Presentation on the theme "Florence Union". Union of Florence (1439) Fall of Constantinople (1453) Fall of the Tatar-Mongol yoke (1480) Active foreign policy in the West and Northwest

Responding to "amateurish" allegations that, allegedly, the Catholics did not seek to unite with the Orthodox, I am writing this post.

Under the grandson of Dmitry Donskoy, Vasily Temny (blind), metropolitans in Rus' were appointed in Constantinople. And so, when he was Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich, he was appointed metropolitan Greek Isidore. At the same time, Constantinople itself suffered great hardships - the Turks were onslaught. The power of the Pope also staggered, there was dual power (two Popes), and at the same time, as in that fairy tale about Cinderella - "It's a pity, the kingdom is not enough, I have nowhere to roam." The Greeks and the Vatican found each other - Byzantium, under the threat of the Turks, was ready for anything, and Pope Eugene IV lacked power, like all Popes, he dreamed of owning and leading the ALL Christian world, that is, he dreamed of a union with the Orthodox world.

In 1437, the Greek Emperor Ivan Palaiologos, the Byzantine Metropolitan Joseph, the Russian Metropolitan Isidore, many saints went to Italy, to the city of Ferrara, to the Council for the conclusion of the union. Basil the Dark, not suspecting anything, admonishing Metropolitan Isidore on his way, told him to keep the ancient piety, to keep it on the "Latin land". When the embassy arrived at the city of Yuryev, Catholics and Russian Orthodox people came out to meet Isidore. Isidore first approached the Catholics, kissed their cross (!), and then only approached the Orthodox. Upon arrival in Italy, Pope Eugene IV demanded that the Byzantine Patriarch, the aged Joseph, kiss his shoe (!) - as required by the custom of Catholics. Joseph, indignant, immediately got ready to go home - and then the Pope had mercy, yielded. The Greek emperor was playing an undercover game - it was beneficial for him to unite the churches. Patriarch Joseph, tormented by conscience, was at first against the unification, however, under pressure, he betrayed the interests of his church. And on July 5, 1439, already in Florence, where the Cathedral moved, the Council resolution on the unification of churches was signed.

The conciliar charter proclaimed the Pope of Rome the head of the ALL Christian Church, all the rites she ordered to be carried out according to the Catholic custom, only the Divine Services to be read in Russian and Greek. Isidore, the Russian metropolitan, was elevated to the rank of cardinal)) - in Poland, Lithuania, the Livonian lands and in Rus'.

Returning home, the Greeks as a result received a “schism” and a 10-year internal church war, which played a fatal role in the collapse of Byzantium and its capture by the Turks.

For the Russians, everything was much simpler - having returned, Isidore read out the Florentine letter in the Assumption Cathedral, held a service, carrying a Catholic cross in front of him, and glorified Pope Eugene during the service. The people were petrified - after all, the Catholic faith was perceived by the Orthodox as heresy. Grand Duke Vasily immediately called Isidor a "heretic" and a "wolf", and "cardinal" Isidor was immediately arrested and imprisoned in the Chudov Monastery. Sitting there, he persisted, rejected offers of repentance, and then he was allowed to "escape." He fled to Tver, where he was arrested by the prince of Tver, from where he "fled" again - already to Rome, where he took refuge until the end of his days. Prince Vasily called the bishops and ordered them FOREVER to forget both the Florentine agreement and the shame metropolitan of the entire Russian Orthodox world. The prince appointed his metropolitan without the appointment of Tsargrad, and since then the Moscow metropolitans have never been appointed Tsargrad. In addition, since then the Russian metropolis has been divided into Moscow and Kiev.

Throughout subsequent history, the Catholic world sought to unite with the Orthodox under the authority of the Pope. The same was the Union of Brest - the decision of a number of bishops of the Kyiv Metropolis, headed by Metropolitan Mikhail Rogoza, to accept the Catholic doctrine and transfer to submission to the Pope while maintaining Orthodox worship. The act of accession to the Roman Catholic Church was signed in Rome on December 23, 1595 and approved on October 9 (19), 1596 at the Uniate Cathedral in Brest, which the Pope was incredibly happy about. As a result, there was a split of the Kyiv Metropolis into Uniates and opponents of the union, as well as to a long bloody war. Also, for example, in 1964, Patriarch Athenagoras of Constantinople and Pope Paul VI met, where an agreement was signed on the abolition of anathemas. After that, the Pope began to be mentioned first by rank, and then the Patriarch - this was a kind of union.

Any agreements with the Orthodox world mean for the Pope and Catholics the proclamation of his supreme authority, because the Pope of Rome for Catholics is the vicar of God on Earth. That is, the God-man in bodily incarnation, and this is one of the dogmas of their church. But the most sophisticated are hidden unions, based on Jesuit methods of working with "human material", suggestion, propaganda, intelligence, in comparison with which our holy fathers are simply angels of God. The methods and developments of the Jesuits are used by the best intelligence agencies in the world. The current Pope is a Jesuit... And now the Holy See is discussing the creation of an "Organization of United Faiths". The leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, apparently, is moving towards rapprochement - Patriarch Kirill prayed "for the unity of the churches of East and West" at the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Do you want to "kiss the Pope's shoe", even though this tradition is already a thing of the past? Personally, I don't.

The Union of Florence (1439) The fall of Constantinople (1453) The fall of the Tatar-Mongol yoke (1480) An active foreign policy in the Western and North-Western directions The coronation of Ivan IV (1547) The accession of Kazan (1552) ) and Astrakhan (1556) khanates

Monuments of the "Filofeevsky cycle": Message to the grand ducal clerk M. Misyur-Munekhin (ca.) Message led. book. Vasily Ivanovich (not later than March 1526) The essay “On the Offenses of the Church” (1530s - early 1540s)

“The old Church of Rome fell from the heresy of Apolinaria, the second of Rome of Konstantingrad the Church, the grandsons of Agar, with axes and scoring, cut open its doors, this is now the third Rome, your sovereign kingdom, the holy catholic apostolic Church, even at the ends of the universe in Orthodox Christians in all under demons more holy than the sun"

Eschatological Treason to Orthodoxy Fall of the 1st and 2nd Rome Moscow - the only Orthodox state

Moscow sovereigns - descendants of Prus (relative/brother of Emperor Augustus) Glorious deeds of Russian pagan princes (successful campaigns of Rus' against Byzantium) Independence of Russian Orthodoxy from Greek (Ap. Andrei, Prince Olga, Prince Vladimir) The idea of ​​succession of capitals (Kiev-Vladimir - Moscow)

Publication of Philotheus' Epistles in the "Orthodox Interlocutor" in the 1860s. Influence of the foreign policy situation on the popularity of the idea (Russian-Turkish war) Attention of publicists and philosophers to the "geopolitical" component of the idea The idea of ​​theory as a rationale for expansionist policy in Western historiography of the 1950s.

Time of creation: the turn of the 19th century. Creator: Andrei, archpriest of the Cathedral of the Annunciation, confessor of Ivan IV, closest collaborator of Metropolitan Macarius

Annals (Nikonovskaya, Voskresenskaya, Sofia I, etc.) Russian Chronograph edition of 1512 Hagiography (Kiev-Pechersk and Jerusalem Patericons, Memory and Praise" by Jacob Mnich, lives of Olga, Vladimir, Alexander Nevsky, Sergius of Radonezh, Metropolitans Peter, Alexei, Jonah, etc.) Monuments of church law (Ukraine of Vladimir, "Rules on church people") Other sources ("ABC book" of the older edition, Message from Metropolitan Photius to Vasily I)

Rurik - a descendant of Emperor Augustus Condemnation of the paganism of the first Russian princes Princely strife as a result of the intervention of Satan and his servants A summary or ignoring periods rich in princely strife Continuity of capitals (Kiev-Vladimir-Moscow)

Presentation of all the rulers of the Horde as fundamental enemies of the Christian faith Significance of the Church and its saints, who ensured the chosenness of all the "steps" of the "ladder" of Russian rulers Praise of the chosenness of the Russian autocrats, their knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, concern for the Church and the purity of faith

Yerusalimsky K.Yu. History in the embassy service: diplomacy and memory in Russia in the 16th century. M., Pokrovsky N.N. Historical concepts of the Degree Book of the Royal Genealogy // The Degree Book of the Royal Genealogy according to the oldest lists. T. 1 / under. ed. G. D. Lenhoff and N. N. Pokrovsky. M., S. 89–119. Usachev A.S. "Long XVI century" of Russian historiography // Social sciences and modernity S Usachev A.S. "Third Rome" or "Third Kyiv"? (Moscow kingdom of the 16th century in the perception of contemporaries) // Social sciences and modernity C

"The Art of the Middle Ages" - Under Charles, the art of three-dimensional sculpture is being revived. Reliefs were made on biblical subjects. The lion is a symbol of St. Mark. Norway. Germany, ca. 800 9th century. In the Middle Ages, a new type of culture is formed - religious. Jewelry art of the Germans. Monastery gate, Lorsch. Carving on stone and wood.

"Culture of Kazakhstan" - Learning outcomes. The heading "Know and understand" includes the requirements for educational material that is learned and reproduced by students. The ascertaining (content) part and calendar-thematic planning of the integrated course "Culture of Kazakhstan in the period of the early Middle Ages" / 17 hours /.

"The Middle Ages" - What invention was first used only for fireworks? Oblique sail. Technological advances that helped people get around. Paper and gunpowder. What are the greatest discoveries made in China that we still use to this day? Stained glass. Collar. Powder. Stained glass. When did the first humans appear on Earth?

"Medieval science" - Special merit here belongs to T. Paracelsus, J. Helmont, B. Palissy and others. Grammar rhetoric logic arithmetic geometry astronomy music. 12th c. Scholastic science and philosophy. The structure of medieval knowledge includes four areas: Lancet and semicircular arches are widely used, and classical Roman columns are also used.

"Medieval culture" - "Carolingian Renaissance". Secular chivalric literature and poetry. Iron. "The Tragedy of the Person of Christ". Hypotheses and solutions: Project goals: Project. Christian religiosity. The heroic epic of the Middle Ages: "The Song of Roland", "The Song of Side", "The Song of the Nibelungs". "Gothic style". Stone. Prayers. Project: Medieval Literature and Art.

slide 2

Union of Florence

In 1439, in order to protect Byzantium from the invasion of the Turks at the Ecumenical Council in the Italian city of Florence, the Orthodox Church signed a union with the Catholic Church - a document on the unification of the Eastern and Western Christian churches.

slide 3

This document recognized the dogma of the primacy of the Pope of Rome over all Christian churches, but retained for Orthodoxy the right to perform rituals according to its canonical rules.

slide 4

Local Council of 1448

  • The Union of Florence was rejected.
  • The protégé of the Patriarch of Constantinople, Metropolitan Isidore, who participated in the Ecumenical Council and signed the union, was deposed
  • slide 5

    Local Council of 1448

    In 1448, the Council of Russian Bishops for the first time, without the participation of Constantinople, elected a Russian person, Jonah, as metropolitan. The Russian Orthodox Church became independent.

    slide 6

    Solovetsky Monastery - founded by three monks on the Solovetsky Islands of the White Sea

    Slide 7

    Monasteries at the end of the XV - beginning. 16th century

    In 1479, Joseph Volotsky founded the Joseph-Volokolamsky Monastery

    Slide 8

    Trinity-Sergius Monastery founded by Sergius of Radonezh

    Slide 9

    Heresies at the end of XV - beginning. 16th century

    Heresy (Greek "choice, direction, opinion") - a conscious deviation from the dogmas of faith, offering a different approach to religious doctrine; separation from the church of a new community.

    Slide 10


    Deacon Karp - Novgorod barber opposed bribery rejected church rites opposed monasticism revived pagan rituals

    slide 11

    The heresy of the "Judaizers"

    People from the retinue of the Lithuanian prince - Veliky Novgorod Christ is only a prophet, not the son of God Denied the Holy Trinity opposed icons and icons, crosses, churches opposed monasticism advocated Western European orders

    slide 12


    Nil Sorsky opposed the "acquisition" of lands and other property by the church for asceticism; the church should be independent of the state for strong princely power

    1. Union of Florence 2. Local Council of 1448 3. Monasteries at the end of the XV beginning of the XVI century 4. Heresies at the end of the XV beginning of the XVI century 5. The theory of "Moscow - the Third Rome" Chuprov L. A. MKOU secondary school No. 3 p. Stone-Rybolov Khankaysky district of Primorsky Krai

    In 1439, in order to protect Byzantium from the invasion of the Turks at the Ecumenical Council in the Italian city of Florence, the Orthodox Church signed a union with the Catholic Church - a document on the unification of the Eastern and Western Christian churches.

    This document recognized the dogma of the primacy of the Pope of Rome over all Christian churches, but retained for Orthodoxy the right to perform rituals according to its canonical rules.

    The Union of Florence was rejected. Metropolitan Isidore, a protege of the Patriarch of Constantinople who participated in the Ecumenical Council and signed the union, was deposed

    In 1448, the Council of Russian Bishops for the first time, without the participation of Constantinople, elected a Russian person, Jonah, as metropolitan. The Russian Orthodox Church became independent.

    Heresy (Greek "choice, direction, opinion") - a conscious deviation from the dogmas of faith, offering a different approach to religious teaching; separation from the church of a new community.

    Deacon Karp - Novgorod barber Ø opposed bribery Ø rejected church rites Ø opposed monasticism Ø revived pagan rituals

    People from the retinue of the Lithuanian prince - Veliky Novgorod Christ is only a prophet, not the son of God Denied the Holy Trinity opposed icons and icons, crosses, churches opposed monasticism advocated Western European orders

    Nil Sorsky opposed the "acquisition" of lands and other property by the church for asceticism; the church should be independent of the state for strong princely power

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