Water, water... Structure of a water molecule A water molecule consists of one oxygen atom linked by a covalent bond to two hydrogen atoms H2O

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WATER - H2O (hydrogen oxide) is the simplest stable compound of hydrogen and oxygen.

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3/4 of the surface of the globe is covered with water in the form of oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. WATER is very important in the life of plants, animals and humans. The origin of life on Earth is due to WATER. Water is an ancient universal symbol of purity, fertility and the source of life itself. WATER is part of comets, most of the planets of the solar system and their satellites. WATER is the most abundant substance on Earth. Water molecules have been discovered in interstellar space.

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WATER is odorless, colorless and tasteless. WATER is very difficult to oxidize, burn, or decompose into its constituent parts. WATER is a chemically resistant substance. WATER is a universal solvent. It dissolves more salts and other substances than any other substance. It oxidizes almost all metals and destroys even the hardest rocks. The water is very unusual in its physical and chemical properties. Many properties of water are anomalous.

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WATER is the only substance known to us that occurs naturally on the surface of the Earth in solid, liquid and gaseous states. Arrangement of molecules Orderly rows A bit cramped Space

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Among liquids existing in nature, the SURFACE TENSION OF WATER is second only to mercury. WATER has a great affinity for itself, the greatest of all liquids. Therefore, water exists in the form of spherical droplets - a sphere has the smallest surface area for a given volume. The surface tension of water is associated with its strong wetting effect (the ability to “stick” to the surface of many solids).

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WATER has abnormally high freezing temperatures (0°C) and boiling points (+100°C). (Sea water freezes at a lower temperature: - 1.9° at a salinity of 35%) Water is a poor conductor of electricity, but becomes a good conductor if even small amounts of ionic substances are dissolved in it. The heat of evaporation of WATER is higher than the heat of evaporation of any other liquids, and the heat of crystallization is second only to ammonia.

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Water has an abnormal density. She is twofold. Firstly, after melting ice at atmospheric pressure is accompanied by a decrease in volume by 9%. LET'S CONDUCT AN EXPERIMENT: To determine the difference in volume during the transition from the solid state of water to the liquid state, ice was taken in the form of a cylinder with a radius of R = 4 cm and a height of H = 5 cm. After the ice melts, the radius of the water column is 4 cm, height is 4.55 cm. The volume of the cylinder is calculated according to the formula: V=πR²H Volume of ice: Vl=251.2 (cm³) Volume of water: Vв=228.592 (cm³) Result: Vв< Vл на 9%

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This property of water is very valuable for life. As the temperature decreases, the cooled layer, which has a lower density, remains on the surface, freezes, and thereby protects the underlying layers from further cooling and freezing. In the liquid state at 4°C its density is maximum and is greater than the density of ice. Therefore, ice floats on the surface of the water. Secondly, the DENSITY of WATER during its transition from a solid to a liquid state does not decrease, like that of other substances, but increases. Ice density - 916.7 kg/m³ water - 999.8 kg/m³

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WATER has an abnormally high HEAT CAPACITY. Therefore, at night, as well as during the transition from summer to winter, the water cools down slowly, and during the day, or during the transition from winter to summer, it also slowly heats up, thus being a TEMPERATURE REGULATOR ON THE EARTH.

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A water molecule (H216O) consists of two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom (16O). The whole variety of properties of water and the unusualness of their manifestation is determined by the physical nature of these atoms, the way they are combined into a molecule and the grouping of the resulting molecules. The anomalous properties of water are explained by the existence of hydrogen bonds in it, which bind molecules together in both liquid and solid states. The anomalous properties of water are caused by the structural features of its molecule.

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A special group of properties of water - MEMORY OF WATER The features of the physical properties of water and numerous short-lived hydrogen bonds between neighboring hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a water molecule create favorable opportunities for the formation of special associated structures (clusters) that perceive, store and conveying a wide variety of information. V O D A – keeper and transmitter of information

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WATER, consisting of many clusters of various types, forms a hierarchical spatial liquid crystal structure that can perceive and store huge amounts of information. Research has shown that the sensitivity of the water information system turned out to be so high that it is able to sense the influence of not only certain field influences, but also the shapes of surrounding objects, the influence of human emotions and thoughts.

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Crystal of distilled water, unaffected Crystal of spring water Crystal of Antarctic ice

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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A water molecule consists of one oxygen atom linked by a covalent bond to two hydrogen atoms H2O Structure of a water molecule

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Water is a colorless liquid, without taste or smell. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius (at a pressure of 101.3 kPa) Freezes at a temperature of 0 degrees. The maximum density of water (at 4 degrees) is 1 g/cm3. Physical properties

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Water is of great importance for the normal functioning of the human body. All physiological fluids: blood, lymph, saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile, intercellular and intracellular fluid and all others are aqueous solutions. All biochemical and metabolic processes, the entire metabolism of the human body occurs in an aquatic environment. It has been established that in a newborn child water makes up up to 90% of body weight, in an adult - 70-80%. And the figure of 55% is considered critical - this is exactly how much water is contained in the body of a person dying of old age. It is no coincidence that they often say about old people: dried up, shriveled up, dried up... It turns out that this is not a metaphor at all... The role of water in the human body

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Both a lack of water and its excess are harmful to our body. With insufficient water consumption, dehydration of the body can occur - an extremely unpleasant condition that leads to severe dysfunction of various organs. Excessive fluid consumption negatively affects the functioning of the heart, excretory organs, digestion and a number of other body systems, overloading them, increasing sweating, and promoting the leaching of vitamins and mineral salts from the organs. What causes excess and lack of water in the human body?

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We must not forget that water is contained in significant quantities in almost all the products that we eat. Thus, most vegetables, fruits and berries contain 75-90% water, meat, eggs, potatoes up to 75%, milk, cream, kefir, drinking yoghurts - 80-88%, bread of various types - 35-45% , of course not dried out :).

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Our body has an excellent indicator of lack of water - a feeling of thirst. one must distinguish between true and false thirst. True thirst is caused by a real lack of water in the body, and false thirst is caused by drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. To quench false thirst, simply rinse your mouth or slowly drink a few small sips of water. Lack of water in the body, causing true thirst, can occur either due to insufficient fluid intake, so-called water starvation, or as a result of significant loss of water (with severe vomiting, excessive sweating, burns, etc.). In the first case, it is recommended to quench your thirst with plain water, in the second - with salted or mineral water. But it’s better not to drink carbonated water: the carbon dioxide it contains can increase thirst, and also does not have the most favorable effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

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“The opinion that tea, coffee, alcohol and artificial drinks can satisfy the body’s needs for pure natural water is an elementary mistake, especially in a situation where the body is under the stress of daily problems. All of these drinks do contain water, but most also contain dehydrating agents such as caffeine. They remove water from the body, as well as some water from its reserves. Another way to remove water after drinking hot drinks is through increased sweating in order to cool the body, which is heated from the inside. “When a person does not drink enough water and his body becomes dehydrated, the cells release the energy they have accumulated. As a result, they become more dependent on the energy supplied by food than on the energy supplied by water. In such a situation, the body is forced to accumulate fat and use its reserves of protein and starch - after all, it is easier for it to break down these compounds than accumulated fat.”

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Studies have been carried out, during which it was found that for every thousand kilocalories consumed, you need to drink about a liter of water. As a rule, the daily diet of a modern person amounts to 2000 kcal. But a person gets almost a liter of water from food - soup, fruits and vegetables. In addition, pouring 2 liters into yourself means creating extreme conditions for the body to function. - You need to drink more than 1.5 liters per day only in hot weather or during significant physical activity. And people suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease should generally limit the amount of fluid they consume. The body needs increased fluid intake: in case of poisoning during air travel in hot weather, in case of urolithiasis, in intense sports activities, in case of urinary tract infections, in acute infectious diseases. How much fluid should you drink?

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When water freezes, it expands by 9% relative to its previous volume. Therefore, ice is always lighter than unfrozen water and floats up, and therefore a rare body of water freezes to the bottom. The ice covering it on top is a good heat insulator: after all, the thermal conductivity of ice, like water, is very low. Under such a “fur coat”, even in winter in the Arctic, marine animals are not very cold. Interesting facts about water

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All substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. Water also shrinks from the cold. But it shrinks while the temperature drops, but at +4°C the limit comes. Here it begins to expand again, although the temperature continues to drop. Therefore, water is the densest and heaviest at +4° C. In winter, having cooled to +4° C, it sinks to the bottom and remains here throughout the winter. That is why in winter it is relatively warm at the bottom of a pond, lake, or river. This amazing anomaly saves the lives of all freshwater animals.

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Of all liquids except mercury, water has the highest surface tension. The surface of water is always covered with a thin film of molecules. To break it, you need strength, and considerable strength. Insects run across this film - whirligigs and water striders. Mosquito larvae cling to it, hanging upside down, and even snails with massive shells crawl on it. They are heavier than water, but do not fall through: the film supports them. Even lizards run on water and don’t drown! Physicists have calculated exactly what weight needs to be suspended from a column of water 3 centimeters thick in order to break it. You will need a huge weight - more than 100 tons! But this is when the water is exceptionally clean. There is no such water in nature. There is always something dissolved in it, even if only a little. Foreign substances break links in the strong chain of water molecules, and the adhesion forces between them are greatly reduced. But in laboratories, scientists managed to obtain almost pure water, and it was as difficult to break it as the best grade of steel. Surface tension forces pull water up from the depths of the soil, feeding plants with salts and moisture. Carried away by them, it flows along the roots and stems of the plants themselves and fills our capillaries with blood.

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Water is the best solvent in the world. It dissolves many substances, but itself remains inert and does not change from many substances that it dissolves. Thanks to this quality, water was able to become a carrier of life. Solutions of all substances circulating in our body are prepared in water. They change little in such a solution, and the solvent itself - water - can be used repeatedly.

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The role of water in the human body Water is of great importance for the normal functioning of the human body. All physiological fluids: blood, lymph, saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, bile, intercellular and intracellular fluid and all others are aqueous solutions. All biochemical and metabolic processes, the entire metabolism of the human body occurs in an aquatic environment. It has been established that water makes up up to 90% of body weight in a newborn child, and % in an adult. And the figure of 55% is considered critical - this is exactly how much water is contained in the body of a person dying of old age. It is no coincidence that they often say about old people: dried up, dried up, dried up... It turns out that this is not a metaphor at all...

What does excess and lack of water lead to in the human body? How much water should you drink? The answer to this question is not as simple as it seems. Both a lack of water and its excess are harmful to our body. With insufficient water consumption, dehydration of the body can occur - an extremely unpleasant condition that leads to severe dysfunction of various organs. Excessive fluid consumption negatively affects the functioning of the heart, excretory organs, digestion and a number of other body systems, overloading them, increasing sweating, and promoting the leaching of vitamins and mineral salts from the organs.

We must not forget that water is contained in significant quantities in almost all the products that we eat. So, most vegetables, fruits and berries contain 75-90% water, meat, eggs, potatoes up to 75%, milk, cream, kefir, drinking yoghurts%, bread of various types%, of course not dried :).

Our body has an excellent indicator of lack of water - a feeling of thirst. one must distinguish between true and false thirst. True thirst is caused by a real lack of water in the body, and false thirst is caused by drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. To quench false thirst, simply rinse your mouth or slowly drink a few small sips of water. Lack of water in the body, causing true thirst, can occur either due to insufficient fluid intake, so-called water starvation, or as a result of significant loss of water (with severe vomiting, excessive sweating, burns, etc.). In the first case, it is recommended to quench your thirst with plain water, in the second - with salted or mineral water. But it’s better not to drink carbonated water: the carbon dioxide it contains can increase thirst, and also does not have the most favorable effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Our body has an excellent indicator of lack of water - a feeling of thirst. one must distinguish between true and false thirst. True thirst is caused by a real lack of water in the body, and false thirst is caused by drying out of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. To quench false thirst, simply rinse your mouth or slowly drink a few small sips of water. Lack of water in the body, causing true thirst, can occur either due to insufficient fluid intake, so-called water starvation, or as a result of significant loss of water (with severe vomiting, excessive sweating, burns, etc.). In the first case, it is recommended to quench your thirst with plain water, in the second - with salted or mineral water. But it’s better not to drink carbonated water: the carbon dioxide it contains can increase thirst, and also does not have the most favorable effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

“The opinion that tea, coffee, alcohol and artificial drinks can satisfy the body’s needs for pure natural water is an elementary mistake, especially in a situation where the body is under the stress of daily problems. All of these drinks do contain water, but most also contain dehydrating agents such as caffeine. They remove water from the body, as well as some water from its reserves. Another way to remove water after drinking hot drinks is through increased sweating in order to cool the body, which is heated from the inside. “When a person does not drink enough water and his body becomes dehydrated, the cells release the energy they have accumulated. As a result, they become more dependent on the energy supplied by food than on the energy supplied by water. In such a situation, the body is forced to accumulate fat and use its reserves of protein and starch - after all, it is easier for it to break down these compounds than accumulated fat.” “The opinion that tea, coffee, alcohol and artificial drinks can satisfy the body’s needs for pure natural water is an elementary mistake, especially in a situation where the body is under the stress of daily problems. All of these drinks do contain water, but most also contain dehydrating agents such as caffeine. They remove water from the body, as well as some water from its reserves. Another way to remove water after drinking hot drinks is through increased sweating in order to cool the body, which is heated from the inside. “When a person does not drink enough water and his body becomes dehydrated, the cells release the energy they have accumulated. As a result, they become more dependent on the energy supplied by food than on the energy supplied by water. In such a situation, the body is forced to accumulate fat and use its reserves of protein and starch - after all, it is easier for it to break down these compounds than accumulated fat.”

What happens when there is too much water? 28-year-old Californian Jennifer Strange, a happy mother of three children, won a competition on high-speed water consumption held by a local radio station. She went home with the main prize - a game console. Alas, the winner did not have time to try out the “toy” - an hour later Jennifer felt a severe headache and painful cramps in her stomach. The next day she was found dead in her home. Two US Marines also died suddenly. The recruits drank several liters of liquid after grueling training. In both cases, the cause of death was water intoxication, or drinking sickness. This is what doctors call pure water poisoning. Drinking sickness occurs exclusively when there is excessive fluid consumption. In this case, the water does not have time to pass through the kidneys and begins to flow into other organs, which swell due to the sudden influx of fluid. The hardest thing is for the brain - it is enclosed in a bone box, and therefore the swelling of its cells leads to convulsions, respiratory arrest and, ultimately, death. It has been noticed that symptoms of drinking sickness are often observed in athletes, regulars of discos and nightclubs, as well as women on diets who “fill in” the feeling of hunger with water. Drug addicts are also at risk. Drugs increase thirst, and a person, unnoticed by himself, can drink a “critical dose” - more than two liters of liquid per hour.

What happens when there is a lack of water? When the balance is negative, i.e. insufficient intake of water into the body, body weight drops, blood viscosity increases - this disrupts the supply of tissues with oxygen and energy and, as a result, body temperature rises, pulse and breathing increase, a feeling of thirst and nausea occurs, and performance decreases. If a person loses 2% of his body weight in water, he becomes very thirsty. If the percentage of lost water increases to 10, then the person will begin to hallucinate. With a loss of 12%, a person will not be able to recover without the help of a doctor. With a loss of 20%, the person dies. With a negative balance, i.e. insufficient intake of water into the body, body weight drops, blood viscosity increases - this disrupts the supply of tissues with oxygen and energy and, as a result, body temperature rises, pulse and breathing increase, a feeling of thirst and nausea occurs, and performance decreases. If a person loses 2% of his body weight in water, he becomes very thirsty. If the percentage of lost water increases to 10, then the person will begin to hallucinate. With a loss of 12%, a person will not be able to recover without the help of a doctor. With a loss of 20%, the person dies.

How much fluid should you drink? - Studies have been carried out, during which it turned out that for every thousand kilocalories consumed, you need to drink about a liter of water. As a rule, the daily diet of a modern person amounts to 2000 kcal. But a person gets almost a liter of water from food - soup, fruits and vegetables. In addition, pouring 2 liters into yourself means creating extreme conditions for the body to function. - You need to drink more than 1.5 liters per day only in hot weather or during significant physical activity. And people suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease should generally limit the amount of fluid they consume. The body needs increased fluid intake: for poisoning during air travel in hot weather for urolithiasis for intense sports for urinary tract infections in acute infectious diseases - Studies have been conducted which have shown that for every thousand kilocalories consumed you need to drink about a liter of water . As a rule, the daily diet of a modern person amounts to 2000 kcal. But a person gets almost a liter of water from food - soup, fruits and vegetables. In addition, pouring 2 liters into yourself means creating extreme conditions for the body to function. - You need to drink more than 1.5 liters per day only in hot weather or during significant physical activity. And people suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, kidney disease should generally limit the amount of fluid they consume. The body needs increased fluid intake: for poisoning during air travel in hot weather for urolithiasis for intense sports for urinary tract infections for acute infectious diseases

Interesting facts about water When water freezes, it expands by 9% relative to its previous volume. Therefore, ice is always lighter than unfrozen water and floats up, and therefore a rare body of water freezes to the bottom. The ice covering it on top is a good heat insulator: after all, the thermal conductivity of ice, like water, is very low. Under such a “fur coat”, even in winter in the Arctic, marine animals are not very cold.

All substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. Water also shrinks from the cold. But it shrinks while the temperature drops, but at +4°C the limit comes. Here it begins to expand again, although the temperature continues to drop. Therefore, water is the densest and heaviest at +4° C. In winter, having cooled to +4° C, it sinks to the bottom and remains here throughout the winter. That is why in winter it is relatively warm at the bottom of a pond, lake, or river. This amazing anomaly saves the lives of all freshwater animals.

Of all liquids except mercury, water has the highest surface tension. The surface of water is always covered with a thin film of molecules. To break it, you need strength, and considerable strength. Insects and water striders run along this film. Mosquito larvae cling to it, hanging upside down, and even snails with massive shells crawl on it. They are heavier than water, but do not fall through: the film supports them. Even lizards run on water and don’t drown! Physicists have calculated exactly what weight needs to be suspended from a column of water 3 centimeters thick in order to break it. You will need a huge weight, more than 100 tons! But this is when the water is exceptionally clean. There is no such water in nature. There is always something dissolved in it, even if only a little. Foreign substances break links in the strong chain of water molecules, and the adhesion forces between them are greatly reduced. But in laboratories, scientists managed to obtain almost pure water, and it was as difficult to break it as the best grade of steel. Surface tension forces pull water up from the depths of the soil, feeding plants with salts and moisture. Carried away by them, it flows along the roots and stems of the plants themselves and fills our capillaries with blood. Of all liquids except mercury, water has the highest surface tension. The surface of water is always covered with a thin film of molecules. To break it, you need strength, and considerable strength. Insects and water striders run along this film. Mosquito larvae cling to it, hanging upside down, and even snails with massive shells crawl on it. They are heavier than water, but do not fall through: the film supports them. Even lizards run on water and don’t drown! Physicists have calculated exactly what weight needs to be suspended from a column of water 3 centimeters thick in order to break it. You will need a huge weight, more than 100 tons! But this is when the water is exceptionally clean. There is no such water in nature. There is always something dissolved in it, even if only a little. Foreign substances break links in the strong chain of water molecules, and the adhesion forces between them are greatly reduced. But in laboratories, scientists managed to obtain almost pure water, and it was as difficult to break it as the best grade of steel. Surface tension forces pull water up from the depths of the soil, feeding plants with salts and moisture. Carried away by them, it flows along the roots and stems of the plants themselves and fills our capillaries with blood.

Water is the best solvent in the world. It dissolves many substances, but itself remains inert and does not change from many substances that it dissolves. Thanks to this quality, water was able to become a carrier of life. Solutions of all substances circulating in our body are prepared in water. They change little in such a solution, and the solvent itself - water - can be used repeatedly.

Which water will turn into ice faster: hot or cold? If we think logically, then, of course, it’s cold. After all, a hot one must first cool down and then freeze, but a cold one does not need to cool down. However, experiments show that it is hot water that turns into ice faster.

What happens if you take frozen clean water and continue cooling? Miraculous transformations will occur with water. At minus 120 degrees Celsius, water becomes super viscous or viscous, and at temperatures below minus 135 degrees it turns into “glassy” water. "Glass" water is a solid substance that does not have a crystalline structure like glass.

Where is the most water? The answer seems obvious: in the World Ocean. However, in fact, the Earth's mantle contains several times more water than the World Ocean. At the same time, almost all the water available on the planet is not suitable for drinking. We can only drink 3% of the water - that’s how much fresh water we have. But even most of this 3% is inaccessible, as it is contained in glaciers.

With the help of water you can fight excess weight. By consuming only water from drinks, you can sharply reduce the overall caloric content of your diet. Firstly, because a person stops drinking high-calorie sweet sodas and juices, and secondly, because after drinking water there is less desire to take sweets, as is the case with tea or coffee.

Slide presentation

Slide text: Presentation on physics by a student of Lyceum No. 142 9/1 class Sergei Sukhotsky

Slide text: WATER - H2O (hydrogen oxide) is the simplest stable compound of hydrogen and oxygen.

Slide text: 3/4 of the surface of the globe is covered with water in the form of oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. WATER is very important in the life of plants, animals and humans. The origin of life on Earth is due to WATER. Water is an ancient universal symbol of purity, fertility and the source of life itself. WATER is part of comets, most of the planets of the solar system and their satellites. WATER is the most abundant substance on Earth. Water molecules have been discovered in interstellar space.

Slide text: S O U S T V A O D Y

Slide text: WATER is odorless, colorless and tasteless. WATER is very difficult to oxidize, burn, or decompose into its constituent parts. WATER is a chemically resistant substance. WATER is a universal solvent. It dissolves more salts and other substances than any other substance. It oxidizes almost all metals and destroys even the hardest rocks. The water is very unusual in its physical and chemical properties. Many properties of water are anomalous.

Slide text: WATER is the only substance known to us that occurs naturally on the surface of the Earth in solid, liquid and gaseous states. Arrangement of molecules Orderly rows A bit cramped Space

Slide text: Among the liquids existing in nature, the SURFACE TENSION OF WATER is second only to mercury. WATER has a great affinity for itself, the greatest of all liquids. Therefore, water exists in the form of spherical droplets - a sphere has the smallest surface area for a given volume. The surface tension of water is associated with its strong wetting effect (the ability to “stick” to the surface of many solids).

Slide text: WATER has abnormally high freezing temperatures (0°C) and boiling points (+100°C). (Sea water freezes at a lower temperature: - 1.9° at a salinity of 35%) Water is a poor conductor of electricity, but becomes a good conductor if even small amounts of ionic substances are dissolved in it. The heat of evaporation of WATER is higher than the heat of evaporation of any other liquids, and the heat of crystallization is second only to ammonia.

Slide text: Water has an abnormal density. She is twofold. Firstly, after melting ice at atmospheric pressure is accompanied by a decrease in volume by 9%. LET'S CONDUCT AN EXPERIMENT: To determine the difference in volume during the transition from the solid state of water to the liquid state, ice was taken in the form of a cylinder with a radius of R = 4 cm and a height of H = 5 cm. After the ice melts, the radius of the water column is 4 cm, height is 4.55 cm. The volume of the cylinder is calculated according to the formula: V=πR²H Volume of ice: Vl=251.2 (cm³) Volume of water: Vв=228.592 (cm³) Result: Vв< Vл на 9%

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Slide text: This property of water is very valuable for life. As the temperature decreases, the cooled layer, which has a lower density, remains on the surface, freezes, and thereby protects the underlying layers from further cooling and freezing. In the liquid state at 4°C its density is maximum and is greater than the density of ice. Therefore, ice floats on the surface of the water. Secondly, the DENSITY of WATER during its transition from a solid to a liquid state does not decrease, like that of other substances, but increases. Ice density - 916.7 kg/m³ water - 999.8 kg/m³

Slide No. 11

Slide text: WATER has an abnormally high HEAT CAPACITY. Therefore, at night, as well as during the transition from summer to winter, the water cools down slowly, and during the day, or during the transition from winter to summer, it also slowly heats up, thus being a TEMPERATURE REGULATOR ON THE EARTH.

Slide No. 12

Slide text: The water molecule (H216O) consists of two hydrogen atoms (H) and one oxygen atom (16O). The whole variety of properties of water and the unusualness of their manifestation is determined by the physical nature of these atoms, the way they are combined into a molecule and the grouping of the resulting molecules. The anomalous properties of water are explained by the existence of hydrogen bonds in it, which bind molecules together in both liquid and solid states. The anomalous properties of water are caused by the structural features of its molecule.

Slide No. 13

Slide text: A special group of properties of water - WATER MEMORY Features of the physical properties of water and numerous short-lived hydrogen bonds between neighboring hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a water molecule create favorable opportunities for the formation of special associated structures (clusters) that perceive , storing and transmitting a wide variety of information. V O D A – keeper and transmitter of information

Slide No. 14

Slide text: WATER, consisting of many clusters of various types, forms a hierarchical spatial liquid crystal structure that can perceive and store huge amounts of information. Research has shown that the sensitivity of the water information system turned out to be so high that it is able to sense the influence of not only certain field influences, but also the shapes of surrounding objects, the influence of human emotions and thoughts.

Slide No. 15

Slide text: Crystal of distilled water, not subjected to any influence Crystal of spring water Crystal of Antarctic ice Slide text: Water taken from Lake Fujiwara, before prayer Crystal of the same water after prayer of the Buddhist high priest Cato Fountain in the Louvre, France

Slide No. 19

Slide text: The words “Love and Gratitude” spoken in English. . . in Japanese. . . in German

Slide No. 20

Slide text: V O D A is the most mysterious substance in nature after DNA. It has unique properties that have not yet been fully explained and not all are known. The longer it is studied, the more new anomalies and mysteries are found in it. Most of these anomalies support life on Earth. We and all living things on Earth absolutely need clean and good WATER.

Slide No. 21

Slides: 12 Words: 1330 Sounds: 7 Effects: 130

Water. Water in nature. Water is a very common substance on Earth. Physical properties of water. Pure water is a colorless, transparent liquid. Chemical properties of water. Water molecules are highly resistant to heat. Interaction. C + H2O = H2 + CO. Lime slaking. - Water.ppt

Water lesson

Slides: 17 Words: 830 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

To consolidate knowledge about the composition, structure and properties of water. Show that water is a unique natural compound. Expand knowledge about the role of water and solutions in nature and human life. Address environmental and moral issues of water protection. Lesson plan: Legends of water. Many deities were born in water or could walk on water. She could have drowned her, destroyed her for nothing. History of discovery. June 24, 1783 Lavoisier and Laplace. Synthesis of water from “combustible air” (hydrogen) and “dephlogisticated air” (oxygen). Lavoisier. Experiments on water decomposition. 1785 Lavoisier and Meunier. The composition of the water was determined to be 85% oxygen and 15% hydrogen. - Water lesson.ppt

Water chemistry

Slides: 18 Words: 629 Sounds: 0 Effects: 46

Goals and objectives. Water. Chemical and physical. Properties. Water in nature. The only substance in nature that exists in three states of aggregation. Liquid state. Solid state. Gaseous state. Oxygen atom. Hydrogen atoms. Water molecule. Aggregate states of water. Physical properties of water. (Water). Solid. (Ice). Gaseous. (Steam). Liquid. Water is a solvent. 1. Interaction of water with active metals. Chemical properties of water. Cold air. Warm air. Steam. Ice crystals. Water drops. The cloud is transferred. Air current. Precipitation. Rain. Snow. Hail. - Water chemistry.ppt

Chemistry Water

Slides: 8 Words: 404 Sounds: 1 Effects: 1

Integrated project “Water, water, water all around.” Authors of the project. Duration of the project: 1-3 academic quarters. Fundamental question: What is unique about water? Problematic questions Where is water found in nature? What chemical properties are characteristic of water? What states of aggregation are characteristic of water? How to determine the quality of water in a reservoir based on the state of coastal vegetation? What features are characteristic of the Moshlyaiki River? What is the significance of the river for the village of Tulinovka? Academic subjects. Geography Chemistry Biology Physics Ecology. Educational topics Inland waters of Russia. Solutions. Solubility of substances in water. - Chemistry water.ppt

Substance water

Slides: 23 Words: 527 Sounds: 3 Effects: 124

Water is the most amazing substance on Earth. Is any water healthy? Group work Water! Subject CHEMISTRY Performers “Theorists” - students of group 29 - PKD. Has color; has no color. Has taste; has no taste. Has a smell; has no smell. Transparent; not transparent Has fluidity; does not have fluidity. Has a shape; has no form. Retains heat for a long time; cools down quickly. Dissolves sand and chalk; dissolves salt and sugar. Conducts electric current; does not conduct electric current Polar; not polar. Water is the source of life. Subject BIOLOGY, FUNDAMENTALS OF ECOLOGY Performers “Ecologists” - students of group 28 - PKD. - Substance water.ppt

Water as a substance

Slides: 13 Words: 803 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Water. Content. Composition and structure of the molecule. Methods for determining the composition of substances. Water in nature. Water purification methods. Physical properties. Chemical properties. Application of water. What kind of water is there? A water molecule consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. There is a covalent polar bond between atoms. The molecule has an angular structure. Methods for determining the composition of a substance. Water is the most abundant substance on Earth. Rivers, seas, oceans, lakes are filled with it. Water vapor is contained in the air. Water is found in the bodies of animals and plants. Under certain conditions it occurs in all three states of aggregation. - Water as a substance.ppt

Water is a substance

Slides: 26 Words: 918 Sounds: 0 Effects: 15

Water is a unique substance of nature. Water. Lesson topic. Spread of water. Hydrosphere is the watery shell of the Earth. Rivers, lakes, atmospheric moisture. Water in the human body. Methods for determining the composition of water. Composition of water molecule H2O - molecular formula. Physical properties of water. Features of water. Water has a very high specific heat of vaporization. High heat capacity. Chemical properties of water. Water decomposition reaction. Photosynthesis. The water cycle in nature. Oil pollution of the world's oceans. Hydroelectric power stations. - Water is a substance.ppt

Water purification

Slides: 12 Words: 504 Sounds: 0 Effects: 11

I. General recommendations II. Water purification 1. Boiling 2. Filtration 3. Disinfection IV. Desalination of water 1. Freezing 2. Distiller V. Conclusions. I. General recommendations. Finding a water source is one of the main tasks. Water can be obtained using moisture condensers and plastic bags. Do not drink sea water or soapy water. There is no use in eating snow. Water purification. 1. BOILING (10 min.). Water purification 2. FILTERING. 3. Disinfection. Desalination of water 1. Freezing. Ice, if not all the water has frozen, is fresher than the original water. Water desalination 2. Distiller. How much water should a person drink per day? - Water purification.ppt

Water settling

Slides: 7 Words: 643 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Water purification at home is a vital necessity. Settling Procedure: Pour some tap water into one. Cover with a cloth to prevent foreign impurities from entering the water. Precipitation varies in color saturation and quantity. After settling, the water must be boiled (Part 2). Boiling Procedure: I pour water from the tap, which looks completely clear. I boil water. When heated, the water changes color to yellow (precipitation of iron salts). As the temperature rises, the water acquires a reddish hue. After boiling the water for at least 5 minutes, I carry out settling. - Water settling.ppt

Water in human life

Slides: 28 Words: 1027 Sounds: 0 Effects: 134

Integrated lesson in chemistry and geography. “Water is the basis of life on Earth.” It cannot be said that you are necessary for life! You are life itself! You fill us with joy that cannot be explained by our feelings... You are the greatest wealth in the world...” Antoine de Saint-Exupery. The structure of a water molecule. Physical properties of H2O. Hydrosphere. Fresh water. Salty water. Water in the atmosphere. Sushi waters. Glaciers. The groundwater. Lakes. Rivers. Swamps. Diagram of the World Water Cycle. Baikal. Decomposition (electrolysis) of water. The length of the river is 3530 kilometers (before the construction of reservoirs - 3690 kilometers). Of the 100 cities in the country with the most polluted atmosphere, 65 are located in the Volga basin. - Water in human life.ppt

The role of water in the human body

Slides: 35 Words: 2951 Sounds: 0 Effects: 232

The role of water in the human body. What is water? The role of water. The role of water in the human body from a physics point of view. Heat capacity and thermal conductivity. Heat of evaporation and cooling of the body. The role of water in the human body from a chemical point of view. Anion. Chemical composition of water. Inorganic compounds. Lead. Negative effects of substances on the human body. Iron. Positive effects of substances. Potassium. Balance. Water standards. Water. Complex of minerals. Water purification. The role of water in the human body from a biological point of view. Amount of water. Blood. Life process. - The role of water in the human body.pptx

Mineral water

Slides: 12 Words: 536 Sounds: 0 Effects: 1

The value of mineral water for humans. Mineral waters are most often underground, less often surface. Underground waters are divided into medicinal and table waters, medicinal waters and table waters. Different layers of soil serve as a kind of filter. The effects of mineral waters are very diverse and affect all organs and systems. It would seem that it could be simpler - minerals and gases dissolved in water. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect of the healing effect. What do Bon Aqua and Borjomi have in common? Almost nothing. The second is for medical dining rooms, which should not be overdone. -

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