Name of children's summer camp. Names, mottos, emblems of units

Unit names, mottos, emblems


Team names and mottos



Motto: Fly across all galaxies, never leave friends in trouble.


Motto: Vitamin is strength, vigor, life.

Team"Wait for it!"

Motto: Maximum sport, maximum laughter!

This way we will achieve success faster. If another squad is ahead,

We will tell him: “Well, just wait!”


Motto: Chip and Dale rush to the rescue, but we are not far behind.


Motto: We are simply awesome penguins, win, try us!


Motto: Although our light is weak and we are small,

But we are friendly and that is why we are strong.


Motto 1: The comet is in the sky, and we are on earth! Long live happiness always and everywhere!

Motto 2: Let's fly forward and win! We help everyone who is lagging behind!

Motto 3: The comet has a motto: "Never fall down"


Motto: Cheburashka is a faithful friend, Helps everyone around!

Team"Scarlet Sails"

Motto 1: The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles.

Motto 2: Swim always, swim everywhere, and you will find the path to your dream!


Motto: Camelot - always forward, Camelot has always been first!


Motto: We are like rainbow colors, never separable!


Motto: We are like orange slices. We are friendly and indivisible.

Team"Faithful friends"

Motto 1: We are a team no matter what! We are all masters in sports. We will run, kick the ball, fight for victory

Motto 2: If a friend gives his word, he will never let you down!


Motto: Life without a smile is a mistake, Long live laughter and smile!


Motto: Kapitoshka is at the helm, Never gives up!


Motto: Burn, don’t smolder and be able to do everything!


Motto 1: Our motto: Friendship and success! We will defeat everyone today!

Motto 2: All for one, one for all, Then there will be success in the team!


Motto: Aurora knows, Aurora fights, Aurora will always achieve victory.

Team"3rd row"

Motto: Good, smart 3rd row Will please the guys.


- cool song"

Let's sing chika-boom all together If you need some cool noise Sing chika-boom with us I'm singing boom chika-boom I'm singing boom chika-boom I'm singing boom, chika-ra-ka, chika-ra-ka, chika-boom Ah! Hurry up again!


We are terribly hungry, It’s no longer important to eat. We eat everything. This is our squad.

To the dining room:

Let's say together, let's say at once, Where are we going now? Let's sing songs together and go to the dining room!

We always want to eat. From exercise to lights out. Feed us, cooks. We will eat any dish! Thanks for the cutlets, Thanks for the compote! We ate so much that it’s true we won’t eat for a year

All: Ta-ra-ram! We are never bored. Counselor: Look, Everyone: People! Counselor: Squad All: Coming! Counselor: What does a hungry choir sing when the cook calls for food? Everyone: Take a spoon, take some bread and sit down for lunch! Counselor: Bim-bom


doo on the tank (the squad repeats each line after the leader) I see a cow in a hat with earflaps With a healthy horn Hello cow How are you Do you speak English What are you calling me names?

Swimming in a submarine Again a cow In a mask and fins With a healthy horn Hello cow Where are you going Shrechen sie Deutsch What are you calling me names?

I'm flying in a helicopter Again a cow On a parachute With a stern look Hello cow Where are you flying Assalam alekum What are you calling me names?


Let's go on a hike. What will the squad take with them? A pot and a spoon, a mug and potatoes! Let's make soup, warm up tea. Have fun and don't get bored!

Leader: Go there, Everyone: I don’t know where! Leader: Bring it, Everyone: I don’t know what! Leader: Meet with whom?! Everyone: Tell everyone. All together: That our squad is top class!!!

We go, we go, we go. We go wherever we get. There we will reach where we will be Joyful and cheerful!

We walked for a long time, almost tired, But we didn’t forget Where and how, why, where It’s time for us to get there!

Success awaited us along the way, without damage or hindrance! After all, a detachment is going on a hike, Our counselor is very happy!

"Bala - bala - mi"

The chant is spoken by the leader, the rest shout only one word, “Hey.” Ved: Bala - bala - mi! All: Hey! Ved: Chika - chika - chi! All: Hey! Ved: Tika - tika - ti! All: Hey! Ved: Chick! All: Hey! Ved: Chik - chirik - chik! All: Hey, hey! Everyone repeats after the counselor: Hey, guys, take a wider step! We can't be bored! No, probably, in the whole world there are more fun, more friendly guys. We are not sad in our family, We sing, we dance, we dance. All activities are good - have fun from the heart! Who walks with backpacks? Who is not familiar with boredom? Those who are behind, don't lag behind. Those who are tired, do not be discouraged! Who wants to go with us, sing our song


We're going to the stadium. Our squad will be a champion. Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun? Hey athletes, line up! Do you have a team? Eat! Is our captain here? Here! Come out to the field as soon as possible. It is an honor to support the squad.


The counselor says a line, everyone repeats (It looks like a chant that you can say when going to the beach)

All the guys are happy about the sunny summer. Relaxation, sea, friendship - what else do we need? We promise to tan and never get sick. Swim like dolphins, arching your backs. Let's fly together, kids Let's ring out a loud "HURRAY!"

The squad is divided into two teams: girls and boys. They each shout their own words at the same time. Whoever is louder wins.

Boys: We are a squad soul. The change is good with us, We are strong and brave, Like tanned blacks!

Girls: We decorate the squad, everyone is happy to meet us. We are cheerful and friendly, Every shift needs us!

Squad name:"Youth"

The sun in the palms
Heart in chest
Proud youth
Always ahead.

Youth is walking across the planet,
Clearly marking the step,
We are children of the 21st century -
The world is in our hands.
What's your mood? In!

Sports motto:
Five rings intertwine together,
A symbol of loyalty and honor!

Cast in our memory in bronze,
No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten…

Birthday motto:
Unfortunately, birthdays only come once a year!

Motto for farewell to the camp:
Farewell, beloved camp, farewell not forever,
After all, we will come to visit you again - yes, yes, yes!

Squad name: "Friendship"

Peace to the world,
There is no need for war
We called the squad “Friendship”!

One, two - on the planet,
Three, four - children are friends,
Friendship is the happiness of life,
Friendship is peace forever.
Let's talk about a clean, peaceful summer,
Children remember everything in the world!

Sports motto:
Russia gave us strong wings
And she gave the will of steel.
We will overcome any records,
We can handle any task!

Motto for the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow:
We swear to the fallen heroes:
What the fathers did not finish, we will finish.
What the fathers didn’t finish singing, we will finish singing.

Motto for birthday people:

Happy birthday,
We wish you to be healthy,
Never lose heart and never forget your friends!

Motto for farewell to the camp:

Let's be friends!
Heartfelt friendship!
Be friends forever!

Squad name:"Brigantine"
We know what's in the world
The better it is for us to live
The stronger the wind!


One two three four,
No boredom, no mud,
On board the Brigantine!

Sports motto:
We are with you with all our hearts - Olympics!

Motto for the Day of Remembrance and Sorrow:

Your name is unknown.
Your feat is immortal!

Motto for birthday people:
Today we congratulate you
Happy birthday to us
We wish everyone in the squad
Joy, fun.
Be healthy, don't be sad
And help the counselors!

Motto for farewell to the camp:
No need to frown, neighbor,
And sing sad songs,
Understand, weirdo, there is no separation,
And there are long roads!

Marching chant:
Take a wider step.
We leave early and early
Wider your step, wider your step,
The drums are drumming,
Wider your step, wider your step.
Only he is ready to go,
Who knows how to walk in step,
Who keeps the line strictly,
Take a wider step.
The sun is shining over the country,
Wider your step, wider your step.
And the wind flies after
Wider your step, wider your step.
Don't wait for a stop along the way,
You get to him first.
Come on, start singing a song!
Take a wider step! Take a wider step!

Friendly chant:
The most friendly and cheerful -
Our squad!
Rest, dear school,
From the guys!
The command “At ease!” was given to everyone.
Do not snooze!
And there's a soccer ball on the field
No homework
Bye for us!
Field - nearby, grove - nearby
And the river.
The camp gives all the roads
We'll go back to class
In September!

Evening farewell:

A lot of roads have been covered.
It's time for the guys to go to bed.
Good night, Motherland,
Until the bright morning!

Squad name: « Comet"

Dare, dream, achieve a goal,
Hands to the helm!
Thoughts to the stars!
Depth is not a hindrance for us!
Today we dream, tomorrow we dare -
Guys of the 20th century!

Squad name: « Star"
Let's spread our young wings
and let's fly to the distant stars!

squad name: "LURN"
(Bringing smiles to people, bringing joy)
Take your heart, set it on fire
give it to people so that it burns brighter!

Squad name: "Lux"
(People Walking to the Sun)
It's better to shine brighter and burn instantly,
Than to smolder endlessly and slowly all your life!

Squad name: "Hustlers"
Always play around
Play around everywhere
Play around without losing heart,
Play around and no nails -
squad life is like that!

squad name: « Yeralash"
It's better for us to burst out laughing
than die of boredom!

squad name: "Scarlet Sail"
We'll never be 60
but only 4 times 15!

squad name: « Squadron»
Let's cross our swords
not for the sake of courage,
And for the sake of order in our squad!

Squad name: « Wave"
What one cannot do alone,
It’s not difficult for the entire squad to do!

squad name: « Comrade"
When we are united -
We are invincible!

squad name: « Sagittarius"
Stand up for yourself
protect others
And keep your arrow ready.

squad name: « Caravel"
Through storms and storms
Always ahead!

squad name: "Cabin boy"
Young will become captain -
You just need to grow up!

Squad name: "Leather Ball"
The most important thing in sports is football
There is nothing - don't argue!

squad name: "Brave"
The seas are blue, my favorite thing,
courage and boldness are our main motto!

squad name: « Creators"
Today a person should think
how he will enter the 21st century!

squad name: « Optimist»
Sing songs, always joke,
never lose heart!

squad name: « Brigantine"
No boredom, no mud
On board the Brigantine!

squad name: « Robinsons»
Earth and sky have failed -
We will live on a hummock!

squad name: "Romantic»
Heart in the palm, heart in the chest -
The young romantic is always ahead!

squad name: "Karapuz"
The little ones are us
children of the sunny country,
We live happily in it
and dance and sing.

Squad name: « Barmalchata"
Although we are a formidable people,
But we love children!

squad name: « "Sweet tooth"
Better than a nuclear missile
Mars, Snickers, candies,
Saving kilowatts - it’s better to eat chocolate,
To lift your spirits -
I need to eat a kilo of jam!
Smile all around -
They call us “Sweeties”!

squad name: « Timurovtsy"
our Tanya is crying loudly,
We will get a ball from the river.
Contact us all children -
We can do everything in the world.

squad name: « Pearl"
From the day of the sea we will get
Pure pearl, emerald.
We will give all the children
Our invaluable friendly work!

squad name : « Dreamers»
Adults and children know
The smart one and the simpleton know:
You can't live in this world
Without imagination!

Your squad must have: a name, motto, chant, chant, emblem, squad corner.

For younger students:

"Sleepwalkers" - "We walk at night, we walk during the day. We never get tired."

“Firefly” - “Even though our light is weak and we are small, we are friendly and therefore strong.”

"Winnie the Pooh" - "Even if you burst, even if you burst, Winnie the Pooh comes first."

“Smile” - “Living without a smile is just a mistake, there are smiles everywhere - goodness is everywhere.”

"Ducklings" - "Quack! Quack! Quack! Don't quack in vain."

“Kapitoshka” - “The rain is dripping on the roads, but we are not at all bored. We play and sing, we live very happily.”

"Dandelion" - "Stay together so as not to blow away."

"Rainbow" - "We are like the colors of the rainbow, never inseparable."

For middle school students:

"Dolphin" - "The dolphin always swims forward and never lags behind."

"Rescuers" - "Chip and Dale are rushing to the rescue, but we are not far behind."

“Friendly” - “Don’t whine, don’t cry in the corners, trouble and joy in half.”

"Vitamin" - "Vitamin is strength, it is vigor, it is life."

"Restless" - "Boredom, laziness out of the mind - our squad is restless."

"Robinson" - "We don't need nannies. We are islanders."

"Prometheus" - "Light a fire in the hearts of people, as Prometheus did."

"Wonderful". - "The wind blows in the sails, youth believes in miracles."

"UFO" - "Fly across all galaxies, never leave friends in trouble."

For older students:

"FIF" - "F - physical education, I - initiative, F - factors. This is the truth, not a myth - no one is better than FIF."

"SP" - "Joint Venture of the Union of Writers of Shining Heels."

“Superbaby” - “Superbaby is a miracle, superbaby is class, we live not bad at all, you will miss us.”

"Darkhan" - "The movement is us."

“Unity” – “When we are united, we are invincible.”

"RMID" - The Republic of Boys and Girls is stronger than all the commonwealths on Earth."

“Businessmen” - “We are businessmen of the market age, the fate of man is in our hands.”

“Russians” – “For Russia, for the people, for humanity forward.”

"NORD" - "We should open market spaces."


About the daily routine

All the guys in order

Get ready to exercise!

Everyone at the table, it's time to find out

What are the chefs rich in?

Who's going where, and who's going on a hike,

Some to the cinema, some to the garden.

We relax, sunbathe,

We draw and read.

There is a serious look at the table.

Let's put it on and show you

Our childish appetite.

Sweet sleep after lunch

Quiet! Don't wake up your neighbor!

Here the bugle sings again,

Sweet tea awaits in the dining room.

The happy hour has come

We all play here

Jump, run, have fun,

And take a swim in the pool.

The bugle is calling: it's time! it's time!

On the line, kids!

Now go to bed,

We have to get up early tomorrow!


We're going to the stadium

Our squad will be a champion.

The muscles are strong (the boys say)

And we ourselves are beautiful (say the girls).

Who is enthusiastic and happy about the sun?

Hey athletes, line up!

Do you have a team?

are the captains here?

Get out on the field quickly

Support the squad and honor!

To the dining room

We didn't eat

Three four!

We want to eat.

Open the doors wider

Otherwise we'll eat the cook.

The cooks will have a snack,

Let's wash it down with ladlefuls.

We'll break spoons and forks,

And we'll blow up the dining room.

The cooks feed us,

We'll shout "Hurray!"

Thank you for breakfast

We will come to you tomorrow too.

Thanks for lunch -

He was not harmful to us.

Thanks everyone for dinner

After all, we really need him!

What a hungry choir sings

When the cook calls:

Children, children!

Yes Yes Yes!

Do you want to eat?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Food will be good for us

It will awaken new forces.

Let's exercise!

Go out and exercise!

Wake everyone up for exercise.

All the guys say:

Physical exercise is a friend of the guys!

Sportsman - child,

Get strong!

Exercise in the morning

Not to our detriment, but to our benefit.

Left! Right! Running, swimming,

Growing Up Brave

Tanned in the sun.


Who walks with a backpack?

We are tourists.

Who is not familiar with boredom?

We are tourists.

Roads lead us forward.

Our motto: "Always forward!"

Our best suggestions:

Through, Through and Across.

Go swimming!

It's super hot,

By the river it’s like by a stove.

And even our doctors

Now it’s not against the river.

I turn on the start - it's time

For the assault on the river water - hurray!


Come on, throw the birch bark

Strike matches on the fire!

So that our fire grows

To the stars!

So that its radiance

The Martians saw it.


Do you hear, comrade?

Pulse of the planet.

The guys are walking

Printing step.

Strong arms, proud shoulders,

The sun in the palms.

The sun is in the eyes.

Hands to the helm

Thoughts to the sun!

Height is not a hindrance for us!

Today we dream, and tomorrow we dare -

New century guys!


Many roads have been traveled,

It's time for the guys to go to bed.

Good night, homeland,

Until the bright morning!


Oh-oh-oh, hello! Oh-oh-oh, hello!

Bam, bala. bala-e!

Oh, kikiris bamba,

Oh, sala savimba.

Ooh, I eat bananas

And I eat oranges.



Tumba-tumba tumbashvili!




Kamalamu Vista.









On the shore

Big River

Bee stung

Right in the bear's nose.


The bear cried. Sat on a tree stump

And he started singing!


Hedgehogs laugh like that.

Beyond the forest, beyond the river,

You and I were sitting there.

And you - nothing!

Look at me!

Names, mottos, sayings:

"Sailors" squad.

Motto: We are strong for each other -

This is our maritime custom.

Speech: One, two!

Together in step

Three four!

Steady step!

Who marches in the ranks so unitedly?

Squad of young sailors.

Is the river close?

The river is here.

Are there many boats?

There are boats!

Who's on the team?

Well then, let's go!

Give it up!

Raise the sail higher

Sing our song!

Song: "White cap."

Detachment "Odessa"

Motto: I laugh and never cry

Because I come from Odessa.

Speech: Along the big one. native Odessa

With song and friendship we go!

Peace and happiness to all peoples

We'll bring it with this song!

Song:"Ah, Odessa!"

Squad "Cheerful"

Motto: Make sure more than once:

"Cheerful" is class!

Speech: What if it started raining in the morning?

That's it!

If the ball flies towards your forehead?

We're going the other way around!

Let's jump and play

Apache Squad

Motto: If they beat you, let's fight back!

This is what the Apache council decided.

Speech: Bala, bala-lel,



Squad "Lopukhi"

Motto Grow burdock - no problems!

Burdock blossoms to the envy of those

Who creates a lot of problems for us!

Speech: One, two!

Three four!

Five six!


And strive to win!

Song: And a rooster sits on the fence,

And under the fence grows burdock.

In the morning the rooster crows

And the burdock blooms and blooms.

Squad "Black Cat"

Motto: Go ahead, cats!

Pipe tails-

Don't you dare contact

Contact us on a first name basis.

Speech: One, two!

Three four!

The sun is in the world.

Five six!

We can't count.

Seven eight!

We ask for peace!

Do not snooze!

Sing a song with us!

Song:"Black cat".

Moomintroll Squad

Motto: Even if you burst, even if you burst,

Moomintroll comes first!

Speech: one, two!

Three four!

Live in the world

This is great!

Have friends-

Sun, air and water -

Boredom, laziness, run away from here -


Song: If you go on the road with us, (2 times)

Merry way:

Moomintroll will not let you down, (2 times)

There are many Moomintrolls!

Squad "Jolly Dwarves"

Motto: Became a gnome, no food!

Don't look for an easy life!

Speech: One, two!

three four!

Who walks together in a row?

This is a squad of gnomes.

Friendly, cheerful,

We are always right here!

and it’s not in vain that’s why

They call us dwarves!

Song:"Motley cap."

Once upon a time a cheerful gnome sat

On a stump under the tree

And patched up my cap

A pine needle.

Chorus: Ti-la-la, yes ti-la-la!

The gnome was many years old

He wasn't surprised

What a cap for so many years

It's torn!

Chorus: Ti-la-la, yes ti-la-la!

Cap for patches

The dwarf was colorful:

Blue, red, cyan,

Pink, green.


It is advisable to place useful information in the squad corner , It is better to make comments and wishes in a friendly, humorous manner.

The squad corner is designed to: develop the activity of children, expand knowledge, help in cultivating good taste, and awaken interest in the life of their team.

The squad corner is a place where the squad and a stand constantly work, reflecting the life of the squad: its successes and victories, fantasies, ingenuity and skill of the guys. This is a kind of newspaper, constantly operating, living, creative:

b) reflect various aspects of the squad’s life (self-service, sports, awards, birthdays, prospects);

c) involve children in the design of the corner, assign responsibility for the sections.

Corner includes:

Name, motto of the detachment;

Speeches, favorite songs of the squad;

List of squad members;

Team work plan;


To love sports is to be healthy;

This is interesting…

We'll have it soon...

How's your mood?

Our "Yeralash"...etc.

The unit duty officer and those responsible for the sections monitor the change of material in the corner.

In the work on the corner, three periods can be distinguished:

Organizational period – arrival of children to the camp;

Main period;

The final period of the shift.

Before the arrival of new children in the corner, all headings are removed, and new temporary headings are drawn up (necessary only for the organizational period):

- “This is our camp” (brief information about the camp);

Congratulations on your arrival;

Laws of the camp;

Camp address;

Instructions from the guys from the last shift;

First songs, camp song;

Plan for the day and other necessary sections.

During the organizing period, you can hold a competition for the best design of the corner. The creative group selects the best proposals, discusses and makes a layout of the corner in accordance with the new name and motto, revealing the idea of ​​​​the content of the name of their squad.

During the main period of the shift, the daily activities of the detachment are reflected:


Preparation for detachment and general camp affairs, holidays;

Participation in creative competitions and shows;

Preparation for detachment duty, detachment duty;

Encouraging children.

During the final period of the shift, the following sections may be presented: “How we lived” and “In your notebook.”


The end of the shift is conducive to a minor mood: in three weeks the guys have become friends and don’t want to part. And the counselors are sad. But you have to overcome this attitude. The end of the shift should also take place “on the rise”, at a vigorous pace. The guys learned a lot, and most importantly, became more independent. They are actively, with pleasure, preparing a ceremonial lineup, an exhibition of works by circle members, and collective creative reports. A “museum of squad life” and “living pictures” of where they were, what they saw, how they worked, and how they performed during the camp shift can be presented as a report. And the big council is preparing the main closing surprise for the guys - an amusement fair, a farewell dinner, a farewell ball and a farewell bonfire.

How to organize a last farewell dinner? At the farewell dinner, you need to create a festive atmosphere. To enhance emotional unity, you can move all the tables at which the squad usually sits into one long “banquet” table and decorate it with flowers (that is, each squad should have its own “banquet” table). Let there be music in the dining room this evening. The main delicacy prepared by the cooks for the festive dinner (for example, pies) may not be placed immediately on the tables, but ceremoniously brought out on trays at the end of the “feast”.

You can give the units tasks in advance and hold a “toast” competition during dinner, collective wishes of children addressed to the cooks, technical staff, medical workers, counselors and children from other units, solemnly expressed in chorus.

We thank the doctors for the fact that our squad is healthy, for the fact that we won’t bring an extra kilogram for dads and moms,” begins one squad.

Long live our counselors, the best counselors in the world! - the elders pick up.

Thanks to our chefs for making our farewell dinner so delicious! - the younger ones proclaim.

And everyone chants in unison: “Thank you! Thank you!"

A chain of wishes, gratitude and witty remarks goes in a circle, embodied in a song, in poetry, or in a proverb.

Of course, such a noisy festival needs its own cheerful ringleader, a witty master of the celebration, who will bring healthy excitement to this competition, sum up its results without offense and present prizes to the winners.

Traditionally, the camp holds a celebration for closing the shift, the main event of which is a general concert of children and adults. Many camps have developed their own traditions in holding it: for some it is a festival, for others it is the Russian Fair, Fairy Tale Day, for others it is Theater Day or Circus. The form, plot, content of such a holiday may be different. But the pedagogical approach in its organization must be uniform and general.

The children themselves must come up with a holiday (by collective planning or on a council of activists). All teams are required to participate. Counselors should take into account the interests of all age groups and their creative capabilities. Each child should not be a spectator, but a participant in the overall action. The counselor must help find their place in this holiday, first of all, those guys who have not been able to open up in the team over all the past days of the shift.

The performances for the concert are carefully selected. Then the creative work of preparation begins, which is carried out by the entire teaching staff. Great help is provided by the circle leaders and physical trainers, who always prepare their interesting performances, and also help sew costumes and prepare scenery, and help in decorating the stage. The concert ends with a common song.

Why does the last ceremonial line bring disappointment to both counselors and children or leaves everyone indifferent? Most often, because the basic principles of organizing this form of communication are violated: brevity, clarity, semantic accuracy and emotional richness. The line cannot last more than 10 (maximum 15) minutes, because then the guys just start fidgeting, relaxing or fainting. Therefore, it must literally take place by the hour: in advance it is necessary to record the timing of all commands, movements, and reduce all texts as much as possible.

What should we be afraid of? Verbose speeches by adults - guests of the camp. Very long texts of artistic reports (counselors should be warned that eight verses of an amateur song cannot be sung on the line, a few lines are enough). Summing up the results of all types of competitions that took place during the shift, precisely in these last minutes. Call for the presentation of certificates and gifts to all the awarded children one by one (this will double or even triple the time of the line and from joy will turn the awarding into general torment). Very drawn out entry and exit of units from the line. To avoid this, you need to look for options for exiting not along one central path, but from different corners of the site, or build squads not in a column one at a time, but in twos or threes. And we must also avoid formalism here. Briefly and clearly does not mean official.

Apart from ritual commands, all words must come from the heart. And the commands themselves can be given dryly, soullessly, or they can be given excitedly and solemnly. This means that not only words are important, but also intonation and attitude to what is happening.

But the main action takes place around a big fire. Here children, together with adults, sing their favorite songs, play, share their impressions of the past shift, and express their wishes for the future. The fire of friendship goes out. The holiday continues at a video disco, during which children watch a film about the camp, about the past shift, where the best footage of camp events is used.

Is it possible to allow children on the last day to do something that was not allowed the entire shift? When dealing with the collective desires of children (with any desires except those that are morally and legally unacceptable in our society), it is always better to act according to the principle “If you can’t, but you really want to, then you can.” And this especially applies to the last days of the shift, because if within three or four weeks they have not found an opportunity to satisfy childish aspirations, then at least in the end they must improve.

The guys want to see the sunrise, but we know that tomorrow will be a difficult day. But it’s our own fault that the detachment never went on a hike, and that we didn’t meet the dawn earlier. The boys want to play football for the last time, and the girls want to walk through the forest, say goodbye to their favorite places, and pick flowers. The desire is quite natural, but when making plans, we forgot about it. The boys are planning to set up a homemade “horror room”, the girls are betting on which one will make it scarier and are preparing their own surprise for them, but we doubt the pedagogical feasibility of all these “horrors” and intend to ban them. But we ourselves did not give food for thought, imagination to the children in an exciting creative activity and made no attempt to switch their evening stories from ghosts to other fantastic topics.

There is only one way out: to know in advance what the guys are up to, lead them and give their plans a collective creative form. Because otherwise, they will still do it their own way, only this activity of theirs will take an ugly form and in the end will ruin everyone’s mood. There should generally be a minimum number of open bans on the last day, and each ban must be sensibly justified and one’s personal position in relation to it must be clearly defined. It is impossible not to mention one of the most iconic entertainments in the life of any children's camp - anointing a sleeping comrade with toothpaste. This type of leisure gives participants many incidents and funny moments. It is not possible to ban smearing: they will do it anyway. Therefore, the counselor needs to take the reins into his own hands, thereby eliminating the spontaneity of the action. Typically, a lecture is given on safety precautions (for example, not to pour the paste into the eyes and ears) and the most effective methods of spreading are explained. What can be done so that those who like to immortalize their names on the walls of gazebos, benches, and camp stands satisfy their passion and at the same time do not damage camp property? You just need to make a “Fence of complaints, suggestions and artistic paintings,” that is, cover any fence that is in plain sight with plywood painted in a dark color, and put chalk next to it. And in order to attract the attention of the children to this method of self-expression, the counselors themselves will have to initiate funny wishes, friendly cartoons and free-thinking inscriptions (such as: “I want ice cream!” and the signature is counselor Kostya. And next to it is a hoax answer on behalf of the camp director: “Forbidden fruit always sweet." Believe me, the result will be very interesting!

Why are children so eager to take something home with them from camp? This is a natural desire. Returning home from vacation, we take out from our bags shiny, sea-beaten pebbles, photographs, souvenirs that we don’t give to anyone, but keep for ourselves. These objects are our witnesses. Looking at them, it is easier to tune yourself to memories.

That’s why kids so carefully hide scraps of streamer, a flower made of corrugated paper, a deflated balloon in their bags - all these are traces of the holiday that just passed and everyone liked it so much. Understanding this, the counselors need to foresee in advance what the child will take with him in memory of the camp: a photograph signed by the children, a turned wooden plaque with the emblem and name of the detachment burned on it, a notebook with addresses and phone numbers of friends, a souvenir postcard with a dried forest flower, a balloon on which the day and hour of the squad meeting at the end of summer will be written, or something else, also important and dear to him.

As a farewell, you can take out the coals from the fire, put them in souvenir boxes made of birch bark and give them to everyone. Let the children sometimes “kindle” bright fires of their memory from these coals at home. And it’s also good to stand in a circle of friendship, put your hands on each other’s shoulders and sing your favorite, most tender song.

And in the last minutes before parting, the guys will put their palms on the counselors’ hands and say in unison:

See you again!

Until next summer!

Lines of buses rush home tanned, cheerful, strong boys and girls.

Goodbye camp!


For the squad? This question has been asked more than once by counselors, educators, competition organizers, and the participants themselves. Today we will tell you how you can easily and quickly do this, and also share with you several mottos.

It’s better to come up with a squad name and motto not out of thin air, but based on some topic. So you can choose the theme “cartoons”. For example, Chip and Dale, Aladdin, DuckTales, Winnie the Pooh. You can also try with a profession. For example, sailors, rescuers, doctors, pilots, teachers and others. Well, if nothing works out with this, rely on your own imagination.

If you need a name and motto for a camp unit, it’s best to come up with it together with the children. At the beginning, the counselor must choose several names himself, but children (students) should not tell them, let them be smart and try to come up with something interesting. If things are going really badly and the squad can’t come up with anything, then the counselor should tell them a few of his names, and the children will try to suggest their own similar ones. It will be more interesting for children if they make up the name and motto for their squad themselves.

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that the motto and name should be appropriate for the age of the children, easy to pronounce and be meaningful.

Squad name and motto

Squad: Phoenix

Motto: Burn and light others up!

Fight until the end for victory.

Squad: Leaders

Motto: Everywhere we are the first in everything

We are skilled leaders.

Squad: Major League

Motto: Our motto: Move forward!

Victory lies ahead.

Squad: Alarm

Motto: Neither light nor dawn get out of bed

Greet every morning with a smile.

Squad: Sailors

Motto: The sea is getting rough.

But sailors never.

Squad: The youth

Motto: You won't wake us up in the morning

During the day you won’t find it at all.

This is the kind of people we are

And we are called: Youth!.

Squad: Penguins

Motto: We are the coolest penguins

Success awaits us today.

Squad: Rescuers

Motto: Like Chip and Dale to the rescue

Let's decide quickly and leave.

Squad: Smile

Motto: Smile!

After all, a smile gives joy.

Squad: Tornado

Motto: And there is no need to put pressure on us.

We are the squad: Tornado!

Squad: Laces

Motto: We are as friendly as shoelaces.

If you tie us tightly

It will be difficult to untie.

Squad: Hope

Motto: There is always hope

The main thing is to believe until the end.

Squad: Teenagers

Motto: We are modern guys

And with gadgets we are on the same page.

Squad: Internet

Motto: We are called: Internet.

There is certainly no one better than us.

I'm telling you the address

Camp _____ dot ru.

Squad: Modern youth

Motto: Torn jeans, sneakers, windbreaker.

We are the generation of the new party.

Squad: Galaxy

Motto: Flew all over the universe

And we have never seen a better squad than ours.

Squad: Pirates of the Caribbean

Motto: We are pirates - a team of villains

The sea is our home, we won’t let you in here.

Squad: Coca-Cola

Motto: Our Coca-Cola Team

Goes through life on hold.

Squad: Friendship

Motto: As a united unit we will defeat everything.

Squad: Stars

Motto: The stars shine from above

Give us warmth and light

Our little country

They send a big, big hello.

Squad: Mammoths

Motto: Thunder rumbles, the earth trembles

A squad of mammoths is running.

Squad: Friends

Motto: There are many of us and we are always together!

Squad: Funny boys

Motto: We look for fun in everything, no matter what!

Squad: Patriots

Motto: In this life we ​​try to grow as patriots

Because it's necessary

So as not to let the country down!

Squad: eaglets

Motto: We're eaglets - don't scare us

We love to fly high!

Squad: Tankers

Motto: Tank, like an all-terrain vehicle

It goes straight towards the enemies.

Squad: Soldiers

Chants and rhymes, mottos and names of units for children's summer health camps.

Hey guys, step up!

No, probably in the whole world

More fun, friendly guys!

There is no sadness in our family!

We sing, draw, dance!

All activities are good!

Let's have fun from the heart!

Hey, my friend, don’t be discouraged, sing the song loudly!

Who walks with a backpack?

We are tourists!

Who is not familiar with boredom?

We are tourists!

The roads lead us forward! Our motto:

Always forward!

Hey guys, step up! What does a tourist take on the road?

A song, a spoon and a backpack!

Who's behind?

Don't fall behind!

Who's tired?

Cheer up!

Whoever wants to come with us, sing our song!

We didn't eat!

We want to eat!

Open the doors wider!

Otherwise we'll eat the cook!

Everyone, everyone

Bon appetit!

Open the doors wider!

We are hungry like animals!

The food will be good for us!

Will awaken new forces!

What does a hungry choir sing when the cook calls for food?

Take a spoon, take some bread and sit down to dinner!

Bim-bom, ta-ra-ram!

What did the cook prepare for us?

To the stadium!

Our squad will be


Who is happy with the fervor of the sun?

Hey athletes, line up!

Are there any teams?

Are the captains here?

Let's win the competition and defend the squad's honor!

Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market,

Aty-baty that you bought,

Aty-bati, samovar,

How much does it cost?

Aty-byty, one hundred rubles.

Aty-baty, aty-byty,

Leave us quickly.

One two three four five,

We'll play a game

Sky, stars, meadow, flowers,

Just go and drive it!

Clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds,

A big, mighty horse gallops,

He jumps through the clouds,

Those who don't believe, get out!




Hey! Hey! Hey!

What's your mood?

Is everyone of this opinion?

All without exception?

Well done?

Tara-Mara went to the forest,

She ate cones, she told us,

But we don’t eat pine cones,

Let's give it to Tara-Mara!

The mandarin duck was rolling

Named Irinka,

Who will find her?

He will drive.

A goat walked along the bench,

Selling pins

For some - one, for others - two,

Exit on the letter A.

The sun hid behind the mountain.

The bunny goes into the forest, and the mouse goes into a hole,

CT remained in sight -

Run away. I'm going to drive!

Hedgehog, hedgehog, weirdo,

I sewed a prickly jacket,

We have to choose a driver.

Tryntsy-bryntsy, bells,

The daredevils called,


Get out quickly!


ü “Swifts” “Fly higher, learn more!”

ü “Torch” “To burn ourselves and light others”

ü “Seagull” “Forward behind the proud seagull!”

ü “Seekers” “Fight and search, find and not give up!”

ü “Youth” “We care about everything, walk through life boldly!”

ü “Flame” “By shining to others, we always burn!”

ü “Danko” “Warm as brightly as the heart of the brave, proud Danko”

ü “Sun” “The sun is shining - all people are warm!”

ü “Why” “One hundred questions – one hundred answers!”

ü “Rainbows” “To each a rainbow, to each a joy!”

ü “Teremok” “We live together in the tower, we are friends and we sing together!”

ü “Pure Power” “Our squad has a pure spirit, one works for two!”

ü “Restless” “We walk through life boldly, proudly, cheerfully, skillfully!”

ü “Centipedes” “We’ll stomp around here a little, we’re a squad of “Centipedes”

ü “Assorted” “Always with a smile on the way, our team - “Assorted”

ü “Scouts” “You’ll walk a lot of trails and then you’ll be a scout forever!”


This could be the daily routine for kids, and let the older groups try to come up with it themselves.

9:00 Morning. The sun rises and does not let the boys sleep.

9:10. To be in order all day, we need to do exercises.

9:30. Wash, get dressed, get ready for the line.

9:45 The bugle is calling, it’s time to go to the line, kids.

10:00 Porridge, tea, a piece of cheese - tasty, filling and beautiful. (Why are you walking around so sad? Are you waiting for a delicious breakfast in the dining room?)

10.30 We need to put everything in order, clean the room and sweep the floor.

11.00 – 13.00. As soon as we hear the call of the game, we will quickly run out into the street. A lot of interesting fun, competitions, and wonderful walks await us here. There is no better place in the world than a detachment - the Educators know. All the children know. And if you devote an hour to this squad, everyone will have fun. Everyone will be happy.

13.00 The dining room is calling us, the soup and compote are excellent.

14.00-16.00. Silence comes to us. The kids are resting.

16.30 This is the umpteenth time the cooks greet us.

18.00 Someone likes to dance, someone likes to sing and draw, only the slackers spend this hour toiling, and all the guys in the circle are studying...

If we're not lazy now, it'll be the best evening we've ever had. Together with your squad, spare no effort: sing, dance, draw and glue.

19.00 Dinner time has come and now - detachment after detachment is heading to the dining room.

20.30 In the evening, a movie or a disco or some other fun, maybe a competition. Or maybe the game will be a surprise for you, kids.

2300. We were very tired during the day, we will say to everyone: “Good night!”

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