Archbishop Vasily (Krivoshein)

History of the creation of the naval cadet corps Educated in the naval cadet corps

Chronological table of the history of the Naval Corps · 1701 - School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences · 1715 - Academy of the Naval Guard · 1752...

in detail / 04.04.2024
Peter I the Great - biography, information, personal life

The biography of Peter I begins on June 9, 1672 in Moscow. He was the youngest son of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich from his second marriage to Tsarina Natalya...

in detail / 15.03.2024
Hansel and Gretel - Brothers Grimm

There lived on the edge of a dense forest a poor woodcutter with his wife and two children: the boy’s name was Hansel, and the girl’s name was Gretel. The woodcutter lived from hand to mouth; And...

in detail / 14.02.2024
Law of distribution of random variables

X ; F value(5); the probability that the random variable X will take values ​​from the interval . Construct a distribution polygon. Known...

in detail / 25.12.2023
How the lower castes live and what they do in India Indian society is divided into groups

Indian society is divided into classes called castes. This division occurred many thousands of years ago and continues to this day....

in detail / 03.10.2023
Who are the "Grammar Nazis"

Translation of Grammar Nazi is carried out from two languages. In English the first word means "grammar", and the second in German is "Nazi". It's about...

in detail / 20.09.2023
The rarest plants in the world Rare plant of our world

There are many plants on Earth, but the rarest flowers in the world deserve special attention. All of them are listed in the Red Book and belong...

in detail / 06.09.2023
Correctional classes in schools

Type VII correctional institutions (in the terminology of previous education legislation) were created for the education and upbringing of children with delays...

in detail / 15.07.2023
Education of northern and southern society

In 1821 - 1822, the Southern and Northern societies were created. According to the new charter, it was intended to create four leadership centers called dumas: in...

in detail / 01.02.2022
When does the school year start in different countries of the world?

Knowledge Day, September 1, 2018, falls on a Saturday, so for many schoolchildren in Russia and post-Soviet countries, a new educational...

in detail / 15.12.2021
How to make a sound diagram of a word?

How to correctly make a phonetic analysis of a word? - this is a characteristic of the structure of syllables and the composition of a word from sounds. Memo Plan of phonetic...

in detail / 05.04.2021
Battle of Smolensk From the Black to the White Seas

On December 18, 1940, Directive No. 21, better known as Plan Barbarossa, was signed. According to this plan, the German army is only...

in detail / 02.10.2020
Collection of ideal essays in social studies On line tests in computer science Unified State Examination

If you are planning to take the Unified State Exam in computer science in 2019, now is the time to find out what the exam date will be, whether there will be significant changes...

in detail / 04.07.2020
The moon could help in the search for aliens

07/01/2017 - admin The Moon is the closest planet to Earth, and the only astronomical object known today where one has set foot...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Year of foundation of Chernigov. Ancient Chernigov. Battles for Chernigov

On Val, on the Eletsky and Boldin mountains and in other places. On the territory of the modern city, the remains of Slavic tribal settlements of the 7th-8th centuries were found....

in detail / 01.07.2020
Stable and unstable equilibrium in physics

The equilibrium of a mechanical system is a state in which all points of the system under consideration are at rest with respect to the chosen one...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Karl Ernst von Baer biography Biography of M Baer

Karl Maksimovich Baer (Karl Ernst) (1792-1876) - naturalist, founder of embryology, one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society,...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Impact of motor transport on the environment

For the full existence of society and transport provision, a car is necessary. Passenger flows are increasing in cities faster than...

in detail / 29.06.2020