Yakunin Nikolai. Anatoly Yakunin: biography and family of the general

Even without being a pop or film star, you can become famous throughout the country. People working in law enforcement agencies give their all so that the population of their native country can sleep peacefully and walk the streets of the city. General Anatoly Yakunin devoted his entire life to serving for the good of the Motherland and became one of the most prominent people in his field. Let's consider his career achievements, merits, and get acquainted with the general's family.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Anatoly Yakunin could have turned out completely differently. Throughout his childhood and youth, he dreamed of working in his native village of Krivtsovo-Plota, in the Oryol region, but military service changed his entire idea of ​​his future.

The future general Anatoly Yakunin was born in 1964, on February 11. His parents were simple people. My father, returning from the front, was practically blind, but was still able to create a large and friendly family. Anatoly Ivanovich has five brothers and sisters.

The boy studied diligently at school, was no different from his peers, just like all boys, after school he rushed into the yard to play.

When the time came, the guy was called up to serve in the USSR army, and Anatoly ended up in the border troops. He liked the soldier's life, and he decided that he would definitely connect his life with the army, wear his uniform with honor, and work for the good of the country.

Work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Unfortunately for the guy, it was not possible for him to remain in the army, since his parents were waiting for his son’s return in the village and needed his support, but Anatoly Yakunin nevertheless began to wear the uniform. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of his native region immediately accepted the former soldier into its ranks and appointed him a district police officer.

Anatoly Ivanovich liked the service, although it was not easy: he had to supervise two villages at once. But this was not a burden for the guy, he completely devoted himself to his work, and after only three months of his conscientious service he managed to independently detain the criminal. It happened like this: he and his partner went out in a company car to supervise the streets of the village, and they came across a suspicious-looking truck. The police spent a long time chasing the vehicle, which did not want to stop, but were still able to catch up with it. In the back there were five tons of grain stolen by the driver from the elevator.

After such a dizzying start to his career, Anatoly Ivanovich was transferred to the investigative department.

Further career advancement

From 1985 to 1991, Anatoly Ivanovich was quite successful at his place of service, and was appointed the new deputy head of the district police department.

Anatoly Yakunin, whose photo is provided in the article, did his work efficiently and conscientiously, so he quickly climbed the career ladder. In 1994, three years after occupying a high position, he was promoted again, and from then on Anatoly Ivanovich was already listed as the head of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

The department headed by Yakunin soon became one of the best, it had the highest indicators. Anatoly Ivanovich was known as a hardworking and conscientious person, and demanded full dedication to his work from his subordinates. Together the team was able to become the best.

Naturally, Yakunin’s perseverance and work were rewarded, and the subsequent promotion did not take long to arrive. The next position of the successful man was that of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Livny.

Already in 2002, Anatoly Yakunin was transferred to the OBOP of the Oryol region, and headed this department. This position required great strength and patience, because it was already on a regional scale.

Time to learn

Anatoly Yakunin knew that the position he received could be his last, and he would have to forget about further promotion if he did not study. Therefore, he became a student at the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and in 2003 he graduated with honors from this institution.

After receiving his diploma, Anatoly Ivanovich began to build his career faster, and in 2005 he was awarded the position of deputy chief of the Oryol regional police. By the way, by this time Anatoly Yakunin was already a colonel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he was only 41 years old.

Only a hardworking and responsible person, accustomed to being a leader in everything and achieving ideal results, can afford such career growth.

The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs appreciated such an employee and tried not to forget about his merits, of which there were many over twenty years of service. In 2006, the colonel was appointed to the position of acting chief of the Oryol regional police. It would seem that he was worthy of taking this place on a permanent basis, but in 2007 he again had to become first deputy. Vladimir Kolokoltsev was appointed head.

Yakunin and Kolokoltsev

This tandem went down in the history of the Oryol police. Together, these people were able to completely change citizens’ opinions about the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Many believed that the entire police force consisted of slackers and bribe-takers who turned a blind eye to the tricks of officials and gangster groups. Anatoly Yakunin and Vladimir Kolokoltsev occupied high positions, so they were also considered bribe takers. But they were able to prove their honesty to everyone, and soon high-profile cases were opened against officials, most of whom were close people of the governor. These cases were logically completed, and many famous people received a worthy punishment.

Yakunin and Kolokoltsev did not stop even when they received warnings and direct threats; they wanted to either bribe them or get them out of the way altogether. But they fearlessly continued to conduct business and administer justice. Thus, they managed to completely destroy one of the most aggressive and dangerous gangs, led by the well-known Sparrow.

Transfer to Voronezh region

Unfortunately for the Oryol police, and to the delight of unscrupulous officials, Anatoly Yakunin was transferred in 2008 away from Kolokoltsev, to the Voronezh region. There were many rumors about such a transfer. Some considered this a kind of revenge of high-ranking officials whose lives were ruined by Yakunin and Kolokoltsev, others thought that this transfer was connected only with the decision of the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the need to transfer Anatoly Ivanovich, since Voronezh needed his strong hand. Other information also appeared, saying that the head of the Voronezh police himself asked this hardworking and responsible person to be his deputy.

The Voronezh region was three times larger than the Oryol region in population, so the area entrusted to Yakunin was much more complex and dangerous. In addition to the position of deputy chief, Anatoly Ivanovich was offered to head the criminal department. So, with a big stretch, this transfer could even be called a promotion.

Until 2009, the colonel served conscientiously and responsibly in law enforcement agencies, after which he was able to receive an actual promotion. Now the stars of the major general began to shine on his shoulder straps, about which the president signed a decree.

The long awaited guide

A person like Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin, Major General, cannot remain in secondary positions for a long time; this is, first of all, not fair. Apparently, this fact became clear to the main leadership, since in 2010 he was entrusted with the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Novgorod region.

In his new position, Anatoly Ivanovich again focused his attention on the fight against crime, but did not lose sight of other matters.

Reorganization of the militia into the police

In 2011, the major general successfully passed the general recertification. Anatoly Ivanovich also took the recertification of his employees under personal control. It was important for him to have true professionals working with him, whom he could fully rely on and entrust with complex and responsible work. His efforts were not in vain, and the department became famous for its qualified personnel.

I would like to note one more merit of Yakunin in his work in the Novgorod region. Before his arrival, the department was considered the weakest in Russia, the crime rate was off the charts. Anatoly Ivanovich was able to transform all the work, and under his leadership people began to work and achieve success. Soon, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Novgorod Region joined the ranks with the departments that had the highest indicators; the crime rate decreased significantly.

Yakunin has done a lot in this area, but the time has come to again accept a well-deserved promotion and move forward.

Destination - Moscow

Moscow is not only the capital of Russia, but also its face, the largest metropolis with a difficult crime situation. The Golden Head police should be headed by a person whose reputation is not tarnished by various unpleasant stories, with a good track record, a firm hand, tough character, and other positive qualities. The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs saw precisely such a person in Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin, who proved not only in words, but also in many deeds that he was worthy of holding a high-ranking post.

But some of the higher-ups believed that the major general could not lead this region, since he had never worked in the capital and did not know the situation in it. There was a dispute over the appointments; they wanted to give the post to another person who had worked in Moscow for many years and was one of all police officers. But still, Yakunin’s track record, performance indicators and characteristics became the decisive factors in choosing a new leader. It was also noted that he quickly understands new things, easily adapts to a new region and successfully heads unfamiliar departments. Thus, in June 2012, a presidential decree was signed that Anatoly Yakunin would be appointed to the position. The Moscow City Internal Affairs Directorate has received a new head.

It is worth noting that Kolokoltsev V.A., with whom Yakunin carried out many high-profile cases in his native Oryol region, before him headed the Moscow police. Kolokoltsev was promoted and appointed Minister of Internal Affairs, that is, the head of the entire Russian police. Thus, Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin again found himself subordinate to his former boss.

Yakunin now

Anatoly Ivanovich continued to work conscientiously in his new position. The successful union of Kolokoltsev and Yakunin was revived again, the crime situation in Moscow began to be completely controlled by police officers, and is now at a satisfactory level.

One of Yakunin's most famous cases in Moscow has nothing to do with organized crime, but news about it spread throughout the country. In the summer of 2013, an accident occurred on one of the roads involving the famous singer Vitas. He was driving his foreign car and hit a girl - a cyclist. The artist resisted the authorities, insulted them and witnesses, did not admit his guilt, but only loudly declared that now everyone would have problems. Yakunin was informed about this incident, and he said that despite the artist’s popularity, he must answer for his misconduct, insult to personalities and resistance to the police.

In September 2016, it was decided to relieve the lieutenant general from his post and appoint him head of the Operations Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. A photo of Anatoly Ivanovich Yakunin can be seen in this article. This man was able to achieve unprecedented heights in his career without high-ranking patrons, because even his parents were the most ordinary citizens.

Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich: family and income

The general does not really like to talk about the details of his family life and relatives. He understands the danger of his work, and the fact that he ruined the lives of many high-ranking officials and criminals, they may express a desire to take it out on his relatives. It is known that Anatoly Ivanovich has been married for a long time, since his service in the Oryol region. He met his wife at work; she worked as a passport officer in one of the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The daughter of Yakunin Anatoly Ivanovich Ekaterina became a continuation of her father. Since childhood, she dreamed of being like him in everything, dad was an example of masculinity, an ideal person, which is why the girl, after graduating from school, went to study as a lawyer and, having received a diploma, began working as an assistant prosecutor in Moscow.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to find a photo of Anatoly Yakunin’s daughter, so we can only guess what she looks like. Now this young and ambitious woman works in the capital. There are rumors that she was able to achieve her transfer only thanks to a high-ranking patron in the person of her father. Whether this is true or not, we don’t know for sure, the only thing that is clear is that Ekaterina Anatolyevna is very similar to Anatoly Yakunin. She has the same steely character and a great desire to reach the top of the career ladder.

It recently became known that the Yakunin family owns a luxurious mansion, the cost of which exceeds half a million dollars. Many believe that this country house was built with money from bribes, since Anatoly Ivanovich himself earns about three million rubles a year, and his wife no more. However, it is worth noting that the family lives and works for more than one year, and they could have savings.

Also, Anatoly Ivanovich and his wife Irina own a large apartment in Moscow, a motorcycle and a UAZ Hunter SUV.

* * *
Behind the village at dawn, where there is light from the birches,
I asked Russia: “Where do you get your strength?
Where do you get your courage and your beauty?
Nightingale dawns, blue rivers purity?

Where the sky is clear, where the rye is swaying,
I asked Russia: “Where do you get happiness?
Where do you get a smile, where do you find calm sadness?
Tell me, tell me, sun-faced Rus'?”

On the edge of the edge, in the blue silence
Behind the village at dawn I suddenly heard
In the quiet rustle of the field, in the light ringing of branches:
- Yes, from our beloved, dear mothers!

I returned home and asked my mother:
- Where do you get, dear, so much vitality,
So much tenderness, affection, kindness and warmth,
That from your clear eyes all Russia is bright?

Mom thought thoughtfully, straightening her scarf.
And she answered quietly: “Russia, son...”

* * *
We teach others, not ourselves, mercy,
In our hearts we accuse someone of evil,
And there, behind the fog, behind the dense forest,
There is a holy place on sinful earth.

They knock on our souls, sometimes with happiness, sometimes with grief.
Winter's fists and spring's palms.
And there, behind the fog, behind the fairytale forest,
There is a sacred place where we are all equal.

In that sacred silence there is neither a song nor a cry,
The deceiver will suddenly shudder and the talker will freeze.
Strawberries flow down into the grass at sunset,
And tree branches reach out to the mushrooms.

Both the widow and the bride have equal rights there,
The nests there are filled with the eternity of stars.
There is a sacred place on sinful earth -
The sacred place is a peasant churchyard.

* * *
Oh, how I wish it were spring
A thawed path on a ringing day
Go somewhere with you
From noisy villages and villages.

I would like all your sorrows
Leave somewhere behind
And without noticing anything,
Happy to walk side by side.

Do not hear rustles and sounds,
Don't see birds and nests in the bushes,
Your trusting hands
Suddenly feel it in your hands.

And in an unfamiliar white grove
Look into the eyes of my dear ones,
To forget that they are waiting for us somewhere at home,
And don't regret anything.

Shedding past worries
Dew into the forest grace,
Find a way to your lips,
And all others - to lose!…

* * *
The trail got lost in the burdock
The one that I once left here.
Only light flows over the memory:
Yellow leaf on green leaves.

The old elm is like a wounded animal,
Rummages through branches in search of childhood.
The door to the past is tightly locked,
And no one will let you warm up.

Somewhere an angry elk is trumpeting,
A mouse rustles in a boarded-up house.
The red wind, soaked through,
He is looking for something in the cold straw.

Thickened mascara in the spring
Neither people nor horses will taste it.
Only my pain draws from the puddles,
As before, palm plantain...

* * *
You are like the dawn and like a mystery to me,
I've been looking for years, but I found it by chance,
Are you not lost in the huge world -
A bright lily in a dark pool!
Not lost, not lost,
And the petals splashed on the water.
The days are so long! And dates are short,
I have no time for you - neither by swimming nor by boat.
And the water lilies laugh at me,
I can't reach you, I can't touch you.
Do you want me to shed tears in the heat,
Just to be together, next to you?
If you want, I will become your stem and root,
White lily in a black pool?
The willow is silent, the heather smiles,
They know you won’t come ashore to me.
You'll lure me into the dark depths in the middle of the day,
But you can’t give me your petals.
How long do I wander in vain in love,
A light lily in a black pool?
Your light is cool, my failures
Autumn will extinguish and hide in the river.

* * *
Oh, what creatures the Russian people are!
An old woman lives in a dilapidated hut.

She was held in high esteem. And she was famous.
Now it’s even forgotten by the neighbors.

Lives and lives in old age
No anger towards the world, no offense towards people.

Lives and lives, as in the gray twilight, -
Not to my ex-daughter-in-law or to a nursing home.

Everything happened and passed. Not a widow. And neither the mother.
“Why would I embarrass someone?”

Alone, as in the desert, poor and wretched,
He doesn’t ask God for wealth or health.

At night he stands by his lamp:
“Oh, God, send me death quickly!

Oh, Good Almighty, I tearfully pray,
Accept my sinful soul..."

* * *
Behind the sleepy village, behind the quiet sadness
The meadow smells like fog and buckwheat.

In the willow forest behind the pasture, above the nearby river
Sad voices flow with dew.

I stand and listen, I want it, I don’t want it,
On the right is deep sadness, on the left is loneliness.

They wander along the paths in the dark - they don’t glow,
Only I have a presentiment that they will meet here.

And so it turned out to be a joy. And the prophecy came true:
Somewhere in the floodplain we met sadness and loneliness.

Swallows over the pool. The star sleeps in the shallows.
Two voices embraced and the dawn rose.


Past the dim rowan trees
Along the goose path
I'll go out into the field alone
On a date with Russia.

The air that is on honey -
Small Ladle - without snacks.
And I will fall to the ground
Peasant style, Russian style.

Pain and poverty are not a sin,
The mother is not looking for the culprits.
I will bow for everyone
The poor and the poor.

And the sky is bright
I'll ask for forgiveness,
So that evil diminishes,
Patience has not run out.

To sit down at the table
With faith and love we
And so that every moan of yours
It resonated with us with pain.

Nikolai Ivanovich Yakunin (1844 - after 1917) – architect, banker.

In 1893-1915. Yakunin worked at the Northern Insurance Company and was the architect of the Petersburg-Tula Bank. For some time he served as director of the Saratov-Simbirsk Bank.

Fate N.I. Yakunina after 1917 is unknown.

Yakunin's houses in Moscow

  • Kiselny B., 10 C3. Warehouse in the profitable ownership of P.M. Ryabushinsky. N.I. Yakunin, 1901.
  • Levshinsky B., 10. Apartment building. N.I. Yakunin, 1901.
  • Lubyansky, 23 C1, C3. Apartment house. Panov, 1875; Yakunin, perestroika, 1902; reconstruction, 1934
  • Merzlyakovsky, 13. Own apartment building. N.I. Yakunin, 1899.
  • Milyutinsky, 10 C1. Estate of A.F. Elirova – House A.A. Collie- VC. Tubenthal. Architect N.I. Yakunin, 1894.
  • Novoryazanskaya, 12. House of the Board of the Moscow-Ryazan Railway (L.V. Gauthier-Dufaye). N.I. Yakunin, 1894.
  • Ogorodnaya Sloboda, 2 / Gusyatnikov, 5. Behrens mansion. N.I. Yakunin, perestroika, 1892.
  • Prechistensky, 12. Apartment building. N.I. Yakunin, 1896. In Soviet times, it was built with two floors.
  • Kharitonyevsky B., 24. House of Diligence of the Gorbovs. Mashkov, N.I. Yakunin, 1895-1896.
  • Chaplygina, 3. Mansion of Gautier-Dufayer. N.I. Yakunin, 1895; D.S. Markov, perestroika, 1914.
  • Chisty, 5. Apartment building of the heirs of N.P. Tsirkunov. V.S. Maslennikov and N.I. Yakunin, 1908.

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