Longer is shorter for children 3-4 years old. Summary of nodes on famp for children of the middle group “long-short”

An album of exercises on the formation of pre-numerical mathematical concepts in children 5-6 years old.

We present to your attention an album with exercises that will help a preschooler learn pre-numerical mathematical concepts in an accessible and fun way.

The album is based on a system of entertaining exercises for children 4-6 years old, which reflects the sections “Size” and “Orientation in Space.”

The purpose of this album- to form pre-numerical mathematical concepts in a preschool child and teach:

    compare two sets (groups) of objects by quantity, using the concepts:

“a lot - a little”, “more - less”, “the same (equally)”;

    compare two objects of contrasting size in length, width, height, thickness;

    determine the spatial arrangement of objects in relation to oneself and to another object;

    determine the location of objects and show (name or depict) them on the plane of the sheet.

Novelty: Based on many years of practical experience, the author has developed a system of entertaining

graphic exercises that allow you to use the stimulating value of the hand function, influencing the emotional characteristics of the child and the development of his mental processes.

Working in the proposed album will allow you to:

    turn learning into a fun game;

    expand speech capabilities by introducing mathematical terms into the active dictionary;

    improve the development of a child’s eye;

    develop fine motor skills of the fingers;

    stimulate the development of thinking operations;

    ensure that tasks are completed taking into account the individual characteristics of the child (each child moves forward in learning at his own pace);

    increase independence in completing tasks.

Work in the album should begin when the child is not busy with something interesting to him: after all, he is offered to play, and playing is voluntary!

First, read a fairy tale about a magical land to your little student, and then, together with you, he will “travel” through the pages of the album, completing the tricky traps and tasks of the evil wizard.

Read the task to your child, but do not rush him to answer - give him the opportunity to think and reason. The child must be confident that he can cope with the task himself.

If the child is tired and distracted, take a break, but the task that has already begun must be completed, while forming motivation for learning activities.

Don't forget to praise your child for his efforts!

Little animals are sitting on the benches of the playground. Show me where big bench, where - small? On which bench are the cat and kitten sitting? On which bench does the little bear play? Color it big bench with a green pencil, and small- yellow pencil.

Find identical toys and color each pair of toys with colored pencils the same.

    The concept of “broad - narrow”.

Spring has come: the first streams began to flow, the rivers were free of ice. Show me where wide river, and where - narrow a trickle? Which river is the big ship sailing on? On which stream is the small boat sailing? Color the ship that is sailing on wide river, with a yellow pencil, and a boat that sails along narrow stream, - with a red pencil.

    The concept of “high - low”.

Builders built new houses. Show me which house high, Which one then - short? Color it high ds with a blue pencil, and short- pink pencil.

The bunnies Zay and Chick are preparing for the holiday. Show me which bunny has a lot of balls, and which one has few? Draw the balls so that the bunnies have them equally.

    The concept of "long - short".

Masha and Dasha live in the same house on different floors. Show me which staircase long, and which one - short? Which staircase does the girl go up and which one does she go down? Color it long staircase with a green pencil.

    The concept of "thick - thin".

Two mushrooms grew in a forest clearing - boletus and fly agaric. Show me which mushroom thick leg, and which one has thin? Name the mushroom with thick leg. What is the name of the mushroom thin with a leg?

Color the mushroom cap with thick leg with a brown pencil, and with thin leg - with a red pencil. What color will you paint the leaf and grass? Color them.

    The concept of “deep - shallow”.

Children swim in the pond. Show me which boy swims where deep? Color his hat with a red pencil. And what boy swims where small? Color his hat with a yellow pencil.

    Concepts of "straight - curve".

Flowers grew in the clearing - poppy and bell. Show me which flower straight stem, and which one has crooked? Name the flower with direct stem. What is the name of the flower with crooked stem? Color the flower with direct stem with a blue pencil, and with crooked- red pencil. What color will you paint the stems and leaves? Color them.

    The concept of “front - behind”.

Puss in Boots and a Mouse go to the King's castle. Show me who's coming ahead, who - behind? Color Puss in Boots and the Mouse with colored pencils.

Trucks drive along the roads. Show me what car is drawn further from you, which one closer to you? Color the car that further, blue pencil, and the car that closer,- red pencil.

    Concepts "left - right"

For the New Year, two Christmas trees were brought to the kindergarten: a large one and a small one. "Tell me what size the tree is to your left, which one to your right? Color the balls on big Christmas tree with an orange pencil, and the balls on small- blue pencil. What color will you paint the needles on the Christmas trees? Color them.

    on the plane of the sheet.

- Look at the drawing and tell me which fairy tale these heroes are from? Who is drawn in the middle? A Who - V upper right corner; in the rightbottom corner; V upper left corner; V bottom left corner? Color the fairy tale characters with colored pencils.

Draw above apple umbrella, under flower umbrella, on right- checkbox, left- balloon; V upper right corner- sunshine, in upper left corner- house; V lower left corner- fungus, in lower right corner- Christmas tree. Color the pictures with colored pencils.

Hello, my friend!

My name is clown Tsvetik.

I love looking at different drawings and coloring them.

And youdo you like to draw? Then you're in lucklo, because just today I brought my magic pencil. Here he is.

I also love to travel andI invite you to a fairyland. You're gladthat you will soon find yourself in a fairy tale?

Then listen to what I tell you.

I really enjoyed being in a magical fairyland. Every daythe inhabitants of this country rejoiced in the warm sun, green grass and admired the beautiful flowers of all the colors of the rainbow.

But one day a cold wind that blew from the North brought an evil magicNika. He was very angry when he saw that all the inhabitants of the fairyland were cheerful and kind. And then he cast a terrible spell, and immediately all the objects lost their color.

This is what a misfortune happened in a fairyland. Are you ready to help him?residents? Then let's go! I give you a box of colored magic pencils.

In a fairy-tale land, on every page-street, an evil wizard has set his cunning traps and tasks. Listen carefully to the tasks, complete themright, and then you can disenchant the fairyland and return the objects to their color.

Good luck to you!

The concept of "big - small".

The concept of “same - different”.

The concept of “broad - narrow”.

The concept of “high - low”.

The concept of “many - little - equally”.

The concept of "long - short"

The concept of "thick - thin".

The concept of “deep - shallow”.

Concepts of "straight - curve".

The concept of “front - behind”.

Concepts "left - right"

Determining the location of objectson the plane of the sheet.

Irina Malakhinskaya
Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers. Developmental lesson “Long - short”


- to form an idea of ​​the properties of objects by size: long short; teach to compare items.


Two different tapes lengths and different colors(red and blue); strips of different colored cardboard length for every child (yellow and red); pictures with images of Pinocchio and Pierrot, coloring pages and images of Pinocchio and Pierrot for each child, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

The lesson starts with a game"Who is faster?"(Two children, on command, begin to twist ribbons of different lengths and different colors)

(children's answers) (red)

Let's try again. (other children playing)

Which ribbon was spun faster? (children's answers) (red)

Why do you think? (children's answers)

Red ribbon Briefly speaking, and blue longer. To check this, what should you do? (Place the red ribbon on the blue)

Guys, now look, each of you has multi-colored stripes on the table. Put the most first long strip.

What color is it? (Yellow)

Now put the strip shorter. What color is it? (Red)

How many stripes are there in total? (Strips are compared using the overlay method)

Now guess the riddle.

What kind of strange? What kind of strange?

Wooden man?

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key.

He sticks his nose everywhere long.

Who is this? (Pinocchio)

Right. Well done!

What was the name of the hero who always looked sad and loved to read poems about Malvina? (Pierrot)

(Demonstration of pictures with images of Pinocchio and Pierrot)

Physical education minute

Pinocchio stretched,

Bent over once, bend over twice,

Hands to the side divorced,

Apparently I didn't find the key.

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes.

Now guys, let's attentively Let's look at Pinocchio and Pierrot and find out how they differ from each other.

Which character has a nose? long, and who has short? (children's answers)

What kind of hair does Pierrot have, what does Pinocchio have? (children's answers)

Who has sleeves in his shirt? long, who short? (children's answers)

Work in coloring books.

Guys, Pinocchio and Pierrot have come to visit you. Let's color them.


The teacher summarizes based on the children’s impressions.


Lesson 1

You will need: two long and two short ribbons, two soft toys. Before warming up, tell your child: “Now we’ll wash ourselves!”


Faucet, open (Make rotational movements with the fingers of your right hand, as if turning on a faucet.)

Nose, wash your face. (Rub your nose.)

Wash right away

Both eyes (Rub your eyes with both fists at the same time.)

Wash your hands, (Rub your hands.)

Wash yourself, neck. (Rub your neck.)

Neck, wash yourself thoroughly!

Wash, wash, (Raise your hands up and pretend to knock over a bucket of water.)

Spill on yourself

Dirt, wash away!

Dirt, wash away!

E. Moshkovskaya

You and your child first “wash” yourself, then, repeating the poem, “wash” the toys. After this, you tell the child that the animals are now clean and you need to dress them up - tie beautiful ribbons on them.

First take a short ribbon, try to tie it, complain that it doesn’t work. Let your child try, he won’t succeed either, because you deliberately chose a ribbon that is too short. Say: “No, this ribbon is too short, let's take a long one.” Tie a long ribbon around the neck of the bear, help the child tie a second long ribbon around the neck of another toy.

Lesson 2

You will need: long and short ribbons (wide ones are better), candy or vitamins.

Show your child how to fold a ribbon, then give the child a long ribbon and take a short one for yourself. Read a poem and have a competition.

Whoever is the fastest in the world will receive the main prize -

The ribbon will roll the candy right into your mouth!

Naturally, you will roll the ribbon faster than a child. Tell him: “You see, I won because my ribbon is short and yours is long. Let’s now exchange ribbons.” Read the poem again and start the competition again.

This time the child will win the competition and receive candy. Invite him to play again, and the child must choose his own ribbon. If he chooses the short one, it means he has mastered the material; if he chooses the long one, then show him that it will take longer to roll this ribbon.

Lesson 3

You will need: two small toys and a large sheet of paper with a tree drawn on one end and a house on the other end. There are two paths between the tree and the house, one short, the other long.


There was silence, (Walk on tiptoe, sneaking.)

Suddenly a roar of thunder

She has changed. (Stomp your feet loudly.)

And now it’s raining quietly,

Do you hear (Put your finger to your mouth.)

I dripped, I dripped,

It dripped on the roof. (Walk on tiptoes, in frequent, small steps.)

Probably now

He will start drumming.

It’s already drumming, (Stamp your feet, louder and louder with each word.)

Already drumming.

Tell your child that the animals must hide in the house, otherwise they will get wet in the rain. The toy, which runs along a short path, comes running first and is glad that it did not get wet. A toy running along a long path complains loudly that it has been wet by the rain.

Tired of the drumming rain.

We can play again.

We run to the edge of the forest.

There are so many interesting things there!

The toys run back from the house under the tree. The one running along the short track arrived first. The second toy shouts loudly: “Wait for me, I’m coming now, I’m running along the long path!”

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Games and tasks to reinforce concepts about the length and height of objects for preschoolers 3-5 years old (with learning difficulties)

This selection of tasks, games and exercises will help consolidate and develop the knowledge of children 3-5 years old about the length and height of objects, improve skills in comparing long and short, high and low objects, contribute to the development of attention, thinking, graphic skills, and basic mathematical concepts.
Target: consolidation of the concepts “long-short”, “high-low”
- develop the ability to complete a task started, perseverance
- develop perception, attention
-develop graphic skills
Game No. 1. Scarves
Student age: 34 years
Equipment: Printed pictures of long and short scarves, 2 boxes of different lengths.
Target: Consolidating the concepts of “long-short” in speech, consolidating the names of primary colors, developing the ability to distinguish objects by length

Progress of the game: We put 2 boxes and 2 pictures with a long and short scarf on the desk. We explain to the children that now we will restore order. This box - we demonstrate - is long, we will put all the long scarves in it. And this box is short, only short scarves will fit in it. Next, we give the children pictures one by one, ask them to name the length and color of the scarf, and put it in a suitable box (this scarf is long, red - I will put it in this long box)

Option 2.
Age: 4-5 years
Target: Development of visual perception, consolidation of the concepts of long and short, consolidation of color names
Progress of the game.
For older preschoolers, you can offer a more complicated version of this game. We place long scarves on the desk, slightly different in color, and ask them to pair each with the same short scarf. After all the pairs have been found, we repeat the names of colors and sizes (this scarf is long, lilac with red stripes, and this one is the same, but short)

Game No. 2. Houses and men.

Equipment: Printable templates for the game
Student age: 3-5 years
Target: Consolidation of the concepts “high-low”, development of visual perception, counting skills
Progress of the game. We put pictures with a tall and a short man on the desk, and explain to the children that this boy is tall, and this one is short. Next, we post pictures of girls and ask them to sit correctly next to the boys. then the children work independently, commenting on their actions (this girl is tall, I will put her with other tall ones, and this one is short, etc.)
Next, we announce to the children that each person lives in his own house, tall boys in tall blue houses, tall girls in tall pink houses. We ask you to choose a suitable house for everyone, after we have collected all the tall ones, we collect all the low ones. At the end of the game, we demonstrate and say again - tall girls in pink tall houses, tall boys in blue ones, etc.

Option 2.For preschoolers who already know how to count, the game can be complicated by changing the number of girls and boys. In this version, at the end of the game, we count how many tall girls, how many short boys, compare who is more, who is less, etc.

Game number 3. Multi-colored snakes
Purpose of the game
Age: 45 years
Progress of the game: Show the children the task sheet. Please find and show the shortest snake, then the one that is a little longer, even longer, etc. After the child has found and shown everyone in the correct order, we ask you to write numbers in the boxes on the left - 1 - the shortest, slightly longer - 2, etc. When everything is ready, we say again what color the snake is, what length it is, what number we set.

Game number 4. Multi-colored pencils
Equipment: Felt pen, printed template
Purpose of the game: Development of visual perception, consolidation of the concepts long-short, longer-shorter, consolidation of counting skills
Age: 45 years
Progress of the game. Similar to the previous game, but please show the pencils in reverse order - the longest, a little shorter, etc. We write the numbers in the same order - 1 is the longest, 5 is the shortest. After everything is ready, we say the color of the pencil, the length, and the number that we wrote.

Game 5. Houses and pencils
Age: 35 years
Equipment: Colored pencils, printable assignment
Purpose of the game. Development of graphic skills, visual perception, consolidation and differentiation of the concepts high - low, long - short
Progress of the game. We invite children to look at the picture at the top of the sheet - high and low houses. We ask you to paint all the tall houses blue, and the low ones red. (You can choose any colors)
Next, we pay attention to the lower part of the drawing - pencils, long and short. please color all the long ones green and all the short ones yellow.

Homework for parents and children to work independently on reinforcing the concepts of “long - short”, “high-low”

For students 3-4 years old.
Task No. 1. Color what is longer.
Of two identical objects, the child chooses the longest one and paints it in the appropriate color.

Task No. 2. Color what is shorter
We compare and color objects that are shorter.

For students 4-5 years old
Task No. 3. Color the number equal to the height of the object
The child matches the height of the object with the appropriate number and colors it correctly.

Task No. 4. Color a number equal to the length of the object
Similarly, we look for the number corresponding to the length and color it.

I use these games and tasks in working with children 3-5 years old who have learning difficulties (LD). If anyone is interested in the material and needs templates for these tasks, write to me, I will be happy to share with you. Thank you for your attention!

MBDOU general developmental kindergarten No. 8 “Strawberry”

Educational area "Cognition"

Direct educational area: “Sensory development” in the 1st junior group “Smorodinka”

On the topic

"High Low"

Conducted by E. T. Israelova


Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Health”, “Safety”.


Learning to compare objects by height.

Introduction to the concepts of “high”, “low”, “above”, “below”.

Familiarization with the relativity of the height of the same object when the measurement standard changes.

Development of cognitive processes.

Development of general and fine motor skills, dynamic stereotype.

Practice talking about the results of the comparison. Cultivate attention, thinking, mutual assistance.



pictures for a fairy tale;

three pictures depicting houses of different heights;

trays, sets, which include two-strip inlaid canvases, picture silhouettes - high and low pyramids, Christmas trees, vases (according to the number of children).

Joint activities of the teacher and children.

Speech situation “High – low”.

Didactic game "Funny nesting dolls".

The course of direct educational activities.

1. Organization of the beginning of GCD.

The teacher tells a fairy tale, attaching pictures to a flannelgraph along the way.

A mouse was running along a narrow field path. High An eagle soared in the sky, looking for prey. The stupid, carefree mouse did not notice anything.

Hurry up and hide in high grass! Hurry up!

Oh, it's even funny! High grass! Here I am, tall, and the grass is short! – the pine tree growing by the road laughed.

What a controversy! Wow, wow,” the wise owl sighed, “everything in the world can behigh and low. It depends on what you compare it to.

What do you guys think, is the wise owl right?

Let's check his claim.

2. Comparison of objects.

The teacher attaches images of a two-story and three-story house to the flannelgraph.

Look at these houses. Which one can be called

high ? (Children show).

Which one is low? (Children's answers)

The teacher covers the image of a three-story house with a picture of a one-story house.

Now, what kind of house can we call tall? (Children point and name).

The teacher attaches to the flannelgraph an image of a one-story, two-story, three-story house. Children determine which house is the tallest and which is the lowest.

3. Physical education minute.

4. Game "High - Low". Bottom line.

On each child’s tray there is a silhouette image of high and low objects (pyramids, Christmas trees, vases). The teacher offers to take the pyramids from the tray and compare them, after which they place a high pyramid on the top strip of the typesetting cloth, and a low pyramid on the bottom. The same actions are done with Christmas trees and vases. The teacher provides the opportunity for children to remove objects from the typesetting canvas onto trays in reverse order.

At the end, NOD praises the guys for completing the task.

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