Gray Guardian. Through the Fire of War From the Exalted Age to the Age of the Dragon

Gray Guardian- the main character of Dragon Age: Origins (hereinafter referred to as DAO), controlled by the player. His background depends on the chosen class, of which there are six: among them is a casteless gnome or rogue elf, a nobleman from Ferelden, or even a member of the royal gnome family. After the end of the prologue, the Guardian will join the Order of the Gray Wardens, and later can become the captain of the Gray Wardens in the DAO "Awakening".


Dragon Age: Origins

When the Guardian's backstory is completed, he, rescued by Duncan - the leader of the Gray Wardens of Ferelden - will join King Cailan Theirin and his warriors in Ostagar, who oppose the advancing army of the Darkspawn. This is where the main storyline of DAO originates - the hero has to gather an army and defeat the Pestilence. However, political tension, fragmentation and a host of other despondent (and inspiring) factors cross our hero's path.

The player always chooses what actions the Guardian will take, what he will say, and this greatly influences both the ending of the story and the fate of allies, enemies and opponents. Unlike many other RPGs, the end result of these choices cannot be expressed in one word. On the contrary, each ally, enemy or rival shows an individual attitude towards the actions of the main character.

Dragon Age: Origins - "Awakening"

Six months later, the Guardian may return again in the person of the captain of the Gray Wardens of Ferelden. The Order of the Guardians themselves acquired the Tower of Vigil in Amaranthine, where they established a base.

Despite the fact that the archdemon is dead, the Spawn of Darkness have not retreated as usual, and reports are coming in that speak of their new, highly intelligent breed. During the investigation, the hero learns that the Spawn of Darkness have divided into two groups, the first of which is led by the Mother, and the second by the Architect. It is this conflict that causes further incidents. The Guardian has no choice - he kills the Mother, but the Architect can be released to continue his work.

Dragon Age: Origins, Witch Hunt DLC

As part of the DAO saga, the Guardian's adventures come to an end in the latest DLC, Witch Hunt. While searching for a former comrade, Morrigan, the protagonist is also looking for clues regarding Eluvian, a mirror that serves as a portal to a dimension beyond Thedas and the Shadow.

The player encounters Eluvian and Morrigan in the Dragonbone Graveyard. Final (when importing a save, some options may not be available):

  • The main character is trying to kill Morrigan. Although the wound looks fatal, she falls through the portal, so it is completely unclear what happened to her. Taking some things from her camp, the Guardian leaves.
  • The Guardian is in love with Morrigan, or they are good friends, and he wants her to stay. No matter what, Morrigan will pass through the portal. The hero either himself refuses to go with her - they say he is not ready, or she forces him to stay, citing the fact that she does not believe that he will give up everything and cut himself off from the known world. Then, after taking some items from her camp, he leaves the Cemetery along with Ariana, Finn and the dog.
  • The Guardian wants to go with Morrigan because he loves her and/or dreams of meeting his son (this ending is available for a male hero). She kisses him and they pass through the portal, leaving everything and everyone behind (even the hero's son in some cases).

Dragon Age 2

The Gray Warden is mentioned during the prologue, when Varric tells Cassandra Pentagast how Flemeth helped the Hawke family escape the Fifth Blight to reach the Free Marches. The Seeker begins to openly doubt Varric's words, believing that the latter attaches too much importance to the Witches of the Savage Lands. However, Varric reminds her of the role Flemeth played in the Gray Warden's history, and Cassandra agrees with his version. Subsequently, the theme of the Guardian is briefly touched upon in the transition scene from the prologue to Act I.

In Act One, Hawke (the main character of Dragon Age 2), having first met Bodan Feddik, can find out from him that he personally knew the Gray Warden. The content of the story depends on the selected backstory for the world in Dragon Age 2 (hereinafter referred to as DA2) or on the imported DAO save.

In Act II, as Hawke fights his way through the streets of Kirkwall to meet the Arishok, he encounters a group of Gray Wardens. Depending on Hawke's actions and decisions made in the DAO, Alistair - if he has not left the order - will be accompanied by Bethany or Carver (depending on the choice Hawke made in the Deep Roads). After a wide-ranging dialogue, Alistair gives Hawke an amulet called the “Sacred Heart” and continues the conversation, the content of which depends on his position in the hierarchy of the Gray Guardians and his relationship to them. Then he and his men will leave Kirkwall for some mysterious mission. If Alistair died, became an exile, or became a king in the DAO, the Gray Wardens will be under the leadership of Stroud. In these circumstances, the topic of the Guardian will not be touched upon in the conversation.

In Act Three, if the player imported a save or chose a backstory where Alistair became king, during the quest "King Alistair" he appears at the Steward's Keep. The Guardian may be mentioned in the dialogue between Alistair and Ban Tegan at the end of the side quest. How exactly the main character of DAO appears in their conversation depends on the chosen background or the imported file. If the Guardian was female and had an affair or married Alistair, the dialogue will be much longer.

Despite the ending of the Witch Hunt DLC for DAO, at the end of the DA2 story, the Guardian, if he survived, disappears without a trace. This is spoken of by Leliana in 9:40 of the Dragon Age, who has been searching for him ever since, as a Seeker of the Church. In parallel with her, Cassandara Pentagast, also a Seeker of the Church, is looking for Hawk, intending to use him to stop the war between magicians and templars.

Regarding everything that is happening, Leliana says: there is no question of an accident, both the Guardian and the Defender have disappeared... because they have not yet fulfilled their purpose.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

From conversations with Morrigan or Leliana (if there was an affair with them), as well as with Alistair (if he remained a Gray Warden), you can find out that the Hero of Ferelden is now looking for a way to get rid of the Call. The dialogue will note that Fiona was able to get rid of the corruption, although she herself does not know how, and Avernus was able to extend his life for an unnaturally long period with the help of his experiments. And the Guardian is currently looking for clues that could help prevent the Call from occurring at all.

The Guardian can also contact the Inquisitor by sending an agent on the mission "Contact the Hero of Ferelden". The Inquisitor will receive a letter, the contents of which may reflect some of the choices made in the DAO. Below is one of the letter options:


Character Creation

Choosing a Backstory Creation of appearance Characteristics distribution Skill distribution Spell Distribution

The game begins with choosing a gender, race (human, elf or dwarf) and class (warrior, robber or mage); Dwarves cannot be magicians. Then the character’s background is selected: for each race, one or two options out of six possible are assigned. A nobleman can be a warrior or a robber. Dalish or city elf - elf warrior or elf rogue. Likewise with a commoner gnome and a noble gnome. The Human Mage and the Elf Mage share the same backstory.

Next, the player chooses a name, customizes the appearance (above the shoulder) and portrait, and selects a voice. After that - characteristics and skills. Then, if you play as a warrior or rogue, skills are distributed. Magicians have spells instead of skills. Eventually, the appropriate difficulty level is set and the adventure begins.


The name depends on the background and gender, but if the player wishes, it can be rewritten in every possible way (the length should be no more than 11 characters).

Note: no one will call the Guardian by name. But it will slip through in some dialogue options.


While a character's name can be changed without much restriction, their last name is dictated by their backstory:

Note: There are six options for the prologue, but there are seven surnames on the list - just the story of a human magician and an elf magician originates from the Circle Tower.

Starting skills and abilities/spells

Regardless of how a character is created, he automatically “spends” two skill points and one skill/spell point. Of course, the player is given one more skill point and two skill/spell points. In automatic mode, they are distributed according to class and background. In the Xbox 360 version, the Guardian initially has level 2 combat training.

Class Background Starting skills Starting skills/spells
Warrior Dalish Elf Combat training Survival Shackling Shot
City Elf Influence Two-handed swing with weapon
Dwarf commoner Thief
Noble Dwarf Improved combat training Hit
with shield
Man Nobleman
Robber Dalish Elf Making poisons Survival Dirty
City Elf Influence
Dwarf commoner Thief
Noble Dwarf Combat training
Man Nobleman
Mage Magician man Herbalist Combat training Magic arrow
Elf Mage


As in any other role-playing game, character level depends on personal achievements and how far the player has progressed in the story. When a hero gains a new level, certain indicators automatically increase (life and stamina/mana), but characteristics and skills/spells are distributed manually unless the “Auto-level” mode is turned on.

In DAO it is difficult to reach the last, level 25. Since enemies do not respawn, there are enough events in the game and all its DLC to reach 17 to 24 levels (depending on the number of side quests completed and Codex entries collected). By making full use of the abilities of any rogue on your team, that is, by picking locks and disarming traps, you can gain a huge amount of experience. Be that as it may, level 25 is achieved through generous funding of the allied forces.

In DAO "Awakening", in the DLC "Golems of Amgarrak" and "Witch Hunt" the last level is 35th.


The main character can wear the following equipment:

  • For special occasions, the Guardian saves an assassination dagger, which does not take up space in the inventory and is shown in scenes in which the problem is solved with violence.
  • You can switch between two sets of weapons.
  • With the exception of the dog and Sheila, the Guardian's companions wear the same equipment.

Guardian Personal Items

Dragon Age: Origins
  • Archivist's Sash.
  • Oath of the Guardian.
Dragon Age: Origins - "Awakening"
  • Armament.
  • Call of the Dragon.
  • Gray Guardian armor set.
  • Orlesian Master's Robe.
  • A pair of daggers.
  • Guardian's Companion.
  • Touch of the Guardian.
  • Great Shield of the Gray Warden.

Some quotes

  • Morrigan: "It's so cold in my tent, so lonely..."
    Guard: “Take a blanket, or something.”
  • Stan: “Interesting strategy. Tell me: did you intend to go north until it becomes south, and attack the archdemon from the rear?
    Guard: “He didn’t think, didn’t guess.”
  • Guardian: "They will fall before my might."
    Defender: “Well, then it’s good to have you with us, sir.”

Ranks and titles

  • Gray Guardian.
  • Captain of the Gray Wardens.
  • Hero of Ferelden.
  • Defender of Redcliffe.

Other ranks and titles

  • Teyrn/Teyrn Gwaren.
  • Chancellor of Ferelden.
  • King Consort or Prince Consort of Ferelden (given to a male noble upon marriage to Queen Anora).
  • Queen or Princess Consort of Ferelden (given to a female human noble if married to King Alistair).
  • Perfect (given to a gnome).
  • Bann of the Elvenage of Denerim (given to the city elf).
  • According to some students of the Circle, the Guardian once slept with a pirate and three pretty nagas.
  • Hawk and the human magician are related by mothers, they both belong to the Amell family. As Liandra said, the Guardian's mother's name was Revka.
  • Human Noble and Noble Dwarf are the only Guardians addressed by NPCs by last name. Elves, human mages, and dwarven commoners are called Gray Wardens, Wardens, Lords, or Ladies.
  • The Dalish guard imported into DA2 is referred to by Merrill and her clan as Mahariel.
  • In one of DA2's dialogues, it comes up that the Guardian, who is a human mage, has at least a brother or sister, as Liandra says that the Guardian is "one of Revka's children."

Etymology of names

Name Meaning
Aidan Probably a reference to the 6th century Scottish king of the same name. In addition, Aidan is one of the forms of the name Aodhan (Old Irish), formed, in turn, from Aodh - “fire”.
Elissa From Elisabeth or Elizabeth (Old Hebrew) - “an oath is my god” or “abundance is my god.”
Daylen "Valley Resident"
Solona The female version of the name Solon (ancient Greek) is “wisdom”.
Alim Arabic name meaning "wise, knowledgeable."
Neria The form of the name Neriah (Hebrew) is “Lamp of Yahweh.” Neria is also the name of the Gray Guardian who participated in the final battle of the Second Blight in Starkhaven. She sacrificed herself for the sake of her lover Korin, whose sword killed the archdemon Zazikel.
Theron Greek name meaning "hunter".
Lina Shortened from the name Caroline, which is derived from Karl (Old German) - “strong, man, husband.”
Kallian Derived from Cill (Irish) - “church”. Name of several Irish saints.
Duran A French name that means "indestructible".
Sereda The form of the name Serena (Greek) is “pure, calm.”
Faren An English name meaning "adventurer".
Natia One of the forms of the name Nadezhda (Russian) is a translation of the Greek. named Elpis.

Gray Guardian

Gray Guardian is the player protagonist in Dragon Age: Origins. His story begins with one of six backstories, which influence his origin and, as a result, how the Guardian will perceive his surroundings. Only after completing the backstory will the hero be recruited into the Order of the Gray Wardens, and if he survives the events of the game, in Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening he will rise to the rank of Guardian Commander.

Character Creation

The player begins by choosing a gender, race (human, dwarf or elf) and character class (warrior, rogue or mage). Backgrounds are available for selection depending on the combination of race and class, for example the mage class will not be available to Dwarves and Dalish Elves. Then the player chooses the name, appearance, portrait and voice of the hero. The next step in character creation is the selection of skills, abilities and distribution of characteristics. Finally, the player will need to select a difficulty level and begin the story.

First name

The default name is suggested based on the Guardian's gender and background, but can be changed to whatever the player wants. Note: No one will call you by your name, but it is shown in some dialogue lines.

Male names:

Noble Person: Aidan

Human Mage: Daylen

Elf Mage: Alim

City Elf: Darrian

Dalish Elf: Theron

Noble Dwarf: Duran

Dwarf Commoner: Faren

Female names:

Noble Person: Elissa

Human Mage: Solona

Elf Mage: Neria

City Elf: Kallian

Dalish Elf: Lina

Noble Dwarf: Sereda

Dwarf Commoner: Natia


While the player can freely choose a character's name, the last name for each story is fixed:

Noble Person: Cousland

Human Mage: Amell

Elf Mage: Surana

City Elf: Tabris

Dalish Elf: Mahariel

Noble Dwarf: Educan

Dwarf Commoner: Broska


In his backstory, the future Guardian leads his ordinary life, the end of which is marked by the appearance of Duncan, the leader of the Gray Wardens of Ferelden, worried about the coming Blight. Regardless of our decisions, the backstory ends very tragically, and the hero is faced with a choice – accept Duncan’s offer and join the order or refuse, despite the fact that refusal will most likely result in death. But in case of refusal, the Guardian Commander will resort to the Right of Summoning, which even the ruling monarch cannot challenge, and the hero will be taken into the order against his will.

Together with the commander, the hero arrives in Ostagar, where we are met by King Kailan Theirin, who, with his army and the Gray Guardians, has already fought several successful battles with the creatures of darkness. After the hero undergoes the Initiation Ritual into the Gray Wardens, he and his fellow member of the order, Alistair, are entrusted with a responsible task - to light a beacon on the tower of Ishal, which will serve as a signal to attack for the allied troops of Teyrn Loghain. Ignoring the signal, Teyrn leads his men away, leaving the king and the Gray Wardens to die. There are only two Gray Wardens left in all of Ferelden, who are saved at the last moment by the Witch of the Wild. This is the beginning of the main plot of Dragon Age: Origins, where the main task of the Guardian is to raise an army to fight the Blight. However, he must also deal with political divisions that threaten to weaken the country.

The Guardian's actions are directly controlled by the player. Unlike many other RPGs, choices are not tracked by a regular counter, and each of the companions has their own counter that shows how they relate to the Guardian's actions.

Interestingly, "potential guardians" who were not chosen by the player still exist, having their own roles in the story. Their existence is usually hinted at in dialogues with certain NPCs. It's also interesting that Duncan's lack of influence over the events of each backstory played a crucial role in the grim fate of each of these characters.

Noble Person: He or she can either be killed in Highever along with his family or escape through a secret passage in the basement. Since Duncan does not appear while the Couslands are in the basement, it is possible that she or he managed to survive until this point. However, with Duncan missing to persuade him or her to leave Bryce and Eleanor, it was likely the nobleman chose death in defense of his parents.

Noble Dwarf: According to many NPCs in Orzammar, King Endrin's second son was banished to the Deep Roads and was never heard from. Having not met Duncan's expedition, most likely the noble dwarf died there. According to Lord Harrowmont, Endrin regretted his actions on his deathbed.

Dwarf Commoner: According to Leske, he (it was the corpse of a man) simply stopped eating one day and died in the dungeon of Berat. You can find some loot on his body. But the same corpse appears in the prison, even if the player chose a commoner dwarf as the Guardian. Although without Leske to explain its origins.

Dalish Elf: According to Ariana, he or she became deathly ill after coming into contact with the Eluvian mirror. Without Duncan's intervention to take him/her to Initiation, he/she died due to darkspawn corruption. This is also mentioned by Merrill in Dragon Age II.

City Elf: Lacking Duncan's weapon, he or she was unable to face Vaughan. Soris was arrested and the city elf was most likely executed. Shianni will later reveal that Vaughan was captured by Rendon Howe's men. So it is possible that the city elf accepted Vaughan's offer and placed all responsibility on Soris.

Circle Mage: There is no mention of a mage, although it is possible that he or she survived the Torment, as Jovan needed help destroying his amulet and escaping the Tower before the events at Redcliffe. Without Duncan's intervention to use the Power of Summoning, the mage could be arrested for his/her actions and executed for it. Cullen also mentions that he killed one mage who was too weak to undergo the Torment.

Dragon Age: Origins endings

Although the Guardian makes many choices along the way, in the end, two main endings await him:

The Guardian survives the battle with the Archdemon and becomes Guardian Commander.

The Guardian sacrifices himself, killing the Archdemon and dying with him.

The end of the Guardian's story

The end of the Guardian's adventures comes in the last (chronologically) DLC Witch Hunt. Regardless of which ending you choose, this is the end of the Guardian's adventures in Dragon Age: Origins/Awakening. To find Morrigan, the Guardian's former companion, he/she must find clues to the Eluvian, a mirror that can transport a person to the dimension beyond the Shadow.

The Guardian finds Morrigan in the Dragon Graveyard. Here the Guardian will have to decide what he will do with Morrigan: kill her, release her, or leave with her.

Dragon Age II

Regardless of whether the Guardian traveled with Morrigan to Eluvian or not at the end of the Witch Hunt, by the events of Dragon Age II he has disappeared without a trace. This is spoken by Leliana in 9:40 Dragon Age, who is searching for her former commander on behalf of the Church, just as Cassandra Pentaghast is searching for Hawke.

Leliana also says that it was no coincidence that the Guardian and the Defender disappeared, thereby linking their fates.

In the third act, when King Alistair appears in the quest "King Alistair", which is only given if you made him king in Dragon Age: Origins, Bann Tegan may mention that the Hero of Ferelden should soon arrive in Denerim. In addition, there are options that the Guardian is waiting for Alistair in Denerim as the Guardian Commander or the Queen of Ferelden.


As in a typical role-playing game, character level shows the character's career progress and personal strength. When a character levels up, specific stats increase (health and stamina/mana), while other things (stats and skills) must be chosen by yourself unless auto-leveling is enabled. The maximum level is 25. Since enemies do not regenerate, the game can only reach levels 17-24 (including DLC) depending on how many side quests you complete and how many codex parts you find. Rogues can also gain experience over the course of an adventure by picking locks and clearing traps. Level 25 can be obtained through several methods, such as exchanging items for experience in the food chest in the camp. In Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening, the level cap increases to 35.

Special Items

Dragon Age: Origins

Archivist's Sash

Oath of the Guardian

Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening


Call of the Dragon

Gray Warden Plate Armor Set

Gray Warden Light Armor Set

Hood of the Gray Warden

Orlesian Master's Robe

Pair of daggers

Guardian's Companion

Guardian's Touch

Greatshield of the Gray Warden

Interesting Facts

Hawke is related to the Guardian Mage through his mother, whose maiden name was Amell.

The noble human Guardian and the noble gnome Guardian are the only ones whose surnames are spoken during the game. Other NPC Guardians are simply called "(Gray) Guardian" or "My Lord/My Lady". However, the Dalish Guard imported into Dragon Age II mentions Merril and her clan, calling it Mahariel, after the Dalish Guard's last name.

Even when playing Dragon Age II with an imported save from Dragon Age: Origins, conversations regarding the Guardian vary. King Alistair says that the Hero of Ferelden will soon return to Denerim, six years after the death of the Archdemon and practically after the events of the Witch Hunt, although it is likely that the events of the DLC took place after Alistair's mention of the Guardian Commander in Dragon Age II. Additionally, during the ending cutscene, Leliana and Cassandra (both Church Seekers searching for the Hero of Ferelden and the Defender of Kirkwall) claim that both the Champion and the Guardian have disappeared, even if the Guardian did not leave with Morrigan through Eluvian.

If the Guardian dies in Origins and the game is imported into Dragon Age II, Cassandra will still make a reference to him at the end of Dragon Age II. But it is possible that she is talking about the Orlesian Guardian from the Awakening, or even the body of the Guardian if he/she died in the Beginning.

In the CGI trailer, the Guardian is shown fighting with a sword and shield while wearing moderately heavy armor. He is supposed to be a warrior, however, his eyes glow blue as if he is a magician. It is possible that he is a battle mage. This is also shown in the Call trailer, where he instantly causes weapons to burn, similar to the Burning Weapon spell. However, we cannot exclude the fact that the weapon can be enchanted with a fire rune, and the light in the eyes indicates the approach of the creatures of darkness. It is also possible that he is the ripper.

Alistair is the youngest Gray Warden in the order. He is an optimist, a joker. This Gray Warden also has royal blood in his veins, as Alistair is the illegitimate son of the late King Maric. But even knowing this, the joker does not want to become king. As a child, he was sent to the temple, after which he became a templar, but Duncan took the prince in time, right before Alistair pronounced the vow of a templar, seeing his grief and reluctance to become a servant of the church. Nevertheless, the former templar still had prejudices against magicians. At the same time, Alistair loves all kinds of amulets, talismans and other “magical” objects.

Alistair is kind, appreciates good human actions, but does not tolerate evil. He is a cheerful fellow, but at the same time he often “dismisses the nagging”, remembering the death of Duncan and so on.

Alistair has a sister, Goldanna. She lives in the Denerim trading district, next to the blacksmith Wade's workshop. When Alistair and the Gray Warden come to her, she does not receive them very warmly, after which the upset Alistair, along with the Gray Warden, go out into the street. Theirin will once again complain to the Gray Warden. If you reproach Alistair and tell him that life is not a fairy tale, Alistair's character will become stronger. He will become more decisive, cruel, and will not treat the idea of ​​​​his coronation with great contempt.

He is accepted into your squad already under Ostagar. He will leave you if you save the life of Loghain Mac Tier.

The prequel book The Call introduces the theory that Alistair is the son of an elf mage who was a Gray Warden and whom King Maric slept with during the events of the book. At the end of the book, she presents him with a human baby, claiming that the child of a human and an elf is always a full-blooded human. Perhaps this is Alistair.

In the second part, Alistair will appear if he remained alive after the events of the first part. Appearances also depend on the events of the first game. He may appear as a king, a Gray Warden, or a drunkard in the Hangman Tavern.


Wynn is one of the greatest healer mages who could have become the First Sorcerer, but refused. This sorceress chose to help the Gray Wardens, therefore, she was also present at Ostagar and saw Loghain's betrayal. She may leave you, but after attacking, if she finds out that you are a blood mage (if you are one). If you desecrate Andraste's ashes, she will also leave.

Wynn had an apprentice, an elf named Aneirin. Wynn will mention him in conversation, after which the Gray Warden can promise her to look for him. Aneirin became a healer and went to the Dalish. However, he does not live in their camp, but prefers to wander through the forest. If you find Aneirin and bring Wynne to him, she will be immensely grateful to the Gray Warden.

“Inside” Wynn, so to speak, there is a good spirit from the Shadow. He possessed her during a battle with a demon, when she was protecting children and students. Wynn lost the battle and died, but was later resurrected and destroyed the demon. As you travel, the spirit's abilities will increase. However, Winn admits that the spirit is weakening and will soon leave her, and then she will die.

Winn values ​​good, correct deeds, but despises freedom-loving renegade magicians and does not tolerate maleficars (blood magicians), because he considers them magicians who do evil, not good.

Mrs. Cauthren

He is the commander of the detachment, despite his peasant origin. Teyrn Loghain's right hand. From her body you can remove the sword from the codex - the Summer Sword or the Sword of Summer. Lady Cauthren is fiercely loyal to Loghain. During the Battle of Ostagar, it was she, along with Loghain, who commanded MacTeer's soldiers. However, she does not always approve of his actions and decisions: for example, when Loghain gives the order to retreat during the assault on Ostagar, Cauthren will ask about the king, dumbfounded, but then, angrily pulling back the hand that Loghain grabbed, he will still withdraw the troops. Queen Anora's maid will come running to Earl Eamon and you will be sent to rescue her. You will fight Earl Howe, after which you will be attacked by Cauthren. If your companions are strong, you can defeat her. Before the Landsmeet, Cauthren will try to stop the Gray Warden by force. However, if the Gray Warden is eloquent enough, he (or she) can persuade Lady Cauthren to leave. Couthren, sighing sadly, will finally understand what McTeer has become and will let the Gray Guardian through.


Leader of the Gray Wardens in Ferelden. He appears in all backstories of the game, regardless of which one you choose. He was wounded by an ogre at Ostagar, then was cut in two by the ax of the garlock leader. However, the ogre is killed by Duncan.

Duncan's body, like those of the other soldiers, was never found. Most likely, the creatures of darkness simply devoured him or, due to the fact that he is a Gray Warden, burned him.

It seems that Duncan was fluent in two types of combat: with a sword and dagger, and with a sword and shield. At the Battle of Ostagar, he fought with an enchanted sword and dagger, however, his shield can also be found in the Gray Wardens' cache.

The book "The Call" reveals Duncan's origins. In his youth, he was a pickpocket in the Orlesian slums (though he was originally from Rivain), but was caught and sentenced before being freed by the Gray Warden and accepted into the order (most likely because of this, he recruited Daveth) . Even after this, Duncan did not immediately get rid of the habit of grabbing everything that was bad. At the end of the book, the Guardian command appoints him as the chief Guardian in Ferelden.


Zevran is an elf, the son of a whore and a lumberjack. He grew up in a brothel, and then he was bought by the Antivan Ravens - the best killers in Antiva, and, possibly, in all of Thedas. Zevran's past is quite vague, and he doesn't really want to talk about it. The only thing that is initially known about him is that he grew up in Antiva, was raised first by prostitutes and then by Ravens, became one of the best assassins, and was hired by Loghain to kill the Gray Warden.

Zevran has a very ambiguous character. On the one hand, he mocks himself and the entire public, but on the other hand, he is offended when he is reproached for something. Zevran is cool in battle. Trained in the guild of Antivan assassins, the Antivan Ravens, Zevran endured a lot of bullying, went through “natural selection” and became the best of the best. He realized that to achieve the main goal - killing - everything is good, so in battle he uses “dirty” techniques, poisons and even bombs.

Zevran is very ironic, although his irony often turns into malicious black humor. Zevran's mother was a Dalish, so he speaks quite well of these people and will be very upset if the Gray Warden destroys the elves in the Brecilian Forest.

Zevran is very nostalgic for his homeland - Antiva. He often remembers the brothel he grew up in and the smell of Antivan leather. In Dragon age II, Isabella remembers him because he killed her husband with a dagger to the head.


Maleficar. In the Tower of the Circle, he fell in love with one of the priests, who told him that the templars intended to make him pacified for allegedly “studying blood magic.” He asked an unknown magician of the circle, or your protagonist, to help him, but in the end, his escape with his beloved failed, the templars tried to grab him, but he was able to escape, causing them great physical harm. His beloved was imprisoned by her own will. She could not forgive Jovan for lying about his non-involvement in blood magic, and also forgiving herself for believing him and becoming an accomplice to the crime.

Having become an apostate, Jovan looked for a way to save his life. Then Teyrn Loghain hired him to poison Earl Eamon “for betraying Ferelden.” Jovan was promised Teyrn's protection in the event of the Earl's death. To get closer to the earl, Jovan, at the request of Lady Isolde, the earl’s wife, hired out to work as a teacher for Eamon’s son, Connor, who turned out to be a magician. Jovan fulfilled his part of the agreement with Teyrn and poisoned the earl, but due to the intervention of the demon of Desire, who took possession of Connor, Eamon was able to survive. Jovan was captured and put in the dungeon of the Earl's castle on the orders of Lady Isolde, who was sure that Jovan had summoned the demon, and Teyrn Loghain, of course, quickly forgot about the maleficar.

Jovan's fate is completely in the hands of the Gray Guardian - he can kill him, drive him away, or with his help destroy the demon Connor through the Shadow. Jovan's further fate depends on his actions - if he escapes, he can be found on the road fighting the creatures of darkness. Otherwise, he will either be executed or turned into a Subdued One.

According to the game's creators, Jovan was originally intended to be the player's companion, but time constraints forced them to cut that part of the game.

King Cailan Theirin

The son of King Maric, after the death of his father, became the new King. Two months after the coronation, he married Anora, the daughter of Teyrn Loghain, Maric's advisor and best friend. He died at the Battle of Ostagar: he was literally crushed by an Ogre, who was later killed by Duncan. In the Return to Ostagar DLC, it is possible to give Kaylan a proper burial by setting his body on fire, leaving him hanging on a crucifix built by the darkspawn, or throwing him to the wolves. Also there you can collect his armor and get his father's weapon - Marik's Blade.

Despite his royal origins, Kailan is essentially a simple man, he likes to shirk his duties and spend time with ordinary soldiers or messing around with the mabari. In this he is very similar to Alistair, his half-brother, who also prefers a simple life to the crown. Anora subsequently hopes to take advantage of this, who, even as Kaylan’s wife, practically ruled the state herself without his help.

Kaylan Theirin is a arrogant and impatient person, and in many ways this is what ruined him. He spoke contemptuously about the creatures of darkness, thinking that the horde was just several large gangs united into one army, but not Pestilence. Kaylan admired the Gray Wardens, raising their skill almost to the level of heaven, dreaming that the Battle of Ostagar would glorify him, like the ancient kings who also fought side by side with the Gray Wardens. Then he did not take into account the possibility of Loghain’s betrayal, however, no one could have foreseen this except Loghain himself.

Kylan refused to wait for reinforcements from the Orlesians and Redcliffe's army. Subsequently, it turns out that Kaylan may have had some feelings for the Empress of Orlais, and mutual ones.

Kaylan is a fairly experienced warrior; he participated in the battle along with his soldiers. At the Battle of Ostagar, he fought with a two-handed blade, leaving his main weapon - the blade of Maric - in a chest in the royal enclave, leaving the key to a trusted soldier.

Queen Anora

Widow of Cailan Therin. After the death of her husband, she formally remains the ruler of Ferelden, although, in fact, power was seized by her father Loghain MacTeer, who declared himself the queen's regent.

Anora is very smart and calculating; it was she who ruled the kingdom under King Kaylan, who almost completely retired from business in favor of his hobbies. According to Kaylan's correspondence, we can say that he did not have or lost feelings for Anora, and started an affair with the Empress of Orlais. Anora herself has been criticized more than once, mainly for the fact that she never gave birth to an heir, despite her no longer a girl’s age. Many believe that she is barren, some even spread rumors that she is cursed for placing a commoner on the throne.

After her husband's death, Anora does not support her father in many ways, although there is a possibility that it is not only because she does not like Loghain's policies, but also because he tried to take the throne from her. Ultimately, if the Gray Warden does not support her candidacy as the sovereign queen or at least Alistair's future wife, she will again stand up for her father, believing that it is better to share the throne with him than to give it completely to Alistair. Also, if the Gray Warden is a man and the heir of the Cousland family, then he can invite Anora to marry him. This way, the Gray Warden will become Prince Consort, and Alistair will no longer need to be installed as King. But Anora will refuse to marry Alistair or the Gray Warden if she kills Loghain without allowing him to become a Gray Warden.

Loghain Mac Tir

Advisor and father-in-law to King Cailan. Also Tairn of Gwaren. Tairn is a very smart man and an excellent tactician. By origin he was a commoner, but for the victory over Orlais and the expulsion of the Orlesian troops from Ferelden, he received an honorary title from the previous king of Ferelden, Maric. At the Battle of Ostagar, his task was to remain with a small army in ambush in order to surprise the Spawn of Darkness in the flank. The signal for the attack was to be a signal fire lit on the Tower of Ishal. However, when this happened, Loghain ordered a retreat, thus leaving King Cailan and the Gray Wardens to be torn to pieces by the creatures of darkness. Despite the fact that many - including the protagonist's closest associate, Gray Warden Alistair - consider Loghain's act a betrayal, Teyrn himself claims to the last that this was a forced measure to preserve the army. This is confirmed by the Bioware writers, but, nevertheless, there is no evidence in the game that Loghain did not intentionally leave the king to die. Returning to Denerim, he declared himself regent under Queen Anora, his daughter, which caused discontent among the banns and earls, who demanded that Loghain abdicate the throne. However, Teyrn refused to do this, thereby plunging Ferelden into civil war in the face of the impending Blight. He blamed the Gray Guardians for the death of the king (and perhaps even sincerely believed so) and declared a hunt for those of them that survived, including the heroes of the game. When the Gray Wardens began to make progress in gathering united troops to fight the Blight, Earl Howe, with Loghain's permission, hired the Antivan Ravens - world-famous killers from Antiva - to get rid of the hero.

The exact reason for Loghain's betrayal is not entirely clear; many factors could have contributed to it. But at the head of all is his love for Ferelden, which ruined him. Loghain considers Cailan a king unworthy of his kingdom. King Cailan appears as a young, glory-seeking youth who dreams of epic battles “like in the old days.” He constantly argues with Loghain on matters of strategy and tactics, and also rejects reasonable tactical combinations in favor of spectacular and pathetic ones. This jeopardizes not only the king himself, but also the success of the war as a whole. Another reason for the conflict is Kaylan's desire to unite for war with Orlais, and this is only a few decades after the de-occupation of Ferelden. Orlais is a powerful state with a good army, ready to provide its troops to Ferelden in the fight against the Blight. Kylan believes that an alliance with Orlais is necessary, while Loghain, who is a hero of Ferelden's War of Independence, considers an alliance with Orlais a betrayal of the country. In many ways, this hatred of Orlais blinded Loghain; Teyrn was ready to destroy the people of his state and give everyone up to the creatures of darkness, just to not let the Orlesians into his lands. After the death of Cailan, Loghain immediately declared himself regent of his daughter, Queen Anora, and closed the way to the Orlesian troops, including the Gray Wardens.

In the Return to Ostagar add-on, in Kaylan's chest you can find his correspondence with the Empress of Orlais, from which it is concluded that Kaylan had a mutual attraction with her. Adding fuel to the fire is the fact that, according to rumors, Queen Anora suffers from infertility, which is pointed out to the king by his advisor and uncle, Earl Eamon. He advises you to break up with her.

Loghain can be called not only a nationalist, but also a racist. He gave permission to the people of the Tevinter Empire to take the elves away from the Elvenage of Denerim, thus allowing the slave trade in the territory of free Ferelden. He himself justified this by the fact that Elfinage would still not be able to be saved from the Blight, and the money from the slave trade would benefit the army.

Thus, Loghain himself believes that he is doing the right thing and his only desire is to save the country. Comments on this matter are also given by the game scriptwriters. In addition, in the game resource editor you can read comments from developers in dialogues and videos from the game.

Towards the end of the game, you can take Loghain into the squad, make him a Gray Warden, but then Alistair will leave the group, not wanting to forgive “the killer of Duncan and all the other Gray Wardens of Ferelden.”

In The Stolen Throne we learn that Loghain used to be a bandit and his father was a farmer from Lottering who lost his lands. Loghain also had an affair with Rowan, Maric's future wife, but he himself insisted that Rowan return to Maric for the good of the country.


She used to be a bard in Orlais and, part-time, an assassin, but after the betrayal of her close friend and mentor (perhaps even her mistress), Marjoline moved to the Lothering Church. Helps you, motivating her actions by the fact that “the Creator himself gave her a sign.” With Leliana on the team, you will always have an excellent relationship with the church, for example, after seeing Leliana, the Reverend Mother can immediately, without any questions, give you Stan.

Leliana's mother is from Ferelden, so despite her life spent in Orlais, she considers herself a Fereldan. Her mother was a servant for a rich lady named Cecile, who brought them to Orlais. Leliana became an orphan at an early age, but remained under the care of Lady Cecil, who raised her and gave her an education, mainly consisting of singing and dancing. As an older woman, she came under the influence of Marjolaine, a bard, spy and assassin. This is how Leliana learned her art and mastery of combat. During one of her missions, she learned that Marjolaine was selling information about Orlais to Tevinter and Antiva. Fearing for her friend’s life, Leliana gave her documents discrediting her. But soon the guards came for Leliana herself and accused her of treason, referring to the very documents that Marjoline had altered, writing Leliana’s name instead of her own. Leliana was imprisoned and tortured. But she was able to escape and escape to Ferelden. There she became a novice of the Lothering Church. Having seen a dream about the approaching darkness and the flowering of an already withered rose bush, she took this as a sign from above and offered her services to the Gray Wardens. The Church made her softer, but did not deprive her of her fighting skills. Subsequently, she again had to face Marjoline and forever resolve their conflict.

In the second part of the game, she returns to Orlais and becomes an inquisitor, answering only to the Most Holy One herself (a person similar to the Pope). Hawke can meet her in Kirkwall, where she arrives to warn Reverend Mother Elphine of the possible danger due to the upcoming conflict between the mages and the templars. At the end of the game, it turns out that she is Cassandra Pendegast's partner and is looking for where the Defender of Kirkwall and the Hero of Ferelden (if the Guardian survived) disappeared.


Morrigan has a rather complex character. She values ​​actions that lead to benefit and strength, regardless of the consequences, for example, in a mission where the player has to choose between an army of golems and huge losses of human lives, or the destruction of a forge, she takes the side of Branka, or rather supports her, but fights her side side by side with you. Morrigan is a tough and purposeful person, her life credo is “survival of the fittest,” but she is not a supporter of senseless killings.

Morrigan has very little understanding of human psychology. So, she does not understand such a phenomenon as “love”, she is very surprised that she has a friend - the Gray Guardian. She also warmly accepts gifts and says that she has never been given any presents.

Morrigan is the daughter of Flemeth, a legendary witch from the wild lands of Korcari. She is alien to the world, and only occasionally gets out of the forest, therefore, she never had friends, and the company of only her mother gave her a complex character.

If the Gray Warden befriended Morrigan and brought her Flemeth's grimoires, she will offer the Warden a way to defeat the Archdemon and still survive. You just need to sleep with her the night before the battle with the Archdemon. If the Guardian is a woman, you will need to persuade Alistair to sleep with Morrigan.


A red-haired and red-bearded berserker dwarf who used to be in the warrior caste. After the departure of his wife, Branka, who went in search of the Forge of the Void, got drunk and kills another warrior. Teig Orzamar, as well as the Diamond Halls, prohibit him from carrying weapons. But this punishment is the greatest shame for a skilled warrior.

Ogren tries to maintain the image of a “rock warrior”, emotionless and unemotional. However, he doesn’t succeed very well: for example, he explains the stingy tear by saying that “a bee stung,” and when he wanted to ask the Guardian for help, he couldn’t find the words for a long time. Oghren is always happy to have a drink in company, but simply caring and worrying about him makes him feel joy and sympathy for the Guardian. However, he never expresses this in direct words.

Ogren is a skilled warrior, a berserker. As he himself explained, berserkers are warriors who accumulate rage and release it during battle to shred nearby enemies. He can teach this to the Guardian (if he is a warrior), Alistair or Stan.

After the battle with the Archdemon, Ogren will be offered a position as a general in the human army. However, Ogren remained himself and argued with Bann Tegann that he would drink a keg of pickle.

In Dragon Age Origins: Awakening, Oghren appears during the defense of the Vigil Tower against the darkspawn. If the Gray Warden is imported from the original game, then Oghren will happily greet his old friend. Later, he easily endures the initiation rite and becomes a Gray Warden. He helps the player throughout the game.

Ogren has a wife and child, from whom he ran away to become a Gray Warden.

Subsequently, Ogren can become one of the best Gray Wardens in Ferelden.


A warrior from the Qunari race who sailed on ships with his squad with a special mission. Later, stopping at Lake Kalenhad, his entire squad is killed by creatures of darkness, and his sword, which was made specifically for his hand in Beresad itself, is stolen by a marauder. He is later found by farmers from Lothering, but he, maddened by the news that his sword is missing, kills his family. The reverend mother imprisoned him in a cage on the street without food or water, leaving him to his fate.

The Gray Warden releases Stan (by the way, this is not a name, but a title), and he joins him (although he can simply be kicked out). Stan wields a two-handed blade, although he lost his “native” sword - a weapon forged from rare blue steel just for his hand - during the battle on Lake Calenhad. If the Gray Warden finds the sword, Stan will be forever grateful.

From time to time Stan will share his own observations about Ferelden, as well as talk about the Qunari people.


A witch from the Korcari Wilds, about whom legends are made both by the inhabitants of Ferelden and by the barbarian tribes, the Hasind. There are so many legends and myths about her that no one even knows what is true and what is fiction and a fairy tale. Helps the Gray Wardens, explaining his help with his own fear of the Blight. As payment for the rescue, he sends his daughter Morrigan with the Guardians. One of Leliana's tales tells how Flemeth became a witch from the Wild Lands: she took revenge on her husband Connabar for the murder of her lover. In her rage, she became possessed by a powerful demon who destroyed Connabar and all his people. The legend mentions Highever Castle, which now belongs to the Cousland family (it could be the Gray Warden - a noble person). Morrigan will tell this story differently, and later, in the Witch Hunt DLC, she will state that Flemeth is not possessed at all and is not even human. If you find a book with the secrets of Flemeth in the Circle Tower and give it to Morrigan, then she will tell you what was written in the tome: the secret of Flemeth's immortality. It turns out that the legendary witch carried her daughters, raised them, raised them, and then killed them in order to inhabit their bodies using magic. Having learned about this, Morrigan will ask you to kill her mother. However, the protagonist can release the witch, who promised never to appear in Ferelden.

In the second part, Flemeth (by changing his appearance) saves the Hawk family during their escape from Lottering. In exchange, she asks Hawk to deliver her amulet to the Dollian elves near Kirkwall, which he does a year later. The elves perform a ritual that Flemeth recreates. Apparently, Flemeth guessed that Morrigan would try to eliminate her and set in motion a plan to return. From her words it can be judged that Flemeth can exist in several bodies at the same time. The Dalish elves know Flemeth under the name Asha "bellanar - "Woman of Many Years", but the Dalish Gray Guardian will not remember this when meeting Flemeth.

Rendon Howe

Aristocrat, ward and main henchman of Loghain. He slaughters the entire Cousland family to take over their lands. If you play as the last Cousland, you are the last one standing (with the exception of your older brother, who appears at the end of the game). Howe soon takes possession of Denerim, becoming its earl too. He is distinguished by his cruelty, love of torture and confidence in his rightness (his last words, when he dies at the hand of a hero, are: “The Creator sees that I did not deserve this!”).

Eamon Guerrin

Earl of Redcliffe, who is poisoned by Jovan, but soon finds the Urn of Sacred Ashes, with which he is cured. He is married to Lady Isolde, an Orlesian, with whom he has a son, Connor, who knows magic, and a brother, Tegan. The earl also had a sister who married Maric. After healing, he helps the Gray Guardians, as well as his nephew Alistair, whom he wants to place on the throne of Ferelden.


Golem from the Stone Prisoner downloadable content. Previously, she was a dwarf from the warrior caste, but during the time of Karidin she sacrificed her soul so that he would create a golem from her.

Sheila is strong, she has special abilities, and she also calls the protagonist by the name “it”. If you kill Karidin in the Anvil of the Void mission, she may leave your squad.

After spending a long time in a motionless state as a statue, Sheila deeply began to hate pigeons and birds in general, because everyone knows what pigeons do to statues.

In the English version of the game, Shale is a neutral name, and the golem's deep voice makes everyone assume he is a man.


A historical figure who, for the Dragon Age setting, is an analogue of both Christ and Joan of Arc. In ancient times, all of Thedas was ruled by masters - sorcerers of the Tevinter Empire. The runaway slave Andraste received a vision from the Creator and united the wild tribes of southern Thedas (this territory would later be called Ferelden) to lead them on a Holy Crusade against the Empire. The campaign was successful, and southern Thedas was freed from oppression. But Andraste herself was betrayed by her own husband, jealous of her power and honor, and handed over to the masters, who betrayed her to the stake. At the last moment, the Tevinter archon Hessarian could not stand Andraste's torment and pierced her with a sword, granting her a quick death. Andraste's ashes fell into the hands of some of the founders of the Church and were hidden in the mountains. Subsequently, Andraste became a great martyr, to whom almost all the prayers of the followers of the Church are addressed. Just like Christians in the real world, followers of the cult of Andraste have long been persecuted and small in number.

Dragon Age: Origins – Awakening

Unlike the first part of the game, the add-on does not have romantic lines as such, and it is almost pointless to drag out any relationships, since much of the time was devoted to battles and not to storylines.


A renegade mage whom the main character meets during the attack on the Tower of Vigil. He joins the battle against the creatures of darkness, and after victory he can be protected from the templars by being accepted into the Order of the Gray Wardens. He will survive the Initiation and join the squad. Anders is not his real name, but only a pseudonym indicating his origin - a magician originally from Anderfels. He came to the Circle as a teenager, and therefore was never able to get used to the rules prevailing there and set a record of successful escapes from the Tower - seven times. Fortunately, he was never accused of using blood magic, and in general he is considered, albeit capricious, but useful - Anders' talents lie in the field of spiritual healing and elemental magic. This mage is wary of maleficars and blood magic. He doesn’t want to study it, although if you teach him it, or you yourself turn out to be one, then it’s okay - Anders’ attitude towards you will not worsen. Anders does not approve of the rebellious sentiments of many magicians and their ideas to rebel against the Church, but he himself hates the templars and mocks the tenets of the Church and Andraste herself.

Anders has several interests: jewelry, gold earrings, and cats, which Anders loves. He will tell you that in the Circle of Magicians he already had a cat named "Mr. Fluffy." The Templars and the First Sorcerer allowed him to care for the cat, but soon a demon possessed him, and the Templars had to kill the little animal. Also, as a child, the magician dreamed of a tiger knight named Sir Lancepaw, who would tear apart the hated templars and pull Anders out of the tower (you can find drawings of little Anders in Witch Hunt). Subsequently, Anders will name a kitten after the knight from his dreams.

In Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening, if you leave him in the Vigil Tower before going to Amaranthine, which is about to be attacked, and then do not return to save the Tower, he will die from a darkspawn arrow in his throat, but not before killing about a hundred enemies with magic.

He escapes from the order to Kirkwall, where he joins Hawke's squad. By default, he is considered accepted into the Order of the Gray Guardians, and a deserter. Even if he is declared dead in the epilogue of Awakening, this will only affect a couple of dialogues with cameo characters. Anders' character also changes a lot - he is not nearly as cheerful and selfish, although he still loves cats and yearns for Sir Lancepaw, who was taken by the Guardians. This is explained by the fact that Anders became a vessel for the spirit of Justice, which, under the influence of his anger, was transformed into Revenge. Even if you taught Anders blood magic in Awakening, in the second part of the game he will not know it, and will also disapprove of deals with demons and blood mages in general. As the game progresses, Anders turns out to be the main culprit in the ensuing uprising of the magicians.


Like Anders, Velanna is a renegade mage, but this is explained by the fact that she is one of the Dalish elf clan. Velanna was a student of the Clan Guardian, and it is known that elf guardians are able to control plants and tree roots, and the trees themselves in principle. One day, she did not want to follow her clan, opposing her teacher, then some of the elves followed her. Leading them to their goal, the renegade did not suspect that the creatures of darkness would kidnap her sister, and then slaughter the rest, scattering human weapons.

That's when Velanna went berserk, starting to animate the trees in anger. She attacked the barbarian tribes, but soon a hero (heroine) arrives and stops the guardian's apprentice.

Despite everything, Velanna is very kind and sincere at her core (for an elf character). She loves various memoirs, things belonging to the Dalish elf clans. She can also teach you the art of Guardian Magic by passing on her knowledge.

Mhairi (originally Mhairi)

Her character remains unclear, since she dies almost at the very beginning of the game. We only learn about Mhairi that she used to be in the service of the king (queen), is good with a sword and shield, and also admires the Gray Wardens.

This warrior dies during the Initiation Rite.

Nathaniel Howe

Son of Earl Rendon Howe. When the hero becomes commander of the Gray Wardens and Earl of Amaranthine, Howe Jr. secretly enters the fortress. Initially, he wants to kill the Guardian, thus avenging the death of his father and the expulsion of his family, but on the spot - perhaps because the Guardian has not yet arrived at the castle - he decides to make do with the theft (from his point of view, the return to the hands of the rightful owners) of family valuables. But he is grabbed by the castle guards and, despite desperate resistance (according to the guards, it took four people to tie up Nathaniel) he is put in prison. The hero, as the new owner of the castle, needs to decide his fate: execute him, let him go in peace, or call him to the Gray Wardens. In the latter case, he joins the squad.

If you have a chance to travel through the castle's dungeons, you will find many things that belonged to his family. Of course he will like them.


In this part you will meet Ogren. Nothing happened to him, of course, except that he wanted to become a Gray Warden. After completing the beginning, you are faced with a choice: should you leave Ogren?

If the player imports his character from Inception into the module, Ogren behaves in accordance with the story outlined in the module. However, his attitude towards the GG will remain at the “neutral” level.

By the way, after the initiation, this merry fellow began to see dreams, and therefore it was even more fun to talk to him! As already mentioned, nothing really has changed in him.


Dwarf girl from the Legion of the Dead. She and her squad have found a passage to one of the dwarf thaigs, which you will have to explore with her. As the plot progresses, we learn that Sigrun was a legionnaire scout that can survive the most powerful opponents and blows. Sigrun is rude, strong, but very kind, and she has a well-developed sense of humor.


When you go on a journey to the Dark Swamps, you will come across an abandoned village. During the mission, you will be thrown into the Shadow, where this place is not touched at all: neither by time nor by creatures. As you explore, you will soon make your way to the village, and there the Spirit of Justice awaits you. After you defeat the witch in the Shadow, Justice will end up in the body of the dead gray guard, because of whom you actually went to the swamps. Having defeated the demon witch again, he will try to find his meaning in life, and then he can join you.

Kristoff, or rather Justice, has Spirit Magic, which you can actually learn, but only as a warrior. To establish relations with Justice, you need to find things that belonged to Kristoff - he will gradually remember fragments of the past experienced by the dead gray guard.

Dragon Age 2

Hawk family

Protagonist (last name Hawk)

The protagonist of Dragon Age 2 is a human refugee from Lothering, a village completely destroyed by darkspawn during the Blight in Ferelden. After escaping from his home village, where his (her) father died, he migrates with his family to Kirkvol, the City of Chains, part of the Free March, to the homeland of his mother Liandra. To earn the fee for “entrance to Kirkwall”, he is hired as a mercenary or smuggler. Within a year he becomes a remarkable person in criminal circles, thanks to which he (she) is noticed by Varrick, whose brother is organizing an expedition to the Deep Paths. After this expedition, Hawk turns out to be a rich man, thanks to money and the aristocratic pedigree of his mother, he makes his way to the Upper City. Three years later, he takes an active part in the defense of Kirkwall from the attacks of the Qunari and elf defectors, which earns him the title of Defender. After this, he becomes a respected person, second in power after Knight Commander Meredith. Three years later, the Defender finds himself involved in a conflict between the magicians and templars of Kirkwall, which flared up with unprecedented force due to the fault of Anders. The Defender has to support Meredith's Right of Destruction and destroy all the magicians, or help the magicians and fight the templars. In the first case, the Defender will eventually be asked to become the governor of Kirkwall, otherwise he will have to flee the city. In any case, after these events, Circles of Mages will begin to rise up throughout Thedas, and the Defender himself will disappear for a reason known only to him.

She is the son (daughter) of Liandra Hawke (Amell), the older brother (sister) of Bethany and Carver.

Bethany Hawk

Renegade mage, twin sister of Carver Hawke, younger sister of Garrett/Marianne Hawke. Specializes in fire magic. If you choose the "Mage" specialization, she dies at the beginning of the game. Spends his free time at Uncle Gamlen's house. A kind girl who prides herself on being a renegade. He loves his older brother (sister) very much.

She can become a Gray Warden in an expedition to the Deep Roads (if Anders is in the party, otherwise she will die), but if you did not take her with you on the expedition, she will be taken to the Circle of Mages.

Carver Hawk

Warrior, twin brother of Bethany Hawke, younger brother of Garrett/Marianne Hawke. Prefers two-handed swords. If you choose the "Warrior" or "Rogue" specialization, he dies at the beginning of the game. Spends his free time at Uncle Gamlen's house. Carver has a bad character, he often whines for one reason or another, and is rarely satisfied. He envies the talent of his brother (sister) and argues with him (her) in everything. In this regard, he has become a little closer to Varric, also a younger brother who has to obey his older brother, although Varric prefers to perceive his situation with irony.

He can become a Gray Guardian in an expedition to the Deep Roads (if Anders is in the party, otherwise he will die), but if you did not take him with you on the expedition, he will run away from home and become a templar.

Liandra Amell

Mother of Hawk, Bethany and Carver. She is a noblewoman of Kirkwall and the main heir of the House of Amell, but left the house and fled to Ferelden to marry the renegade magician Malcolm Hawke. The Amell family also had magicians.

He dies in the fourth year of his new life in Kirkwall at the hands of a crazy blood mage, who collected zombies from the body parts of various women, reminiscent of his deceased beloved.


Varric Tetras

A surface gnome from the Orzammar blacksmith caste. Hawk's friend or rival. Rogue, specialization: crossbowman. It is from Varric’s perspective that the second part of Dragon Age is narrated. He rents a room in the Hangman Tavern. She considers the latter her home and cannot imagine her life without her.

He has a brother, Bartrand, with whom Varric and Hawk go on an expedition to the Deep Roads. As a result, Bartrand is possessed by a demon and forces him to lock his brother and his friends in a forgotten thaige. They manage to get out, but Varrick forever loses trust in his brother.

He has a fanatical love for his crossbow, which he calls “Bianca” (a clear allusion to the game “Assassin`s Creed II” - there was also a character who called his weapon “Bianca”). Later it is revealed that this crossbow is unique. It was designed by Varric's former comrade in an attempt to create an automatic crossbow. "Bianca" is the only working copy.

Aveline Wallen

A warrior girl specializing in sword and shield, she was among the ranks of Kaylan's troops destroyed at Ostagar. Templar Wesley's widow. It is possible that Aveline’s prototype was the legend about the first warrior girl Aveline, told in Dragon Age by Leliana, or read in the Codex. Lives in the city guard barracks.

At the beginning of the game, her templar husband Wesley Wallen becomes infected with corruption and asks to be killed before turning into a screamer. The player can do this himself or allow Aveline, but if he does it himself, then Aveline may be offended by him, but if he chooses the phrase: “...It’s up to you to decide...”, then she will be grateful. In similar cases, also let relatives or friends decide (with the exception of when Anders asks about Karl, advise him to kill him).

In Kirvol, Aveline quickly makes his way among the people, joining the city guard. With Hawke's support, she is able to find evidence of the city guard captain's betrayal and subsequently take his place. Also, not without the help of Hawk, Aveline clumsily, but achieves the favor of the guard Donnik and marries him.

Aveline has a very strong character, she does not like illegal actions of any kind and tries to strictly suppress them. But, on the other hand, she showed herself to be very shy and rather clumsy while courting Donnik, if Hawk had not directly expressed her feelings to him, perhaps Aveline would have remained lonely.


Rogue duelist from Rivain, pirate, former captain of a pirate ship. It is also found in the first part, where it can teach the protagonist the duelist specialization. In battle he prefers two daggers. Spends his free time drinking alcohol at the Gallows.

Isabella is a freedom-loving and dissolute person. She has a weakness for handsome and strong men, who do not have to persuade her for a long time to have a “close relationship.” It was an unfortunate accident that she ended up in Kirkwall. She was ordered to steal the sacred book of the Qunari, the same ones chased after her ship, but the battle and an untimely storm destroyed the ships of both Isabella and the Qunari. As a result, it was Isabella who became responsible for the appearance of the Qunari in the city. He is one of the possible love interests for both men and women.


An elf slave of the Tevinter Master and mage Danarius, who lost his memory and was physically changed due to exposure to lyrium. A warrior who specializes in two-handed weapons.

Fenris's real name is Leto. He willingly agreed to become part of Danarius's experiment with lyrium, in return receiving freedom from slavery for his mother and sister Varanya. Danarius implanted lyrium into Fenris's skin, creating something like vein-tattoos through which lyrium flows instead of blood. Fenris claims that due to the unbearable pain that accompanied the ritual, he lost the memory of his former life; however, it is possible that his memory was erased on purpose to prevent possible rebellion on the part of the slave. Lyrium enhanced his physical abilities, at the same time giving him new, magical ones - Fenris can make his body partially intangible, which allows him to dodge blows in battle and kill people with his bare hands (which he demonstrates several times during the game, tearing out the hearts of his opponents). So the elf became Danarius’s slave-bodyguard. One day, due to the fact that there was not enough space on the ship, Danarius had to leave Fenris to die on an island captured by the Qunari. There the elf was found by warriors of the fog, free people who did not obey anyone’s orders. With them, Fenris first learned what freedom is, but soon Danarius found him and ordered to kill all the warriors, which Fenris did, unable to purely psychologically resist his master’s order. But it was at that moment that his life turned upside down: he realized that he no longer wanted to be a slave, and he ran away. The escape was successful primarily because Danarius did not expect such an act from a previously absolutely obedient slave. Time after time, he sent assassins who were supposed to return the “escaped property” to him, but Fenris dealt with them each time and fled to another city to hide from his pursuers. During one of these battles, Fenris meets Hawk and finds his first friend in all his freedom. With Hawk's help, he deals with Danarius' servants, and then with himself. However, Hawke can also deny Fenris protection and give it to Danarius. The elf, broken by such a betrayal, will surrender without resistance, and later Hawk will receive a letter from Danarius with gratitude for the return of the slave and a message that Fenris’ memory has been erased again and he has again become subjugated.

Due to memory loss, Fenris is psychologically at the age of a teenager. He is withdrawn, brooding, and has difficulty controlling his rage. He hates magicians, believing that their gift is a curse, and there is no sacrifice that a magician would not make for the sake of power. Most of all, Fenris wants to be free, however, even having escaped from his master, he remains a slave to his own hatred, and involuntarily looks for someone whose orders he can carry out.

Lives in the Upper City in the former mansion of Danarius. Is a possible love interest for a woman and a man.


A renegade mage, as well as a Gray Warden from the first official add-on for Dragon Age. Specializes in healing magic. Fled from Ferelden, not wanting to deal with the Guardians anymore. He made a deal with Justice and became his container. He explains this by saying that he wanted the good spirit to have a normal body, not a corpse and not captured by force, but a body that voluntarily accepted it. Unfortunately, Anders did not notice that Justice, already from the time of working with the Hero of Ferelden, began to show a desire for revenge. Mixed with the feelings of Anders himself, Justice absorbed all of Anders’ hatred for the templars and, in general, for the position of magicians, and turned into a demon of Vengeance (in some ways this is reminiscent of the story of Zarathos from the “Spirit of Vengeance”).

He lives in the slums of Kirkwall, where he runs an underground clinic and does not hide the fact that he is a magician. Shows great dissatisfaction with Meredith's policies, wanting to change the lives of magicians. As a result, it was he who started the war between the magicians and the templars, destroying the Church and killing the Reverend Mother Kirkwall.

Anders has changed quite a bit since his adventures with the Hero of Ferelden. Instead of a frivolous and sarcastic magician who had his eye on girls, he became a vengeful killer. Perhaps this is due to Revenge, because of which Anders sometimes cannot control himself and is even ready to commit inexplicable murders. Anders really misses Sir Lancepaw, his kitten, which the Hero gave him, but which, by order of the Guardians, he had to give to a friend.

Anders is one of the possible love interests for both the man and the woman.


An exiled Dalish, a blood mage who is a temporary companion of the Dalish elf Guardian from the first part of the game. He uses blood magic and sees nothing wrong with it. But it was blood magic that made her an outcast in her own clan. She was to become the next guardian of her clan, inheriting the title from Maretari. But Merrill took a path that her fellow tribesmen did not like. She herself considers herself a faithful follower of the heritage of her ancestors. She dreams of regaining the lost knowledge of the elves, first of all, by restoring the mirror, which was used for long-distance negotiations. To cleanse it, she became a blood mage and asked the demon for help. As a result, this demon will try to take over her body, but Maretari will manage to seal it in her own body so that Merril had to kill her. This could lead to the complete destruction of Merril's clan or her eternal exile.

Merrill is a little frivolous, does not take hints at all and takes all jokes seriously. She lives in the elf-house of Kirkwall, where she has shown herself to be a very bad housewife. She is a possible love interest for both men and women.

Sebastian Val

Sebastian Val(DLC “The Exiled Prince”) - the future ruler of the neighboring principality of Starkhaven. Rogue, bow master.

Sebastian is at first the youngest son of the ruling clan, whose hopes for the throne were minimal. He did not fight for the impossible and took a vow in the Church. But he soon learned that his entire family had been brutally murdered by order of unknown people. He asks the mercenaries to kill the clan that committed the murder, and Hawk takes up the matter. Subsequently, Hawk continues to help Val find the family who hired the killers, and also find out that they became victims of the ambitious desires of the mother of the noble family and the demon of Desire.

Spends free time in Church. Is a romantic interest for a female Hawk.

If you refuse to execute Anders for destroying the church and killing innocents, he leaves for Starkhaven, promising to gather an army and return to show Anders “true justice.”

Other characters

Knight Commander Meredith- the head of the templars of Kirkwall, fiercely hates magic and tries with all his might to oppress magicians. As a result, she finds herself captured by the same demon as Bartrand, which drives her crazy.

Orsino- The first sorcerer of the Circle of Magicians of the city of Kirkwall. Elf. He is not afraid to speak out against Meredith, he is not confrontational, but due to oppression, Meredith begins to rebel. In the end, he forces himself to use blood magic to resurrect his beloved students.

Flemeth- a powerful witch from the first part. The second part explains how she was able to escape, although the Hero killed her in the first part at the request of Morrigan.

Cassandra Pendegast- female inquisitor, plays a narrative role, like Varric.

Arishok- leader of the Qunari who were shipwrecked near Kirkwall and founded their own ghetto. Considers the entire city and its inhabitants unworthy and rotten due to base desires, in need of cleansing. He religiously follows the teachings of Kun, the central philosophy of the Qunari. "Arishok" is a military title, not a name, but for the Qunari it is the same thing. One of the game's trailers shows a battle between the Arishok and Hawk.

Bartrand Tetras- Varric's older brother, organizing an expedition to the Deep Roads. Goes crazy because of the demon in the lyrium idol. As a result, he may be killed by his brother.

Hamelin Amell- Hawk's maternal uncle. Sold the Amell estate in Kirkwall, losing everything at cards. Spends a lot of time in the Blooming Rose brothel.

Dragon Age

Updated archive from 11/23/17. Due to problems with gloves for some users, it was decided to slightly change the structure of the archive. The installation remains the same. But the removal has changed a little. If you also have problems with displaying gloves, then install the new version over it. Those who were fine before don’t need to do anything!
Updated 10/07/17. Added the ability to obtain all armor using a console command. More details in the fifth paragraph of the section " Installation".

This mod adds several new armor sets. Not just armor. This is special armor for special characters. Except for the gnomes, sorry about that. Therefore, this means that you will only be able to use the armor on humans and elves. Men and women (creating models for gnomes is very hard work).

You can get all the kits in Ostagar (at night). Near Duncan's camp. Note that this area will only open after you meet Morrigan and Flemeth for the first time. Therefore, a new game is recommended.
The armor is pretty hard to miss. Is not it so?

From the translator: it is not necessary to start a new game, just load a save in the wild lands of Korcari before meeting Morrigan. The armor works in all DLCs and campaigns.

Please note that once you have crossed the bridge leading to Ishala Tower, you will no longer be able to obtain kits.
I also recommend picking up the armor after the Initiation ritual. This is to maintain immersion in the game and to ensure that the cutscene plays normally. If you don't want the ceremonial bowl to behave strangely during the cutscene.

  1. Download and extract the archive using the program 7-zip .
  2. Install .dazip file using DAUpdater (C:\Program Files (x86)\Dragon Age\bin_ship). Just open the program, move it into the window .dazip file, click on its name LMB and then the " Set selected ".
  3. Wait for the process to complete and close the program.
  4. If you wish, you can install new armor for Alistair. To do this, open the folder " Optional " in the archive and select one option based on the screenshot. Move the desired folder to: . You can only install one armor at a time! If the changes do not take effect, check your override folder to see if there is another file in it " gen00fl_alistair.utc "! If you find one, remove it.
  5. If desired, all kits can be obtained using the console command " runscript zz_thedosianwarden " without quotes. To do this, move the folder " Console_command_TGW "from archive folder" Optional " by the address: ...\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override.

  1. Manually delete the folder " ThedosianWarden " by the address: ...\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\AddIns
  2. Manually delete the file " ThedosianWarden_package.erf " by the address: ...\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\data
  3. Manually delete the file " gloves_massive_variation_tw1.GDA " by the address: ...\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override
  4. If you installed new armor for Alistair, then delete the folder " Alistair starter armor - Heavy Warden Armor " or " Alistair starter armor - Inquisition " by the address: ...\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override .
  5. If you installed a script to obtain armor using a console command, do not forget to delete the folder " Console_command_TGW " by the address: ...\Documents\BioWare\Dragon Age\packages\core\override.

“Victory in the war.

Vigilance in the world.

Sacrifice in death.”

Motto of the Gray Wardens.

are an ancient order of warriors with exceptional abilities who have dedicated themselves to fighting the Darkspawn throughout Thedas. The main body of the order is based in the very place where it was founded - Weishaupt Fortress in Anderfels, but small detachments are also present in most other countries.

WITH The Gray Wardens are known to disregard a recruit's race, social status, nationality, or even criminal history if they deem his personality or abilities to be of value to the order.

N Despite their small numbers, the Gray Guardians have always contributed to victories over the Pestilence, and thus made it possible for the whole world to survive. Most of the products released in the world of Dragon Age (books, games and comics) are closely related to the Gray Wardens.

History of the order.

*From Codex Entry: Gray Wardens*

The First Pestilence lasted for 90 years. The world was plunged into chaos. In the devastated Anderfels, a meeting took place in the Weishaupt Fortress. The soldiers of the Empire, battle-hardened warriors who had known nothing in their lives but a hopeless war, gathered together. When they left Weishaupt, they abandoned their oaths to the Empire. They were no longer soldiers, they were Gray Wardens.

The First Pestilence and the Founding of the Order.

IN-395 Antiquity (395 years before the advent of the Ecclesiastical Calendar) or 800 TE (800 years since the founding of the Tevinter Empire), a plague spread across the world. The Deep Roads, underground roads built by the Dwarves, were overrun with hideous creatures that became known as the "Darkspawn". These creatures seemed to be countless, and spread filth that poisoned other living beings, turning them into monsters, and desecrated everything around them.

P Cult of the Maker investigators stated that this was the result of Tevinter mages entering the Shadow using a group ritual of passage and attempting to take over the Golden City, although Dwarves and other races (except humans) were skeptical of this theory. However, this invasion - called the Blight - soon destroyed most of the dwarves' underground kingdoms and burst to the surface. Thedas fell into chaos and entered a dark age. The darkspawn were seen to be led by an unimaginably powerful dragon, poisoned by their corruption; this creature was called the "archdemon" and was believed to be one of the Old Gods worshiped in Tevinter.

IN-305 Ancient (890 TE), after nearly a century of harsh battles against the hordes of the Darkspawn, a group of experienced warriors gathered at Weishaupt Fortress in Anderfels, in the west of the Tevinter Empire. They somehow discovered the ritual of Initiation, and used it to found a brotherhood whose members abandoned everything, devoting themselves exclusively to the battle against the creatures of darkness. They called themselves the Gray Wardens, and began to accept, regardless of race or background, without exception, everyone who wanted to join the Order.

WITH The Gray Guardians first appeared on the battlefield during the attack on Nordbotten. They arrived riding griffins, and began to plunge into the ranks of the enemy so that each Guardian destroyed groups of ten, or even twenty creatures of darkness at once. Incredibly, they defeated the horde and won the battle. They became a desperately needed ray of hope in the darkest of times, and quickly rose to prominence. The Gray Wardens began to receive financial assistance, supplies and recruits from all lands; They increased the size of the Order, began to build fortresses and act as elite combat units, striking quickly and destructively wherever the Spawn of Darkness appeared, rallying and inspiring other armies of the world to great feats.

IN Over the next hundred years, humanity slowly rose to its feet and pushed back the Blight. Finally, in -203 Ancient (992 TE), the Gray Wardens assembled an allied army of Tevinter warriors, the tribes of Sirain (the future Orlais), and Rivain to confront the main darkspawn horde led by the archdemon, now identified as Dumat. A massive battle took place on the Silent Plains, now divided between southern Tevinter and northern Nevarra, and Dumat lost to the Gray Wardens. It took several years to exterminate the remaining darkspawn, but a great feat was accomplished and the Gray Wardens became legendary. After the Battle of the Silent Plains, they became incredibly famous and many countries made official promises of support to the Order during further incursions of the darkspawn. The Gray Wardens also received the Power of Conscription in order to recruit enough recruits.

The Second Pestilence and the Church.

IN 1:5 Divine, approximately 200 years after the destruction of Dumat, the archdemon Zazikel rose with a new Blight. The entire city of Nordbotten - the very place where the Gray Wardens first appeared - was destroyed before its defense could be organized. The Tevinter Empire abandoned Anderfels in an attempt to protect central Tevinter. Serious problems began in the Anderfels, and even the headquarters of the Gray Wardens in Weishaupt Fortress was under siege by the creatures of darkness.

TO Fortunately, the armies of the newly founded Orlesian Empire under the command of Emperor Cordillus Drakkon* I were sufficiently motivated and capable of resisting the Blight. After several victories over the darkspawn, Drakkon's armies lifted the siege of Weishaupt at 1:33 Divine, and proceeded to save what was left of the Anderfels along with the Gray Wardens. Anderfels was annexed to the Orlesian Empire, and the Gray Wardens were sufficiently impressed by Drakkon's actions to convert to the Andrastian Church. It cannot be denied that this religious change may have influenced some of their views regarding the darkspawn.

IN Over the ensuing decades, the Blight was slowly suppressed again and the Gray Wardens took command of the war. The Archdemon Zazikel was finally defeated and destroyed by the Gray Wardens in 1:95 Divine at Furious Haven in the Free Marches.

* In the original Drakon, as well as the river and Fort Drakon in Ferelden, in order to avoid confusion in Russian with dragons (English - Dragon), a second “k” is added to proper names.

Third and fourth Moras.

T The third Blight began with the awakening of Thoth at 3:10 of the Towers, again almost two hundred years after the previous one. It all started with darkspawn attacks in the heart of Thedas - Tevinter and Orlais - but although the hordes were larger than before, a quickly organized defense led by the Gray Wardens helped push them back. Darkspawn attacks began to focus on the less defended Free Marches, and Tevinter and Orlais tried to stay away for a time, but pressure from the Gray Wardens forced them to act. The darkspawn horde was defeated at Mount Hunter in the Free Marches at 3:25 of the Towers, and Thoth was destroyed by the Gray Wardens. Everything was thought out, and the third Blight turned out to be a relatively short-lived event.

N Much was said about the Gray Wardens in the next two centuries, until the awakening of Andorhal and the beginning of the fourth Blight in 5:12 Exalted. The greatest damage was done in the eastern territories under Gray Warden custody - the Free Marches, Antiva and Rivain - but Anderfels was also attacked, and Hossberg, a town near Weishaupt, came under siege. At the same time, attacks began on Tevinter and Orlais, and they refused to send help. The hero of the fourth Blight was a Gray Warden elf named Garahel, who led the liberation of Hossberg in 5:20 Exalted and then raised an army in the Free Marches to help the Gray Wardens. Garahel's army marched north and met the main horde at 5:24 Exalted at the Battle of Isley, where Garahel was lost after personally destroying Andorhal.

From the Exalted Age to the Age of the Dragon.

P After the Fourth Blight, the influence of the Gray Wardens decreased significantly. 400 years passed, and many began to think that the Pestilence would never happen again. Despite being a constant threat to the dwarves, the creatures of darkness were very rarely encountered by those living on the surface, and the Gray Wardens began to slowly be forgotten.

IN Let's go back in time for a moment: shortly before the 7:10 Storm, an unpleasant incident occurred in Ferelden involving the local Guardian-Commander - Sophia Dryden, a former claimant to the crown of Ferelden - involved in a planned coup d'etat. The result was a battle between the Gray Wardens and the royal army, the loss of Commander Sophia and her squad at Soldier's Peak, and the subsequent expulsion of the Order from Ferelden by King Arland - despite the fact that less than a hundred Gray Wardens practically defeated the entire Ferelden army. The Gray Wardens were readmitted to Ferelden by King Maric at 9:10 Draconis and were able to begin to slowly rebuild the order, but by 9:30 Draconis their presence remained small and the order was not well known.

Fifth Blight.

IN 9:30 Draconis, the fifth Blight finally began with the awakening of Urthemiel. The darkspawn infested the Korcari Wilds in southern Ferelden, where they were met by the Fereldan army under the command of King Cailan and Loghain Mac Tir, as well as the local Gray Wardens, numbering only about two dozen. After several minor victories over the darkspawn, the royal army suffered a crushing defeat and was destroyed in the main battle - near Ostagar - when Loghain unexpectedly withdrew his troops to seize the throne, leaving King Cailan and the Gray Wardens to be torn apart by the horde. Only two Gray Wardens survived, both had only recently been accepted into the order.

N Despite the difficulties, the remaining Gray Wardens were able to assemble an allied army to resist the Blight, and with the help of a senior Warden from Orlais, they managed to destroy Urthemiel during the Siege of Denerim. The Fifth Blight lasted less than a year. As a sign of deepest gratitude for their accomplishments, the Gray Wardens were given the Erling of Amaranthine, where they could restore their order and its former greatness.



G The heraldic symbol of the Gray Wardens is a griffin argent on an azure background. Warden commanders, at least in Sophia Dryden's time, had their own heraldic devices. Their symbol was depicted in the form of two connected griffins, with wings spread in opposite directions and intertwined branches under them. On Guardian Commander Sophia Dryden's armor, the classic symbol appears in a slightly modified form against a black background. The artistic interpretation of the symbol on this armor is slightly different from how it appears on heavy metal shields.

Guardian Commander

Guardian Commander Armor

ABOUT The Gray Wardens are ruled by the First Warden in Weishaupt. The hierarchy of the order looks like a system of national divisions, each of which is subordinate to the Guardian-Commander or Commander of the Grays. Apparently the small number of positions serves to simplify the hierarchy, and no other ranks are mentioned; the remaining members of the order follow a less formal order of subordination that has developed over many years according to seniority (determined by the recency of Initiation).

IN About the time of Dragon Age: Beginning, at 9:30 Dragon, the forces of the Gray Wardens are distributed as follows:

ABOUT There are about a thousand members of the order in Anderfels, several hundred in Orlais and about two dozen in Ferelden.

Right of Conscription

IN out of necessity, the Gray Guardians were given the Right of Summoning; they can call anyone into their ranks - from a king to a criminal. However - especially in Ferelden - this Right is rarely used due to possible political conflicts. Moreover, due to some difficulties, the Gray Guardians do not accept everyone. Only the best are invited, regardless of race or social status.

D Unkan used the Right to take Alistair away from his templar training when the Reverend Mother refused to let him go. The Right can also be used in the Backstories of the game's main characters to ensure their joining the Order.

IN In the Dragon Age: Origins - Awakening addon, the Guardian Commander can use the Power of Summoning to recruit Anders and Nathaniel.


Join us, brothers and sisters.

Join us, hidden in the shadows, where we keep vigil.

Join us, for we have a duty that cannot be renounced.

And if you are destined to die, know that this sacrifice will not be forgotten.

And one day we will join you.

Words spoken at Initiation since the time of the first Gray Warden.

H To become a member of the Gray Wardens, a recruit must undergo a rite called Initiation. One of the reasons for the small number of Gray Wardens is that few survive this ritual. Only those who have a good chance of surviving the Initiation can be called up as recruits. The ritual and all information about it are kept in the strictest confidence by the order, because during Initiation, recruits drink from a cup containing a mixture of darkspawn blood, lyrium and a drop of archdemon blood. Few survive this, but those who do become Gray Wardens - forever bound to the darkspawn and forever corrupted by the blood they drank.

WITH Becoming a Gray Warden requires a dose of darkspawn corruption in a certain proportion for immediate effect, rather than slowly turning the blood drinker into a ghoul. While the blood of an archdemon is used in its normal form, the blood of other darkspawn can be magically processed to be used in ritual. However, some creatures of darkness do not already have enough corruption in their blood to trigger the ritual.

R The ritual of Initiation gives the Gray Wardens several abilities: they become connected to the hivemind, allowing them to sense the presence of darkspawn, and they become immune to the corruption spread by the Blight. However, they also suffer from the influence of the filth they have consumed: bad (sometimes prophetic) dreams, insatiable hunger and a shortened life expectancy. Additionally, in addition to being able to sense darkspawn, darkspawn can sense them. So, in addition to the benefit this dark gift brings to the Gray Wardens, it also puts them in the position of game in the hunt of the darkspawn.

A Vernus, when asked, states that the corruption bestowed by Initiation contains incredible powers, and the ability to sense the creatures of darkness is only a small part of them. He believes that the use of energy and blood can unlock these powers, and attempts to imitate this process through alchemy, leading to a branch of abilities called Blood Power.


TO Just as the Gray Guardians keep the secrets of Initiation from outsiders, they also keep the true nature of the Vocation from members of the order. As recounted in the book Dragon Age: The Calling, it is tantalizing to think that the Calling was a ritual devised by the first Gray Wardens to prevent the death of the Wardens from corruption. Contrary to the belief among members of the order, Gray Wardens do not die from corruption, but succumb to it until they begin to resemble darkspawn, and the darkspawn attack them, and according to their intentions and goals they become darkspawn, as in the case of Genevieve and Bregan.

P the calling begins with nightmares or the voice of the Archdemon, the same call heard by darkspawn seekers seeking the Old Gods, approximately 30 years after the Initiation. According to the ritual, the Gray Warden descends underground and celebrates before going into the Deep Roads and destroying as many darkspawn as possible before being killed at their hands. The secret of the Calling begins to take shape when Alistair admits that the corruption will kill the Gray Wardens, although this is not true.

N It is unknown whether the truth is kept secret from all Gray Wardens, or only from young members of the order like Alistair, but it seems that only the first Gray Wardens, with the exception of the characters of the Calling, knew about the true nature of this phenomenon.

R Jordan suggests that even if the Gray Warden escapes, at some point all Wardens will find themselves in the Deep Roads, plague-ridden lands, or hunted by darkspawn, because Wardens and darkspawn are bound by a taint that draws them to each other. Thus, we can assume that almost any Gray Guardian will die at the hands of the creatures of darkness.

N Several Guardians, under the leadership of Commander Genevieve, suffered premature Callings at the beginning of the Age of the Dragon. Their Calling and the subsequent change in the body - similar to a disgusting rash - was caused by magical amulets created to speed up the poisoning of filth. Fiona, a Gray Warden the same age as Duncan, was one of those affected, and was cured of the accelerating corruption shortly after completing her mission to the Deep Roads. Weishaupt's mage guards believed that she may have been freed from the Calling forever; Whether this is true or not has not yet been established.

Members of the order.

TO When the order was formed in 890 TE - more than a thousand years before the Age of the Dragon - it was composed primarily of Tevinter veterans of the battles against the darkspawn that took place during the First Blight.

T Now the history of the Order of the Gray Wardens includes countless men and women - humans, elves and dwarves - who gave their lives to protect Thedas from the threat of the darkspawn. Here are just a few of them, and what is now known about their fates:

Century of Victory

Six or seven centuries before the Age of the Dragon.

Asturian: Gray Commander in Ferelden, submitted to the Calling some time after the completion of Soldier's Peak at 2:34 Victory.

Frida Halvik: Assumed the duties of Guardian Commander after Asturian's Calling.

Exalted Age

Three or four centuries before the Age of the Dragon.

Garakhel: The Elf Guardian who united Thedas against the Fourth Blight, and died leading a murderous attack on the Archmedon of Andorhal in 5:24 Exalted.

Ages of Steel/Storm

Two centuries before the Age of the Dragon.

Avernus: A Gray Guardian mage who unnaturally extended his life using blood magic to contain the demon he carelessly unleashed from the Fade during the battle at Soldier's Peak.

Sophia Dryden: Accepted the duties of Guardian Commander after being forced to join the order following a failed plot against King Arland. She later led the rebellion against Arland, which led to the two-hundred-year exile of the Gray Wardens from Ferelden. Sophia died during the rebellion, possessed by a demon that still controlled her body two centuries later.

Note: On the wall in Soldier's Peak, the Guardian can find a list of the Gray Wardens who fought alongside Sofia against Arland.

Age of the Dragon.

Beginning of the Age of the Dragon.

After Sophia's rebellion, the Gray Wardens were rarely seen in Ferelden until a group of Wardens from Orlais approached King Maric Theirin for help in an expedition into the Deep Roads in the early years of the Age of the Dragon.

Bregan: Commander of the Grays in Orlais, until his Calling at the beginning of the Age of the Dragon. Died in the Circle Tower.

Duncan: Recruited on the streets of Val Royeaux, later became Deputy Commander and finally Commander of the Guards in Ferelden. Died fighting alongside King Cailan at the Battle of Ostagar.

Fiona: Orlesian elf mage and Gray Warden. Returned to Weishaupt Fortress after a risky journey to the Deep Roads with Genevieve, Marik and Duncan.

Genevieve: Bregan's sister and successor to the role of Commander of the Grays in Orlais. Died in the Circle Tower.

Guy: Orlesian Gray Warden. He was Genevieve's fiancé before his murder in Val Royeaux.

Julien: An Orlesian Gray Warden who wielded a greatsword. Died saving Duncan's life from a dragon in the Deep Roads.

Kell: One of the Avvars, became an Orlesian Gray Warden and Genevieve's second lover. He and his war dog, Hafter, distracted a large number of darkspawn to allow Marik, Duncan and Fiona to escape. Presumed dead on the Deep Roads.

Martin: Gray Warden who fought against the creatures of darkness in the Deep Roads along with the dwarves of Orzammar.

Nicholas: Gray Guardian warrior who used a mace and shield. Unable to come to terms with Julien's death, Nicholas allowed himself to be trapped in the illusion of a demon in the Fade.

Uta: The Dwarven Gray Guardian and the Silent Sister who killed with her bare hands. Uta joined the Architect and escaped with him from the Circle Tower.

Fifth Blight.

Duncan on a reconnaissance mission to the Deep Roads and three Fereldan Gray Wardens believed to have died at Ostagar.

Alistair: A young Gray Warden recruited from the Templars by Duncan. He survived the Battle of Ostagar and became the Guardian's companion in the battle against the fifth Blight.

Davet: Raised near the Wilds of Korcari, Daveth became a pickpocket on the streets of Denerim until he was recruited by Duncan. Davet did not survive the Initiation.

Gregor: A burly Gray Warden from Anderfels, with a large curly beard and an uncanny ability to drink heavily. Presumably died at Ostagar.

Jory: A Redcliffe warrior who left behind a young, pregnant wife, Jory was immensely proud that Duncan had chosen him as a recruit. However, upon seeing Daveth's death, Jory panicked, drew his weapon, and was killed by Duncan.

Loghain: Maric's friend and advisor, Loghain's actions at the beginning of the fifth plague provoked a civil war. The Warden was forced to choose: execute Loghain or make him a Gray Warden.

Richu: An experienced Guardian who fought alongside Duncan.

Riordan: Hailing from Highever, Riordan joined the Guardians at the same time as Duncan, but remained in Orlais to become the senior Guardian of Jaedher. He died after crippling the wing of the archdemon of the fifth Blight, thereby forcing him to descend to the ground, where a group of Guardians was able to kill him.

Tamarel: A young elf recruited by Duncan for her keen eye and skill with a bow. Tamarel's fate is unknown, but she left the Guardians six months before the Battle of Ostagar.

Tarimel: The only elf Guardian who accompanied Duncan to Ostagar. Believed to have died at the Battle of Ostagar.

Guardian: One of two Fereldan Guardians (the other being Alistair) who survived the Battle of Ostagar. Leads the battle against the fifth Blight.


Gray Warden of Orlais

Anders: A human mage who escaped from the Circle of Mages seven times, but was always caught. The female templar in the Awakening trailer states that he is a killer and cannot be trusted. She blames him for the death of the templars who were guarding him in the Tower of Vigil when the creatures of darkness attacked.

Velanna: An elf mage who traveled with her clan of Dalish elves. She is very aggressive and can animate trees that look like sylvans. She hunts merchants in the Vending Forest, believing they have kidnapped her sister, and attacks the Guardian for killing her clan friends. Velanna does not know why the traders need her sister.

Sigrun: Dwarf robber, member of the Legion of the Dead. She fought the darkspawn in the Deep Roads with her group and was the only survivor. She believes that something strange is happening in the ancient fortress of Kal Hirol.

Mhairi: A female warrior who admired the two Guardians who "single-handedly" defeated an archdemon, and jumped at the opportunity to help them rebuild the order. Mhairi did not survive the Initiation.

Nathaniel Howe: outlaw and son of Earl Rendon Howe. The player finds him in the Vigil Tower dungeon.

Other Guardians.

The names and some of the accomplishments of other Gray Wardens are known, but the years of their lives and the details of their stories are shrouded in darkness.

Foral Educan: Mace-wielding Gray Warden of House Aedukan.

Coral Bemot: Gray Dwarf Guardian from House Bemoth. It is believed that he single-handedly defended the gates of Orzammar from the invading darkspawn with the help of a crossbow.

Codex entries for the Gray Wardens:

Codex Entry: First Blight, Chapter 4.

Codex Entry: Gray Wardens.

Codex Entry: First Guardian.


None of the videos directly show the death of the Gray Wardens.

Book by David Gaider Dragon Age: The Calling(Vocation) provides a more complete description of many aspects of Gray Warden lore.

The Gray Wardens bear some resemblance to the Night's Watch from the A Song of Ice and Fire series of books by George R.R. Martin.

Gray Wardens are also somewhat similar to the Gray Knights from the Warhammer 40,000 setting.

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