Margarita Blinova: It's funny to be a student. It's fun to be a student It's fun to be a student 3

It's fun to be a student

Hard everyday life – 3


“Somehow this is not how I imagined the weekend,” pessimism grumbled. “And I have an unusually gloomy perception of the world.”

Since at that very moment I was carefully crawling along the narrow cornice that goes around the building on the fourth floor, I did not argue. She simply silently clenched her teeth, in which she held the ring with the master keys.

“I should have stayed at home,” the light green dragon shook his head thoughtfully, looking down warily.

And below, everything is as it should be for a meeting with a quick, painless death - about fifty meters of free fall, sharp rocks, a ditch with incomprehensible living creatures...

“Well, why didn’t we talk her out of it?” – common sense screamed hysterically.

“Because someone is sleeping!” – the gallbladder did not fail to remind.

“What am I doing again? - Logic was indignant. “By the way, according to some scientists, I am generally atrophied among women!”

Once again remembering Skol and the entire Council of Thirteen, who had climbed so high, I finally crawled to the window I needed and was faced with the next problem - a rusty, but still very strong grille.

“Well, whose bright idea was it to climb the ledge?” – the dragon snorted.

- Everyone shut up! – I quietly called the agitated organs to order, spat out the ring with the master keys and, grabbing the moss-covered window sill more comfortably, began to read the dissolution spell.

“Zhoporukaya, when will you learn to cast spells adequately?” – the little dragon rolled his eyes, adopting the Bull’s communication style....

“Listen, vanished species,” I glanced angrily at the mountaineer’s gift, which had crawled from my wrist to my palm, “be more polite!”

Having squeezed into the dark office of some petty clerk, I hastily rubbed my fingers that had worked hard and almost skipped towards the doors. Using the master keys, she quietly went out into the corridor and twisted her head, trying to get her bearings.

So, now I need to get away from here as far as possible, otherwise they will charge me with a major renovation of the entire building for the damaged window.

Having gone down to the floor below, she proudly straightened her shoulders, combing her disheveled hair with her fingers, which had changed from a bright scarlet shade to some kind of indistinct gray due to the dirt stuck on top.

- Gorgeous! – she whispered approvingly to herself and stomped along the corridor with such a self-confident look that even the closet-like guards at the entrance to the council hall did not dare to say anything to me.

That's right, guys! It's better not to stand in the way of the evil "angel"!

My legs are actively asking to open the heavy double doors, but I politely entrust this honor to my hands and, without knocking, open the massive doors leading to the council chamber.

- Drusty! – I loudly greeted the slightly confused men sitting at the round table in the center.

I think if a reindeer with bells on its branched antlers burst into the hall and offered everyone a bucket of carrots, the men would be much less surprised than when they saw me.

- Angel! – a worried Dostaval jumped out of his chair. - Where have you been?!

“Oh, are you still worried, you bastard?” – grumbled resentment and showed an indecent gesture.

Ignoring her ex-boyfriend, she deliberately turned her back to his chair and waved welcomingly to the familiar werewolf.

- Hi handsome!

The Head of the Council smiled contentedly in response to the greeting and immediately received confused looks from other participants in the feast... I mean, the meeting.

Margarita Blinova’s novel “It’s Fun to Be a Student” is the final one in the “Hard Everyday Life” series.

The main character Angelina studies at the very prestigious University of Magic and Divination. Not to say that she is distinguished by special magical abilities, but she needs to study, and therefore she focuses on theoretical knowledge. In addition, she went through many tests and hard training in the mercenary clan, and works as a consultant. It seems that life is already full of a variety of events, but this is not all that awaits the girl.

Angelina is already in her fifth year, which means she has a decent amount of knowledge. The Dark Ones came to their university for an exchange. And of course, Angelina was appointed their curator. These Dark Ones brought a lot of new emotions, not always good ones. Moreover, they consider themselves incredibly cool, which they try to prove every now and then. They managed to lure the witch to their Dark Lands. But even this was not all. The girl's best friend disappeared. Someone is trying to bring back the ancient gods, murders are happening. The university has changed management, which is ready to blame the mercenaries for all misfortunes. Of course, it was not without revealing some of the secrets of the girl’s origin. And Angelina needs to deal with all this. In general, you definitely won’t get bored!

On our website you can download the book “It's Fun to Be a Student” by Margarita Blinova for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy the book in the online store.

Oct 21, 2016

It's fun to be a student Margarita Blinova

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Title: It's Fun to Be a Student

About the book “It's Fun to Be a Student” Margarita Blinova

Margarita Blinova is a very young and still almost unknown writer. Her works can be classified as “combat fantasy”. Her books are worth reading, first of all, for those who want to discover the work of a completely new author. The novel “It's Fun to Be a Student” is the final book in the author's trilogy called “Hard Everyday Life.”

The adventures of the main character continue. She successfully enters her fifth year at the famous University of Magic and Divination. She will face big changes in her life, as well as changes in her studies. Angelina has already gone through many trials and now she will have to fight with even stronger representatives of the Dark Forces.

Margarita Blinova immerses her readers in an incredibly fascinating world, where fictional events coexist with very real feelings and threats. It forces you to closely monitor all the actions of the main characters.

After Angelina was appointed curator of the Dark Ones, her difficulties and problems increased. Wanting to demonstrate their power to the public, the Dark Ones lure the witch into their lands.

Angelina can only rely on herself in the fight against unexpected rivals and vile enemies. Will she be able to successfully deal with them or will she have to give up? What new tests will the main character have to go through in the final book of the series? Margarita Blinova will definitely give comprehensive answers to all questions and force readers to closely monitor everything that happens. The novel "It's Fun to Be a Student" will give a lot of positive emotions to those who enjoyed reading the first two books - "It's Hard to Be a Student" and "The Danger of Being a Student."

In the book “It's Fun to Be a Student” you can find many sad and funny moments. It is a must-read for those who want to become part of a completely unusual world for a while, where many incredible events take place.

The author managed to build a good amount of intrigue in his work, using some elements of the detective genre. Almost all the characters in the book are quite bright and convincing. Their actions evoke a variety of emotions.

The book “It's Fun to Be a Student” is a rather interesting story, which became the logical conclusion of the author’s series. It has both its pros and cons. The dynamic narrative is conducted in parallel with the main character’s thoughts about her actions.

On our website about books, you can download the site for free without registration or read online the book “It’s Fun to Be a Student” by Margarita Blinova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

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Guess who was the one on the left?

No, not the head of the dotrema. No, not his son, whom we still had to let go. And, of course, not Eric himself, who disappeared in an unknown direction!

No, no, and no more!

The culprits turned out to be... mercenaries.

This is exactly what the head of the dotrem, sputtering with anger, told the Godfather:

It's all your fucking clan's fault.

True, he didn’t specify what exactly we were guilty of, but we were naturally offended by the vivid definition of “fucking” and the ridiculous accusations.

In addition, any sane person should understand that quarreling with an entire clan of professional killers is not the brightest idea.

In short, he did it himself!

The clang of keys makes the three of us freeze under the sheets and hold our breath.

Did you see the latest basketball game? - one of the men is languidly interested, and although his voice is filled with bravado, I clearly hear a slight trembling, betraying his vague fear.

Fathers! And some people are afraid of the living dead.

The noise of the two guards' footsteps gets louder.

It's a total shame! I played better at university.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah! - the little dragon mutters sarcastically. “Then why are you stuck in a low-paid job as a security guard?”

Oops! What kind of blind man's buff? - the would-be basketball star is surprised, and, as if on command, the Wind and I jump up from our seats.

A precise blow with the right foot to the Adam's apple - and the one who was standing closer to me grabs his throat with both hands and, wheezing, sinks to the floor. The second one receives a direct hit to the head from the mercenary and joins his partner.

Let's go? - Masha asks busily, jumping off the gurney and carefully stepping over two bodies in uniform.

Having hidden the tag as a souvenir in the pocket of my pants rolled up to the knee, I am the first to leave the morgue and quickly run upstairs through the unlit corridors. Suddenly…

Sherk - sherk!

I slow down and shake my head, hoping that these are not auditory hallucinations caused by three days of lack of sleep.

Sherk... Sherk - sherk!

But as soon as you turn back and glance at your friend, it becomes clear: it’s clearly not me who has lost her mind.

Slippers? - I ask in an angry whisper.

Masha lowers her head, looks attentively at the white men's slippers, in which, according to tradition, corpses were shod before being placed in a coffin, and shrugs.

What is this? - she is sincerely perplexed. - It’s cold to run barefoot!

I exchange an eloquent glance with the mercenary and, mentally giving up on Mashka who is spoiling the conspiracy, I hastily lead everyone further.

Three turns, two forks and four more stunned guards, and we safely reach the landing.

“The wind, you and Masha are two floors higher,” I said, slowing down and going downstairs.

Good luck! - a friend shouts after her, hastily walking up the steps in the indicated direction.

I run downstairs, break into the closet where the cleaning lady usually keeps supplies of rags and detergents, and freeze.

Now all I have to do is wait until Masha and the Wind make a little noise upstairs, and I can delve into the management archives to my heart’s content, grabbing the personal file I need.

Faster! - after a couple of minutes, five more guards rush past the closet.

After waiting a couple more seconds, I slip into the corridor like an unnoticeable shadow and rush as fast as I can towards the archive shelves.

“Third row, container 7,” my memory prompts, while my hands are already untying a small bag with tiny black stones.

Without wasting time on hacking, I attach the portal pebble to the desired box using wide adhesive tape and run on.

"Wow! - my law-abiding component was completely delighted. “I would never have thought that we would rob the law enforcement department!”

“And why didn’t anyone say that stealing was fun?” - her thirst for adventure supported her.

Suddenly, my bare, frozen heels burn for a moment with cold, and the floor under me is covered with a thin crust of ice.

What the... - I barely have time to curse, awkwardly sliding along the surface.

Gotcha! - someone shouts joyfully behind me. - She is here! All come here!

“That’s why no one said it was fun,” concluded pessimism.

We entered the morgue pretending to be three corpses, so I had to leave all the weapons in the clan, but with the dice donated by Dostavala, the weapons were always with me.

Having materialized short katanas in my hands, I thrust them into the crust of ice, thereby slowing down my slide. My godfather won’t pat me on the head for such a barbaric attitude towards weapons, but in the conditions of a sudden raid that has suddenly fallen on me, I don’t have much choice.

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