Archpriest Oleg Davydenkov

Where is nickel used in industry? What is nickel made of?

This silver-gray metal belongs to the transition metal - it has both alkaline and acidic properties. The main advantages of metal...

in detail / 18.04.2024
“100 years guarding the southern borders of the state. How the defense budget is distributed

Scenario of an educational event Video lesson “Militarymen guarding the borders of the Russian Federation” Date: “__” _______ 20__

in detail / 14.04.2024

Verification of the basic law of dynamics of rotational motion of a rigid body Basic law of rotational motion of a rigid body

in detail / 26.01.2024
The moment of force relative to a fixed point O is a vector physical quantity determined by the vector product of the radius vector ,...

Learn Italian from scratch!

in detail / 20.01.2024
Many people ask how to quickly learn a foreign language, in our case Italian? I’ll say right away that miracles don’t happen, or rather they don’t happen...

Putin and the landfill of the garbage war: Chuvashia in a week

in detail / 18.10.2023
Vaksman Leonid Vladimirovich was born in the city of Tiraspol, Moldavian SSR on March 5, 1960.

In 1982 he graduated from the medical faculty of Sverdlovsk...

in detail / 07.10.2023
Summary of a reading lesson on the topic "In

Today we will introduce children not to a fairy tale, but to a story. I will give an abbreviated retelling of V. Chaplina’s story “The Winged Alarm Clock”, so that the kids...

in detail / 17.08.2023
Presentation on the topic "James Cook" which are installed in different countries

Slide 1 James Cook Materials on the topic were prepared by 7th grade student Anton Savkin Famous explorer, cartographer and discoverer Slide 2...

in detail / 14.08.2023
Orthodox teaching about the Antichrist and signs of his approach

“Let no one deceive you in any way; for that day will not come, unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of destruction...

in detail / 06.07.2023
Download for free Skripkin Yu

Title: Atlas of trichoscopy. Dermatoscopy of hair and scalp diseases. Rudnitskaya L. Ovcharenko Yu. Year of publication: 2019 Size: 110.11 MB Format:...

in detail / 18.04.2023
I can teach you a snail in 5 minutes. I'll teach you in five minutes. Competition task “Oral essay”

I’ll teach you in 5 minutes Topic: “Ladybug” Goal: make a ladybug with movable connecting parts. Task: teach how to attach parts...

in detail / 01.03.2023
P prokopyev. Prokopyev E. P. Awards and titles

How to build learning and engagement in the online environment A note on the topic from the blog: In our time, we can state a crisis in education, as...

in detail / 09.05.2022
The largest operations carried out during the partisan movement

Guerrilla operation “Concert” Partisans are people who voluntarily fight as part of armed, organized partisan forces in...

in detail / 31.03.2022
Remainder of division by 45

Let's look at a simple example: 15:5=3 In this example, we divided the natural number 15 by 3, without a remainder. Sometimes a natural number is completely...

in detail / 12.01.2022
Names, mottos, emblems of units

Team names, mottos, emblems Shouts Team names and mottos Emblems Team "UFO" Motto: Fly across all galaxies, friends...

in detail / 10.12.2021
Spanish shame: why we feel embarrassed for others

Have you ever felt shame for the ridiculous antics of other people, even complete strangers? They do stupid things, but shame on you... Has this ever happened? We inform you -...

in detail / 08.10.2021
Comma and semicolon in BSP presentation for a Russian language lesson (grade 9) on the topic

Lesson 46. Unconjunct complex sentences with the meaning of enumeration. Comma and semicolon in a non-union complex sentence (§ 33) Purposes...

in detail / 19.09.2021
When will the length of service in the army be increased? Conscript service of the Russian Federation

Young citizens of the Russian Federation are recruited for military service twice a year - in the autumn and spring conscription. Let's look at the features...

in detail / 17.06.2021