Project activity of children of senior preschool age “Environmental protection. Methodical development on the world around (senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Ecological project "Protection of nature and the environment in the life of preschool children

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Class: 3

GOAL: to acquaint students with how a person affects nature and for what purpose the Red Book was created;


  • to develop students' knowledge about environmental protection and its significance for human life,
  • to expand students' knowledge about rare animals, plants and measures for their protection;
  • show the impact of human activities on the environment;
  • develop respect for nature

Equipment: Red book of animals and plants, presentation for the lesson.

During the classes

The bell rings, the teacher invites the students to sit with their friend at their desks.

Teacher: Do you hear? The school bell rings loudly and cheerfully. He was silent for a whole summer and missed his students very much. And today it just fills with ringing - a joyful, sonorous, school bell.

On this festive day, he invites us to the most important lesson - the Peace Lesson. What do we mean by this capacious, short and so important word? (Guys speak out).

Watching the video clip “The Wonderful World of Nature”

Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Teacher: You saw a lot of amazingly beautiful animals and plants. What do you think we will talk about in class today?

Today in the lesson we will talk about their protection.

You are right, the world is what surrounds us: grass, sun, sky, trees, birds, bugs, spiders. He is so beautiful this world: animate and inanimate nature. Be attentive and discover the amazing, mysterious, magical world that surrounds us every day. Learn to enjoy the first rays of the sun, the singing of birds, butterflies, flowers, the amazing sounds of nature or the sounds of the city: the sounds of cars, the laughter of mischievous boys and girls, and even the steps of a teacher, friends and relatives.

Creation of a problem situation.

Why do you think animals and plants need to be protected?

Finding a solution to a problem ( group work).

1. What is the importance of animals and plants in human life. (Guys speak out).

The importance of animals in human life is very great. From animals they receive food, various raw materials - leather, wool, fat - for the manufacture of clothing, shoes, medicines. Animals are used for sports, health and transport purposes. And how much joy brings communication with animals!

Plants play an important role in human life: they are food for us, sources of vitamins, material for clothing, wood serves as a building material, plants are widely used in medicine for the preparation of medicines ...

Man stubbornly searched for a means of combating weeds and plant pests. The development of science gave him such a tool - pesticides. People began to use them widely, but found that these substances destroy all living things, and besides, they are dangerous for the health of the person himself.

Children read poetry

An amazing world surrounds us all:
Raindrops are knocking and the sun is shining,
cat meows,
dog growls,
Someone wants to
And someone is yelling.

The leaves on the trees rustle in the wind,
The bird chirps, then stops.
How beautiful our world is, take care of it,
Protect it, appreciate it and love it!

Teacher: You are right! The world around us needs to be protected, to be a grateful inhabitant of Planet Earth, our country of Russia, our hometown of Tarko-Sale. If we do not take care of everything that surrounds us, then nature will punish us with floods or fires. What do you know about this hot summer? What happened in the central regions of our Motherland? In the Amur region? Who do you think is to blame? (the guys talk about the heroic struggle of people to prevent fires and floods, about the danger from a fire, matches ...).

Teacher: We often hear and see from the media about ozone holes? And what is it - “ozone holes? (free statements of children).

Teacher: When we spray air freshener, deodorant from a can, we usually do not think that we can harm the environment. These cans contain substances that, when released into the atmosphere, destroy the ozone layer. The one that protects all living things from the sun's rays. If the ozone layer is destroyed, all life on Earth will die, disappear from the face of the Earth.

Teacher: Acid rain has become more frequent. What do you guys think about this? (free statements of children).

Teacher: Acid is formed in the sky from atmospheric pollution by emissions from industrial enterprises, boilers, cars. Falling to the ground with rain, it destroys all living things.

Air, water and soil - these three components are necessary for the existence of all living beings. However, polluted air causes illness and even death. Polluted water kills fish and marine life. Plants do not grow on polluted soil. It is estimated that before the appearance of man on Earth, one species of animal disappeared in 1000 years, and now 1 species of plants and animals disappears daily. If this continues, then in a few years every hour lived by people will be marked by the death of one species.

The development of industry has led to air, water and soil pollution by production waste (radioactive waste is especially dangerous). Man has changed the earth, made it in many ways dangerous for his own health, for the future of children.

Due to the fault of people, many species of plants and animals have already disappeared or are on the verge of extinction. It has been established that from 1600 to 1970 the number of species of mammals and birds decreased by 36 and 94, respectively. In recent years, from one to ten animal species disappear daily and one plant species per week. This is more than new animals and plants appear.

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, established in 1948, took over the coordination of work to identify animal and plant species in need of priority protection measures.

What have you heard about this International Union?

On the instructions of this union, zoologists, botanists, ecologists began to study which plants and animals need help in the first place. Their lists were compiled and published in the form of a book. This was the first Red Book.

Teacher: What do you guys know about her?

In 1966, the International Red Book was published in a very unusual form. It had a red cover and multicolored pages. Endangered species, which cannot be saved without special protection measures, are placed on red sheets of paper. A declining or vulnerable species is a species that is rapidly declining in numbers. Information about them is printed on yellow paper. Rare species are found in small numbers or in limited areas and may soon disappear. They are listed on the white pages. The gray pages of the Red Book contain information about little studied and rare species. The restored species were previously in one of the first three categories, but their numbers have now been restored thanks to conservation. Information about them is printed on green sheets. On the black pages of the Red Book are listed species that will never exist on Earth. The Red Book lists animals that may disappear forever. And, if we do not protect the animals that are in the Red Book, they will die. Their salvation is impossible without special measures: prohibitions on hunting, protection in reserves, care for their reproduction.

The Red Book is called the Document of a person's conscience. Let's leaf through this book.

A student's story about a bison.

Large animal up to 3.5 meters long. Lives in small herds at an altitude of up to 2 km above sea level in forests. It feeds on cereals, herbs, branches of shrubs. Eats 40 kg of feed per day. The bison is the only wild species of large bulls in Europe that has survived to this day. For most peoples, the bison served not only as an object of hunting. This powerful beast personified the forces of nature, had a traditional cult significance, he was worshiped as one of the symbols of his native land. In total, there are less than two hundred bison left in Russia.

A student's story about a dolphin.

Black Sea bottlenose dolphin (dolphin) Body length - 230 cm. It lives in the shallow waters of the Black Sea. It feeds on fish, diving to a depth of 150 m. It feeds its cubs up to 6 months with milk.

Teacher: The Red Book is not only a distress signal, but also a program to save endangered species.

Children's stories)

The Red Book of Russia includes: ( slide show)

a) mammals (desman, marmot-baigak, etc.);

b) birds (black stork, falconiformes - osprey, golden eagle saker falcon, imperial eagle, etc.)

c) fish (common sculpin, etc.);

d) insects (Apollo butterfly, bumblebees - Armenian, unusual, steppe, etc.);

e) plants (orchids, anemone, bug thyme, etc.).

Teacher: We also published the Red Book in YNAO. The first edition of the Red Book of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug was published in 1997. It included 63 species of vertebrates, 43 species of insects, 33 species of plants, 15 species of fungi and 2 species of lichens.

The second edition of the Red Book of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug was issued in 2010 with a circulation of 500 copies.

What animals and plants are included in it? Tell us about them? ( Children's stories)

The story of the polar bear

The polar bear has been listed in the International Red Book since 1953. Since 1956, on the territory of the former USSR, hunting for it has been completely prohibited. The Arctic ice is melting, and very soon the population of polar bears may be reduced by three times!

Student's story about the Siberian Crane - white crane

Siberian Cranes are endangered. Large bird: height about 140 cm, wingspan 210-230 cm, weight 5-8.6 kg. There are no feathers in the front of the head around the eyes and beak; the skin in this place in adult birds is colored bright red. The cornea of ​​the eyes is reddish or pale yellow. The beak is long (the longest among all cranes), red, sawtooth serrated at the end. The plumage of most of the body is white, except for the black flight feathers of the first order on the wings. The legs are long, reddish-pink. In young Siberian Cranes, the front of the head is pale yellow; the plumage is brownish-red, with pale spots on the neck and chin. Occasionally there are white young Siberian Cranes with red spots on the back, neck and sides. The eyes of the chicks are blue for the first six months, then turn yellow.

Teacher: Every year there are less and less untouched corners of nature on Earth. In order to preserve typical or rare areas of nature with all kinds of plants and animals, the state declares them reserves.

- What are nature reserves?

The territory of the reserve will forever remain in its natural form, and our descendants will be able to see nature here in all its beauty and richness. Reserves are, first of all, scientific laboratories in nature. Here, scientists explore the complex laws of nature, not changed by man. There are about 155 nature reserves in our country.

What nature reserves do you know?

The first nature reserve on the territory of Russia - the Barguzinsky nature reserve - was founded on January 11, 1917 on the territory of Buryatia. In the future, the list of protected areas has expanded. The oldest reserves, in addition to Barguzinsky, are Astrakhansky (1919), Ilmensky (1920) and Caucasian (1924). The last to be included in the list were the reserves “Erzi” (2000), “Kologrivsky forest” (2006). In 2012-2020, it is planned to create 11 new reserves, 2 of them (Ingermanlandsky and Shaitan-Tau) in 2012.

The total area of ​​nature reserves in Russia is more than 340 thousand km2, which is comparable to the territory of Finland. The largest of the Russian reserves are Galichya Gora (both less than 50 km 2). Most of the reserves are located on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk (7), Primorsky (6) and Khabarovsk (6) regions.

For example, the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve is located between the cities of Sochi and Maikop. It occupies the lands of the Krasnodar Territory, the Republic of Adygea and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic of the Russian Federation. It was created in 1924 to protect typical natural complexes of the Northwestern Caucasus.

Teacher: So why do people continue to use nature, although they understand that it is in danger? Maybe it's better to stop all factories, plants, turn the Earth into one big nature reserve? ( Children's statements).

How should nature be treated so that it does not perish?

The Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 58 says: “everyone is obliged to preserve nature and the environment, to take good care of natural resources.” And what can you do to protect your native nature, you children? (Children's answers.)

First of all, it is necessary to observe the rules of behavior in the forest, in the meadow, on the river. Let's repeat these rules. (slide show)

Creative task in groups “Think up and draw your own sign”.

Imagine that you are a member of a conservation society. What kind of animal welfare sign would you create? Draw this sign. (discussion, presentation)

Lesson Summary: At the end of the lesson, I would like to read you this appeal-call:

Take care of these lands, these waters,
Even a small bylinochku loving.
Take care of all the animals inside nature!
Kill only the beasts within you!

We all must remember the words of the Russian writer M.M. Prishvin: “Fish needs clean water - we will protect our reservoirs. There are various valuable animals in the forests, steppes, mountains - we will protect our forests, steppes, mountains. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a homeland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland!

Reflection: Why did we need this lesson with you? Try to start your answer with the words: Today in the lesson of the world around me ...

Teacher: Thanks for the lesson!

List of sources.

When you think about the many environmental problems facing the modern world, what ways of solving them come to your mind? Perhaps you're thinking about the latest warnings from scientists about global warming, endangered animal and plant species, deforestation, or air and water pollution. Of course, the list of environmental threats is endless, and your children have no doubt already learned about many of them at home or at school.

For many adults, it can be intimidating to study scientific data detailing the state of environmental conservation. How to teach your children the importance of caring for the environment and not put into them the idea of ​​the inevitable end of the world and universal catastrophe? To begin, encourage your children to look at what your family and friends can do to protect the environment. If you help your children take care of environmental protection from a very early age, they will be able to see that their actions actually make a difference, and if they act together with other people, they can play an important role in changing and improving the whole world.

This article provides simple, easy-to-do activities for kids to incorporate into your daily schedule that will help them manage their environment responsibly.

save water

Did you know that one person consumes, on average, about 200 liters of water per day? You might guess that people use more water in the bathroom than in any other room in the house, or that a dripping faucet can spill up to 7,500 liters of water a year. But while you are most likely aware of these statistics, your children probably have no idea how much water is wasted every day.

How to teach children to save our water resources? Consider the following suggestions:

  1. when brushing your teeth, washing your face or washing your hands, turn off the water, and do not pour it constantly;
  2. make it a rule to reduce the time spent in the shower (use a timer if necessary);
  3. if it is the children's turn to do the dishes, don't let them pour water all the time when they are soaping or rinsing the dishes;
  4. if you ask children to mop garden paths, give them a mop, not a hose;
  5. have your children water the plants early in the morning in spring and summer to avoid evaporation and therefore use less water;
  6. do not throw garbage into the toilet, because in this case you have to drain the water every time.

Waste recycling

In all likelihood, your bins are much lighter now than they were a few years ago. Today, recycling bins are already in many cities, and most homes also have garbage cans with such waste, which are taken away by special cars once a week.

Your children may also have taken part in school recycling programs and World Environment Day (celebrated annually around the world on June 5), which promote environmental protection. Maybe they even help their family collect and recycle aluminum cans and plastic bottles and get paid for it. Since recycling has become so widespread in recent years, what else can be done to reduce environmental pollution?

Reduce Waste

Perhaps the simplest thing your family can do in the first place is to reduce the amount of garbage you produce. Because the handful of garbage that each individual produces adds up to huge mountains of universal garbage, and reducing the amount of your personal garbage can have a significant impact on the environment. The following ideas will help you:

  1. save paper, write letters and do homework on both sides of the paper;
  2. make a stack of note paper that your kids can use for their drafts - it helps to use the paper twice;
  3. when preparing dinner, use reusable dishes;
  4. encourage children to use reusable containers rather than plastic bags, wrapping paper or aluminum foil;
  5. put clipped grass, leaves and food scraps in your garden compost pit instead of throwing them out with the garbage, which will also reduce the amount of garbage sent to city landfills;
  6. buy things made from recycled paper and other recycled materials;
  7. show your children how much packaging material is wasted when you buy individually wrapped items, instead of taking large packages and then portioning your purchases into reusable containers;
  8. buy rechargeable batteries and other devices that are ultimately less harmful to the environment and last much longer than conventional batteries;
  9. if you're in a store and you're shopping for something small, put it in your pocket, purse, or other shopping bag instead of asking for a separate bag for it;
  10. Bring along a reusable shopping bag that your family can use for weeks on end, or just a shopping bag.

Reuse of old things

Old unwanted clothes, toys, or household items can get a second or even third life if they are misused. For example, an old tire can make a great garden bed, and torn clothes can be used as a rag. Parts of broken toys can be given new life as craft material. You can also donate a still useful item to a charitable society.

Recycling outside the home

Many people carefully collect garbage at home and completely forget about it outside of it. For example, what do you do with empty plastic bottles and soda cans? Do you dispose of them in a recycling bin if there is one nearby? Or just send it to the trash?

Remind your children that all they need to do is make sure the jar or bottle is empty, put it in their backpack, and then throw it in the recycling bin at home. You can also consult with the administration of gardens and parks in your city if it is possible to place such containers in areas of heavy urban traffic. Some gardens and parks and beaches already have special containers for plastic bottles and metal cans.

Reducing air pollution, slowing down global warming

If your kids are in middle or high school, they may have already been taught about global warming in class. While it may seem like only governments and big businesses can do anything to reduce emissions, there are some things you and your family can do, not to mention that it will help you at the same time. and save money. For example, you could offer your children the following:

  1. If you need to get somewhere, walk, bike, or take a bus instead of driving. Maybe you live close enough to the school that your kids can walk to it? Can you arrange with neighbors to take turns delivering children by car? Can your kids go to visit a friend on foot or ride a bike instead of using a car?
  2. Save electricity (turn off the TV, lights, radio and other electrical appliances when not in use).
  3. Help conserve energy and raw materials by recycling, reusing and reducing the amount of food consumed.
  4. Plant trees and other plants to help absorb excess carbon dioxide (they also provide shade and wind protection, which helps keep houses more or less at a constant temperature and therefore reduce energy costs for heating or cooling them).

Less effort - more results

Our small daily actions in a variety of ways can have a significant positive impact on the environment. To get your kids thinking about the environment all the time, let them see everything you do to protect it day in and day out and explain why you're doing it. For example, children may not understand why using energy efficient lamps or a power lawnmower is better for the environment until you explain it to them. Show your children that you don't litter and explain the impact pollution has on the environment. Do not throw away unnecessary things, but give them to charities. Stay up to date on conservation projects in your area, and you might be able to plant a tree or clean up trash at a local park with your kids.

Objective of the project: promotion of environmental education and the formation of environmental culture of preschool children.

Project objectives:

  • increasing the ecological culture and responsibility of the younger generation for the state of the environment;
  • fostering a careful, environmentally oriented attitude towards the environment and natural resources through the artistic word.



There is a balance in nature

It cannot be broken.

This is very important in life.

For you and me.

What would be the balance

It is necessary with you, us, friends

Do not throw away waste

And don't pollute the seas.

Less car driving

And let the smoke out of the factories

So as not to fly in the atmosphere

And they didn't make holes.

Less wrappers, papers

You throw it on the street!

Train in yourself, you, dexterity:

Get right into the urn.

And when you want to throw

You are not a piece of paper in the basket,

You think about nature

We still have to live here!

Let's save

We live in the same family

We sing in one circle

Walk in one line

Fly in one flight.


Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow.

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing

The fate did not befall.

Let's save

On the rods - sturgeon.

Killer whale in the sky

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe

We are the same air.

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's take our souls

Let's save together

Then we are on earth

And let's save ourselves!

What have we done in the twentieth century!

What happened to the ecology of the earth.

Forests were burned, rivers were clogged.

We could not have done this.

Could not spoil the internal waters,

Man could get along with nature.

Could not build factories in cities,

How are we to live in the next century?

Live without man-made disasters,

And without the risk of dying in the smoke.

With harmless water for the body...

Listen, people, to my word


Save the living from extinction

We need to comprehend one rule.

We need to protect the environment.

Protect the environment

Take care, guys, nature, -

And flowers, and trees, and a meadow,

And animals, and soil, and water,

After all, nature is our reliable friend.

On Sunday, with mom and dad, we will go for a walk in the forest.

We will collect mushrooms and berries, we will run and play,

And when we get tired of playing, we will want to eat a little.

We will get all the supplies, bake potatoes in a fire.

We will carefully collect all the garbage in a large bag,

And in the fire we will cover each and every ember with sand.

One day my daughter asked me:

“Mom, where does the earth come from under us,

Water, birds, sky and air around?

All this, dear, nature. Nature is our friend.

And again, the little girl asked me:

"And who protects nature from evil?"

All people in whose heart there is light, kindness.

Then I remembered a case from my life ...

Once in the garden, we grew a flower,

And Pasha, a neighbor, tore off the petal.

Suddenly, Vitya saw, and also plucked.

Our flower did not last long, it stood in the garden.

He died from the fact that his petals,

The boys plucked and did not save.

The grasshopper does not jump, the nightingale does not sing.

There is no flower in the garden, and there are no children there.

After all, it's boring to walk on an empty earth for us,

When there is no beauty on it!

It is impossible in the world to destroy, burn and litter,

Let's be friends

And care to bring up in children!

Then it's not scary, he will live,

All of us in this world!


Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches

Birds learn to sing.

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truth.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness

And for all the magnitude

Teaches modesty.

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people.

They teach strong friendship.


Nature itself heals

Nature itself heals

In the air you

Let's go fishing

Take me with you.

What are the beauties

Can't describe with a pen

Learn a little

To become an artist.

I'll sit by the river

And I'll catch bream

Without any medicine

I will become healthier!

(Mark Lvovsky)

Man (poem)

There are many miracles in the world

The man is the most wonderful of them all.

But he only loved himself

And destroyed nature.

He couldn't understand

That nature is our Mother!

Forests are cut down, rivers are polluted,

And we no longer like the water in our river

Now there are no animals in the forests,

Man is the most important of all!

He couldn't resist

This was his vice.

Why can't he

Live calmly and wisely?

protect, love, appreciate,

Appreciate all nature!

And now we see

Forests without birds, and lands without water...

Less and less nature

More and more environment.

(Victoria Kish, Natalia Osmak)



Ecological project "Protection of nature and the environment in the life of preschool children"

Objective of the project: promotion of environmental education and the formation of environmental culture of preschool children.

Project objectives:

  • increasing the ecological culture and responsibility of the younger generation for the state of the environment;
  • fostering a careful, environmentally oriented attitude towards the environment and natural resources through the artistic word.



On pollution (poem)

There is a balance in nature

It cannot be broken.

This is very important in life.

For you and me.

What would be the balance

It is necessary with you, us, friends

Do not throw away waste

And don't pollute the seas.

Less car driving

And let the smoke out of the factories

So as not to fly in the atmosphere

And they didn't make holes.

Less wrappers, papers

You throw it on the street!

Train in yourself, you, dexterity:

Get right into the urn.

And when you want to throw

You are not a piece of paper in the basket,

You think about nature

We still have to live here!

Let's save

We live in the same family

We sing in one circle

Walk in one line

Fly in one flight.



Let's save

Chamomile in the meadow.

Water lily on the river

And cranberries in the swamp.

Oh how mother nature

Be patient and good!

But so that her dashing

The fate did not befall.

Let's save

On the rods - sturgeon.

Killer whale in the sky

In the taiga wilds - a tiger.

Kohl is destined to breathe

We are the same air.

Let's all of us

Let's unite forever.

Let's take our souls

Let's save together

Then we are on earth

And let's save ourselves!


How to live in the XXI century? (poem)

What have we done in the twentieth century!

What happened to the ecology of the earth.

Forests were burned, rivers were clogged.

We could not have done this.

Could not spoil the internal waters,

Man could get along with nature.

Could not build factories in cities,

How are we to live in the next century?

Live without man-made disasters,

And without the risk of dying in the smoke.

With harmless water for the body...

Listen, people, to my word



So that humanity does not die from gases,

Save the living from extinction

We need to comprehend one rule.

We need to protect the environment.

Protect the environment

Take care, guys, nature, -

And flowers, and trees, and a meadow,

And animals, and soil, and water,

After all, nature is our reliable friend.


We'll go to the forest (poem)

On Sunday, with mom and dad, we will go for a walk in the forest.

We will collect mushrooms and berries, we will run and play,

And when we get tired of playing, we will want to eat a little.

We will get all the supplies, bake potatoes in a fire.

We will carefully collect all the garbage in a large bag,

And in the fire we will cover each and every ember with sand.


"Flower of the Earth" (poem)

One day my daughter asked me:

“Mom, where does the earth come from under us,

Water, birds, sky and air around?

All this, dear, nature. Nature is our friend.

And again, the little girl asked me:

"And who protects nature from evil?"

All people in whose heart there is light, kindness.

Then I remembered a case from my life ...

Once in the garden, we grew a flower,

And Pasha, a neighbor, tore off the petal.

Suddenly, Vitya saw, and also plucked.

Our flower did not last long, it stood in the garden.

He died from the fact that his petals,

The boys plucked and did not save.

The grasshopper does not jump, the nightingale does not sing.

There is no flower in the garden, and there are no children there.

After all, it's boring to walk on an empty earth for us,

When there is no beauty on it!

It is impossible in the world to destroy, burn and litter,

Let's be friends

And care to bring up in children!

Then it's not scary, he will live,

All of us in this world!



Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches

Birds learn to sing.

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and in the garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truth.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness

And for all the magnitude

Teaches modesty.

Nature all year round

Need to be trained.

Us trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people.

They teach strong friendship.



Nature itself heals

Nature itself heals

In the air you

Let's go fishing

Take me with you.

What are the beauties

Can't describe with a pen

Learn a little

To become an artist.

I'll sit by the river

And I'll catch bream

Without any medicine

I will become healthier!

(Mark Lvovsky)


Man (poem)

There are many miracles in the world

The man is the most wonderful of them all.

But he only loved himself

And destroyed nature.

He couldn't understand

That nature is our Mother!

Forests are cut down, rivers are polluted,

And we no longer like the water in our river

Now there are no animals in the forests,

Man is the most important of all!

He couldn't resist

This was his vice.

Why can't he

Live calmly and wisely?

protect, love, appreciate,

Appreciate all nature!

And now we see

Forests without birds, and lands without water...

Less and less nature

More and more environment.

(Victoria Kish, Natalia Osmak)

Parents should make every effort to ensure that the protection of nature for children is one of the main tasks in their lives. Protecting the environment for children may seem like a trifle at first glance, but the consequences of mistreatment of nature can

If you go outside today and look around, you can see a huge amount of garbage lying on the roads. And who is to blame for this? And we ourselves are to blame. Each of us, walking down the street, can throw out a piece of paper or something else, and someone can throw out a whole bag of garbage without reaching the trash can. Of course, it's just terrible. Our planet Earth is just mired in a pile of garbage.

taking it to the trash can. Of course, it's just terrible. Our planet Earth is just mired in a pile of garbage. In addition to household waste, various industrial wastes, which factories and enterprises simply dump in huge quantities, fell to its share.

Many attribute the situation that is happening to our planet to the low culture of people, as well as to poorly developed laws. But is this an argument?

First of all, you need to start with yourself, and only then go into the more global scale of this problem. The fact that we act badly towards the environment is also seen by our children, who then act according to our example.

Therefore, parents should do everything to ensure that the protection of nature for children comes first. Start by letting your child know that throwing trash out on the street is bad. You need to start small, and later it will bring big results. After all, if you recall the words of one well-known proverb, then purity will not be where they clean, but where they do not litter. And indeed it is.

In order for the environment to be at least a little cleaner, each of us needs to take care of it. Even at home, you can make the environment cleaner. Here, for example, we all throw garbage into garbage bags, and they themselves are capable of harming nature, although they store garbage.

What to do, where then to put the garbage if the packages are harmful? Already today, special bags for BIO garbage have been developed, which are absolutely safe for the environment. Environmental protection for children should be part of the school curriculum in order to develop in them a sense of responsibility for the natural environment. Do not forget about such a thing as subbotniks. Many schoolchildren practice this activity quite well, and this is very good. Who, if not us, will restore order and cleanliness on the street? Teach yourself and your child to follow the rules of dealing with nature, which would become the same habit as, say, washing your hands after returning home or brushing your teeth in the morning. We need to protect and preserve our planet.


Be careful with water, do not spill it in vain. Turn off the faucet whenever possible, such as when brushing your teeth or lathering your hair. If funds allow, get a dishwasher. Water consumption will immediately become more economical, which will also have a positive effect on your budget.

Save energy: Turn off lights and appliances when you leave home. Replace incandescent light bulbs with energy saving ones. Do not forget to pull out all kinds of chargers from outlets after using them, because even when not connected to appliances, they continue to consume electricity.

Use environmentally friendly materials. Ditch the plastic bags, get a canvas shopping bag. Give preference to disposable tableware made of cardboard. Buy organic products. This not only contributes to the protection of the environment, but also has a positive effect on your health.

Take good care of paper, because so many trees are cut down for its production. Use electronic media whenever possible. Print on both sides of the paper. Carefully look through unnecessary notebooks, notepads, sheets, there are probably still blank areas that can be reused for notes. Buy recycled paper products. Take unnecessary newspapers and magazines to waste paper collection points, you can find out about their location using various Internet resources. Help nature - plant a tree.

Always clean up after yourself: do not throw candy wrappers, papers and other waste on the street. Teach your children to protect the environment from an early age. When going out into nature, make sure that the place where you had a good time is left clean and tidy after you leave.

Handle used batteries responsibly. Do not throw them away, but take them to special collection points. Batteries contain toxic metals, which, released at the city dump, end up in the soil over time, causing enormous harm to the environment and human health. Unnecessary or damaged mercury thermometers should also be immediately taken to recycling.

Automobile exhaust gases pollute the air very strongly, this problem is especially acute in large metropolitan areas. Give preference to walking, if possible, do not use a private car without special need. Thus, you will at least slightly reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and a walk in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect on your health.


  • portal; Informative; 10 simple steps to protect nature.

Does every person think about the fact that he not only saves his money by saving water, but also contributes to the conservation of wildlife? Let's take an average city on the planet with a population of 1-2 million people. If each of its inhabitants saves 10 liters of water per day, then this amount of water will make a lake 1 km in diameter and 5 meters deep! And if you use the following tips, you can certainly save even more. Then drinking water will be consumed more slowly, and wastewater will accumulate more slowly.


If your home has dripping faucets, fix them or replace them with new ones. Each faulty faucet can drip from 30 to 200 liters of water per day. Fix problems as they occur.

When shaving or brushing your teeth, do not keep the water open. To brush your teeth, it is better to pour water into a glass. So you save up to 15 liters per minute. Do not keep the faucet open all the time while washing dishes. If your bathtub has two compartments, wash the first compartment (filled with water) with it closed, and pour water into the second compartment for the final rinse of the dishes. So you will not only reduce water consumption by 3-5 times, but also save dishwashing detergent.

There are also water flow regulators that are installed on mixers in order to fix the flow of water. So you can make the water pressure exactly what you need.

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  • Isn't it harmful to store drinking water in plastic five-liter bottles?

Every year, prices for everything are rising, including utility bills. We have to save on everything. If you save water, you get a fairly large amount for the year, settled in your wallet, it can be spent on the needs you need. So how do you save water?


The first thing to do to save water is to buy cold and hot consumption. Then you will no longer be able to calculate the consumption of cold and hot water, as well as general sewage. Consuming these services at fixed prices results in great savings. The cost of installing a metering device will pay off within a year.

When washing in the shower, turn off the water supply when soaping and turn it on when rinsing.

Wash potatoes in a bowl.

Brush your teeth with the faucet turned off. Even better, pour water for rinsing your teeth into a glass.

You can save water when watering the cottage by collecting rainwater in containers by lowering the drain drain from the roof into the water tank. For the first watering, when there are no doges yet, pour into a container.

By following these simple tricks, you will significantly save your family budget.

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water need to save. First, this way you can save some money on your water bills. All over the world, millions of people suffer from a lack of water for household needs, not to mention drinking water. Therefore, we urge you: save water, especially since you do not need to make titanic efforts for this. Just follow the simple rules and accustom yourself to small restrictions, not only at home, but also in the country or in a country house.


Do not waste water. Before you start rinsing vegetables under running water, first wash them in a basin. And it is better to pour plants with dirty water from it. Just wait until the water has cooled to room temperature. You can water it with water collected after rain. Most owners whose plots are not equipped with running water know this method. It is a pity that they often forget about it after laying water pipes.

Grow plants in your garden that are adapted to the local climate. They require minimal watering and maintenance. This means that less water will flow.

Water your plants late at night or early in the morning when it's still cool. During the time, evaporation is minimal, as is the total water consumption for irrigation. In addition, vegetation will absorb water better. If something is covered for a while, evaporation can also be reduced.

Do not wash garden paths with a hose. It is better not to be lazy, sweeping the paths with a broom and periodically spraying them with water to reduce dust. The locking tip on the hose also contributes to savings. Now while you go to the faucet to turn off the water, it does not flow in vain.

Buy a pitcher or other container for water (preferably with a filter). Then you do not have to drain the water on a hot summer day, waiting for the cold to go. You can take a jug out of the fridge and freshen up.

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Many people think that maintaining a pool is fun. It is the pool that can bring many health benefits. As with any pleasure, the pool also has to spend a lot of money. The point is that you need to maintain the state of water in suitability. There are several types of filtering for this purpose.


One of the main parts of the pool is the filtration system. It is thanks to her that the water in the pool can remain clean and transparent for a long time. Efficient water treatment is achieved through recirculation and filtration. Quite often in water subjected to chemical treatment. For effective water care, physical as well as chemical treatment is extremely important.

Water filtration must be done daily, regardless of whether the pool is in operation or not. Filtration times may vary. It all depends on how long it takes for the entire volume of water in the pool to pass through the filter unit 3 times. If the water temperature in the pool is above 25 degrees or mild chemicals are used, then it is necessary to increase the water filtration time.

The pool equipment must include a skimmer, water return nozzles, a bottom drain, and a water level regulator. It is these elements that are mandatory complementary filter installation.

The skimmer is the main equipment of any pool. It is also called a "water scavenger". It is a plastic or metal tank through which water flows from the surface of the pool into the filter unit. Depending on the size of the pool, several skimmers can be installed. The type of skimmer completely depends on the method of waterproofing the pool.

Currently, there are built-in and mounted skimmers. The hinged one is located inside the bowl. They are simply hung on the side of the pool. This type is used in cases where it is not possible to install built-in skimmers. The mounted skimmer has a return pipe for the water outlet from the filter unit. In other words, water leaves the pool through it, and then returns to it. The built-in skimmer mounts directly into the pool wall. It is made of plastic or stainless steel.

Water is the most important liquid on earth. It is in the composition of every organism, and every organism uses it in its life. We all depend on water, but the trouble is that every year the reservoirs become dirtier, subject to the negative effects of the environment. How to protect water necessary for life, from pollution?


Do not use environmentally harmful detergents. A lot of pollution comes to water bodies from domestic sewage. The artificial detergents we use cause a lot of harm to the environment, including water. Therefore, try to use only those products that have a mark on the packaging - environmentally friendly.

When going to nature (for a picnic, barbecue, camping, etc.), do not throw garbage into water bodies. This debris remains in the water, dissolves and becomes another pollutant. Always take your rubbish with you and dispose of it in an approved place.

Returning to nature outings - do not wash clothes in rivers or lakes with powder or other detergents. In open water bodies there is no treatment plant system, so all these chemicals remain in the water, harming the living organisms living in it and the people themselves who want to swim. Take care of the cleanliness of reservoirs!

Don't waste clean water. Save water, turn it off when brushing your teeth or when you no longer need it, fix leaky faucets. Remember, the more clean water we have, the less dirty water we have.

Try to use only environmentally friendly products in everyday life. This applies not only to its disposal - factories and plants that produce such things guarantee that no harm was done to nature when creating environmentally friendly products. Remember the terrible pollution x water industrial facilities and try to support only those industries that do not harm the environment.

Elementary - save electricity. It would seem that there is no relationship between water and light, but this is far from being the case. Turning off the light, computer or TV, you save electricity produced by hydroelectric power plants, which are also one of the main sources pollution water.


  • how to save water

Utility bills are a significant item of expenditure for a modern person. Especially a lot of money is spent on paying bills for water. Can you cut spending? You can, if you know simple ways to save money.

You will need

  • - good plumbing
  • - nozzle-sprayer,
  • - cap for the sink.


Close the faucet tightly. The ocean is made up of drops, and even insignificant, in your opinion, leaks can result in extra 200-400 liters in utility bills. It is also in your interest to repair any faulty faucets.

Monitor the condition of the toilet cistern. A leaking tank, as well as a loosely closed tap, contributes to the loss of up to half a cubic meter of water per day. People spend on average about 5 cubic meters of water per month (!), so you can calculate for yourself.

Use sink plugs when washing dishes, brushing your teeth, or shaving. To wash dishes, fill a sink full of water, lather any dirty utensils and rinse in the sink. Then fill the sink again and finish rinsing the dishes. And in order to rinse your mouth, a glass of water is enough. These measures will allow you to reduce water consumption several times. A dishwasher will also help save on water consumption. But use the washing machine and dishwasher only when fully loaded. If you wash by hand, then to rinse the laundry, dial water in a bath or basin.

Try to prioritize showering over bathing. This reduces water consumption by 5-7 times. By choosing a shower diffuser with a smaller hole diameter, you also save water and your money. And installing spray nozzles on faucets will significantly reduce utility bills.

Do not train your pet to drink running water. water. Water in a bowl has the same properties as running from a tap.


Do you follow all the tips to save water, and the payments are still the same? The fact is that utilities calculate water consumption as an average for the entire house. In this case, you pay not only for yourself, but also for your neighbor. Put meters on the water and feel the real savings.

Useful advice

Choose lever mixers. With the help of such mixers it is easier to achieve the optimal water temperature. This reduces water consumption and saves your family budget.


  • Smart Housekeeping Tips from Greenpeace

Environmental issues concern everyone. Now that people can see with their own eyes how detrimental human activity affects nature, interest in the problems of the planet has increased dramatically. Respect for the environment and the rejection of some "bad" household habits is a contribution that everyone can make.


Use energy saving lamps. Replace the lamps at least in the pantry, utility room,. Scientists have calculated that if every home were to replace at least one incandescent lamp with a fluorescent, energy-saving one, the level of the environment would decrease in the same way as 1 million cars off the world's roads.

Don't start with rinsing. If you are used to first rinsing dirty dishes with running water and only then applying detergent, then skip this step. This will help you save up to 20 liters of water every time you stand by the sink. Only turn on the water to rinse dishes and cups that have already been coated with detergent or .

Give away bottles. This is not at all the prerogative of people without a fixed place of residence, but a conscious step towards saving the planet. It will take about a million years for a discarded bottle to be naturally “recycled”. Thanks to the recycling of raw materials by glass factories, air pollution is reduced by 20%, and water pollution by all 50%.

Choose diapers. Diapers make life easier by freeing them from constant washing and ironing. However, for the first time, when the baby still does not know how to use the potty, he manages to stain several thousand absorbent panties. And this is more than 3 tons of poorly processed waste.

Save water! Before brushing their teeth, most people mindlessly turn on the faucet. However, at the moment when you are using a toothbrush in your mouth, water is absolutely not needed. Moreover, dentists spend at least minutes on this morning procedure. By turning on water only when you really need it, you can save 7,300 liters of water a year.

Turn off the lights, even if you leave the room for five minutes. In addition, try not to turn it on at all during daylight hours: read, write, do needlework, sitting by the window. Daylight is much healthier for the eyes than artificial light.

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Unlike the first half of the 20th century, now every schoolchild knows that the environment needs to be taken care of. Most people assume that this is the work of special environmental organizations that are paid money for this. However, it is not. Only if each person begins to take care of their habitat, it will be possible to save a beautiful and clean planet.


You may not even realize how much you can do to protect the environment. If you are determined to protect the environment, first accustom yourself to elementary order. Do not throw away cigarette butts and pieces of paper past the bin, sort garbage into categories, give waste for recycling - plastic, glass, batteries.

Keep track of how much water you consume. Remember: the lower this figure is, the cleaner the lakes and rivers in your region will be. Don't forget to turn off the water when brushing your teeth, try showering rather than bathing, and turn off the water or reduce the pressure while you lather your body.

Take part in subbotniks, because several dozen people can do much more than one. You can plant a park or square with the whole team. It will be a great contribution to the protection of the environment.

Participate as a volunteer in projects organized by organizations that protect the environment. You can find out about the organization of such projects and the search for volunteers on the organizations' websites (for example, go to the Greenpeace Russia website). These can be both projects to protect local flora or fauna, as well as large international projects. Participation in such actions will be not only beneficial for the environment, but also interesting for you.

Try to use personal vehicles as little as possible, and to walk or ride a bike more. This is good for both the environment and your body.

Tell your loved ones about the need to protect the environment. After all, the more people remember to turn off the water and carry garbage for the bin, the cleaner and better the world will become. Pay special attention to raising children. Explain to your children the need for certain actions aimed at preserving the environment, do not hesitate to tell strangers throwing garbage why this should not be done.

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There are much more bodies of water on the planet than land. Approximately three-quarters of the globe is covered by oceans, and only a quarter remains dry land. Maybe this land should be protected? But the fact is that almost all the water on Earth is salty. There are very few reservoirs with fresh water suitable for drinking. In addition, the ecological situation is deteriorating every year, so the quality of fresh water deteriorates, and its quantity is steadily decreasing.

Water is one of the most essential substances for all living things. The body consists of water more than half. Plants also need this life-giving fluid. Compare a dry leaf and a green one: a dry leaf is almost nothing compared to a living one, because there is no more moisture in it.

Man cannot live without water. But besides him, there are other living beings who cannot live without water either. Animals and birds, trees and mushrooms, and even many - everyone needs water. Without water, according to scientists, a representative of mammals will not last even 10 days. Every day, people consume several liters of water, not necessarily in the direct form, but it is found in food and drinks.

There are many places on Earth where, despite the proximity of oceans and seas, fresh water is practically worth its weight. There are islands on which there are no water bodies. Water is brought there from other places, and it is expensive. The life of entire settlements depends on the supply of life-giving moisture.

Every polluted body of water, even located far from a city or village, still poses a danger. Water from it evaporates, forms clouds and falls as precipitation to the surrounding areas. The so-called acid rains, when water mixed with chemical waste from various industries falls on the ground, are no longer a rarity. They are a danger to all living things, as well as to other bodies of water.

There is an Uzbek proverb: drop by drop - it forms, and if it doesn’t drip, then a desert forms. Saving water and reservoirs is the same as protecting life on the planet, taking care of the beauty and prosperity of the world, in which not only people, but also many other living beings.

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Two or three decades ago, the situation when people have to drink bottled water could only be found in the works of science fiction writers or in nightmares. Now it is a reality, bottled water no longer surprises anyone. Try to remember when was the last time you drank truly pure water from a natural source? Many people find it difficult to answer this question, as there are fewer and fewer clean reservoirs.

Water covers more than two-thirds of the Earth's surface. It was in water that life originated. It is in it that she, perhaps, will die in the first place ...

The Earth's hydrosphere is rapidly becoming polluted. In industrialized regions, it is already difficult to find a source from which you can safely. But even a hundred years ago, almost all the rivers of Russia were crystal clear. The rapid development of industry, the emergence of cities with a population of millions of people, in the absence of concern for the prevention of environmental pollution, has led to the fact that in a hundred years many rivers have turned into sewers. If you take a water sample in the Astrakhan region, then almost all of Mendeleev will be present in it. As a result of the decline in industrial production in the nineties, the situation improved somewhat, but still remains very difficult.

Water is the basis of life on Earth. For normal life, a person needs to drink up to two liters of water per day, while much more depends on its quality than it might seem at first glance. Anyone understands that the water he drinks must be clean. But this is not enough - scientists have found that water has a memory. Its molecules are arranged in such a way that they can provide information about the substances they come into contact with. It is on this principle that homeopathy is based: a small dose of the drug is dissolved with water, after which the bottle is shaken for a long time and carefully. In this case, all water acquires the properties of a dissolved drug. This is an example of the positive use of the memory of water, but much more often it does harm to a person. Even purified from pollution and seemingly being absolutely clean, it retains the memory of the harmful substances that were in it.

Fortunately, water has a natural mechanism for clearing negative information - the process of evaporation. Evaporating from the surface, water loses all the accumulated information. Condensing and falling out with rain, it again acquires all its life-giving qualities. Rainwater is very useful - provided that it is not polluted by industrial emissions in the atmosphere. Life-giving is the water of springs and streams - but also only if it is crystal clear. That is why it is so important to protect water sources from pollution - no matter how clean the water gets into it, it will still convey to people information about the pollution encountered on its way.

Polluted water is destructive not only, but also for most organisms inhabiting the Earth. In the most obvious way, the pollution of the hydrosphere affects fish, many of its species do not tolerate even the slightest admixture of chemicals. Harmful substances also enter the human body along with fish caught in a polluted reservoir. By polluting water, a person ultimately hits himself, as he still faces the consequences of pollution.

Nature has a very powerful ability to restore, but its possibilities are not unlimited. Already now, many countries are faced with such a problem as water. If mankind does not take care of the preservation of clean water sources, this problem will become more and more acute.

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Utility bills make you think about saving. This also applies to the use of ordinary water. It is necessary to develop a set of rules of conduct for yourself and your family. But the issue of frugality must be approached wisely, each family member must be aware of the need to save water and know its real price. Help you save water and installation of counters.


Check all your plumbing fixtures for water leaks. To do this, fix the exact readings of the meters and do not use them for two or more hours. water. After the time has elapsed, the meter readings should remain unchanged.

Do not wash dishes under running water. First, clean the plates of food debris and immerse them in a sink filled with water and detergent. Then rinse each item with clean water. This will save up to 60 liters of water per day.

Taking a shower is 5-7 times more economical than using it. Remember a simple rule - do not leave the water flow constantly on, just stand in the shower for 20-30 seconds, turn it off water, lather and turn on again for a short while water for washing off foam and rinsing. If you prefer in the bath, take it no more than once a week or fill it to 50%.

When brushing your teeth and shaving, turn on water at the beginning and at the end of the procedure. And it is best to use settled or boiled water poured into a glass or special dishes.

Do not leave the toilet flush handle in a position that leaves water dripping. Adjust it for correct operation or replace it.

If you are installing plumbing, choose economical options. For example, a shower with different nozzles that regulate the temperature and pressure of water, a toilet bowl with two drain modes. Install special devices on that react to the supply of water when you raise your hands.

When choosing dishwashers, be guided by the efficiency of the model in terms of electricity and water supply. Try to use the washing machine when it is fully loaded. Just as water-saving and dishwasher. As a rule, it consumes cold water, but even taking into account heating, its use will significantly save your money.

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Water is an important factor in the life of all life on our planet. Meanwhile, the world is experiencing a reduction in the volume of fresh water, so necessary for humans and animals. To cope with this problem, social programs and developments of scientists alone are not enough, the help of each person is needed. Moreover, it can be provided when performing the most ordinary affairs.


Save water. This will not only make a significant contribution to maintaining the water balance on the planet, but will also significantly save the family budget.

Wash dishes in the dishwasher. If you load it completely, the amount of water spent on cleaning the dishes will be half that required for washing them under the tap.

If you do not have such equipment, wash dirty dishes in the sink with the stopper closed. At the same time, try to use the minimum amount of cleaning products. After washing the dishes in this way, change water and rinse them in clean water. Even changing water several times, you will not spend the amount that could pour out from a constantly open faucet.

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