Not with adverbs separately examples of words. How to spell “not” with adverbs: examples

(Not) far away there is a wonderful forest,

Full of secrets and wonders.

It’s (not) bad to take a walk in it

(Not) to get lost for long.

This poem will help us identify the problem: combined and separate writing is not with adverbs.


There are words in the Russian language that are used to denote a sign of an action, an object or a sign of a sign. They are called adverbs. Below are examples Not together and separately with adverbs. For example, with:

  • looks cheerful, sad;
  • greeted joyfully, joylessly;
  • I listen carefully, inattentively.

with adverbs of measure and degree:

  • very, not very much;
  • too (not too) weak;
  • more than (not more than) enough.

with adverbs of time:

  • came out long ago (recently);
  • I’ll write tomorrow (not tomorrow);
  • Let's get together in the evening (not in the evening).

with adverbs of place:

  • here (not here) we will gather;
  • far (not far) was;
  • I looked from the inside (not from the inside).

Here are examples Not together and separately with adverbs: not bad, not far - not bad at all, not far at all. What does this depend on? We can learn this from the rules governing this spelling.

Adverbs are written together and can be replaced by synonyms.

Synonyms are words that can replace each other in a sentence. If this is possible Not written together with an adverb:

  • You performed well yesterday (good)
  • Come to the rehearsal at the Hudson club, it’s not far (close).
  • He began to sing quietly (quietly).

If it is difficult to replace with a synonym, you can use the expression:

  • This will not happen soon (after a long time).
  • The concert did not last long (short time).
  • The boy answered hesitantly (without confidence).

Adverbs that are not used without “not” are written together with “not”.

More examples of words that are not written together: sloppy, indignant, hateful.

The continuous spelling in this case is explained by the fact that the word is without Not cannot be used. For example:

  • My deputy treated his duties carelessly.
  • He waved his hands somehow absurdly.
  • The entertainer looked nondescript, at first glance.

Negative adverbs are written together with “not”

Integrated and separate writing Not with adverbs often depends on the part of speech. For example, you should always write together with Not negative pronouns:

  • Our team has nowhere to conduct rehearsals.
  • There was no need to strive for anything more.
  • The city was foreign, there were no acquaintances, there was even nowhere to go.

Adverbs are written separately if there is opposition

If you think about it, and there are examples Not together and separately with the same adverbs, it is necessary to pay attention to whether or not there is opposition in the sentence. It can be expressed by the adversative conjunction “a”, or it can only be implied and not expressed in any way. When there is a contrast, the adverb with “not” is written separately.

  • I then had to act not honestly, but humanely.
  • Contrary to his expectations, the meeting was not boring, but fun.
  • The children were not quiet - they were noisy.

If there are some words, adverbs are written separately from “not”

An adverb must be written separately from “not” if any of the following words relate to it: at all, not at all, not at all, never, at all, far. Although without this word it will be written together.

Examples of “not” together and separately with adverbs


His assumption turned out to be far from correct.

His assumption turned out to be wrong.

It wasn't cold outside at all.

It turned out to be completely cold outside.

What he said was not funny at all.

He didn't tell it funny.

I felt myself that my joke was not at all smart.

I felt myself that I was making a stupid joke.

With some adverbs, “not” is always written separately

It must be said that “not” is written separately with almost all adverbs, except those ending in -о and -е, those without Not not used, and negative.

If you know how to spell Not with adverbs, examples of which are given in the table, then all the rest should simply be written separately:

  • not in a friendly way;
  • not right away;
  • not everywhere;
  • not always;
  • Single.

Exceptions: not without reason, lack of time, reluctantly, for a reason, not far away.

Test “Adverbs with NOT”

You must indicate the number of the sentence in which the adverb with “not” is written in the indicated way.

1. separately

1) It looked (not) bad
2) The class coped with the task (not) poorly, but just perfectly.

3) It turned out (not) a lot crooked.

4) I approached him (inconspicuously).

1) My behavior was not (at all) clear to my mother.

2) The excuses sounded (not) confident at all.

3) This is far from (un)acceptable for my parents.

4) The holidays passed (un)noticeably.

3. separately

1) Tanya lived (not) far from me.

2) The house was (un)usually quiet.

3) The task is (not) easy to complete.

4) Dealing with all this was (not) easy, but very easy.

1) You made a (bad) joke.

2) Contrary to expectations, the house was (not) poor, but quite okay.

3) Things were not (not) easy at all.

4) Not at all (not) cruel, if you remember how he behaved.


1) The answer (un)pleasantly surprised me.

2) Dealing with this will not be (not) difficult, but it will take a long time.

3) Is this really (un)attractive to you?

4) Dad was absent (not) for a long time.

1) He stomped around stupidly and left.

2) After the rain it was not at all (not) fresh, just humid.

3) In this place last year it was (not) shallow, but deep.

4) If directly, then not at all (not) far.


1) The kid in his fur coat, waddled (un)clumsily, stomped along the path.

2) He looked (not) attractive, but funny.

3) It’s (not) deep here at all, you can wade across it.

4) It’s (im)polite to behave this way.

1) You behaved in a (un)friendly manner.

2) The sun dried the hay (not) dry.

3) The guys were located (not) far away.

4) It’s (not) hot today.


1) I probably (not) lost weight over the summer.

3) Bears can be seen here (not) often.

4) Going to the monastery will be (not) close, but interesting.


1) He read (not) loudly, but surprisingly expressively.

2) Alexey (un)forcedly lounged in his chair.

3) It will not be at all (not) easy to fulfill your request.

4) (Un)expectedly a thunderstorm came.


1.2) The class coped with the task (not) poorly, but simply excellent.

2.4) The holidays passed (un)noticeably.

3.4) Dealing with all this was (not) easy, but very easy.

4.1) You made a (bad) joke.

5.3) Is this really (un)attractive to you?

6.1) He stomped around stupidly and left.

7.3) It’s (not) deep here at all, you can wade across it.

8.3) The guys settled (not) far away.

9.3) Bears can be seen here (not) often.

10.3) It will not be at all (not) easy to fulfill your request.

Remember how to write with Not nouns and adjectives.

    Sloppiness, sloppy.
    Insincerity, insincere.
    Not politeness, but rudeness.
    Not polite, but rude.

Read the writing rule Not with adverbs. What's new in it compared to the rule about writing Not with nouns and adjectives? Explain spellings with examples.

When applying this rule, think like this:

(Not) carelessly. I am writing together, because there is no word Not- not used.

(In)accurately wrote. Piitu is inaccurately combined, since this word can be replaced with an expression close in meaning - without diligence. In this word Not-- console.

(Not) far, but close. I am not writing separately, since there is a contrast with the union A.

This museum is (not) far from us at all. I am writing not far apart, since the word at all strengthens the statement.

241. Explain how these adverbs are formed. Why Not Do they write together? Choose antonym adverbs for these words.

Not fun ← fun; impolite, thoughtless, a little, careless, unstable, unfriendly, unclear, unserious, insincere, indifferent, unfair, careless, a lot, illiterate, ugly.

242. Analyze these adverbs. Write down the adverbs with Not to the table.

To do (not) a (k, kk) neatly, (not) neatly, (not) skillfully. Sew on a button (not) (not) tightly, but weakly. Look (not) trustingly, (not) pleased, (not) friendly. Look (not) trustingly, but with suspicion. Talking is not at all (not) fun, not at all (not) loud, far (not) affectionate. Say it (not) loudly, but quietly. Express thoughts (in)consistently, (in)connectedly. Fly (not) high. Fly (not) high, but low. Fly very (not) high. Dig (not) deep at all. (Not) open your eyes slightly. Perform (carelessly). It's a (im) foolish thing to do. To speak out (not) indignantly. Not at all (not) happy.

not at all
not far
not at all
not at all
not at all

243. First write down examples of proverbs where Not-- prefix, then examples where Not- particle. In which sentences are these words adverbs? Which sentences need punctuation marks - commas?

1. What is (un)comfortable is (not) okay. 2. An affectionate word is (not) difficult, but quick. 3. It’s easy to say (not) easy to prove. 4. A smart word is (not) hard but easy. 5. The bird flew high and sat down (not) far away.

244. Write down, indicating the conditions for choosing continuous and separate writing Not with adverbs. Name the types of spellings in place of gaps in prefixes.

1. The weather soon (imperceptibly) changed. 2. (Several) weighty stones, falling off the steep slope, fell down. 3. (Not) equally one of the forays, with absence (?) from the den for the whole day and night, almost (not) ended (?) for the wolves (un)expected (n, nn) ​​trouble . 4. The (un)restless wolf cubs (didn’t) rest as much as they ran around, sniffing and looking at everything that attracted their curiosity. 5. (Not) far from the wolves with their cubs, (not) much to the side, in the tamarisk groves, saigas were grazing. There were (not) few of them.

(According to Ch. Aitmatov)

245. Write down, underline words with a prefix Not- as members of a sentence. What part of speech is each of them? What sounds are pronounced in place of the highlighted letters?

1. The winter sun is (not) kind. The forest of children was (not) affectionately flying. 2. (Un)noticeably a day passed in the forest. After cleaning, the stain on the surface is (not) noticeable. 3. Seryozha jumped up (not) high. The young tree is (not) tall. 4. Objection (un)convincing. Kolya made excuses (un)convincingly. 5. Defeat was (inevitable).


246. What style does the text belong to? What word that does not exist in the language is used in Dima’s question? What word did the commander replace it with?

Listen,” then Dimka said, although there (wasn’t) anyone around, “you (don’t) go straight there... it’s better to run around.” As if (not) noticed.

They warned the wounded (n, nn) ​​commander.

Well, he said, just be careful, guys. And if (not) help..t, (n..)what then (not) (I wouldn’t) really want to prop..give so (not) stupidly...

What if it’s lepo?

There is no such word, Dimka. And if it’s not for free, then it’s possible.

(According to A. Gaidar)

247. Fill out the following table: Not with nouns, adjectives and adverbs in -O And -e» with your own examples, indicating in them the conditions for choosing continuous or separate writing Not. Make two complex sentences.

248. Title the text. What is his main idea? Divide it into paragraphs and write it down. Underline the adverbs formed by prefixes. What linguistic means are used here to connect sentences?

Over the years, people have become more and more accustomed to the fact that the post office is always at their service. To speed up the delivery of letters in the city, postmen began to ride not only horses, but also bicycles. And only one thing remained (in)convenient. Each letter had to be weighed, calculated how would be carried, and only then found out from special books how much money to take for mailing. Then write out a receipt. And more than a hundred years ago, people invented a postage stamp, a postage envelope and a stamp. Oh no, it was not at all (not) easy to think like that. The convenience turned out to be enormous. It was from this time that correspondence became commonplace. Almost all states immediately picked up both of these discoveries. In our country, the first postage stamp was issued at the end of 1857.

(According to A. Sheikin)

stamp [te]
envelope [in"]

249. Organize a dialogue on the topic “Why do people start writing letters to each other less?” Talk about what replaced them, how they now communicate with each other. Discuss the pros and cons of such communication. Work in a group.

Adverbs in the Russian language are irreplaceable. They greatly enrich and decorate our lives. Great writers and poets could not do without adverbs. Nowadays, people still often use this part of speech. But if the rules for writing adverbs are quite simple, then using “not” together with the negative particle can cause some difficulties. So what is the correct way to write: together or separately? How do you spell "not" with adverbs? The rules for writing with “not” are quite easy and can help you figure this out.

In what cases is “not” written together with adverbs?

  • There are words that cannot be used separately from “not”. For example, sloppy, ridiculous, inevitable. This is quite easy to check: if you remove “not”, then the word loses its meaning and meaning.
  • Also, “not” is written together with an adverb if it is formed from a pronoun: nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, nothing, no need.
  • Together with denominative adverbs (by chance, inopportunely, reluctantly, unbearably, not far away). For example, clouds were visible not far away; speak out of place.

When is "not" written separately?

  • If there is a contrast with the conjunction a. For example, it’s not hot, but cold; not beautiful, but simply terrible; not a lot, but very little. It is worth considering that the conjunction “a” is not always required for opposition; it can often be implied and expressed by other conjunctions or not expressed at all.
  • If there is an explanatory word with “not” before the adverb, which serves to strengthen the negation (not at all close to go). Explanatory words are: “not at all”, “not at all”, “not at all”, “not at all” and so on.
  • If you see an adverb that is written with a hyphen, then the negative particle should be written separately. For example, the weather outside was not like winter.
  • If the adverb is in comparative degree. (he is no weaker than others; she speaks no worse than others)
  • Separately with the words: not here, not at all, not like that, not today, not otherwise, not necessary, not a pity, and so on. That is, with predicative, adverbial adverbs “not” is written separately.
  • “Not” is also written separately with adverbial expressions, such as out of proportion, not good, out of place.

How do you spell "not" with adverbs ending in -o and -e?

It is written together if this part of speech does not serve for negation, but expresses the definition of a concept. For example, to live well (well), to remember unexpectedly (sharply, suddenly). You can check the continuous spelling in the same way as with adjectives that are written together with “not”, by choosing a synonymous word for the words. However, we should not forget that these same adverbs are written separately from “not” if there is a contrast. If a synonymous word cannot be found, then “not” and the adverb are written separately (for example, not naively).

How to spell "not" with adverbs depending on the context

Not in all cases, a negative particle is written together with an adverb ending in -о or -е, if a synonym can be found and there is no opposition. Context also plays a role here. The emphasis is either on negation or affirmation. You can say “it was not far” (close) or “it was not far” (denial of what was far). In the first case, the emphasis is on affirmation, and in the second, on negation. This is exactly the case when you decide whether to use “not” together or separately with adverbs. How to write? You can decide only by context or depending on what shade you want to give to your proposal.

Let's check ourselves

How not to write with adverbs given in sentences?

  1. It is very (not) clear whether there will be results soon.
  2. I really (un)wanted to leave here.
  3. (Not) why should you watch this film.
  4. Yesterday it was (not) cool, but rather just warm and calm.
  5. Everything we went through has been completely (not) forgotten.
  6. Making the pie was (not) very easy for me.
  7. I was (not) sorry to say goodbye to all the paintings.
  8. I (not) feel better about the knowledge I have gained.
  9. It's still (not) clear how "not" is written with adverbs.
  10. That dream was (not) good.
  11. They greeted us (not) in a friendly manner.
  12. Let's finish (not) today.
  13. It’s (not) hard to sit in one place during class.
  14. (Don't) need to help me.
  15. It was probably (not) interesting to walk around the park.
  16. What is said (not) loudly is heard loudest.
  17. I finally got dressed (not) the same way.
  18. Not (not) terrible at all.
  19. (Not) accidentally touched the glass.
  20. (It’s not) by chance that you suddenly started behaving like this.

  1. Dont clear.
  2. Unbearable.
  3. No need.
  4. Not cool.
  5. Not forgotten.
  6. Not really.
  7. No pity.
  8. Not easier.
  9. Unclear.
  10. Not good.
  11. Not in a friendly way.
  12. Not today.
  13. Unbearable.
  14. No need.
  15. Incredible.
  16. Quietly.
  17. Not the old way.
  18. Not terrible.
  19. By chance.
  20. Not by chance.

1. The simplest and most relevant rule for any part of speech (not only for adverbs) is: “not” is combined with a word that is not used without “not”. For example: inevitably, absurdly, perplexingly, certainly (in the Russian language there are no words “avoidably”, “lepo”, “perplexingly”, “certainly”).
I will definitely wait for you after class.
The boy looked at his father in bewilderment.

2. If an adverb with “not” can be replaced with a synonymous word without “not”, we must also write the original word together. For example: not difficult (= easy, which means we write together), not fast (= slowly, which means we write together).
It won't be difficult for me to help you with math.
Anna Pavlovna did not walk quickly, sometimes she even stopped.

3. “Not” is written together with negative adverbs: there is no need, there is no place, there is no place, there is nothing, etc.
You didn't need to worry, I'm fine.
Sorry, but I have nothing to pay you with.

Separate spelling of “not” with adverbs

1. Like an adjective, an adverb is written separately with the particle “not” if the sentence contains or implies opposition with the conjunctions “a”, “but”. For example: not rich, but poor; not fast, but slowly.
Mark and Lucy did not live richly, but rather modestly (an obvious contrast).
It seemed to me that he started this conversation not by chance (the contrast in this example is hidden: the author means that the conversation was not started by chance, but on purpose).
It is necessary to note that the conjunctions “a”, “but”, “yes” do not always indicate the presence of opposition in a sentence. For example: speak quietly, but clearly (the adverbs “quietly” and “clearly” are not antonyms, they are not opposed to each other in meaning, which means we write “not” together)

2. “Not” is written separately with an adverb in the presence of the following combinations: far from, not at all, not at all, not at all.
The book he read did not seem interesting to Artem at all.
Larisa did her homework quite well.

3. With adverbs of measure and degree, as well as with adverbial adverbs, “not” is also written separately (not very, not completely, not quite, etc.).
The weather was not very sunny.
I'm not entirely sure of my decision.
I will meet with, but not today (“not today” is an adverb).

4. The particle “not” requires separate writing and to a comparative degree.
In this dress she looked no worse than the other guests.
I think it will be closer from this station than from the next one.

5. It is written separately and “not” with adverbs that include: in a brotherly way, in an old way, etc.
You didn't act in a friendly manner.
Things weren't going my way.

6. And finally, the particle “not” is written separately with denominate adverbs (derived from the name of a noun/adjective).
The task turned out to be beyond my strength.
I understood that it was not good for me to contact them.


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Literacy of written speech is one of the main signs of a cultured person. However, there are situations in the Russian language that are really difficult in terms of finding the correct spelling. These include, for example, the spelling of pronouns.

The negative particle “not” quite often raises questions about the legality of combined or separate spelling. What rules apply when using it with pronouns?

General rules for spelling "not" with pronouns

In most cases, the rules of the Russian language require that the particle “not” be written with pronouns. So, for example, this particle will be written in the phrases “not I”, “not we”, “not everyone”, “not ours” and others. This rule, however, like most rules, has a number of exceptions.

Exceptions to the rules

In general, we can say that exceptions to the separate spelling of the particle “not” with pronouns constitute a group of negative pronouns. Examples of such expressions include the pronouns “nothing”, “someone”, “something” and the like. In such cases, “not” from a separate particle becomes a full-fledged part of the word, occupying the position of a prefix in it. Moreover, the particle “not” in such words is most often under stress.

It is important to emphasize that the exception only applies to situations in which these negative pronouns are used without a preposition. The use of a preposition when using such words returns the element “not” to the status of a particle requiring separate writing. In such cases, the preposition is placed between the particle and the main word: as a result, a construction consisting of three elements is formed. So, examples of such word usage are the combinations “no one”, “nothing” and the like. At the same time, the preference for the particle “not” is preserved in such cases.

A special case is the use of the phrases “no one else but” (another version of its use is “no one else but”) and “nothing other than” (another option is “nothing else but”). In these situations, despite the absence of a preposition between the particle “not” and the pronoun with which it is used, the Russian language provides for its separate spelling. It is noteworthy that this case is an exception to the rule about placing emphasis on the partial “not”: the logical emphasis in such a phrase falls on the pronoun.

However, it is important to remember that the above rule applies exclusively to the use of this construction in its given form. Even a slight change, for example replacing the word after a pronoun or the conjunction “as” with another conjunction, cancels the requirement to write the particle “not” separately with the pronoun.

Writing the particle “not” with pronouns can present a real problem - after all, the Russian language is famous for its ambiguity in such matters. However, if you know a few simple rules, it may not be so difficult.

A pronoun is a special part of speech in the Russian language, which is usually used instead of denoting an object or being, as well as its properties and other characteristics. At the same time, the pronoun is characterized by its own spelling rules, including cases of spelling with the particle “not”.

Rules for writing the particle “not” with pronouns

The generality of the particle “not” when used with a pronoun states that in this situation they should be written separately. Moreover, this method of use applies to a wide variety of types of pronouns. In particular, those that denote an object, a creature, a sign of an object and other concepts. For example, the particle “not” is used in this way in the following cases: “not that”, “not you”, “not everyone” and so on.

Special cases of using the particle “not” with pronouns

A separate situation is presented by the use of the particle “not” in negative pronouns. They can denote the absence of an object, a creature, a sign of an object or another object. For example, the group of such negative pronouns includes such as “nobody”, “nothing”. In addition, negative pronouns can also denote the uncertainty of the object in question, these include pronouns such as “something” or “someone”. It is noteworthy that in most of these pronouns the particle “not” will be stressed. If you encounter a situation where a negative particle is in an unstressed position, in most cases we are talking about another particle - “neither”.

In all the examples given and similar ones, the particle “not” should be written together with the pronoun. However, this rule applies only to situations where a negative pronoun is used without a preposition. If the situation in which a negative pronoun is used requires the presence of a preposition between the particle “not” and the main word, they should be written separately. For example, separate writing is required in the examples “no one”, “no one” and the like.

Finally, the special situation of using the particle “not” is associated with the phrase “no one else but.” In this case, obviously, there is the use of a negative pronoun with the partial “not” without a preposition, but it is an exception to the rule and requires separate writing of the particle and the pronoun. The same rule applies to some variations of this phrase, namely: “no one else but”, “nothing else but”, “nothing else but”. However, this rule applies only to the given variants of phrases; in other combinations, the usual rules for writing the particle “not” apply.

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  • Spelling "not" with pronouns

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Subject: "Spelling NOT with adverbs ending in - O, -E."

Lesson form- seminar, project defense.

Method - dominant: problem - searching, dialogical, creative.

Technology: information and communication.


In preparation for the lesson, the children are divided into groups to solve problematic issues and conduct individual research:

  1. How to graphically design the basic rule, algorithm for successful memorization and mastery of the material?
  2. How to use the basic rule, algorithm in practical work?

In accordance with the problematic issues, didactic goals were formulated:

  1. Formation of competence in the field of independent cognitive activity, skills of independent work with large amounts of information.
  2. Formation of the ability to draw up action algorithms when solving a spelling problem.
  3. Formation of critical and creative thinking, teamwork skills.

To achieve the goals, methodological tasks were set:

  1. Compare writing rules NOT with known parts of speech (nouns, adjectives).
  2. Create action algorithms for solving the spelling problem of continuous and separate spelling NOT with adverbs ending in -o, -e.
  3. Be able to apply action algorithms to solve a given spelling problem.
  4. Show creativity when designing exercises.

Stages of preparation for the lesson:

  • At the beginning of the work with the students of the class, a brainstorming session was held and topics for the students’ research were formulated.
  • Then groups were formed to conduct research ("Theorists", "Scientists", "Researchers", "Practicians", "Historians", "Players", "Logicians", "Examiners").
  • At the third stage - discussion of the work plan of students individually and in groups, possible sources of information.
  • This was followed by independent work of students to discuss the assignment of each person in the group and independent work of groups to complete assignments.
  • At the last stage, students prepare a presentation on the report on the work done.
  • During the lesson - defense of the obtained results and conclusions.

The results of the group’s research and creativity were presented in the form of a booklet (Appendix 3), where they presented
graphically designed basic rule in the form of a generalizing table:

  • “NOT with nouns, adjectives, adverbs starting with -o, -e” - “Theorists”;
  • “Note”, where additional information is entered according to the rule - “Scientists”;
  • algorithm for solving a spelling problem - "Logic";
  • examples of spelling (NOT with adverbs ending in -о, -е) - “Researchers”;
  • interpretation of “difficult” words to remember - “Historians”;
  • a text compiled by students, where it is proposed to use the basic rule, algorithm in practical work - “Practices”.

The children also compiled tasks for the game "The Third Wheel" - "Players" (Appendix 1 at the end of the page), control tests for independently monitoring the results of mastering the material - "Examiners" (Appendix 2 at the end of the page).
The teacher evaluates the activities of students based on the results of a survey on theoretical material, observation of the activities and results of each student, analysis of graphic diagrams, algorithms, analysis of final creative tasks, tests.

During the classes.

I. Based on the topic of the lesson, the children, together with the teacher, formulate the goals of the lesson:

  • Get acquainted with the rules of writing NOT with adverbs ending in -O, -E.
  • Learn to denote a new spelling.
  • Learn to choose the correct spelling of adverbs.

II. Getting to know new material.

Presentation and defense of the results and conclusions obtained (all material is presented in a presentation and in a booklet for each student).

1. Conclusions of the “theorists”:

Adverbs ending in -O, -E are formed from qualitative adjectives:

  • Clumsy - clumsy th
  • Ridiculous - ridiculous th
  • Loud - loud th

Spelling NOT with nouns, adjectives, adverbs starting with -O, -E

2. Conclusions of "scientists": Let's get acquainted with additional theoretical information on the rule.


We always write separately NOT with adverbs:

  • if there are words that strengthen the negation (not at all..., not at all..., far from..., not at all..., not at all...): not at all it's a pity;
  • if the adverb is in a comparative or superlative degree: spoke not m slower (;
  • if the adverb is written with a hyphen: did not act from comradely;
  • if the adverb does not end in -O, -E: delved n e s once (not on -O, -E);

3.Conclusions of the “logicians”: You can use an algorithm to solve a spelling problem.


4. Conclusions of the "researchers": we suggest using this algorithm and using the example sentence to apply the rule of writing NOT with adverbs.

“And we will visit the empty fields, the forests, (not) long ago so dense, and the shore, dear to me.” (A.S. Pushkin)

The guys demonstrate the correct graphic explanation of the spelling.

Explain the spelling of adverbs:

  • N eg romko (quietly) said
  • N ev dressed brightly (not used)
  • Not at all dived deep
  • Received n e by-comradely
  • Wiped n e d dry (not in -o, -e)
  • Read Not less (average)
  • N e slowly O, A fast

5. Conclusions of "historians": We invite you to get acquainted with “difficult” words for memorization and active use in speech.


1. Implausible.
N: Incredibly smart.
2. Very large, significant, extraordinary.
N: Incredibly strong.


unfeigned - devoid of pretense, sincere.
N: Genuinely surprised.


not far, nearby.
N: Settle near the river.


truly, naturally, sincerely.
N: Genuinely joyful.

absurd - not justifiable by common sense, strange, absurd.
N: That’s a ridiculous answer.


unattractive in appearance, ugly.
N: Shabbily dressed.

Need to remember! To find out which morpheme NOT is (a prefix or part of a root), you need to select words with the same root.
For example:

Nearby (far, distant) (NOT - prefix)
Incredible (probability, probable) (NOT - prefix)
Unfeigned (pretend, pretend) (NOT - prefix)
Genuinely (fake, deed) (NOT - prefix)
Ridiculous (ridiculous, absurdity) (NOT - part of the root)
Nondescript (nondescript, nondescript) (NOT - part of the root)

III. Fixing the material.

6.Conclusions from the "players": The game is played in rows (who will find the third extra word in each row faster)

Game "Third Man"
1. N ev politely (rudely).
2. N eo expectedly (not used)
3. N units aleko (close)
4. N hedgehog arco (cold)

7. Conclusions from “practitioners”: The children compiled a text containing the spelling studied in the lesson. Students are asked to formulate the topic and main idea of ​​the text, title the text, use rules and algorithms in practical work, and solve spelling problems.

The sun (un)boldly rose into the sky. But by noon it began to become (un)summer hot. Unexpectedly, we decided to swim in the pond. Walking across the bridge to the shore was not at all easy. But we (were not) discouraged, because we had a meeting with new friends ahead. We spent the new day (not) sadly, but cheerfully.

Sun n EU Melo (timidly) ascended into the sky. But by noon it began to get hot and e P o-l It's hot here. N eo zhidann O(not used) we decided to swim in the pond. Walking across the bridge to the shore was not at all easily. But we did not lose heart (verb), because we had a meeting with new friends ahead. We spent the new day e g rustn O, A funny.

7. Conclusions of the "examiners": Students compiled a control test to independently track the results of mastering the material. Checking is carried out in class.


I Option.

  1. He understood the task (not) immediately.

II Option.

  1. Greedily and (not) hastily, wanting to embrace and squeeze everything visible in her arms, the girl looked at the clear sky.
  2. Old letters in the mail are (not) quieter than new ones.
  3. Nature (in)audibly lives around us.
  4. Tall stalks of grass stood (immobile), as if enchanted.

8.Conclusions of the "players": the guys suggest matching well-known phraseological units with adverbs with NOT


  1. Like falling from the moon - unexpectedly.
  2. Like a cat and a dog - not friendly.
  3. To go your own way is to act independently.
  4. To be led is to act without independence.
  5. Playing with fire is acting carelessly.

IV. Homework.

Make up sentences with pairs of words. Specify the conditions for writing NOT with adverbs.
Not bright, not bright.
Not for long, not for long.
Not clear, unclear.
Not good, not good.
Not reasonable, unreasonable.
Not fair, not fair.

Prepare tasks for the auction. Select phraseological units that can be replaced with adverbs with NOT (wishers).

Annex 1.

Game "Third Man".

1. Wrote (carelessly)
2. Asked (im)politely
3. Acted (in)appropriately
1. Answered (in)correctly
2. Nailed it (not) tightly
3. Stopped (un)expectedly
1. He spoke (not) quickly, but slowly
2. Looked (not) nice at all
3. Somewhere (not) far away there was a noise
1. (Not) summer cold
2. Burned (not) brighter than before
3. It’s (not) hot

Appendix 2.


I Option.

  1. He lay (immobile) for long hours, like a wounded animal.
  2. We (don’t) have the right to blame our lives.
  3. The sun was warm (not) hot, but gentle.
  4. Getting to know him is far from pleasant.
  5. I had to (un)expectedly meet her.
  6. Winters in Yakutia are (un)usually harsh.
  7. He understood the task (not) immediately.
  8. The student looked (not) the worst.
  9. Peering into the world around us, we make (un)extraordinarily interesting discoveries.
  10. We just need to remember that if we treat this world (not) with care, we will die ourselves.

II Option.

  1. Greedily and (not) hastily, wanting to embrace and squeeze everything visible in her arms, the girl looked at the clear sky.
  2. To our right, (not) far, but somewhere close, a stream babbled.
  3. The day turned out to be (un)winterly warm.
  4. In the world, miracles are scattered everywhere, and everyone has noticed them (not) everywhere.
  5. Having opened the gate a little, the girl (not) boldly comes out.
  6. New acquaintances in the forest occur (not) rarely.
  7. Walking along an unfamiliar road was not at all scary.

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