knocked. A hoarse voice answered her from the house: - Come in! The girl entered the dark hallway and knocked on the door of the room. - Come on in! Shouted the same voice. She opened the door and saw a gray-haired old man like a harrier. The old man was sitting at the table. He propped his head with both hands, and his snow-white beard lay on the table and went down almost to the floor. And near the stove lay a cockerel, a chicken and a motley ladybug. The girl told the old man about her trouble and asked to spend the night. Then the old man asked the animals: - A pretty chicken, Motley ladybug And you, Petenka, my light, What will you say in response? - Dux, - answered the animals. And that probably meant: "We agree." “We have a lot here,” the old man said then. - Go to the kitchen and make us dinner. Indeed, the girl found a lot of supplies in the kitchen and cooked a delicious dinner. She put a full bowl on the table, sat down next to the old man and began to tuck in both cheeks. And she didn't even think about animals! The girl ate her fill and said: - And now I am very tired and want to sleep. Where is my bed? But the animals answered her in one voice: You drank with him, and ate with him, You did not look at us, Did not want to help us. You will remember this night! - Go upstairs, - said the old man, - there you will see a room with a bed. The girl went upstairs, found a bed and went to bed. As soon as she fell asleep, an old man entered with a candle. He went up to the girl, looked into her face and shook his head. The girl slept soundly. Then the old man opened a secret passage under her bed, and the bed fell into the basement. And the woodcutter came home late in the evening and began to scold his wife for making him starve all day. “I’m not to blame,” the wife answered: “our eldest daughter brought you breakfast, yes, apparently, she got lost. In the morning he will probably come. The next day, the father got up before dawn and ordered that this time the middle daughter bring him breakfast into the forest. “I'll take a bag of lentils with me,” he said. “They are larger than millet and are easier to spot. Here is the daughter and will not get lost. At noon, the second daughter brought breakfast to her father. But she did not find a single lentil along the way: again the birds ate all of them. The girl wandered through the forest until nightfall. Then, like the first sister, she came to the forest house and knocked. And when she entered, she asked for an overnight stay and something to eat. The old man with the white beard again asked his animals: - A pretty chicken, a motley cow And you, Petenka, my light, What will you say in response? And they again answered: - Dux! And everything happened the same way as with the older sister. The girl made a good supper, ate and drank with the old man, and did not even think about the animals. And when she asked where she could sleep, they answered: - You drank with him, and ate with him, You didn’t look at us, Didn’t want to help us. You will remember this night! At night, when the girl fell fast asleep, the old man came, looked at her, shook his head, and dropped her into the basement. On the third morning, the woodcutter said to his wife: - Send me breakfast today with our youngest daughter. She has always been a good and obedient girl, not like her fidgety sisters. And, of course, he will not wander around the bush like they do, but will immediately find the right path. And the mother really did not want to let the girl go. - Do I have to lose my most beloved daughter? - she said. - Do not worry, - answered the husband: - she is so clever and reasonable, she will never go astray. And besides, this time I will sprinkle peas, and they are larger than lentils, and they will not get lost. And so the youngest daughter with a basket on her hand went into the forest. But the forest pigeons had already devoured all the peas, and she did not know where to go. The girl was very worried that her poor father would again remain hungry, and that her kind mother would grieve for her favorite. When it got completely dark, she saw a light in the forest and came to the forest house. - Can you give me shelter for the night? She asked the old man politely. And the gray-haired old man again turned to his animals: - Chicken-beauty, Motley ladybird And you, Petenka, my light, What will you say in response? - Dux! They said. The girl went to the stove where the animals were lying, affectionately stroked the cockerel and the hen, and scratched the cow between the ears. And when the old man told her to cook dinner and a bowl of delicious soup was already on the table, the girl exclaimed: - How can I eat when poor animals have nothing! We must first take care of them, because the yard is full of all sorts of things. She went and brought barley to the cockerel and the hen, and to the cow a large armful of fragrant hay. - Eat to your health, my dears, - she said, - and you will want to drink, you will have fresh water. And she brought a full bucket of water. The cockerel and the hen immediately jumped to the edge of the bucket, lowered their beaks into the water, and raised them in a lot - that's how all birds drink. The motley lady was also drunk. When the animals ate their fill, the girl sat down at the table and ate what the old man left her from supper. Soon the cockerel and the hen hid their heads under the wings, and the motley ladybird dozed off. Then the girl said: - Isn't it time for us to sleep? And all the animals answered: - Dux! You didn't eat without us, You took care of us, You were kind to everyone, Sleep well until morning. The girl first prepared a bed for the old man: she fluffed down feather beds and put on clean linen. And then she went upstairs, went to her bed and fell asleep calmly. Suddenly at midnight the girl woke up from a terrible noise. The whole house tottered and creaked; the door flew open and banged against the wall with a crash. The beams were cracking so as if someone were breaking them and pulling them apart. It seemed that the roof was about to collapse and the whole house would collapse. But soon everything was quiet. The girl calmed down and fell asleep again soundly. And in the morning she was awakened by the bright sun. And as soon as she opened her eyes, she looked - what is it? Instead of a small room - a huge hall; everything around shines and sparkles. And she herself lies on a luxurious bed under a red velvet blanket, and under a chair near the bed there are two shoes embroidered with precious stones. At first she thought it was a dream, but then three well-dressed servants entered the room and asked what she would like to order them. - Go away, go away! - said the girl. “I’ll get up now, feed the cock and the hen, and the motley cow. She thought that the old man had awakened long ago, but instead of the old man she saw a completely unfamiliar young man. And he said to her: - The wicked witch turned me into an old man, and my faithful servants into animals. And we could free ourselves from her witchcraft only when a girl comes to us, kind and affectionate not only with people, but also with animals. This girl is you. And so the end of the sorceress's power came tonight. And you, as a reward for your kindness, will now be the mistress of this house and all its riches. And so it happened.

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