
Elective culture media

Nutrient media in microbiology are substrates on which microorganisms and tissue cultures are grown. They are used for diagnostic...

in detail / 22.04.2024
Rating of the most powerful armies in the world Indian Armed Forces

Political significance on the world stage is impossible without a strong, combat-ready army, on which a large amount of budget funds is spent. IN...

in detail / 20.02.2024
Project "read together" Project read together in the middle group

Project in the middle group “Read books to children” Topic: “Read books to children” Project passport Project leader: Kotovshchikova Elena Yurievna...

in detail / 18.01.2024
The most necessary French verb être Verbs avoir and être conjugation

To be or not to be If you want to know more about a person, ask him, for example, where he is from. You also need to be able to answer such...

in detail / 27.12.2023
Office furniture and everything around it

At first there were quite a lot of them, and they lived, as a rule, quite modestly. And then they began to slowly “clean” the Kremlin. To begin with, everyone was evicted...

in detail / 19.12.2023
The Seven Strangest Wars The Shortest War

Most wars of the past are strange in nature. Explosions, shootings, torture of thousands of people seem downright strange when you realize that usually...

in detail / 19.11.2023
Tips for preparing for the exam in physics

Why is preparing for the Unified State Exam in Physics most often preparation from scratch? The Unified State Exam in Physics is an exam that includes all topics: mechanics, thermodynamics and...

in detail / 15.10.2023
Formation of universal educational actions in chemistry lessons Educational goals to design their ways

Monitor and evaluate your achievements. The standards define “the development of students’ personalities based on...

in detail / 13.10.2023
The Mariinskaya water system is located here

Many people have probably heard about the pioneer of color photography in Russia, Sergei Mikhailovich Prokudin-Gorsky. His unique "Collection...

in detail / 11.10.2023
Let's remember the second life of car tires

Kobzeva Anastasia Download: Preview: “The second life of an abandoned tire” Leader: Gurkina M.E. chemistry teacher. Introduction...

in detail / 18.04.2023
Benzene solubility in water

DEFINITION Benzene is a colorless liquid with a characteristic odor; boiling point 80.1 o C, melting point 5.5 o C. Insoluble in...

in detail / 18.02.2023
Why was the Quran revealed in Arabic?

14 11 319 0The Koran is the Holy creation of the Muslim religion, the main monument of society, the basis of which is ideological and...

in detail / 01.10.2022
“Can teachers eat in the school canteen?

At a parent-teacher meeting, the teacher said that parents could also have lunch in the school cafeteria. She invited those close to her to come to dinner...

in detail / 26.02.2022
Properties of non-metals and their compounds

Carry out reactions to confirm the qualitative composition of sulfuric acid. Write the reaction equations. Place 1-2 zinc granules in a test tube and add...

in detail / 21.10.2021
History of creation and analysis of the drama "Days of the Turbins" by Bulgakov M

Bulgakov as a playwright Today we will take a closer look at the creative work of Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov, one of the most famous...

in detail / 19.07.2021
Gulag for the little ones “Be careful with Lyusya, her father is an enemy of the people”

An infant in a pre-trial detention center, locked in a cell with its mother, or sent along a stage to a colony - a common practice in the 1920s -...

in detail / 27.01.2021
English language tutorials, training programs and simulators for self-study of English

Today, knowledge of a foreign language (primarily English) is a prerequisite for career growth. Firstly, this is due...

in detail / 10.12.2020
What happens if you mix bleach and brake fluid video?

Answers: 4 Question for experts: If you mix brake fluid with chlorine-based detergent, smoke will come out. Will there be a lot of smoke??? Sincerely,...

in detail / 31.07.2020