Information for passing the exam in social studies. USE in social studies: we analyze tasks with a teacher

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Examination is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores that serve as a pass to adulthood, to a dream that the Novisse online preparation center for the Unified State Examination will help to approach. It stands out among other similar organizations with the simplicity, academic character and competence of teaching...

It is no secret that competent and systematic preparation for the Unified State Examination is the key to obtaining the coveted high scores that serve as a pass to adulthood, to a dream that the Novisse online preparation center for the Unified State Examination will help to approach. It stands out among other similar organizations by the simplicity, academic character and competence of teachers; educational material no longer seems like a terrible "vinaigrette" of terms, rules and exceptions, especially when it is presented by a person who is interested in the subject himself and who is easily able to inspire the student to productive activity. High-quality presentations are quickly remembered and lined up in the head in a coherent series of knowledge, and selected practical tasks will help to "fill your hand" in solving exam questions. This format of video lectures is convenient for busy graduates from different cities, aimed at a worthy result of their efforts. I am grateful to "Novisse" for the quality preparation for the exam, charismatic qualified teachers and new amazing discoveries! Learn, don't procrastinate!

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To be honest, I really enjoy your webinars! First, everything is easily explained. No extra information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is a practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can safely trust this...

To be honest, I really enjoy your webinars! First, everything is easily explained. No extra information is given. Secondly, I am glad that after each lesson there is a practice. Thirdly, a very convenient time and day was chosen! Well, fourthly, the teacher is very good! Reading the biography, I can safely trust this teacher. I would like to thank you for doing such interesting and useful classes! And I am sure that thanks to your classes I will be able to score high scores!

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Very cool webinar 😍 I really liked it. And the teacher is wonderful, I understand perfectly 😊 I will continue to study with you :)

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Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the assignments, I didn’t know and didn’t understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! What I can pass the Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys, who are reading now, rather run the notes ...

Thanks to the Russian language master group!:* ❤ Before class with you, I didn’t know Russian at all: (it was so hard for me to understand the assignments, I didn’t know and didn’t understand anything, but thanks to the wonderful teacher Tatyana Nikolaevna, I understood one thing! What I can pass Russian for a prestigious score ❤ guys who are reading now, hurry up to sign up ❤ ❤ ❤ soon start training with professionals!After all, education is the main thing you should strive for ❤ :)

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Prepared in social studies together with the portal "Novisse". I want to say to Irina Vitalievna for a professional individual approach to learning, they completely satisfied me! The courses from Novisse were very rich, thanks to them I repeated the most difficult topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that in addition to webinars, information ...

Prepared in social studies together with the portal "Novisse". I want to say to Irina Vitalievna for a professional individual approach to learning, they completely satisfied me! The courses from Novisse were very intense, thanks to them I repeated the most difficult topics, there was nothing superfluous) It is worth noting that, apart from webinars, information on the subject was not revealed at all. As a result, 76 points. Very good result! Thank you very much;)

The Unified State Examination in Social Studies is one of the most common elective exams. This is due to several reasons, among which is often the apparent ease of the exam. This ease, as practice shows, is really only apparent, because preparing for the exam will require considerable effort from you.

If you are determined to take social studies, it is important to understand how to organize your preparation. And a few simple rules from the Hodograph Training Center will help you with this. You can sign up right now! We practice individual and collective classes for 3-4 people, we provide discounts for training. Our students average 30 points more! So, read and remember!

Plan for preparing for the exam in social studies 2018

Rule #1: Get your sled ready in the summer

Social science is a broad subject. In just a few years, schoolchildren are invited to master the basic concepts and algorithms from such complex scientific disciplines as political science, sociology, economics, jurisprudence ... Therefore, it is important to start your preparation as early as possible. Moreover, this applies to preparing for the exam in social studies from scratch.

The ideal start for preparation: the beginning of 10th grade. 2 years is the optimal period for which, with due constancy, a student can count on 90+ points.

But this situation does not happen very often. Most schoolchildren are thinking about preparing 11th grade at the beginning of autumn, which, however, is also an acceptable option. However, be prepared for the fact that, starting in September, you don’t have a “whole year”, as many naively believe, but only 9 months. Feel free to subtract from them a month that will be spent on holidays, unplanned trips with family or friends, “probes” in other subjects. Total: 8 months.

If your goal is to get a high score in a subject without additional classes with a teacher / tutor / mentor, it will be very difficult, because these people have a good idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to effectively organize your preparation.

The most dangerous option is to start training in the winter or, even worse, in the spring of grade 11. Firstly, not every tutor / teacher will take on this difficult task, and there is only one reason for this: it is very difficult to guarantee the result in such a short time. Secondly, the closer the exam date, the more panic, depression and everything connected with the eternal problem of student self-confidence begin to overcome you. Remember, in the exam you will be required to demonstrate knowledge for a course that starts in schools from the 6th (!!) grade (that is, in total, you have to spend 6 years studying social studies at school).

Rule #2: You Can and Should Fight Procrastination

We all know the state when we don’t want to do anything and it seems that all the forces of the Universe will not be able to make us slide off the couch. This condition is called "procrastination", the recipes for combating which have long been known and published with frightening frequency on a variety of sites.

In order to win the unequal struggle in this very procrastination, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Decide for yourself how much time per day (2 days/week) you are going to spend on preparation.

Knowing that today you must spend an hour memorizing terms, you will activate your own conscience. To enhance the effect, it would be ideal to make a schedule and tell your parents about it. Parents, by the way, are an inexhaustible source of struggle against student laziness, which always works!

  • Organize your workspace the right way

Your desktop should be attractive. You must want to sit down for him, work for him. Therefore, the presence of "creative disorder" is strictly prohibited.

  • Surround yourself with nice things

Notebooks, textbooks, thematic dictionaries. All this you should like! Agree, it is much more pleasant to sit down to work at a beautifully designed notebook / notebook with images of your favorite heroes / artists / places than every time with hatred to open a boring green notebook 1000 times crumpled in a backpack.

  • Do not listen to music while preparing

She only brings you down. And if the reader of this note now thinks that he/she is unique (flax) and, on the contrary, music in headphones has only a positive effect on him/her, we will boldly answer - we do not believe! Any additional noise that occurs while you are working only splits your attention (and it should be completely focused on one single task). If you don't believe me, do an experiment. Try writing a social studies essay while listening to music with headphones, and then do the same only in complete silence. Record the time and compare the result.

Rule number 3: Terms for the exam in social studies

Terms, terms, terms. This is one of the reasons why the exam in social studies is very difficult to pass. On the exam, you will be required to clearly formulate basic concepts from various thematic sections, which are not an easy task to remember.

In order to make your life easier and on the eve of the exam, do not turn over cabinets and notebooks in search of a definition of the term “absenteeism” or “GDP”, from the very beginning, get yourself a beautiful thematic dictionary that will be updated every week. Then before the exam you will: 1) be 100% sure that at least once you have already encountered most of the concepts; 2) you will be able to quickly refresh them in your memory.

Rule #4: Be flexible

If your pre-planned preparation tells you to do economics, and you are already so tired of economic topics, choose a topic from another section. The goal of any of your classes in preparation for the exam should be to fully understand the topic, which is impossible if it makes you gag. Allow yourself to do what you like (and social studies is a subject that contains a wide range of topics) and then the usefulness of your work will increase significantly.

P.S.: however, what has been said does not exempt you from going through this or that topic in principle. Therefore, we remember the golden rule: you can postpone, skip - you can’t.

Rule #5: Problematize

The main difficulty of the social studies exam is that it forces you to think. Don't learn, just think. Try to find a problem, a contradiction in any topic that you are asked to discuss. Do not memorize the definition of "state", but think about what it is impossible without and why it arises at all.

Do not memorize the norms of the criminal code mechanically, but reflect on why they were established in this form. Try to apply any classifications to life, give examples for yourself to all theoretical concepts. Social science is the science of social life, the society in which you live from the moment you were born, so each topic of the course concerns you directly.

Rule #6: Consistency, Only Consistency

The last piece of advice sounds simple: don't interrupt your preparation. Try to find at least 15 minutes a day to review or work through class materials. When leaving for the holidays with your grandmother, do not forget to take a dictionary with terms with you, devoting at least a small part of your time to the subject. In this way, you will be able to constantly keep yourself in good shape and will soon see how quickly your level grows! Persistence is the key to success!

Here are 6 simple rules. Compliance with them will help you effectively prepare for the exam in social studies and get closer to your dream university. Remember that your result depends only on your efforts! So… have you read the article? Run get ready! 😉

The exam in social studies consists of two parts, which in total contain 29 tasks.

First part contains 20 tasks with a short answer.

The answer to the tasks of the first part is given by the corresponding entry in the form of a word or phrase or a sequence of numbers written without spaces and separating characters.

Tasks 1-3 - conceptual tasks of the basic level - are aimed at testing the knowledge and understanding of the biosocial essence of a person, the main stages and factors of the socialization of the individual, the patterns and trends in the development of society, the main social institutions and processes.

Tasks 4–19 of the basic and advanced levels are aimed at testing the formation of skills:

  • characterize from scientific positions, the main social objects (facts, phenomena, processes, institutions), their place and significance in the life of society as an integral system
  • search social information presented in various sign systems (text, scheme, table, diagram)
  • apply socio-economic and humanitarian knowledge in the process of solving cognitive tasks on topical social problems

The tasks of this group represent the traditional five thematic modules of the social science course:

  1. man and society, including knowledge and spiritual culture (tasks 4–6)
  2. economics (tasks 7–10)
  3. social relations (tasks 11, 12)
  4. politics (tasks 13–15)
  5. law (tasks 16–19)

Second part contains 9 tasks with a detailed answer.

In the tasks of the second part, the answer is formulated and recorded by the examinee independently in expanded form. The tasks of this part of the work are aimed at identifying graduates with the highest level of social science training.

The tasks of the second part (21-29) together represent the basic social sciences that form the social science course of a secondary school (social philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, jurisprudence.

Distribution of tasks by parts of the examination paper

Parts of work Number of tasks Maximum primary score Job type
1 part20 35 Short answer
part 29 27 Detailed response
Total19 62


Allotted for the examination work 3 hours 55 minutes.
Recommended time to complete various tasks:

  • for each of tasks 1–3, 10: 1–4 minutes
  • for each of tasks 4-9, 11-28: 2-8 minutes
  • for task 29: 45 minutes

Hello! Friends, today I continue to bombard the preparation for the exam. Social science is next in line, as many students choose it as a unified state exam. Therefore, preparing for the exam in social studies is of interest to a large number of students. At first glance, this seems to be an easy subject. Due to inadequate assessment of this discipline and its capabilities, it is often impossible to get the desired assessment. To avoid such consequences, careful preparation is required, which requires considerable effort.

Take courses and get a high score on the exam in social studies!

In 2018, testing in social studies includes two parts of 29 tasks:

  1. From 1 to 20, the task is supposed to give a short answer. From the proposed options, you need to choose the correct answer, insert a missing word in the text, or determine the correspondence of elements between two sets.
  2. From 21 to 29 tasks, full answers to questions and writing mini-essays are required.

In order to get at least a three last year, you had to score 19 points. You can earn them by completing, for example, the first 13 test tasks.

Preliminary preparation

If you are starting from scratch , remember that social science is a broad subject. Schoolchildren in a few years master the base of such complex scientific disciplines as sociology, political science, jurisprudence, economics ... Therefore, the material must be studied in advance. Better to start in 10th grade. Two years is enough to get a good score with constant preparation.

If you decide to prepare for the exam from the 11th grade, then you have only 9 months at your disposal. In this case, it will be difficult to master the subject on your own. Organizes the preparation process much more effectively.

But the worst thing is to start preparing in the winter or spring of grade 11. Not every teacher will take on such a difficult task, since he cannot guarantee a good result in such a short time. In addition, the less time left for the exam, the more excitement covers the student.

This significantly undermines self-confidence, and a student in a stressful state is not able to endure serious tests. After all, the course of social studies begins in the 6th grade. And what a genius you need to be to cover a six-year base. Rapid preparation always negatively affects the quality of learning. Therefore, putting off an important matter for later, remember that you risk a lot, and the exam is still inevitable.

Stages of preparation

  1. There are sites where you can download options for control and measuring material in social studies. Go through them completely.
  2. Assess if you need pedagogical help and seek it if necessary.
  3. Theory requires accumulation. But don't get too carried away by memorizing terms. It’s better to solve specific tasks for the exam so that full-fledged answers form in your head. And to cope with the theory, even at the initial stage of preparation, make a thematic reference book and constantly replenish it. When you come across a term, you can always quickly look it up in your homemade dictionary. Reread it before the exam to brush up on concepts.
  4. Express preparation for the exam is not memorization, but what makes the student think. Try to look for a problem, contradictions in any topic, argue and analyze. Do not memorize the concept, but think about why and how it arose, without which it is impossible to imagine it, etc. Form your own definitions.
  5. For preparation, you will need full-fledged school notes, lectures, tables. If you don't have all the themes, then fix it. Having rewritten the topic once, certain material will already be deposited in your head.
  6. Any classifications that a book on social studies suggests should not be memorized mechanically. Look for their applications in life, give examples to any theoretical concepts.
  7. Writing an essay requires the skills that literature provides. But you have to write training papers in order to "check out", to learn how to convey the main idea through paper. At this stage, it is desirable that the teacher analyzes your essays, points out the shortcomings so that you have time to correct them. On the Internet there are schemes for writing an essay, a set of materials for this task, and even a collection of finished works.

Various video tutorials are posted online today , you can download the manual for sheep , which will greatly facilitate the preparation if you have little time and no opportunity to use the professional help of a teacher.

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