Alien species - "Greys". Gray Humanoids in black clothes

In 1954, the American government came into contact with the so-called agreement, as evidenced by B. Cooper, a former naval officer on Admiral A. Clary's intelligence team. He claims to have read two government reports in 1972 regarding government concerns about the Grays ignoring the terms of the treaty.

1953, when a UFO landed on one of the Air Force bases. The result of the negotiations was a meeting of two aliens with President D. Eisenhower on February 21, 1954 at the US Edwards Air Force Base. The meeting was recorded on film, which is kept in a secret section of the presidential archive.

Charles L. Suggs: “Myself and several base officers were to greet alien visitors. The object hovered 3 meters above the concrete, and three telescopic supports extended out of it with a slight hiss and touched the ground. Suddenly something clicked, and an oval hole appeared in the body, through which two creatures literally “floated out”.

At first glance, they were not much different from people. These were relatively tall creatures, about 2.4 meters tall, slender and similar to each other. Their light and straight, almost white hair reached their shoulders. They had light blue eyes and colorless lips. The one who stood on the ground gestured that he could not approach us and that this distance must be maintained.

The aliens called on earthlings not to make contact with another cosmic race - with the “GRAY” invaders, promising, if they agreed, help in the fight against them.


"Secret Agreements with the Gray Aliens"

In 1954, the American government came into contact with the so-called "GRAY" race of aliens. An agreement was signed, as evidenced by B. Cooper, a former naval officer on Admiral A. Clary's intelligence team. He claims to have read two government reports in 1972 regarding government concerns about the Grays ignoring the terms of the treaty.

According to the minutes of the MAJORITY conference and the statement of B. Cooper, the agreement stated that the aliens would not interfere in our affairs, and we, in turn, would not interfere with their experiments and would keep secret the fact of their presence on our planet. According to the same agreement, the aliens will provide the American government with advanced technology and will not enter into similar agreements with another earthly nation. They may abduct people for short periods of time for medical research, provided they are not harmed and are returned to the same location with no memory of the incident.

As part of the same agreement, it was stipulated that underground bases would be built for joint use with the US government and aliens, where technology would be exchanged. It soon became clear that, violating the conditions, the “grays” began to kidnap many more people than were stipulated in the agreement. They also mutilated people and animals, justifying themselves by the need for genetic material to continue their kind.

Since our weapons could not be compared with the weapons and capabilities of the aliens, it was recommended to maintain the appearance of friendly relations until better times. (Actually, this is what the aliens were counting on. It is naive to think that weapons can defeat a race that has mastered time and space.)

"Experiments of Gray Aliens on People and Animals"

[Alien Experiments] Raymond Callahan, the owner of a cattle ranch near Paisley, Oregon, was terribly surprised to see a dead calf in his cattle pen on the morning of March 28, 1996. The animal's corpse seemed so strange to him that he called a veterinarian. Kalakhen checked the condition of the entire herd the day before. The animals were healthy. At first he thought that the calf might have been attacked by coyotes, but no predator is capable of so disfiguring its prey.

The only damage to the calf's body is the absence of skin around the navel, cut into the shape of a perfect circle with a diameter of 20 centimeters. The arriving veterinarian discovered that all the blood had been “pumped out” from the calf, and that the tongue had been cut off to the very root. In the same area, in December 1995, farmers Tim and Lisa Howard discovered the body of a cow that was about to calve. They were amazed by the terrible wounds that unknown forces inflicted on the poor animal. Unknown creatures removed the cow's tongue, left eye, all four nipples, rectum and genitals. Despite the slight frost, the cow's corpse was warm to the touch, and the joints remained mobile. It is also surprising that the coyotes living in the surrounding area did not even touch the mutilated corpse.

In October 1975, David Stephens and Glen Gray were driving along a road in Maine. Suddenly a UFO swooped down on them. Stephens suggested going back. However, the UFO appeared again. The car engine stalled. What happened next, the young people could not remember on their own. Dr. Herbert Hopkins performed several hypnosis sessions with David Stephens. Stephens said that after the car was hit by a beam, he ended up in an alien aircraft.

Through the window he saw the car driven by Gray. She was still driving along the road, illuminated by the light of the UFO. The room Stephens found himself in had no furniture. An alien entered through the door, which David did not notice at first.

He was about one and a half meters tall with a completely bald head and thin arms and legs. The alien led Stephens into another room where a bed had been prepared. David lay down on it, and four more aliens approached him. They took a blood sample from Stephens' right elbow, cut off a lock of hair and several nails, and even tore off a button from his shirt. Stephens was then escorted back to his room. There he was given an injection, and a moment later David found himself in the car next to Gray.


[Battle with UFO] According to Castello, began as a result of the growth of a resistance movement, including both security personnel and sympathetic representatives of extraterrestrial races who wanted to help the imprisoned people in the alien sectors of the base.

Eventually, an elite 100-man Delta Force military unit was sent to the base to root out a resistance movement that was threatening the base's security. As a result, both Delta Force personnel and base security personnel and representatives of extraterrestrial races became victims of the conflict.

The military confrontation at Dulce is reflected in the reporting of other truth-seekers, including Phil Schneider, who served as a geological engineer on the creation of the Dulce base, other underground bases in the United States, and underground bases around the world. In 1995, Schneider gave the following details about his biography and the military confrontation that took place:

“To give you an idea of ​​who I am, I'll start by saying that I graduated from engineering school. I have built my reputation as a geological engineer and as a structural engineer in the military and aerospace fields. I took part in the construction of two major bases in the United States, which are of major importance in the creation of what is called the New World Order. First base is the base in Dulce, New Mexico. In 1979, I was involved in an armed conflict with humanoid aliens, and I was one of those who survived. I may be the only survivor speaking on this topic today. The other two survivors are under strict surveillance. I'm the only one who knows all the details of the entire operation. 66 intelligence agents, FBI agents, Black Berets and the like died in the armed conflict. I was there".

[Gray] Schneider describes the cause of the 1979 military confrontation as an "accident" that occurred as a result of planned drilling to expand the Dulce base: "I was involved in the expansion of the deep underground military base at Dulce, which is perhaps the deepest base. It goes down seven levels and is over 2.5 miles deep. At this time we were drilling four different wells in the desert, intending to link them together, but this required blasting. My job was to go deep into the wells, study the characteristics of the black rocks, and recommend explosives that would be suitable in each case. However, as we continued downwards, we found ourselves in a large cavern that was full of aliens, otherwise known as the Tall Greys.

I killed two of them. At that time, there were 30 people among them. Another 40 came there when it all started, and they were all killed. We were surprised by the existence of an entire underground base filled with aliens. We later learned that they have been living on our planet for a long time... in my opinion, this could explain a lot of what is behind the theory of ancient astronauts.”

The implausibility of the Dulce base being "accidentally" built on top of an ancient alien base suggests that Schneider was only partially informed about the true nature of his mission and what was happening on the lower levels. A more plausible scenario was that Schneider assisted the US military to reach the deepest level of the Dulce base, Level 7, which was closed and where the true cause of the conflict lay.

Sometime around 1993, Schneider stopped working for his various corporate clients on military contracts due to the belief that there was a secret plan by the high Grays to establish a UN-run New World Order on the planet, which they secretly controlled. He began a series of public lectures where he revealed activity in the underground bases he helped construct, as well as the role of extraterrestrial races in infiltrating national governments and creating the New World Order. Schneider gave his keynote lecture at the MUFON conference in May 1995 and was found dead in his home seven months later in January 1996.

(Translation by Igor Smorodin)


The famous ufologist D. Carpenter, who has been studying the problem of reptilians for many years, says that almost all eyewitnesses describe them the same way. These are upright walking creatures. Their height is from 1.8 to 2.4 meters. The head is a cross between a human head and a lizard head. The same can be said about the face. The skin is scaly, its color ranges from greenish to brownish, and can be spotted. The eyes are bulging, golden or light red, with a vertical pupil, similar to a cat's. A ridge runs from the top of the head to the mouth. The body might have seemed human if not for the protruding ribs on the chest. The hands are four-fingered, webbed, ending in claws.

Contacts almost always occur on the initiative of reptilians. Carpenter claims that in all cases of such encounters, people did not see spaceships. This has given reason to some researchers to suggest that the homeland of reptilians is the Earth and that at present. According to the views of these experts, reptilians arose on Earth about 60 million years ago as a result of the evolution of one of the species of lizards.

The reptilian civilization has reached an extremely high level of development. She went into space, where she entered into competition with representatives of alien races that were exploring the solar system. Apparently, the reptilians were not the strongest in this competition. They ceded control of the Earth to a race we call the "Norse" (white-gods). Subsequently, these latter took care of the appearance of people on Earth.

All myths also say that the Snakes, having been defeated in the war, are expelled underground to their kingdom. Nowadays, scientists have discovered many kilometers of underground tunnels and mines in all corners of the world. Some tunnels have walls made of an unknown material, probably blocking the entrance to the underworld.

The Reptilians and the "Tall White" aliens have made a peace agreement where everyone gets what they want and the war on Earth ends.

“Tall Whites” populate the planet with people created by crossing the genes of earthly apes and their own, and observe the result, the development of humanity. All other civilizations are prohibited from interfering and openly contacting people.

Reptilians live quietly in their underground cities, use the planet’s resources, and provide their civilization with food. They control the largest food companies in the world. manipulate the world government and media.

Reptilians often kidnap people and conduct medical experiments on them.

Contact example:

The story of E. Kalacheva, a resident of the city of Simferopol

It all started at the end of August. Almost every night in a row something strange happened.

Starting from 11-12 at night. I woke up with a strange feeling; I really wanted to go outside or at least go to the window and look out of it. That night I had just another “attack.” I woke up at midnight. A strange white light came through the curtain. I looked at the window and told myself that I had had enough of all this nonsense, that I was tired and wanted to sleep. I didn’t even have time to lie down when I fell into the darkness. Then she found herself standing near the window, reaching out her hand to the curtain to open it. The light became much brighter.

When I woke up, I was lying on what looked like an operating table. There was a bright lamp above me. There were no clothes. I wasn't tied down, but I couldn't move. I lowered my eyes and saw that my stomach was cut and someone was standing next to some thin metal medical instruments that I had never seen before, and was doing something to my stomach. There was no fear, no pain. I was able to turn my head to the right and saw that there were several creatures, more than five.

[Reptilian base] These creatures were very tall, taller than humans. They were probably 3 meters tall. They resembled lizards in white overalls and white cloaks, similar to protective suits. Green lumpy skin, red eyes with black slit-like pupils. Some had brown spots on their skin. Very broad-shouldered. They stood on two legs, so to speak. There were also two hands. Well, like hands. In my opinion, there were more fingers similar to human ones, and they were longer. Instead of a nose there were two holes, the mouth was also almost invisible, and it was small. There was no hair or anything similar. The heads were rather “cylindrical” in shape, not very large.

It seemed to me then that two or three stood to my right, one or two to my left, two or three at my feet and one or two behind my head. ...The next thing I remember is that I woke up on my bed in the same position, that is, reclining on my side. I looked at the window - the white light had disappeared.

How many species of aliens are there in space? Presumably, a great many. It would be naive to believe that humanity is the only race in our Universe. Our Universe is fraught with many mysteries. We cannot know how many aliens live in it, but we can talk about how many types of aliens are known to ufologists today and what are the characteristics of each of them. This is exactly what we will talk about today.

Let's start from afar - let's turn to such a science as logic. One of the popular tasks in this discipline is: “Determine the type of a given concept by volume.” Alien is a vague concept. What does it mean?

As you know, all concepts by volume are divided into indefinite, empty, general and singular. Single ones are those that contain only one element (A.S. Pushkin, Moscow). General ones are those that include two or more elements (“river”, “planet”). The volume of empty concepts is an empty set. In other words, it does not include a single object from the universe of reasoning (“perpetual motion machine,” “water”). And finally, vague concepts are those whose scope has not yet been established. This is precisely what “alien” refers to. As you can see, it is impossible to establish clear boundaries of the concept that interests us.

Our knowledge of how many species of aliens there are is based on information received from contactees who claim to have been on a spaceship or talked to aliens. In addition, information about them was collected from mediums who established channels to communicate with them through channeling.

There is a special science - exobiology, which gives us more accurate information about various types of aliens. Ufologists, based on the stories of witnesses and the results of research, have concluded that there are several races of aliens that differ from each other in external characteristics. Aliens have completely different appearances, each race is defined by its own character and unique characteristics.


These amazing humanoids resemble insects in their own way. Insectoids are a specific, extremely rare race of aliens. They are characterized by large and convex limbs. The limbs of these aliens have a bizarre shape. They are sharp, reminiscent of claws or tentacles.

Insectoids have incredible features that allow them to travel in space at high speeds. Aliens of this type can withstand very high accelerations (up to 40 g). Under gravitational overloads, they easily endure colossal stresses.

Even K. E. Tsiolkovsky determined the characteristic properties of insects. He personally studied cockroaches and conducted tests on them. This scientist was one of the first to determine that insects are able to withstand gigantic accelerations and large differences in gravity much better than mammals and animals. It is not only during braking or fast flight of a spacecraft that intense tension arises. And in the event of a sharp change in the direction of the ship, an unimaginable load is noted. Only an alien ship is capable of stopping abruptly at full speed and, having frozen for a moment, instantly change its course by 90°.

Three-toed giants

These aliens were most often seen in Lower Saxony (Germany). The distinctive features of this race are as follows:

  • great height (from two to three meters);
  • large glowing eyes reminiscent of car headlights, as well as a huge head;
  • blurred external features, their ears and nose do not stand out;
  • Representatives of this race have special skin with a light blue tint;
  • The limbs of humanoids are very impressive: an awkward long hand, larger than a head in size, with only three fingers.

Ufologists have established that representatives of this race are male. It has also been observed that these giant cyclops never appear alone. A whole retinue of Lilliputians (naturally, also of cosmic origin) certainly accompanies them.


Reptoids are very interesting extraterrestrial creatures. This type of alien received this name because their skin is scaly. In addition, reptoids are cold-blooded, like amphibians. They have a lumpy torso, and long claws have been seen on the limbs of these aliens. Their terrible eyes glow with yellow and green tints. In the area of ​​the mouth and nose they have a blunt appendage resembling a trunk, giving these dragon-like creatures an almost human appearance.

Some argue that reptoids are characterized by a tendency towards aggression, as well as sexual violence against representatives of the human race. Contactees even liken these aliens to Satan and his army. It is believed that aliens of this type are representatives of the dark forces of the Universe, belonging to the demonic sphere. According to some reports, any mention of the name of Christ causes a negative reaction among reptoids. There is even an assumption that it is a representative of this race that is the prototype of the biblical serpent, which tempted Adam and Eve in ancient times. Some believe that reptoids have very powerful energy, but they are also extremely kind and sensitive creatures. However, the more widespread opinion is that they are hostile to humanity.


Space dwarfs, unlike reptoids, are peaceful creatures. They mostly accompany other humanoids, who are more intimidating. However, there have also been cases of single visits to Earth by space midgets.

Let us briefly describe the appearance of aliens of this type. These creatures are about a meter tall and have short legs with hooves. The forelimbs of dwarfs are long and have three toes. The arms of space midgets are very thin. They dangle and hang all the way to the ground. However, this does not prevent dwarfs from moving quickly, as well as from running away from the pursuit of curious people.

So, the appearance of space midgets is quite funny. As for their character, they are friendly. Dwarfs usually wear silver spacesuits. A thin film that covers the nose, mouth and ears, like a mask, is present on their face. It seems that dwarfs hide their appearance from us, leaving only their eyes open.

Perhaps some people saw not space aliens, but inhabitants of the Earth in carnival masks and costumes? This question should be answered in the negative. After all, people with such appearance features, such specific anatomical data, simply do not exist on our planet. And why would there be a carnival procession in Lower Saxony, a rather deserted place?

Synthetic workers

This race of aliens has its own specific characteristics. Their representatives are believed to be capable of even telepathy. The height of these creatures is about 1.1 m. Their intelligence is compared to that of a swarm of bees. Representatives of this race were seen mainly on board their spaceships, as well as in underground bases created by these aliens.

Gray humanoids

The height of gray humanoids is also small. It ranges from 0.9 to 1.2 m. Representatives of this race are inconspicuous in appearance. They are distinguished by a thin body, their limbs are underdeveloped. The fingers of gray humanoids are very thin, with sticky suckers or sharp claws at the tips. The classic image of representatives of this race is as follows: a huge head (no hair), gray skin, a blurry, slightly convex nose, and a poorly defined lip line.

Evidence of gray aliens was received mainly from residents of America. In July 1947, the famous crash of an alien ship occurred in the state of New Mexico (Roswell). It was the remains of gray humanoids (pictured above) that were discovered at the scene of the accident. Scientists performed autopsies on the bodies and found that the structure of the internal organs of these aliens is truly amazing. They had no outlets or digestive system, and instead of blood there was an unknown substance. Pathologists also did not find a liver and heart - perhaps these organs were also absent in humanoids. As for the brain, its nervous tissues were significantly different from human ones. There was no gray matter, but the brain was well formed and had good structure.

In the state of Texas, crashes were also recorded on board of which the bodies of gray aliens were found. In 1947, visits from these creatures were very common in the United States. It seemed that this was the country that aliens had chosen for their research. The US authorities were seriously concerned about the frequent visits of uninvited guests. They seriously considered the possibility of their massive invasion and were preparing for it. Fortunately, the invasion never took place.

Among the grays there is such an interesting type as the long-nosed grays. The height of these creatures is about 2.4 m. These aliens have a genetic structure similar to insects. They lack external genitalia. These aliens are very aggressive towards people. They are considered a group from Orion, whose main goal is supposedly to capture humanity and enslave it.

Another type is gray with Ceta Reticuli. Many abduction victims and witnesses have described small robot-like creatures. Others noted that these were short, stocky aliens in dark overalls. Their faces are wide, depending on the lighting they have a dark blue or dark gray tint. They have deep-set, shiny eyes, wide mouths and upturned noses. The other types that witnesses spoke of do not appear to be human.

Group from Sirius

According to some reports, the group from Sirius, like the grays, is involved in kidnappings. The height of these creatures is about two meters. They have blond hair, cut short. Their eyes are blue, having the following feature: vertical pupils, like those of cats. These beings are supposedly part of a group that arrived from Orion to take control of our planet.

Humanoids in black clothes

There are also some types of UFOs, the aliens of which can easily be mistaken for humans, since their appearance is practically no different from a human one. Humanoids in black clothes, for example, are very similar to us. It would seem that they should not cause horror among eyewitnesses. However, these humanoids are dressed in special black robes, making their appearance terrifying. Aliens belonging to this race were discovered in almost all regions of our planet. Most often, eyewitnesses watched them exit their ship, which sank to the ground in front of everyone. People from different countries reported that representatives of this race appeared in groups to carry out repairs on the ship.

Cases have been recorded when black aliens made contact with us. However, the tone of their communication, as eyewitnesses note, was demanding and impudent. They spoke quite well, and the manner of speaking of these humanoids resembled the slang characteristic of the criminal environment. The aliens always wore black suits and had black headbands.

Eyewitnesses experienced fear while communicating with them, as these creatures threatened them, and also demanded not to tell anyone about their visit. During the conversation, the aliens were interested in the profession and life of their interlocutors. They were very curious about various small household items, which surprised eyewitnesses. Some even thought that these aliens were hermits who lived for a long time in isolation from civilization. Others suggested that these were secret workers living on military bases of the Fourth Reich.

Nordic aliens

Representatives of this race are very similar to people. Their appearance has features that are inherent to the Nordic race:

  • high growth;
  • blond hair;
  • nice appearance.

Nordic-type aliens usually avoid people, but according to eyewitnesses, they have a benevolent and peaceful nature. These aliens were mostly men, but there were also women of amazing beauty. American T. Beturum provided information about one such alien named Aura. He said that he met her at night in deserted places. An alien flew on a spaceship that landed in 1952. The aura inclined Beturum to establish a “Sanctuary of Thought” on our planet. The goal of this community was to be peace on Earth.

The types of aliens that visited Earth are numerous. We only talked about Aliens scare you? Let's try to find out if they are dangerous.

Are aliens dangerous?

Having described the various types of aliens, the photographs of which, unfortunately, are few, we can conclude that among them there are both peace-loving and hostile ones. Therefore, it cannot be said unequivocally that aliens are good or bad. Species of aliens hostile to humanity (reptoids, long-nosed gray humanoids, groups from Sirius, etc.) threaten us with reprisals. They predict future disasters on our planet. On the contrary, peaceful types of aliens speak of calmness and goodness. There are also aliens who are aimed at creating colonies on Earth. According to a fairly common version, aliens, with the help of earthlings, want to change and improve their gene pool. To this end, the aliens secretly abduct representatives of the human race and conduct tests on them. This is how hybrids arise, which are created by aliens. The species, races, and varieties of hybrids are probably numerous. At least their descriptions differ significantly.


Almost all types of aliens on Earth are distinguished by an increased interest in the peculiarities of human biology. However, not all of them are kidnappers. What types of aliens take people on their ships for research? Many victims claim that they are gray. Victims of abductions or simply observers often talk about how certain types of aliens conducted medical experiments on human reproductive organs. Some say they were forced to have sexual relations with aliens. Others were shown newborns or embryos resulting from contacts between aliens and humans.

What are the intentions of different types of aliens? Why do they create hybrids? Some believe that they want to create a "superior race" by combining the best qualities of alien and human. Space guests want to prevent their disappearance or save people. It is also possible that friendly alien species intend to resettle groups of people on distant planets. The fact is that human society, as they believe, is heading towards self-destruction.

Now you know what types of aliens exist. Photos and images of aliens will help you correctly classify them when you meet them. But it should not be ruled out - you need to be prepared for anything.

Most often, evidence of encounters with aliens includes creatures with gray skin and black eyes.

Information sources

As a basis, we will take materials from the secret projects “Yellow Book” and “Grad”, in which American intelligence in the 20th century collected information about the “Grays” directly from them. Also useful, but scattered information was contained in the materials of the “MO Network” program of the Soviet Ministry of Defense, during which in the 80s, information was collected throughout the country about contacts of the population with UFOs and aliens.

Aliens from where?

So, let's start the story about the “Grays” with their origin. They claim to be from the constellation Reticulum, which appears to be in the southern hemisphere and is 37 light years away. However, instead of our concept of “constellation,” which defines a fragment of the flat sky, they use the concept of “star group,” that is, stars located close in space and connected by gravitational forces. The “Grey” star group is designated by a name, each star of the group is designated by a sign of its alphabet, and its planets are designated by the same sign with serial numbers.

According to this calculation, the address of the native tair of the “Greys” is as follows: the star group Reticuli, double stars Zeta1 and Zeta 2 with a single planetary system, planet Zeta1 &2-4, that is, the fourth from them. The planet rotates around its axis in approximately 90 Earth hours, has almost no axis tilt, that is, no seasons, but has seasons of two suns, which rise and set each other throughout the year. The climate in the polar and middle zones of the planet is cold, so the population lives in the equatorial and tropical regions, where it is warm and there is an abundance of fresh water.

Genetic split The Gray Race, or “Zeta Reticuli”, as they call themselves by origin, includes two species: the “natural” with a height of 1.7-2 meters and the “modified” with a height of 0.8-1.4 meters.
The “natural” species originated from the mentioned aquatic environment. His reptilian qualities predominate, although he is bipedal, similar in outline to a humanoid. The structure of society is a racist hierarchy based on the hypnotic advantage of the ruling elite.

In ancient times, the star group Reticuli was conquered by a civilization of technologically advanced humanoids from the constellation Orion. The Orions, seeing endurance and the ability to adapt in the “natural grays,” began to envision them for the role of a working race, because the Orion civilization does not consider all its plans worthy of being implemented itself. However, the “natural grays”, due to their racial hostility and physical strength, were dangerous in close contacts. Therefore, from their individual specimens, a short, submissive species, the so-called “modified grays,” was bred. However, after several generations they almost returned to their previous appearance thanks to strong hereditary mechanisms. Then the Orions eliminated the sexual method of reproduction from them and replaced it with cloning. But now, without a natural way of transmitting heredity, the species actually began to degenerate.

The Orions considered it illogical to engage in the opposite matter - its restoration, and this was dumped on the shoulders of the “modified grays” themselves. Since then, their main task has become survival, and the method of solving it is to improve their own cloning and genetic experiments, in particular on Earth, where abducted people and animals are used for this. This assumption was formed based on the stories of people abducted by “Grey” aliens. Perhaps there are inaccuracies or lies on the part of aliens who are hiding their true goals.

About anatomy

Due to constant gene corrections, the next generation of these gray clones is increasingly moving away from the concept of “living beings” to the concept of “biorobots”. Here are their anatomical features.
Gray skin is a legacy from his home planet, irradiated by two stars. This color is given to it by substances that protect against radiation. Because of it, the body has no hair anywhere.

Black, seemingly impenetrable eyes are nothing more than protective filters behind which normal eyeballs with pupils are hidden. There is an organ in the frontal part of the brain that supposedly plays the role of an electromagnetic communication circuit. In fact, this is bioradio. However, due to its low power (up to several tens of meters), you will not catch the conversations of the “Greys” on your receivers, even very special ones. The absence of ears does not prevent “Greys” from hearing surrounding sounds well through their skin and subcutaneous nerves. The small nose and mouth are the breathing holes, although in recent generations the nasal holes have been eliminated due to the inability to close them like the mouth in extreme environments.

There are no teeth or a digestive tract, “Greys” feed by lying in baths with an amber-colored liquid and absorbing useful substances from it through the pores of the skin. In the chest there is a pair of lungs, and between them is a pear-shaped organ that combines the functions of the heart and liver. Instead of the intestines - into tubular chambers that store a supply of nutrients. They are connected by the “reverse esophagus” to the aforementioned pyriform organ, which regulates the flow of substances into the blood.
As is typical for clones, “Greys” do not have reproductive organs.

There are four thin long fingers on the hands and feet, between which residual membranes are to a small extent visible.

About intelligence

As for the ability to solve logical problems, the intelligence quotient (IQ) of “grays” reaches 250, while the human norm is 100 IQ. At the same time, “Greys” have almost no intuitive thinking and become confused if the problem is not solved through formal logic. As earthly negotiators from military bases recall, sometimes it took the “Greys” up to 10-12 hours to make a decision in emergency situations, and it was noted that it appeared soon after the moon rose. Therefore, the assumption arose that there is a relay there, through which the “grays” consult with their curators in deep space.

About science and technology

The “grays,” with their clichéd thinking, are incapable of discoveries, and almost everything they fly and use is not the fruit of their technical progress. Transcendental (from an earthly point of view) technologies were imparted to them by the Orion civilization, but only to such an extent that there was no danger to it itself. The “Grays” are well trained to operate and maintain equipment, but the Orions consider their greater scientific and technical interest suspicious and suppress it.
Sometimes, however, "Greys" are used in the role of support personnel in Orion scientific work. They do not have their own research and development, with the exception of forced barbaric genetic experiments, which have already been mentioned.

Recommendations for contacts

It is clear that a meeting with the “Greys,” to put it mildly, will not improve the lives of any people. Therefore, we advise you to avoid any contacts with UFOs, without asking yourself what civilization they are related to - there is a high probability that they are related to those featured in this article. If they kidnap a person, few of us can resist their paralyzing methods. The majority is left with the most accessible method of self-defense - to feign hereditary insanity, which will cool the interest of the “Greys” in your genes.

Appealing to law enforcement agencies for protection from the “Greys” will most likely not yield results. Today, the position of official structures in this aspect is unshakable silence. You can only rely on your own strength.

Gray – type A

This type is mainly understood as “Grey”. Also known as Zeta Reticulii from the Reticulum star system in the vicinity of the Reticulum constellation. Apparently a militaristic race with a clearly distributed social structure that keeps science and “world conquest” as its primary goals. They are usually 140 centimeters tall with large heads and black eyes. They have limited facial features, a slit mouth and no nose. They have evolved beyond the need for a reproductive system or digestive system and reproduce by cloning.

Their science very widely studies other life forms and genetic engineering. Apparently, they are trying to genetically interbreed with people in order to create a “mixed race”, “hybrids”, which will be more perfect than the main ones.

There appear to be two main social classes. Some of them are sharper, rude, and assertive. Others are more peace-loving, more willing to deal with affairs and take a diplomatic approach to gain control over people.

They have no emotions (in human terms) and appear to be cruel to the human race. They are capable of taking human lives for no apparent reason. They can presumably use human bodies (substances) for nutrition and are therefore carnivorous towards humans.

It is known that these Grays still serve the superior reptilian race and are trying to prepare the Earth for their arrival by taking control of the planet through various means. These Grays have known bases in New Mexico and Nevada, as well as in many countries around the world.

Physical characteristics of the species:

Longitudinal section of the mouth; ears are missing; almost no nose; a hand with four fingers, between which there are membranes; the eyes are more rounded than those of Gray A; thin body; large head disproportionate to the body.

Over the past decades, interest in representatives of alien civilizations has grown significantly. To get started, we recommend that you read this article:

Before considering their main types, it is worth understanding who the aliens are and what is their main difference?

Who are aliens and aliens?

This is not a tautology, as it might seem. All types of extraterrestrial civilizations can be divided into 2 groups: aliens and aliens. Who is who?

Aliens- These are creatures that are friendly towards earthlings.

Aliens- These are hostile creatures.

The actions taking place on our planet go far beyond the imagination of any science fiction writer. A distorted perception of reality and means that control people’s consciousness block access to this information, which allows unenlightened humanity to be manipulated and controlled with impunity.

Many Hollywood films about aliens are not fiction, but reality, which we mistake for a fairy tale...

The main types of aliens and aliens

Here we characterize only a small part of extraterrestrial civilizations, both destructive and constructive, that regularly visit our planet. The information is given for the purpose of familiarization and expansion of intellectual knowledge.


An evolving human-zeta hybrid; lives 500 light years in the direction of the constellation Orion, but on a different time line and is 300 years ahead of Earth in time; height 150 cm, gray skin; the head is slightly larger than a human, the nose and mouth are small, the eyes are large black; females have white hair. Their type of evolution is very similar to that of the Earth or Pleiadians.


Lyrans - A species of aliens related to humanity from the constellation Lyra. As the legend says: the Lyrian race ascended to the fourth dimension, and those who, for some reason, remained, populated our planet. Having undergone repeated modifications due to genetic mutations, their physical skills have improved; the height of some individuals reaches three meters, they have a humanoid appearance with the features of birds and animals, which are reflected in Egyptian mythology.


The Pleiadians arrived from the constellation Taurus at 400 sv. years from Earth. It is called "Seven Sisters"; our Sun is the eighth star of the Pleiades. Our planet has been regularly visited for thousands of years; are, like the Lyrans, a related species to us. There are also light and energy beings living there, the “Council of 12”, which rules all the planets of the Pleiadian civilization.


89% of the race comes from Vegans, and the remaining 11% from Lyrans. The appearance is very similar to that of a human, the skin is dark, but a tenth of the population is blond and Caucasian. They are aggressive by nature and are used to settling disputes through military confrontation. Their favorite battle is between good and evil, Light and Darkness, where the bright and enlightened Orions fight against their fellows, obsessed with the thirst for power, immensely cruel and aggressive.


Thin-material hybrids of people and Sirians, whose purpose is to serve people as guardians or mentors-teachers; luminaries of sacred geometric science; Planetary orbits are controlled using sound. Their homeland is considered to be Sirius B, where the leading space training center for higher evolution is located.

Aliens from Alpha Centauri


Arcturians are aliens from the constellation Bootes, located 36 St. years from Earth and visible in the northern hemisphere. Arcturus is located at the tail of the Big Dipper. They have reached the fifth-dimensional spectrum of frequencies and are superior in development to all civilizations of our galaxy. Very fragile, 90-120 cm tall, look like twins with a greenish tint and huge, almond-shaped eyes; Life expectancy is on average 400 years. Interact with the environment through telekinesis; their thinking is 100 times faster than human thinking. There are many underground bases on Earth. They control energies through various crystals.


A non-physical race of angelic winged beings of the Beta constellation system, which is considered the galactic center of thought. They went beyond the physical limitations of existence and established contact with the Earth through Light.

Life on Mars

This type of alien has evolved to higher dimensions of the frequency spectrum, and it is not possible to detect it using conventional methods. The Lemurians were at enmity with the Martians, hence the myth that Mars is a warring planet. Below the surface of the planet live non-humanoid races similar to terrestrial ants and praying mantises.

Life on Venus

In the depths of this planet live grandiose, subtle-material aliens. This is a world where the struggle for survival is completely absent. The world of Venus is incredibly colorful and replete with diversity. Crystalline mountains, sparkling rainbow oceans, rich vegetation and natural harmony of all life forms.

Alien types

  • Dragons. A species of reptile with a repulsive characteristic appearance. About 1,000,000 years ago they captured the Earth and settled under its surface in the thickness of the crust. As a result of this war, almost the entire surface of the planet suffered, the climate worsened, pole shifts, floods and earthquakes occurred, but the continent called Atlantis received the most damage. The homeland of dragons is in the higher dimensions, in the Orion system, far beyond the borders of our galaxy.

This is a species of highly developed and benevolent beings that was divided during the evolution of Universe No. 3 about 225 million years ago and the entities that did not undergo transformation (a picture similar to ours today) were expelled. Having settled on Earth, they influenced humanity in the most destructive way, subjecting its DNA to correction and changes. They still consider themselves the rightful masters of the planet and people.

They are unsurpassed specialists in the field of experimental genetics. They combined dragon and human genes. As a result, a hybrid “Draco” (or lizard) was bred, which is more than 2 meters tall, with a humanoid body and a reptilian face covered with scales. Dinosaurs were also subjected to experiments. As a result, many creatures were bred that threaten human existence (the Chupacabra, for example).

  • and the Nephilim. Highly developed technological soulless creatures from the Sirius-A system, who broke away from their native civilization. They originate from the lineage of Elohim, descended from the Elohei, a superior race of divine-type beings that oversee and control humanity. They move in space on a giant ship-planet Nibiru, which is much larger in size than Jupiter and is, as shocking as it may sound, a planet of our solar system.

They capture underdeveloped planets in order to completely gut their resources, gradually destroy all living things and leave them only when in the place of flourishing planets there remains only a dead desert without signs of life.

This species is closely related by cooperation with the Draco hybrids and in appearance they are very similar to each other. 950 thousand years ago, a successful process of genetic crossing of humans and Anunnaki took place, as a result of which the resulting Nephilim hybrid was far superior to humans intellectually, but it completely lacked spirituality.

  • Zetas, draco-zetas. The Zetas' homeland is the planet Draconis, part of the Reptilian Federation. Masters of black magic and satanic rituals. They can easily change their appearance to suit a person and remotely control and manipulate people. They themselves look like aliens are usually drawn - with a disproportionately large head and black eyes, skin color closer to gray, 120 cm tall.

The bulk of kidnappings are carried out by this particular type of alien (Zetas), who follow a global program of enslaving earthlings. Monstrous experiments are being carried out on them, which, oddly enough, are coordinated with the human World Government, which directly governs all of humanity.

Draco hybrids are distinguished by an exorbitant thirst for power and an unwillingness to obey cosmic uniform laws. They have the rare ability to disguise themselves as light creatures and skillfully process any information.

As mentioned above, this is only a small part of the alien representatives that visit our planet.

Photos from open sources

Very often, when talking about their encounters with aliens, witnesses described them as creatures with black eyes and gray skin. Hence this type of alien received the name “gray” or “grey”. (website)

Who and where are they from?

These beings live on the planet Zeta (37 light years from Earth), rotating on its own axis in approximately ninety Earth hours. Zeta has almost no axial tilt, and therefore there are no seasons, but there are seasons of two suns, coming and going one after the other throughout the year. The polar and middle zones of the planet are distinguished by a cold climate, and therefore the inhabitants of Zeta are in the tropical and equatorial zones: it is warm there and there are many fresh water bodies.

The inhabitants of the planet come in two types: the first, so to speak, natural, has a height of 1.7 to 2 meters, and the second, “modified”, has a height of 0.8 to 1.4 meters.

The first type is of aquatic origin. These creatures are reptilians. The structure of their society is a racist hierarchy, based on the hypnotic advantage of the ruling elite.

Once upon a time, in ancient times, reptilians from Zeta were conquered by a civilization of technologically advanced humanoids from Orion. The Orions appreciated the endurance of the “natural grays” and their ability to adapt and wanted to make the reptilians a working race. However, they were also distinguished by racial hostility and physical strength and therefore were dangerous in direct contact. As a result, from individual specimens of the Zetas, the Orions bred a short and submissive species - “modified grays”. Subsequently, they eliminated the sexual method of reproduction, replacing it with cloning.

Photos from open sources

As a result, the “gray dwarfs” had a main task - survival. To do this, they constantly improve their own cloning and conduct genetic experiments, and animals and people abducted from Earth are often used as material.

About intelligence and scientific achievements

If we talk about the logical abilities of the “grays,” then their IQ (intelligence quotient) is 250. For comparison: the human norm is 100 IQ. At the same time, “grays” practically do not have intuitive thinking: if they cannot solve a problem using formal logic, then they fall into complete confusion. Military personnel who were in contact with the “grays” say that it sometimes took them ten to twelve hours to make a decision in an emergency situation. Moreover, the solution appeared soon after the Moon rose. A version has emerged that there is a relay on the Earth’s satellite, and through it the “grays” communicate with their distant curators, receiving advice from them.

Possessing cliché thinking, “grays” cannot make discoveries. Almost everything they use and fly is not their technical achievement. The Orion civilization communicated to them extraordinary (by earthly standards) technologies, and then only so much that danger did not arise for itself. It should be noted that the “grays” are well trained to maintain and operate equipment, but the Orions do not welcome cases of greater scientific and technical interest among them, consider them suspicious and immediately suppress them.

Photos from open sources

However, sometimes “grays” are used as auxiliary personnel in the scientific work of the Orions. The “grays” do not conduct their own developments and research, the only exception being forced genetic experiments on people.

It is clear that any meeting is dangerous for a person. Therefore, we advise you to avoid any contact with aliens and not to wonder who they are and where they come from. The likelihood is too great that the aliens you meet are the “grays,” whose paralyzing methods only a few can resist. For the majority, we offer the following method of self-defense from the “grays” - simulation of hereditary insanity. This will dampen interest in your gene pool.

Photos from open sources

Contacting law enforcement agencies in such cases is most likely useless. Unshakable silence is the position of official structures on this matter. Therefore, in such a situation you can only rely on yourself.

The article was written on the basis of classified American intelligence materials “Grad” and “Yellow Book”, as well as the Soviet intelligence program “MO Grid”, which collected information about UFOs and aliens, and in particular about the “grays” with whom there were the most frequent contacts.

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