Folk sign “Language. Signs: Bit your tongue Why bite your tongue on Friday

Often during a conversation you stumble and feel pain in your mouth - you bite your tongue. Popular wisdom and superstition say that such an event carries serious significance. If you know where to bite your tongue, you can predict the further development of your own life.

Conditions of the incident

When interpreting signs, it is worth paying attention to the conditions in which the event occurred.

During the meal

Everyone has had to bite their tongue while eating at least once in their life. This is extremely painful and unpleasant. A similar situation happens if you speak with your mouth full. The sign of biting your tongue suggests that you should not do 2 things at the same time. He warns that you need to interrupt the conversation so as not to blurt out too much.

If you happen to bite your tongue while eating, this may indicate that it is time to slow down the pace of life a little. The tongue can be injured only during hasty and inattentive eating.

During the conversation

The oldest sign says that something will happen in the near future. Perhaps it will be a disagreement with someone you know, or maybe a conflict situation with a person completely unknown to you.

There are other versions of the interpretation of signs.

  1. There are ill-wishers who talk about you behind your back and dismiss you. These may even be people from your inner circle, so it makes sense to take a closer look at everyone with whom you communicate. Someone is very jealous of you and is trying to turn other people against you.
  2. This is a higher power's way of stopping you. Perhaps you turned out to be too talkative and were ready to spill some important secret, or were close to the fact that you could inadvertently offend your interlocutor. It is worth pausing and carefully thinking about your further words.
  3. If you bite the tip of your tongue, this may indicate that you were overly carried away by spreading untrue rumors or wanted to significantly embellish your own achievements. This is a sign that you need to immediately pay attention to what you are saying.

Interpretation depending on the day of the week

For a more accurate interpretation of the sign, you should pay attention to the day of the week on which this happened.

  1. Monday. Biting your tongue on this day means that you need to keep your mouth shut and share as little information about your affairs with others as possible, since this may be used against you in the future. You should be careful with other people's secrets, otherwise you may lose trust.
  2. Tuesday - you can fall out of favor with someone. Be alert and watch your words carefully.
  3. Wednesday is empty talk. There is a possibility of being a victim of slander. Not all details about yourself and your life should be disclosed to others.
  4. Thursday - to the guests. Either you will receive an invitation to come visit, or guests will unexpectedly come to your home. This is for pleasant and interesting communication.
  5. Friday - promises the onset of a difficult life period. Unpleasant events or meetings may occur that will only bring grief.
  6. Saturday - evil tongues are whispering behind your back. The most unpleasant thing is that outwardly they are very friendly and you may not even know about their true attitude towards you. Be careful if you make a deal or buy an expensive item. A future partner or seller may unexpectedly turn out to be a scammer.
  7. Sunday promises a whirlpool of troubles. Problems will arise both in your personal life and at work. The phone may suddenly crash or the car may not want to start at the most inopportune moment. If you were planning a trip, it makes sense to postpone it.

Trouble happened to the interlocutor

In this case, the meaning of the prediction remains the same. Only now it will refer to the person with whom you are having a conversation. It can be interpreted like this:

  • at the moment they are telling you lies;
  • you were told gossip that has not the slightest confirmation;
  • other people are discussing your interlocutor.

Sometimes this may indicate the interlocutor's excitement, which is associated with the fact that he likes you. Don't rush to conclusions about the other person. If the information you hear is important, it is best to check what was said and only then take any action.

Eliminating unpleasant predictions

The sign says that in order to stop gossip behind your back, you need to resort to sprinkling your tongue or hot pepper. Such actions do not promise pleasant sensations, especially if you bite your tongue until it bleeds. In this case, you should rinse your mouth with chamomile infusion and apply ice to the injured area.

To stop unpleasant gossip directed at you, you can resort to a more humane method - take a thread or rope and tie a knot in it. This is an effective and working method without any discomfort.

Most signs related to language indicate gossip, gossip and lies that are going around you and can lead to trouble. They serve as a warning that you need to pay attention to your speech. Evil words addressed to other people will certainly return. Be attentive to yourself and others, refrain from extremes and observe moderation in everything.

Is there a sign of biting your tongue? Of course yes, our ancestors tried to give a mystical interpretation to every event that happened to them. Using ancient beliefs, you will be able to understand what higher powers are warning you about.

  • Sign - bite your tongue

    Since ancient times, our ancestors tried to explain many events from a mystical point of view. It is thanks to this that such common signs appeared: what, the leg, and the chin, forehead, and so on.

    So what happens if you bite your tongue? One of the most ancient versions says that a very serious conflict will happen in the near future. At the moment, it is impossible to say whether this will be a quarrel with a famous person or whether you will simply get into an altercation with a random passerby. Another version convinces you that you have enemies who spread rumors and discuss things behind your back.

    Moreover, these could even be people from your close circle. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at everyone with whom you are currently communicating. Perhaps these people do not wish you well. Someone is very jealous of you, expresses their dissatisfaction and tries to turn their friends against you.

    There is another interpretation of this belief. Some people are sure that this is the way higher powers are trying to stop you. Perhaps you are saying too much unnecessary things, you are “carried out”, now you will give away some very important secret or accidentally, without even thinking, offend your interlocutor. To prevent this from happening, stop and think about your words.

    Most likely, it is not worth continuing the topic of conversation, because it is possible that this is an ill-wisher in front of you, and by telling him all the secrets, you will tell him a method that can harm you. Higher powers can send such a signal not only at the moment when you are talking to someone. You might just be thinking about something and accidentally bite your tongue.

    This will indicate that discussing this topic will be extremely dangerous for you. The sign “pip on the tongue” also has a similar meaning. People believe that she warns that it is better to learn to keep your mouth shut and not spread too much.

    Has it ever happened that while communicating with someone, you noticed that he suddenly bit his tongue? It is possible that it was at that moment that he was trying to tell a lie. This interpretation of signs goes back to ancient times. Pay attention to which words this happened on. The best thing to do is check if the person is telling the truth.

    Maybe he's trying to mislead someone. Also, some people believe that such a phenomenon is an indicator that a person wants to deceive you, that he wishes you harm. It is best not to immediately make claims or try to quarrel, but to take a closer look at your interlocutor. Perhaps he is actually dangerous, and it is not worth provoking him yet.

    It is also possible that higher powers are simply warning this person, he talks too much, reveals some secrets that should be kept silent. In any case, if you notice something like this about your interlocutor, be sure to remember what they were talking about at that moment, check the information and use it correctly.

    It often happens that a series of events happen to us that can be explained with the help of signs. So, for example, if during a conversation you managed to bite your tongue and lip or cheek, then be especially careful.

    The meaning of all these three will be almost the same: someone is gossiping about you, they may wish you harm, the person is too talkative or is telling lies. Moreover, in this case, the signs are relevant for both you and your interlocutor.

    If all three of these things happen to you regularly, be careful with the people you know. It is possible that ill-wishers want to deceive you, and you should be as careful as possible.

    If you bite your tongue, then try to be more circumspect and careful with your words, because, as practice shows, not all people can tell their secrets.

  • Small actions and insignificant deeds accompany a person throughout his life. However, few people think that it is in these actions that signs of fate are hidden. A person can understand what awaits him in the near future if he turns to folk wisdom.

    Eating meat dishes and biting your tongue means you will soon meet an important person

    Superstitions that have survived to this day will not only open the curtain on the future, but will also indicate what to do next.

    For example, a sign that explains why to bite your tongue, depending on the situation, foreshadows positive or negative future events.

    What does it mean to bite your tongue during a meal?

    Depending on what exactly was on the table, you can understand the meaning of the sign, why a person bit his tongue while eating.

    • Eating meat dishes and biting your tongue means you will soon meet an important person. A new acquaintance will not only help you deal with existing problems, but will also give advice for future troubles. This will help a person move to a new level of life and become more stress-resistant.
    • If a person bites his tongue while eating salad, then good news awaits him from relatives. Information received from family members will delight you and become motivation for further development. Thanks to this arrangement, the individual will be able to achieve success regardless of the situation.
    • As the signs say, eating vegetarian dishes and biting your tongue means breaking up with your soulmate in the near future. Partners will not be able to find a compromise in the next quarrel, which will entail further misunderstanding. This will cause a break.
    • Biting your tongue while eating eggs is a sign indicating an imminent meeting with an old acquaintance. After the rendezvous, both friends will resume communication with each other. In the future, this will become a good support during difficulties, thanks to which the career advancement and self-realization of both will accelerate.
    • If a person ate fish and bit his tongue, then he will have an unpleasant conversation with his parents. Many nuances of the relationship between adults and children will become clear, after which their relationship will deteriorate. Trust in the family will disappear, and mutual understanding and helping each other will fade into the background.
    • Eating fresh vegetables or fruits and biting your tongue is a shame. Due to inexperience, a person will make many mistakes, after which he will not be able to change the attitude of others towards himself. They will only think about him in a negative way, despite attempts to justify their actions.
    • A bitten tongue while drinking tea or coffee is a harbinger of an imminent wedding. The young couple will decide to officially register their relationship, after which a happy family life will begin for them. Despite the difficulties, they will walk the path of life with a smile.
    • A small snack during which a person accidentally bites his tongue indicates imminent dissatisfaction with his achievements. Despite significant success, a person will not be able to prove to himself that he has achieved sufficiently high results for his age.
    • As the sign says, biting your tongue while eating fast food means quick changes in your relationship with your significant other. The person will understand that the time has come for decisive action, and will be able to take the first step towards a happy future together with their other half.

    Biting your tongue while talking with relatives means getting an unpleasant call

    Biting your tongue during a conversation

    Depending on who the person was talking to, the sign will mean positive or negative.

    1. Talking with parents means a change in income. A person will not be able to save the money he previously received, and his earnings will decrease. Because of this, you will have to change your financial habits.
    2. Biting your tongue during a conversation with relatives means getting an unpleasant call. A person will not be able to cope with the amount of aggression that will be directed at him. Because of this, your mood will worsen and the desire to work will disappear.
    3. If a person was talking to a friend and bit his tongue, he will have to meet a rival. The fight will not be long, but after it it will become clear who will have primacy in further fights. To win, you will have to develop a strategy and direct all your strength to achieve this goal.
    4. Talking to a colleague and biting his tongue, he will be disappointed in his own perfection. A person will understand that his character is far from perfect, but he will not be able to change this. Disadvantages will weigh on you, but only after long-term work on yourself will a person come to terms with his problems.
    5. Meeting a stranger on the street and biting your tongue is a harbinger of misfortune. The person will face grief that will overtake his entire family. Only by helping each other cope with pain and disappointment will relatives be able to survive the trials prepared by fate.
    6. Biting your tongue during a short dialogue with a person who is on duty is a harbinger of a change in a person’s worldview. He will understand that relationships with others consist not only of spending time together or having fun, but also of compassion. This will make him change his attitude towards his friends.
    7. If a lady bites her tongue while communicating with her lover, then she will soon be disappointed in her feelings. She will understand that her hopes for a representative of the opposite sex are meaningless, because he does not have the necessary personal qualities.
    8. A man who bites the tip of his tongue while talking with a girl he likes should be wary of rash sexual relations. They will negatively affect his status in society; others will discuss the person’s actions.
    9. As the sign says, if a person bites his tongue while discussing something with his boss, career growth awaits him. The promotion will be the logical result of long-term work on the project. Thanks to diligence, your financial situation and status in society will improve.

    Eliminating bad consequences

    There are several options for exactly how to neutralize the omen. They belong to different seasons.

    • If a person bites his tongue in the spring, then he needs to prepare some sunflower seeds. Then they are thrown into the area under the south window of the apartment, saying: “Go away, all the troubles, all the sorrows, sorrows. Make way for happiness and joy. I will try to avoid all problems and difficulties, just give me the opportunity to gain wisdom.” The next day after the ritual, you need to pour a small amount of millet or buckwheat into the same place.
    • To neutralize the sign of a summer bite on the tongue, you need to do a good deed for local street children. Having bought food for a homeless cat or dog, you need to bring it to the person’s entrance and place it to the right of the door (you need to navigate while facing the entrance). After this, say: “Let the good deed atone for the guilt, then I can forget the bad omen. What was foretold will never come true. Trouble will bypass my house.”
    • A tongue bitten in the fall, which portends evil, requires more preparation to neutralize. You need to open a window in the house, move 1.5 meters away from it and from this distance throw a handful of rice outside. Then say in a whisper: “May the purity of these grains of rice be transferred to my life, the bad omen will be neutralized, and adversity will not sadden me in the near future.”
    • If a person bites his tongue in winter, then to neutralize the sign he will have to collect some clean snow in his palm. Then you need to put some green peas on it and clench your hand into a fist. The resulting snowball should be thrown back into the snowdrift, saying: “Troubles fly away, they cool down in the cold. They will not come to me either in life or in a dream.”

    Despite the fact that a small nuisance in the form of a bitten tongue should not attract a person’s attention, it should not be overlooked. Perhaps this particular event is a sign of fate, indicating good or bad events in the near future.

    Over the centuries, people have accumulated many superstitions based on observations and superstitions. Some of them have lost their relevance today or their original meaning was lost due to difficulties in translation or a different perception of the surrounding reality by our ancestors. Nevertheless, many signs are quite justified to this day, bringing a person a certain amount of useful information. For example, you can consider such a sign as “biting your lip,” which has several interpretations, some of which are reflected in modern psychology.

    Naturally, it is immediately necessary to separate it from popular belief when a lip bite becomes simply a physiological characteristic of an individual (improper growth of teeth) or ordinary haste (a person actively chatters while eating food).

    Interpretation of the sign “bite your lip”

    1. If a person bites the corner of the lower lip from the outside, then this portends death for a relative or close friend. On the one hand, it may seem that this is simply obscurantism, which has nothing to do with reality. But, if you look at the question a little deeper, it turns out that biting the outer corner of the lip is quite difficult, and can indicate the highest degree of human suffering (when he literally starts chewing his lower lip). And this is often due to the fact that a person’s loved ones are seriously ill. Thus, the possibility of such a prophecy becomes quite realistic, but the cause-and-effect relationship is clearly confused here, and biting the lip is a consequence of deep emotional experiences, and not a prophecy as such.
    2. If a person bites his lip during a conversation, this may indicate a possible quarrel in the near future. This sign has the same nature as the previous one and is also based on strong emotional arousal of a negative nature, only to a lesser extent than in the previous case.
    3. If a person bites his lip during a conversation, this indicates that he is either not happy with the conversation or is not saying something. This sign was still known in ancient times, but today it can be found in many treatises on psychology.

    Thus, even the most seemingly strange signs can be completely justified and directly related to reality. And this once again shows that our ancestors were wise and perspicacious people.

    Better stop talking

    People have various beliefs and superstitions about different parts of the human body. Whether your heel is itchy, your cheeks are burning, your nose is itching, or someone is biting your lip - all these signs mean something specific among the people. For example, biting your tongue is a sign that says that you should literally stop talking, otherwise this will certainly lead to further quarrels or an unpleasant conversation. There is a popular belief that if someone bites his long tongue during an entertaining conversation, it means he has lied, and you need to be careful with this person. There is also an opinion that biting your tongue means that they are having unpleasant conversations about you and making up all sorts of bad gossip: from here the conclusion naturally suggests itself - you have enemies.

    If a pimple suddenly appears on the tongue, such a person is said to be talking a lot of unnecessary and unnecessary things. By the shape of the tongue you can determine the character of a person: if the tongue is wide, it means that the person who is talking to you is very kind by nature and his soul is very bright and always wide open. If a person has a narrow, long, sharp tongue, you need to be careful about communicating with such a person; it turns out that he is overly fond of gossiping.

    Bite your lip

    Too talkative interlocutor

    The expression “bite your lip” also has a sign that people believe in. If a person accidentally bites his lip during a conversation, like the sign about the tongue, this indicates his talkative nature. And if you don’t want the general opinion of you to be that of a too talkative person, it’s better to just remain silent once again. And the imminent kiss is indicated by the lips, which begin to itch and itch. If a person accidentally bites the corner of his lips, they say that he wishes harm to his interlocutor.

    But if you bite your cheek, the sign in this regard is very interesting and twofold. One believes that accidentally biting your cheek will lead to a quick passionate kiss. On the other hand, biting your cheek means that someone is plotting something evil against you, someone is talking about you. And if you bite your cheek while sleeping, this will lead to failure to fulfill your cherished desires. So in any of the 3 cases, you need to be extremely careful in your handling of any part of the body, be it the tongue, lip or cheek. After all, no one wants negative consequences from accidentally biting their tongue.

    What does it mean to bite your lip, tongue or cheek. Folk signs.

    There are many folk signs associated with nature, pets and even people. Many different beliefs are associated with the human body.

    Almost all unexpected actions have many signs associated with them. There are many beliefs around the tongue, lips and mouth. Many beliefs are associated with biting the tongue, cheek, and lip.

    Signs about language:

    • If you've been chewing and suddenly bite your tongue, maybe stop talking. Otherwise, you risk quarreling with your loved ones or friends.
    • If you bite the tip of your tongue, this indicates a desire to lie. Therefore, try not to mislead your interlocutors.
    • If you accidentally bite your tongue during a conversation, this means try to express yourself more softly. Otherwise, you risk quarreling with your interlocutors.

    It is believed that the tongue is burned for using foul language. There are several explanations.

    Signs to burn your tongue:

    • When a person swears or wishes evil, he creates a negative energy field around himself. Accordingly, bad words do not necessarily reach the person to whom they were intended. Therefore, a foul speaker often burns his tongue. This is a kind of warning not to throw around swear words.
    • During pagan times, some swear words were considered part of spells, and therefore have a magical meaning. Swear words could only drive away evil spirits. Therefore, you can’t just use foul language. These are the machinations of evil spirits that are remembered.

    Please note that this belief only works if you have had a leisurely lunch and are completely relaxed. If you were on a fruit diet for several weeks, and then out of greed you fell for pizza, then the belief does not work. The problem here is your sloppiness and haste.

    Beliefs to bite your cheek:

    • If you bite your cheek during lunch or dinner, expect passionate kisses.
    • If your cheek is hurt during a conversation, then most likely the interlocutor wants to deceive you. Possible malicious intent.
    • If you are confident in your interlocutor, then most likely you should remain silent so as not to quarrel.
    • If you wake up in the morning and find that there is swelling on your cheek, then fulfilling your desires should be postponed until later.
    • Sometimes people often bite their cheek not because of bad language, but because their taste is wrong.

    There are a lot of signs about lips:

    • If you bit your lip during a conversation, it means you were trying to convey your point of view to your interlocutor. Perhaps you wanted to lie.
    • If you were just sitting there minding your own business and accidentally bit your lip, be careful. Perhaps a quarrel awaits you soon.
    • If the incident happened during a meal, you can kiss someone. Stock up on mints.

    Lips, mouth, cheeks and tongue can say a lot. Listen to folk signs and try not to lie or use foul language.

    Many people prefer to know in advance about the events that are about to happen in their lives. This may be right, because very often it can play a huge role in the fate of not only the person himself, but also the lives of the people around him. That is why most of us are too superstitious, believe in omens and carefully follow them. This is probably right!

    Many peoples have many different signs associated with their cheeks. Already in ancient times, people began to notice that many life events are connected with this part of the human body, and if interpreted in the correct form, this or that circumstance can be predicted a lot about your future!

    So, let's look at a few signs regarding the accidental action of “biting your cheek.” It’s difficult to bite your cheek, but sometimes it happens, so our ancestors had several amazing beliefs, and in some cases even facts, about this!


    • If you bite your cheek while eating food, you know that in the near future some well-wisher will kiss you right on that cheek.
    • When talking with people, the person who bit his cheek should be on guard. At the moment, his interlocutors are plotting something bad against him. Therefore, in order to avoid incidental situations, it is better to remain silent for some time and literally “watch” your speech. By biting your cheek during a conversation, you can say something unnecessary, so much of what you wanted to communicate should not be said out loud. What you say may not only not please others, but will simply infuriate them, provoking a scandal or worse.
    • A person can bite their cheek while resting or sleeping. In this case, he needs to know that everything he plans to do in the near future should not be put into action. His efforts will be in vain, because they are doomed to failure in advance. Moreover, everything you have in mind is already known to someone, so you won’t be able to get the desired effect in any case. It's better to wait a while.
    • If your previously bitten cheek begins to itch, then soon you will have to cry. Please note that these can also be tears of joy.

    It should also be noted that signs “work” only when certain actions occur randomly, and what you provoke yourself is unlikely to give the desired result, although knowing the signs and listening to them, you can prevent a lot from happening in your life.

    Folk signs are often associated with one or another part of the body. Few people have not heard such signs as “The nose itches for a drink”, “The left hand itches for money, the right hand itches for a meeting.” A large number of beliefs are associated with the lips, cheeks and tongue. As a rule, a person can accidentally bite these parts of the mouth, which is why the sign sounds like “biting your lip, etc.”

    Bite your lip

    Bite your lip - end the conversation

    If your lip was accidentally bitten during a conversation, this is a sure signal that it is time to end the conversation. In general, according to popular belief, people who bite their lips are empty and talkative. Those who do not want to be branded as such should remain silent more, listening carefully to the interlocutor and asking questions.

    If during a conversation a person accidentally bites the corner of his mouth, he may be accused of evil intentions. And all because, according to the popular interpretation of this phenomenon, a person who bit the corner of his lip wished harm to the person with whom he was talking.

    Biting your lips means passionate kisses

    Sometimes the lips begin to itch and a tickling sensation appears. The natural desire of a person is to scratch them to relieve the itching. To do this, he begins to lightly bite his lips. According to legend, biting indicates that soon the person will have to kiss, and quite passionately.

    The belief obviously arose from an associative series: with prolonged kissing, the lips become somewhat swollen and acquire a brighter shade. If you bite them, the effect will be the same.

    By the way, people believe that pimples that suddenly appear on the lips also warn a person that passionate kisses await him. Not ever, but next night.

    Bite your cheek

    Biting your cheek is a sign that has more than one interpretation, all of them are quite original.

    Biting your cheek means kissing

    According to one version, biting your cheek is a signal of a passionate kiss that will happen in the near future. Another interpretation of the sign associated with a kiss sounds like this: if you accidentally bite your cheek while eating, you will soon be kissed on it. In this case, a kiss will be given by a person who sincerely sympathizes, perhaps in love.

    It should also be remembered that if a previously bitten cheek suddenly begins to itch, the person will cry. But don’t be upset, with a high degree of probability we can say that there will be tears of happiness and joy.

    Bite your cheek - make enemies

    If a person bites his cheek, then he can interpret this as the presence of enemies who are planning trouble. If during a conversation a person bites his cheek, then there is a possibility that his interlocutor has malicious intent, speaks insincerely and wants to commit some kind of crime. In this case, it is better to remain silent, giving leadership to the interlocutor. Otherwise, you can say a lot of unnecessary things, thereby provoking a scandal, and maybe even a fight.

    Biting your cheek in a dream

    If a person bit his cheek in a dream, and popular belief does not explain whether the cheek injury actually happened or was a dream, then he should know that his cherished dreams will not come true.

    Another, but similar version, clearly says that after biting your cheek while sleeping, you should remember your goals and dreams for the near future and abandon them. It is believed that someone outsider found out about the wish, so the wish will not come true. You should either completely abandon your plan, or postpone it for a sufficiently long period.

    Bite your tongue

    Biting your tongue means a quarrel

    Biting your tongue means stopping a conversation. Otherwise, a quarrel may break out and a conflict with the interlocutor may arise.

    Possible disagreements are also associated with another version of the sign - you can bite your tongue if it is “long”. In other words, its owner is lying. It is likely that being caught in deception will not be accompanied by the most pleasant words, and then a quarrel is not far away. If the interlocutor bites his tongue during a conversation, folk wisdom recommends taking a closer look at him and staying on guard.

    Bite your tongue - hear gossip about yourself

    In some versions, biting your tongue can mean that unpleasant rumors are being spread about a person and slandering him. The conclusion naturally suggests itself that a person who bites his tongue has acquired enemies. In this case, it is recommended to take a close look at your surroundings, as well as carry out a number of sacred actions aimed at protecting your own energy. Pimples that suddenly appear on the tongue can also tell about existing slanderers.

    By the way, language can help to unravel a person’s character. Just look at its shape. The owner of a wide tongue is a kind and sympathetic person, he is sincere with his interlocutor. This type of people is also called “soul wide open.”

    A narrow, long tongue reveals a two-faced, envious person who loves to gossip. Probably this interpretation is due to the similarity of a language of this shape with the tongue of a snake.

    It is interesting that popular thought associates trauma to the tongue with some kind of punishment for talkativeness and love of gossip. This guess is confirmed by another sign: foul language is usually punished by a burn of the tongue. Thus, people who use obscene words in their speech can burn their tongue. This will be a small punishment and a signal that it is time to stop committing sin (after all, foul language is one of the seven deadly sins).

    Experts explain that obscene language directed around oneself and towards other people does not find a suitable object and is directed at the one who uttered the obscenities. And since speech is associated, first of all, with the tongue, then punishment falls on it.

    This version is also confirmed by the sign: biting your tongue means scolding someone in the near future.

    Alternative causes of biting the tongue, lips, cheeks

    People who are far from superstitious have several reasons explaining why a person bites his tongue, cheek or lip. It turns out there may be medical reasons. An incorrect bite, an incorrectly fitted denture, a protruding tooth fragment, a protruding, rough filling - all this is fraught with injury to the oral cavity and requires immediate intervention by a dentist.

    You can bite your lip and so on if you eat quickly or, conversely, eat in deep thought, not noticing what is happening, and also being distracted by talking, reading or watching TV.

    What to do if you bite your lip, cheek or tongue?

    You can bite your tongue, lip or cheek while talking or eating. Regardless of whether a person believes in omens or considers the bite an accident, sometimes the injury can be quite severe. In this case, you will need special help.

    Immediately after the bite, you should rinse your mouth with cold water. If possible, you can prepare a solution of furatsilin and use it for rinsing. If the injury occurs on the inside of the cheek, then it is useful to apply cold to the outside.

    Rinsing with a decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile, taken in equal proportions, will help speed up healing and avoid infection of the wound. If the wound is small, do not worry. Human saliva has bactericidal properties, and the wound will heal in less than a day.

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