Learn spoken Italian quickly. Learn Italian from scratch! Criteria for choosing a textbook

Many people ask how to quickly learn a foreign language, in our case Italian? I’ll say right away that miracles don’t happen, or rather, they don’t just happen. Therefore, you should not believe those who tell “stories” about how you learned a language in three months. During this time, of course, you can study the language a little, bringing it to the minimum level sufficient for communication. This requires a lot of diligence on the part of the student (this is the most important thing) and an effective methodology.

What are the different methods?

I won’t go into technical details, which are difficult to explain in a nutshell, but I’ll just say that some people start learning a language with theory and grammar rules, which are then applied in exercises. This is a classic technique that was previously used almost all over the world. The student in it passively learned the rules without much opportunity to apply them, especially in the process of live communication. The results were unimportant, the training time was long...

The situation improved significantly when it became clear that we needed to start with the language, with practical exercises, and not with theory and rules. This second inductive technique allows the student, under the guidance of a teacher, to actively explore the language himself, identify the mechanisms that operate in it, and extend them to other cases of using a particular rule. This allows you to achieve a much deeper understanding and faster language learning. Learning takes place through exercises and dialogues, allowing you to immediately apply knowledge in practice. Thanks to this, the student develops the habit of using the rules automatically, without even thinking about it.

And here we come to the most important thing: CONVERSATION

To speak Italian in real conditions, on the street, with passers-by and with anyone else, it is not enough just to practice from a textbook! Some students do them well, but when they have to say something on their own, they seem to forget most of what they learned! That's why I often encourage students to speak Italian instead of doing exercises. At first they are a little lost, but after some practice they suddenly realize that they can express themselves, ask a question to a passerby and understand what their Italian friends are talking about during dinner. And then they are very happy!

Of course, good speaking practice should be carried out correctly and professionally, with the rate of speech and the complexity of words increasing gradually in accordance with the student's preparation.

Passion, challenges and approach.

It's been 10 days since I've been learning Italian. You could read about how to come up with it earlier. What I want to say. Many people think that Italian is an easy language. This is not entirely true. After passing through, the information is perceived more easily, which makes me very happy.

What seemed easy: First of all, it's pronunciation. In Italian it is quite easy. You remember very quickly how to pronounce a word. The combination of sounds and letters is sometimes surprising, but by and large it is easy. In the English language, some words are pronounced differently from how they are written, which causes righteous anger among teenagers and children. Question “Why does it read like this?” will continue to ring in my head for a long time. And teachers continue to reduce grades for incorrect pronunciation.

What do I use to learn Italian? What textbooks and materials?

I took it for starters Speak Italian Tomazzo Bueno . The book does not explain grammar at all, but teaches conversation step by step. It is used in many universities. The texts are very humorous, so you walk through with interest. The instructions for the exercises are also written in Italian. Therefore, with each new text I acquire vocabulary and a certain grammar, which I try to use immediately in speech. I translate, read and retell texts. How I can.

Next, I took a course Italian in 30 days , I downloaded it to my tablet, I sit and listen. I am glad that with each lesson and listening I can understand more and more. The course is conversational, of course, let's see what I can come up with if I approach it in good faith.

I find the grammar easier. In fact, you may not need a textbook.

Although I took an Italian grammar book Bali Maria "Italian grammar - short and simple" . It's even written with humor.

There is a huge amount of useful, wonderful information on the Internet.

A good site run by Elena Shipilova. Lots of useful information with video.


A wonderful blog in Italian, which was once written by a beautiful girl with enviable persistence.


A wonderful site on the Italian language. Very good. And a lot of information.


What did I find difficult? PREPOSITIONS AND ARTICLES!! Yes, yes, this is kind of crazy at this stage of my study. In English, and also represent a certain step that must be overcome. But not that much. And also the plural of nouns. This is easier, but you need to take gender into account when using the article. Everything is inextricably connected and follows from one another. The main thing is not to fall into a hole with this, and if you do, then get out gradually so that you can take a breath of air later. Relationship: Preposition + Noun.

Look at this! and then you add a noun.

Also in Italian there is . And the needles are conjugated. For example. Of course, if you only know English, you can whine a little. But I've seen something similar in and. So it's ok for now.

And in Italian there are many, many tenses. But they don't scare me. I like to understand tenses.

My opinion: Italian grammar is much more complex than English. Of course, it won’t be difficult to speak at the level of “Gorgeous Pomedor, take it.” But what about competent language skills? We need to deal with this

Intuition helps. And yet, many words are similar. With English, Russian. The healthiest thing is to learn simple forms. What it is? Well, for example, if you saw the phrase “I would go,” write it down in the dictionary, see how it is pronounced, it will be remembered. Or "Let's do this." “I miss you”, “Wait.” And by analogy you make sentences.

I also have already listened to a lot of Italian rap and pop music, several arias from operas. I don’t associate Italian with heavy music. By the way, in German I prefer only heavy music. =) I analyze each song and try to understand what was said. It's a great addition to your vocabulary in any language. Language must be mastered like a musical instrument.

Goals for today: 1) Compose the main 30 questions in Italian (I’ll go through English) and answers to them.

2) Understand articles and prepositions.

3) Take 3 times. Present, past and future.

5) Continue listening and translating songs. Believe me, this is a very exciting activity!

Have a great day

I have always been fascinated by people who speak several foreign languages. By the way, I never dreamed of becoming a polyglot. However, when traveling to countries where English is not the native language of most people, the "foreigner" factor comes into play.

You will most likely be perceived primarily as a tourist who came to gawk at their country and only visits strictly certain places of interest in a particular city.

The “foreigner” factor assumes that you will perceive information only in your native language/English, without absolutely understanding what is going on around you. The likelihood of getting into stupid situations, being deceived and limiting information also increases by an order of magnitude.

But if you know the language of the country where you are going, the attitude towards you will become noticeably warmer: you will understand more and better, you will be able to communicate about anything and, most importantly, you will learn how and how the people of this country live.

For me, the main point of learning a language is not translating “mom washed the frame,” not passing exams, not cramming for tests, but communication.


So, I decided to study Italian. Italian, IMHO, is a very beautiful and melodious language: the merging of prepositions with articles alone is worth it. But Italian also has difficulties in learning, first of all, conjunctions, articles, and verbs. However, any other language has its difficulties.

My experience of learning Italian began about 3-4 years ago. Although this course was informal, that is, the emphasis was not on academic learning, but rather not on informal communication, I failed. First of all, I was embarrassed to speak. Secondly, I misunderstood the rules. Thirdly, at the initial stage I spent too much time studying grammar. But one plus still remained - I learned the alphabet, learned to read and learned how the endings of verbs of three conjugations change.

Benny Lewis
An Irish polyglot who travels the world and learns new languages. He sees his mission as showing people that languages ​​can be learned quickly and effectively.

A little time passed, I again got the idea of ​​learning Italian. I bought some kind of textbook, and it lasted me exactly five days, after which I threw it on the far shelf, where it collects dust to this day. I was frustrated by the endless boring exercises and rules, so it's no wonder that Italian became a pipe dream for me.

This summer, I was wandering around the Amazon website and came across a book by an Irish polyglot, “Fluent in three months,” where he shared his technique. Having become acquainted with his story, in which he tells how he learned eleven languages, I came away with the main idea - a method in which there is no place for speaking practice from the first day of training is, by default, complete garbage and a waste of time.

I received another signal of fate when I read the book “The Language Exit Point or How to Quit a Foreign Language.” I confidently recommend this small but very useful book to those who have suffered through the courses and are still embarrassed to speak a foreign language.

Elena Shipilova
Creator of distance learning foreign language courses Speak As Soon As Possible and the website speakasap.com, whose mission is to make people multi-speakers.

What motivated me? The idea that on a trip to Italy I will be able to talk without problems with the staff of a hotel, restaurant, cafe. That I can read and understand what they write about. And that if I succeed with Italian, in the future I will be able to take a swing at French, since they are similar. It is difficult to maintain motivation, but it is possible. After about 10-12 days of realizing and following your goal, a sincere interest in the language appears.

Benny Lewis claims that a foreign language can be learned in 90 days, which is exactly the period available to Americans coming to Europe as a guest. My goal was more modest - to understand the principles of the Italian language, learn to speak and explain myself in 90 days.

My experiment began on June 6th. Did I succeed? Yes, no doubt. During these 90 days, I learned a lot of things that I would not have been given in expensive courses. And most importantly, I can talk!

General rules and guidelines before starting to learn a language - what I understood during these 90 days

You won't know the language 100%

Yes Yes exactly. That’s why you give up studying it, because under your vague formulation “I want to know... the language” anything is hidden: grammar, reading, fluency in phraseological units... Surely you vaguely understand what it means to “know a language perfectly” , but are aimed at the result C1/C2, which in the European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​means “advanced level”.

But you will never know a language perfectly, because the language changes and you have too little time. If you want to master a language immediately, completely and completely, you will spend a lot of effort, but you will get scanty benefits. It is much more important to master the basics of grammar and learn many words that will definitely be useful to you in communication and reading.

Therefore, at the very beginning, discard such motivation as “to know perfectly.” Let your goal be “actively use the language”

Need to set a deadline

Parkinson's First Law states: “Work fills all the time allotted to it.” Accordingly, if you have a blurred time frame for when you should begin to express yourself more or less tolerably, you will most likely never use it. Instead, you will continue to study new and new textbooks and techniques.

So make just two decisions about timing:

  1. I will use the language for 90 days, and then it will become easier and genuine interest will appear.
  2. I will speak the language from the first day of training.

Your goal is to get the point across

The use of language is, first of all, communication. It doesn’t matter what it is: personal or virtual. If you are learning a language to only translate or read and never communicate, you can continue to learn the language using traditional methods.

As Benny Lewis points out in his book, you should be speaking your target language from day one. Here you can give in to panic and stop studying anything at all: “I can’t do anything at all and I don’t know anything!”

You're right. You Bye you don't know anything. But let's understand why speaking is more important than the ability to read, translate and write fluently in a language. You probably know people who have studied a language for several years at school or university or in courses, but when they meet a native speaker they are speechless. No wonder. After all, speaking a foreign language is almost never taught in our educational systems.

It is through conversation that most communication occurs - conveying your thought, opinion or question to the interlocutor. It is through conversation that you feel the language, and it is through conversation that the instant use of language occurs, which is not taught in textbooks. Therefore, strive to talk as much as possible from the first day of study.

Be a child

Dear mothers, please remember how you taught your child to speak? Do you remember? I give Bonk's textbook a check that you didn't shove Rosenthal's reference book or Ozhegov's dictionary under his nose so that he could learn to speak.

How does a child learn language? He simply uses familiar words. He has no idea about cases, genders, compound or complex sentences, participles, verbs or tenses. So how can he speak Russian at three years old, but by the age of four or five his questions are making his head spin? 25 frame? Ilona Davydova?

Right! He's just talking. He speaks, ignoring the mistakes. Adults correct him, and he remembers what is correct. He speaks every day. He asks the meaning of the words. Thanks to the absence of fear, complexes and embarrassment (“What if that little guy from the third floor laughs at me for saying “palakhod” incorrectly?), the child begins to use language. The sooner he begins to read, at least syllable by syllable, his vocabulary will inevitably be enriched. Then - conversation plus reading, and now the child already speaks the language quite well. But when our hero has already grown up, teachers intervene in the matter and turn him into a “literate person” (although, judging by how many spelling and punctuation errors you see on social networks, there is a suspicion that this did not help everyone).

So, you must put aside all fears and embarrassment when speaking in the target language. If the process of reading and writing is more inward, then communication inevitably leads to contact with another person. So you shouldn't be shy. Two more rules follow from this principle.

You talk like shit

The first corollary of the principle “Be a child” is that you should speak without any embarrassment and as bad as possible at the beginning. Don't worry, it won't be perfect the first time. Most likely, at first your speech will consist of groans, grunts, simple words and lots and lots of mistakes! But this is great!!! After all, it is thanks to mistakes that a child, and other people, learn.

Your success and progress in speaking is directly proportional to the number of mistakes. The more you do at first, the easier it will be later. First you will remember how this word is said, how it is used at that time, and then each time the learning curve will tend to increase. Your memory will simply get angry at these mistakes and, in the end, it will remember how to speak correctly.

Fuck the rules (only at the beginning)

While talking, you will frantically remember this or that rule that needs to be applied in the conversation. But at the beginning of training this should not worry you. Rules are necessary, but only after you have already “conversed,” that is, after 5-6 speaking lessons, you will be able to learn the simplest grammatical rules.

At first, you can always learn the simplest words, pronouns and constructions, such as: “I”, “you”, “he”, “how are you”, “hello”, “good”, “I’m working”, “my name is”, “what’s your name”, “how old”, “I’m studying”, “I like” and feel free to use them. Then, when you become confident that speaking is not scary, you can plunge into the fascinating world of simple grammar (at first, only simple present, past and future tenses).

There is always time

“I don’t have time” is the coolest excuse. But there is always time. I learned the language in the evening, “stealing” 30 minutes from social networks and when I returned from work on the bus. When you study remotely with a native speaker and pay him at the same time, you willy-nilly find time for this.

Use the time you spend in transport in queues. Less Facebook, games and idle pastime, and time, as if by magic, will appear.


In fact, any book will be useful after second week of speaking practice. You should choose a book that explains grammar as simply and clearly as possible. Everything else can be burned and forgotten. You study one lesson a day from the book, memorize the words. Write down what you don't understand and ask your teacher.

This site has ready-made lessons that will allow you to get a small base in seven lessons. Language marathons are also regularly held there, which will allow you to learn and study a lot in a month.

I studied grammar one lesson at a time, trying so hard not to get hung up on complex topics or complex grammatical structures. I took the basic principles, did the exercises, and asked my teacher what I didn’t understand.

Application for learning words. Gives reminders about a word with its translation. Available as an extension on Chrome. A nice bonus: if you are reading on your phone and see an unfamiliar word, you can highlight it and Biscuit will instantly translate it into English and save this card for studying it.

English-Italian dictionary (via in-app purchases). I liked the fact that all tense forms of the verb are indicated there.

Application for keeping a diary. Around the end of my mini-challenge, I started journaling in Italian to improve my writing skills.


Of course, the Italian stage is very well known to the older generation, primarily through Celentano and Toto Cutugno. Among the modern ones we can remember Bocelli, Ramazzotti and a couple more. But when you discover the world of Italian pop music, you simply listen to it.

But you need to listen with benefit. To do this, print out the words of your favorite song and try to translate it. Avoid the temptation to copy-paste an entire song into Google Translate. First, read the text carefully, then find familiar words and grammatical structures, and then start translating.

If this song is your favorite, then hum it, this way you will automatically remember the words and grammatical structures.

Whatever you say, learning a foreign language from scratch is still a lot of work! Especially mental and, most often, emotional. This is exactly what happened for me. During my school years, like many others, I began to study English. It was primitive, at the level of knowledge of the alphabet, personal pronouns, standard phrases like “My name is Natasha” and “I live in Moscow” or scanty poems about the fact that I have eyes and I can see a book and a pen in front of me, I see the ceiling and floor, I see a window and a door. You know, many years have passed, but I still remember the poem. Apparently the weekly repetition worked. And what?

I’m ashamed, but when I first came abroad, I couldn’t communicate with foreigners. At all. No way. Well, just hello, goodbye and thank you. This was the maximum.

I was eaten up by a feeling of shame, because next to me there is a sister who speaks excellent English, German, Spanish and Portuguese. And every conversation we had with her ended with the optimistic phrase on her part, “Learn English!” But I didn't want to. I had no desire for this.

In the most terrible summer of 2010, I left for Italy. Two weeks of walks through the most beautiful cities: Rome, Milan, Florence, Naples. We looked under the road from one city to another. Graceful “Roman Holiday” with Audrey Hepburn, exciting “The Italian Job” with greetings from Venice, sunny shots of “Under the Tuscan Sun”, which have become the most beloved and symbolic images of Italy. In the evenings in a small room (oh, this piccolo!) I turned on the Italian TV channel Rai and listened, listened, listened...

However, I didn’t start learning Italian on my own right away. Several important and fateful meetings took place, which turned into golden keys to the door to the world called “Italian language”. I share these “meetings” with you. Heartily.

A young man with the interesting name Zhivko greets hotel guests with a wide, disarming smile. A melodious Italian conversation flows around, and in pure Russian he invites you to sit down: “Welcome to Italy! Coffee?" And within a few minutes a steaming, aromatic cup of espresso appears on the tiny table. This is how my Italian morning began at the Playa Hotel, located on the Viserbella promenade, which is a 10-minute drive from the city. July that year turned out to be very hot, even in the morning hours the Italians themselves hid under awnings, miniature umbrellas and behind bar counters. “Just like at my house,” Zhivko admits, and this is where our acquaintance begins.

At the Playa Hotel, which mainly hosts Italians and only a few rooms are usually occupied by visiting foreigners, everyone speaks their own language. English does not help in communication; in Italian at that time I could only say 2 words – Ciao and Grazie. Therefore, it was Zhivko who became my personal translator. I was alone in the Russian hotel.

Later we met him in the hotel restaurant. On a separate table, assigned to me for the entire rest period, there was a menu. Of course, everything is in Italian. Under each name of the dish, Zhivko wrote a translation in pencil. Even if there are mistakes, such attention is still worth a lot.

I remember one day I really wanted milk. Still, coffee in the morning, afternoon and evening is unusual for me. “Milk is a latte,” Zhivko explained and smiled again.

I remember those days with warmth, because each of us may find ourselves in a situation where in a foreign country you simply need a person nearby who can speak your native language. I already have it. Although now we will be able to speak Italian. If you ever find yourself in the Viserbella area, say hello to Zhivko from Moscow.

And another inspiration from the Italian language

I don’t remember exactly what TV season, Channel One started showing the show “Ice Age,” in which pairs of professionals and amateurs skated on the ice. Among them was my favorite couple. They performed one of the program numbers to the amazing and probably most famous song (Adriano Celentano) “Confessa”. The performance itself under the spotlight was mesmerizing, but I was even more captivated by this amazing hoarse voice. Can you guess what I wanted to do? First, understand what this song is about. And, secondly, sing it yourself. But for this you needed to know Italian.

And then one day, one warm summer evening, I made up my mind. Okay, I'll learn English! Because it is necessary. And I will learn Italian. Because I want to. This difference between “need” and “want” played a very important role for me. I know the second language better than the first.

Don't force yourself, friends! Let learning a new language bring satisfaction and joy from what you get. And, most importantly, teach for yourself, not for others. After all, how nice it is to hear the words “Brava!” in response to small but successful attempts to pronounce a phrase in Italian.


Very often, people who decide to learn Italian follow the same path - trying to save money, looking for the most effective methods, while spending the least amount of time and money.

Below we will look at the most common options, and also answer the most common question - is it difficult to learn Italian for beginners.

I want to learn Italian from scratch on my own

The very basis of this method is a great desire to save on training, so as not to pay extra money to third parties.

Of course, you can buy a bunch of educational literature, phrase books, tutorials, textbooks and sit down to them yourself. This approach has every chance of survival. Some even succeed.

QUESTION: Is it difficult to learn Italian from scratch using phrasebooks and tutorials?

ANSWER: Can. But it is necessary to keep in mind that this method is suitable for those who -

  • Has great perseverance
  • Has a large and long will,
  • Able to organize his own training
  • Speaks at least one foreign language at a good level,
  • Has no difficulties with sound imitation,
  • Has excellent and long-term memory,
  • Able to find answers to difficult problems.

Unfortunately, most often, self-study does not bring the expected results.

Not a single phrase book will teach you to speak Italian fluently and correctly with correct and beautiful pronunciation, without grammatical errors, using the correct tenses in conversation when communicating with Italians.

We learn Italian from scratch in language courses

Second way The best way to learn Italian for beginners is to sign up for courses.

Indeed, this is a much more productive method, but it is also fraught with many subtleties and hidden points.

QUESTION: Is it easy to learn Italian from scratch through courses?

ANSWER: Much easier and more reliable than doing it yourself using books. After all, in the group you -

  • They will demonstrate how to pronounce a particular word,
  • They will show you how to read and write correctly,
  • Explain basic grammar
  • They will recommend the best materials and textbooks,
  • Classmates will help you hone your spoken Italian in dialogues,
  • And learning together is always more fun.

But often this option turns out to be the most costly and time-consuming.

After all, in the class you are not the only student, at best there are 8 of you, and at worst 15 people. You understand that -

Until all group members understand the material,
. while everyone's completed task is checked,
. until everyone is listened to and
. until everyone's pronunciation is corrected -

to learn only the basics it may take almost a year.

And it is not a fact that you will master all the material that will be given to you at these training meetings.

Learn Italian from scratch individually

Third way- learn Italian in person, in person with a certified specialist.

Now you are one-on-one with the teacher, and all his attention is focused only on you.

This is a very effective option for learning Italian for beginners. There is no doubt that -

  • You will quickly be given the correct pronunciation,
  • They will teach you all the subtleties of intonation and speaking,
  • Will be supplied with all necessary materials,
  • They will teach you all the subtleties of grammar,
  • They will work with you on all the grammar rules,
  • Learn conversational phrases
  • Expand your vocabulary
  • They will help you learn Italian quickly and efficiently.

The option of learning Italian for beginners under the personal guidance of an experienced specialist always turns out to be the best.
After just a few months of personal lessons, you will understand spoken language and, most importantly, speak Italian fluently.

What to do if you don’t have time to go to the teacher, and he doesn’t come to your home?

Learn Italian online for beginners at our school

QUESTION: Is it difficult to learn Italian online?

ANSWER: Completely simple and, moreover, much more convenient and faster than any other method.

If you have -

  • computer and
  • Internet, -

then nothing could be easier than starting to learn Italian online for beginners today.

To do this you need to take only three steps:

  1. Install (if not already installed) the Skype program on your computer, which is completely free.
  2. Sign up for a trial demo lesson on .
  3. Go through it and understand that learning Italian online is much more convenient and time-saving.

It's simple! This method is the most convenient, fast, effective and simple!

Now you will have a personal specialist teacher who will help you learn Italian online for beginners in the shortest possible time.


  • You will learn Italian from scratch online, according to a program specially developed for you, which will be compiled by your personal teacher, taking into account your characteristics and wishes.
  • You will be able to determine for yourself what time and on what days your classes will take place.
  • At each lesson you will receive homework for consolidation, which will be checked and assessed in the next lesson.
  • During the trial demo lesson, the teacher will test you and determine your level of knowledge and, based on the results, create your personal learning grid, according to which you can quickly learn Italian online.

Italian for tourists and travelers

If you decide to go to Italy and want to communicate with the locals there, then you will need to know at least the basics of Italian.

For this, our specialists have created a special block - the Italian language for tourists, which includes only basic knowledge and a limited set of vocabulary.

This knowledge, as a rule, is quite enough for you to feel comfortable while traveling around Italy.

Italian for travelers is also taught online and also one-on-one with a teacher. What is given in this course:

  • A block for setting the correct pronunciation so that any Italian can understand you.
  • The grammar will be given in general terms so that you have an idea of ​​tenses and understand the most basic rules for their use.
  • But the main emphasis in Italian language classes for tourists, of course, is on spoken Italian.
  • You will learn to correctly use a large number of common colloquial phrases, words and expressions in speech.

You and I are learning the Italian language quickly, examining the most basic topics that any traveler encounters:

  1. Airports, train stations,
  2. Restaurants, cafes, menus and food
  3. Sights, museums, exhibitions
  4. Cinema, theater, opera
  5. Health
  6. Favorite activities and pastimes
  7. Dating and relationships
  8. And many others that will be of interest to you.

In general, each lesson from the Italian language for travelers block will be developed for you separately, taking into account your wishes and the purpose of the trip. Therefore, do not worry that you will not be able to communicate with Italians - we work so that you can do almost everything!

Italian language for children in our school

It is very difficult to find high-quality language schools where Italian is taught to children in an accessible and interesting way. It took us a lot of work to find such specialists and gather them at our place.

At our school we teach Italian online to children, schoolchildren and adults.

Your children will not only learn Italian on the Internet, but will also do it with great joy and interest. Our Italian language program for schoolchildren and children includes -

  • a huge number of games,
  • educational game programs,
  • During lessons, children learn not only to speak, but also
  • think in Italian.

The Italian language online for beginners and schoolchildren enjoys special honor in our school, since our specialists have their own developed methods that make it very easy for children to understand difficult points in grammar, pronunciation and the correct use of verb tenses.

All lessons in the Italian language block for children are built on the principle - from simple to complex. In order not to overload the children's brain with a huge amount of new material, it is diluted with interesting game tasks.

It is known that children cannot sit in one place for a long time and do the same thing. Our teachers know this, so the classes are very dynamic and include a lot of different tasks and exercises:

  • Children talk a lot
  • write,
  • read,
  • play,
  • act out skits
  • watching cartoons,
  • They listen to audio materials and it’s all in Italian.

Thus, the child learns the material better.


  1. Parents will be able to control the process at any time, because we teach Italian at home easily, online, via Skype.
  2. You don’t have to worry about whether your child got to the teacher’s office or how he did there.
  3. You can always check this personally. Since the teacher works with your child individually, the learning process proceeds at a rapid pace.
  4. Before you know it, your student will be fluent in Italian.

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