I can teach you a snail in 5 minutes. I'll teach you in five minutes

I'll teach you in 5 minutes

Subject: "Ladybug"

Target: make a ladybug with movable connecting parts.

Task: teach how to attach parts movably.

Age audience: 2-3 grade.

Hello, my name is Tatyana Mikhailovna. Today we will learn how to make an unusual card in 5 minutes that you can give to someone or make it as an invitation to your birthday.

You should have on your tables: a white circle, two red semicircles, a brad, a square sheet of paper, a black felt-tip pen, and a pen.

The white circle is the body of your ladybug, the red semicircles are the wings.

Take the white circle and red semicircles and connect them so that the holes match.

Insert the brads into the hole and straighten the “legs” of the brads.

Move your wings, do you hear the rustling? Our ladybugs have flown!

What are we missing? (Stains)

Take a felt-tip pen and draw spots on the wings so that there are no marks left on the body, place a square piece of paper and draw.

Interesting fact. The number of spots a ladybug has is how old it is.

You can open the ladybug and write a nice wish!

Show what you got.

The master class is over.

Thank you!

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Moreover, according to a report by the analytical agency Cornerstone (State of Workplace Productivity Report), approximately two-thirds of workers reported that they were overwhelmed with work, and 84% believed that the number of cases was only increasing every year.

In light of this, you probably want to search the Internet for some know-how to improve your own effectiveness. Here are 10 things to increase productivity that you can learn in 10 minutes.

10 things you can learn in 10 minutes

Artem Franich

1. Pomodoro technique

Time management is very important for productivity. I have found that using the Pomodoro technique (and the app of the same name) is very effective. The idea is to divide your daily tasks into 25-minute intervals. This allows you to focus on important matters. ( Syed Balkhi, OptinMonster).

2. Improve your average

Take 5 minutes to learn about psychologist Stan Beacham's "Elite Minds" philosophy, and another 5 minutes to improve your productivity average. We're usually trying to improve our best performance, while working with the average can have a big impact on your overall productivity. ( Douglas Hutchings, Picasolar).

3. How to plan ahead

I learned this recently. Weekly planning and making a list of tasks for the whole week (and solving them) helps me pay enough attention to my tasks, because it is so easy to get distracted when someone constantly needs something from you. This technique allows me to constantly monitor the fulfillment of my obligations. ( Corey Blake, Round Table Companies).

4. How to meditate

Within 10 minutes you can easily learn a meditation technique that you will use for the rest of your life. Meditation helps calm the mind, relieve stress and bring clarity to thoughts. My productivity increases every time I meditate and decreases when I get out of my work rhythm. Watch a YouTube video or quickly read the instructions on the blog. Meditation is easy. ( Andrew Thomas, SkyBell Video Doorbell).

5. Memory techniques

If you imagine your brain as folders with files, you will understand that it is impossible to forget anything. If you forgot something, you either didn’t save it or hid the information somewhere far away, where it’s difficult to get it from. Concentrating and returning to your previous thoughts helps retain memories. Concentrate and test yourself for your ability to remember. Return to your thoughts by writing them down on paper and then erasing them with an eraser. ( Cody McLain, SupportNinja).

6. How to triple your reading speed

I read at least one book a week while driving, and my commute and work are very short. How to do it? Applications that play audiobooks allow you to scroll through them two to three times faster than usual. In just 10 minutes the brain adapts to this speed. ( Jesse Lear, V.I.P. Waste Services, LLC).

7. How to take responsibility

Photo: Carsten Koall/Stringer/Getty Images.

People often make excuses for themselves instead of taking responsibility for work not done, miscalculation of the project budget, or for an incident that occurred. If you learn to take responsibility, doing business will be much easier. It is much easier to solve a problem without trying to find its cause. Take responsibility and move on. ( Drew Gurley, Redbird Advisors).

8. How to reorganize tasks into important and very important

It seems like you need to make a to-do list. Over time, however, their number will become so large that completing each individual task will be difficult. Of course, you can delegate, but it is much more effective to divide tasks into very important (they need to be done right now) and important (they can be done at any other time). (

Ministry of General Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region
State budgetary professional educational institution

Sverdlovsk region

"Kamyshlovsky Pedagogical College"


Students of the 3rd “BEFORE” group


Bolotova E.Yu

Kamyshlov, 2018

The collection of master classes is intended to help teachers, students, etc.

The collection includes a master class “I’ll teach you in 5 minutes.” The collection includes contents and master classes directly

The collection is addressed to students of pedagogical colleges, and can also be useful for teachers, educators, social workers, parents, and additional education teachers.

Table of contents


The target audience:

Goal (from the teacher’s perspective): developing the ability to work according to the proposed algorithm to create an activity product in children of senior preschool age.


Educational :

    be able to use various techniques for working with cardboard

plan your actions in accordance with the task;

Navigate the knowledge system

Engage in joint activities with the teacher


    formation of motivation for activity and creativity.

Equipment: old disk, scissors, cardboard; computer, pedagogical sample, presentation, felt-tip pens, simple pencil, 10-point thread, push pin.

Progress of the master class:

Preparatory - organizational

Hello children. We all really like our crafts and photographs. But everyone probably still had old disks?

I also have a lot of them lying around, but I’d like to decorate them. And I had an idea to decorate them, and what are we going to do? Let’s guess the riddle:

Day and night they go.

Never get tired.

They whisper monotonously to the beat:

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

The arrows look like mustaches.

They are called...

Well done boys!




Main part

That's right, guys, now we will make a watch from a disk. Now let's start decorating our craft from CD discs with our own hands. The outer part of the alarm clock will be shiny; we need to glue squares with numbers in a circle, placing them as on a regular dial. To the back surface, in the middle, we need to glue a larger circle, which will help us attach the arrows.
Please note that the arrows must be movable, so they cannot be glued. We will attach the arrows to a pushpin and they can be rotated to show the time on the alarm clock. You also need to glue a cardboard circle on the outside, but of a smaller size, and stick an arrow button in the middle. It is best to choose a thicker material for the arrows than regular office paper, for example, cut them out of whatman paper or thin cardboard. On top you need to glue the cut-out part of the “bell cup” on the back side, and on the bottom you need to fasten the cardboard stand, after making two cuts in it and bending it. Now you need to insert a CD into these slots, and our alarm clock is ready, you can start studying or playing games.


Final part

Guys, your watches are so beautiful that you can give them as a gift or put them on a shelf to decorate your room.

Listen, finish work

"Basket of Flowers"

The target audience: children of senior preschool age

Goal (from the teacher’s perspective): development of the child’s emotional sphere, respect for elders

Tasks: Educational :

    strengthen and improve creative abilities


    development of creative abilities through creative joint activities of the teacher and the child

Educational :

    instill in children love and respect for the older generation

Equipment: colored cardboard and paper, scissors, PVA glue, pencil, yellow napkin, ruler, backing sheet, glue brush, trash box

Progress of the master class:

Good afternoon Today in our country people celebrate “Older Person's Day”. Therefore, now in class we will prepare these baskets for your grandmothers.

We will need colored cardboard and paper, scissors, glue, a simple pencil, a napkin

Greet the master class presenter.

Main part

Now we take colored cardboard of the same color as your basket. Cut out a basket from colored paper. Carefully bend the base of our basket. Now let’s take white cardboard and cut out the base on which we will glue the flowers. Glue the base to our basket. Look what a beautiful basket you have made. Do you think it’s okay to give it to grandma or should I add something else? Of course add it. We will decorate your baskets with these beautiful flowers. To prepare such flowers, we need to cut out 9 circles of the same color, but different diameters (sizes), does everyone succeed? Now we make cuts on the circles, like this, we should have 16 cuts. Did you all manage?

Now we round the edges so that we get petals. Now we fold each petal in half, look how voluminous the petals are. We collect 3 petals and glue them in the center. Then we take a yellow napkin, tear off a small part and use circular movements of our fingers to get a ball. Glue it to the center of the flower.

Now we will make leaves like these for our flowers.

Well, we have prepared all the decorations for the basket, you can decorate it. First we apply it, try on where and what we will have, and then glue it.

Did everyone succeed? Show me. What beautiful, colorful baskets with flowers everyone turned out to be.

All we have to do is sign.

Together with the master class leader, they perform the product step by step. Listen attentively, answer the presenter’s questions, and if there is difficulty, turn to an adult (the adult offers help to those who have difficulty)

Final part

Show your neighbor what baskets of flowers you have made. Now we put the baskets in the indicated place. We are cleaning the workplace.

Admiring the product, cleaning the workplace.

"Grandma next to grandpa"

The target audience

Target: making holiday figures of “grandmother” and “grandfather” using various types of productive activities.

Educational :

    teach children to create a general composition.


    develop creative imagination, thinking, fine motor skills.


    to form in children kindness, respect, and love for the older generation.

Equipment and materials: glue pencil and PVA, scissors, cotton wool, colored cardboard, red and black markers, templates, a simple pencil, backing sheet, flower and butterfly blanks.

Progress of the master class:

Good afternoon We are pleased to welcome you to our master class dedicated to the “Day of the Elderly”. Today we will make a “grandparents” craft using applique. For this we need scissors, glue - pencil, white cardboard, felt-tip pens, cotton wool, a simple pencil, templates and a backing sheet.

We would like to draw your attention to safety precautions: work carefully, do not be distracted, there must be order on the table.

They greet each other.

Listen carefully to safety precautions.

Main part

All the necessary equipment and materials that you will need to make crafts are prepared for you on the table.

So, let's get to work, first take the cardboard of the color you need - this will be the clothes for future figures. We take the template and trace it along the contour and cut it out. We take cardboard blanks - these will be heads. Glue it to the body. Using a black felt-tip pen we draw the eyes and nose, and a red felt-tip pen for the mouth. We take cotton wool and PVA glue and make hair, eyebrows and mustaches. We take a blank butterfly and flowers, glue the butterfly to the grandfather’s suit, and the flowers to the grandmother’s dress. If desired, add glasses and rosy cheeks.

They do the work.

During the work they make an applique.

Final part

Our application is ready. The application can be used as a gift.Lift them up and admire what bright and very beautiful figures of grandparents you have created! These are the skilled craftsmen we are!

Finish and demonstrate the result.


The target audience : children of senior preschool age

Target: create a composition using an unconventional drawing technique (nitcography)


Educational :

    introduce children to the technique of drawing with thread, strengthen the skills of accurate work with gouache


    develop creative individuality, fine motor skills, spatial concepts

Educational :

    evoke a positive response to the results of your work, cultivate aesthetic qualities

Equipment : 2 sheets of paper, threads (woolen and thin), paints, brushes, water container, heavy book, backing sheet

Progress of the master class :

-Guys, I suggest you solve my riddle!

There is in a ball, there is in a coil,

It's even in the eye of a needle.

Absolutely right. Guys, what threads do you know?

Please tell me why the thread is needed?

Right! But today I brought you a special thread, you can not only sew, embroider, knit with it, but also draw! Can you imagine? Today I will teach you how to draw with wool and sewing thread! Interested in trying it?


Woolen, sewing, thin, thick, etc.

Sew, embroider, knit

Main part

I'll show you how we will draw with strings. First we take a thick woolen thread. Pick it up and show it to me.

Great, then, carefully dip it into the paint, and now, using circular movements from the center in a spiral, lay the thread on a sheet of paper, hold on to the end of the thread, and gently help with a brush. We direct the end of the dry thread downwards, holding it in our right hand, and with our left hand we place a piece of paper on the thread and press it with our palm (The teacher shows and explains, provides assistance).

Now slowly pull out the thread. Magic happens!

Look how beautiful it turned out! -Tell me what your image looks like?

Interesting? Then I suggest you try again, only this time it will be more difficult! Attention, now we will try to draw with a thin thread and a different color.

So, lift up and show me the thin thread. Now we repeat the same steps as with the wool thread.

Carefully dip your thread into the paint, and now, using circular movements from the center in a spiral, lay the thread on a sheet of paper, hold on to the end of the thread, and gently help with a brush. We direct the end of the dry thread downwards, holding it in our right hand, and with our left hand we place a piece of paper on the thread and press it with our palm (The teacher shows and explains, provides assistance).

Now slowly pull out the thread. Great, we have our second image.

Review the results of their work

On a butterfly; on a flower, etc.

Children listen carefully to the teacher and perform actions together with him.

Final part

Were you interested in getting acquainted with nitcography? Which thread (sewing or wool) was more difficult to draw with? When the drawing dries, you can fill in the details of your image yourself.

Children listen carefully to the teacher and participate in dialogue.

"Airy watermelon"

The target audience : senior group

Subject: "Airy watermelon"

Target: introduce children to the unconventional technique of drawing with shaving foam


    Show different ways to draw shaving foam


    Introduce the features of imaging technology


    Practice depicting creative works

Progress of the master class:

Hello guys. Do you like to eat watermelons?

Who usually buys you watermelons?

Let's now each of you make your own slice of watermelon.



Main part

Now we invite you to start working.

We take cardboard and place a stencil in the shape of an airy watermelon on it, then glue this stencil onto the cardboard, now we need to prepare volumetric paints; for this we will need shaving cream, PVA glue, paints. Mix all the ingredients and apply the resulting paint to the sketch, and lay out the bones from confetti.


Final part

Thank you for your work, we have obtained very appetizing watermelon slices.

They listen and finish their work.

Master Class. Making a ladybug


  1. Develop practical skills in working with paper.
  2. Develop fine motor skills and creativity in students.
  3. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.


  1. Create conditions for the formation of interest in educational activities.
  2. Exercise in performing basic mental functions: analysis, synthesis, generalization.
  3. Develop your horizons and artistic taste
  4. Strengthen knowledge of safety precautions when working with scissors and glue

Progress of the master class


The cow doesn't moo

No horns. hooves, tail

Doesn't give us milk

Lives under the leaves.

The beetle wears a red cloak with black dots. Plant guardian.

It fights harmful aphids deftly. this-...(ladybug)

To make ladybugs you will need: colored paper (red and green), scissors, glue, black markers, templates.

Before we get started, let’s remember safety precautions when working with scissors and glue:

Rules for safe work with scissors

  • Keep your work area tidy.
  • Before work, check the serviceability of the tools.
  • Do not use loose scissors.
  • Work only with a serviceable tool: well-adjusted and sharpened scissors.
  • Use scissors only in your own workplace.
  • Watch the movement of the blades while working.
  • Place the scissors with the rings facing you.
  • Feed the scissors rings forward.
  • Don't leave scissors open.
  • Store scissors in a case with the blades facing down.
  • Don't play with scissors, don't put scissors near your face.
  • Use scissors as intended.

Rules for safe work with glue

When working with glue, use a brush if necessary.

  • Take the amount of glue that is required to complete the job at this stage.
  • Remove excess glue with a soft cloth or napkin, gently pressing it.
  • Wash your brush and hands well with soap after use.

Step 1: Bend a square of red paper diagonally.

Step 2: Unfold the piece and bend it diagonally on the other side.

Step 3: Make a triangle out of the square, bending the sides of the square inward. This is a basic origami model - a triangle.

Step 4: Fold the resulting part in half, marking the middle, draw the base of the beetle on one side, and cut it out.

Step 5: Trace with a pencil and cut out the second part

We ended up with something like this.

Step 6: Take the ladybug parts templates and glue them

But why did this interesting bug get such a name? Listen, this is interesting. Since ancient times, kind and harmless people have been called “God’s people.” This is exactly how this bug seemed kind and harmless to man. Why a cow? Yes, because the poisonous liquid that the bug secretes in case of danger was called “milk”. And so it turned out to be “ladybug”. Some people mistakenly believe that the number of dots on a ladybug determines how old it is. This is not true. The dots do not indicate age, but what species the cow belongs to: two dots are two-spotted, five dots are five-spotted, seven dots are seven-spotted.

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