Node on children's mathematical development. Node for generating mathematical representations

Summary of educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in the middle group using didactic games.

"Walk with a Bunny"


- form spatial ideas: lower, higher, narrower, wider;

Strengthen ideas about geometric shapes;

Strengthen the ability to group them based on shape;

Maintain ordinal counting within five;

Develop thinking and attention.

Materials : toys Bunny and five bunnies, 3 boxes of different colors; circles, squares, triangles, 2 shapes for each child.

Progress of activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Children! Someone came to visit us. Want to know who? Then guess the riddle:

A ball of fluff,

Long ear

Jumps deftly

Loves carrots.

Educator: Let's say hello to the bunny and ask what's in his basket? (carrot).

Educator: Children, Bunny told me that he is bringing carrots for his little children, but he doesn’t know if there will be enough carrots for everyone. What are the baby hare called? (Little bunnies)

Educator: Correct. So, Bunny doesn’t know how to count, can we help him, guys? (Yes).

Educator: How can we find the way to the bunny’s house? Where do you think our bunny lives? (In the woods)

Educator: What type of animal is a bunny if he lives in the forest: wild or domestic? (to the wild ones)

Educator: Then we go to the forest to visit the bunnies. Children go out onto the mat...

The bunny says that we can find his house if we follow the widest path.

2. Didactic game “Choosing a road”

In front of the children, two roads are the same in length, but different in width.

Children choose the widest path by placing or applying objects.

Having chosen the right path, the children and their teacher hit the road.

3.D/i “Which tree is the leaf from”

Educator: Guys, look how beautiful it is in the forest, what beautiful leaves lie on the ground. Do you know what tree these leaves come from? (maple, birch, rowan, oak)

Educator: If a leaf fell from an oak tree, then it is called (oak), from a maple (maple), from a birch (birch), from a rowan (rowan).

Educator: And now each of you will complete the task. Seva will collect all the oak leaves, Vanya will collect the maple leaves, Sonya will collect the birch leaves, and Liza will collect the rowan leaves.

Educator: Let each of you count how many leaves he collected.

Educator: Well done! Let's take our leaves with us and move on.

4. Physical education lesson “Forest lawn”.

We came to the forest meadow,

Lifting your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high -

Didn't trip, didn't fall. (walking with high knees).

Educator: Look, guys, what is this? Yes, this is the hare's house. What is the name of the hare's house? (mink)

Educator: Let's look at the bunnies. What small, fluffy bunnies, let's pet them and give them our leaves.

Educator: Guys, have you forgotten why we came to the forest? (count the bunnies and find out if they have enough carrots).

5. Didactic game “Fun Counting”.

Educator: That's right, let's sit on the chairs and count. Look how I count the bunnies: One bunny, two, three, four, five, five bunnies in total. (children count).

Educator: Now let's count how many carrots the Bunny has. Sasha, go to the basket and count. (counts four carrots).

Educator: Katya, check if Sasha counted the carrots correctly? (four).

Educator: Well done, guys. So, we have five bunnies and four carrots, will all the bunnies get a carrot? (children's answers).

Educator: Let's check. Masha, take the carrot out of the basket and give each bunny one carrot. What did we get? Did everyone have enough carrots? (no) How many bunnies didn’t have enough carrots? (1)

Educator: How many carrots should you add so that there is enough for all the bunnies? (children's answers).

The teacher takes out a carrot and puts it in the basket. Now, how many carrots are there? (children count).

Educator: Well, everyone is happy and you’re great! Guys, as a sign of gratitude for your work, the bunnies are offering to play a game. Do you want to know which one?

Educator: While you and I were dividing and counting the carrots, the little bunnies turned our leaves into something with their sharp teeth. (teacher shows geometric shapes) What is this?

6. Didactic game “Collect geometric shapes.”

Educator: Only the figures are all mixed up, let's help put them in baskets.

There are 3 baskets on the table. You need to arrange the geometric shapes so that the small basket contains squares, the middle basket contains circles, and the large basket contains triangles. Did everyone understand the task?

Educator: Vadik, repeat the task.

Educator: Sasha, arrange the baskets: small, medium, large.

Educator: Are the guys ready? Begin! (children complete the task, at the end of the game the teacher and the children check the correctness of the completed task).

7. Didactic game “Lower-higher”.

Educator: Guys, Bunny wants to introduce you to his friends. (The teacher shows the poster “Floors of the Forest”)

Educator: Who is this? (squirrel)

Educator: A squirrel lives high in a hollow in a tree.

Educator: Who is this? (ant)

Educator: Where does the ant live? (in an anthill)

Educator: Who is this? (hare)

Where does the hare live? (in the mink)

Educator: Look and tell me whose house is the tallest? (proteins)

Educator: Compare the house of a hare and an ant. Which one is the tallest? (ant's house)

Educator: Which of the animals lives the lowest? (hare in the hole)

Educator: Well done! Bunnies give you this rating. (five)

Educator: Who knows what this number is? (five)

Educator: Correct. Tell me, where did we see the number 5 when counting today? (five bunnies, 5 leaves, 5 carrots)

Educator: Good, you have an excellent memory. Our little bunnies have eaten enough, played enough and they need to go to the hole to sleep, and we need to return to kindergarten.

8. Summing up.

Educator: Guys, our lesson has come to an end. Let's remember what we did today? (children's answers).

Who did we visit?

What new have we learned?

Who did we help?

What game did we play?

Summary of GCD on mathematical development in the senior group

"Journey to the Mathematical Kingdom"

Program content:

Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children acquired during the school year.

Improve the ability to find the place of a number in a series, count to 10 and back; solve addition and subtraction problems;

Improve knowledge about geometric figures and the shape of objects;

Improve the ability to analyze objects and isolate the odd one from the presented series based on a characteristic feature;

Develop mental operations, attention, the ability to navigate in space, compare objects by size;

To develop curiosity, mutual assistance, and self-esteem skills in children.


Cards with numbers; 3 houses; ball; math handouts;

geometric figures; didactic game “Find the extra object”; didactic game “Find a place in a row”; didactic game “Numbers Neighbors”; didactic game “What does it look like”; musical accompaniment.

GCD move:

Children and their teacher stand in a circle.

In a wide circle, I see,

All my friends stood up.

We'll go right now

Now let's go left

Let's gather in the center of the circle,

And we will all return to our place.

Let's smile, wink,

And let's start playing again.

Children perform exercises in accordance with the text.

Didactic game “Define your place”

The child determines his place in the circle in relation to other children.

The teacher invites the children to go on a journey to the kingdom of Mathematics. After the teacher receives the children's consent, the teacher offers to go to the kingdom on a magic carpet.

A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on the carpet, find themselves in the kingdom.

We have entered the kingdom of mathematics. But who lives in this kingdom? Let's get acquainted.

Here first house inhabitants of the mathematical kingdom. Numbers live in this house. They have been preparing to meet you for so long that they have completely mixed up their places in the number series. Help them guys find their place.

Didactic game “Find a place in a row”

One child completes the task at the board, the rest are on the ground. Then the children are asked to count to ten by counting forward and backward.

Didactic game “Name the neighbors”

You have pieces of paper on your table with a number written on them, think and say the numbers next to them.

Ordinal counting and counting down (from 1 to 10; from 10 to 1). The first child is an ordinal count, the second child is a reverse count.

Here second house mathematical residents. Geometric shapes live in it. And they want to play with you. Do you agree?

Now we’ll see which of you can complete the task correctly.

Game “Distribute the figures”.

On the flannelgraph the figures: 2 large and 2 small red circles, 2 large and 3 small blue squares are arranged in a chaotic order.

Teacher. Here comes the first test. What figures do you see here? (Answers). How can you group shapes? By what signs? (By color, shape, size). How many figures will be included in a group of squares (circles)? (Children group the figures). How else can you group shapes? (By color). How many groups will there be? (Children group the shapes by color and then similarly by size).

Game “Find the extra one”.

Teacher. Guys, very funny people live in this house. They all look alike, but one of the figures turned out to be extra, not like the others. What kind of figure is this? (Answers). How is it different from the rest? (Answers). Which is the extra piece? (Answers).

Teacher. Now let's take a little rest.

Physical education minute.

Pinocchio stretched,
He bent over once, he bent over twice.
He spread his arms to the sides:
Apparently I didn't find the key.
To get us the key,
We need to stand on our toes.

Here third house. Problems live in this house. Listen carefully and respond.

1) “The seven tiny kittens that are given to them all eat, but one asks for sour cream. How many kittens?” (eight).

How did you get the number 8? (adding one to seven equals eight). (1 child works at the board - writes solutions to problems).

2) “Four sheep were lying on the grass,

Then the two sheep ran home.

Come on, tell me quickly:

How many sheep are there now? (two).

(four minus two equals two).

3) “Place the right sign” >;<; = (работа у доски).

Here fourth house. Various games live in it. We'll play them now.

Didactic game “What does a geometric figure look like”

Children match geometric shapes with cards with objects of similar shape.

Game “What is the difference?”

Teacher. Here are unfinished images of objects. Your task, guys, is to come up with and complete these unusual drawings and give them a name.

It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. You can go back only after completing the last task.

Turn over the leaves, tell me what is shown there?

To find out for sure, let’s connect the dots (geometric shapes). Fix the name of the geometric shapes.

Also, what geometric shapes do you know? (polygon, trapezoid).

I invite everyone onto the carpet-plane to return back to our kindergarten.

A magical melody sounds, to which children, sitting on the carpet, find themselves in kindergarten.

Today we made an exciting journey to the Kingdom of Mathematics.

Well done! You guys tried your best and you all completed the task.

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Kindergarten No. 91"

urban district city of Sterlitamak

Republic of Bashkortostan

Event summary

on mathematical development

in the middle group No. 6.

Conducted by: Semenova O.V.


MADO "Kindergarten No. 91"

Sterlitamak - 2016

Summary of educational activities on FEMP

in the middle group.

Target: Strengthen knowledge about number and number 4.

Reinforce your knowledge of the geometric shapes circle and triangle.

Continue learning to correlate the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 with the number of objects.

Continue to develop the ability to compose objects - a Christmas tree, a snowman - from geometric shapes - a triangle, a circle.

Continue to learn to determine the position of objects in relation to yourself (left, right) and paint them in a certain color.

Strengthen the ability to compare figures and numbers.

Develop the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number.

Develop memory, attention, logical thinking.

Cultivate friendly relationships.

Organizing time.

We also know how to relax

Let's put our hands behind our backs.

Let's raise our heads higher

And let’s breathe easily.

IN.: Guys, sit down at the tables. Look at the scoreboard: what number do you see?

IN: Right. This is the number 4. Look, there are circles on your tables. Place in front of you as many circles as this number represents.

Children complete the task.

IN: How many circles have you placed in front of you?

IN: Well done.

I ask several children.

IN: Guys, listen to the riddle: Her clothes are spiky: all needles and needles.

D: This is a Christmas tree.

IN: Right. What shapes does a Christmas tree consist of?

D: From triangles.

IN: Guys, there are triangles in front of you. Make a Christmas tree out of them. Damir, come out and put the Christmas tree next to the board.

Children complete the task.

IN: Guys, look, Damir folded the Christmas tree correctly? Name the size of the triangles.

D: Large, smaller, small.

We check the completion of the task. Compare with the sample.

IN: Fine. Listen to the second riddle: A difficult little man appears in winter, and disappears in spring because he quickly melts. Who is this?

D: Snowman.

IN: Right. This is a snowman. What figures does a snowman consist of?

D: From circles.

IN: Right. Look, you have circles on your tables: make a snowman out of them. Vika, come to the board. Guys, which circle should we put first? What about the second, third?

D: The biggest one, then the smaller one, the smallest one.

Children lay out a snowman, check with a sample.

IN: Did you manage? Well done. Now let’s go play the game “Trick-Trak” (Match the number with the number of objects). Choose numbers from 1 to 4. Look at the palace with houses with toys from 1 to 4. You jump and move to the music, but as soon as the music stops you need to find a house with as many toys as your number shows.

We repeat the game 2 – 3 times.

IN: Have you played? Now sit down at the tables, let's continue completing the tasks further.

Didactic game "Settle in with neighbors."

IN: Guys, look how wonderful these houses are. But what are they missing?

D: Digital

IN: Look at numbers 1 3 here. Which number is missing?

IN: Right. Polina, go to the board, put the neighbors of numbers 1 and 3. Find the number 2 and put it in its place. And you guys, do it yourself.

Children complete the task, then we check.

IN: Guys, did this happen to you?

D: Yes.

IN: Has everyone completed the task? Well done. Guys, look, you have these cards with circles on your tables. Color the circle on the left red and the circle on the right blue.

Children complete the task. We check with the sample.

IN: Colored? Well done. I invite you to the palace. Guys, tell me, what did we do today?

D: They laid out circles, put together a snowman and a Christmas tree. We played a game and found houses with toys. We found the numbers. The circles were colored red and blue.

IN: Well done. Everyone did well today. I liked it very much.

Software tasks:

Introduce children to the components of a problem, teach them to compose and solve arithmetic problems in one addition operation. Strengthen knowledge of numbers, mathematical symbols, geometric shapes. Strengthen the ability to navigate in space and on a sheet of paper.

Promote the development of logical thinking through solving entertaining problems.

Systematize and expand knowledge about the school. To form positive motivation for learning at school through a game situation.

Cultivate perseverance and interest in mathematical knowledge.

Today guests came to our kindergarten. Let's smile at the guests and say good morning!

Guys, do you like to play?

Today I invite you to play school.

What do we call the children who go to school? (Schoolchildren, students.)

What are the tables at school where students sit at called? (Desks.)

Showing my briefcase

Guys, look, what is this? ( Briefcase.)

What is in our portfolio?

It turns out this briefcase is magical, he left a message for us

“In order for you to go to school, you must fill your bag with school supplies, and to do this you must complete assignments.”

- Are you ready to complete the tasks?

Guys, sit down at our school desks.

Listen to what rules must be followed at school...

Sit well at the table and behave... Calmly.

A table is not a bed and you cannot sit on it... Lie.

If you want to answer, don’t make any noise, just use your hand... Pick it up.

Task No. 1 “Intellectual warm-up”

How many angles does a square have? (4)

How many days are there in a week? (7)

How many tails do five cows have? (5)

How many paws do two geese have? (4)

How many months are there in a year? (12)

What are all the figures with four corners called? (quadrangles)

Name your neighbors numbers 5, 8.

Is there a circle with three corners? (No, a triangle has three angles.)

Does a bunny have four legs? (Yes, the hare only has four legs.)

Do baby squirrels have four tails? (No, a squirrel and a baby squirrel have two tails.)

Well done, you completed this task and we are getting a notebook for our portfolio.

Task No. 2 “Friendly numbers”

Cards will be shown on the screen. You will need to fill out a number line. To do this, raise the card with the desired number.

Guys, what number is between the numbers 7 and 9?

Well done, you have completed this task and are getting a ruler in your briefcase.

Task No. 3 “Task”

Today, you and I will study, compose and solve problems.

Sofia, please put 4 nesting dolls on the table.

And you, Arthur, bring another nesting doll.

(Children complete the task.)

Guys, what did Sofia and Arthur do?

The story about what Sofia and Arthur did is the condition of our task.

Listen to the problem statement again:

Sofia put 4 nesting dolls on the table, Arthur brought 1 more nesting doll.

Repeat the problem statement again ( Sofia put 4 nesting dolls on the table, Arthur brought 1 more nesting doll.)

This is the condition of our task.

What do you think can be asked in this problem? ?(How many dolls are there?)

That's right, this will be the question of our task.

Demid, repeat the problem question? (How many dolls are there?)

The question always comes after the condition in the problem.

Do you think there were more or fewer nesting dolls after Arthur brought another one?

What needs to be done to solve the problem. (You need to add nesting dolls.)

This is the solution to the problem, that is, what can be added, combined, added, subtracted.

How many nesting dolls are there in total? ( There are 5 nesting dolls in total.)

This will be the answer to our task. This is what happened, what became known to us.

Guys, repeat the answer to the problem. (IN Now there are 5 nesting dolls.)

So, you and I have composed a problem and answered her question, which means we have solved the problem!

Let's repeat what parts the task consists of?

What is a condition? (A condition is something that is known.)

What is a task question? (This is what is unknown, what needs to be found.)

What is problem solving ? (This is something that can be added, combined, added, or subtracted.)

What is the problem answer? (This is what happened, what became known to us.)

Please note that the task is similar to a pyramid; it is necessary to follow the sequence in solving the problem, just as we follow the sequence when assembling a pyramid.

Now listen to one more problem.

- The hedgehog ran through the forest and found 3 pears ( put in front of you as many pears as the hedgehog found), ran further and found 2 apples (put apples in front of you). How many fruits did the hedgehog find?

Can anyone tell me the conditions for this task? ? (The hedgehog first found three pears, and then 2 more apples.)

What is the question for this problem? ( How many fruits did the hedgehog find?)

- How will we solve this problem? (You need to add apples and pears.)

Correct and what answer will we get? ( Only 5 fruits.)

Well done guys, let's repeat once again what parts does the task consist of? ( Condition, question, solution, answer.)

That's right, for this task you get a penalty.


- At school, not only children learn, but also relax. Who knows what the break between lessons is called? (Turn.)

That's right, and now we will have a change with you

This is the right hand

This is the left hand.

On the right is a noisy oak forest.

On the left is a fast river...

We turned around and here we are

Everything has become the other way around:

On the left is a noisy oak grove,

On the right is a fast river...

Has she really become right?

My left hand?

Answer this question for me: did our left hand become our right hand when we turned around?

No, of course not, the left hand remains the left, but when we turn, the directions “left” and “right” change.

Well done guys, take a seat, our break is over, let's continue to complete the tasks.

Task No. 4 “Geometric drawing”

1. Place a sun with five rays in the upper left corner.

2. Place a Christmas tree of three triangles in the lower right corner.

3.To the right of the sun, place three clouds in the form of polygons

4. In the lower left corner place a tree made of an oval and a counting stick

5. Place the house between the tree and the Christmas tree.

Did everyone get this picture?

(Checking with children the location of the figures.)

Where is your Christmas tree?

What geometric shapes does your house consist of?

How many rays does your sun have?

Where is your tree located?

What do you have between the tree and the Christmas tree?

Well done, you have completed this task and are getting colored pencils in your briefcase.

Task No. 5 “Mathematical inequality”

To get the next item into our portfolio, we need to correctly compare groups of items.

Who can tell me what signs we use when comparing a group of objects or numbers. (When comparing a group of objects, we use the signs “greater than,” “less than,” or “equal to.”)

Look at the first picture. How many fish are on the plate on the left? (7)

How many fish are on the plate on the right? (5)

Put the right sign, just remember, a hungry crocodile chooses the plate with the most food.

Let's read this post together... There are more fish on the plate on the left than on the plate on the right.

Well done guys, and for this task you will receive a notebook with logical tasks in your briefcase.

You guys did well today, you completed all the tasks, although they were not easy.

What did you learn today?

What parts does the task consist of?

What did you like most?

What tasks were difficult for you to complete?

Of course, guys, what we filled our briefcase with today is not enough to go to first grade. But there is still a whole year ahead, and we still have many interesting tasks to complete.

Did you enjoy playing school?

And I liked the way you worked today. Thanks to all.

Let's say goodbye to the guests and go to our group.

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