Scientific knowledge about the structure of the universe in India. P. Oleksenko

change 08/25/2010 (photo added)


The Vedas in a broad sense represent a clearly undefined circle of ancient documents of the Slavic and Aryan peoples, including both clearly dated and authored works, as well as folk traditions, tales, epics, etc., transmitted orally and recorded relatively recently.

In a narrow sense, the Vedas mean only the “Santii Vedas of Perun” (Books of Knowledge or Books of Wisdom of Perun), consisting of nine books dictated by our first ancestor, the god Perun, to our distant ancestors during his third arrival to Earth on the Vaitman aircraft in 38,004 BC e.

In general, the Vedas contain deep knowledge about nature and reflect the history of Humanity on Earth during the last several hundred thousand years - at least at least 600,000 years. They also contain Perun's predictions about future events 40,176 years in advance, that is, before our time and another 167 years in advance.

The Vedas, based on the basis on which they were originally written, are divided into three main groups:

Santia are plates made of gold or other noble metal that is resistant to corrosion, on which texts were applied by minting characters and filling them with paint. Then these plates were fastened with three rings in the form of books or framed in an oak frame and framed with red cloth;

harathys are sheets or scrolls of high-quality parchment with texts;

Magi are wooden tablets with written or carved texts.

The oldest known documents are the santios. Initially, it was the “Santi Vedas of Perun” that were called the Vedas, but they contain references to other Vedas, which even then, i.e., more than 40 thousand years ago, were called the Ancients and which today are either lost or stored in secluded places and are still for some reason are not disclosed. Santias reflect the most secret Ancient Knowledge. You could even say that they are an archive of knowledge. By the way, the Indian Vedas are just a part of the Slavic Vedas, transmitted to India by the Aryans about 5,000 years ago.

Charatia were, as a rule, copies of santios, or, possibly, extracts from santios, intended for wider use among the priests. The most ancient harathys are the “Harathys of Light” (Book of Wisdom), which were written down 28,700 years ago. Since it is easier to write down haratiyas than to mint santias on gold, extensive historical information was recorded in this form.

For example, the harathys called “Avesta” were written down on 12,000 cowhide 7,500 years ago with the history of the war between the Slavic-Aryan peoples and the Chinese. The conclusion of peace between the warring parties was called the Creation of Peace in the Star Temple (SMZH). And the Star Temple was the name given to the year according to the ancient calendar in which this world was enclosed.

In the history of the Earth, this was a world war, and the event was so stunning, and the victory was so significant for the White Race, that it served as the starting point for the introduction of a new chronology. Since then, all white peoples have been counting the years since the Creation of the World. And this chronology was canceled only in the year by Peter I Romanov, who imposed the Byzantine calendar on us. And the “Avesta” itself was destroyed by Alexander the Great at the instigation of the Egyptian priests.

Among the wise men one can name the “Book of Vles”, written down (perhaps gradually and by several authors) on wooden tablets and reflecting the history of the peoples of southeastern Europe for one and a half thousand years before the baptism of Kievan Rus. The Magi were intended for the Magi - our ancient clergy of the Old Believers, which is where the name of these documents came from. The Magi were methodically destroyed by the Christian Church.

In ancient times, the Slavic-Aryan peoples had four main letters - according to the number of main Clans of the White Race. The most ancient of the surviving documents, i.e. santii, were written down by the Ancient x"Aryan Runes or Runics, as they are also called. The Ancient Runes are not letters or hieroglyphs in our modern understanding, but a kind of secret images that convey the huge volume of the Ancients Knowledge They include dozens of signs written under a common line called celestial signs. The signs denote numbers, letters, and individual objects or phenomena - either frequently used or very important.

In ancient times, the x "Aryan Runic served as the main basis for the creation of simplified forms of writing: ancient Sanskrit, Devils and Rezov, Devanagari, German-Scandinavian Runic and many others. It, together with other writings of the Slavic-Aryan Clans, also became the basis of all modern alphabets, starting from Old Slavic to Cyrillic and Latin. So, it was not Cyril and Methodius who invented our letter - they only created one of its convenient variants, which was caused by the need to spread Christianity in Slavic languages.

It should also be added that the Vedas are kept by Guardian Priests or Kapen-Ynglings, i.e. Keepers of Ancient Wisdom, at the Slavic-Aryan Temples (temples) of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings. The exact storage locations are not indicated anywhere, since certain forces have tried to destroy our Ancient Wisdom over the last thousand years. Now the time of dominance of these forces is ending, and the keepers of the Vedas have begun to translate them into Russian and publish them. To date, only one of the nine books “Santiy Veda of Perun” has been translated with abbreviations. But this is in the narrow sense of the Vedas. And in a broad sense, pieces of the Vedas are kept in different places by all white peoples - the descendants of those Slavic-Aryan Clans who were the first to populate our Earth.

By the way, it should also be noted that England (where the name of the Old Believers Church comes from) is a kind of flow, rather, of energy in all its forms, which comes from the one and incomprehensible Creator God Ra-M-Khi. In addition to Ra-M-Khi, our distant ancestors revered their first ancestors and curators, who were also considered gods. They also came up with special images that made it possible to concentrate the attention and will of many people to control the forces of nature, for example, to call rain (and people are like little gods, so they needed to unite their will and psychic energy for great deeds). These images were also called gods. Thus, our ancestors had three kinds of gods, led by one whom they called Ra-M-Hoi.


To begin with, we need to recall that the visible part of our Galaxy is a disk with a diameter of 30 kiloparsecs, containing approximately 200 billion stars, which are grouped in four curved arms. We see the Galaxy on summer nights edge-on as the Milky Way. The modern word “Galaxy” comes from the Greek word “galactikos” - milky. Therefore, the galactic arms are practically inaccessible to our observations (even with the help of telescopes and radio telescopes), and modern science believes that there are only two of them. In fact, there are four of them, and our distant ancestors knew this well. The swastika sign they widely use (disgraced by German fascism) is the sign that designates our Galaxy. There is also a corresponding Rune in the Ancient X"Aryan script, denoting this object of the Universe.

Our Galaxy has not always existed and will not always exist. Galaxies in the Universe are born from primary primordial matter (ether) and, having gone through a development cycle, die in order to again give life to new galaxies, as is done with grass or tree leaves throughout the year. In other words, in the Universe there is a fluctuation of matter in space and time, but the Universe always exists. The development cycle of any galaxy is described in detail in the “Book of Wisdom” mentioned above. A similar description is found in an ancient document from India that Helena Blavatsky used to write her book The Secret Doctrine.

Life is initially inherent in all forms of matter at all its scale levels and manifests itself at certain stages of its evolution. In the same way, it manifests itself during the formation of matter in the form of stars and planets in the organic form in which we know it. But intelligent life is capable of self-propagation from the planets of one star to the planets of another star as it develops, accumulates a certain critical mass and reaches a certain level of technical progress at which the construction of interstellar spaceships is possible. It is obvious that with the beginning of the formation of our Galaxy, stars began to light up closer to its center. Consequently, life in organic form first arose (or, more precisely, manifested itself) there. Consequently, the highest level of spiritual and physical development has been achieved by people who live closer to the center of the Galaxy and should seem like gods to us.


Our Solar System is located in the Orion Arm closer to the periphery of the Galaxy, at a distance of approximately 10 kiloparsecs from its center. Therefore, organic life could appear on it in two ways: spontaneously generated or brought by more developed civilizations from stars that are closer to the center of the Galaxy. The Vedas tell that people appeared on Earth through their migration on large spacecraft, the Vaitmars, from the planets of other star systems. And on Earth by that time there were only plants and animals, and monkeys, the origin of which remains to be understood.

Our distant ancestors had more accurate information not only about the Galaxy, but also about our Solar System than we do now. In particular, they knew its history and its structure very well. They knew that our solar system, called the Yarila-Sun System, included 27 planets and large asteroids called Earths. Our planet was called Midgard-Earth, from whose name today only the generic name remains - Earth. Other planets also had different names: Khorsa Earth (Mercury), Mertsana Earth (Venus), Oreya Earth (Mars), Perun Earth (Jupiter), Stribog Earth (Saturn), Indra Earth (Chiron, asteroid 2060), Varuna Earth ( Uranus), Earth Nya (Neptune), Earth Viya (Pluto).

Destroyed more than 153 thousand years ago, the Earth of Deia, now called Phaethon, was located where the asteroid belt is now located - between Mars and Jupiter. By the time people settled the Earth, there were already space navigation and communication stations for our ancestors on Mars and Deya. Only very recently have reports emerged that Mars actually once had seas and that the planet may have been habitable.

Other planets of the Solar system are still not yet known to our astronomers (the periods of revolution around the Sun in Earth years are indicated in parentheses): Earth of Veles (46.78) - between Chiron and Uranus, Earth of Semargl (485.49), Earth of Odin (689 ,69), Land of Lada (883.6), Land of Udrzec (1,147.38), Land of Radogost (1,952.41), Land of Thor (2,537.75), Land of Prove (3,556), Land of Kroda (3 888), Polkan Land (4,752), Serpent Land (5,904), Rugia Land (6,912), Chura Land (9,504), Dogoda Land (11,664), Daima Land (15,552).

The Earth system with its satellites, which our ancestors called Moons, also looked different. Midgard-Earth first had two Moons - the now existing Month with a revolution period of 29.3 days and Lelya with a revolution period of 7 days (the seven-day week probably came from it). About 143 thousand years ago, Luna Fatta was transported to our Earth from the deceased Dei and placed between the orbits of the Moon and Lelya with an orbital period of 13 days. Lelya was destroyed in 109,806 BC. e., and Fatta - in 11,008 BC. e. as a result of the use of super-powerful weapons by earthlings, which led to worldwide catastrophes and the throwback of Humanity to the Stone Age.

According to the Runic Chronicles, 300 thousand years ago the appearance of Midgard-Earth was completely different. The Sahara Desert was a sea. There was an archipelago in the Indian Ocean. There was no Strait of Gibraltar. On the Russian Plain, where Moscow is located, there was the Western Sea. In the Arctic Ocean there was a large continent called Daaria. There is a copy of the map of Daariya, which was copied by Mercater in 1595 from the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza (Egypt). Western Siberia was filled with the Western Sea. On the territory of Omsk there was a large island called Buyan. Daaria was connected to the mainland by a mountain isthmus - the Ripean (Ural) Mountains. The Volga River flowed into the Black Sea.


Midgard-Earth is located practically on the Frontier, which separates the central part of the Galaxy, favorable for life, from that peripheral part of it, in which there is a lack of natural resources and, most importantly, energy (England).

All these shortcomings are clearly visible even within our planet: at the poles there is cold and ice, at the equator there is heat and desert, in the middle latitudes there are glaciers that appear with a period of 25,920 years due to the precession of the Earth, forcing people and animals to migrate. And even in the same place throughout the year, there comes either winter cold, then autumn slush, or summer heat. People are forced to stock up on food, firewood, and warm clothes for the winter. The result is a struggle for favorable territories of residence, for forests, oil, coal, gas, metal deposits, etc., ending in conflicts, wars, including world wars.

At the same time, closer to the center of the Galaxy, the planets have several suns, their entire surface is evenly heated, including from the side of the Galaxy’s core, people do not need room heating, warm clothes, and do not suffer from a lack of food and water. All their activities are aimed at the correct prolongation of the family, caring for their neighbors, accumulating and transmitting knowledge, and developing spirituality.

The Vedas tell us that there are many worlds in the Universe - both at our large-scale level and at others, including at very, very subtle levels. The transition of a living intelligent being from one world to a more subtle world is possible only with the loss of a dense body and only with the development of an increasingly higher spirituality. Therefore, there is a so-called one, which has its own patterns, associated, first of all, with the availability of knowledge.

The Vedas claim that in ancient times Chernobog decided to bypass the Universal Laws of ascension along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development, to remove the Security Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of his World for the Lower Worlds in the hope that, according to the Law of Divine Correspondence, the Security Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of all would be removed for him Worlds of the Highest. The noble Belobog united the Light Forces to protect the Divine Laws, as a result of which the Great Assa broke out - a war with the Dark Forces from the Lower Worlds.

The Light Forces won, but part of the Ancient Knowledge still ended up in the Lower Worlds. Having acquired Knowledge, representatives of these Worlds began to ascend along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development. However, they did not learn to distinguish between Good and Evil and began to try to introduce low-lying forms of life into the areas bordering the World of Darkness, where the Heavenly Halls (constellations) of Mokosh (Ursa Major), Rada (Orion) and Race (Leo the Lesser and the Greater) were located. To prevent the Dark Forces from penetrating the Light Lands, the Protector Gods created a protective Frontier, which passed through the Lands and Stars of the indicated Halls, as well as through the Worlds of Reveal (our world), Navi (the world of the dead) and Rule (the world of the gods). Our planet is also at this Frontier, and Humanity is a witness and participant in wars.


In ancient times, Midgard-Earth was located at the intersection of eight cosmic Paths that connected the inhabited Earths in nine Halls of the Light Worlds, including the Hall of the Race, where only representatives of the Great (White) Race or Rasich lived. In those days, representatives of White Humanity were the first to populate and settle Midgard-Earth.

The ancestral home of many of our ancestors is the solar system with the Golden Sun in the Hall of the Race. The clans of White people living on the Earth in this solar system call it Dazhdbog-Sun (the modern name is Beta Leo or Denebola). It is called the Yarilo-Great Golden Sun, it is brighter in terms of light emission, size and mass than the Yarilo-Sun.

Ingard-Earth revolves around the Golden Sun, whose revolution period is 576 days. Ingard-Earth has two Moons: the Greater Moon with an orbital period of 36 days and the Lesser Moon with an orbital period of 9 days. In the Golden Sun system on Ingard-Earth there is biological life similar to life on Midgard-Earth.

In one of the battles of the second Great Assa on the above-mentioned Frontier, the Veitmara spaceship, transporting settlers, including from Ingard-Earth, was damaged and was forced to land on Midgard-Earth. Vaitmara landed on the northern continent, which was called Daariya (Gift of the Gods, Gift of the Aryans) by star travelers.

On Whitemara there were representatives of four Clans of the allied Lands of the Great Race: Clans of Aryans - x "Aryans and yes" Aryans; Clans of the Slavs - Rassen and Svyatorus. These were people with white skin and a height of more than 2 meters, but they had differences in height, hair color, iris color and blood type.

Yes, the Aryans had silver (gray, steel) eye color and light brown, almost whitish hair. X "Aryans had green eyes and light brown hair. The Svyatorus had heavenly (blue, cornflower blue, lake) eye color and hair from whitish to dark blond. Rassen had fiery (brown, light brown, yellow) eyes and dark brown hair. The color of the eyes depends on what kind of Sun shone for the people of these Clans on their native Lands in the process of their evolution. The Aryans also differed from the Svyatorus and Rassenov in that they were able to recognize where the information was false (Krivda) and where the Truth was. This was due to the fact that the Aryans had experience of war with the Dark Forces, defending their Lands.

After the repair of Vaitmara, part of the crew flew away (i.e., returned “to heaven”), and part remained on Midgard-Earth, because they liked the planet, and many of them had “earthly” children by the time they left. Those who remained on Midgard-Earth began to be called Asami. Ases are the descendants of the Heavenly Gods living on Midgard-Earth. And the territory of their further settlement began to be called Asia (later Asia), since it was originally inhabited by the Ases. After the settlement, the names “Rasseniya” and “Rasichi” also appeared.

This was followed by the resettlement of the White Race people from Ingard-Earth to Midgard-Earth, to Daaria. The people who migrated to Midgard-Earth remembered their ancient ancestral home and called themselves nothing less than “Dazhdbog’s grandchildren,” that is, the descendants of those Clans of the Great Race who lived under the radiance of Dazhdbog the Sun. Those living on Midgard-Earth began to be called the Great Race, and those who remained to live on Ingard-Earth - the Ancient Race.


On Midgard-Earth there live people with different skin colors and a certain territory of residence. Earthly humanity has ancestors who arrived on Midgard-Earth at different times from different Heavenly Halls and have their own skin color: the Great Race - white; Great Dragon - yellow; Fire Snake – red; Gloomy Wasteland - black; Pekelnogo Mir – gray.

The allies of the White Race in the battle with the Forces of Darkness were the People from the Hall of the Great Dragon. They were allowed to settle on Earth, having determined a place in the Southeast, at the rise of Yarila the Sun. This is modern China.

Another ally, the people from the Hall of the Fire Serpent, was assigned a place on the lands in the Western (Atlantic) Ocean. Subsequently, with the arrival of the Clans of the Great Race to them, this Land began to be called Antlan, i.e., the Land of the Ants. The ancient Greeks called it Atlantis. After the destruction of Antlani 13 thousand years ago, part of the red-skinned people moved to the American continent.

In ancient times, the possessions of the Great Country of Black People covered not only the African continent, but also part of Hindustan. Once upon a time, the Rasichi saved some of the people with black skin who perished on various Earths in the Halls of the Gloomy Wasteland, destroyed by the forces of Darkness, by relocating them to the African continent and India. Then they saved part of the Black People from the lost planet Dei.

The Indian tribes of the Dravidians and Nagas belonged to the Negroid peoples and worshiped the Goddess Kali-Ma - the Goddess of the Black Mother and Black Dragons. Their rituals were accompanied by bloody human sacrifices. Therefore, our Ancestors gave them the Vedas - the Sacred Texts, now known as the Indian Vedas (Hinduism). Having learned about the eternal Heavenly Laws - such as the Law of Karma, Incarnation, Reincarnation, RITA and others - they abandoned obscene deeds.


The Gods (patrons, curators, forerunners of people) repeatedly arrived on Midgard-Earth, communicated with the descendants of the Great Race, passing on to them Wisdom (the history and commandments of their ancestors, knowledge of growing cereals, organizing community life, prolonging childbirth, raising children, etc.) . 165,032 years have passed since the time when the Goddess Tara visited Midgard-Earth. She is the younger sister of the God Tarkh, called Dazhdbog (who gave the Ancient Vedas). The polar star among the Slavic-Aryan peoples is named after this beautiful Goddess - Tara (and perhaps vice versa, if she flew from this star).

Tarkh was the patron (curator) of Eastern Siberia and the Far East, and Tara was the patron of Western Siberia. Together they got the name of the territory - Tarkhtara, later Tartaria, and then migrated to the name of the Tatar people.

More than 40 thousand years ago, from Urai-Earth in the Hall of the Eagle on the Svarozh (heavenly) Circle, God Perun visited Midgard-Earth for the third time. Patron God of all warriors and many Clans of the Great Race. God the Thunderer, ruler of Lightning, son of God Svarog and Lada the Mother of God. After the first three Heavenly Battles between Light and Darkness, when the Light Forces won, God Perun descended to Midgard-Earth to tell people about the events that had taken place and what awaited the Earth in the future, about the onset of Dark Times. Dark times are a period in people’s lives when they stop honoring the Gods and living according to the Heavenly Laws, and begin to live according to the laws that are imposed on them by representatives of the Pekel World. They teach people to create their own laws and live by them, and thereby make their lives worse, leading to degradation and self-destruction.

There are Traditions that God Perun visited Midgard-Earth several more times in order to tell the Hidden Wisdom to the Priests and Elders of the Clans of the Holy Race, how to prepare for dark, difficult times, when the arm of our swastika galaxy will pass through spaces subject to forces from the Dark Worlds of Hell . At this time, the Light Gods stop visiting their peoples, since they do not penetrate into foreign spaces subject to the forces of these Worlds. With the exit of the sleeve of our Galaxy from the indicated spaces, the Light Gods will again begin to visit the Clans of the Great Race. The beginning of the Light Times begins in Sacred Summer 7521 from SMZH or in 2012.

Then Dazhdbog - God Tarkh Perunovich, Guardian God of the ancient Great Wisdom - arrived on Midgard-Earth. He was called Dazhdbog (the giving God) for giving the people of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Family Nine Santiy (Books). These Santias were written down by ancient Runes and contained the Sacred Ancient Vedas, the Commandments of Tarkh Perunovich and his instructions. All residents in various Worlds (in Galaxies, Star Systems) and on the Earths where representatives of the Ancient Family live live according to the Ancient Wisdom, Family Foundations and Rules that the Family adheres to. After God Tarkh Perunovich visited our Ancestors, they began to call themselves “Dazhdbog’s grandchildren.”

Our Ancestors were also visited by many other Gods.


More than 150 thousand years ago, the Great Assa, walking in the Hall of Swati, touched the Earths of the Yarila-Sun system. It broke out between the Heavenly Clans, who had mastered these Lands, and the forces of the Pekel World, who sought to capture them. A grand battle ensued for the possession of the Land of Dei. Deya at that time had two Moons - Lutitia and Fatta. Fatta was a larger satellite of the Earth of Deia and on its surface there were forces designed to repel external attacks not only on the Earth of Deia, but also on the Earth of Oreya and Midgard-Earth.

However, the Forces of the Worlds of Darkness and Hell managed to capture Luna Lutitia as a springboard for striking the Earth of Deya. The inhabitants of Deia turned to the High Gods for help and they came to their call. The High Gods moved the Earth of Deya along with its inhabitants through the Otherworld to another solar system, and Luna Fattu - to Midgard-Earth. After this, a powerful blow was dealt to Lutitia. A gigantic explosion occurred, as a result of which the Moon Lutitia was destroyed. Over time, the many fragments of the Moon Lutitia formed the asteroid belt. The explosion of Lutitia was so powerful that its flow blew away part of the atmosphere from the Earth of Oreya and from several Moons of the Earth of Perun, which were located on the side of Deya.

As a result, life on the surface of Oreya Earth in the equatorial regions became almost impossible. Part of the inhabitants of the Land of Oreya moved to Midgard-Earth, and the remaining part of the inhabitants remained, descending into underground cities, specially created in case of attack.

After the above events, Luna Fatta became the third satellite of Midgard-Earth. Two Moons - Month and Lelya - were in their orbits, and Fatta was placed between them. Due to the fact that Fatta was not much smaller in size than the Moon and had a higher rotation speed around its axis, under the influence of the gravitational forces of Fatta and Midgard-Earth, the Moon Lelya acquired an egg-shaped shape.

Since three Moons began to revolve around Midgard-Earth, its climate began to change. Along with it, new types of vegetation and animals began to appear. The air temperature in the equatorial regions became several degrees higher, which made it possible for the Forces of the Worlds of Light to resettle the surviving inhabitants from the dying Borderlands, where the Great Assa took place. Three Moons also revolved around their dying Earths. These were black people, since their Earths revolved around Red Suns. The radiation spectrum of the Red Suns determined their skin color at the genetic level. All those resettled were placed in the equatorial territories of Midgard-Earth, in the region of present-day Africa.


The First Great Flood occurred as a result of the destruction of the Moon Lelya, one of the three Moons orbiting Midgard-Earth.

This is how ancient sources say about this event: “You are My children! Know that the Earth walks past the Sun, but My words will not pass you by! And about ancient times, people, remember! About the Great Flood that destroyed people, about the fall of fire on Mother Earth!” / Songs of the bird Gamayun /

“You have been living peacefully on Midgard since ancient times, when the world was established... Remembering from the Vedas about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of the Koschei, who were on the nearest Moon... Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koschei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya... These Koschei, the rulers of the Grays , disappeared along with the Moon in half... But Midgard paid for freedom with Daariya, hidden by the Great Flood... The waters of the Moon created that Flood, they fell to the Earth from heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into pieces and with the army of Svarozhichi descended to Midgard...” / Santi Vedas Perun /

After the waters and fragments of the destroyed Moon Lelya fell on Midgard-Earth, not only the appearance of the Earth changed, but also the temperature regime on its surface, as its axis began pendulum oscillations. The Great Cooling has begun.

However, not all the descendants of the Clans of the Great Race and the Heavenly Clans died along with Daariya. People were warned by the Great Priest Spas about the impending death of Daariya as a result of the Great Flood and began to move to the Eurasian continent in advance. 15 deportations from Daariya were organized. For 15 years, people moved along the Stone Isthmus between the Eastern and Western seas to the south. These are the now known names Stone, Stone Belt, Ripean or Ural Mountains. In 109,808 BC. e. their complete relocation took place.

Some people were saved by flying into low-Earth orbit on small Vitman aircraft and returning back after the Flood. Others moved (teleported) through the “gates of the interworld” to the Hall of the Bear into the possessions of the Da’Aryans.

After the Great Flood, our Great Ancestors settled a large island in the Eastern Sea called Buyan. Nowadays this is the territory of Western and Eastern Siberia. From here began the settlement of the Holy (White) Race to the nine cardinal directions. The fertile land of Asia or the Land of the Holy Race is the territory of modern Western and Eastern Siberia from the Riphean Mountains (Ural) to the Aryan Sea (Lake Baikal). This territory was called Belorechye, Pyatirechye, Semirechye.

The name “Belorechye” comes from the name of the Iriy River (Iriy Quiet, Ir-tish, Irtysh), which was considered the White, Pure, Sacred River and along which our Ancestors first settled. After the retreat of the Western and Eastern Seas, the Clans of the Great Race settled the lands that were previously the seabed. Pyatirechye is a land washed by the Irtysh, Ob, Yenisei, Angara and Lena rivers, where they gradually settled. Later, when warming occurred after the First Great Cooling and the glacier retreated, the Clans of the Great Race also settled along the Ishim and Tobol rivers. Since then, Pyatirechye has turned into Semirechye.

As the lands east of the Ural Mountains were developed, each of them received an appropriate name. In the north, in the lower reaches of the Ob, between the Ob and the Ural Mountains - Siberia. To the south, along the banks of the Irtysh, Belovodye itself is located. East of Siberia, on the other side of the Ob, is Lukomorye. South of Lukomorye is Yugorye, which reaches the Irian Mountains (Mongolian Altai).

The capital of our Ancestors at this time became the city of Asgard of Iria (As - god, gard - city, together - the city of the Gods), which was founded in Summer 5,028 from the Great Migration from Daariya to Russenia, on the holiday of the Three Moons, the month of Taillet, the ninth day 102 years of the Circle of Chislobog - the ancient calendar (104,778 BC). Asgard was destroyed in Summer 7038 by the SMZ. (1 530 AD) Dzungars - people from the northern provinces of Arimia (China). Old people, children and women hid in dungeons and then went to monasteries. Today, on the site of Asgard is the city of Omsk.

In memory of the salvation from the Flood and the Great Migration of the Clans of the Great Race, a unique ritual appeared in the 16th year - Easter with a deep inner meaning, performed by all Orthodox people. This ritual is well known to everyone. At Easter, colored eggs are hit against each other to see whose egg is stronger. The broken egg was called the Koshchei egg, i.e. the destroyed Moon Lelya with the bases of the Foreigners, and the whole egg was called the Power of Tarkh Dazhdbog. The tale of Koshchei the Immortal, whose death was in an egg (on the Moon Lele) somewhere at the top of a tall oak tree (i.e., actually in the heavens), also appeared in common use.

As a result of the first Great Cooling, the northern hemisphere of Midgard-Earth began to be covered with snow for a third of the year. Due to the lack of food for people and animals, the Great Migration of the descendants of the Heavenly Family began beyond the Ural Mountains, which defended the Holy Russia on the western borders.

The Kh'Aryan Family, led by the Great Leader Ant, reached the Western (Atlantic) Ocean and, with the help of Whiteman, crossed to an island in this ocean where Beardless people with skin the color of the flame of the Sacred Fire (people with red skin) lived. On that land, the Great Leader built the Temple (temple) of the Trident of the God of the Seas and Oceans (God Niya), who patronized people, protecting them from the Forces of Evil. The island began to be called the Land of Ants or Antlan (in ancient Greek - Atlantis).


However, the life of our Ancestors on Midgard-Earth was subjected to another test. As the Vedas testify, great wealth clouded the heads of leaders and priests. Laziness and desire for what belongs to others clouded their minds. And they began to lie to Gods and people, began to live according to their own laws, violating the Testaments of the Wise First Ancestors and the Laws of the One Creator God. And they began to use the Power of the Elements (possibly gravitational weapons) of Midgard-Earth to achieve their goals.

In 11,008 BC. e. in the battle between the people of the White Race and the priests of Antlan, Luna Fatta was destroyed. But at the same time, a huge fragment of Fatta crashed into the Earth, as a result of which the tilt of the earth’s axis changed by 23° and the continental outlines changed (hence the modern word “fatal”). A giant wave circled the earth three times, which led to the destruction of Antlan and other islands. It thundered across Antlani so much that Midgard turned over both axes (equatorial and polar) four times in two days, and Yarilo rose twice in the present west. Increased volcanic activity led to atmospheric pollution, which was one of the causes of the Great Cooling and glaciation. Many centuries passed before the atmosphere began to clear and the glaciers retreated to the poles. The seasons have changed, the axis tilt has changed, Midgard has left its original orbit and is gradually trying to return to it. Because of all this, all relationships with the Yarila-Sun System have changed, in which each planet had and has its own responsibility in relation to Midgard (Perun’s Earth is a protector, because it catches stones that are dangerous for Midgard with its gravity). After the blow, the Svarog Circle turned, and this well-functioning system of relationships was distorted. Therefore, in Kolyadydar there were inaccuracies and inconsistencies. What do you want, because this Gift was given more than 100 thousand years ago! In modern times, only global cycles are accurate, which are not affected by affairs on Midgard.

After the death of Antlan, part of the Race of Light of Pure Whiteman was transferred to the territory of the Great Country of Ta-Kemi, which was located east of Antlan and south of Great Venea (Europe). Tribes with skin the color of Darkness (blacks) and tribes with skin the color of the Setting Sun lived there - the ancestors of certain Semitic peoples, in particular the Arabs. Ta-Kemi was the name of an ancient country that existed in the north of the African continent, on the territory of modern Egypt. From Ancient Egyptian legends it is known that this country was founded by nine White Gods who came from the North. Under the White Gods in this case are hidden white-skinned Priests - initiates of Ancient Knowledge. They, undoubtedly, were Gods for the Negroid population of Ancient Egypt.

The White Gods created the state of Egypt and passed on sixteen secrets to the local population: the ability to build housing and temples, mastery of farming techniques, animal husbandry, irrigation, crafts, navigation, military art, music, astronomy, poetry, medicine, the secrets of embalming, secret sciences, the institution of priesthood , Pharaoh's Institute, use of minerals. The Egyptians received all this knowledge from the first dynasties. The Four Clans of the Great Race, replacing each other, taught the Ancient Wisdom to new Priests. Their knowledge was so extensive that it allowed them to quickly organize into a powerful civilization. The period of formation of the state of Egypt is known - 12-13 thousand years ago.


The descendants of those who migrated to the western territories subsequently settled the great island located in the Western Ocean. It was the Antov family who moved to a large island-continent, settled it and named it Antlanya. Red-skinned people also settled on Antlani, who arrived from the eastern equatorial continent (Africa) to help the Ants build great cities and temples, and the Ants, in gratitude for their help, began to teach the red-skinned people many sciences and crafts. A few centuries later, Great Markets began to take place on Antlan, to which not only residents from various territories and continents of Midgard-Earth arrived, but also representatives of other Lands to exchange their goods and products.

This was taken advantage of by representatives of the Worlds of Darkness, who realized that by invading by force they would not be able to capture Midgard-Earth, so they decided to use cunning and deception. Posing themselves as traders from other Lands, they began to make connections among local residents and among the Priest rulers.

As a result of such conversations and beliefs, after some time, among the Ants and other peoples of Antlan, supporters and followers of the Doctrine, which was preached by “merchants” from other Lands, appeared. Over time, many people appeared on Antlan who began to violate the Commandments of the High Gods and the Ancestral Foundations. To those who followed their Teaching, the “traders” told about their sciences and technical achievements, unknown on Midgard-Earth, which they called “magical sciences.” The “Traders” taught this magical knowledge only to Priests from the Ant Clans, who became followers of their Teachings.

These violations of the ancient Commandments and Foundations were followed by others. The propaganda of permissiveness by the “traders” led to the fact that some of the Ants began to mix with the red-skinned people. The priests, who remained faithful to the Ancient Traditions, opposed such a mixture, but could not stop this process. Many of them, as well as those Ants who continued to observe the Commandments of the High Gods and the Ancestral Foundations, were forced to leave Antlan and move to the east, to the northern coast of what is now Africa. After some time, they populated the islands of the Mediterranean Sea and settled on the shores of the Black Sea.

In Antlan itself, as a result of mixing with the red-skinned peoples, the genetics of the Ants began to change more and more, which led to a decrease in life expectancy among their descendants. In parallel with the change in genetics and the emergence of a new worldview among the Ants, a desire for a luxurious arrangement of their lives emerged on the basis of the Doctrine that the “merchants” preached.

The knowledge obtained from the “traders” began to be used to extract large quantities of earthly minerals and build various structures for their processing. Various types of transport, especially air and sea, have developed. Sea surface and underwater ships, as well as various aircraft, were created. These devices used power plants, the operation of which required a large amount of earthly minerals. The “merchants” provided their new “friends” with technical means of communication and control, which operated on different principles than those used by representatives of the Light Worlds and Russia.

Electricity obtained from the processing of earthly minerals has become widely used in all types of activities. Nuclear energy also began to be used, including for mining. Technical progress, as they say, was obvious. However, in parallel with technological progress, there was spiritual and moral regression and environmental pollution. The priests of Antlani were mired in luxury and moral degradation. They began to oppress representatives of the red-skinned people and their own kind, which began to lead to aggravation of conflicts within society. In addition, conflicts began to spread beyond the territory of Antlan.

Since the Priests began to constantly have problems with ordinary people, they, with the help of “traders,” began to conduct genetic experiments to suppress the will of people, i.e. they began experiments to create biorobots that would replace ordinary people in many activities. Thus, the commandments that restrained people's behavior were completely forgotten. The priests of Antlani ceased to distinguish the boundary between good and evil, so they became interested in everything only from the point of view of usefulness or uselessness.

The desire of the Priests and “traders” to live off the natural resources of Antlan and the activities of other people became overwhelming. After about 25 thousand years, Antlan's mineral resources were almost exhausted. Its entire territory was literally dug up with workings going into the depths of the earth. This led to the fact that, due to the huge voids, part of the island-mainland went under water. Then the Priests of Antlan and the “traders” moved the mining of minerals to the territory of the Eastern and Western continents, they developed it with the help of powerful energy emitters.

About 73 thousand years ago, when several powerful energy emitters were used simultaneously, they caused the movement of magma in the Antlan region, which led to its powerful release through the Toba volcano, which was located on the eastern coast of the Western continent. A gigantic mass of rock, hot lava, dust, ash and gases shot up into the atmosphere. From the terrible force of the explosion, the eastern part of the Western continent and the western part of Antlan were destroyed. Ocean waters poured into the huge crater that formed, flooding it and many deep workings. As a result, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea were formed.

However, the eastern and central parts of Antlan have been preserved as a group of large and small islands. They formed a kind of archipelago, in the center of which there was a huge island, which later in the legends of the ancient Greeks was called Poseidon, and the archipelago itself began to be called Atlantis.

The explosion of the gigantic power of the Toba volcano naturally affected the climate of the entire Midgard-Earth. There was not only a movement of its tectonic continental plates, but also pollution of the atmosphere as a result of the release of huge amounts of dust, ash and various gases. The sun turned out to be covered by black clouds from all living things for several years throughout the equatorial part of Midgard-Earth. Only the northern and southern regions of the Earth remained uncovered by powerful clouds.

Intensive cooling of the atmosphere began, glaciation of a significant part of the territories in the equatorial regions of different continents. In addition, this eruption and the numerous earthquakes and cold snap that followed it killed a significant part of the population in the equatorial parts of the Earth. The inhabitants of Antlan and the population in the central parts of the Eastern and Western continents were especially affected, where most of them died.

The priests, “traders” and many of their followers left Antlan on the aircraft of the “traders” at the time of the volcanic eruption. However, some of the aircraft died, some while on Earth, and others during takeoff.

Not only the Vedas tell about these events, but also the ancient legends of other peoples of the Earth report this as the ascension of people alive to Heaven in the Fire Chariots of the Gods and their subsequent return when the sky over the Earth cleared.

After their return to Antlan, the Priests and “traders” established new laws. They began to behave very cruelly towards the surviving people, any disagreement and insubordination was suppressed by force. As a result, people called them evil gods. If previously genetic experiments were carried out only on volunteers, then after the return of the Priests and “traders” from Heaven, these experiments on people were carried out by force.

Anyone who violated the laws established by the Priests and “merchants”, as punishment, ended up in closed dungeons, where all kinds of genetic experiments were carried out on him. For these experiments, ancient adits and workings were used. Those who managed to escape from the dungeons and appear on the surface were called creatures of the underworld by the inhabitants of Antlan, since they no longer resembled ordinary people, but were more reminiscent of various monsters from ancient legends. For many peoples of the Earth, this has become part of the legends about the existing underground world or hell, where monsters and various creepy creatures live.

Priests and “traders”, based on their experience associated with the eruption of the Toba volcano, when they barely escaped death, began to use the monsters they created to create the Gates of Interworlds in order to be able to leave the Earth without resorting to the use of aircraft. The technologies for constructing the Interworld Gate were stolen by “traders” from the occupied Lands of the Hall of Swati. These technologies gave them the opportunity to penetrate to other Earths, where the Interworld Gates were created, built by representatives of the Forces of the Worlds of Light.

Priests and “traders” first began to use the Gates of Interworld built in Antlan and Ta-Kemi (North Africa) to kidnap people whom they turned into monsters, and subsequently to transport numerous detachments of monsters to wage their wars of conquest. But not all the kidnapped people were turned into monsters by the “traders”; some of them were selected and psychologically reprogrammed to serve the Priests and “traders”. They sent these psychologically processed people, under the guise of traders, to market places in the lands of Russenia in order to scout out the locations of the Interworld Gates in Russenia, their launch systems and the coordinates of the Interworld Gates on other Lands of the Worlds of Light.

Having received the necessary information, the Priests and “traders” began to send their monsters through the Gates of Interworld in the south of Russenia. The monsters transported the abducted white people not to Antlan, but to the Lands of the Pekelny World, in order to divert suspicions of involvement in the abductions from Antlan.

To protect themselves from attacks and kidnappings, representatives of the Clans united, creating the Great Colo of Russia, i.e. A Great Circle of warriors was created, covering all the borders of Russenia, intended to protect all the Clans of white people and the Gates of Interworld. However, in clashes with monsters, they used destructive and will-paralyzing weapons unknown to white people.

As a result, the raids could not always be repelled; many people and warriors were kidnapped by monsters, so representatives of the Great Colo of Russia turned to the High Gods for help. As soon as the decision to help the High Gods was made, God Perun and his retinue arrived on Midgard-Earth. Having waited for the next raid from the Pekelny World, Perun and his squad penetrated through the Gates of Interworld opened by the monsters into the Inferno.

After the battle that took place in the Pekelny World, Perun brought out all the white people who had been taken there by force and deception, and he also freed from captivity creatures from other Worlds of the Forces of Light. However, during the battle, some of the Pekla warriors and monsters fled through the open Gates of Interworld to Midgard-Earth, through which Perun brought out all the captives. After God Perun returned the creatures rescued from captivity to their Worlds, he destroyed the Gates of Interworld in the south of Russia and blocked the entrance to them with the Caucasian Mountains. A day later, he destroyed the Interworld Gate, located on Antlan.

The white people returned to their Clan, and a great holiday began throughout Russia. People rejoiced at the return of their relatives. The monsters and Pekla warriors who remained alive became hungry, so they wandered around Rassenia and begged the white people for food. People, in order not to darken their joy from meeting their Relatives, gave them food, after which the monsters and Pekla warriors left.

Our Ancestors always remembered these joyful days, they even introduced them into the calendar as the Menari holiday (Day of Changes) and the subsequent week of joy.

After the week of joy came the Day of Great Peace, when everyone took a break from the holiday and reflected on the meaning of life. After the Day of Great Peace, the Week of Remembrance of the Ancestors was established, during which all those who died in Pekelny Mir were remembered.

While people remembered their Ancestors, God Perun and his retinue walked around Russia and destroyed monsters and warriors of Pekla. As soon as the last monster was destroyed, God Perun stabbed his sword into the ground. This was reflected in ancient legends as follows: “And having defeated the evil forces, God Perun thrust a shining sword into the ground.”

To this day, representatives of the communities of the Old Russian Church of the Old Believers commemorate these events. On the Menari holiday, which later received the additional name Kolyada, people dress up in costumes, imitating monsters, who are now called mummers. They go from house to house, sing songs and beg for food.

After the carol days, the Day of Great Peace is celebrated, followed by the Week of Remembrance of the Ancestors. At the end of it, the Winter Day of Perun is celebrated. On this day, people bring gifts to God Perun and walk barefoot through the swastika labyrinth, which repeats Perun’s Path through Russia, when he walked and destroyed monsters and warriors of Pekla.

Having defeated the monsters and warriors of Pekla, Perun and his squad left Midgard-Earth, promising the white people to return when the Great Assa ended.

Having lost the Interworld Gate, which was located in the “temple of the Gods” on Antlan, the High Priests and “traders” decided to build a new Interworld Gate, hiding them deep underground, away from prying eyes. Five years later, the Gate was ready and they resumed their secret connections with the Pekelny World. Above the new Gates of the Interworld, a “temple of Great Wisdom” was built, in which the High Priests and “merchants” placed a luminous crystal delivered from Hell. The radiation of this crystal affected everyone who came to the “temple of Great Wisdom”, changing and expanding their consciousness, but at the same time suppressing their psyche and will.

The Forces of the Worlds of Darkness and Inferno realized that by entering into open battles with the Forces of the Worlds of Light, they could not win. Therefore, they decided to use other, more sophisticated and insidious methods of warfare.

The High Priests and “traders” began to turn the peoples living outside the borders of Russenia against white people, using old proven methods: bribery, substitution of concepts in the Family Foundations and beliefs. They invited many elders and representatives of Clans from these nations to visit them, and always took them to show the splendor of the decoration of the “Temple of Great Wisdom”. After such “excursions”, elders and representatives of Clans from different nations fell under the complete influence of the Priests and “traders” of Antlan.

In order to consolidate their influence among different peoples living outside the territory of Russenia, Priests and “traders” began to teach these peoples to build majestic temples and cities. After some time, “temples of Great Wisdom” appeared in the cities of these peoples, built under the supervision of the priests of Antlan.

In each such “temple”, the priests of Antlani installed luminous crystals from Pekla in order to subjugate the local population. Services in the “temples of Great Wisdom” were accompanied by colorful unusual rituals and numerous sacrifices to the “ancient primordial gods.” Naturally, the priests of Antlan did not explain to people what ancient primordial gods they were talking about.

Gradually, the new religion and new rituals, which were introduced by the priests of Antlan, began to displace the most ancient Ancestral beliefs and old rituals of these peoples.

After the roots of their religion and the actual seizure of power over different nations by the priests of Antlan, they began to provoke wars between them in order to test the effectiveness of the effects on these peoples of the radiation of luminous crystals delivered from Pekla and installed in the “temples of Great Wisdom.”

One should not think that representatives of the Great Colo of Russenia and the Force of the Worlds of Light did not pay attention to this. To neutralize the radiation coming from the “temples of the Great Wisdom,” they began to build Triran-Tombs (pyramids) throughout the Earth, the energy flows of which blocked these radiations not only on the physical level, but also on the temporary one.

It is worth clarifying here that the ancient name of the Tomb has nothing in common with the modern concept, formed from the word coffin or from the image of some kind of burial. Tombs or Grobins in ancient times were called very large buildings or structures. In Slavic languages, until recently, funeral sarcophagi in which the dead were placed were called not coffins, as many people think, but domovinas.

The construction of Triran-Tombs throughout the Earth led to the fact that many peoples began to free themselves from the influence of the priests of Antlan. This led to the unification of many peoples living outside of Rassenia. They enlisted the support of the Great Colo of Russenia to get rid of the dominance of the priests of Antlan.

This event was reflected in ancient Indian sources as the creation of the “Rishi Empire”, opposing the forces of evil. In ancient Sumerian and ancient Chaldean sources this was described as the creation of a Great Power opposing the Forces of Darkness. These dark forces, as reported by the above-mentioned ancient sources, were located in the west, i.e. in North Africa and on a large island lying in the Western Sea.

In order to completely free themselves from the influence of radiation coming from the “temples of Great Wisdom”, representatives of the “Rishi Empire” and the Great Power decided to join forces and free North Africa from the domination of the priests of Antlan. As a result of the actions of the united forces, not only were cities liberated in North Africa, but many “temples of Great Wisdom” were also destroyed. The priests and guards from these “temples”, having learned about the advance of the united forces from the East, left for Antlan in advance.

Having lost many territories in the east, the High Priests of Antlan and the “traders” turned to the Rulers of the Pekelny World for help and advice. I had to wait a very long time for an answer, but still it was received. This answer puzzled the High Priests of Antlan, because they were asked to use other types of weapons, mainly the emphasis was on gravitational-plasma emitters, the so-called Fash Destroyers, capable of exploding Celestial bodies, for powering which either powerful power sources or the energy of the Earth’s force fields were used .

The rulers of the Pekelny World proposed to use them to destroy Luna Fattu, and bring down its fragments on Russenia and the territories of the two Eastern powers. The High Priests of Antlan were afraid to use Fash Destroyers, because they understood that fragments of Fatta could fall on the territory of their island. These fears were dispelled by the Lords of Pekla, declaring that in case of danger, the High Priests of Antlan can go to their World using the Gates of Interworld, located under the “Temple of Great Wisdom”.

In order to prevent the capture of Antlan by the united forces of the Eastern powers and to begin the construction of installations for the Fash Destroyers, the High Priests and “traders” decided to use their followers living in the east to create discord between representatives of different nations. To do this, they used various means, ranging from bribery to spreading false information. This led to the beginning of discord between the allies and the return of their troops home.

When the troops returned to their countries, armed clashes between representatives of different nations were already in full swing, and each warrior from the former united army joined the ranks of his people. Thus, former allies became sworn enemies. These internecine conflicts were encouraged in every possible way by the “merchants”. They gave one side or the other new weapon systems, up to and including the “weapons of the Gods.” A description of this powerful “weapon of the Gods” can be found in the famous ancient Indian source “Mahabharata”, which talks about its use in ancient times:
“ columns of smoke and flames brighter than a thousand suns rose...Iron lightning, giant messengers of death, erased the entire race of Brishna and Andhaka into ashes...the corpses were burned beyond recognition......nails and hair fell out. The pottery shattered for no apparent reason. The birds have turned grey. After a few hours the food became unusable.”

One cannot but agree that iron lightning is rockets, and columns of smoke and flames brighter than a thousand suns are nuclear and thermonuclear (including plasmoid) explosions. It becomes clear that the Mahabharata describes a nuclear missile war.

The High Priests of Antlan and the “traders”, having drawn former allies into military conflicts among themselves, began to build installations for Fash Destroyers. To hide the purpose of these installations, they were built in the form of rounded temples without an external entrance. The entrances to these “temples” came from the dungeons of the “temples of Great Wisdom.”

The organizers of the construction explained to local residents that these were “temples of the Great Power” and they were needed for the Great Service, which can only be performed by the High Priests of Antlan. When the installations were ready, the Lords of Inferno transported Fash Destroyers to Antlan through the Gates of Interworld.

And yet, the High Priests failed to hide the true purpose of the “temples of Great Power”. Representatives of Russenia who arrived at the market places of Antlani saw the construction of unusual structures. They learned from local residents that these were “temples of the Great Power” being built. Upon returning home, they spoke about these unusual “temples” to the Council of Priests of Russenia.

The priests of Russenia turned to the High Gods and asked them to explain what these unusual “temples of the Great Power” were. The answer of the High Gods that these were not “temples” at all, but power plants for the Fash Destroyers, which destroyed many Earths in various Worlds, made the Priests think deeply about how to preserve life in the vastness of Russia. To counter the plans of the Priests of Antlan, they began to build power plants to create a protective dome over Rassenia, which would be capable of destroying large objects and meteorites falling from the sky into small pieces.

When the High Priests of Antlan learned that defense systems were being built throughout Rassenia, they tried to complete the construction of the “temples of the Great Power” as quickly as possible in order to be the first to use their weapons. A powerful blow from several Fash Destroyers, powered by the force fields of the Earth, split Fatta into many fragments of various sizes, which fell on Midgard-Earth. All defensive systems located on Luna Fatta were instantly destroyed, and all the people who controlled these systems also instantly died.

The protective power dome system put into operation over Rassenia only partially saved the territory, since not all power plants were completed. And yet, most of the large fragments were turned into dust, and some of the large fragments were thrown away from the power dome and redirected towards Antlan. As a result, these fragments fell into the Western Sea, causing waves of enormous height that crashed onto the surface of Antlan.

Many large fragments fell into the current Pacific Ocean, which caused the movement of continental plates and multiple volcanic eruptions throughout the Earth. In addition, the fall of the largest fragment in the same area led to a shift in the tilt of the earth's axis. The movement of continental plates, multiple voids and workings near Antlanya led to its immersion in the depths of the waters. These events are reflected in the myths and traditions of many peoples of the Earth on different continents, as tales of the Great Flood.

But since protective power complexes were installed above the “temples of the Great Power,” high waves could not destroy them. These protective complexes created and provided a completely autonomous living environment, so many Priests, “traders” and “service personnel” did not die, but survived thanks to these protective systems. Some of the High Priests and “traders” used the Gates of Interworld and disappeared into the Pekelny World.

Dust from fragments destroyed by the power dome of Dispersal and ash from the eruptions of many volcanoes filled the atmosphere above Midgard-Earth. This led to a decrease in temperature on Earth and subsequent glaciation of the polar regions.

How can one not recall the Slavic source “The Book of Wisdom of Perun”, which says: “...For people will use the Power of the elements of Midgard-Earth and destroy the Small Moon and their beautiful World... And then the Svarog Circle will turn and human Souls will be horrified.. The Great Night will envelop Midgard-Earth... and the Heavenly Fire will destroy many edges of the Earth... Where beautiful gardens bloomed, Great Deserts will stretch... Instead of life-bearing land, seas will rustle, and where the waves of the seas splashed, there will appear high mountains covered with eternal snow... People will begin to hide from the poisoned rains, which bring death, in caves and will begin to eat the flesh of animals, for the fruits of the trees will be filled with poisons and many people will die after eating them as food... Poisoned streams of water will bring many deaths Thirst will bring suffering to the children of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Family...”


In the previous chapter we mentioned the techniques used by artisans and peasants in Ancient India. The successes achieved in these areas, even if they were greater than similar achievements in the ancient Near East, show that the Hindu civilization, contrary to very popular belief, succeeded not only in the field of religious philosophy. She made a great contribution to the development of science. We owe to her the ten-digit numbering system, many important achievements in astronomy and the beginnings of that mathematical science called algebra. On the other hand, towards the end of the period under consideration, the practical knowledge possessed by the Indians in the fields of medicine and surgery appears to have been superior to that of other contemporary civilizations. The Hindus far surpassed the Greeks in the field of accurate astronomical observations, as well as in the fields of mathematics and logic, thanks to the developments of their own scientists. However, their methods and skills were far from those we use today for scientific research. There was not that close cooperation between theory and experience that is characteristic of the so-called experimental sciences. Sometimes even certain practical successes, for example in the activities of surgeons and doctors, were achieved contrary to and not because of their theoretical knowledge. Conversely, some theories arose without almost any observations or experiments. These are the “foresights” of the atomistic structure of the world, amazing from the point of view of modern science, which were exclusively the fruit of logic and intuition. This is also the Jain doctrine of the existence of microscopic life forms in soil, water and air, which was developed intuitively on the basis of the simple idea that everything that moves, grows or acts in any way must be alive.

The exception is linguistics, achievements in which corresponded to the development of significant methodology. Panini's grammar, the most complete of those produced anywhere in the world before the end of the 18th century, and the phonetic system it uses, testify to a long grammatical tradition created by Panini's predecessors and himself.

Cosmology and geography

The universe of the Vedas was very simple: below is the Earth, flat and round, above is the firmament along which the Sun, Moon and stars move. Between them is the airspace ( antariksha), where the birds, clouds and demigods are. This idea of ​​the world has become more complex with the development of religious thought.

The explanations put forward for the origin and evolution of the world had nothing to do with science. But all the religions of India have accepted some cosmological concepts that are fundamental to Indian consciousness. They were strikingly different from the Semitic ideas that would long influence Western thought: the world is very old, in an endless process of successive cyclical evolutions and declines; there are other worlds besides ours.

The Hindus believed that the world is shaped like an egg, Brahmanda, or the egg of Brahma, and is divided into twenty-one belts: the Earth is the seventh from the top. Above the Earth, six heavens rise above each other, corresponding to increasing degrees of bliss and not connected with the planets, as with the Greeks. Below the Earth was located Patala, or the lower world, which included seven levels. The abode of nagas and other mythical creatures, it was by no means considered an unpleasant place. Below the patala was purgatory - naraka, also divided into seven circles, each worse than the other, since it was a place of punishment for souls. The world was suspended in free space and presumably isolated from other worlds.

The cosmological scheme of the Buddhists and Jains differed from that just presented in many respects, but was ultimately based on the same concept. Both claimed that the Earth was flat, but at the beginning of our era astronomers recognized the fallacy of this idea, and although it continued to dominate religious stories, enlightened minds knew that the Earth was spherical. Some calculations of its size were made, the most recognized was the point of view of Brahmagupta (7th century AD), according to which the earth's circumference was calculated at 5000 yojanas - one yojana was equal to approximately 7.2 km. This figure is not too far from truth, and she is one of the most accurate that were established by ancient astronomers.

This small spherical Earth, according to the ideas of astronomers, did not satisfy theologians, and later religious literature still described our planet as a large flat disk. Mount Meru rose in the center, around which the Sun, Moon and stars revolved. Meru was surrounded by four continents ( dvipa), separated from the central mountain by oceans and named after those large trees that grew on the coast facing the mountain. In the southern continent where people lived, the typical tree was jambu, so it was called Jambudvipa. The southern part of this continent, separated from the others by the Himalayas, was the “land of the sons of Bharata” (Bharatavarsha), or India. Bharatavarsha alone was 9,000 yojanas in width, and the entire continent of Jambudvipa was 33,000 or, according to some sources, 100,000 yojanas.

To this fabulous geography were added other elements, no less fantastic. In the Puranas, Jambudvipa is described as a ring surrounding Mount Meru and separated from the neighboring continent of Plakshadwipa by an ocean of salt! This, in turn, surrounded Jambudvipa, and so on until the last, seventh continent: each of them was round and separated from the other by an ocean of some substance - salt, molasses, wine, ghee, milk, cottage cheese and pure water. This description of the world, striking more by the power of imagination than by reliability, was tacitly accepted by Indian theologians, but astronomers could not help but take it into account and adapted it to their model of the spherical Earth, making Measure the axis of the globe and dividing its surface into seven continents.

Oceans of oil and seas of molasses prevented the development of genuine geographical science. The seven continents are completely impossible to correlate with real areas of the earth's surface - no matter how much some modern historians try to identify them with regions of Asia. Only Alexandria, known from the first centuries of our era, and unclear references to the city of Romana (Constantinople) found in astronomical works are reliable. But we are talking about practical knowledge that did not entail any research on the part of scientists.

Astronomy and calendar

One of the first sources that have reached us, giving us information about astronomical knowledge in Ancient India, is the Jyotisha Vedanga. This work, created, of course, around 500 BC. e., belongs to the didactic literature where applied Vedic knowledge is presented. We are talking in this case about primitive astronomy, the main purpose of which was to establish the dates for regular sacrifices. The celestial map was drawn using the various positions of the Moon, nakshatra, literally - “lunar houses”, in relation to the fixed stars, well known since the era of the Rig Veda. This position varies according to a cycle that lasts approximately twenty-seven solar days and seven hours and forty-five minutes, and the sky was divided into twenty-seven regions, bearing the names of the constellations of the ecliptic - the probable orbit of the Sun, in relation to which the Moon passes each time its cycle. Subsequently, the sidereal month lengthened to eight hours beyond its twenty-seven solar days, and astronomers added a twenty-eighth, intermediate, nakshatra to correct the error.

It is said that Indian astronomy was at one time under Mesopotamian influence, but this is not certain. But the influence of Greek and Roman astronomy, on the contrary, has been proven and apparently took place in the first centuries of our era.

Many Greek terms from the field of astronomy did find their way into Sanskrit and later Indian languages. Five astronomical systems siddhant, were known in the 6th century. thanks to the astronomer Varahamihira: one was called "Romaka-siddhanta", the other - "Paulisha-siddhanta"; the name of the latter can be interpreted as a corruption of the name of the classical astronomer Paul of Alexandria.

India borrowed the signs of the zodiac, the seven-day week, the hour and many other concepts from Western astronomy. She also adopted the use of astronomy for the purpose of prediction. During the Gupta era, the old methods of fortune telling were abandoned in favor of astrology. But the development that astronomy received in India at that time can be explained to an even greater extent by the application of the achievements that Indian mathematicians achieved. Thanks to these achievements, Indian astronomers were soon able to overtake the Greeks. In the 7th century The Syrian astronomer Sever Sebokht appreciated Indian astronomy and mathematics, and the Baghdad caliphs hired Indian astronomers. It was through the Arabs that Indian knowledge came to Europe.

The development of astronomy in India, as in other ancient civilizations, was limited by the lack of telescopes, but observation methods made it possible to make very accurate measurements, and the use of the decimal number system facilitated calculations. We know nothing about observatories of the Hindu period, but it is very possible that those that existed in the 17th–18th centuries. there were predecessors at Jaipur, Delhi and other places, equipped with extremely precise measuring instruments and erected on a gigantic ladder in order to reduce errors to a minimum.

Only seven planets sin, could be observed with the naked eye. These are the Sun (Surya, Ravi), Moon (Chandra, Soma), Mercury (Budh), Venus (Sukra), Mars (Mangala), Jupiter (Brihaspati), Saturn (Shani). At the beginning of each great universal cycle, all the planets began their revolution, lining up in a row, and returned to the same position at the end of the cycle. The obvious uneven movement of the planets was explained by the theory of epicycles, as in ancient and medieval astronomy. Unlike the Greeks, the Indians believed that the planets actually moved in the same way, and the apparent difference in their angular movement was created by their unequal distance from the Earth.

To be able to make calculations, astronomers adopted the geocentric planetary model, although at the end of the 5th century. Aryabhata expressed the idea that the Earth revolves around its own axis and around the Sun. His successors knew this theory, but it never had practical application. In the Middle Ages, the precession of the equinoxes, as well as the length of the year, the lunar month and other astronomical constants, were calculated with a certain degree of accuracy. These calculations had great practical use and were often more accurate than the calculations of Greco-Roman astronomers. Eclipses were calculated with great accuracy and their real cause was known.

The basic unit of the calendar was not the solar day, but the lunar day ( tithi), thirty such days formed a lunar month (that is, four phases of the Moon) - approximately twenty-nine and a half solar days. The month was divided into two halves - pakshi, starting with the full moon and new moon respectively. The fifteen days beginning with the new moon are called the “shiny half” ( shuklapaksha), the other fifteen are the "dark half" ( Krishnapaksha). According to the system in force in northern India and much of the Deccan, the month usually began and ended on the new moon. This Hindu calendar is still used for religious purposes throughout India.

The year consisted, as a rule, of twelve lunar months: chaitra(March, April), Vaisayasa(April May), jyaishtha(May June), ashadha(June July), shravana(July August), bhadrapada, or praushthapada(Aug. Sept), Ashvina, or ashvayuja(September October), karttika(October November), margashirsha, or agrahayana(November December), pausha, or Taisha(December - January), magha(January February), Phalguna(February March). Months in pairs formed seasons ( Ritu). The six seasons of the Indian year were: Vasanta(spring: March - May), Grishma(summer: May - July), varsha(rains: July - September), charade(autumn: September - November), hemanta(winter: November - January), shishra(fresh season: January - March).

But twelve lunar months were equal to only three hundred and fifty-four days. This problem of the difference between the lunar year and the solar year was solved very early: sixty-two lunar months corresponded to approximately sixty solar months, every thirty months one additional month was added to the year - as was done in Babylon. Every second or third year thus consisted of thirteen months, that is, it was twenty-nine days longer than the others.

The Hindu calendar, although accurate, was difficult to use and was so different from the solar calendar that it was impossible to correlate dates without complex calculations and correspondence tables. It is impossible to even immediately determine with complete certainty which month the date of the Hindu calendar falls on.

Dates are usually given in the following order: month, paksha, tithi and half month abbreviated shudi(“shiny”) or badi(“dark”) For example, "Chaitra Shudi 7" means the seventh day of the new moon in the month of Chaitra.

The solar calendar, introduced at that time by Western astronomy, had been known since the Gupta era, but it replaced the lunisolar calendar only relatively recently. Obviously, before our era there was no unified dating system. We know that in Rome chronology was carried out from the foundation of the city - ab urbe condita. The most ancient documents of India, when mentioning a date, indicate it in the following form: such and such a year of the reign of such and such a sovereign. The idea of ​​attaching a date to a relatively long period of time was probably introduced into India by invaders coming from the north-west - the region from which the most ancient records compiled in this way originate. Unfortunately, the Hindus did not accept a unified chronology system, so the chronology of some eras is sometimes difficult to restore. Thus, scientists have been arguing for more than a hundred years about what date to take for the first year of the Kanishka era.

Logic and epistemology

India has created a system of logic, the fundamental basis of which is Gautama's Nyaya Sutra. This text, consisting of short aphorisms and most likely written down in the first centuries of our era, was often commented on by subsequent authors. Nyaya was one of the six schools darshan, orthodox philosophy. However, logic was not the exclusive privilege of this school. Buddhism and Jainism, as well as Hinduism, studied and used it. Its development was facilitated by disputes, especially those that pitted theologians and logicians of the three faiths against each other. Logic, dependent on religious doctrines, as well as epistemology, had to gradually free itself in order to become in the 13th century. among the last Nyaya teachers - the Navya-Nyaya theorists - the science of pure reason. Interest in objective reality was also determined by another practice - medicine, to which we will return later and whose most ancient treatise, Ayurveda, already contained logical judgments and evidence.

To a greater extent, Indian thought in this area was concerned with the question of pramanah- a concept that can be translated as “sources of knowledge.” According to the medieval Nyaya doctrine, there are four pramanas: perception ( pratyaksha); conclusion ( anumana); conclusion by analogy, or comparison ( upamana), and "word" (shabda), that is, an authoritative statement that is trustworthy - for example, the Vedas.

The Vedanta school added to them intuition, or presumption ( arthapatti), and non-perception ( anupalabadhi), which was an excessive fabrication of the school. These six ways of knowing overlapped, and for Buddhists all forms of knowledge were contained within the first two. Jains generally recognized three: perception, inference and evidence. Materialists reduced everything to perception alone.

The study and endless criticism of the process of inference, on which the victory of dialectic in disputes depended, made it possible to discover incorrect reasoning and gradually get rid of it. The main sophisms were exposed: reduction to absurdity (arthaprasanga), circular proof (chakra), dilemma (anyonyashraya) etc.

A conclusion whose five-term form ( panchavayava), however, was a little more complicated than the proof in Aristotelian logic. It included five premises: thesis ( pratijna), argument (hetu), example ( udaharana), application ( fallen), conclusion ( nigamana).

A classic example of an Indian syllogism:

1) there is a fire burning on the mountain,

2) because there is smoke higher up,

3) and where there is smoke, there is fire, as, for example, in a hearth;

4) the same thing happens on the mountain,

5) therefore, there is fire on the mountain.

The third premise of the Indian syllogism corresponds to Aristotle's main conclusion, the second to the secondary one, and the first to the conclusion. The Indian syllogism thus violates the order of inference of classical Western logic: the argument is formulated in the first two premises, justified by a general rule and example in the third premise, and finally supported by a repetition of the first two. The example (in the above inference, the hearth) was generally considered an essential part of the argument, which enhanced the persuasiveness of the rhetoric. This established system of inference was, of course, the result of long practical experience. Buddhists adopted the three-part syllogism, rejecting the fourth and fifth premises of the orthodox conclusion as tautological.

It was believed that the basis for the generalization (“where there is smoke, there is fire”), on which any proof is built, had the character of a universal interconnectedness - vyapti, in other words, the constant interconnectedness of the sign (smoke) and the series of facts into which it enters (expansion of the concept). There has been much debate about the nature and origin of this interconnectedness, the consideration of which gave rise to a theory of universals and a theory of particulars, which cannot be presented here due to their complexity.

An analysis of the Indian way of thinking would not be complete without a brief mention of the special epistemological relativism of Jainism. The Jain thinkers, as well as some other dissenters, decisively rejected what in classical logic is called the principle of the excluded middle. The Jains, instead of only two possibilities: existence or non-existence, recognized seven modalities of existence. Thus, we can assert that a certain object, for example a knife, exists as such. Moreover, we can say that it is not something else, such as a fork. This means that it exists as a knife and it does not exist as a fork, and we can say that, on the one hand, it exists, and on the other, it does not exist. From another point of view, he is indescribable; its ultimate essence is unknown to us, and we cannot say anything definite about it: it is beyond the limits of language. Combining this fourth possibility with the three previous ones, we get three new possibilities of assertion: he is, but his nature resists any description, he is, but his nature cannot be described, and at the same time he is and is not, but his nature is indescribable. This system, based on a seven-part statement, was called syadvada(the "perhaps" doctrine) or saptabhangi(“seven-part division”).

The Jains also had another theory - the theory of "points of view", or the relativity of aspects of perception, according to which things are defined in terms of something known and, therefore, exist only in that aspect in which they can be felt or understood. The mango tree can be viewed as an individual entity with its own height and shape, or as a representative of the "universal" mango tree, conveying the general concept of the mango tree without regard to its individual characteristics. Or, finally, it can be considered as it is at the moment, and note, for example, that it has ripe fruit, without thinking either about its past when it was a sapling, or about its future when it becomes firewood. You can even consider it from the point of view of its name - “mango tree” - and analyze all its synonyms and their relationships. There may be subtle differences between these synonyms, which makes it possible to consider their shades and exact meanings.

Without a doubt, it is extremely difficult for modern logicians to understand this pedantic system, where epistemology, as we have seen, is confused with semantics. Nevertheless, it testifies to a high level of theorizing and proves that Indian philosophers were fully aware that the world is more complex and subtle than we think, and that a thing can be true in one of its aspects and at the same time false in another .


Humanity owes almost everything to mathematics to Ancient India, the level of development of which during the time of the Guptas was much higher than that of other ancient peoples. The achievements of Indian mathematics are due mainly to the fact that the Indians had a clear concept of abstract number, which they distinguished from the numerical quantity or spatial extent of objects. While the Greeks' mathematical science was more based on measurements and geometry, India went beyond these concepts early and, through the simplicity of numerical notation, invented elementary algebra, which made calculations more complex than the Greeks could do and led to the study numbers in themselves.

In the most ancient documents, dates and other numbers are written using a system similar to that adopted by the Romans, Greeks and Jews - in which different symbols were used to denote tens and hundreds. But in the Gujarati record 595 AD. e. The date is indicated using a system that consists of nine digits and a zero and in which the position of the digit is significant. Very soon the new system is fixed in Syria and is used everywhere all the way to Vietnam. Thus, it is obvious that it was known to mathematicians several centuries earlier than it appeared in records. The editors of the records were more conservative in their dating methods, and we find that in modern Europe the Roman system, although impractical, is still often used for the same purposes. We do not know the name of the mathematician who came up with the simplified numbering system, but the most ancient mathematical texts that have come down to us are the anonymous “Bakshali Manuscript,” a copy of the 4th century original. n. BC, and Aryabhatya by Aryabhata, which dates back to 499 AD. e., - suggest that such a thing existed.

Only at the end of the 18th century. the science of ancient India became known to the Western world. From that time on, a kind of conspiracy of silence began, which continues to this day and prevents India from being credited with the invention of the decimal system. For a long time it was unreasonably considered an Arab achievement. The question arises: was zero present in the first examples of using the new system? Indeed, there was no zero sign in them, but the positions of the numbers, of course, mattered. The oldest record containing a zero depicted as a closed circle dates back to the second half of the 9th century, while in the Cambodian record of the end of the 7th century. it is represented as a dot, which is probably how it was originally written in India, since in the Arabic system zero is also represented by a dot.

The conquest of Sindh by the Arabs in 712 contributed to the spread of Indian mathematics in the then expanding Arab world. About a century later, the great mathematician Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi appeared in Baghdad, who used knowledge of the Indian decimal system in his famous treatise. Perhaps here we can talk about the influence that this outstanding mathematical work had on the further development of the science of numbers: three centuries after its creation, it was translated into Latin and spread throughout Western Europe. Adelard de Bath, an English scientist of the 12th century, translated another work of Khwarizmi called “The Book of Algorithms of Indian Numbers.” The name of the Arabic author remained in the word “algorithm”, and the title of his main work “Hisab al-Jabr” gave rise to the word “algebra”. Although Adelard was fully aware that Khwarizmi owed much to Indian science, the algorithmic system was attributed to the Arabs, as was the decimal system of numbers. Meanwhile, Muslims remember its origin and usually also call the algorithm the word “Hindizat” - “Indian art”. In addition, while Arabic alphabetic text is read from right to left, numbers are always written from left to right - just like in Indian writing. Although the Babylonians and Chinese attempted to create a numbering system in which the meaning of a digit depended on its place in the number, it was in India in the first centuries of our era that the simple and effective system now used throughout the world arose. The Mayans used zero in their system, also giving meaning to the position of the number. But although the Mayan system was most likely ancient, it, unlike the Indian one, did not receive any distribution in the rest of the world.

Thus, the importance of Indian science for the West cannot be overestimated. Most of the great discoveries and inventions that Europe is proud of would have been impossible without the mathematical system created in India. If we talk about the influence that an unknown mathematician who invented a new system had on world history, and about his analytical gift, he can be considered the most significant person, after the Buddha, that India has ever known. Medieval Indian mathematicians such as Brahmagupta (7th century), Mahavira (9th century), Bhaskara (12th century), in turn, made discoveries that became known in Europe only during the Renaissance and later. They worked with positive and negative quantities, invented elegant ways to take square and cube roots, and they knew how to solve quadratic equations and some types of indeterminate equations. Aryabhata calculated the approximate value of the number l, which is still used today and which is an expression of the fraction 62832/20000, i.e. 3.1416. This value, much more accurate than that calculated by the Greeks, was brought to the ninth decimal place by Indian mathematicians. They made a number of discoveries in trigonometry, spherical geometry and infinitesimal calculus, mostly related to astronomy. Brahmagupta went further in his study of indefinite equations than what Europe had learned by the 18th century. In medieval India, the mathematical interconnectedness of zero (shunya) and infinity was well understood. Bhaskara, refuting his predecessors who argued that x: 0 = x, proved that the result is infinity. He also proved mathematically what Indian theology had known for at least a millennium: that infinity, even divided, remains infinity, which can be expressed by the equation ?: x = ?.

Physics and chemistry

Physics remained very dependent on religion, changing its theories slightly from sect to sect. The classification of the world by elements arose in the era of the Buddha or perhaps earlier. All schools recognized at least four elements: earth, air, fire and water. The orthodox schools of Hindus and Jainism added a fifth - akasha (ether). It was recognized that air does not expand indefinitely, and the Indian mind, with its fear of emptiness, found it very difficult to comprehend empty space. Five elements were considered the conducting medium of sensory perception: earth - smell, air - touch, fire - vision, water - taste and ether - hearing. The Buddhists and Ajivikas rejected ether, but the Ajivikas added life, joy and suffering, which, according to their teaching, were in a certain sense material - thereby bringing the number of elements to seven.

Most schools believed that the elements were formed by atoms, with the exception of the ether. Indian atomism, of course, has nothing to do with Greece and Democritus, since it was already formulated by the unorthodox Kakuda Katyayana, an elder contemporary of the Buddha. The Jains believed that all atoms ( anu) identical and that the difference in the properties of elements depends on how the atoms are connected to each other. But most schools argued that there were as many types of atoms as there were elements.

As a rule, it was believed that the atom was eternal, but some Buddhists saw it as the smallest object, capable of occupying space and having a minimum lifespan, and after disappearing it is immediately replaced by another. The atom, as imagined by Buddhists, thus resembled to some extent Planck's quantum. It is not visible to the naked eye, and for the Vaisheshika school it is simply a point in space, devoid of any volume.

An atom has no properties, but only potentiality, which manifests itself when it combines with other atoms. The Vaisesika school, which best developed this part of its doctrine and was primarily a school of atomism, believed that atoms, before combining to form material objects, are combined into dyads and triads. This "molecular" theory was developed differently by the Buddhists and Ajivikas, according to which, under normal conditions, there are no isolated atoms, but only compounds of atoms in varying proportions within molecules. Each molecule contains at least one atom of each of the four elements, and the predominance of one or another element determines its specificity ( Vaisesha). This hypothesis took into account the fact that matter can exhibit the properties of many elements: thus, wax can burn and melt because its molecules contain a certain proportion of water and fire. According to Buddhists, molecular compounds are formed due to the presence of water atoms in each of them, which play a binding role.

These theories were not always shared, and the great Shaivite theologian Shankara, who lived in the 9th century, strongly opposed atomistic ideas. These theories, based entirely on imagination, were remarkable exercises in explaining the physical structure of the world. Thus, they must be considered as an achievement of ancient India, even if one can, with little doubt, consider it a pure coincidence that they resemble the theory arising from the discoveries of modern physics.

In all other respects, Indian physics remains at a relatively primitive level. Like all physics of antiquity, she did not know the principle of universal gravitation, which is the basis of any explanation of the world. Elements such as earth and water were believed to tend to fall and fire to rise, and it was noted that solids and liquids expanded when exposed to heat. But these phenomena have not been studied experimentally. However, in the field of acoustics, the Indians made important discoveries through phonetic exercises necessary for the correct recitation of the Vedas. They were able to distinguish musical tones separated by smaller intervals than in other ancient musical systems, and they noticed that differences in timbre were caused by overtones ( anuranana), varying depending on the instrument.

Indian metallurgists were masters in mining ore and smelting metal. But their largely pragmatic knowledge was not based on developed metallurgical science. As for chemistry, it was put at the service of medicine, not technology. It was used to obtain medicines, elixirs of longevity, stimulants, poisons and antidotes. Chemists were able to isolate various alkalis, acids and salts by simple calcination and distillation, and there is even an unproven point of view that they discovered the formula for gunpowder.

During the Middle Ages, Indian chemists, as well as their Chinese, Muslim and European colleagues, began studying mercury, perhaps under the influence of the Arabs. A school of alchemists appeared, which conducted numerous experiments with this unusual liquid metal and considered it a cure for all diseases, a source of eternal youth, and even a perfect means of salvation. Having taken this path, Indian chemistry fell into decay, but before disappearing, it bequeathed to the Arabs a lot of knowledge, which they passed on to medieval Europe.

Physiology and medicine

The Vedas indicate a very primitive level of knowledge in these areas, but later there was significant development in these two sciences. The main works on medicine were the manuals of Charaka (1st–2nd centuries AD) and Sushruta (circa 4th century AD). They were the result of a fully developed system, comparable in certain respects to the systems of Hippocrates and Galen, but in some respects going further. There can be little doubt that the development of medicine was favored by two factors: Buddhism and interest in physiology associated with the phenomena of yoga and mystical experience. The Buddhist monk, like the Christian missionary later, often served as a doctor among the population from whom he begged alms. In addition, caring for his own health and the health of his fellows, he had some distrust of the magical medicine of heroic times and leaned towards rationalism. Probably, the development of medical art was facilitated by contacts with doctors of the Hellenistic world. The similarities between both types of medicine suggest mutual influence. After Sushruta, almost nothing new appeared in Indian medicine, except for the increased use of mercury-based medicines, as well as opium and sarsaparilla - both introduced by the Arabs. Methods used by an "Ayurvedic" doctor (one who knows Ayurveda, science of long life) remain largely the same in modern India.

Indian medicine, like the medicine of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, was based on the theory of liquids ( dosha). Health, according to most authors, depended on the balance between the three vital juices of the body: wind, bile and mucus, to which blood was sometimes added. In the theory of the three humors one finds those three gunas or universal qualities which we have spoken of in connection with the Samkhya school.

Life functions were supported by five “winds”, or vayu: udana, spreading from the throat and allowing speech; prana, whose seat is the heart and which is responsible for breathing and absorption of food; adobe, which increases the fire in the stomach, which “cooks,” or digests, foods and separates them into digestible and indigestible parts; apana in the abdominal cavity is responsible for discharge and conception; vyana present throughout the body, circulates blood and makes the whole body move.

Food digested by Samana becomes chyle, which goes to the heart, and from there to the liver, where it turns into blood. Blood in turn turns into flesh, and then into fat, bones, bone marrow and sperm. This latter, without being erupted, produces energy ( ojas), which returns to the heart, from where it spreads to all organs. It was believed that this metabolic process takes place within thirty days.

The Indians did not have a clear understanding of the functions of the brain and lungs and believed, like most ancient peoples, that the mind was concentrated in the heart. But they knew the importance of the spinal cord and they knew about the existence of the nervous system, but they imagined it very vaguely. The taboo on any contact with corpses did not allow dissection and study of anatomy, although it cannot be said that such a practice did not exist at all. But the development of physiology and biology was indeed hampered.

Despite this insufficient knowledge, which was somewhat lower than in other nations, there were many experienced surgeons in India who acquired their knowledge experimentally. They performed Caesarean sections, treated fractures very skillfully, and achieved such perfection in the field of plastic surgery that no civilization of their time had achieved. Medical practitioners were specialists in repairing noses, ears and lips lost or damaged in war or as punishment. In this respect, Indian surgery continued to be far ahead of European surgery until the 18th century, when surgeons of the East India Company began to learn from their Indian colleagues the art of rhinoplasty.

Indians, who have long believed in the existence of microscopic life forms, never realized that they could cause disease. But even if they had no idea about antiseptics and asepsis, they nevertheless recommended careful maintenance of cleanliness, at least as much as they imagined, and understood the therapeutic value of clean air and light.

The Pharmacopoeia was very rich and used mineral, animal and plant substances. Many medicines were known and used in Asia long before their introduction in Europe, such as the oil of the chaulmoogra tree, which was traditionally prescribed as a cure for leprosy and is still the main means of combating the disease. These factors, more than theoretical knowledge, contributed to the success of ancient Indian medicine, which is still widely used in the subcontinent, slightly inferior to modern science.

The doctor was a particularly respected person, and the vaidya today still occupies a high rank in the caste hierarchy. The professional regulations recorded in medical treatises resemble the rules of Hippocrates. It still remains valid for all doctors. Here, for example, is the advice given by Charaka: “If you want to succeed in your profession, achieve wealth and fame and go to heaven after death, you should every day, when you wake up and go to sleep, pray for the welfare of all living beings, especially cows and brahmins, and struggle with all their might to restore health to the sick. You must not lose the confidence of your patients, even at the cost of your own life... You must not indulge in drunkenness, or commit evil, or have bad acquaintances... You must be polite in your speech and serious in seeking to increase your knowledge. When you go to a patient, nothing should distract your thoughts, your speech, your mind and your feelings from the patient and from his treatment... Everything that happens in the patient's house should not be disclosed outside, and should not talk about the patient's condition to third parties persons who, with the help of this knowledge, can cause harm either to the patient or to third parties.”

The most generous rulers and religious institutions provided free medical care to the poor. Ashoka was proud of the fact that he provided medicines for people and animals, and the traveler Fa Xian in the 5th century. n. e. testified to the existence of free hospitals operating through donations from devout citizens.

Veterinary medicine was also developed, especially in courts where horses and elephants were especially cared for, and practitioners specializing in this area were in great demand. The doctrine of non-violence encouraged the construction of shelters for abandoned, sick and old animals, and these acts of mercy are still performed in many cities in India.

Life on the Hindustan Peninsula began so long ago that it is difficult to choose a starting point from when to describe the cultural achievements of Ancient India. Five, or even six thousand years is no joke; a full analysis will be given in a short article. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to brief information.

Features of culture

There are a great many peoples, tribes and, accordingly, languages ​​in India. Unlike European culture, they developed completely separately and independently, and what a European person considers basic is not so for a resident of India. We think empirically, but in India we think abstractly. We think in ethical categories, in India - in ritual ones. Ritual is much more important than morality. European thinking is legal (law, human rights), in India it is a myth in which all rights are drowned. We think in collective terms, but in India only personal salvation and rebirth are important. The categories “people”, “nation”, “tribe”, “co-religionists” are not very clear to Indians. But still they were united by a religion in which there is no systematicity. Below we will talk about Hinduism, which is still alive and which was created by Ancient India. The achievements of his spiritual practices are also appreciated by representatives of other civilizations.

Origin of life

The first inhabitants lived in the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro in the Indus Valley. But little is known about them. This was the black population (Dravidians). The light-skinned nomadic tribes of the Aryans who arrived from Iran, which meant “noble” in the language, pushed the aborigines into the forests and to the very south of the Indian subcontinent.

They brought language and religion with them. Many centuries later, when the Aryans themselves reached the south, they began to peacefully coexist with the dark-skinned Dravidian population, and their religions united, merged and melted.

Caste system

The Aryans brought it with them. Indians themselves use the word “varna”, and it translates as “color” to designate their social categories. The lighter and whiter the skin, the higher people stood on the social ladder. There are four varnas. The highest are the brahmins, who have both power and knowledge. Priests and rulers are born here.

Then come the kshatriyas, that is, warriors. Then - Vaishyas. These are traders, artisans, peasants. The lowest are the Shudras (servants and slaves). All classes originated from the mythical man - Purusha. From his head came the Brahmins, from the arms and shoulders - the Kshatriyas, from the thighs and loins - the Vaishyas, for whom fertility was important, from the feet - the Shudras, who are in the mud. Out of the mud, the untouchables were created, whose situation is the most terrible. The entire population was illiterate, which has survived to this day. And the kshatriyas and brahmanas had knowledge. It was the latter who created Ancient India owes its development to them. Achievements in various fields of culture were significant. But it is impossible to climb the social ladder with the existence of castes. From birth to death, a person is associated only with the caste into which he was born.

Language and writing

We will not dwell on undeciphered languages, but we will turn to those that appeared almost five and a half thousand years ago and which became the language of scientists, priests and philosophers. An extensive literature has been created on it. Initially, these were obscure religious hymns, chants, spells (Rig Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda), and later works of art (Ramayana and Mahabharata).

For the Brahmins, Sanskrit was the same language as Latin is for us. This is the language of learning. It is of interest to us because all the languages ​​spoken in Europe supposedly grew out of it. Its roots can be traced in Greek, Latin, and Slavic languages. The word “Veda” itself is translated as knowledge. Compare with the root of the Russian verb “vedat”, that is, to know. This is how Ancient India enters the modern world. Achievements in the development of language belong to the Brahmins, and the methods of its dissemination have not been sufficiently studied.

Architecture, sculpture and painting

The Brahmins, who originated from the eyes of the mythical Purusha, practiced visual arts.

They designed temples and created paintings and sculptures of gods. This attracts the attention not only of pious Indians, but also of everyone who comes to India and gets acquainted with the palaces and temples of incomparable beauty.


  • Mathematics.

To engage in grandiose construction, you need accurate knowledge. whose achievements in this area are very great, developed a decimal count, the numbers, which by misunderstanding are called Arabic and which we use, were invented in India. It also developed the concept of zero. Scientists from India have proven that if any number is divided by zero, the result will be infinity. Six centuries BC they knew the number pi. Indian scientists were engaged in the development of algebra, they decided they knew how to extract square and cube roots from numbers, and calculate the sine of an angle. Ancient India was far ahead of everyone in this area. Achievements and inventions in the field of mathematics are the pride of this civilization.

  • Astronomy.

Despite the fact that they did not have telescopes, astronomy occupied a place of honor in ancient India.

By observing the Moon, astronomers were able to determine its phases. Earlier than the Greeks, Indian scientists came to the conclusion that the Earth rotates around its axis. Indian astronomers divided the day into hours.

  • Medicine.

Ayurveda, which contains basic medical tenets, was originally used for ritual purification by priests who dealt with untouchables. From there came all kinds of cleansing of the body, which are widely used nowadays, since the environment is very polluted.


This religion dates back, scary to say, almost six thousand years, and it is alive and thriving. It is very closely connected with the caste system discussed above. None of the theologians gave a definition to Hinduism, since it includes everything that it encounters on its path. You can find elements of Islam and Christianity in it. There were never heresies, because religion is “omnivorous,” just as there were no religious wars in India. These are the undoubted achievements of Ancient India. The main thing in Hinduism is the ideas of non-violence and asceticism. Gods in India are both humanoid and include animal elements.

God Hanuman has the body of a monkey, and God Ganesha has the head of an elephant. The supreme revered deity who created the world and then broke it into small parts, like a crystal vessel - Brahma. Brahmins study him and develop his teachings. Ordinary people are closer to the more understandable ones: Shiva - a warrior (he had a third eye, designed to destroy enemies; then a curious transformation occurred, and the eye became needed to study the inner world) and the god of fertility, and Vishnu - a dark-skinned protector of the family and a fighter against evil.


This, it must be said right away, is not a religion, since the concept of deity is absent in it and there is no prayer as a cry for salvation. This complex philosophical doctrine was created a little earlier than Christianity by Prince Gautama.

The main thing a Buddhist wants to achieve is to get out of the wheel of samsara, from the wheel of rebirth. Only then can one achieve nirvana, that which is incomprehensible. But happiness and harmony are false ideas, they simply do not exist. But Buddhism in India did not become widespread, since there is no prophet in its own country, but flourished, modified, outside this country. Today it is believed that a person may not know anything about the Buddha, but if he lives instinctively correctly and follows all the laws of Buddhism, then he has the opportunity to become enlightened and find the path to Nirvana.

Achievements of Ancient India in brief

Mathematics - modern numbers and algebra.

Medicine - cleansing measures, determining a person’s condition by pulse, body temperature. Medical instruments were invented - probes, scalpels.

Yoga is a spiritual and physical practice that improves a person.

The cuisine is rich in seasonings, among which curry is worth highlighting. The main component of this seasoning is turmeric root, which improves immunity and prevents Alzheimer's disease.

Chess is a game that trains the mind and develops strategic abilities. They synchronize the hemispheres of the brain and contribute to its harmonious development.

Ancient India gave all this. The cultural achievements of ancient times have not become obsolete to this day.

I recommend that everyone interested in ancient history, the age and origin of humanity read P. Oleksenko’s work “Artifacts of Ancient India,” which talks about the amazing knowledge contained in the Vedas and other ancient Indian books written in Sanskrit. A conclusion is drawn about the primacy of Sanskrit, as well as its similarity with many languages ​​of the world, and it is assumed that Sanskrit is the language of the Nostratic community.
P. Oleksenko’s work provides interesting information that Sanskrit sounds are in natural harmony with cosmic vibrations, therefore even simply listening to and reading Sanskrit texts have a beneficial effect on the human body and psyche, and also contribute to spiritual quests. The author cites an Indian legend about the origin of Sanskrit, according to which the ancient enlightened yogis caught fifty different vibrations emanating from the chakras, and each of these subtle vibrations became one of the letters of the Sanskrit alphabet, that is, Sanskrit is internal energies expressed in sounds.
P. Oleksenko’s hypothesis that Sanskrit was the language of the snake people - the nagas or the language of communication between them and the devas - seems quite interesting and justified.
At the same time, I find very controversial (despite their apparent convincingness) the author’s reasoning that the ancestral home of Sanskrit was the Indus and Saraswati civilization, and that Sanskrit was created on the basis of the Indus script, as well as the resulting conclusion that the origins of the Nostratic community were on the Hindustan Peninsula. There is too much information contained in the Vedas and other ancient Indian texts that goes far beyond the borders of Hindustan and is more related to another ancient continent - Hyperborea, where, according to the reconstructions carried out by me in the book “Land of the Immortals, Mages and Sorcerers. When there was a “golden age” on Earth, white gods or maidens lived.
It also seems to me that the one given by the author - February 18, 3102 BC - is underestimated by several orders of magnitude. AD, especially since it is younger than a number of existing dating dates for the writing of the Vedas and other ancient Indian texts (the author himself speaks of this in relation to the Bhavisya Purana) - and yet the texts contained in the Vedas, before they were written, were transmitted orally for many generations.

The author’s statement that several thousand years ago the life expectancy of intelligent beings was 1000 years, and several hundred thousand years ago - 10,000 years, also seems unconvincing. As I showed in my books and works “The formation of a new earth, a new sky and new people”, “5.2 million–12.5 thousand years ago - from the Creation of the world to the Flood”, “Once again about the time of the Creation of the world and the biblical (Noah's) flood. Adjustments made by geology and folklore" and others, intelligent beings had such a life expectancy much earlier (millions of years ago).

Despite the disagreements I have expressed, P. Oleksenko’s work “Artifacts of Ancient India” will undoubtedly become a pearl in the collection of works posted on the site.

Modern science is trying to fit the entire history of modern humanity into a certain time frame. That our civilization begins after the Great Flood, which occurred approximately 5 - 6 thousand years ago. With this approach, Ancient India is an artifact that does not fit into traditional science and modern ideas.
Here are some examples:
Example one. The number 108, sacred in the East, is an attribute of the god Vishnu, the guardian of the world. According to the Vedas, it indicates the structure of the world. Indeed, it shows the ratio of the diameters of the Sun and the Earth, as well as the ratio of the distance from the Earth to the Sun to the diameter of the Sun. The equality of the ratios of the diameter of the Sun to the diameter of the Earth and the distance from the Sun to the Earth to the diameter of the Sun with an accuracy of 1% may also cause some interest. When expressed in kilometers it looks like this:
1 390 000: 12 751 = 109
149 600 000: 1 390 000 = 108
Question: where did the priests of ancient India, the keepers of knowledge, know these proportions?
Question two: can such proportions and ratios in 1% be a random result?
Example two. Already in the Rig Veda, multidimensional worlds in which gods live are described. Our society is only getting closer to understanding this.
Example three. The Mahabharata and Ramayana describe flying machines - vimanas, which in their flying characteristics coincide with the descriptions of UFOs.
Example four. The ancient Indian epic describes grandiose wars using the weapons of the gods (not only nuclear, vacuum bombs, plasma guns, but also other types of weapons that modern humanity is just about to “invent”).
Example five. More than 4,000 signets were found in the ancient cities of India, many of which are duplicates, and all the signs of the most ancient writing are present on seals, both stone and metal! This indicates that we have before us the oldest printed metal type in the world, used as part of some kind of organized activity. It is known that woodblock printing existed in India and Tibet two thousand years ago. The Buddhist canon was printed in Kashmir and Tibet and transported to Central Asia and China in the middle of the first millennium. This indicates that the idea of ​​printing was well known throughout Asia two thousand years ago and has probably never died out since Vedic times.
Example six. According to experts, the ancient language Sanskrit, in which ancient Indian texts were written, is the most perfect language of all existing ones. And it is almost ideal for programming, eclipsing Fortran, Algol and other languages.
Similar examples can be continued, but let's try to understand these facts from today's positions and within the framework of our worldview.

P. Oleksenko. Artifacts of ancient India. What is written in the Vedas

Modern science is trying to fit the entire history of modern humanity into a certain time frame. That our civilization begins after the Great Flood, which occurred approximately 5 - 6 thousand years ago. With this approach, Ancient India is an artifact that does not fit into traditional science and modern ideas.

Here are some examples:

Example one. The number 108, sacred in the East, is an attribute of the god Vishnu, the guardian of the world. According to the Vedas, it indicates the structure of the world. Indeed, it shows the ratio of the diameters of the Sun and the Earth, as well as the ratio of the distance from the Earth to the Sun to the diameter of the Sun. The equality of the ratios of the diameter of the Sun to the diameter of the Earth and the distance from the Sun to the Earth to the diameter of the Sun with an accuracy of 1% may also cause some interest. When expressed in kilometers it looks like this:
1 390 000: 12 751 = 109
149 600 000: 1 390 000 = 108
Question: where did the priests of ancient India, the keepers of knowledge, know these proportions?
Question two: can such proportions and ratios in 1% be a random result?

Example two. Already in the Rig Veda, multidimensional worlds in which gods live are described. Our society is only getting closer to understanding this.

Example three. The Mahabharata and Ramayana describe flying machines - vimanas, which in their flying characteristics coincide with the descriptions of UFOs.

Example four. The ancient Indian epic describes grandiose wars using the weapons of the gods (not only nuclear, vacuum bombs, plasma guns, but also other types of weapons that modern humanity is just about to “invent”).

Example five. More than 4,000 signets were found in the ancient cities of India, many of which are duplicates, and all the signs of the most ancient writing are present on seals, both stone and metal! This indicates that we have before us the oldest printed metal type in the world, used as part of some kind of organized activity. It is known that woodblock printing existed in India and Tibet two thousand years ago. The Buddhist canon was printed in Kashmir and Tibet and transported to Central Asia and China in the middle of the first millennium. This indicates that the idea of ​​printing was well known throughout Asia two thousand years ago and has probably never died out since Vedic times.

Example six. According to experts, the ancient language Sanskrit, in which ancient Indian texts were written, is the most perfect language of all existing ones. And it is almost ideal for programming, eclipsing Fortran, Algol and other languages.

Similar examples can be continued, but let's try to understand these facts from today's positions and within the framework of our worldview.

Where did sacred knowledge come to us from?

As you know, all sacred books were created by gods. Of course, the gods themselves did not take up the pen - they resorted to the help of intermediaries (prophets, apostles, sages), who formalized the revealed words in the form of texts. The gods have done this more than once. Through the prophet Moses, the ancient Jews received the Ten Commandments and the Torah; through double mediation (the mediation of an angel and an apostle), the Christian God the Father announced the End of the World; The Koran is a text “spoken” by Allah and received by the prophet Mohammed. In ancient India, “texts of revelation” were written down by rishis-sages from among the priests who knew how to communicate with the gods. And according to legends, the first rishis were of divine origin.

These ancient Indian texts, written in Sanskrit, contain knowledge covering all areas of human existence. Moreover, this knowledge was passed on for thousands of years in oral tradition, and in later times it was written down in the form of books. These are, first of all, the Vedas, the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, which consists of 18 books (this is one hundred thousand verses) and the Ramayana, which contains a million stanzas (this is one hundred weighty volumes), several dozen huge Great and Small Puranas, telling about the past and future of humanity , historical tales of Itihasa, hundreds of books of ethical and philosophical Tantras, 200 commentaries of the Upanishads, six philosophical schools - darshan, many commentaries on the sacred Vedas, a large number of scientific treatises, in which there are outlines of the theory of a unified field, and the deepest epistemology, with which nothing in the east or in the west there is nothing to compare, both higher mathematics, and computer science, and universal space ethics, astronomy, amazing with its precise calculations and figures, and the scrupulous textual criticism of the Vedas, reminiscent of the principles of modern artificial languages ​​such as Fortran, and much more.

To date, about 2,000,000 works have survived in Sanskrit. Nothing in the modern world can even be closely compared to this library, since it exceeds in volume all the literature of the world combined. In its depth, Sanskrit literature simply plunges the most desperate heads of decipherers and interpreters into despondency. However, recently, many researchers from different countries are increasingly coming to the conclusion that all our arts and sciences, such as mathematics, physics, astronomy, medicine, philosophy, music, fairy tales, myths, and even religious systems, have their roots in the corresponding Vedic sciences and arts, represented by a gigantic library of ancient texts and textbooks in Sanskrit. Of course, many European researchers, not having the slightest idea of ​​the scale of scientific and cultural work that continued uninterrupted in India for several thousand years, try to speculate and build hypotheses about the origin of its peoples, for example, the Indo-Aryans or Dravidians, or where such knowledge and wisdom came from , timeless!

The question of who, when and where compiled and wrote down the Vedas and other texts still remains unclear or controversial. But a high level of education of people, as we know, is found only in strong states with a developed economy (no matter what it is based on) and culture.

What is written in the Vedas

According to the Vedas and other ancient Indian texts, humanity has existed for millions of years. And man never descended from a monkey. According to the Vedas, there are four great eras of mankind: Satya Yuga, Dvapara Yuga, Treta Yuga and Kali Yuga, which began on February 18, 3102 BC. AD The entire cycle is approximately 4.5 million years. After the end of Kali Yuga, Satya Yuga and a new cycle will begin again.

According to the Vedas, the ancestors of all people are the sages Manu - the founders of humanity, who came from the higher planetary systems, the planets of the gods, and populated the Earth during the golden age, when our entire planet, including the poles, had a favorable mild climate.

In addition to the concepts of heaven and earth, above and below, which are quite common for most religions, the Vedas contain such concepts as “infinity”, “world illusion”, “matter”, “energy”, etc. Scientists are convinced that the universe is not ruled by Gods, but by eternal fundamental laws that exist on their own. However, few people think about the Creator of these laws, how they are related to each other and what their purpose is.
The ancient wisdom of the Vedic texts testifies that consciousness is the basis of cosmic processes. Evidence that higher intelligent beings are responsible for the phenomena of nature and the elements is also found in other cultures of the world. If we ask the question:What is the difference between gods, people and animals? then one of the answers to it will be this: the dimension of consciousness. Animals have two-dimensional consciousness, humans have three-dimensional consciousness, and gods have four-dimensional or multidimensional consciousness. This may be an explanation for why the civilization of the gods has so little contact with the civilization of humans. How much do people communicate with animals and try to teach them how to live?

The Vedas served as a means of communication between the microcosm (man) and the macrocosm (god). The method of communication was sacrifice, and its meaning was the harmonization of existence. Vedic culture, based on aesthetic principles, established emotional stability for man by involving him in right activities and right relationships. In Vedic society, each representative was potentially and a priori the bearer of one or another level of consciousness.

The first and most ancient of the four Vedas isRig Veda. And the most amazing thing is that the Rig Veda in no way resembles a weak stream from which a great river eventually arose. Rather, it can be compared to a huge majestic lake, which amazes more than what arose from it, and at the same time always remains a source. Of course, something must exist before the beginning, but we know nothing about it and can only guess about it.

Already in the Rig Veda the problems of the origin and structure of the Universe are considered. The sages of ancient India had no doubt that the Universe was created by someone. They believed that there were several interpenetrating worlds inhabited by gods, people and other creatures. The Vedas say that there are no places and territories in the Universe that are not inhabited by any living beings. Even in the sun there live living beings with special types of bodies adapted to a fiery habitat. Many unexplored areas and territories of our planet are described, which are located in other dimensions and which will be open to people in the near future! The Vedas say that in different parts of the Universe, space is organized according to its own laws, and on each planet time flows completely differently.

The Vedas talk about the amazing possibilities of influencing the environment with the help of a special science of sacrifice, which describes methods of influencing subtle energy processes occurring in nature. With the help of this science it was possible to control soil fertility, climate, and prevent natural disasters. It is interesting to note that at that time it rained exclusively at night, so as not to interfere with people during the day going about their business and enjoying life. This fact shows that people of the past, thanks to their knowledge, could live in complete harmony with the world around them. Moreover, as the Vedas assert, before the onset of Kali Yuga, people were responsible even for their thoughts, and the ruler was responsible not only for his people, but also for the weather in his state.

Many hymns of the fourth Veda (Atharva Veda) are devoted to anatomy, physiology and surgery, so many researchers agree that the Atharva Veda, to a certain extent, can be considered one of the first sources of Ayurvedic knowledge known to us. The spells of the Atharva Veda were used to achieve success in agriculture, crafts, good offspring, health and material well-being.

Vedas - ancient multi-level knowledge

In general, the Vedas are ancient multi-level knowledge.Conventionally, knowledge of the Vedas can be divided into material and spiritual.The first includes, for example, Vedic medicine “Ayurveda”, which explains that all people’s bodies are different, they must be treated according to the type of body and energy flows in the body. Another example: Vedic architecture “Vastu” is the laws of space design, what is today better known in the Chinese version as “Feng Shui”. Thus,material knowledge of the Vedas is knowledge about life in this world. The meaning of the material knowledge of the Vedas is to make a person’s life more harmonious and comfortable.

The spiritual knowledge of the Vedas talks about the principleskarma – the law of the creation of fate, about the principlesreincarnation reincarnation of the soul on this planet and in other dimensions of the Universe, the concept of avatar is also outlined - the descent of the gods into the earthly human world. The Vedas give us the knowledge of how to go beyond the material world, the world of birth and death, and reach the spiritual world.
The spiritual knowledge of the Vedas is considered its highest branches. For example, the Bhavishya Purana talks about the coming of Jesus Christ (the exact date when this Vedic text was created is not known, but it is definitely established that it existed already 5000 years ago, i.e. 3000 years before the coming of Jesus Christ) . The Bhavishya Purana names the Jewish tribe of the Amalikis, in which Isha Putra, which means the son of God, will appear. It states that he will be born from an unmarried woman named Kumari (Mary) Garbha Sambhava. It is said that at the age of 13 he, along with the pilgrims, will go to India, where, under the guidance of spiritual mentors, he will comprehend sacred knowledge, and after 18 years, having completed his spiritual education, he will return to Palestine and begin to preach. Also, the Bhavishya Purana describes the coming of Buddha, Muhammad, and other great prophets and personalities.

Of course, our modern consciousness is hardly able to accommodate the information that ancient Indian texts conceal. They change our established ideas too much. However, if we nevertheless try to somehow summarize and analyze this information, we will inevitably have to draw the following conclusion: The Vedas contain the most complete knowledge in all areas of life, starting with agriculture and ending with the purpose of human life and ways of its self-improvement.

It seems that God, having created the world, added the sacred texts of the Vedas as instructions to it.

Science and technology in ancient India

There is also technical knowledge in the Vedas and other ancient Indian texts that we are only comprehending. For example, methods of creating a nuclear explosion through the use of psychic energy and special mystical speech formulas -mantra The Mahabharata describes the form of a nuclear explosion, which is compared to an opening umbrella, and the consequences of nuclear destruction. It’s easy to come up with a weapon that destroys everyone, but it’s impossible to come up with the form and consequences of nuclear destruction - you need to know about them.

Also in ancient India, technologies existed that made it possible to create various flying devices, known as “ vimanas". Indian scientist Narin Shah from Hyderabad carefully studied the Vedic text “Vimanika Shastra” (“The Art of Creating Flying Machines”). Based on the information contained therein, he managed to create and patent three alloys with unique aviation characteristics. In the Rig Veda, the formidable god Indra raced through space in an airship, waging war against demons, destroying cities with his terrible weapons. The flying machines of the ancients were described as “meteors surrounded by a powerful cloud,” like “a flame on a midsummer night,” like “a comet in the sky.”

How to evaluate these descriptions? The easiest way is to write off reports about flying machines as fantasy and imagination. But wouldn’t even a skeptic be wary of this detail: Indian gods and heroes fight in the skies not on dragons or birds, but on manned “aircraft” with terrible weapons on board? The descriptions contain a very real technological basis.

For example, an entire chapter of the treatise “Vimanik Prakaranam” is devoted to a description of the unique device “Guhagarbhadarsh ​​Yantra”, which was installed on an aircraft. As stated in the book, with its help it was possible to determine the location of objects hidden underground from a flying “vimana”. According to some experts, we are talking about enemy anti-aircraft weapons stationed underground.
The Guhagarbhadarsh ​​Yantra is just one of 32 devices or instruments that were described as being mounted on an aircraft and used to observe hidden enemy targets. The book contains descriptions of various devices that, according to current concepts, performed the functions of a radar, camera, searchlight and used, in particular, the energy of the sun, as well as descriptions of destructive types of weapons, alloys that could withstand very high temperatures are described. The technology mentioned in the book is fundamentally different from modern space technology. Aircraft were propelled by some kind of internal energy, rather than by fuel.

Ancient Indian texts, especially the Mahabharata and Ramayana, describe the life of the gods and their incarnation on earth, describe entire cosmic wars between gods, devas and asuras, which took place not only on Earth, but also in outer space, in which the weapons of the gods and the weapons of the elements were used fire, water, air and ether.

Vedas about intelligent beings

According to the Vedas and other ancient Indian texts, many different living beings live not only on the surface of our planet, but also in parallel, higher dimensions and spheres inside the Earth. One striking feature is that different races of intelligent beings (such as Siddhas, Charanas, Gandharvas, Apsaras, Uragas, Guhyakas, Vidyadharas, Danavas, Nagas, Maruts, Rakshasas, Nairrits and others) are often described as living and working together. with a friend, even despite the difference in behavior and body structure. The Bhagavata Purana and Bhagavad Gita say that several thousand years ago intelligent beings, including humans, lived on average 1000 years. And several hundred thousand years earlier, their life expectancy was 10,000 years. And the devas (demigods who can take the form of a human), who are the administrators of our Universe, live for millions of years according to earthly time.

The Vedas explain that travel to other worlds is possible. In ancient times, this could have been a journey to other stars, to the higher dimensions of our and other star systems. It is entirely possible to leave the confines of the Universe and travel through multidimensional space. You and I are used to thinking that travel is only possible in three-dimensional space.

The meaning of all these descriptions became easier for modern man to understand only with the advent of the theory of relativity and the theory of the multidimensionality of our space. Of course, the description of the structure of the Universe and the living beings that inhabit our planet and the Universe sounds very unusual and mythical to a Western person, because it contains many ideas that are alien to Western concepts. However, these ancient texts contain many ideas about the universe that are fundamental to modern science.

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