Book: Chaplina, Vera Vasilievna “The Winged Alarm Clock. Summary of a reading lesson on the topic “V. Chaplin’s “Winged Alarm Clock” Story “Winged Alarm Clock”

Today we will introduce children not to a fairy tale, but to a story. I will give V. Chaplina’s story “The Winged Alarm Clock” in an abbreviated retelling so that kids can understand it and sit through it in time. For older children, the stories of this writer can be bought in a bookstore, or if one is lucky enough to be downloaded from the Internet. I tried in vain to find them, unfortunately I couldn’t.

And so, “Winged Alarm Clock”.

Serezha is happy. He moved to a new house with his mom and dad. Now they have a two-room apartment. One room with a balcony, my parents lived in it, and Seryozha lived in the other.
Seryozha was upset that his room would not have a balcony.
“Nothing,” said dad, “but we will make a bird feeder, and you will feed them in winter.”
“So only sparrows will fly,” Seryozha said displeasedly. - the guys say they are harmful and they shoot at them with slingshots.
-Don’t repeat nonsense! – the father got angry. – they feed harmful insects to the chicks.

Dad kept his promise and on the first day off they got to work. Seryozha provided nails and planks, and dad planed and hammered them together. The feeder was hung right under the window in Seryozha’s room.
-dad. Will we soon start feeding the birds? After all, winter has not yet arrived.
-Why wait for winter? Now let's begin. Do you think that just by pouring out the food, all the birds will flock together? No, son, you need to tame them first. Although the sparrow lives next to humans, it is a cautious bird.

As dad said. And so it happened, the sparrows watched from afar, he was in no hurry to fly up to the feeder. Seryozha was very upset.
“It’s okay,” his dad consoled him, they’ll see that no one is offending them, and they’ll stop being afraid.
Soon Seryozha noticed that every day the birds became bolder and bolder and soon began to sit on the feeder. Seryozha was very sorry for the sparrows, he fed them with bread, and when winter came, he began to feed them with grain.

The poor fellows sat, ruffled, and waited for Seryozha's treat and were very happy at his appearance. One day a titmouse came to visit him. Seryozha hung a piece of bacon on a string for her, as her dad taught her.

Seryozha fed his birds every morning at the same time, when the alarm clock rang. The birds got used to it and were already waiting for him by this time.

One day the alarm clock broke at home and no one knew about it, everyone was sleeping sweetly and could have been late for work and kindergarten if not for the titmouse.

A bird flew in to have breakfast, looked, no one was opening the window and no one was pouring out the food, she jumped along with the sparrows on the feeder and started knocking on the window with her beak: “Let’s eat quickly!” Yes, she knocked so hard that Seryozha woke up, fed the birds and woke up his parents.

Since then, the titmouse has gotten into the habit of knocking on his window every morning. And she knocked at the same time, just like she guessed by the clock. Mom laughed:
- Look, the alarm clock has arrived.
And dad said:
-Well done son, you can’t buy such an alarm clock in any store.


Let's draw a titmouse.
Explain to your child that you need to start drawing the bird from the body, then the head and tail. Once you've finished drawing, start coloring. Show your child how to paint the bird correctly - the strokes or paint should not go beyond the outline of the image, otherwise the drawing will not be neat.

A fascinating and interesting story for middle school children about birds, titmouse birds. Read it quickly.


Seryozha is happy. He moved to a new house with his mom and dad. Now they have a two-room apartment. One room with a balcony, my parents lived in it, and Seryozha lived in the other.

Seryozha was upset that the room where he would live did not have a balcony.

“Nothing,” said dad. - But we will make a bird feeder, and you will feed them in winter.

“So only sparrows will fly,” Seryozha objected dissatisfied. - The guys say they are harmful, and they shoot them with slingshots.

- Don’t repeat nonsense! - the father got angry. — Sparrows are useful in the city. They feed their chicks with caterpillars, and hatch chicks two or three times during the summer. So consider how much benefit they have. Anyone who shoots birds with slingshots will never be a real hunter.

Seryozha remained silent. He didn't want to say that he, too, had shot birds with a slingshot. And he really wanted to be a hunter, and definitely like his dad. Just shoot accurately and learn everything from the tracks.

Dad kept his promise, and on the first day off they got to work. Seryozha provided nails and planks, and dad planed and hammered them together.

When the work was finished, dad took the feeder and nailed it right under the window. He did this on purpose so that in winter he could pour food through the window for the birds. Mom praised their work, but there’s nothing to say about Seryozha: now he himself liked his father’s idea.

- Dad, will we start feeding the birds soon? - he asked when everything was ready. - After all, winter has not yet come.

- Why wait for winter? - Dad answered. - Now let's begin. You think that when you pour out the food, all the sparrows will flock to peck it! No, brother, you need to train them first. Even though a sparrow lives near a person, it is a cautious bird.

And it’s true, as dad said, so it happened. Every morning Seryozha poured various crumbs and grains into the feeders, but the sparrows did not even fly close to her. They sat down at a distance, on a large poplar tree, and sat on it.

Seryozha was very upset. He really thought that as soon as the food was poured out, the sparrows would immediately fly to the window.

“Nothing,” dad consoled him. “They’ll see that no one is offending them, and they’ll stop being afraid.” Just don't hang around the window.

Seryozha followed all his father’s advice exactly. And soon I began to notice that every day the birds became bolder and bolder. Now they were already landing on the nearby branches of the poplar, then they became completely brave and began to fly to the table.

And how carefully they did it! They will fly by once or twice, see that there is no danger, grab a piece of bread and quickly fly off with it to a secluded place. They peck there slowly so that no one can take it away, and then fly back to the feeder.

While it was autumn, Seryozha fed the sparrows with bread, but when winter came, he began to give them more grain. Because the bread froze quickly, the sparrows did not have time to peck it and remained hungry.

Seryozha felt very sorry for the sparrows, especially when severe frosts began. The poor creatures sat disheveled, motionless, with their frozen paws tucked under them, and patiently awaited a treat.

But how happy they were about Seryozha! As soon as he approached the window, they, chirping loudly, flew in from all directions and hurried to have breakfast as soon as possible. On frosty days, Seryozha fed his feathered friends several times. After all, a well-fed bird can tolerate cold more easily.

At first, only sparrows flew to Seryozha’s feeding trough, but one day he noticed a titmouse among them. Apparently, the winter cold also drove her here. And when the titmouse saw that there was money to be made here, it began to fly every day.

Seryozha was glad that the new guest visited his dining room so willingly. He read somewhere that tits love lard. He took out a piece, and so that the sparrows would not drag it away, he hung it on a thread, as dad taught.

The titmouse instantly realized that this treat was reserved for her. She immediately grabbed onto the fat with her paws, pecked, and she seemed to be swinging on a swing. She pecked for a long time. It’s immediately obvious that she liked this delicacy.

Seryozha always fed his birds in the morning and always at the same time. As soon as the alarm clock rang, he got up and poured food into the feeder.

The sparrows were already waiting for this time, but the titmouse was especially waiting. She appeared from nowhere and boldly landed on the table. In addition, the bird turned out to be very savvy. She was the first to figure out that if Seryozha’s window knocked in the morning, she had to hurry to breakfast. Moreover, she was never mistaken and, if the neighbor’s window knocked, she did not fly in.

But this was not the only thing that distinguished the shrewd bird. One day it happened that the alarm clock went bad. No one knew that he had deteriorated. Even my mother didn't know. She could have overslept and been late for work if not for the tit.

The bird flew in to have breakfast and saw that no one was opening the window, no one was pouring food out. She jumped with the sparrows on the empty table, jumped and began knocking on the glass with her beak: “Let’s eat quickly!” Yes, she knocked so hard that Seryozha woke up. I woke up and couldn’t understand why the titmouse was knocking on the window. Then I thought - she was probably hungry and asking for food.

Got up. He poured food for the birds, looked, and on the wall clock the hands already showed almost nine. Then Seryozha woke up mom and dad and quickly ran to school.

From then on, the titmouse got into the habit of knocking on his window every morning. And she knocked at exactly eight o'clock. It’s like she guessed the time by the clock!

It happened that as soon as she knocked with her beak, Seryozha would quickly jump out of bed and rush to get dressed. Of course, it will keep knocking until you give it food. Mom laughed too:

- Look, the alarm clock has arrived!

And dad said:

- Well done, son! You won't find such an alarm clock in any store. It turns out that you didn’t work for nothing.

All winter the titmouse woke up Seryozha, and when spring came, she flew into the forest. After all, there, in the forest, tits build nests and hatch chicks. Probably, Serezhina’s titmouse also flew off to hatch her chicks. And by the fall, when they are adults, she will return to Seryozha’s feeding trough again, and, perhaps, not alone, but with the whole family, and will again begin to wake him up in the morning for school.

Soon we began releasing Fomka onto the young stock area. At first they released one, but Fomka did not play alone. He wandered from corner to corner and whimpered pitifully from boredom. Then we decided to introduce him to other animals. We released foxes, bear cubs, wolf cubs, and a raccoon onto the site. When all the animals were playing, they let Fomka in.

Fomka left the cage as if he had not seen anyone, but by the way he sniffed, how low he lowered his head and looked from under his brows with his small eyes, it was clear that he noticed everything and everyone.

The animals also saw him right away, but they each reacted to him in their own way: the wolf cubs tucked their tails and, looking carefully, stepped aside, the raccoons had all their fur standing on end, making them look like big balls, and the badger cubs rushed in different directions and instantly disappeared from sight. But the brown bear cubs were most frightened. As if on command, they stood on their hind legs, widened their eyes and looked for a long time in surprise at the polar bear they were unfamiliar with. And when he headed towards them, they roared in horror and, knocking each other down, climbed to the very top of the tree.

The bravest ones were the foxes and dingoes. They hovered around the bear cub's face, but every time he tried to catch someone, they deftly dodged.

In a word, on the site where there were so many animals, Fomka was left alone again.

Then we released the tiger cub. His name was Orphan. They called him that because he grew up without a mother.

The animals were afraid of the Orphan’s strong, clawed paw and avoided her. But how could Fomka know this? Before we had time to release the Orphan, he immediately ran to her. The orphan hissed at the stranger and raised her paw in warning. But the bear cub did not understand the tiger’s language. He came closer and the next second received such a slap in the face that he could barely stand on his feet.

Such a treacherous blow infuriated Fomka. Lowering his head low, he rushed at the offender with a roar.

When we came running in response to the noise, it was difficult to make out where the tiger cub was and where the bear cub was. Both clung tightly to each other, growling and rolling on the ground, and only white and red fur flew in clumps in all directions. With great difficulty we managed to separate the fighters. They put them in cages and only a few days later they decided to release them again.

Just in case, they were now being watched, but our fears were in vain. Having faced off, they began to treat each other with great respect. Fomka did not approach Orphan, and Orphan did not swing her paw at him when he passed by.

The other animals also reacted differently to Fomka. The brown bear cubs came to fight him, but the wolf cubs and raccoons no longer ran away. And yet Fomka was not interested in them. He willingly chased fox cubs and dingoes, fought with bear cubs, but it was clear how much stronger he was than everyone else and how easily victory was given to him. Fomka wanted to measure his strength with an equal opponent, and only Orphan was such an opponent. She was also noticeably interested in Fomka.

They got to know each other gradually, in the game, and after two weeks they were already real friends.

They spent whole days together. It was interesting to watch their games. The orphan liked to hide and then attack unexpectedly. It used to be that Fomka was walking, and she would jump out, grab the bear cub by the collar, ruffle him once or twice, and run. But Fomka, on the contrary, loved to fight. He will grab the tiger cub with his paws, press him to himself and try to put him on both shoulder blades. It’s difficult to escape from the bear’s hug, but the striped predator doesn’t give up: it rests its paws on Fomka’s stomach and tries to push it away from itself. A lot of people gathered at the site then. There were some fans who specially came to watch their fight.

Usually the fight ended in a draw. But one day the Orphan got so tired of the clumsy bear cub that he climbed into the water from her. Fomka is sitting, chilling, and Orphan is walking around, unable to reach him. She walked like this for a long time, then she couldn’t stand it and she jumped! She missed and fell into the water. It was here that Fomka gave her a beating. In the water he turned out to be much more agile than a tiger. In one minute he crushed him under himself and carried him under the water so much that he almost drowned. All wet and frightened, Orphan barely escaped from the bear hug and shamefully ran to her cage. After this, Orphan was already afraid to approach the pool when Fomka was sitting there, and even went to another place to drink water.

However, this incident did not hinder their friendship in the least, and they still spent most of the day playing games.

Fomka becomes dangerous

By autumn, Fomka had grown so much that it was difficult to recognize him as the old bear cub. True, he, as before, got along well with the animals on the playground, did not offend the weak and was friends with Orphan, but he began to behave much worse with people. Previously, I obeyed, but now I didn’t allow myself to be controlled even by Aunt Katya.

Poor Aunt Katya! She had to resort to all sorts of tricks to force Fomka into the cage if he didn’t want to do this.

Usually all the young animals were lured into a cage to feed. They put in something edible and they immediately run in. But you can’t tempt Fomka with food. His belly was always filled with food, like a drum. They gave him handouts for every little thing: for not going near the barrier, for not interfering with cleaning the playground, and, finally, simply for not biting. As soon as Fomka looks the wrong way, they immediately shove something tasty at him. In a word, for every trifle Fomka was paid with food, and by the end of the day he was so full that he did not go to the cage for the best treat.

And what didn’t Aunt Katya do then to lure Fomka! She begged the stubborn man for a long time, trying to interest him in something. Fomka turned out to be a very curious little bear. As soon as he saw an unfamiliar thing, he hurried to come closer and take a better look at it.

Noticing this weakness in Fomka, Aunt Katya began to take advantage of it. She would go into the cage and put a scarf, jacket or something else on the floor. She pretended to look at something interesting, touched it, picked it up. Sometimes she had to do this for quite a long time, depending on Fomka’s mood. And sometimes he came in quickly. Then Aunt Katya deftly pulled the bait out from under his nose, disappeared from the cage and quickly slammed the door. But everything did not always go well. It also happened that Aunt Katya did not have time to pull out the bait, and then Fomka dealt with her in his own way. However, the smart Fomka soon figured out this trick. Every day it became more and more difficult to cope with the growing bear cub. And after he severely bit the attendant, it was decided to transfer him to the Island of Animals. We were sorry to part with Fomka, but there was nothing we could do - he had become too dangerous for the people on the site.

On the Island of Animals there was a free enclosure with a large, deep pond. There was a place to run, play, and swim. That’s where Fomka was placed.

When Fomka found himself alone in a new place, he was terribly scared. He rushed around the pen, screamed pitifully and kept looking for somewhere to get out. But there was nowhere to get out. Then Fomka hid in a corner and refused to go out even for food. After the site, where he was among so many animals, he was very bored here alone. He wandered around the entire paddock and stopped playing completely. But Fomka was not bored for long. Soon they brought another bear cub, Masha, to the Zoo and let her go to Fomka. She was much smaller than Fomka, but he didn’t touch her. Snorting affectionately, he sniffed Masha, and they climbed into the water together. They swam and played all day, and by evening the cubs fell fast asleep, hugging each other with their paws.

Fomka calmed down and stopped being bored. He lived a very happy life with his friend, the polar bear cub Masha.


Seryozha is happy. He moved to a new house with his mom and dad. Now they have a two-room apartment. One room with a balcony, my parents lived in it, and Seryozha lived in the other.


1) Expanding students’ knowledge about the work of V. Chaplina based on read stories about animals and birds.

2) Speech correction based on answers to questions, conclusions and communications.

3) Fostering a careful, caring attitude towards nature using the example of the actions of heroes.

Visual material: a bright sign “Let's take care of our native nature!”, an exhibition of books about animals, drawings for the stories we read, poems, riddles about birds and animals, envelopes with assignments, a drawing of an owl, the words: “What? Where? When?" Team emblems, recording of the songs “Everybody Needs Friends”, “The Dog Is Missing”, “When My Friends Are With Me”.

Form: game “What? Where? When?".

During the classes

Organizing time.

Teacher. Guys, today we are playing a game at the “What? Where? When?". The range of questions is limited to the stories of V. Chaplina.

Let's remember the rules by which experts play in the club:

a) time will be given to think about the question: the captain gives the participants the right to answer.

b) the correctness of the answers is assessed on a five-point system.

c) each team must work together and in concert.

In order for each team to feel strength and confidence, everyone is invited to sing together V. Shainsky’s song “When my friends are with me.”

Teacher. The first round is announced - “Introduction of Teams” (teams are calledmotto, present their emblem).

The first team is “Winged Alarm Clock” (the titmouse emblem, the motto “Everyone needs friends”).

The second team is “Mushka” (the emblem is a dog, the motto is “Don’t tease dogs...”).

Teacher. The second round is announced - “Guess it” (each team is offered 2 riddles).

A fur coat and a caftan walks across the mountains and valleys.(Sheep.)

Silent during the day, grumbling at night. Who goes to the owner and lets him know?(Dog.)

Teacher. Which of the stories you read can the answers be attributed to?(“Belyanka”, “Mushka”.)

They appeared in a yellow fur coat - goodbye, two shells.(Chickens).

A little boy in a gray army jacket is running around the yard, collecting crumbs.(Sparrow.)

Which of the stories you read relate to your answers?(“Gift”, “Winged Alarm Clock”.)

Teacher. Musical pause. (Both teams perform the song “The Dog is Missing” (edited by A. Lamm, music by V. Shainsky)).

Teacher. What work does this drawing belong to? What episode is shown here? (Each team is offered several drawings from different stories.)

Teacher. Fourth round. Read the poems by heart (team members read 2 poems each).

The Winged Alarm Clock team reads:


I hear a titmouse ringing

Among the yellowing branches.

Hello little bird,

Herald of autumn days!

Even though he threatens us with bad weather,

Even though he is our prophet of winter,

Breathes blessed light

I. Turgenev


Sparrows are playful,

Like lonely children,

Huddled by the window

And there's a snowstorm in the yard

Spreads a silk carpet,

It's painfully cold.

The little birds are cold,

Hungry, tired

And they huddle tighter.

And the blizzard roars madly

Knocks on the hanging shutters

And he gets angrier.

S. Yesenin

Team "Mushka" reads :


Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles.

What are you making noise about?

On a dark, stormy night?

What do you whisper to us at dawn?

All in dew, like in silver?

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide it,

You see: we are our own.

S. Pogorelovsky

Every day when we get up,

My brother and I are alone,

Taking cereals and bread crumbs,

We quickly run to the porch.

Many different and good

Friends are flying to us.

Birds are sitting on the feeder,

They clean their beaks.

There are goldfinches, siskins, tits and sneaky sparrows here.

The handsome bullfinches are also patiently waiting for us.

Everyone is used to it, not shy,

At least take them with your hands.

G. Ladanshchikov

Musical pause. The song “Everyone Needs Friends” is performed (art by P. Sinyavsky, music by 3. Kompaneets).

Teacher. The fifth round is announced. What stories are these excerpts from?

“Needless to say, how happy Vitalik was. Together with dad, they made a box, covered it with mesh on top, and inside, to keep the box warm, dad hung an electric light bulb. Then the floor in the box was sprinkled with dry sand and the chickens were placed there.”("Present" .)

“When Luda came from school, the dog always met her at the door. She jumped joyfully, caressed her, then grabbed Lyudin’s mittens in her teeth and carried her into the room. She always put them in their place, under the bed, and if anyone tried to take the mittens from the house, except Lyuda... The dog didn’t give them to anyone.”(“Front sight.”)

Teacher. The decisive moment of the game “Captain Competition” (the captains are asked questions one by one).

Who is Belyanka? What was Vitya like from the story “Belyanka”? What did Aunt Glasha give Vita? What did dad offer to Seryozha? How did Seryozha feel about birds? Why is the story called “The Winged Alarm Clock”?

While the results are being summed up, the whole class is working on the questions.


What activity did Vitalik come up with for the chickens?

What kind of boy did Vitalik grow up?

Why did Luda bring home a dog?

What can you say about this girl?

How did Mushka thank her owner?

Teacher. Read the passage in this story that you liked best. What do these stories have in common? What do they teach you? What should we strive for?

In conclusion, a song from the muses is performed. V. Melnik, ate. N. Starshinova “Let’s save”

Lesson summary. The winning team is announced, and prizes are awarded to the best players.

The librarian introduces students to the exhibition and reviews books about nature.

Homework assignment. Read the stories of V. Oseeva.

Seryozha is happy. He moved to a new house with his mom and dad. Now they have a two-room apartment. One room with a balcony, my parents lived in it, and Seryozha lived in the other.

Seryozha was upset that the room where he would live did not have a balcony.

“Nothing,” said dad. - But we will make a bird feeder, and you will feed them in winter.

So only sparrows will fly,” Seryozha objected dissatisfied. - The guys say they are harmful, and they shoot them with slingshots.

Don't repeat nonsense! - the father got angry. - Sparrows are useful in the city. They feed their chicks with caterpillars, and hatch chicks two or three times during the summer. So consider how much benefit they have. Anyone who shoots birds with slingshots will never be a real hunter.

Seryozha remained silent. He didn't want to say that he, too, had shot birds with a slingshot. And he really wanted to be a hunter, and definitely like his dad. Just shoot accurately and learn everything from the tracks.

Dad kept his promise, and on the first day off they got to work. Seryozha provided nails and planks, and dad planed and hammered them together.

When the work was finished, dad took the feeder and nailed it right under the window. He did this on purpose so that in winter he could pour food through the window for the birds. Mom praised their work, but there’s nothing to say about Seryozha: now he himself liked his father’s idea.

Dad, will we start feeding the birds soon? - he asked when everything was ready. - After all, winter has not yet come.

Why wait for winter? - Dad answered. - Now let's begin. You think that when you pour out the food, all the sparrows will flock to peck it! No, brother, you need to train them first. Even though a sparrow lives near a person, it is a cautious bird.

And it’s true, as dad said, so it happened. Every morning Seryozha poured various crumbs and grains into the feeders, but the sparrows did not even fly close to her. They sat down at a distance, on a large poplar tree, and sat on it.

Seryozha was very upset. He really thought that as soon as the food was poured out, the sparrows would immediately fly to the window.

“Nothing,” dad consoled him. “They will see that no one is offending them, and they will stop being afraid.” Just don't hang around the window.

Seryozha followed all his father’s advice exactly. And soon I began to notice that every day the birds became bolder and bolder. Now they were already landing on the nearby branches of the poplar, then they became completely brave and began to fly to the table.

And how carefully they did it! They will fly by once or twice, see that there is no danger, grab a piece of bread and quickly fly off with it to a secluded place. They peck there slowly so that no one can take it away, and then fly back to the feeder.

While it was autumn, Seryozha fed the sparrows with bread, but when winter came, he began to give them more grain. Because the bread froze quickly, the sparrows did not have time to peck it and remained hungry.

Seryozha felt very sorry for the sparrows, especially when severe frosts began. The poor creatures sat disheveled, motionless, with their frozen paws tucked under them, and patiently awaited a treat.

But how happy they were about Seryozha! As soon as he approached the window, they, chirping loudly, flew in from all directions and hurried to have breakfast as soon as possible. On frosty days, Seryozha fed his feathered friends several times. After all, a well-fed bird can tolerate cold more easily.

At first, only sparrows flew to Seryozha’s feeding trough, but one day he noticed a titmouse among them. Apparently, the winter cold also drove her here. And when the titmouse saw that there was money to be made here, it began to fly every day.

Seryozha was glad that the new guest visited his dining room so willingly. He read somewhere that tits love lard. He took out a piece, and so that the sparrows would not drag it away, he hung it on a thread, as dad taught.

The titmouse instantly realized that this treat was reserved for her. She immediately grabbed onto the fat with her paws, pecked, and she seemed to be swinging on a swing. She pecked for a long time. It’s immediately obvious that she liked this delicacy.

Seryozha always fed his birds in the morning and always at the same time. As soon as the alarm clock rang, he got up and poured food into the feeder.

The sparrows were already waiting for this time, but the titmouse was especially waiting. She appeared from nowhere and boldly landed on the table. In addition, the bird turned out to be very savvy. She was the first to figure out that if Seryozha’s window knocked in the morning, she had to hurry to breakfast. Moreover, she was never mistaken and, if the neighbor’s window knocked, she did not fly in.

But this was not the only thing that distinguished the shrewd bird. One day it happened that the alarm clock went bad. No one knew that he had deteriorated. Even my mother didn't know. She could have overslept and been late for work if not for the tit.

The bird flew in to have breakfast and saw that no one was opening the window, no one was pouring food out. She jumped with the sparrows on the empty table, jumped and began knocking on the glass with her beak: “Let’s eat quickly!” Yes, she knocked so hard that Seryozha woke up. I woke up and couldn’t understand why the titmouse was knocking on the window. Then I thought - she was probably hungry and asking for food.

Got up. He poured food for the birds, looked, and on the wall clock the hands already showed almost nine. Then Seryozha woke up mom and dad and quickly ran to school.

From then on, the titmouse got into the habit of knocking on his window every morning. And she knocked at exactly eight o'clock. It’s like she guessed the time by the clock!

It used to be that as soon as she knocked with her beak, Seryozha would quickly jump out of bed and rush to get dressed. Of course, it will keep knocking until you give it food. Mom laughed too:

Look, the alarm clock has arrived!

And dad said:

Well done, son! You won't find such an alarm clock in any store. It turns out that you didn’t work for nothing.

All winter the titmouse woke up Seryozha, and when spring came, she flew into the forest. After all, there, in the forest, tits build nests and hatch chicks. Probably, Serezhina’s titmouse also flew off to hatch her chicks. And by the fall, when they are adults, she will return to Seryozha’s feeding trough again, and, perhaps, not alone, but with the whole family, and will again begin to wake him up in the morning for school.

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