Time is that. “The idea of ​​immortality in culture is to constantly suppress entropy”: Vadim Rudnev on time models

The mission of our time is precisely to direct culture, art, ethics, to the service of life. Jose Ortega y Gaset Philosophy XX cent.

Modern philosophy, like all spiritual culture, is difficult to evaluate and classify. Processes must “settle.” The main feature of the development of philosophy in the twentieth century. – pluralism of schools, directions; the emergence of new non-standard ideas and concepts. The reason for this is the democratization of public life, will is a catalyst for creativity, and creativity is always diversity.

Features of philosophy of the 20th century. Went far beyond the boundaries of academic audiences Appeared in its main manifestations of neoclassical Received distribution through publication, public lectures, symposiums, seminars, and the like The language of philosophy became understandable to every person, was addressed to the masses It was characterized by colossal diversity, diversity, saturation with varieties and options Radical revaluation of ideas, ideas, values; trend of minimalism For philosophy of the 20th century. there are no prohibited topics Updating previous philosophy Concentrating on the ideas of the 20th century.

Main directions Scientism is a worldview that positively evaluates the social consequences of scientific and technological revolution, and considers the main task of philosophy to be serving the rapid development of science. The most famous schools: - positivism - neopositivism

Irrationalism is a negative reaction to scientific and technological revolution, awareness of the unevenness of technical and spiritual progress; statement of spiritual crisis, pessimistic forecasts for the future. In the center - a person is lost and “neglected” in the modern world. Main schools: - Psychoanalysis - Neo-Freudianism - Philosophy of life - Existentialism

They do not take such extreme positions and are not included in this scheme: - Phenomenology - Pragmatism Theistic concepts: neo-Thomism and personalism

Positivism A philosophical movement based on the principle that positive consciousness is achieved only by specific sciences, and philosophy as a science has no right to exist.

Appears in the 30s - those years of the nineteenth century. , has three main historical forms: Classical positivism (Auguste Comte, E. Littre) Machism and empiriocriticism (Ernst Mach, R. Avenarius) Neopositivism (Bertrand Russell, L. Wittgenstein) Also known are such movements as logical positivism (M. Schlick, R. . Kapnap), linguistic positivism (J. Moore) and post-positivism or analytical philosophy - T. Kuhn, Lakatos.

“Most things and questions expressed about philosophical problems are nonsense,” argued L. Wittgenstein. – Most of the propositions and questions of philosophy appear due to the fact that we do not understand the logic of our language." Model of the world in the philosophy of neopositivism Ontology Communication Epistemology World Language Knowledge

Existentialism - the philosophy of existence - is an irrationalistic direction in modern philosophy. The founder, M. Heidegger, considered man not from the outside, not as an object of observation and study, but from the middle of her phenomenal world. What distinguishes the philosophy of existentialism? Turn to man (study of a specific individual person) Interpretation of will (emerges from an understanding of the essence of human existence) Irrationalism (irrational ways of comprehending reality)

“The philosophy of existentialism truly brought man face to face with the most important questions of life, making the inner world of man the only starting point for understanding all aspects of life. Therefore, it is not surprising that the ideas of this philosophy inspired many people during the Second World War.” H. Ortega y Gaset

Philosophy of life V. Dilthey Ortega y Gasset Jose, Georg Simmel Henri Bergson: “Creative evolution”, “Perception of variability” Friedrich Nietzsche: “Beyond good and evil”, “Thus spoke Zarathustra” Irrationalistic philosophical school, in the center of which the concept of “life” as an integral reality, not identical with either spirit or matter.

Psychoanalysis A psychological and philosophical concept that considers the flight of the unconscious to be the basis of human existence. Founder – Sigmund Freud (Freudianism -> neo-Freudianism) At the end of the 30s, neo-Freudianism arose, whose representatives (E. Fromm, K. Horney, etc.) tried to move away from Freud’s biologism and create a sociological and cultural doctrine

Studying various types of neuroses, S. Freud came to the conclusion that they are caused by the action of a rather powerful layer of the human psyche, powerful, but invisible, hidden; He called this layer of the psyche unconscious. “unconscious” is the main concept of Freudianism, and is the object of deeply psychological and socio-philosophical research. Sigmund Freud (1856 -1939) The influence of Freudianism on social thought in the 30s of the 20th century. it was huge; Freud's teaching contributed to the development of the so-called "sexual revolution." The most important thing is that it already irrefutably proved: a person and his behavior cannot be reduced to mental calculations, that in general a person arises much more complex than it seemed to classical culture.

Phenomenology is associated with the name of Edmund Husserl, who considers the subject of philosophy to be the realm of pure truths and a priori meanings. Pragmatism is an American philosophy of “action”, which reduces the essence of concepts, ideas, theories to practical operations of subordination N. C. Pierce, W. James, John Dewey Neo-Thomism is the modern stage in the development of Thomism, the teachings of Thomas Aquinas; received official recognition from the Vatican.

Edmund Husserl (1859 -1938) E. Husserl emphasized that we always deal with a hairdryer, that is, with what is provided to us, what appears before us

Personalism is a direction of theism in modern philosophy that recognizes personality as the primary creative reality and the highest spiritual value. Representatives: N. A. Berdyaev, L. Shestov, B. Bone. P. Ricker et al.

The worldview is based on pluralism - recognition of the plurality of opinions, will, and personalities. Personality is considered as the main manifestation of existence. The sources of personality are still rooted in a single beginning - God.

M. O. Berdyaev categorically declared that only a person can explain to us what a person is, and not vice versa. Especially there is an absolute, that is, a divine spiritual unit, and therefore in its original quality it arises as absolute freedom, that is, freedom away from everything, including from God, because in relation to God the person has the opportunity to determine himself. Nikolai Berdyaev (1874 -1948)

The mistake of most employers is that they confuse two concepts - “summary accounting” and “working hours”. Although summarized accounting is not a working time regime, but a way of keeping records of working time, a way of fulfilling the requirement contained in (“The concept of working time. Normal working hours”) that the employer is obliged to keep records of the time actually worked by each employee.

The concept of a working time regime is defined in, where you should especially pay attention to the norm, which sounds imperative: “the working time regime must provide for...”. The following lists everything that should be specified by the employer in the Internal Labor Regulations or, if the working hours for the employee differ from the established rules (for example, he is a part-time worker or an employee with whom an agreement on part-time work is agreed), in the employment contract:

  • length of the working week (five-day with two days off, six-day with one day off, working week with days off on a rotating schedule, part-time work week);
  • work with irregular working hours for certain categories of workers;
  • duration of daily work (shift), including part-time work (shift);
  • start and end times of work;
  • time of breaks from work;
  • number of shifts per day;
  • alternation of working and non-working days, which are established by internal labor regulations and an employment contract.

Flexible working hours

Flexible working hours are the only working time regime that allows you to get away from prescribing the duration of daily work and the start and end times of the working day. According to when working in flexible working hours, the beginning, end or total duration of the working day (shift) is determined by agreement of the parties. The employer ensures that the employee works the total number of working hours during the relevant accounting periods (working day, week, month and others).

The alternation of weekends and working days, the length of the week will be determined in the Labor Regulations. In this case, it is impossible to change the schedule unilaterally. To change the schedule, you must either ask for the employee’s consent, or justify this by changes in organizational or technological working conditions.

Clarifications on the flexible working time regime are given (“On approval of Recommendations on the application of flexible working time regimes in enterprises, institutions and organizations of sectors of the national economy”): “The GDV regime is a form of organization of working time in which for individual employees or teams of departments of the enterprise self-regulation of the beginning, end and total duration of the working day is allowed (within certain limits). In this case, it is required to fully work out the total number of working hours established by law during the accepted accounting period (working day, week, month, etc.).”

Despite the fact that the Labor Code does not say a word about the fact that with a flexible working time schedule it is necessary to keep summarized records, the very concept of a flexible working time schedule presupposes the introduction by the employer of summarized recording of working hours, since he will not be able to ensure that norms for a certain day and will establish an accounting period - week, month, etc.

Shift work

In a situation with summarized accounting of working hours, concepts such as “shift work” and “working week with days off on a staggered schedule” are often confused. It is worth keeping in mind that these are two different working hours.

Art. 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation defines shift work as work in two, three or four shifts, which “is introduced in cases where the duration of the production process exceeds the permissible duration of daily work, as well as for the purpose of more efficient use of equipment, increasing the volume of products or services provided” .

The most important condition for shift work is the rotation of workers (one shift/team replaces another). In case of shift work, the employer is obliged to familiarize the employee with the shift schedule no later than one month before it comes into effect. Working two shifts in a row is prohibited.

Summary accounting: basic rules

Non-standard working hours, flexible working hours, staggered days off, shift work require keeping a summary record of working time.

The main document to rely on in this case is. It answers the question: in what cases is it permissible to introduce summarized accounting? When the daily or weekly duration established for this category of workers (including workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions) cannot be observed.

The meaning of the summarized accounting of working hours is to select a certain accounting period so that, based on the results of this accounting period, the duration of working time does not exceed the normal number of working hours.

To account for the working time of workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, the Labor Code establishes an accounting period of three months, however, there is a caveat: for workers engaged in work with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions, due to the peculiarities technological process or for seasonal reasons, it is possible to increase such an accounting period for a period of more than three months, but in the presence of an industry agreement and a collective agreement and to no more than one year.

The normal number of working hours for the accounting period is determined based on the weekly working hours established for this category of workers. For employees working part-time (shift) and (or) part-time week, the normal number of working hours for the accounting period is reduced accordingly.

What length of working hours will an employee working on a “every three days” schedule have? In this case, we must proceed from the generally accepted norm: normal working hours do not exceed 40 hours per week. The employer establishes a certain accounting period within which these hours are distributed as desired, the main thing is to reach the standard hourly rate based on the results of the accounting period. Moreover, if the employer does not take the generally accepted working hours - 40 hours a week, but, for example, a 39-hour work week, then he will have to create his own production calendar.

The rules by which the standard working time is determined are announced: “the length of the working week (40, 39, 36, 30, 24, etc. hours) is divided by 5, multiplied by the number of working days according to the calendar of the five-day working week of a particular month and from the resulting number of hours is subtracted by the number of hours in a given month by which working hours are reduced on the eve of non-working holidays.”

Judicial practice shows that the essence of the summarized accounting of working time is to adjust the duration of time worked within the accounting period (month, quarter or year), if it deviates from the established norm, that is, overtime on some days is compensated by underwork on others (Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Central District dated 07/03/2006 in case No. A62-5389/2005).

Summarized accounting of working time, according to Art. 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, is carried out in accordance with the established Internal Labor Regulations.

Thus, to introduce summarized accounting it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm:

  • determine the duration of the accounting period;
  • determine the standard hours for the accounting period based on the weekly working hours established for this category of employees;
  • make a schedule;
  • establish a procedure for determining overtime hours;
  • establish a procedure for paying overtime and work on weekends/non-working holidays.

Summary accounting: overtime pay

Evgenia Konyukhova, a leading expert consultant on labor law and personnel records management, explains in a video how overtime work is paid.

Summary accounting: payment for holidays or weekends

If an employee’s working day falls on a non-working holiday, then the code “РВ” is entered in the working time sheet, despite the fact that this working day is included in the employee’s schedule. In this case, the employee is also subject to the provision for increased payment for work.

If an employee was involved in work on his day off or on a non-working holiday in excess of the monthly norm established for him or in excess of the norm in accordance with the accounting period, then such work will be subject to payment in accordance with. The employee can also take another day of rest.

If within the accounting period the employer has already paid for non-working holidays, then at the end of the accounting period he does not need to pay for them as overtime. An explanation is given in this case: “Since the legal nature of overtime work and work on weekends and non-working holidays is the same, payment in an increased amount simultaneously both on the basis of Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and Art. 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be unreasonable and excessive.”

The greatest paradox of our time is that all people are moving in a direction generally unknown to them. Esotericists believe that the driving principle of human life is love- the desire not to be alone, the desire to reunite with what is outside of you, the desire to unite with someone or something. But the program of thirst for love, deeply hidden in the subconscious, in our hectic life degenerates into a series of completely meaningless, stupid programs that do not correspond to the high human purpose. People love wallets, conveniences, titles - people seek salvation in small things, leaving Heights and Peaks in oblivion!

No matter how strange it may sound, health in its broadest sense is of great value. One might even say - the only value of human life. For without health, without peace and harmony in oneself, nothing else has value. Of course, we are not just talking about the health of physiological systems, we are talking about health as the full harmonious existence of an individual, in all its dimensions and aspects.

Oddly enough, true eroticism begins with self-love. Love for your own body is the key to caring for the “clothing” in which our spirit is clothed. Love for your own thoughts and experiences is the key to a careful and respectful attitude towards them, a guarantee of responsibility for everything spoken and thought.

The “great hymn” of the twentieth century says: “No one will give us deliverance, neither God, nor the king, nor the hero, we will achieve liberation with our own hand!” Health is a great value - but no one will give it to us for free. This value must be mined, cut down, dug up, smelted and protected. This value is not perceived as such in today's society. It is necessary to consistently take care of your own health, not to be a burden for others, not to burden them with your own flaws and shortcomings.

It was not said yesterday - “Take care of your honor from a young age.” Honor and cleanliness are synonyms for health. And health is the result of tireless self-improvement. For only regular efforts, labor and diligence “wash” the body’s channels and renew the power reserves that are so necessary to maintain immunity. Everyday life sows slag in us - the rubbish of grievances, the waste of conflicts, the rubbish of dissatisfaction with ourselves and the world, and in order to melt all this (generally valuable) ore supplied to us free of charge by Life, we are obliged to take care of our own health and ignite the flame of self-activity .

Health appears to us strategic target program, implying not only a project result, but also a detailed schedule of actions. It is necessary to consciously and systematically allocate energy and time for these self-healing actions - throughout the day, week, month and year. It is necessary to shift the entire spectrum of habits and stereotypes that determine our way of life, it is necessary to regularly clear the settings of our own subconscious, to be vigilant over ourselves, to stay awake and work. The experience of relaxation, the experience of prayer, the experience of cleansing and nutrition - all this should accumulate hourly. This is the only possible moral position of a cultured person. After all, inattention to one’s own health is immoral self-indulgence in relation to one’s neighbors and society as a whole, it is simply savagery and ignorance, which sooner or later crystallizes into illness,

Yes, the practice of health requires particularly high consciousness and serious knowledge, the synthesis of which gives rise to competent actions. Previously, grandfathers and grandmothers taught all this. Today, in a godless technocratic era, we ourselves must comprehend the basics of the “art of being healthy.” To understand in order to be able to. Find a connection with the Lord, bring out the Light from the depths of your own soul, learn to feed on the forces of Grace.

It is very difficult, or rather, very unusual, not to “get rid of a disease,” but to sweat to gain the power of health, accumulating pure and bright energies of joy and satisfaction day after day. This is a positive formulation: “Do not run from illness, but strive for health.” And the main obstacle on the way lies in our own internal defeatism, in disbelief in our own strengths and High Support. Both Nature and God are eager to help! You just need to want, trust, open up - and gratefully accept the destined currents - to the joy of yourself and the world. Particularly helpful on this path is careful monitoring of the real benefits that the movement towards health bestows on a person.

Health is a value, it is capital. And a strategically reliable attitude towards its acquisition is necessary. There is always something to improve for the better. There are few truly healthy people on the planet, although most of them are “virtually healthy.” But the quality of life is determined not so much by external as by internal, psychospiritual measures. All diseases of civilizations are diseases of lack of culture, well-concealed dishonesty and barely realized irresponsibility. If we imagine a person as a machine moving along the rails of its mission, then it becomes clear that elementary failure to maintain the mechanism sharply reduces the efficiency of our activities. It’s like a poorly maintained steam locomotive - and there’s too much wood burning, and it’s a shame for the excessively worn-out mechanism, and it’s a shame for the passengers who are innocently late...

The relevance of this task? Exorbitant! You just need to understand the strategy for acquiring a new value - health. Solvability? If there is a question, there is always an answer, you just need to organize a real project to achieve the goal. Actions? This is a matter of technique, a consequence of unconditional decision-making: “I want to be healthy because I just want to be!” Be, not seem to be! To be, not just to have! To exist, and not to vegetate and drag in the tail of evolution!

Our soul is a train station. And every conflict that passes through us, every incident, every misunderstanding leaves its own speck of dust, leaves a trace of chaos in us. Try not sweeping a station for a month - and you will be horrified by the results you get.

The culture of health is a constant battle with chaos within oneself. Psychotrauma, psychotrauma, psychotrauma. Our body must become a bastion, consciously - and not sleepily! - protected. It is necessary to constantly restore peace and tranquility, to prevent black feelings and evil thoughts, which every now and then are carved out when the flint of our soul collides with the steel of everyday life. Don't sleep - stay awake on yourself! And, spending little time taking care of yourself, you can gain years, even decades of a full, beautiful, highly cultured life.

It is necessary to cleanse the body of poisons produced by negative experiences and bad thoughts every day. Everyday spiritual effort is necessary - an effort fueled by faith, hope and love. A constant awareness of the paramount importance of the mind and will in gaining the health of the soul, and therefore the body, is necessary.

During the Cold War era, we were told that in the United States everyone did nothing but drink whiskey and smoke cigars - it turned out that they jogged and drank organic juices. It turned out that their favorite motto is “do it yourself!” And it’s not about diets or even the quality of clothes we wear. The problem is hidden in the creative attitude towards creating oneself and in responsibility for oneself before God.

Because of ignorance and laziness, we have forgotten what true health is, we are sad and sad, regret and complain, without even thinking about the fact that lack of health takes away the lion's share of our capabilities. After all, it is not for nothing that it is written: “The organization of the body is the work of God, for everyone’s body is the temple of the Spirit of the Lord.” Health is a condition for revealing all our potentials, all our positive personal qualities. And if we really want a lot from our own current earthly existence - we want creative results, unique experiences, and high pleasures - we simply must be healthy!

This is not easy, because human souls are corrupted by fear and doubt. But faith in success and hope for healing are irresistibly powerful! Healing is the work of soul and body, it is a responsibility in serving the world, of which we are particles. Healing is self-realization and self-forging.

Health is the most important of human values, because everything else depends entirely on its possession - love, career, and creativity. And this value cannot be bought for any money, and it cannot be stocked up once and for all. It must be regularly earned through one’s own labor - difficult and continuous labor, for only thanks to health can a person achieve a truly great goal - the realization of all his creative potentials and Living Connection with the energies of Existence. And the path of every sick person to health begins with the main thing - with the awakening of the soul, with the ignition of thirst in it be healthy at all costs. Remember the riddle of K.S. Stanislavsky - “What does a bird do before it flies?” Spreading your wings is the second thing. The first thing a bird needs to do is decide to fly and take a full chest of air - the air of Faith, Love and Hope!

How to heal yourself? Faith is real strength. Hope is living power. Love is an all-pervading luminous wave that is more real and more powerful than any obstacles. It is very important to understand that health is ethics, and you don’t need to call your own body to this - you need to explain he needs it to come in into a dialogue with your own body - and through the power of your own conviction, to prove to all the cells of your body that it is simply necessary to love your neighbors, maintain cleanliness, work hard and enjoy everything that the present day brings.

Initiates of all times and peoples poetically called healing “turning to the Light”: “The doctor does nothing but transfer his client to the side of the Forces of Light across the border of despondency and doubt, disconnects him from chaos and restores communication with heaven.”

No matter how great the dominance of materialistic technocratism in the developed countries of the world, in recent years the so-called behavioral medicine has received a powerful impetus for development. It is synonymous with psychomedicine - the art of using the patient's psychic powers to heal his body. In the USA alone, today there are more than 400 centers teaching this new art - the art of caring for the soul: “By caring for the body, we heal the spirit, but the opposite effect is more natural and reliable” (Joan Borisenko). Currently at the forefront of behavioral medicine is the New York Institute for Health Advancement, headed by Ilen Growald. Specialists working within the framework of this extensive treatment and research structure have now achieved fantastic success in relieving patients of herpes, bronchial asthma, all kinds of allergies, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hypertension and migraines.

This is how its director A. Growald defines the activities of the Institute for Health Improvement: “Our goal is to involve the patient in the treatment process. When you sit in a doctor's office and passively listen to his instructions, it is simply impossible to feel like a full participant in the fight against the disease. This feeling especially often occurs when you ask a doctor questions about the side effects of prescribed medications or about alternatives to the chosen course of treatment. However, involving the patient in the healing process implies something more. A participant in treatment is not just an informed consumer of medical services. This is a person who is able to apply new methods of effective mind control over physiology in order to actively contribute to the process of his healing.”

Self-healing is a moral position; it is not just a set of actions, but a spiritual choice. After all, only helplessness drives people to the grave. In order to live, you need mental fortitude, resourcefulness and love of life. Only these high experiences turn out to be the key to solving the problem of illness. Only in this high solemn state can one find ways to project the projective activity of consciousness onto one’s own body.

The healer discusses the most secret, the most intimate with the patient, inviting him to awareness and understanding of what is happening to him. Without this, it is impossible to maintain control over one’s own life: without coming to terms with reality, the patient finds himself in the grip of fear. Only by coming to terms with the idea of ​​the need to temporarily coexist with the disease does the patient learn to weed out the unnecessary and take with him what is truly important and valuable. He learns to change what can be changed - and calmly accepts what for the time being is not subject to correction.

Behavioral healers understand that mentality has a radical influence on all illnesses. They know that the emotional mood itself has a tremendous stimulating effect on the body’s nonspecific defense systems from pathogenic environmental factors. The psychospiritual state changes - the qualitative composition of the internal environment of the body changes. This correction invariably includes the forces of self-organization, ridding the body of any diseases. Of course, you need to skillfully select your patients - patients who are ready to fight for life, people in whom you can awaken fierce resistance to the disease. It is necessary to revive in them the ability to enjoy, the ability to rejoice and love their own unique being.

In the end, psychology must prevail over the zoological nature of modern healing. Learning the art of control over your body is learning to consciously cooperate with the flow of your life. It is necessary to give a person perspective and independence. It is necessary to teach him how to combat the disease and refine his understanding of everything that is happening to him. In the end, a person must feel like he is in control of the situation and perform the healing on his own. For example, Dr. Sytin’s mood is not a drug at all, but putting the soul and its meanings in order, restoring the living structure of the inner world. Let us remember the Bible: “Your faith has saved you.” The act of faith is psychoenergetically healing. Treasures sealed in the depths of our body are hidden in each of us. You just need to bring them back to life, awaken them and put them into action.

We want our children to be healthy, but we ourselves scream and stamp our feet on them, leaving the reality of the psychoenergetic connection between parent and child in oblivion. No engineer will approach an unfamiliar device without first carefully studying the operating instructions. But no one even mentions “instructions to a person.” But our body needs a kind of lubrication and cleaning, it needs careful operation, it needs attention to higher control systems - to the psyche, that is, to ethics.

Spiritual health consists of careful observance of God's Commandments, the desire to fit into the Universe, humanity and oneself, and a thirst for spirituality, i.e. aspiration for a higher quality of life, for the experience of unity with the world.

Everyone who strives for true health needs to understand the main thing: the human spirit, nourished by the spirit of the Lord, is able to overcome any obstacles and achieve any reasonably set goal! Light your candle in your home, think about the heart flames of those who are close to you, who are related to you in spirit - and let our Earth become a single temple, in which, day and night, millions of hearts will glow with hope and faith in love and prayer. Actually, this is Esoteric Medicine - romantic, spiritual, cosmically solemn. Healing is a synonym for the creativity of the spirit striving for happiness. All our saints, all the prophets and fathers spoke about the same thing - we ourselves (and only ourselves!) can and must reconfigure ourselves to something better and purer. And only then will we be worthy of a truly healthy life. Because of stupidity and mistakes, fear of life and lack of faith in ourselves, we collectively fell into spiritual poverty, after which poverty, pain, and illness came into our lives. The main misconception of our time is that everyone believes that happiness and health depend entirely on the reality of the environment and external events. No and no again! In all centuries, on all continents, saints and prophets, mentors and teachers have spoken about the opposite: the human spirit controls everything, you just need to understand this and get down to business.

Perhaps not everything is as simple as it is stated on paper, for any healing is a feat and an act of personal heroism. But let's look and hope, let's try and try to live better: “Let's laugh without waiting for the moment when we feel happy, otherwise we risk dying without ever laughing” (Jean de La Bruyère).

And one last thing. René Descartes wrote: “I think, therefore I exist.” But after all, everything that exists thinks and feels - everything that exists thinks, both itself and its environment. And in this ability to think about oneself - to think creatively, transforming, harmonizing - is hidden the greatest of the Secrets of Nature. The Lord endowed all the diverse elements of His Creation with the unlimited potential of reason and love, for He could not deprive His Creation of that which is its own essence and nature. Recognition of a person, who is part of the Cosmos and a reflection of the Perfections of God, the right and opportunity for adequate thinking and free will, invariably entails recognition spiritual content of existence. Everything that is, everything that exists in the created world is spiritualized. Awareness of the fact pervasive spirituality awakens in the heart respect for existence and care for everything that is beyond personal boundaries. This is how the art of self-healing is born - the art of caring for what is not you yourself, but what is connected with you and given to you as an assignment.



The relevance to the study of thought processes in management activities (MA) is determined by my interest in the study of the psychological features of DM. The specificity of management activities lies in the fact that the objects of influence are people, individuals. Such a subject is characterized by a high level of complexity in management and requires a lot of mental work from the manager, which means that mental processes play a special role here.

The purpose of the work is to study the thought processes in the individual activity of a certain person.

Thinking occupies the most important place in a leader’s activity.

Thinking is not only a result, but also a prerequisite for practical activity, development, increase and use of knowledge, an indispensable condition and prerequisite for changing reality, changing the objective conditions of life and thereby all human abilities

Thinking- this is a socially determined process, inextricably linked with speech, a process of generalized indirect reflection and cognition of the phenomena of reality in their essential features and relationships. Thinking is formed and functions on the basis of data from sensory cognition (sensation, perception), but goes far beyond their limits.

Basic properties of thinking: inextricable connection with speech, social character, generalization, indirectness, problematic.

Thinking like process carried out through a system of basic operations.

Basic operations of thinking: analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, specification, comparisons, categorization, etc.

Analysis is the identification of certain aspects, properties, elements, connections and relationships in an object.

Generalization is the establishment and selection of similar essential features in objects, as well as their unification into groups based on common properties.

Abstraction is a mental distraction from certain properties of an object, usually not significant, and highlighting its most significant aspects.

Concretization is an operation of transition from the general to the particular, the application of general knowledge in relation to particular, specific cases and situations.

Comparison is the establishment of similarities and differences between compared objects.

Basic forms of thinking: concept, judgment, inference.

A concept is a way of designing and designating a thought, which reflects the general, essential and distinctive features of objects and phenomena of reality.

Judgment is a reflection and fixation of connections and relationships between objects and phenomena of reality or between their properties and characteristics, as well as a person’s evaluative attitude towards them.

Inference is a connection between concepts and judgments, as a result of which from one or more premises a person receives a new judgment - a consequence, a conclusion, i.e. new knowledge for him.

Thinking, having a goal-oriented nature, unfolds from the initial uncertainty of conditions and methods of behavior to the search, and then to finding an “answer” - understanding the situation, introducing certainty into it, obtaining new knowledge, finding and developing ways to overcome it.

The first, initial stage of the thinking process is the emergence of a problem situation, a person’s awareness of it and his presentation of this situation as a task.

The second stage is the actual mental search, aimed at analysis, comprehension, and resolution of the problem.

The third stage is finding the principle of the solution, the emergence of a key idea that contributes to finding a solution.

The fourth stage is the specification and detailing of the general solution and its implementation in behavior. All these general provisions, which reveal the psychological content of thinking, form the basis for determining its specificity in the activities of a leader.

These general provisions reveal the psychological content of thinking and form the basis for determining its specificity in the activities of a leader.

The present perfect tense, or Present Perfect Tense, is a rather complex tense form for a Russian-speaking person. But the whole point is that in Russian there is no equivalent to this grammatical form. We are immediately confused by the fact that the Present Perfect refers to both the present and the past tense. How is this possible? Let's find out!

Present Perfect Tense (Present Perfect Tense) is a tense form of a verb that expresses the connection of a past action with the present time. That is, the present perfect tense conveys an action performed in the past, but the result of this action is visible at the present moment. For example:

  • We've bought a new car. — We bought a new car → At the moment we have a new car, that is, the action took place in the past, but the result is visible at the present moment.

Present Perfect is translated into Russian in the same way as Past Simple - in the past tense. For example:

  • Present Perfect: I’ve written many letters - I wrote a lot of letters
  • Past Simple: Last month I wrote many letters - Last month I wrote a lot of letters

The difference in the meaning of these tenses is that the Past Simple expresses a past action, timed to a specific moment in the past and not related to the present. The Present Perfect expresses a past action that is not confined to any moment in the past and has a result in the present. The difference in the meanings of the Past Simple and Present Perfect tenses can be seen in the following example:

  • What have you done? - What have you done? (The questioner is interested in the result)
  • I’ve cooked dinner - I prepared lunch (Lunch is ready now)
  • What did you do an hour ago? - What were you doing an hour ago? (The questioner is interested in the action itself, not its result)
    I cooked dinner - I was preparing lunch (It doesn’t matter whether dinner is ready at the moment)

If the time of a past action is indicated by time circumstances or context, the Past Simple is used. If the time of a past action is not indicated by time circumstances and is not implied by the context, the Present Perfect is used.

The Present Perfect is primarily used in colloquial speech to describe events in the present tense that are the result of past actions.

Rules for the formation of Present Perfect Tense

Mean + have/ has + Past Participle …

In the interrogative form of Present Perfect Tense, the auxiliary verb to have is placed before the subject, and the Past Participle of the main verb is placed after the subject.

Have/Has + Mean. + Past Participle...?

The negative form is formed using the negation not, which comes after the auxiliary verb and, as a rule, merges with it into one whole:

  • have not → haven’t
  • has not → hasn’t

Mean + have/ has + not + Past Participle …

Conjugation table for the verb to lie in Present Perfect Tense

NumberFaceAffirmative formInterrogative formNegative form
Unit h.1
I have (I"ve) lied
You have (you"ve) lied
He/ She/ It has (He"s/ She’s) lied
Have I lied?
Have you lied?
Has he/ she/ it lied?
I have not (haven"t) lied
You have not (haven"t) lied
He/ She/ It has not (hasn"t) lied
Mn. h.1
We have (we"ve) lied
You have (you"ve) lied
They have (they"ve) lied
Have we lied?
Have you lied?
Have they lied?
We have not (haven"t) lied
You have not (haven"t) lied
They have not (haven"t) lied

Rules for using Present Perfect Tense:

1. To express a past action associated with the present tense, if the sentence does not contain any time circumstances. Examples:

  • I’ve seen wolves in the forest - I saw wolves in the forest
  • We've heard so much about them - We've heard so much about them
  • The snow has stopped, you can leave - The snow has stopped, you can leave
  • I have fallen off a horse - I fell from a horse
  • You’ve got nine - You got nine
  • He has become part of our life - He has become part of our life

2. If the sentence contains such adverbial words or adverbs of indefinite time and repetition as:

  • ever - ever
  • never - never
  • often - often
  • always - always
  • yet - yet
  • rarely - rarely
  • already - already
  • rarely - rarely
  • several times - several times
  • I haven’t had lunch yet - I haven’t eaten lunch yet
  • He has already made good progress - He has already made good progress
  • She’s always been hardworking person - She has always been a hardworking person
  • Have you ever been to London? - Have you ever been in London?
  • No, never - No, never

3. If in the sentence the period of time indicated has not yet ended at the time of speech with such detailed words and adverbs of a specific time as:

  • today - today
  • all day - all day
  • this morning - this morning
  • this month - this month
  • just - just now
  • I haven’t had time to look at the paper today - I didn’t have time to look at the papers today
  • She hasn’t seen me today - She didn’t see me today
  • They must be there, I’ve just seen them - They must be there, I just saw them

Present Perfect use with a preposition 4. If the sentence contains such time circumstances that indicate the period during which the action took place (starting from a certain moment in the past to the present):

  • for a long time - for a long time
  • for the past two years (days, months, hours) - during the last two years (days, months, hours)
  • for three days (hours, months, years) - within three days (hours, months, years)
  • for ages - an eternity
  • how long - how long
  • up to now - until now
  • up to the present - until now
  • lately - recently
  • Have you bought anything new lately? — Have you bought anything new recently?
  • She hasn’t written to me up to now - She hasn’t written to me until now
  • Where have you been for the past two years? — Where have you been for the last two years?
  • We haven’t seen each other for ages - We haven’t seen each other for ages

Or if the sentence contains time circumstances that indicate only the beginning of such a period:

  • since - since, since then, since
  • They have been partners since 2005 - They have been partners since 2005
  • I have owned this flat since my parents bought it for me - I have owned this apartment since my parents bought it for me
  • I haven’t seen you since May, have I? “I haven’t seen you since May, have I?”

This was the basic information on the topic of Present Perfect Tense. As you can see, everything is not so complicated. It is important to learn adverbial words and adverbs that indicate the present perfect tense, and then everything becomes much easier. You will comprehend other nuances of this time of the English language in the process of improving the language.

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