Alexander Shibaev who is first. Meet: master of play poetry for children A.A. Shibaev

Alexander Aleksandrovich Shibaev (1923-1979) did not enter, as they recently said, “into the fold”, into the first rank of post-war children's poetry. A Leningrader, not a Muscovite, a modest person, homely, not public, he did not lay claim to the role of a literary star. A dozen and a half books for children published during his lifetime; the final book, as it turned out, “Friends Holding Hands” (1977) and another large book, “Native Language, Be Friends with Me” (1981), which appeared posthumously, which he finished writing in a hospital bed - that, in fact, is all of his literary heritage.
In the second half of the 60s, in the 70s, when our poetry for little ones was often limited to describing children’s life or was led by “drum” optimism, Shibaev turned to the foundations of culture - to language as such, its laws, its wealth. He began to consistently teach children their native, ordinary speech through poetic speech. He poeticized school grammar and found a precise, educational, entertaining approach for each lesson, revealing in poetry both the magic of language and, at the same time, teaching methods. Riddles, tongue twisters, inversions, small plot stories about sounds, letters, words and punctuation marks - Shibaev went further than many in this game: perhaps for the first time such a vast area of ​​​​practical language came into the field of view of a children's poet.

Are you reading?..
- I’m reading.
Not great yet...
- Come on, read this word.
- I’ll read it now.
- And what happened?
- COW!

Who in childhood did not have to quickly repeat a special word and “pick out” from its sounds another word that sounded similar to it? Shibaev brings this game to poetic perfection, pushing the reader to search for such “double” words, revealing their internal connections:

Animal, animal, where are you running?
What's your name, baby?
- I’m running into the reeds-reeds-reeds,
I am mouse-mouse-mouse.

Shibaev especially focused his attention on the euphonic side of language. This is understandable: the comprehension of speech begins with sound; one single sound, one letter often becomes the main difference between words that are completely alien to each other. The poet emphasizes this difference cheerfully and wittily:

The letter "D" at the bottom of the pond
We found crayfish.
Since then they have been in trouble:
Every now and then Fights.

Moving from sound to word, Shibaev here again demonstrates the accuracy of his eye and the acuity of his hearing. Then he forces you to listen to the words themselves, revealing their meaning in their sound:

Talking about hard stone
And the hard word is GRANITE.
And for things that are softest of all,
Words are softer:

Then, starting from the meaning - through sound - it shows the amazing versatility and unexpectedness of native speech:

I walked across the lawn.
I look - ADMIRAL...
I quietly crept up to him
And - caught it!
Got it!
Finally caught the admiral!..
Butterfly collection

Twin words and punctuation marks, syllables and prepositions, reading rules and cultural speech skills - everything becomes the object of attention. And in poems devoted to the more complex laws of language, Shibaev is always looking for a way to stir up a student of his poetic school, force him to answer the question correctly, or even give himself a well-deserved mark:

We are studying transference.
This is how I transferred the words.
“Barely” I suffered “e-two”
And he got two for it.
“Injection” I suffered “u-injection”
And he received a stake for it.
“Again” I suffered “o-five”.
Now, I hope, there will be “five”?!

These lines are good because they play the rhyme expectation game: after reading the word, the reader already guesses what rating the hero deserves, and, laughing, can easily restore the correct spelling when transferred.
Of course, the poems of Alexander Shibaev became a direct development of an already existing tradition. This is the Marshak school and the work of its creator. These are shapeshifters and riddles of Kharms. These are associative connections with contemporaries - Boris Zakhoder, Genrikh Sapgir, Vadim Levin. In this series, Shibaev’s place is significant and original: by making language the main character of the poems, he showed that play - when it exists not for the sake of simple fun, but for the sake of learning and comprehension of culture - is extremely necessary for children's poetry.
“An Entertaining ABC” by A. Shibaev, published today in “Makhaon”, represents the poet’s work in a full-blooded and purposeful manner. Purposeful - because these are, as it says on the cover, real lessons in reading and literacy. And full-blooded, because in addition to a lot of poetic (and prosaic, and - additionally - playful) material, the book presents Alexander Shibaev as a brilliant poet, for whom pedagogy is only a special form of conveying to the reader the entire wealth of his inner poetic world.

Mikhail Yasnov

Literary reading lesson

topic: a. Shibaev “Who will find the word?”

Cel And: enrich children's vocabulary; develop the ability to use various forms of verbal politeness; develop coherent speech; teach working in pairs.

Planned results:


understand what you read, find the necessary information in the text (selective reading); identify unclear words, be interested in their meaning; highlight the main thing; make a small plan; navigate the book by cover, title page, annotation and contents (table of contents); navigate through books (P-1.); establish an elementary logical cause-and-effect relationship between the events and actions of the characters in the work; perform analysis actions, identifying the subtext and idea of ​​the work; compare characters from one work and from different works according to given criteria; make hypotheses in the process of predicting what is being read; analyze the features of the linguistic design of the text; rank books and works; justify your statements (P-2.).

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

II. Checking homework.

III. Setting lesson goals. Introduction to the topic. Preparatory exercises.

Teacher(reads a poem).

Poems play hide and seek,

There’s no one to drive...

Who wants a riddle?

Find clues?

Everybody wants,

C'mon! –

The game begins!..

Can you guess what we will do in class today?(Play with words.)

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Preparatory exercises.

Exercise “Photo Eye”.Read and remember.







The meaning of which word is unknown to you? Who will try to explain?
– List the words that were in this column. What words do you remember?

2. Tongue twister(slide).

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.
– Reading with acceleration.
– reading with logical emphasis on 1 word, etc.

3. Game “Find a word in a word”(slide).

The word "Gastronomy". What does it mean? (Groceries store.)


    Getting to know the biography.

Alexander Alexandrovich Shibaev(1923–1979), poet, trained as a professional military man and artilleryman. Graduated from the 3rd Leningrad Artillery School (1942), participated in the Great Patriotic War. After being wounded (1943) – commander of the cargo escort department.

He published his first poem for children (“About a Braggart”) in 1957 in the Lenin Sparks newspaper, and in 1959 he published his first book, “Girlfriends.”

Most of the books published by Shibaev (about fifteen in total) are well illustrated and represent integral works in which the word and the image are as a single whole.

Main collections: “The Letter Got Lost” (1965); "Naughty Letters" (1966); "Dot, Dot, Comma" (1970); “A lot of trouble with letters” (1971); “Poems Play Hide and Seek” (1975).

The final collections “Native Language, Be Friends with Me” (1981) and “Magic Language” (1996) were published posthumously.

3. Initial acquaintance with the work, students reading A. Shibaev’s poem “Who will find the word?”

Why did you smile while reading poetry? What made you happy?(We often made mistakes and chose the wrong word.)

What helped you find the correct answer?(Understanding meaning and rhyme.)

3 . Physical education minute

You and me

The turn has come

Play the game


I'll say the word

HIGH(rise on tiptoes)

And you will answer:

LOW(sit down).

I'll say the word

FAR(spread your arms wide)

And you will answer


I'll say the word

CEILING(rise on your toes)

And you will answer:

(sit down).

I'll say the word


And you will say...

I'll tell you a word


You will answer:




I will say, -

Well, answer:

John Ciardi

We continue the game “Who will find the word?”

Look, everyone has an envelope on your desks. Read what is written on it.(And what a word - very expensive!)

Let's find these precious words. The poems of A. Shibaev, which you will find in the envelope, will help us with this.

Children work in pairs. Then – a frontal check (collective).

Uncle Sasha is upset

He told me this...

Nastya is a nice girl,

Nastya goes to first grade.

But... it’s been a long time since Nastya

I don't hear the words...(hello).

And what a word -

Very expensive!

I met my neighbor Vitya...

The meeting was sad:

He's like a torpedo on me

Came from around the corner!

But - imagine! - in vain from Vitya

I was waiting for the word...(Sorry).

And what a word -

Very expensive!

He said about his granddaughter:

What a shame -

I gave her a briefcase

I see - I’m very happy!

But you can’t be silent like a fish,

Well I would say...(Thank you).

And what a word -

Very expensive!

A. Shibaev

What do these words have in common?(These are polite words.)

4. Creative work.

Assignment: try to write a poem yourself






5. Comparison of a poem composed by children with a poem by A. Shibaev.

Porridge is ripe in the meadow.

The cow Mashka eats porridge.

Masha likes lunch:

There is nothing tastier!

V. Summing up the lesson.

You learned a lot

Funny words

And more

All sorts of things

And if you

I remembered them

Not in vain

Your day is wasted.

Did we manage to play with words and with words?

Who helped us with this?(A. Shibaev.)

Listen to another poem by A. Shibaev, it will help you complete your homework.

A name is given to everything - both the beast and the object.

There are plenty of things around, but there are no nameless ones.

And all that the eye can see is above us and below us,

And everything that is in our memory is signified by words.

They can be heard here and there, on the street and at home:

One thing has long been familiar to us, the other is unfamiliar.

Words words words…

Language is both old and eternally new!

And it's so beautiful -

In a huge sea - a sea of ​​words

Swim every hour!

Homework:read expressively (pp. 17–19).

Alexander Aleksandrovich Shibaev (1923 - 1979), a native of Volkhov, shared the fate of his generation: he fought on the Leningrad front, was seriously wounded, struggled with illness for many years... And he wrote funny, joyful children's poems. His two “thick” books – “Holding Hands, Friends” (1977) and “Native Language, Be Friends with Me” (1981) – in terms of their meaning and artistic value, will outweigh the numerous reprints of some of the current popular poets. These two books turned out to be “many volumes heavier,” as one great Russian poet of the 19th century said about another. There were also thin books, publications in periodicals, in various collections and anthologies, so Shibaev’s poems reached the recipient, that is, children, and this is the main thing. A man of rare modesty and delicacy, according to the testimony of people who knew him well, the poet did not strive to be in the public eye, he simply did his favorite job very well, without betraying his talent.
But things never came to the point of recognizing Shibaev as a classic, a poet of the first magnitude, which is the greatest injustice and an indicator of the extreme limitations of writing and teaching circles. Understanding people - for example, the poet Mikhail Yasnov, an absolute expert and subtle promoter of real poetry - give Shibaev an honorable place in children's poetry of the last century. Shibaev's originality and skill are obvious, although he worked in the genre of play poetry, where only a person with truly remarkable talent can invent something new. Especially in poetry that “plays” with the native language. For children, Shibaev’s poems are a balm for the soul, because he does not hide the fact that the richness of the Russian language is difficult to master, it’s like finding a treasure, that the language must be felt (and for this you need to be able to feel at all!), but this is not a hopeless matter. His poetry is a rare type of creativity, when an absolutely frivolous, “humorous” matter gives a serious, vital result: the child begins to understand the beauty of his native language, treat it as a living being, love it and take care of it. Every teacher and every schoolchild should adopt poems, tongue twisters, all sorts of confusions and inversions invented by Shibaev, and then the native language will fulfill one of its most important functions - others will begin to understand you. And I will not dwell on the immense pleasure from Shibaev’s poetic and linguistic discoveries, which today’s native speakers define as “high,” leaving the readers to become discoverers and lifelong friends of the poet themselves.
Olga Korf

In this lesson you will learn some amazing features of words, learn to think about words when reading, find several words in one, solve unusual riddles, and also get acquainted with the poem by Alexander Shibaev “Who will find the word?”

Missed it (colloquial)- due to inattention, absent-mindedness, etc., miss; overlook, miss.

Read this tongue twister quickly, and then with logical emphasis on each word in turn.

On the first word:

Missed itlittle crow.

On the second word:

On the third word:

The crow missed the crow.

The meaning of the phrase depends on which word the logical emphasis is placed on.

Let's play a game called "Find the word in the word" .

Read the word:


Find out its meaning:

Deli - grocery store.

Find other words in this word:









The words are very interesting to read and play with.

Probably everyone has tried to write poetry. Let's try to write a poem in this lesson. Guess who our poem is about:

Horned, not a deer.

It is the cow that gives milk, not the cow.

(goat) (Fig. 2)

Read the poem and try to remember it:

The goat ran into the garden.

People came towards her.

Aren't you ashamed, fidget?

And the goat lowered her eyes.

And when the people dispersed,

I ran to the garden again!

Let's try to learn this poem. Look at the remaining last words and, using them, performing the appropriate movements for each verb, remember the entire poem:

________ ____ _ garden.

__ _________ _______ people.

___ __ ______ ____, fidget?

_ ____ ________ eyes.

_ _____ _________ people,

________ _____ to the garden!

We check:

I rangoat in the garden.

People came towards her.

Aren't you ashamed, fidget?

And the goat lowered her eyes.

And when the people dispersed,

I ranback to the garden!

The actions that you tried to remember and reproduce, and its meaning helped you remember the poem.

Try to guess the tricky riddles:

A simple question for kids,

Who is the cat afraid of?..(mice)

(dogs) (Fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Cat and dog ()

The mouse gets into the closet

And it squeaks from there...(woof)

(pee-pee-pee) (Fig. 4)

It's cold and damp in the park

The wind swirls the flakes...(cheese)

(snow) (Fig. 5)

Rice. 5. Snow in the park ()

Guard flour and rice

Let's invite family...(rats)

(cats) (Fig. 6)

Words can be deceiving. It turns out that writing poetry is not easy.

Read how Murzilka and Petya composed poems and what they came up with.

How good it is to be a poet

- Let's try to write a poem.

- Writing poetry is very simple.

- What should we write about?

- Whatever we see, we’ll write about it!

- The dog rushed across the yard,

- The cat climbed onto the fence,

- The birds are singing merrily,

- White clouds are floating.

- Grandfather left the store.

- He has a basket in his hands.

- And there’s jam in that basket.

- That's the whole poem!

Petya and Murzilka did not write a poem because they did not think about the topic they would write about.

Read a funny poem by Alexander Shibaev.

Who will find the word

The word was hidden somewhere.
The word is hidden and waiting:
“Let the guys find me,
Come on, who will find me!”

- Tell me, hunter, really,
How did you deal with the wolf?
- I caught him.
- But as?
- He ran into that ravine,
where the dope grass grows,
jump - and straight into my...

(trap)(Fig. 7)

Rice. 7. Boy hunter ()

Filipok for a perch
climbs into the river barefoot.
Filipok really wants
drive the perch into...

(net)(Fig. 8)

Rice. 8. Boy with a net ()

Grandfather Taras was surprised,
shook his beard:
weeds are on the ridge,
and carrots - in...

(furrow)(Fig. 9)

Our Mashenka is walking along the road,
She leads the goat by the rope.
And passers-by look with all their eyes:
- The girl is very long...

(braid)(Fig. 10)

I recognize the donkey myself
according to his big...

(ears)(Fig. 12)

From Arkashka's pockets
always pouring out...


There's a storm outside the window,
singing behind the wall...

(accordion)(Fig. 13)

- Dogs, don’t touch the camel,
This will end badly for you:
he deftly fights his enemies
with their big...

(with legs)(Fig. 14)

- Why is this cow?
vertically challenged?-
Vova of Light answers:
- It’s very simple,
this is a child
same …

(calf)(Fig. 15)

An elephant walks along the road.
What a trunk!
That's how the legs are!
The bridge caved in under the elephant.
The elephant has a huge...

(height)(Fig. 16)

Alexander Alexandrovich Shibaev (1923-1979) - a Leningrader, a modest, homely person (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. A.A. Shibaev ()

A dozen thin books for children were published during his lifetime. The final book, as it turned out, “Friends Holding Hands” (Fig. 18) was published in 1977.

Rice. 18. Cover of the book “Friends Holding Hands” ()

Posthumously, another large book appeared, “Native Language, Be Friends with Me” (Fig. 19), which was published in 1981. Shibaev finished writing it in his hospital bed.

Rice. 19. Cover of the book “Native language, be friends with me” ()

Book illustrator, artist Vadim Gusev (Fig. 20), wrote this:

“It was very interesting for me to play language, such a big, very complex game in which you need to think so much. This game is played with signs: punctuation marks, letters, words that form letters - all these are signs. Their purpose is to indicate meaning. This is the most interesting thing - to designate, this is why you need to think. It’s always interesting to think, and when you come up with it, you come up with it, you come up with it, it’s fun.

Every game is played according to the rules. You need to know the rules. Those who do not even know simple rules are laughed at. “He (she, they) is funny!” We have fun - we know how to do it right! Shibaev’s poems laugh with us!”

Rice. 20. Vadim Ivanovich Gusev ()

One can say about Alexander Shibaev that he heard a word, an object with his bare ears. And this heightened hearing is transmitted to the attentive listener and reader of his funny and educational poems.

Take Alexander Shibaev's poems from the library. Read and think, it's very exciting. Read with your parents and on your own.


1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.

2. Kubasova O.V. literary reading: Workbook for the textbook for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.

4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2nd grade. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.


1. Play the game “Find a word in a word” with your parents, write down the words that you get.

Words for the game: orange, medicine, Snow Maiden, mistrust.

2. Learn several deception riddles by heart.

3. Write one riddle.

Somehow, unexpectedly, I remembered the story “Absurd Things.” But I don’t know anything about its author, Alexander Shibaev. I wanted to find information about this talented children's writer. I'm sharing with you.

Alexander Alexandrovich Shibaev (1923 - 1979), a native of Volkhov, shared the fate of his generation: he fought on the Leningrad front, was seriously wounded, struggled with illness for many years... And he composed cheerful, joyful children's poems.

His two “thick” books - "Hold hands, friends"(1977) and “Native language, be friends with me”(1981) - in terms of its significance and artistic value, it will outweigh the numerous reprints of some of the current popularized poets. These two books turned out to be “much heavier volumes.”

There were also thin books, publications in periodicals, in various collections and anthologies, so Shibaev’s poems reached the recipient, that is, children, and this is the main thing.

A man of rare modesty and delicacy, according to the testimony of people who knew him well, the poet did not strive to be in the public eye, he simply did his favorite job very well, without betraying his talent. But things never came to the point of recognizing Shibaev as a classic, a poet of the first magnitude. Understanding people - for example, the poet Mikhail Yasnov, an undisputed expert and subtle promoter of real poetry - give Shibaev an honorable place in children's poetry of the last century.

Shibaev's originality and skill are obvious; he worked in the genre of play poetry, where only a person with truly remarkable talent can invent something new. Especially in poetry that “plays” with the native language.

For children, Shibaev’s poems are a balm for the soul, because he does not hide the fact that the richness of the Russian language is difficult to master, it’s like finding a treasure, that the language must be felt (and for this you need to be able to feel at all!), but this is not a hopeless matter. His poetry is a rare type of creativity, when an absolutely frivolous, “humorous” matter gives a serious, vital result: the child begins to understand the beauty of his native language, treat it as a living being, love it and take care of it.

Every teacher and every schoolchild should adopt poems, tongue twisters, all sorts of confusions and inversions invented by Shibaev, and then the native language will fulfill one of its most important functions - others will begin to understand you. And I will not dwell on the immense pleasure from Shibaev’s poetic and linguistic discoveries, which today’s native speakers define as “high,” leaving the readers to become discoverers and lifelong friends of the poet themselves.

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