“We read together” project. Project "read together" Project read together in the middle group

Middle group project “Read books to children”

Subject:“Read books to children”

Project passport

Project Manager: Kotovshchikova Elena Yurievna

Problem: declining interest in reading in Russia

Relevance of the project:

This project was developed due to the particular relevance today of the problem of the young generation who does not read in our country, in particular, the decline in interest in books and reading among preschoolers. Data from a survey of parents, conversations with children, as well as the lack of a system for developing interest and love for literature in preschoolers, a lack of understanding of the importance of libraries in our lives, led to the search for new, more advanced approaches to solving this problem.

Project type: educational - creative

Duration - short-term (weekly)

Project participants: middle school children, teachers, library workers, parents (legal representatives) of pupils.

Objective of the project: to promote the formation of a sustainable interest of preschool children in books and fiction through the creation of a unified system of work between the preschool educational institution, the library and the family.


To consolidate children's knowledge about books and book illustrations. Introduce the library as a storage center for books created by writers and poets.

To increase the efficiency of introducing preschoolers to books through the interaction of all participants in the educational process: teachers, library workers, children, parents;

To develop children's interest in the library;

Contribute to the emergence of a tradition of family reading;

To improve the pedagogical culture of parents on the problem of introducing preschoolers to books;

To foster a caring attitude in preschoolers toward books as the result of the work of many people.

Promote the development of speech, memory, attention.

Hypothesis: A deeper and more detailed acquaintance with the book, the features of its creation, its repository - the library will contribute to children turning to books more often, to treating them with care, to the desire to study books, to look at illustrations, and in the future to the desire to read more books on their own.

Expected results:

Arouse children's interest in communicating with books;

To give children ideas about the importance of a library in a person’s life;

Create a bank of methodological materials on the project topic;

Replenish the development environment in the group;

To increase the competence of family members in raising a literate reader;

Establishing close cooperation between social partners: the library, teacher and parents in matters of nurturing preschoolers’ interest in books and reading.

Necessary equipment : books, reproductions of famous illustrators Yu. Vasnetsov, E. Rachevoy, E. Charushin, attributes for staging the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen”, stationery for artistic creativity

Project product: plot-role-playing game “Library”, creation of the “Book of Fairy Tales”.

Project implementation plan:

Organization of subject-spatial development environment: creation of a children's library in the group, design of the “My Favorite Fairy Tales” stand, selection of games, creation of a tabletop puppet theater from sponges “Turnip”, flat theater “Teremok”, glove theater, puppet theater “Zayushkina Izbushka” (not much?)

Educational activities:

Cognitive development: “Where did the book come to us?”, excursion to the library.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

Drawing based on Russian folk tales “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “The Pockmarked Hen”.

Modeling “Goat”, applique “Book cover” (team work)

Construction of “Forest Animals” from natural materials, manual labor to create a “Book of Fairy Tales” from children’s and parent’s illustrations and drawings

Speech development: quiz “Favorite fairy-tale hero”, d/i by r/r.

Reading Russian folk tales:

“Golden comb cockerel”, “Rabble hen”,

“Tereshechka”, “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Fox the Lapotnitsa”, “Cockerel and the Bean Seed”


  • "Who's the odd one out"
  • "Who's missing?"
  • “Which fairy tale is the phrase from?”
  • “Which fairy tales got mixed up?” (group heroes by fairy tales)
  • “Let’s come up with a new name, the end of the fairy tale”
  • “What first, what then?” or “Get the fairy tale in order and vice versa”
  • “What fairy tale is hidden?” (the picture shows bushes, from behind which only parts of animals, such as tails, stick out)
  • "Find out by contour"
  • “Put it together from parts”, “Name a fairy tale based on the subject” (for example, apple: “Geese-swans”, “Havroshechka”)
  • “Guess the fairy tale from the passage”
  • "Guess Who's Coming" (we develop hearing: children listen to musical excerpts “who goes what way”, memorize them, then listen again and name the characters)
  • "Call me kindly"
  • "To exist or not"
  • "Pick a Rhyme"
  • cut pictures “Favorite fairy tales”,
  • p/i “By the bear in the forest”, “Hares and the wolf”, “Fox in the hen house”, “The gray bunny is washing his face”.

Finger gymnastics: “Malanya”, “Book”

Pedagogical game situations: “Pantomime”

Dramatization of the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen”

S/r game "Library".

Situational conversations: “My favorite fairy tale”, “What book does my mother read to me at night”, “Who comes up with fairy tales”, “What do fairy tales teach”, “What is a “library”?”

Participation in the flash mob “Read books to children”

Labor activity “Our book got sick.”

With parents: “Family Reading” survey

excursion to the library, creation of a “Book of Fairy Tales” (drawing plots for fairy tales), participation in the international flash mob “Read Books to Children”, consultation “Family Reading”


Questionnaire for parents “Family Reading”

1. Do you have a home library? ______________________________

2. Do you read books aloud to your child at home? __________________________

3. How often do you read books to your child? _____________________________

4. What criteria do you follow when choosing children's books? ______________________________________________________________

5. What books does your child like best? _____________________

6. Do you and your child discuss the book you read? __________________

Consultation for parents

"Family Reading"

Not only in kindergarten, but also at home in the family, children must be taught to love books. There are probably no parents who would not like to teach their children to read quickly and expressively, and to instill an interest in reading, because the role of books in a person’s life is enormous. A good book is an educator, a teacher, and a friend. It is not for nothing that great people have always called for reading. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: “To educate, you need continuous day and night work, eternal reading.”

Today, when our children are just learning the basics of reading, it is necessary to help them fall in love with books, since the inability to read not only negatively affects the child’s success in learning, but also his overall development. While the child is small, adults enthusiastically read books to him. When he learned to read, they sighed with relief, hoping that now they could rest. But this is not true.

We recently conducted a survey in our group about family reading. The survey shows that only a few families practice family read-aloud. Few parents can accurately name the book they recently read to their child.

If you don’t change the current situation, then in a few years when your parents ask: “Well, how’s the book?” - the answer may well follow: “Fine.” This can be avoided if the child sees his parents reading, participates in family reading and discussion of what he read. In addition, it is necessary to accumulate experience in visiting children's libraries, where there is a special atmosphere of contact with a book.

There is no need to memorize the “primer book” by heart, but this is what, unfortunately, is done in some families. You should not read the same thing 5 or more times. Take books with large pictures and short text, use children's songs with words and syllables. The child sees both. Look at the drawings in books and try to find together what the artist really noticed and what he didn’t. Then the little reader will return to the text again, but on his own. And it’s even better to take books - nursery rhymes, in which artists deliberately contradict what is written with their drawings. In this case, the child will work very carefully with the text, repeating what he has read, even if only for the sake of looking for funny inconsistencies. Take turns reading books with your child. Two books a week is enough. A detailed consideration of the problem of reading, because it is the basis of all learning in school. We hope that the instructions we have prepared (attached) will help you overcome the difficulties that arise in your child’s work with the book.

Memo for parents:

  • Before or while reading a book, find out the meaning of difficult or unfamiliar words.
  • Ask why the child liked the work and what new things he learned from it.
  • Ask your child to talk about the main character or event.
  • What words or expressions stuck with him?
  • What does this work teach? book?
  • Invite your child to draw a picture for the most interesting passage from the book or learn it by heart.

Middle group project “Fidgets” "A book in a child's life"

Teacher Lapteva M.Yu .

Problem: Decreased interest in fiction (oral folk art) among children and parents. Relevance: Fiction serves as a means of mental, moral and aesthetic development of children. Reading books has a huge impact on the formation of literate speech, forms mental activity, teaches you to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions. When reading, a person uses the experience of predecessors. Idea: to instill in children an interest in reading, a desire to listen to fairy tales, and teach them to treat books with care. Features of the project: child-adult; creative pedagogical; cognitive and developmental; short-term, artistic and speech. Project participants: children 4-5 years old; educators; parents; librarians; children of the older group. Location: MKDOU kindergarten No. 2 “Solnyshko”, premises for the middle group.

Objective of the project: introducing into practice various forms and methods of working with literary works that help children become familiar with books. Project objectives:*enrich and activate children's vocabulary; *develop coherent speech and its expressiveness; *prepare children to perceive that a book is a source of knowledge; * cultivate high moral qualities, mercy, justice, attention to each other; *instill a love of oral folk art; * teach children how to properly and carefully handle books; *increase the degree of parental participation in the formation of children’s book culture - involve parents in joint creativity within the framework of the project.

Project implementation

1.Working with children

drawing heroes

assemble a fairy tale from cubes



fairy tale dramatizations

exchange library

book repair

make a fairy tale out of puzzles

making bookmarks

visiting the reading room

visiting the library

collaboration with the group "Pochemuchki"

open lesson “Fairytale Kaleidoscope”

meeting with fairy-tale characters

bookmarks for preparatory groups

2.Working with parents

visiting the library with children

meeting “We are a reading family”

sliding folders

book exhibition

Exhibition of drawings “Our Favorite Hero”

1. As a result of the project, children expanded their understanding of fairy tales.

2. Children learned to recognize fairy-tale characters from illustrations.

3. The children learned how to glue bookmarks for books.

4. Thematic exhibitions were organized for children.

5. The children learned how to repair books.

6. An open lesson “Fairytale Kaleidoscope” was held.

7. The children watched performances based on the works they had read, performed by the senior group “Pochemuchki”.

8. The children of the group themselves took part in performances and performances.

9. Parents of pupils got acquainted with information on nurturing a love of reading.

10.The children’s parents created a tabletop theater and took part in exhibitions.

11. Parents and children created books.

12.Children and their parents visited the city children's library.

Project implementation results

“Literary gatherings with parents” “Mom, read it!” started at MADO 162 as part of the “Read Together” project

  • Order 0b on the participation of municipal educational institutions of the city of Perm, implementing the main educational program of preschool education, in the regional project “Read TOGETHER” in the 2017-2018 academic year.
  • Order on the implementation of the project "Read TOGETHER" in MADO No. 162
  • Questionnaire for parents
  • Consultation for parents "READING FICTION IN PRESCHOOL AGE"

  • List of recommended reading materials for children (2nd junior - preparatory groups)

Dear parents!

Thank you very much for taking an active part in the survey.

In the hall of our kindergarten, on the 2nd floor, there is a mobile library. You can use her services.

Don't forget to make an entry on the form when you pick up and return the book.

Happy family reading!!!


NOVEMBER 20, 2017 there is a promotion "FIREFLY" ,

which involves organizing an evening joint

family reading a favorite children's book.

We ask you to place a lighting fixture on the windowsill,

to indicate your


Our kindergarten has begun implementing the regional project “Read TOGETHER”.

Relevance of the problem:

Over the past twenty years, the role of reading and the attitude towards it in society has changed a lot. Due to the development of the entertainment industry, computer
and Internet technologies, a decrease in interest in reading is a worldwide trend. The modern situation with reading represents a systemic crisis of reading culture. In the 1970s, 80% of families read regularly to children; today, only 7% do.

“Russia has reached the critical limit of neglect of reading, and at this stage we can talk about the beginning of irreversible processes of destruction of the core of national culture,” says the preamble of the “National Program for the Support and Development of Reading” developed by the Federal Agency
on printing and mass communications together with the Russian Book Union, for the period from 2007 to 2020. (hereinafter referred to as the Program).

The need for a book is laid down for life precisely in the first years of a child’s life. At preschool age, the little reader takes his first steps
into the world of great literature. Parents (legal representatives) and educators become guides for children. It is they who teach him to first take his first steps, speak his first words, read his first books. It is thanks to shared reading that a child from early childhood gets used to the fact that books and literature are integral components of his life, and that reading is not only necessary, but also very interesting. It largely depends on the adult whether the child will become a real reader or whether meeting a book in preschool will become a random, meaningless episode in his life.

Significance of the project "Read TOGETHER" (hereinafter referred to as the Project) is determined by a number of factors:

The child’s first encounter with a book occurs in the family (through oral stories and reading aloud). Joint family reading initially introduces a child to the world of book culture; it is the most ancient, proven way of educating a person, including as a reader, who begins to develop long before he learns the alphabet. Reading activity and reading culture are formed on the basis of listening and speaking;

Family reading prepares the child for a relationship with a book, awakens and deepens attention, and forms the need for reading. The lack of need for adults to read is a consequence of its lack of development from early childhood;

Family reading promotes early and correct mastery of native speech. The types and methods of a child’s learning are largely determined by their environment and depend on communication and its main means - the degree of mastery of speech;

Regular reading aloud from early childhood introduces the child to the reading process itself and promotes the acquisition of independent reading, determines the quality and preferences of future readers;

family reading shapes the emotional and aesthetic perception of the book. While listening, the child experiences a strong influence of the sounding word, which allows him to convey triumph, joy, sadness, sadness, joke, ridicule;

family reading develops abilities that are the basis for the perception of artistic images. Such perception is impossible without imagination, visual representations, the ability to experience the joys and sorrows of the heroes of works of art;

reading aloud is important not only for babies, but also for older children, as well as for older people (since it can serve to prevent aging, since, according to some experts, aging is the result of living without books, without reading, which stimulates active mental activity).

In the process of family reading, children learn to listen carefully, assimilate
and retell what they read, and older people feel less loneliness
and in a natural form, without moralizing or lectures, they convey their life experience to their younger ones. In addition, adults have the opportunity to observe
for the spiritual development of the child and manage it. As children grow up, they will remember being read to and will read to their children. Traditions strengthen families, and reading aloud is a wonderful tradition to follow.

Relevance of the project are:

In the revival, starting from an early age, the tradition of joint family reading;

In introducing the child to the book, to the process of reading and thinking about its contents;

In the creation of mobile libraries, including using book sharing technology (bookcrossing).

Cel and project:

1. Increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in matters of raising a child, including the popularization of family reading.

2. Assistance in the formation of a child reader.

3. Creating conditions for wide opportunities for book exchange between reading families, including bookcrossing.

Project objectives:

1. Involve children and parents (legal representatives) in reading books together.

2. Contribute to the revival of family reading traditions.

To promote interest in children's books based on the works of classics of Russian and world culture, including works by Perm writers and poets for children.

4. Create mobile libraries for children and adults, as well as the use of book crossing technology in preschool educational organizations.

Project type: practice-oriented.

Project participants: teachers, parents and children of preschool educational institutions.

Project implementation timeline: June 2017-June 2018

Type, type of project: short-term, creative pedagogical, artistic and speech.

Subject: "Children's Book Week."

Project duration: 1 week (from 03/01/2013 to 03/05/2013)

Children's age: middle group (children 4-5 years old).

Goal and objectives of the project:

— introduction into practice of various forms and methods of working with literary works that contribute to the familiarization of children with books for the development of cognitive, creative and emotional activity of children;

- reveal knowledge of children's fairy tales through various types of games;

— to involve parents in joint creativity within the framework of “Book Week”;

— to cultivate a desire for constant communication with the book and caring for it.

Preliminary work with children:

- themed design of a group room,

- addition of corners (book corner, social and moral corner, environmental corner, creativity corner, mental development corner, theater corner) with new materials (books and games from mother’s and grandmother’s childhood; books of various contents, purposes, design),

- drawing together with parents the characters of your favorite fairy tales,

- reading children's fairy tales, stories, poems,

- selection of poems and preparation of expressive reading for memorization,

- selection of illustrative material to introduce children to the artists whose works are featured in the books,

— selection of portraits of poets and writers.

Location: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 99", premises for the middle group

Attributes and inventory:

— portraits of children's writers,

— portraits of writers and storytellers,

— cut-out pictures, puzzles “My favorite fairy tales”,

- colored cardboard, colored paper, corrugated paper, self-adhesive paper, scissors, glue,

- illustrations with characters from your favorite fairy tales, stories, poems.

Project implementation stages

Before the Book Week, a developmental environment was created in the group. Exhibitions of books on the following topics were organized: “Smart Books”, “Little Books”, “Magic Fairy Tales”, “My Favorite Book”, a long-term plan of activities for continuous educational activities was drawn up; a conversation was held about the upcoming holiday.

Children and parents were given homework:

- draw your favorite characters,

- collect books at home and from friends that require repairs.

Diary of the week.

Long-term plan for holding “Book Week” in the middle group.

Project implementation

Days of the week Activities during the day Educational areas Tasks
Day one “Tili-bom, tili-bom, the cat’s house caught fire”

(Day of S.Ya. Marshak)

(the first half of the day)


*Introducing children to the works of S.Ya.Marshak;

* reading the work “Cat's House”;

* performance of the Ivanovo Drama Theater “We are playing cat and mouse”;

* a journey through the exhibition “Funny Poems” (based on the poems of S.Ya. Marshak);

* didactic game “Find the fairy tale heroes”;

* outdoor game “Mice dance in a circle.”

* Reading the poem “Fire” by S.Ya.Marshak;

* OBZh “Fire. Dangerous items";

* didactic game “You can - you can’t”;

* outdoor game “Find your house”;

* reviewing books by S.Ya.Marshak





1.Introduce children to the works of S.Ya. Marshak, to arouse interest in creativity, the desire to memorize texts and analyze the actions of the heroes. 2. Invite children to use literary material on the works of S.Ya. in various types of activities. Marshak.
Day two “Funny pictures for children”

(Day of V.G. Suteev)

(the first half of the day)


* Acquaintance with the work of V.G. Suteev;

* examination of illustrations by V.G. Suteeva to fairy tales;

* reading the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”;

* modeling “My favorite hero of the fairy tale “Under the Mushroom”;

* didactic game “Recognize the hero by description” (riddles about animals);

* outdoor game “Who can hit the fungus faster!”

* Reading the fairy tale “The Wand is a Lifesaver”;

* didactic game “Say the Word”;

* outdoor game “The gray bunny washes itself”;

* “Knizhkina Hospital” (book repair).



Reading fiction


Artistic creativity

1. Introduce children to the author and artist of the children's book V.G. Suteev.

2. In didactic and outdoor games, in creative activities, to consolidate children’s knowledge of the plots and heroes of V.G. Suteev’s fairy tales.

3. Show children how to repair books.

Day three "Doctor Aibolit"

(Day of K.I. Chukovsky)

(the first half of the day)


* Acquaintance with the works of K.I. Chukovsky;

* reading the poem “Doctor Aibolit”;

* drawing “Hospital for Animals”;

* didactic game “How to behave with a sick person?”;

* outdoor game “Confusion”.

* Game - dramatization of “Fly - Tskotuha”;

* examination of illustrations to the works of K.I. Chukovsky;

* didactic game “Help Fedora”;

* outdoor game “Who is faster?”;

* repair of “sick” books in the book corner “Knizhkina Hospital”



Reading fiction


1. Introduce children to the writer’s work, arouse interest in the literary word, and in communicating with books.

2. Learn to express your opinion about what you read, evaluate the characters, and promote the activation of coherent speech.

3. Train your memory, expand your horizons, develop speech, automate individual sounds.

4. Maintain interest in familiar works.

5. Arouse children’s interest in the works of K. Chukovsky with the help of visual means; express your attitude towards fairy-tale characters.

6. Introduce children to the writer’s work.

7. Develop creative visual abilities; promote interaction between children and adults in the process of gaming communication.

Day four “Dunno visiting the children”

(N. Nosov Day)

(the first half of the day)


* Acquaintance with the work of N. Nosov;

* mathematical game “Help Dunno”;

* “Dunno on the Moon” (sports entertainment);

* “House for Dunno and his friends” (construction);

* outdoor game “Find yourself a partner.”

* Conversation on the topic “What is a library?”;

* outdoor game “We are funny guys”;

* didactic game “Fold the picture”



Reading fiction


Artistic creativity

1. Introduce children to the works of N. Nosov. 3.Develop creative imagination, thinking, memory.

2. Teach children to create creative works based on the work they read.

4. Introduce children to the work of Ivanovo poetess S. Son.

5. Teach children to follow the rules of outdoor, board, sports, and educational games.

Day five “Visiting a fairy tale”

(Fairy Tale Day)

(the first half of the day)


* A journey through the exhibition “Fairy Tales” - examining books that differ in content, design, focus;

* performance of the Ivanovo Philharmonic “Thumbelina”;

* outdoor game “Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell”;

* didactic game “Say the Word” (riddles about fairy tale heroes)

* Didactic game “Which fairy tale is the hero from?”;

* outdoor game “Find and remain silent”;

* “Tell your favorite fairy tale” (children's stories);

* “Knizhkina Hospital” (book repair)



Reading fiction


1. Introduce different types of fairy tales.

2. Learn to recognize the characters of fairy tales, know the title and author, retell the content, express your attitude towards the heroes of the fairy tale.

3. Strengthen the ability to use means of expression (postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, movements) and different types of theaters (bibabo, finger theater, picture theater, puppet theater).

4. Improve the skills of independently choosing a fairy tale for production, dramatization, preparing the necessary attributes and scenery for the future performance, distributing responsibilities and roles among themselves.

5. To develop the creative independence and aesthetic taste of preschoolers in organizing theatrical games, in creating and conveying images, distinct pronunciation, and traditions of family reading.

6. Nurture partnerships between children, communication skills, create a joyful emotional mood, and encourage creative initiative.

Activities with parents:

1. Drawing your favorite literary characters.

2. Individual conversation “What books do they read at home”

3. Exhibition of favorite home books.

4. Replenishment of the group library.

5. Printed information for parents (“How to teach a child to love books”, “How to teach a child to read”, “12 useful tips from experienced parents and teachers on how to get children interested in books”, “Recommendations for nurturing love and interest in books”, “ So that a child loves to read. Advice from psychologist V.S. Yurkevich,” “Cultivating a love of reading using Art Therapy methods”

6. Making baby books.

Result of the project:

1. As a result of the project, children became acquainted with the work of children's writers.

2. Children learned to recognize writers and poets in reproductions and photographs.

3. The children met the illustrators of a children's book.

4. Thematic exhibitions were organized for children.

5. The children learned how to repair books.

6. The children created creative works based on the works they read.

7. The children watched performances based on the works they had read, performed by professional actors.

8. Parents of pupils got acquainted with information on nurturing a love of reading.

Fly Tsokotukha

Tatyana Ivanova

Target project:

To help parents realize the value of children's reading as effective facilities education and upbringing of preschool children

To intensify the work of parents to develop children's reading in family, to involve every parent in solving the problem of children's reading

Tasks project:

Revival of family reading traditions and development of a child’s reading culture

Introducing children and parents to book culture, raising literate reader

Cultivating a caring attitude towards books

For a while project a reading corner was organized from favorite books brought from home. Children had the opportunity to take home the book they liked to read with mom and dad.

Then the children, together with their parents, drew the houses of their favorite book characters. These drawings were collected in "Album of our drawings" for viewing. In their free time, children enjoyed looking at the creativity of their friends. group.

Thanks project In the kindergarten, a library was created in the study group, which parents and children had the opportunity to replenish with various printed publications, as well as visit it in their free time and borrow books for home reading.

During direct educational activity on modeling, children made their favorite fairy-tale characters from plasticine, on the basis of which it was organized group exhibition of children's creativity.

In the locker room groups a stand with pockets was organized by parents and teachers "We we read. Children and parents put pieces of paper in their pockets in the morning with information about books read at home. Throughout the day, teachers and children discussed read at home. The result project was the identification of the reading family. It turned out that such families in our group overwhelming majority!

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the competition “Dad, Mom, I am a reading family” HOLIDAY “Mom, Dad, I am a READING FAMILY!” Goal: To develop in children a love for books, the need for reading, and the development of culture.

“Mom, dad, I am a reading family.” Summary of the parent meeting in the form of a library competition Summary of the parent meeting in the form of a library competition “Mom, Dad, I – a reading family” Tasks: -Study the reading situation in.

Quest “Mom, Dad, I am a reading family” with children of senior preschool age state budgetary educational institution of the Samara region, elementary school “Harmony” in the town of Bezenchuk, municipal district.

Activities with parents to encourage children to read. Literary lounge “Mom, Dad, I am a reading family” Events with parents literary lounge “Mom, Dad, I am a reading family” 2018 Goal: find out how much or how little.

Project “Reading Mom” Project “Reading Mother” A child’s world begins with the family. And the habit of reading begins, first of all, in the family. A good book in the hands of parents.

Middle group project “My Family” Video Gurbanova Elena. Project. Topic: "My family." Middle group. Project goal: Expanding children's ideas about their family, pedigree, family.

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