Powerful and strongest armies in the world. Rating of the most powerful armies in the world Indian Armed Forces

Political significance on the world stage is impossible without a strong, combat-ready army, on which a large amount of budget funds is spent. In past centuries, securing the support of warriors actually meant the greatest degree of success for a politician. Nothing has changed since then.

The armed forces are a guarantee of the independence, success of the country and the safety of citizens. We present to our readers a rating of the strongest armies in the world, an assessment of weapons and manpower.

Modern era and military forces

Modern countries need to protect their borders no less than territories hundreds of years ago. However, today there are countries that do not have armed forces. To protect the population, police units or units equivalent to them are used there. The list includes 21 states, including:

  • Andorra;
  • Vatican;
  • Haiti;
  • Iceland;
  • Costa Rica;
  • Monaco;
  • Solomon islands.

Location of countries in the world that do not have their own regular troops

It is noteworthy that some publications also include Japan in this list, whose armed forces are called self-defense forces. Legislatively, the actions of this structure are greatly limited and can only be associated with defense activities. However, it is wrong to say that Japan does not have an army.

The strength of modern troops lies not so much in numbers, but in the uniqueness of weapons, the number of tanks, submarines, and other equipment. Technological progress has given humanity not only cars and missiles, but also nuclear weapons.

Modern armies are divided into types of troops, intelligence departments and other special services.

Below is the top 10 most powerful armies in the world, let's talk about the evaluation criteria.

Criteria for assessing the power of modern armed forces

To assess the strength of armies, several criteria are used:

  • the number of manpower and reservists;
  • military budget (calculated both as a fixed amount and as a percentage of GDP);
  • number of airplanes and helicopters;
  • number of tanks;
  • the number of nuclear warheads and their delivery vehicles;
  • number of submarines and missile carriers;
  • degree of fuel availability;
  • geographical data.

Rating of the strongest armies in the world

The list of the most powerful armies in the world is based on the annual Global Firepower report. The organization studies the armed forces of various countries and assigns a strength index to each. Looking at the numbers, it is easy to understand whose army is the strongest and whose army is lagging behind in most respects. This is the most detailed rating in the world.

10th place – Bundeswehr (Germany)

In 2019, the German Armed Forces lost several positions in the ranking, but remained in the top ten. Since 2011, it has been among the professional formations in which there is no place for conscripts.

German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen inspecting equipment

  • Number: 178,641;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 714/384;
  • tanks: 432;
  • submarines: 6;
  • budget: $45.2 billion;
  • force index: 0.2461.

The supply of the army in Germany is very good. The country is a member of NATO, but, contrary to its obligations, does not spend 2% of GDP on defense. Actively participates in conflicts abroad. The latest operation is the fight against ISIS in Afghanistan.

9th place – Türkiye

The troops consist of five units that guard the borders at sea, in the air and on the ground, and also maintain order within the country. It is not professional; recruits are recruited annually from among the country's age-appropriate citizens.

View of the Turkish Incerlik airbase, also used by NATO troops

There is a system of official redemption from the service. To do this, a young man needs to undergo initial military training for up to 5 weeks and pay 500 million liras (equivalent to 6 billion rubles). Thus, very rich citizens replenish the country's budget.

  • Number: 350,000;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 1056/475;
  • tanks: 2446;
  • submarines: 12;
  • budget: $10.2 billion;
  • force index: 0.2216.

Türkiye has its own military training centers. Citizens in the reserve are required to undergo annual retraining.

8th place - Japan

The Japan Self-Defense Forces, or Jieitai, are a special type of military force. According to the Constitution, the country does not have the right to participate in military conflicts of other countries, and the purpose of creating an army is the defense of the state. All this is a thing of the past. Today the country is consistently among the ten most powerful armies in the world with a huge defense budget. Since 2015, participation in military conflicts abroad has been officially permitted (decision of parliament).

Japan spares no expense in equipping its self-defense forces

  • Number: 247,157;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 1508/622;
  • tanks: 679;
  • submarines: 17;
  • budget: $44 billion;
  • force index: 0.2107.

The conscription age in Japan has been increased to 32 years. In recent years, the militarization of Japan has been carried out at an active pace.

7th place – South Korea

South Korean Armed Forces

  • Number: 625,000;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 1560/748;
  • tanks: 2654;
  • submarines: 16;
  • budget: $40 billion;
  • force index: 0.2001.

The Republic of Korea officially participated in the Iraq War, losing only one soldier killed.

6th place - Great Britain

By 2019, Britain's troops had become even stronger, according to Global Firepower. The state is a member of NATO and is consistently ranked among the best armies in the world.

British Army soldiers

  • Number: 197,730;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 832/333;
  • tanks: 227;
  • submarines: 10;
  • budget: $50 billion;
  • force index: 0.1917.

The advantage of the Kingdom's army is its huge budget. Regularly participates in military conflicts and NATO peacekeeping missions. The last operation was Operation Serval, in which French forces suppressed the uprising in the Republic of Mali. The British Army enjoys a peaceful and calm environment. Accidents and suicides are rare.

5th place – France

France ranks fifth among the strongest, and it maintains last year's position. The armed forces of the Republic are considered the strongest in Europe.

French regular troops often participate in international armed conflicts

  • Number: 205,000;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 1262/570;
  • tanks: 406;
  • submarines: 10;
  • budget: $40 billion;
  • force index: 0.1869.

France has also stationed combat aircraft in Tajikistan. 7% of the NATO contingent is represented by the military force of the Republic. The guarantor of the country's security is not only a strong army, but also nuclear weapons. Its quantity was reduced as much as possible with the end of the Cold War.

The Fifth Republic is a country with developed industry. It produces airplanes and helicopters and sells them abroad. The French army has a large number of women (14%) who even serve in the navy. These are the most feminized aircraft in the world.

4th place – India

The top five has remained unchanged for several years. This suggests that strong armies are seriously outperforming their competitors. One of the leaders is India. The size of this country's army is unprecedented and exceeds 1 million soldiers. Regular divisions include:

  • army;
  • naval forces;
  • air Force.

Military personnel at the Delhi Republic Day parade, 2017.

It is believed that in the event of war, the mobilization of the army will exceed 700 million people.

  • Number: 1,362,500;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 2185/720;
  • tanks: 4426;
  • submarines: 16;
  • budget: $47 billion;
  • force index: 0.1417.

The Indian army significantly surpasses the French forces in the number of tanks, aircraft and other parameters. The state is a strong nuclear power recognized by world leaders. It is noteworthy that the post of Indian Defense Minister is held by a woman, Nirmala Sitharaman.

Indian industry partially supplies the armed forces with equipment.

3rd place - China

The active army of the People's Republic of China numbers more than 2 million soldiers. In case of war, this figure will increase to 750 million.

The largest army

  • Number: 2,183,000;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 3035/985;
  • tanks: 7716;
  • submarines: 73;
  • budget: $151 billion;
  • force index: 0.0852.

China maintains military bases in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, providing security and an uninterrupted fuel supply. The PRC is in second place in terms of the budget of its armed forces, second only to the United States in this matter.

Since the army is large, a strategic agency was created in 2016 to deal with logistics issues.

Interesting fact: The Chinese army does not accept young people with tattoos. Military school soldiers must not snore, otherwise they will be discharged.

2nd place – Russia

  • Number: 1,013,628;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 3914/1451;
  • tanks: 20300;
  • submarines: 62;
  • budget: $47 billion;
  • force index: 0.0841.

Russia is the leader in the number of tanks - more than 20 thousand and nuclear warheads (8484 pieces). The delivery system for weapons of mass destruction is very well developed. The troops consist of conscripts and contract soldiers. The share of the latter is higher, and this trend has emerged since 2015. The mobilization resource is more than 30 million people.

Russian soldiers in Syria

Military units are supplied by a strong and developed military-industrial complex, which includes dozens of enterprises. They produce weapons known all over the world:

  • Kalashnikov assault rifles;
  • Sea- and ground-based air defense;
  • MI and Ka helicopters;
  • reconnaissance ships;
  • Project 636 submarines;
  • Su, Tu aircraft.

Russia is in third place in the number of submarines, behind China and the United States. In recent years, the rearmament of the army has accelerated. The Russian Federation has several bases outside the country:

  • in Abkhazia;
  • Transnistria;
  • Kyrgyzstan;
  • Kazakhstan;
  • Belarus;
  • Tajikistan and other countries.

It is planned to strengthen its position in Asia and northern Africa.

The RF Armed Forces are characterized by two types of problems:

  • desertion;
  • corruption.

Several criminal cases have been initiated against officials related to multi-million dollar thefts. The problem of desertion often arises from extra-statutory relations. They are trying to eradicate hazing in Russian troops, since it is also a cause of suicide.

It's no secret which army is the strongest in the world.

1st place - USA

The United States is the most powerful country in the world in terms of military equipment. Its budget is higher than the spending of all the top ten countries and is estimated at several hundred billion dollars.

US Army soldiers in Afghanistan

  • Number: 1,281,900;
  • airplanes/helicopters: 13362/5758;
  • tanks: 5884;
  • submarines: 66;
  • budget: $647 billion;
  • force index: 0.0818.

The budget is distributed according to the orders of the Ministry of Defense. Thus, about 20% is spent annually on updating weapons and other purchases.

The United States has a developed military-industrial complex. It supplies its own army and the forces of other states in accordance with military contracts.

There are approximately 900 military bases outside the United States around the world:

  • in Europe (Bulgaria, Germany, Spain, Norway, Kosovo and so on);
  • in Africa (Niger, Djibouti and others);
  • Latin America (Cuba, Brazil, Honduras);
  • Oceania (Australia, Guam);
  • Asia (Bahrain, Republic of Korea, Japan, Singapore, Afghanistan);
  • Middle East (Israel, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia).

The United States Army has a problem with suicide among military personnel. Over the years, their number either increases or decreases slightly, although management is trying to combat this. Official figures exceed Russian ones.

This is what the powerful ranking of the strongest armies looks like today. The pace of development of the armed forces is both amazing and alarming. The naked eye can see a new arms race, mutual accusations of strong sides, and the emergence of new types of weapons. Over the past decade, the world has become more militant and divided into several warring camps.

Which army is the strongest in the world? The usual answer is American. This is understandable: the largest military budget, a high number of military personnel, an abundance of equipment.

What about the second strongest army? They are already starting to think about it. Russian? Perhaps, she is well armed, she is a decent soldier, and she has enormous combat experience. But China has an immense mobilization potential, a huge number of troops, and equipment is also up to par.

This is the question that the curious web resource WONDERLIST tried to answer. He just has fun by comparing all sorts of quantities - from military strength to the most impressive LEGO models or the most difficult languages ​​to learn.

Let's take a look at the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world, built on this resource. According to the authors, 68 countries were studied according to many criteria - labor resources, territory to be defended, logistics, resources, including human resources, finances and geography. From these indicators, a power index is compiled, the inverse of the firepower indicator. In general, the smaller it is, the more powerful the power from a military point of view. It’s not very clear how it is, but, as they say, it inspires.

Well, let's see. Perhaps this review will give you some food for thought.

10. Brazil

Battle of Monte Castello Remembered in Brazi. Photo: Tereza Sobreira/Zuma\TASS

Power index: 0.6912

Defense budget: $31,576,000,000

Active military personnel: 371,199

Labor resources: 104,700,000

Total aviation: 822

Total fleet: 106

9. Italy

Power Index: 0.6838

Defense budget: $31,946,000,000

Active military personnel: 293,202

Labor resources: 25,080,000

Total aviation: 770

Total fleet: 179

8. South Korea

Power Index: 0.6547

Defense budget: $28,280,000,000

Active military personnel: 653,000

Labor resources: 25,100,000

Total aviation: 871

Total fleet: 190

7. Germany

Power Index: 0.6491

Defense Budget: $43,478,000,000

Active military personnel: 148,996

Labor resources: 43,620,000

Total aviation: 925

Total fleet: 67

6 . France

Power Index: 0.6163

Defense budget: $58,244,000,000

Active military personnel: 362,485

Labor resources: 29,610,000

Total aviation: 544

Total fleet: 180

5. UK

Power index: 0.5185

Defense Budget: $57,875,170,000

Active military personnel: 224,500

Labor resources: 31,720,000

Total aviation: 1,412

Total fleet: 77

4. India

Power Index: 0.4346

Defense budget: $44,282,000,000

Active military personnel: 1,325,000

Labor resources: 487,600,000

Total aviation: 1,962

Total fleet: 170

3. China

Power Index: 0.3351

Defense budget: $129,272,000,000

Active military personnel: 2,285,000

Labor resources: 795,500,000

Total aviation: 5,048

Total fleet: 972

2. Russia

Power Index: 0.2618

Defense budget: $64,000,000,000

Active military personnel: 1,200,000

Labor resources: 75,330,000

Total aviation: 4,498

Total fleet: 224

1. USA

Photo: Rachel Larue/Zuma/TASS

Power index: 0.2475

Defense budget: $689,591,000,000

Active military personnel: 1,477,896

Labor resources: 153,600,000

Total aviation: 15,293

Total fleet: 290.

Nuclear potential is not included in this calculation. As the authors of the rating explained, “the inclusion of such weapons would defeat the purpose of such a comparison.”

Which is understandable: one Russian “Sarmat” - and the entire power of the American army turns into dust...

Moreover, in terms of the integral “power index,” that is, the “firepower index,” Russia has practically caught up with the United States.

The ranking of the ten strongest armies in the world in 2019 was compiled based on data Global Firepower. The military power of each state was assessed according to more than 50 different criteria. The economic situation of the states also played a significant role in its place in the ranking.

10 Germany

Germany opens the top ten strongest armies in the world in 2019. Until July 1, 2011, in Germany, all adult citizens of the country were required to serve under conscription (6 months of military service or alternative labor service in social and charitable organizations). Now the Bundeswehr has moved to a fully professional army. Germany has been a member of NATO for many years, so in the event of any military threats, it can count on the help of the United States and other allies.

The German ground forces consist of four headquarters bases, which include multinational NATO corps from the so-called "rapid deployment forces", 5 task forces with headquarters in other army corps (Greek, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, as well as French), five divisions and auxiliary units and units.

The general focus of the German army is mainly focused on conducting peacekeeping missions as part of coalition forces, as well as resolving local low-intensity conflicts. This is reflected in the fundamental document on German military development. Thus, if a military conflict arises near the borders of Germany or martial law is declared, the state is ready for war only with a virtually “toothless” enemy. This conclusion suggests itself if you familiarize yourself with the degree of combat, technical and logistical support of the Bundeswehr.

9 Türkiye

Ninth place is the Turkish Armed Forces. The Turkish army is recruited by conscription, the conscription age is 20 - 41 years, the period of compulsory military service is from 6 to 12 months. Upon discharge from the army, a citizen is considered liable for military service and is in the reserve until the age of 45. In wartime, in accordance with the law, men aged 16 to 60 years and women aged 20 to 46 who are able to bear arms can be drafted into the army.

The state and directions of development of the Turkish armed forces are determined by the foreign policy situation that has developed today in the Middle East region. It would be hard to call it simple. The situation currently observed in the Middle East poses many serious challenges and security threats to the Turkish state.

First of all, this is a large-scale conflict that is blazing in Syria, a high probability of the creation of an independent Kurdish state in the territories of Syria and Iraq, active terrorist activities of the PKK (Kurdistan Workers' Party), a frozen conflict with Greece around Cyprus and islands in the Aegean Sea.

8 UK

Compared to last year, the UK armed forces have dropped from sixth place to eighth in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world. The military budget was also cut by $2.5 billion, with the bulk of the budget spent on scientific research in the field of engineering and technology. Despite its considerable resources, it is the policy of the Ministry of Defense that British troops participate in military operations of any kind only as part of a coalition.

The Commander-in-Chief of the British Armed Forces is the British monarch, Queen Elizabeth II. The UK Armed Forces are under the control of the Defense Council of the Ministry of Defence. The main task of the British armed forces is to protect the United Kingdom and its overseas territories, ensure security and protect the interests of Great Britain, and participate in international UN peacekeeping operations and NATO operations.

The UK is believed to have around 225 thermonuclear warheads, of which 160 are operational, but the exact size of the arsenal has not been officially disclosed. Since 1998, the only component of the UK's nuclear force has been the Trident group of SSBNs. The group consists of four Vanguard-class nuclear submarines based in Faslane, Scotland. Each submarine carries up to 16 Trident II missiles, each of which can carry up to eight warheads. At least one armed submarine is always on alert.

7 South Korea

According to the constitution, all South Korean men are required to serve in the military. The conscription age ranges from 18 to 35 years. In wartime, military service is compulsory for men between the ages of 18 and 45. The duration of conscription service is from 21 to 24 months. In terms of the number of military personnel per capita, South Korea ranks second in the world after its northern neighbor, the DPRK.

The army of South Korea is almost twice as large as the army of the DPRK, but in terms of its mobilization resources it is in no way inferior to its northern neighbor. On the side of the Republic of Korea is a more than twofold superiority in population - more than 51 million according to 2015 data, against 24 million for its northern neighbor, the GDP of the Republic of Korea exceeds the GDP of the DPRK by more than 100 times, and the armed forces, although smaller in number, are armed with much more modern types of weapons and military equipment. The economic capabilities of the two Koreas today are simply incomparable.

Over the past 20 years, South Korea has created first-class armed forces that are able to successfully resist the army of almost any state. By almost all indicators, the armed forces of this country are today among the ten strongest armies in the world, especially taking into account the very high level of combat training. The armed forces also have a strong rear in the form of a powerful industrial base.

6 Japan

Unlike the UK, the Japanese army rose from eighth place in the ranking to sixth compared to last year. The Japan Self-Defense Forces is the modern name for the Japanese armed forces. Formed in 1954 from the National Security Forces created two years earlier. The main task of the Self-Defense Forces is the defense of the state, the protection of freedom and independence of Japan. The ninth article of the Japanese Constitution greatly limits the military activities of the Self-Defense Forces that are not directly related to the defense of the country.

Japan's military doctrine involves close cooperation with the United States (with which Tokyo has a military alliance), permission to use the Self-Defense Forces to protect allies, even if Japan itself was not attacked, and containment of China in the East China and South China Seas. Today, the island state is clearly seeking the right to independently oppose the DPRK.

The unresolved dispute over the Kuril Islands is a source of tension in Russian-Japanese relations. What character will this dispute take on if Japan has a full-fledged army? Given the revival of its combat power, the only deterrent to a violent invasion of the islands is Russian nuclear weapons. So the militarization of Japan cannot but worry Russia.

5 France

Fifth place is occupied by the armed forces of the French Republic. The armed forces of France are the second in size and level of equipment in Europe. At the same time, the French army is the largest on the Continent among those whose military doctrine provides for foreign military operations. In addition, it has two additional differences. Firstly, France has its own tactical and strategic nuclear weapons. Secondly, the country's armed forces have a balanced structure, including a powerful navy, and probably have the most experience in independent military operations among all EU and NATO countries.

Most of the top officials of France, starting with Charles de Gaulle, stated that nuclear weapons are the basis for the independence of the Fifth Republic in making foreign policy and strategic decisions. France was also called a “nuclear monarchy,” since decision-making on nuclear weapons issues is entirely the prerogative of the country’s president.

France is one of the founders of NATO, but from 1966 to 2009 Paris was not part of the military structure of the alliance, demonstrating its independence in military and international affairs. In the very foreseeable future, the French Armed Forces will lose the ability to conduct even very limited independent operations. This is precisely what explains the country's return to the NATO military structure. However, the capabilities of the alliance as a whole are also rapidly declining.

4 India

The Armed Forces of India is the military organization of India, intended for the defense of the Republic, the protection of the freedom and independence of the state, one of the most important instruments of political power. There is no mandatory call. India ranks first in the world in terms of arms imports and has nuclear weapons.

With 1.12 million soldiers, the Indian Army is the second largest in Asia. India, located between its traditional rivals Pakistan and China, needs a ground force capable of protecting its long territorial borders. Local insurgents operating within the country, as well as the need to conduct operations in a country of 1.2 billion people, also force India to maintain a significant military force with a large number of infantry units.

A special feature of the Indian armed forces is its very close cooperation with the Russian defense-industrial complex. The Indian Army is armed with a huge amount of military equipment and weapons produced in the Soviet Union and Russia. For example, it is not Russia that has the largest fleet of T-90 tanks in the world, but India.

3 China

The top three are opened by the People's Liberation Army of China. A noticeable geopolitical trend in recent decades has been the rapid rise of China and its gradual transformation from a regional leader into a superpower that no longer hides its global ambitions. Today, China has the second economy in the world, and it continues to grow rapidly; more than a third of world GDP growth is already provided by China.

The Chinese army is a conscript army, men are recruited to serve in the armed forces at the age of 18 and remain in the reserves until the age of 50.

China continues to increase spending on defense needs: if at the beginning of the 2000s the country spent $17 billion on the army and military-industrial complex, then in 2019 this figure reached $224 billion. In terms of military spending, China confidently ranks second, significantly ahead of Russia. China still lags behind Russia in some areas: aircraft and rocket engines, submarines, cruise missiles - but this gap is rapidly closing. Moreover, the PRC is gradually turning into a powerful player in the global arms market, confidently occupying the niche of inexpensive and high-quality weapons.

2 Russia

Second place is occupied by the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Military service in the RF Armed Forces is provided for both by contract and by conscription. Military service is regulated by Federal Law No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”. Males aged 18 to 27 years are subject to compulsory military service.

It should be noted the powerful military-industrial complex that Russia inherited from the Soviet Union. It is able to independently produce almost the entire range of weapons for the modern land army and navy. Russia is one of the largest arms exporters in the world, second only to the United States.

On March 11, 2019, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that since 2013, the number of high-precision cruise missiles in the Russian army has increased more than 30 times. Shoigu said that over the course of six years, the Russian Armed Forces also received 109 Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles, three Borei strategic missile submarines, 7 Bal and Bastion coastal missile systems and 108 submarine-launched ballistic missiles.


It is safe to say that today the US Army is the strongest on the planet. The state, which does not have a potential enemy near its borders, was able to build powerful armed forces with the most modern weapons. The American army occupies a leading position on the planet in terms of the level of funds spent on it. Thus, the 2019 military budget provided for spending $716 billion on the needs of the army, which is 3 times more than China’s defense spending and 16 times more than Russia’s.

The American army is recruited voluntarily and is based on a contract basis. American citizens or permanent residents of the United States of America who have a residence permit and have at least a secondary education are accepted for service. The minimum candidate age for military service is 18 years.

For many years, the US Army has confidently held first place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world. Americans have their military bases almost all over the world. American soldiers have the most modern military equipment at their disposal, which is updated frequently. The USA has enormous nuclear potential. The navy has 24 powerful aircraft carriers, and the state has the largest air fleet in the world, which numbers about 13,398 units.

The analysis of military power assessed the number of armed forces (5% of the total score), tanks (10%), attack helicopters (15%), aircraft (20%), aircraft carriers (25%) and submarines (25%).

The assessment determines military power solely in quantitative terms and does not take into account the actual potential of weapons and the level of training of personnel. Thus, the placement of some countries on the list may come as a surprise.

Here are the ten most powerful armies in the world.

10. Türkiye

  • Defense budget: $18.2 billion
  • Number of personnel: 410.5 thousand people
  • Tanks: 3778
  • Aircraft: 1020
  • Submarines: 13

Turkey's armed forces are among the largest in the eastern Mediterranean. Despite the lack of aircraft carriers, Türkiye is second only to five countries in the number of submarines.

In addition, Turkey has an impressively large number of tanks, aircraft and attack helicopters. The country is also involved in a joint program to develop the F-35 fighter jet.

9. UK

  • Defense budget: $60.5 billion
  • Number of personnel: 146.9 thousand people
  • Tanks: 407
  • Aircraft: 936
  • Submarines: 10

Although the UK plans to reduce the size of its armed forces by 20% between 2010 and 2018, it is powerful enough to make itself a force to be reckoned with around the world.

The Royal Navy plans to commission the aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth in 2020. Its take-off deck area exceeds 18 thousand m², and 40 F-35B strike fighters are accommodated on board.

8. Italy

  • Defense budget: $34 billion
  • Number of personnel: 320 thousand people
  • Tanks: 586
  • Aircraft: 760
  • Submarines: 6

The Italian Army ranked high on the list thanks to the presence of two active aircraft carriers. In addition to the relatively high number of submarines and attack helicopters, they significantly increased Italy's ranking.

7. South Korea

  • Number of personnel: 624.4 thousand people
  • Tanks: 2381
  • Aircraft: 1412
  • Submarines: 13

South Korea has no choice but to have a large and strong army in the face of a possible invasion from the North. Therefore, the country's army is armed with submarines, helicopters, and a large number of personnel.

South Korea also has a powerful tank force and the sixth largest air force in the world.

6. France

  • Defense budget: $62.3 billion
  • Number of personnel: 202.7 thousand people
  • Tanks: 423
  • Aircraft: 1264
  • Submarines: 10

The French army is relatively small, but well trained, professional and mobile.

The aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle most recently entered service, and France regularly participates in military operations in Africa, fighting extremism and supporting local governments.

5. India

  • Defense budget: $50 billion
  • Number of personnel: 1.325 million people
  • Tanks: 6464
  • Aircraft: 1905
  • Submarines: 15

India is one of the largest military powers on the planet. In terms of the number of personnel, it is second only to China and the USA, and in terms of the number of tanks and aircraft it surpasses all countries except the USA, China and Russia.

The country also has nuclear weapons in its arsenal. By 2020, India is expected to be the world's fourth largest defense spender.

4. Japan

  • Defense budget: $41.6 billion
  • Number of personnel: 247.1 thousand people
  • Tanks: 678
  • Aircraft: 1613
  • Submarines: 16

In absolute terms, the Japanese army is relatively small. However, she is exceptionally well armed.

Japan has the fourth largest submarine fleet in the world. There are also four aircraft carriers in service, although they are equipped only with helicopters.

In terms of the number of attack helicopters, the country is inferior to China, Russia and the United States.

3. China

  • Defense budget: $216 billion
  • Number of personnel: 2.333 million people
  • Tanks: 9150
  • Aircraft: 2860
  • Submarines: 67

Over the past few decades, the Chinese military has grown greatly in size and capabilities. In terms of personnel, it is the largest army in the world. It also has the second largest tank force (after Russia) and the second largest submarine fleet (after the United States).

China has made amazing progress in its military modernization program and is currently developing a range of unique military technologies, including ballistic missiles and fifth-generation aircraft.

2. Russia

  • Defense budget: $84.5 billion
  • Number of personnel: 766 thousand people
  • Tanks: 15,398
  • Aircraft: 3429
  • Submarines: 55

The Russian Armed Forces rank second in the world. The country has the largest tank fleet on the planet, the second largest air force (after the United States) and the third largest submarine fleet (second only to the United States and China).

Since 2008, the Kremlin's military spending has increased by almost a third. The country demonstrated its mobile capabilities by deploying a military force in Syria.

1. USA

  • Defense budget: $601 billion
  • Number of personnel: 1.4 million people
  • Tanks: 8848
  • Aircraft: 13,892
  • Submarines: 72

Despite budget sequestration and spending cuts, the United States spends more on defense than the other nine countries in the Credit Suisse index combined.

America's main military advantage is its fleet of 10 aircraft carriers. For comparison, India ranks second - the country is working on creating its third aircraft carrier.

The US also has more aircraft than any other power, advanced technology like the Navy's new high-speed gun, and a large and well-trained military - not to mention the world's largest nuclear arsenal.


Military and economic experts regularly determine the global index of military power - the Global Firepower Index, which is one of the most objective and takes into account more than 50 different indicators.

When compiling the Global Firepower (GFP) Index, not only a scrupulous count of tanks, aircraft and warships is carried out, but also the number of personnel of the army and its reserve, the level of funding of the military sphere, the country's transport infrastructure, oil production, the size of public debt and even the length of the coastal lines - in a word, all factors that can affect the combat effectiveness of the national army.

Various specialized publications also regularly rank the military power of countries using GFP data and adding their own indicators. For example, here are the 10 most powerful armies in the world according to the GFP Index, only the fleet is calculated differently.

But GFP counts navies by the number of ships, making a patrol boat equal to an aircraft carrier. Instead, it takes into account the displacement (size) of the ships.

Table of indicators of the ten most militarily powerful countries in the world

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1. USA

This is not a surprise - the US has the most powerful army in the world. America spends $577,000,000,000 a year on defense, almost four times more than China's $145 billion budget. The US is the third largest country in manpower, behind India and China, but the US air force and navy are larger than all the other countries in the table combined.

2. Russia

The United States' Cold War rival is still capable of delivering a powerful blow. Russia's high rating is largely due to the huge number of tanks and armored vehicles in general (the photo shows a new Russian one). The Russian Federation also has a large navy and, moreover, the country is one of the world's largest oil producers.

Russia ranks fourth in the number of military personnel, but their numbers are largely made up of poorly trained conscripts who serve for only a year.

Although not in GFP's calculations, Russian special forces and propaganda have shown their strength in Ukraine, where Russia is the main source of destabilization.

3. China

China has the world's second-largest military spending, the third-largest military aircraft fleet, the second-largest armored force, and the world's first largest number of military personnel.

China's special forces also took 3 of the 4 first places at the Warrior Games in Jordan in 2014.

Although military conscription formally exists in China, in reality it is very rarely used.

4. India

But India is vulnerable due to its large fuel demand relative to its small oil production.

Interestingly, India still has a camel regiment in its border troops.

5. UK

Despite having a small number of armored vehicles, aircraft and troops, the UK retains its place in the top five, with the world's fifth-largest navy and fourth-largest military budget.

British military strength is also aided by geography; the island country is difficult to attack by land forces.

6. France

France is not impressive in terms of the number of ships, aircraft and tanks, but its military-industrial complex is modern and very powerful.

Mirage and Rafale aircraft, Tiger helicopters, Leclerc tanks and the only non-US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Charles de Gaulle, provide French military strength.

France produces most of its weapons, meaning it has the ability to maintain its defenses during a protracted war.

7. South Korea

Although South Korea has the sixth-largest army, sixth-largest air fleet and eighth-largest navy, it has a relatively small military expenditure and armored corps.

Such a small country is forced to have a relatively large army due to the constant threat from North Korea, although its army is actually weaker than the numbers of its outdated equipment and soldiers trained in old methods of combat would suggest.

8. Germany

Germany ranks high in the National Interest's military strength rankings due to its strong economy, high military spending and trained military.

However, news coming out of Germany suggests that its position may be weaker than it appears on paper. It consumes far more fuel than it produces and imports gas and oil from Russia, its most likely adversary.

Germany's ability to withstand oil shortages is eroding as it transitions away from coal and nuclear power.

9. Japan

However, the Japanese Constitution limits the growth of the military and its participation in operations abroad.

10. Türkiye

The development of the military industry is a good sign for the military in Turkey. The country has a large military reserve and armored force. And a modern fleet. And Turkish weapons may be needed at any moment, since ISIS is located at the very borders of the country.

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