Psychological bases for the formation of skills and abilities.

The product of our cognitive activity is knowledge. They represent the essence reflected by the human consciousness, and are remembered in the form of judgments, specific theories or concepts.

Knowledge, skills and abilities - interconnection

What is knowledge?

Knowledge determines our skills and abilities, they are the basis of the moral qualities of a person, form his worldview and views of the world. The process of formation and assimilation of knowledge, skills, abilities is fundamental in the works of many scientists and psychologists, but the concept of "knowledge" is defined in different ways. For some it is a product of knowledge, for others it is a reflection and ordering of reality or a way of consciously reproducing a perceived object.

Representatives of the animal world also have elementary knowledge, they help them in their life and the implementation of instinctive acts.

The assimilation of knowledge is the result

The assimilation of knowledge largely depends on the chosen path, the completeness of the mental development of the student depends on it. Knowledge by itself cannot provide a high level of intellectual development, but without them this process becomes unthinkable. The formation of moral views, volitional character traits, beliefs and interests occurs under the influence of knowledge, therefore they are an important and necessary element in the process of developing human abilities.

What are the types of knowledge?

  • The worldly kind of knowledge is based on worldly wisdom, common sense. This is the basis of human behavior in everyday life, it is formed as a result of a person's contact with the surrounding reality and the external aspects of being.
  • Artistic is a specific way of assimilation of reality through aesthetic perception.
  • Scientific knowledge is a systematic source of information based on theoretical or experimental forms of reflection of the world. Scientific knowledge can contradict worldly because of the limitations and one-sidedness of the latter. Along with scientific knowledge, there are also pre-scientific ones that preceded them.

The first knowledge the child receives in infancy

Assimilation of knowledge and its levels

The assimilation of knowledge is based on the active mental activity of the trainees. The whole process is controlled by the teacher and consists of several stages of assimilation.

  1. At the first stage - understanding, the object is perceived, that is, it is distinguished from the general environment and its distinctive qualities are determined. The student has no experience in this type of activity. And his understanding informs about his ability to learn and perceive new information.
  2. The second stage - recognition, is associated with the comprehension of the received data, the discernment of its connections with other subjects. The process is accompanied by the execution of each operation, using hints, a description of the action or hints.
  3. The third level - reproduction, is characterized by active independent reproduction of the information understood and considered earlier, it is actively used in typical situations.
  4. The next level of the process of mastering knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities is application. At this stage, the student includes the perceived knowledge in the structure of previous experience, is able to apply the acquired set of skills in atypical situations.
  5. The final fifth level of assimilation is creative. At this stage, the field of activity for the student becomes known and understandable. Unforeseen situations arise in which he is able to create new rules or algorithms for resolving the difficulties that have arisen. The student's actions are considered productive and creative.

The formation of knowledge continues throughout life

The classification of the levels of knowledge formation makes it possible to qualitatively assess the assimilation of the material by the student.

The development of the student occurs from the first level. It is clear that if the level of knowledge of the student is characterized by the initial stage, then their role and value is small, however, if the student applies the information received in unfamiliar situations, then we can talk about a significant step towards mental development.

Thus, the assimilation and formation of skills is realized by comprehending and repeating information, understanding and applying it in familiar or new conditions or spheres of life.

What are skills and abilities, what stages does the process of their formation consist of?

There are still heated debates among scientists about what is higher in the hierarchical scheme of the formation of new knowledge, skills and abilities that characterizes mental development. Some emphasize the importance of skills, others convince us of the value of skills.

How skills are formed - diagram

A skill is the highest level of formation of an action; it is performed automatically, without awareness of the intermediate stages.

The ability is expressed in the ability to act consciously, which has not reached the highest degree of formation. When a student learns to perform any purposeful action, at the initial stage, he consciously performs all the intermediate steps, while each stage is fixed in his mind. The whole process is unfolded and realized, therefore, skills are first formed. As you work on yourself and systematically train, this skill improves, the time for completing the process is reduced, some intermediate steps are performed automatically, unconsciously. At this stage, we can talk about the formation of skills in performing an action.

Formation of skills in working with scissors

As you can see from what has been said, a skill eventually becomes a skill, but in some cases, when an action is extremely difficult, it may never develop into it. A schoolchild, at the initial stage of his learning to read, has difficulty combining letters into words. This assimilation process takes a lot of time and takes a lot of energy. When reading a book, many of us control only its semantic content, we read letters and words automatically. As a result of long trainings and exercises, the ability to read has been brought to the level of a skill.

The formation of skills and abilities is a long and time-consuming process. As a rule, this will take more than one year, and the improvement of skills and abilities takes place throughout life.

Skill Development Theory

Determining the level of mastery of actions by students occurs due to the following classification:

  • Zero level - the student does not own this action at all, lack of skill;
  • The first level - he is familiar with the nature of the action, it requires sufficient help from the teacher to complete it;
  • The second level - the student performs an action independently according to a model or template, imitates the actions of colleagues or a teacher;
  • The third level - he independently performs the action, each step is realized;
  • The fourth level - the student performs the action automatically, the formation of skills was successful.

Conditions for the formation and application of knowledge, skills and abilities

One of the stages of assimilation is the application of knowledge, skills and abilities. The nature and specificity of the subject determines the type of pedagogical organization of this process. It can be implemented with the help of laboratory work, practical exercises, solving educational and research problems. The value of the application of skills and abilities is great. The student's motivation is enhanced, knowledge becomes solid and meaningful. Depending on the uniqueness of the object under study, various methods of their application are used. Subjects such as geography, chemistry, physics involve the formation of skills using observation, measurement, problem solving and recording all the data obtained in special forms.

Development of skills in labor lessons

The implementation of skills in the study of humanitarian subjects occurs through the application of spelling rules, explanations, recognition of a specific situation where this application is appropriate.

The conditions for the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities are generalization, concretization and ensuring the sequence of operations. The study of these tasks makes it possible to avoid the formalism of knowledge, since the basis for solving problems is not only memory, but also analysis.

The process of forming new knowledge is inextricably linked with the following conditions:

  • Group 1 - conditions for motivating students' actions;
  • Group 2 - conditions for ensuring the correct execution of actions;
  • Group 3 - conditions for working out, nurturing the desired properties;
  • Group 4 - conditions for the transformation and phased development of the action.

General educational skills and abilities are those skills and abilities that are formed in the process of teaching many subjects, and not just one specific one. This issue should be given a lot of attention, but many teachers underestimate the importance of this task. They believe that in the process of learning, students acquire all the necessary skills on their own. This is not true. The processing and transformation of the information received by the student can be carried out in one way or another, using various methods and methods. Often the way the child works differs from the teacher's standard. The control of this process by the teacher is not always carried out, since it usually fixes only the final result (whether the problem is solved or not, whether the answer is meaningful or uninformative, whether the analysis is deep or superficial, whether the conditions are met or not).

Education and upbringing - differences

The child spontaneously develops some skills and techniques that turn out to be irrational or erroneous. The subsequent development of the child becomes unthinkable, the educational process is significantly hampered, and it is difficult to comprehend new knowledge and automate it.


The correct methods of forming knowledge, skills and abilities should be of no small importance in the learning process. Two main points can be noted. This is goal setting and organization of activities.

In cases where the teacher discovers that the student lacks a specific skill, it is important to realize whether the goal was set for the student, whether he realized it. Only selected students with a high level of intellectual development can independently determine and realize the value of the educational process. Lack of purpose - is considered the most common drawback of the organization of educational work. At first, the teacher can indicate one or another goal that the student should strive for when solving the problem. Over time, each student develops the habit of setting goals and motives for himself.

The motivation of each student is individual, so the teacher should focus on a wide range of motives. They can be social, aimed at achieving success, avoiding punishment, and others.

What is motivation - definition

The organization of activities consists in compiling a list of the main processes related to knowledge, skills and abilities. This list should include the most important issues, without which further progress is impossible. Next, you need to develop an algorithm for solving the problem or a sample, using which the student, independently or under the guidance of a teacher, can develop his own system of rules. Comparing the task with the received sample, he learns to overcome the difficulties and difficulties encountered on the educational path. Deepening and consolidating knowledge occurs in the case of generalization, analysis and comparison of the work performed by the students of the class.

School education is the beginning of the complex formation of knowledge, skills and abilities

The learning process is related to the ability of students to distinguish between the main and the secondary. For this, various tasks are offered in which it is necessary to highlight the most significant part of the text or words that are of secondary importance.

When training necessary to develop a skill, it is important to ensure their versatility and normal intensity. Over-processing one skill can prevent its proper application and inclusion in a coherent learning system. It is not uncommon for a student who has perfectly mastered a certain rule to make mistakes in dictation.

An integrated approach and pedagogical work are the conditions that guarantee the full-fledged education of the younger generation.

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The result of learning, first of all, is the formation of various types of cognitive activity or its individual elements: concepts, ideas, various mental actions.

In teaching, the presence or absence of attention plays a big role. “Attention is the only door of our soul through which everything that is in consciousness passes; therefore, not a single word of the teacher can pass through this door, otherwise it will not enter the soul of the child. To teach him to keep these doors open is a matter of first importance, on the success of which the success of all learning is based, ”wrote the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky. (9) A student can only learn successfully if he has attention. Listening attentively to the teacher's explanations in the lesson, he better perceives, understands and remembers its content; Accuracy, accuracy, error-free performance of written work are possible only with focused attention. Assimilation by students of the current programs is possible only with a high level of development of their attention.

The main task is to constantly maintain the mental activity of children, which requires attention. In the assimilation of educational material, the role of sensual, visual reflection is great. It is important to develop purposeful perception, to turn perception into a process of observation. The success of perception depends on the active work of several analyzers: auditory, visual, motor, etc. And this, in turn, is achieved, especially in the lower grades, by observing the didactic principle of visibility. Psychologically, it is very important to correctly organize the process of perception of visibility: subject, pictorial, verbal and sign-symbolic.

The correct organization of the perception of the material largely ensures its understanding, comprehension, and prevents possible subsequent memorization. It is necessary to teach schoolchildren the ability to single out the main, essential provisions of the educational material. The teacher himself needs to think about how to ensure the process of understanding the material. Understanding in many cases is facilitated by the creation of correct vivid images. It is no coincidence that in order to better understand, we mentally create an image, and sometimes express it in a diagram, drawing or drawing. The lack of images or the wrong image can interfere with understanding. For example, it is difficult for a student to understand the historical situation, the era, if he does not have imaginary images or they are incorrect.

Memorization depends on the nature of the activity. Experiments P.I. Zinchenko, A.A. Smirnov show that the greatest efficiency of memorization will be in the case when it occurs in vigorous activity. If the student himself comes up with tasks, works with the text, then memorization will be more effective. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the students themselves find it difficult to discover these techniques on their own. The task of the teacher is to equip them with rational memorization techniques.

Skills are a combination of knowledge and skills that ensure the successful performance of an activity. The range of skills that the student must master is very large. One of the most important tasks of school education is to teach students the methods of mental activity and independently perform mental operations, such as: analysis, synthesis, comparison, abstraction, classification and systematization. With their help, to obtain products of mental activity - concepts, judgments, conclusions. Mastering the techniques of mental activity provides partial automatism for the implementation of specific actions in educational activities.

Assimilation, as I.A. Winter (2007), this is a complex concept and is interpreted from different positions:

1. Assimilation is a mechanism, a way of forming human individual experience through the appropriation of sociocultural experience as a body of knowledge, generalized methods of action (skills, skills), moral norms, ethical rules of behavior. Such assimilation is carried out throughout life in the process of socialization, both spontaneously and in specially organized conditions - in training and education.

2. Assimilation is a complex intellectual activity of a person, including all cognitive processes that ensure the reception, semantic processing, preservation and reproduction of material.

3. Assimilation is the result of learning activities. V.V. Davydov wrote that the assimilation of scientific knowledge and the corresponding skills is the main goal and the main result of educational activity.

S.L. Rubinstein, as a condition for the assimilation of knowledge, singled out the following interrelated "sides" of the two-way (activities of the teacher and the student) learning process, which also act as stages of the learning process:

1. Perception of educational material - familiarization with educational material includes an active conscious attitude of the individual to the perceived, i.e., not only perception - perception, but also apperception indicator of the perception of the material is its understanding (understanding);

2. Comprehension - entering the first stage, comprehension determines consolidation (the third stage). Comprehension is aimed at a deeper disclosure of the semantic content of knowledge; includes all thought processes: comparison - comparison and distinction, analysis and synthesis, abstraction, generalization and concretization, the transition from the concrete, the individual to the abstract, the general and from the abstract, the general to the visual, the individual;

3. Consolidation - the strength of assimilation of the material depends both on the stage of initial acquaintance with it, and on further work on memorization, in which a significant role is assigned not only to repetition, but also to free reproduction of the material. The need for independent reproduction activates the comprehension of the material, since in the process of its presentation, verification and self-control are performed, places are identified that require additional clarification: “Clarifying, formulating a thought, a person forms it; at the same time, it captures it more firmly” (S.L. Rubinshtein, 1940);

4. Mastery - the ability to operate knowledge in various conditions, applying them in practice in the process of developing skills.

N. V. Bordovskaya and A. A. Rean consider learning as a way of organizing the educational process, which is based on the system of teaching and learning. Teaching is the activity of a teacher, covering:

§ Transfer of information;

§ Organization of educational and cognitive activity of students;

§ Providing assistance in case of difficulty in the process of teaching;

§ Stimulation of interest, independence and creativity of students;

§ Evaluation of educational achievements of students.

The purpose of teaching is to organize the effective teaching of each student in the process of transferring information, monitoring and evaluating its assimilation. The effectiveness of the teaching also involves the interaction of the teacher with students and the organization of both joint and independent work.

The second component of the learning process is teaching - the activity of the student, which involves:

§ Development, consolidation and application of knowledge, skills and abilities;

§ Self-stimulation to search, solve educational problems, self-assessment of educational achievements;

§ Awareness of the personal meaning and social significance of cultural values ​​and human experience, processes and phenomena of the surrounding reality.

The purpose of the teaching is the knowledge, collection and processing of information about the world around. The learning outcomes are expressed in knowledge, skills, attitudes and general development of the student.

§ Mastering knowledge systems and operating them;

§ Mastering systems of generalized and more specific actions, methods (methods) of educational work, ways of transferring and finding them - skills and abilities;

§ Development of learning motives, formation of motivation and clarification of meanings;

§ Mastering ways to manage their educational activities and their mental processes.

In the structure of the educational process, N.V. Basova (2000) identifies the following links:

1. Obtaining information - 40% of the study time. At the same time, the setting of an educational task for students and the presentation of new knowledge or independent work of students to acquire them are highlighted;

2. Mastering information - 40% of the study time, which presupposes the consolidation and application of knowledge, skills in practice;

3. Information control - 5-10% of study time;

4. Correction of the process of mismatch with information - 10-15% of the study time.

The implementation of the content of training is carried out in various organizational forms.

Organizational forms of education are types of training sessions that differ from each other in didactic goals, composition of students, venue, duration, content of the teacher and students. In the organizational forms of education, a system of interaction between teaching and management of educational activities is implemented, carried out according to a certain, pre-established order and regime.

There are three groups of organizational forms in the structure of the learning process:

§ aimed primarily at the theoretical training of students;

§ aimed primarily at the practical training of students;

§ forms of control of knowledge and skills of students.

The organizational forms of training in vocational training are: a lecture, a seminar, a laboratory lesson, a practical lesson, a term paper, an internship, a final qualifying work.

Within the framework of various organizational forms of training, the teacher provides active cognitive activity of students, using frontal, group and individual work.

Frontal work involves the joint activity of the whole group: the teacher presents the educational material for the whole group, sets the same tasks - students solve one problem, master a common topic. The frontal form of organization of educational activities ensures the general advancement of students to a certain level of professional education with insufficient consideration of individual abilities and the level of preparedness and development of each student.

In group work, the study group is divided into several subgroups that perform the same or different tasks. The number of students in a group depends on the subject and the task (from 2 to 10 people, but more often the group size is 3-5 students). Group work can be used for various purposes: solving problems and exercises, performing practical and laboratory work, learning new material.

In individual work, each student receives a task that he performs independently of the others. Therefore, the individual form of organization of cognitive activity implies a high level of activity and independence of students. The individual form of organization of educational activities is appropriate for such types of work, in which the individual characteristics and capabilities of students can be more clearly manifested. It is also used in programmed learning, as well as to deepen knowledge and eliminate gaps in the study of material among students. Individual work is important for the formation of students' need for self-education and the development of appropriate skills for independent work.


1. Stages of education and characteristics of students in the learning process………5

2. Psychological patterns of formation of skills and abilities……….9

2.1. The theory of the gradual formation and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities……………………………………………………………………….10

3. Methodological and general theoretical foundations of the pedagogical concept of the learning process………………………………………………………………...16


List of sources used…………………………………………….....22


The success of a certain activity depends on skill. As a systemic education, skill contains knowledge, techniques, skills, and other components of the individual experience (sensory, practical, intellectual, emotional, reflective) of the subject. It is based on the knowledge and skills of a person, as well as on her willingness to successfully perform a certain activity.

Skill - the ability to use existing knowledge, concepts, operate with them to identify the essential properties of objects and phenomena, successfully solve theoretical and practical problems

The student must possess a variety of specific and generalized skills.

Knowledge becomes the basis of skill if it is adequate to reality (corresponds to the objective properties of objects and phenomena), the properties of objects and phenomena are essential for goals, turning into action, and actions ensure the use of these properties to achieve the goal.

The ability is formed easily with a deep understanding by children of the essence of concepts, properties, patterns of relationships. The decision may make it difficult to mask significant connections with many secondary data or information, the student's attitude to use a certain method of solving the problem. The selection of characteristics that are essential for tasks depends on the student's ability to understand the situation as a whole, and not its individual elements. The previous experience of the student plays an important role here.

Skills are taught by setting tasks for students that require the use of the knowledge they have acquired. Children engage in search activities in many ways: for example, through trial and error, purposefully, creatively using heuristic methods. In a different approach, students learn the features that distinguish one type of problem from others. In the process of solving, they determine the type of problem and learn the appropriate operations designed to solve them. Often, students are specially trained in the mental activity necessary for the use of knowledge. In practice, teachers use various ways of developing skills, often this happens spontaneously.

1. Stages of education and characteristics of students in the learning process

Each student has individual personal and activity characteristics. At the same time, all students at a certain educational level are characterized by initial common and typical features for them.

1. The elementary school stage is the beginning of the social existence of a person as a subject of educational activity. Readiness for schooling means the formation of attitudes towards school, learning, and knowledge. Expectation of the new, interest in it underlie the educational motivation of the younger student.

In elementary school, the primary schoolchildren form the main elements of the leading activity during this period, the necessary educational

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