Which of the following is an example of rational environmental management? Rational environmental management

Geography tests, grade 10

Topic: Geography of the world's natural resources. Pollution and environmental protection

Option 1

  1. Polymetallic ores
  2. Nuclear power
  3. Sea water
  4. Forest resources

A2 Which statement about the availability of natural resources is true?

  1. Cultivated lands occupy 70% of the world's land fund
  2. Freshwater resources account for 40% of the total volume of the hydrosphere
  3. Arable lands are mainly distributed in forest, forest-steppe and steppe zones
  4. There are about 6 thousand coal mines in the world

A3 The “tin belt” includes states

  1. Algeria, Egypt
  2. Thailand, Malaysia
  3. Zambia, Zimbabwe
  4. Iraq, Kuwait

A4 The most effective way to overcome water shortages is

  1. Rational use of water resources
  2. Desalination of the World Ocean waters
  3. Iceberg transportation
  4. Reducing water consumption by the population

A5 Contributes to nature conservation

  1. Widespread development of electric transport
  2. Creation of hydroelectric power station cascades on rivers
  3. Conversion of thermal power plants from gas to coal
  4. Development of intensive agriculture in the equatorial rain forest zone

A6 Contributes to the protection of the hydrosphere

  1. Limiting the use of mineral fertilizers
  2. Irrigation of fields
  3. Swamp drainage
  4. Creation of artificial channels

A7 Soil salinization is typical for natural areas

  1. Deserts and semi-deserts
  2. Taigi
  3. Tundra
  4. Tropical rainforest

A8 An example of rational environmental management is

  1. Transportation of petroleum products on sea vessels
  2. Land reclamation in coal mining areas
  3. Disposal of nuclear waste at landfills
  4. Creation of reservoirs on lowland rivers

A9 Areas of cultivated land prevail in countries

  1. North Africa
  2. South Asia
  3. Australia
  4. Latin America

A10 Which statement about environmental management is true?

  1. Floating wood along rivers is the most environmentally friendly way to transport it.
  2. Waste recycling is an environmentally friendly technology
  3. Only animals are protected in nature reserves
  4. The construction of reservoirs on rivers does not have any negative impact on nature

A11 A special type of protected areas with little changed picturesque landscapes, with rich flora and fauna, where nature protection is combined with the recreational functions of the territory, is called

  1. Reserve
  2. Biosphere Reserve
  3. Reserve
  4. National natural park

Part 2

  1. Exhaustible non-renewable A) solar energy
  2. Inexhaustible B) fresh water
  3. Exhaustible renewable B) uranium

Q2 Which three natural resources are considered inexhaustible?

  1. Climatic
  2. Flow energy
  3. Wind energy
  4. Soil
  5. Forest

Q3 Rank regions according to their increasing share of global geological natural gas reserves

  1. America
  2. Foreign Europe
  3. Foreign Asia
  4. Africa

Q4 Select from the listed countries three countries that are leaders in proven oil reserves

  1. Saudi Arabia
  2. Venezuela
  3. Poland
  4. Kuwait
  5. Australia

Q5 Which three countries are the leaders in the world in terms of arable land area?

  1. USA 4) Mexico
  2. Niger 5) Russia
  3. India 6) Argentina

Q6 Rank the regions of the world by decreasing forest area

  1. Foreign Europe
  2. Foreign Asia
  3. Africa
  4. Latin America

Part 3

C1. What are the negative consequences of the construction of reservoirs on lowland rivers? Specify at least two consequences _________________________________________________

C2 It is known that among the economic regions of Russia, the leader in air pollution with sulfur dioxide is the East Siberian economic region. Which sectors of the economy are associated with such pollution? Please provide at least two reasons.


Option 2

Part 1

Choose one correct answer

A1 An example of an exhaustible renewable natural resource is

  1. Brown coal
  2. Nuclear energy
  3. Forest resources
  4. Sea water

A2 Which statement about the provision of natural resources to the countries of the world is true?

  1. China has the largest coal reserves
  2. The largest bauxite deposits are located in Saudi Arabia
  3. Rivers in Southern Europe have hydroelectric potential
  4. Mexico is a leader in industrial timber harvesting

A3 The main area of ​​phosphorite mining among those listed is

  1. India, Madagascar
  2. O.Nauru, Morocco
  3. Argentina, Australia
  4. Suriname, Venezuela

A4 Specially protected areas, completely withdrawn from their economic use, where systematic scientific observations are carried out, are

  1. National parks
  2. Reserves
  3. Wildlife sanctuaries
  4. Natural monuments

A5 Flooding and waterlogging of land most often occurs

  1. In open-pit mining
  2. As a result of deforestation
  3. When creating reservoirs
  4. As a result of improper soil treatment

A6 Soil salinity is mainly caused by

  1. Improper plowing
  2. Improper irrigation
  3. Draining the swamps
  4. Violation of crop rotation

A7 The main source of ocean pollution is

  1. Fish processing waste
  2. Household waste
  3. Oil transport
  4. Harvesting sea animals

A8 Pasture areas predominate in

  1. North Africa
  2. South Asia
  3. Australia
  4. Western Europe

A9 Has a high share of forests per capita

  1. Gabon
  2. India
  3. China
  4. Italy

A10 An example of rational environmental management is

  1. Conversion of road transport to gas
  2. Swamp drainage
  3. Creation of closed cycles in production
  4. Construction of high pipes in enterprises

A11 Areas of territory that are forever withdrawn from economic use to preserve the entire natural complex in its natural state are called

  1. Wildlife sanctuaries
  2. Forest districts
  3. National natural parks
  4. Nature reserves

Part 2

B1 Establish a correspondence between the types of natural resources and the natural resources to which they belong

Type of natural resources Natural resources

  1. Exhaustible non-renewable A) geothermal energy
  2. Inexhaustible B) fish
  3. Exhaustible renewable B) apatites

Q2Rank lands according to their decreasing share in the area of ​​the world land fund

  1. Arable land, gardens
  2. Unproductive lands
  3. Meadows, pastures
  4. Forests

Q3 Select from the listed countries three countries that are leaders in total geological coal reserves

  1. Indonesia 4) Venezuela
  2. Libya 5) China
  3. USA 6) Australia

Q4 Rank the regions of the world by decreasing share of world oil reserves

  1. North America
  2. Latin America
  3. Foreign Asia
  4. Australia and Oceania

Q5 Rank the regions of the world by decreasing share of the world's fresh water resources

  1. Europe
  2. Asia
  3. Africa
  4. South America

Q6 Select three examples of unsustainable environmental management

  1. Conversion of thermal power plants to gas
  2. Using waste as secondary raw materials
  3. Terracing of slopes
  4. Burying toxic substances in deep-sea depressions
  5. Increase in the size of whaling
  6. Creation of mine waste heaps

Part 3

C1 It is known that the application of nitrogen fertilizers to the soil has negative consequences, especially in cases where the dose of these fertilizers is significant. Indicate at least two negative consequences that such chemical reclamation leads to


C2 Being a powerful stimulus for the development of global transport, road transport is one of the main sources of environmental pollution. What negative consequences does an increase in the number of road transport lead to? Please provide at least two reasons



Option 1

A1 – 4 B1 – 1-B, 2-A, 3 - B

A2 -3 B2 – 1,2,3

A3-2 B3 – 2,4,1,3

A4- 1 B4 -1,2,4

A5 – 1 B5 – 1,3,5

A6- 1 B6 – 4,2,3,1


A8 -2

A9 – 2

A10 – 2

A 11 – 4

C1 – Leads to disruption of the ecological balance in the area. Consequences: rising groundwater, changes in microclimate, changes in river flow speed, changes in flora and fauna, destruction of banks

C2 – Industries: thermal power engineering, ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy

Reasons: powerful thermal power plants of the Kansk-Achinsk fuel and energy complex; copper-nickel plants; Aluminum production plants are located

Option 2

A1- 3 B1 - 1-B, 2-A, 3- B

A2 – 1 B2 – 2,4,3,1

A3 – 2 B3 – 3,5,6

A4 – 2 B4 – 3,2,1,4

A5 – 3 B5 – 2,4,1,3

A6 – 2 B6 -4.5.6

A7 – 3

A8 – 3

A9 -1

A10 -3

A11 -1

C1 – accumulation in plants used for human food and, as a result, possible poisoning; overgrowing of water bodies, air pollution

C2 – release into the environment of waste from the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels, most of which is toxic; noise pollution affecting the health of citizens

For a long time, humanity has been satisfying its needs for food, warmth, and recreation using natural resources. In some cases, our activities cause irreparable harm to the environment. Therefore, we must use natural resources rationally.

This will allow us to economically and justifiably consume the gifts that our planet gives us. Rational environmental management, examples of which will allow us to delve into this issue, requires detailed consideration.

Concept of environmental management

Before considering examples of rational and irrational environmental management, it is necessary to define this concept. There are two main interpretations.

The first definition considers environmental management as a system of reasonable consumption of resources, which allows reducing the rate of processing and allows nature to recover. This implies that man does not infringe upon himself in the use of the gifts of the environment, but improves the technologies available to him for the full use of each natural resource.

The second definition states that environmental management is a theoretical discipline that considers ways to improve the rational use of available resources. This science is looking for ways to optimize this issue.

Resource classification

Rational environmental management, examples of which should be considered in more detail, requires thoughtful use of resources. It is necessary to understand what is meant by them. Natural resources are not created by man, but are used for his purposes.

These funds are classified according to different criteria. Depending on the direction of use, there are industrial, recreational, medicinal, scientific and other resources. There is also a division into renewable and non-renewable groups. The first category includes the energy of wind, sun, ocean water, etc.

Natural resources are non-renewable. First of all, this should include oil, gas, coal and other fuel raw materials.

These approaches to grouping are conditional. After all, even the energy of the sun will one day be inaccessible to us. After a huge number of years, our star will still go out.

Types of natural resources

Existing natural resources are usually divided into several groups. They need to be considered in more detail. First of all, water resources are widely used in the modern world. We consume them and use them for technical purposes. It is necessary to maintain the purity of these resources without disturbing the original habitats of underwater flora and fauna.

The second important group is land resources. An example of rational environmental management is the plowing, for example, of natural landscapes for crops that, after their growth, do not deplete the soil.

Natural resources also include minerals, forests, flora and fauna. Energy resources are very important to us.

Signs of rationality

Considering today's human actions, for example, industrial production, agriculture, tourism, changes in natural landscapes, it is sometimes difficult to say unambiguously which of the above is an example of rational environmental management. After all, human activities affect our environment.

Rational environmental management is the most harmonious interaction between us and the world. This concept has several characteristic features.

The use of the gifts of nature is rational if in the process of their activities a person uses new technologies, as well as intensive approaches to production. To achieve this, waste-free manufacturing methods for new products are being introduced, and all technological processes are being automated.

This approach to management is typical for developed countries of the world. They serve as an example for many other states.

Irrational environmental management

Examples of rational environmental management are found everywhere today. But there is also a reverse approach to farming. It is characterized by a mass of negative phenomena, representing a dangerous trend both for the producing country and the whole world.

Irrational use of environmental resources is characterized as unreasonable, predatory consumption. At the same time, people do not think about the consequences of their actions. The irrational approach also has its own characteristic features. First of all, this includes an extensive approach to conducting business activities. At the same time, outdated technologies and production methods are used.

Such cycles are illogical and not fully thought through. The result is a lot of waste. Some of them harm the environment, human health, and even lead to the death of entire species of living beings.

Irrational environmental management is leading humanity into the abyss, an ecological crisis. This approach to management is typical for the countries of Latin America, Asia and Eastern Europe.

Basic examples

There are several main activities that can clearly be classified as one or another group of environmental resource use. An example of rational environmental management is the use of waste-free production technologies. For these purposes, closed or full cycle processing enterprises are created.

In this matter, it is important to constantly improve technology and approaches to manufacturing products. One of the main examples could also be the creation of protected areas, where measures are actively taken to protect and restore flora and fauna.

Human activity is depriving many species of animals and plants of their habitats. Changes are sometimes so strong that it is almost impossible to reverse them. Another example of rational environmental management is the restoration of natural resource development sites and the creation of natural landscapes.

Generally Accepted Principles

The world has adopted a general system according to which national principles of environmental management are recognized as appropriate. They must not cause irreparable damage to the environment. This is the main principle that puts the interests of nature above economic gain.

Several principles have been developed that can be an example of rational environmental management. Is draining swamps, thoughtless deforestation, and destruction of rare species of animals, according to these postulates, a real crime? Undoubtedly! People must learn to consume the minimum amount of resources.

Ways to improve the situation

Considering the rational management of natural resources, examples of which were given above, it should be said about real methods for its improvement. They are successfully used all over the world. First of all, enterprises conducting research in the field of increasing the comprehensiveness of natural resource development are financed.

Methods for the thoughtful placement of production facilities in each specific ecological zone are also being introduced. Production cycles are being changed to reduce waste as much as possible. Taking into account the characteristics of the region, the economic specialization of enterprises is determined and environmental protection measures are developed.

Also, taking into account the peculiarities of the environmental situation, monitoring and control of the consequences of one or another type of human activity is carried out. The global community is faced with the need to introduce the latest technologies and carry out environmental protection measures to maintain the environmental characteristics of the environment in which humanity can exist. After all, we are only a few steps away from the point of no return, when it will be impossible to restore the previous natural conditions.

Examples of the global community

A global example of rational environmental management is the organization of economic activities in New Zealand. This country has completely switched to inexhaustible energy sources and has established the priority value of protected areas.

It is a leader in eco-tourism. Forests in this country remain unchanged; their cutting down, as well as hunting, are strictly prohibited here. Many economically developed countries are also gradually switching to solar and wind energy. Each state undertakes, to the extent possible, to apply methods that increase the rationality of environmental management.

Having considered the rational management of natural resources, examples of which were presented above, one can understand its importance. The future of all humanity depends on our attitude towards the world around us. Scientists say that an environmental disaster is already close. The world community is obliged to take all measures to improve the organization of economic activities carried out by humans.

Nature management- is an activity of human society aimed at through the use of...

There are rational and irrational use of natural resources.

Irrational environmental management

Irrational use of natural resources - is a system of environmental management in which readily available natural resources are used in large quantities and incompletely, resulting in rapid depletion of resources. In this case, a large amount of waste is produced and the environment is heavily polluted.

Irrational use of natural resources is typical for an economy developing through new construction, development of new lands, use of natural resources, and an increase in the number of employees. Such an economy initially brings good results at a relatively low scientific and technical level of production, but quickly leads to a decrease in natural and labor resources.

Rational environmental management

is a system of environmental management in which extracted natural resources are fully used, restoration of renewable natural resources is ensured, production waste is fully and repeatedly used (i.e. waste-free production is organized), which can significantly reduce environmental pollution.

Rational use of natural resources is characteristic of intensive farming, which develops on the basis of scientific and technological progress and good organization of labor with high labor productivity. An example of rational environmental management there can be a zero-waste production in which waste is completely used, resulting in reduced consumption of raw materials and minimized environmental pollution.

One of the types of waste-free production is the repeated use in the technological process of water taken from rivers, lakes, boreholes, etc. The used water is purified and re-entered into the production process.

A system of measures aimed at maintaining the interaction between human activities and the natural environment is called nature conservation. Environmental protection is a complex of various measures aimed at ensuring the functioning of natural systems. Rational environmental management implies ensuring the economical exploitation of natural resources and the conditions of human existence.

The system of specially protected natural areas includes reserves, national parks, sanctuaries, and natural monuments. A tool for monitoring the state of the biosphere is environmental monitoring - a system of continuous observations of the state of the natural environment in connection with human economic activities.

Nature conservation and rational use of natural resources

In the process of the formation of the science of ecology, there was a confusion of concepts about what determines the essence of this science in general and the structure of the ecological cycle of sciences in particular. Ecology began to be interpreted as the science of protection and rational use of nature. Automatically, everything related to the natural environment began to be called ecology, including nature conservation and protection of the human environment.

At the same time, the last two concepts were artificially mixed and are currently considered in a complex. Based on the ultimate goals, nature conservation and environmental protection are close to each other, but still not identical.

Protection of Nature is aimed primarily at maintaining rational interaction between human activities and the environment in order to preserve and restore natural resources and prevent the harmful effects of economic activity on nature and human health.

Environmental protection focuses primarily on the needs of the person himself. This is a complex of various activities (administrative, economic, technological, legal, social, etc.) aimed at ensuring the functioning of natural systems necessary to preserve human health and well-being.

Environmental management is aimed at meeting human needs through the rational use of natural resources and natural conditions.

Nature management- this is the totality of humanity’s impacts on the geographical envelope of the Earth, the totality of all forms of exploitation of natural resources, considered as a whole. The objectives of environmental management come down to the development of general principles for the implementation of all human activities related either to the direct use of nature and its resources, or to impacts on it.

Principles of rational environmental management

The practical application of environmental knowledge can be seen primarily in solving environmental management issues. Only ecology as a science is capable of creating a scientific basis for the exploitation of natural resources. The attention of ecology is directed primarily to the laws underlying natural processes.

Rational environmental management involves ensuring the economical exploitation of natural resources and conditions, taking into account the interests of future generations of people. It is aimed at ensuring the conditions for the existence of mankind and obtaining material benefits, at maximizing the use of each natural territorial complex, at preventing or significantly reducing the possible harmful consequences of production processes or other types of human activity, at maintaining and increasing the productivity of nature, maintaining its aesthetic function, ensuring and regulation of the economical development of its resources, taking into account the preservation of human health.

In contrast to the rational irrational environmental management affects the quality, waste and depletion of natural resources, undermining the restorative forces of nature, polluting the environment, reducing its health and aesthetic advantages. It leads to the deterioration of the natural environment and does not ensure the preservation of natural resource potential.

Nature management includes:

  • extraction and processing of natural resources, their protection, renewal or reproduction;
  • use and protection of natural conditions of the human living environment;
  • preservation, restoration and rational change of the ecological balance of natural systems;
  • regulation of human reproduction and population numbers.

Nature protection, rational use and reproduction of natural resources is a universal human task, in which everyone living on the planet should participate in the solution.

Environmental activities are focused primarily on preserving the diversity of life forms on Earth. The totality of species of living organisms on our planet creates a special fund of life, which is called gene pool. This concept is broader than just a collection of living beings. It includes not only manifested, but also potential hereditary inclinations of each type. We still don’t know everything about the prospects for using this or that type. The existence of some organism, which now seems unnecessary, in the future may turn out to be not only useful, but also, perhaps, saving for humanity.

The main task of nature conservation is not to protect a certain number of plant or animal species from the threat of extinction, but to combine a high level of productivity with the preservation of a wide network of centers of genetic diversity in the biosphere. The biological diversity of fauna and flora ensures the normal circulation of substances and the sustainable functioning of ecosystems. If humanity can solve this important environmental problem, in the future we can count on the production of new food products, medicines, and raw materials for industry.

The problem of preserving the biological diversity of living organisms on the planet is currently the most acute and significant for humanity. The possibility of preserving life on Earth and humanity itself as part of the biosphere depends on how this problem is solved.

From early childhood, my parents took me on vacation to a small spring lake. I loved this lake, its clean and cool water. But, suddenly for us, it began to disappear and almost disappeared. It turned out that a local farmer began to irrigate his land with water from this lake, and his irrational activities drained the reservoir in just three years, leaving the entire area without water, and us without a lake.

Nature management

The use of natural resources has certain consequences, and I would like these actions to be aimed at creation, not destruction. With the development of technology, people are increasingly using natural resources, using them for their personal needs and enrichment. Moreover, such activity can be both rational and irrational. The first does not harm nature, does not change its appearance and properties, while the second leads to the depletion of deposits and air pollution.

Examples of rational environmental management

Rational use of resources implies their maximum possible reasonable consumption. For industry, this could be the use of a closed water cycle, the use of alternative types of energy, or recycling of recyclable materials.

Another example is the creation of parks and reserves, the use of new technologies that do not pollute the air, soil and water.

Examples of unsustainable environmental management

Unwise and negligent examples of environmental management can be observed at every step, and we are all already paying for such careless attitude towards nature. Here are some of these examples:

In my life, I quite rarely observe the rational use of resources, ranging from individual people to the scale of corporations and countries. I would like people to appreciate our planet more and use its gifts wisely.

Rational environmental management– this is a system of environmental management in which extracted natural resources are used quite fully (and, accordingly, the amount of consumed resources is reduced), the restoration of renewable natural resources is ensured, production waste is fully and repeatedly used (i.e. waste-free production is organized), which can significantly reduce pollution environment. Rational use of natural resources is characteristic of an intensive economy, that is, an economy that develops on the basis of scientific and technological progress and better organization of labor with high labor productivity. An example of environmental management could be a zero-waste production or a zero-waste production cycle, in which waste is completely used, resulting in reduced consumption of raw materials and minimized environmental pollution. Production can use waste from both its own production process and waste from other industries; Thus, several enterprises of the same or different industries can be included in the waste-free cycle. One of the types of waste-free production (the so-called recycled water supply) is the repeated use in the technological process of water taken from rivers, lakes, boreholes, etc.; used water is purified and re-participated in the production process. Rational environmental management provides not a step-by-step, but an integrated approach to nature and includes a whole chain of phenomena and actions.

When using natural resources, it is necessary to take into account local conditions and the characteristics of each natural complex. Taking into account local characteristics, the volumes of use of natural resources, methods and methods of influencing the natural environment are determined. Rational environmental management includes a set of measures that are aimed at:

– complete cessation of air, soil, and water pollution by harmful substances through the development of waste-free and low-waste technologies and the reasonable use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture and forestry;

– rational use of all types of natural resources, providing for the renewal of biological and economical use of non-renewable resources;

– purposeful transformation of natural conditions in large areas (river flow regulation, reclamation work, field-protective and water-protective forest plantings, creation of parks, etc.);

– preservation of the gene pool of plants and animals, conducting scientific research to increase the biological productivity of natural complexes.


Irrational use of natural resources, as noted by Yu.K. Efremov, is the human impact on nature, leading to the undermining of its restorative abilities, a decrease in its quality, the depletion of natural resources, environmental pollution, and the reduction or destruction of the health-improving and aesthetic properties of nature. Examples include the destruction of tropical forests, desertification, pollution of the oceans, etc.

Irrational environmental management is a system of environmental management in which the most readily available natural resources are used in large quantities and usually incompletely, resulting in rapid depletion of resources. In this case, a large amount of waste is produced and the environment is heavily polluted. Irrational use of natural resources is typical for an extensive economy, that is, for an economy developing through new construction, the development of new lands, the use of natural resources, and an increase in the number of workers. Extensive farming initially brings good results at a relatively low scientific and technical level of production, but quickly leads to the depletion of natural and labor resources. One of the many examples of irrational environmental management is slash-and-burn agriculture, which is still widespread in Southeast Asia. Land burning leads to the destruction of wood, air pollution, poorly controlled fires, etc. Often, irrational environmental management is a consequence of narrow departmental interests and the interests of transnational corporations that locate their hazardous production facilities in developing countries.

Unsustainable environmental management can also be the result of both intentional and unintentional impacts (direct and indirect) of humans on nature. Preventing the negative consequences of irrational environmental management is the task of nature conservation. The concept of “conservation” has evolved over time. At the end of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century, when human activity was mainly local in nature, nature conservation was considered as the protection of individual areas withdrawn from economic use (reserves), the preservation of valuable, rare and endangered species of plants and animals, as well as natural monuments. Last time under nature protection understand a set of measures aimed at maintaining the existing productivity of landscapes, protecting nature from pollution and destruction, maintaining favorable conditions for human life and external attractiveness.

Economic development is generally considered to be the use of territory by industries in both production and non-production spheres. Depending on the types of economic use, territories of various profiles are distinguished: industrial, agricultural, water management, transport, residential, recreational.

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