Year of foundation of Chernigov. Ancient Chernigov

On Val, on the Eletsky and Boldin mountains and in other places. On the territory of the modern city, remains of Slavic ancestral settlements of the 7th-8th centuries were found. The high bank of the Desna, cut by deep holes, was a natural (created by nature) fortifications, making it possible to simultaneously create several protected settlements in this area. Further growth of these settlements led to the 7th century. to their merger and the formation of a city occupying an advantageous geographical position in the wide basin of the Desna River. Chernigov already in the 9th century. becomes the center of the Seversk land, one of the largest cities of ancient Rus'. The rapid growth of the city was facilitated by its favorable geographical location in the basin of the Desna River and its tributaries Snov and Seim. Along the Desna the city maintained contact with Kiev and further along the Dnieper with Byzantium. The Desna opened access to lands in the upper reaches of the Volga and Oka, as well as to Novgorod. Chernigov maintained contact with the Arab East along the Volga-Don route. Crafts, agriculture and trade formed the basis of Chernigov's economic activity.

The times of Kievan Rus (IX-XIII centuries)

Chernigov is an ancient settlement of the East Slavic tribe of the north. Oleg at the end of the 9th century conquered the country of the north, who lived along the Desna, this city, obviously already existed, since on a stone preserved in the oldest church of the city, there is a mark dating, translated from Greek chronology, to the beginning of the 10th century. Becoming in the 9th century. the center of the Seversk land, already in the 10th century. Chernigov, along with other cities, is important in the defense of the ancient Russian state from external enemies. In the XI-XIII centuries. Chernigov is the capital city of the Chernigov-Seversky principality, which occupied vast spaces on the left bank of the Dnieper. Along with Kiev and Novgorod, Chernigov is one of the centers of ancient Russian culture, a treasury of architecture of ancient Rus'. Outstanding architectural monuments of the 11th-13th centuries are still preserved here. Thus, during the X-XIII centuries. Chernigov was the second economic, political and cultural center of Kievan Rus after Kyiv.

Since 1024, Chernigov became the center of a great principality, the western border of which was the Dnieper, in the South-East its lands extended to the North Caucasus, and in the North-East they reached the banks of the Oka and Moscow rivers. Almost half of the ancient Russian lands were part of the Chernigov principality.

Transfiguration Cathedral

The first Chernigov prince, who is known not only from excavations of mounds, but also from chronicles, was Mstislav, brother of the Kyiv prince Yaroslav the Wise. In the center of his capital city - “Detinets” (the territory of modern Val), he founded a princely court and began construction of the Spassky Cathedral, which has survived to this day.

After the death of Mstislav, in 1036, Chernigov again became subordinate to the Kyiv prince Yaroslav. However, already in 1054 the ancient Russian land was divided between the sons of Yaroslav. The Principality of Chernigov went to Svyatoslav II, from whom the unbroken line of Chernigov princes began.

At the end of the 11th century, princely civil strife broke out again in ancient Rus'. The history of Chernigov during this period was marked by a number of bloody wars. The city changed hands several times. In 1078, it was taken by storm by Vladimir Monomakh, who reigned here until he was 18 years old. After the Lyubech Congress of Princes in 1097, Chernigov went to David Svyatoslavovich. From that moment on, the Chernigov land forever left the power of the Kyiv prince.

During the period of feudal fragmentation of the XII and early XIII centuries. Chernigov retained its glory as one of the largest cities in Rus'. It remained the capital city of the great principality, and the Chernigov princes were the owners of many appanage principalities.

Modern view of Pyatnitskaya Church

Chernigov at that time was the second largest city in Rus' (second to Kyiv), an important political, economic and cultural center. It had its own monetary system. Architecture reached a special development. The buildings of that time have survived to this day: Spassky, Borisoglebsky and Assumption Cathedrals; Elias and Pyatnitskaya churches. During excavations in different parts of the city, the foundations of a number of civil structures were discovered, including the ruins of stone princely and boyar buildings. Ancient Chernigov is characterized by a contrast between the mansions of the rich and the wretched dwellings of the common people. The city was famous for its objects of applied art.

In the XI-XII centuries. Chernigov consisted of three parts, each of which occupied a natural ledge of the river bank, was surrounded by a rampart and separated from one another by deep ditches. Parts in the chronicles are indicated under the names:

  • “Detinets” (Kremlin) - the administrative and political center of the city, was located on the mountain at the confluence of the right tributary Strizhnya into the Desna (the territory of the modern Val reserve);
  • “roundabout city” - adjacent to Detinets from the South-West, occupied a large territory where the bulk of the population lived;
  • “suburb” - located behind the roundabout city. The total length of the foothill rampart reached 7 km. The ancient city was surrounded by suburban villages and boyar estates.

In Chernigov, a chronicle was compiled, Vladimir Monomakh, Abbot Daniel, and Prince Svyatoslav Davydovich lived and wrote. On Chernigov soil (around 1187) an immortal poem, a monument of ancient Russian literature, “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” was created.

The economic and cultural development of Chernigov took place in close proximity to Kiev, Novgorod and other ancient Russian cities. Chernigov played an important role in the formation and development of the state and culture of ancient Rus'. In the 11th-12th centuries, the city was ruined several times during princely civil strife, as well as by the Cumans.

Tatar-Mongol yoke (1239-1320)

The development of the city was interrupted for a long time by the invasion of the horde of Batu Khan. In October 1239, the Tatar horde led by Khan Mengu attacked Chernigov. A fierce battle unfolded under the walls of the city, but the forces were unequal, and there was nowhere to wait for help. On October 12, the surrounded city fell. The Resurrection Chronicle reports: “th multitude of howls ( modern- warriors) they beat him quickly and took him with hail and set him on fire.” Excavations fully confirm the lithographic notice of the tragedy. Chernigov was turned into ruins, most of the inhabitants were either killed or driven into slavery. The rest of the population of the principality went north. Nevertheless, the institution of princely power was preserved. Later, the heads (princes) of the city (Mikhail Vsevolodovich and his son Roman Mikhailovich Stary) were executed due to refusal to perform a pagan rite, which they were supposed to perform by order khan.

During the reign of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Chernigov in the second half of the 14th century was annexed to the State of Lithuania. The Lithuanians sought to turn Chernigov into an outpost on the southeastern border of their possessions. During the period of the 70-80s. 14th century a wooden fortress was built to protect against Tatar raids. The city was governed by the viceroys of the Grand Duchy. Due to its favorable geopolitical location, the city began to gradually revive. Chernigov becomes a transit point not only for salt, resin and potash, but also for oriental goods: silk fabrics, carpets, brocade, fruits and spices.

As part of the Principality of Moscow (Muscovy)

War between Lithuania and Russia - gg. assigned Chernigov to the Principality of Moscow. In the city on the territory of the Chernigov Detinets by order of the great sovereign Vasily Ivanovich... the city of Chernigov was quickly cut down by the Drevyans. The fortress, quite powerful for those times, was a castle-citadel.

After the abolition of serfdom in 1861, the population of Chernigov gradually increased. The vast majority of houses are wooden. The area of ​​obligatory stone buildings was limited to Red (market) square. The central streets were illuminated by gas lamps, and electric lighting was introduced in 1895. Horse-drawn transport was dominant. The main cargo was transported along the Desna. At the beginning of the 20th century, horse-drawn stagecoaches ran along the Kyiv-Petersburg highway to Gomel and Kozelets.

As part of the USSR

Times of independent Ukraine

According to the last census in 2001, the population was 312.0 thousand people.

  • Population as of January 1, 2006 - 299,600 inhabitants.



  • Yatsura M. T. Chernigov. Directory guide. Kiev Region Book and Newspaper Publishing, 1961 (Ukrainian)

see also


The first settlements, according to data obtained during excavations, appeared on the site of Chernigov four thousand years BC. Thanks to its advantageous geographical position, next to a large river, which made it a trade and transport center, the city began to grow rapidly in the first millennium BC. According to the chronicles, in 907 the Kiev prince Oleg conquered Chernigov. At that time it was already a fully formed city, of great strategic and economic importance. At the beginning of the 11th century, two large monasteries were built in the city, making it the religious and cultural center of the entire northern part of Kievan Rus. During the period of fragmentation, Chernigov grew to an area of ​​about 4.5 square kilometers and had a population of 40 thousand inhabitants, making it the largest city in Europe at that time. In 1239, a large and rich city was coveted by hordes of Tatar-Mongols who invaded Russian lands. Despite the Russian army coming to help, the city fell and was plundered. Subsequently, foreigners constantly tried to capture Chernigov. Following the results of the Russian-Lithuanian war, in 1503 the city was annexed to the Moscow principality. In 1618, Chernigov was captured by the Poles and, as a result of the treaty, went to the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Then, in 1649, thanks to the efforts of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, who started an uprising, Chernigov was recaptured from the Poles and returned to Rus'.


Any guidebook will tell you: you should start getting acquainted with the city from Val - the former Chernigov castle, the ancient princely court. This is the spiritual and administrative center of the city. This is where the largest number of historical buildings and museums are concentrated.

Spassky Cathedral

The Spassky Cathedral is the oldest surviving cathedral in Rus'. It was founded in the 11th century by the first prince of Chernigov, Mstislav the Brave, known by name - the son of the baptist of Rus' Vladimir Svyatoslavich. Since 1967, the Spassky Cathedral has been part of the National Architectural and Historical Reserve "Ancient Chernigov".

Boris and Gleb Cathedral

Boris and Gleb Cathedral was built around 1123, dedicated to the heavenly patrons of the Yaroslavich family and was conceived as an honorary tomb. The temple stands just tens of meters from the Spassky Cathedral. Initially, between them there were palace buildings, of which nothing remains except the archaeological foundation. During its existence, Boris and Gleb Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. Today it is a museum, concerts of sacred music are held here and two exhibitions are constantly running - “Frescoes of Chernigov churches” and “Architecture and craft of Chernigov 11-13 centuries”.

Catherine's Church

This church of extraordinary beauty is located on a high cape and is separated from the Val by a ravine. It is considered the hallmark of Chernigov, although it was built much later than Spassky and Borisoglebsky - in the 18th century, on the remains of a medium-sized temple from the times of Kievan Rus. Now in the church you can see an exhibition of Ukrainian folk and decorative art.

Red Square

Yes, yes, Chernigov also has its own square, and it is also red. From the beginning of the 19th century to the present day, it has been the administrative and cultural center of the city. You can get to the square from the Catherine Church along the Alley of Heroes decorated with fountains. Previously, this place was called Pyatnitsky Field. The name comes from the nearby Church of St. Paraskeva Friday, built at the end of the 12th century.

Eletsky and Trinity-Ilyinsky monasteries

The emergence of both monasteries is associated with the name of St. Anthony of Pechersk. In ancient Russian times they were located outside the city. The Yeletsky Monastery, located closer to the center, includes the Assumption Cathedral, built in the 12th century, a bell tower, a cell, the Peter and Paul Church and a stone fence. Also on the territory, the only wooden structure from the Cossack era still stands - the house of Theodosius Uglitsky (late 17th century). The known dungeons of the monastery appeared no earlier than the 18th century. Nearby there are several more historical buildings: a prison castle, built in 1803-1806, and a two-story building of a former men's school. Here, opposite the monastery fence, rises a huge earthen embankment. This is one of the most famous ancient Russian pagan mounds - the “Black Grave”. According to legend, the founder of Chernigov, Prince Cherny, is buried under it. Although excavations have proven that the mound was built already in the 10th century, when Chernigov already existed.

The Trinity-Ilyinsky Monastery is located on Boldina Mountain (the name comes from the Old Russian “bold” - oak). Historians do not rule out that in pre-Christian times there was a temple of the Slavic god Perun on the mountain. At first the monastery was a cave, then the one-domed Elias Church was erected here, which has survived to this day in its rebuilt form. Next to it is the entrance to the famous Anthony Caves - they are open to tourists. At the end of the 17th century, on a spacious site on the western side of the Elias Church, a grandiose architectural complex began to be erected, headed by the Trinity Cathedral, consecrated in 1695. He gave the modern name to the monastery.


For lovers of historical treasures under glass, seasoned with stories from the guide, there are several good museums in Chernigov. This is the historical one named after Tarnovsky, and the military one, and the artistic one named after Galagan, and the literary one named after Kotsyubinsky.

Today Chernigov is a regional center bordering Russia and Belarus. The city is located in the northern part of Ukraine on the right (high) bank of the Desna, at the confluence of the Strizhen River. The first mention of Chernigov dates back to 907, so Chernigov is one of the most ancient cities of modern Ukraine.

There are many finds of the Neolithic era discovered on the territory of Chernigov, indicating that the first people appeared in these places at least in the 4th millennium BC. In addition, traces of ancient settlements of the Bronze Age (2nd millennium BC) were discovered in the Yalovshchina and Tatarskaya Gorka tracts.

In the 1st millennium AD e. On the steep banks of the Desna and Strizhnya rivers, there were several settlements of northerners: within the ancient central part of Chernigov on the Val, on the Yeletsky and Boldin mountains and in other places. The rapid economic growth of Chernigov was facilitated by its favorable geographical location in the basin of the Desna River and its tributaries, the Snov and Seim rivers.

Archaeologists count at least four of the most ancient settlements on the territory of modern Chernigov, which were probably small ancestral fortresses, separated from one another by the deep ravines of the Boldin Mountains. Archaeological materials from these settlements date back to the 7th century, and therefore In 1992 the 1300th anniversary of the city was celebrated.

The power of ancient Chernigov is evidenced not only by chronicle data, but also by numerous mounds of the 9th-10th centuries - earthen mausoleums of the Chernigov princes and their warriors. Since ancient times, thousands of mounds bordered the ancient city in a semicircle. At the end of the 19th century, there were about 500 of them in Chernigov and on its outskirts. But after their intensive and barbaric looting, today only a few mounds remain on the Boldin Mountains, in the modern “5 Corners” area, on Bobrovitsa, in Elovshchina and others parts of the city.

The ancient Ukrainian city of Chernigov is located at the intersection of the borders of Ukraine, Russia and Belarus, at the crossroads of water, railway, road and air transport routes.
Chernigov settled in the north of Ukraine, in the eastern part of Chernigov Polesie, on the right bank of the Desna River, in its middle reaches, where the Desna valley opens onto the Lyubech-Chernigov plain.
The surrounding terrain is predominantly low-lying and flat, which is typical for the Dnieper lowland. The right slope of the Desna valley is quite steep, and erosion and the development of ravines are noticeable here. The width of the river within the city reaches 140 m.
In addition to the Desna, which flows in the southern part of the city, within the city limits of Chernigov there are its right tributaries: the small rivers Strizhen in the center and Belous in the west.
The local climate is characterized by short, moderately mild winters and long, warm summers.
The most common version of the origin of the city's name is from the word “black”. Perhaps this has something to do with the black soil or the name of the semi-mythical Cherniga river.
People began to populate the Chernihiv region back in Paleolithic times, about 100 thousand years ago. And the active development of this territory began in the Late Paleolithic, as evidenced by more than 20 settlements with an age of 10-35 thousand years.
A permanent settlement on the site of Chernigov appeared around the 7th century. At that time, Seversky Slavs lived in the city. The first written mention of Chernigov is contained in a chronicle dating back to 907, when Chernigov became the center of the Seversk land and one of the largest cities of Ancient Rus'. At the end of the 9th century. Kiev Prince Oleg seized the lands of the tribal union of northerners, and the city began to rapidly expand, facilitated by its favorable geographical location on the Desna River. Along the river, Chernigov residents maintained trade relations with Kiev, Novgorod and even the Arab East - along the Volga-Don route.

In the 11th century the city was the capital of the Chernigov principality and continued to grow. During the Olgovichi dynasty, the city reached its greatest prosperity, when its area exceeded 450 hectares and its population approached 40 thousand. At that time, Chernigov was one of the largest cities in Europe.
It is unknown how the fate of the city, which could have become the capital of the entire Russian land, would have developed if not for the Mongol-Tatar invasion of the 13th century, which interrupted the development of Chernigov. The city was destroyed and burned by nomads and forever lost its leading position in Ancient Rus'.
Freed from the Tatar-Mongol yoke, Chernigov became part of the Moscow state in the middle of the 16th century. becoming a strong fortified point on the border. Chernigov was repeatedly attacked by Lithuanian and Polish troops during the Time of Troubles of the 17th century. was captured and plundered by False Dmitry I, and then burned by the Poles, who killed many civilians.
The city temporarily became part of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, but at the end of the 17th century, after an uprising led by Bohdan Khmelnitsky, it returned to the Russian state. In memory of these victories, a monument to Khmelnytsky was erected in the city.
At the beginning of the 19th century. Chernigov received the status of the administrative center of the Chernigov province.
In the first half of the 20th century, during the years of Soviet power, Chernigov became a major industrial center, and massive housing construction was carried out in the city. In 1941, German troops captured the city. During the two years of occupation, more than 50 thousand civilians died. On September 21, 1943, the almost completely destroyed city was liberated and was restored within five years.
Currently it is the northernmost regional center of Ukraine.
Chernigov has a fairly highly developed economy and industry; in terms of the standard of living of the population, it ranks seventh in the republic. But in terms of the number of outstanding architectural and historical monuments, Chernigov is one of the first places among Ukrainian cities.
The monuments of the pre-Mongol period alone are about a third of all Ukrainian ones.
The oldest part of the city is Val, the former Chernigovsky detynets, the place where the city arose, from where it expanded, the cultural and administrative center of Chernigov. The bulk of the city's historical buildings and museums are also collected here, the main one of which is the oldest surviving Transfiguration Cathedral in Rus', founded in 1033 by Mstislav Vladimirovich, the first known Chernigov prince. Here, in the cathedral, is the burial of the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Seversky, sung in the “Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”
For many centuries, Val remained the most protected part of Chernigov, its main and only fortress. Previously, there were many buildings here, but only the archbishop's palace, built in 1780, has survived to this day.
Next to the Val stands Boris and Gleb Cathedral, built in the 12th century. The cathedral was almost destroyed during the German occupation, but was restored in the 1950s to its original form. Currently it is part of the National Architectural and Historical Reserve "Ancient Chernigov". This reserve includes more than 30 buildings, including the Annunciation Church, Elias Church, and the collegium building.
There are many monuments to famous personalities in the city, including poets A.S. Pushkin and T.G. Shevchenko: they both visited Chernigov.
Among the many churches, the Church of St. Catherine stands out, standing on the Kiev highway and becoming a kind of symbol of Chernigov. The church was built in 1715 by the Cossack Yakov Lizogub in memory of his grandfather Yakov Lizogub and his comrades, who proved themselves in 1696 during the storming of the Turkish fortress of Azov, which was reputed to be impregnable.
The city center is Red Square, which appeared in the 18th-19th centuries. and formerly called Pyatnitsky Field, named after the nearby Church of St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, built at the end of the 12th century.
Where the southern slopes of Boldinaya Gora descend, the highest part of the urban landscape, immediately below the Ilinskaya Church, there are the Anthony Caves with three underground churches: St. Theodosius, St. Anthony and St. Nicholas Svyatoshi. Anthony's Caves is a Christian monastery founded in 1069 by Anthony of Pechersk, the founder of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. They are a complex of underground corridors and rooms with a length of 350 m at a depth of 2 to 12 m. Anthony's caves are also part of the “Ancient Chernigov” reserve. From this place a panorama of the ancient part of Chernigov opens and the Holy Grove is clearly visible, where, according to another Chernigov legend, in 992 the inhabitants of the city were baptized.
In the immediate vicinity of the Anthony Caves there are two Slavic mounds, created in pre-Christian times and popularly nicknamed Gulbishche and Nameless. Another mound has been preserved in Chernigov - the Black Grave, where the first Chernigov princes were buried in pagan times.

general information

Location: Eastern Europe, northern Ukraine.
Administrative center and Chernihiv district (not included in the district).

Administrative division: 2 districts (Desnyansky and Novozavodsky).

Historic districts: Bobrovitsa, Zabarovka, Kordovka, Koty, Krasny Khutor, Leskovitsa, Masany, Old and New Podusovka, Sherstyanka.
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian.

Ethnic composition: Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians, Jews.
Religions: Orthodoxy, Protestantism, Baptism, Judaism.
Currency unit: Ukrainian hryvnia.

Largest rivers: Desna, Strizhen, Belous.

Largest lake: Glushets.


Area: 79 km2.

Population: 296,896 people. (2011).
Population density: 3758 people/km 2 .

Height above sea level: 136 m.

Distance: 139 km north of Kyiv.


Industry: chemical, light, food, pulp and paper, printing, metallurgy, metalworking, building materials, woodworking.

Handicraft products: wicker products.
Service sector: tourism, transport, trade.

Climate and weather

Temperate, temperate continental.
Average January temperature:

Average temperature in July:+18.7°C.

Average annual precipitation: 600 mm.


■ Chernigovsky Val.
■ Historical and architectural reserve “Ancient Chernigov”.
Parks: Elovshchina forest park, named after. MM. Kotsyubinsky, Birch Grove, Maryina Grove, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Square.
■ Desna Valley.
Churches: Anthony caves with underground churches of St. Theodosius, St. Anthony and Nicholas Svyatosha (XI century), Assumption Cathedral of the Eletsky Monastery (XI century), Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Ilyinsky Monastery (XI century), Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (XI century .), Boris and Gleb Cathedral (XII century), Elias Church (XII century), Pyatnitskaya (St. Paraskeva) Church (XII-XIII centuries), Catherine Church (XVII century). Church of Peter and Paul (XVII century), Church of the Resurrection (XVIII century).
■ Bishop's House (XVIII century).
Museums: Historical and Literary Memoir Museum named after. M. Kotsyubinsky, Historical Museum named after. V. Tarnovsky, Art Museum, Architectural and Historical Reserve "Ancient Chernigov".
Monuments: A.S. Pushkin (late 19th century), Bogdan Khmelnitsky (mid-20th century).
■ House of Theodosius Uglitsky (late 17th century): the only wooden structure of the Cossack era.

■ Boldin Mountain.
■ Pagan mounds: Black Grave, Nameless, Gulbishche.
■ Collegium (XVIII century).
■ Regimental chancellery (Lizogub house, late 17th century).
■ Red Square (XVIII-XIX centuries).
■ Mazepa's house (late 17th century).
■ Light and music fountain.

Curious facts

■ The attraction of Chernigovsky Val are 12 cast iron cannons. Townspeople claim that the guns were presented to Chernigov by Emperor Peter I the Great himself in recognition of the heroism of the Chernigov Cossacks in the fight against the Swedish conquerors. Historians believe that Emperor Peter simply left the old guns here, not wanting to take them to Moscow.
■ In 1805, the Chernigov Dragoon Regiment heroically showed itself in the battle near the village of Schöngraben (Austria), for which it was the first cavalry unit to receive the St. George Standard. In 1812, the regiment fought in the Battle of Borodino.
■ In 1986, after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, many residents of Chernigov took part in eliminating its consequences. In the year of the tenth anniversary of this tragedy, a bronze monument was erected on the Alley of Heroes in honor of the fallen Chernigov residents.
■ In the 1690s, a representative stone house was built in the southwestern part of Val, nicknamed by the residents “Mazepa’s house”. An urban legend says that the elderly hetman hid in this house his goddaughter and beloved Motrya Kochubey, cursed by her mother for her vicious relationship with her father’s murderer.
■ The high level of humidity in the Anthony caves did not make it possible to install wooden iconostases in cave churches. Therefore, instead of them, brick walls with metal icons were built. The Royal Doors are also made of metal.
■ The towers of the Transfiguration Cathedral served as a kind of clock, and the priests could determine the start time of the service with an accuracy of five minutes. The window niches on the left bell tower were the clock itself. The niches are positioned so that sunlight fills the larger niches in exactly one hour, and the smaller niches in 30, 15 and 5 minutes. Thus, in clear weather, the bell ringer determined when to ring the bell at the time of morning service, mass and vespers.

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Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


city ​​in Ukraine, center of Chernigov region. Railway junction, port on the river. Gum. 306 thousand inhabitants (1991). Light industry (worsted cloth factory, etc.), food-flavoring, machine-building (including the production of radio devices), chemical (PA "Khimvolokno") industry; factory of musical instruments, etc. Pedagogical Institute. 2 theaters. Museums: historical, artistic, literary and memorial of M. M. Kotsyubinsky. Known since 907. Cathedrals: Spaso-Preobrazhensky (11th century), Borisoglebsky (12th century); Pyatnitskaya Church (late 12th - early 13th centuries), Lizogub's house (1690s, Ukrainian Baroque); ensembles of the Yeletsky (founded in the 17th century) and Trinity (17-18th centuries) monasteries.


city, center of the Chernigov region of the Ukrainian SSR, port on the right bank of the river. Gum. Railway junction lines (to Gomel, Ovruch, Nezhin) and highways. 233 thousand inhabitants (1977; 69 thousand in 1939; 90 thousand in 1959; 159 thousand in 1970). There are ≈2 town districts in Ch.

Ch. is one of the oldest cities in Rus'. In the 9th century was the center of the East Slavic tribes of the northerners. From the end of the 9th century. as part of Kievan Rus. First mentioned in the chronicle around 907. In the 10th-12th centuries. was a large craft and trading city. In the 11th-13th centuries. capital of the Chernigov principality. In 1239 it was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars. From the 2nd half of the 14th century. under the rule of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. In 1503 it was annexed to the Moscow state. In 1611 it was captured by Poland. The population of Chechnya actively participated in the War of Liberation of the Ukrainian people of 1648–54. Since 1654 it has been part of the Russian state. Since 1782 the center of the Chernigov governorship, from 1797 ≈ Little Russian, from 1802 ≈ Chernigov province. Developed as a local shopping center. At the end of the 19th century. connected by rail to Kiev via Bakhmach.

Soviet power was established on January 19 (February 1), 1918. During the Civil War, Czechoslovakia was captured by Austro-German troops, the Ukrainian Directory, and Denikin’s forces. Soviet power was restored on November 7, 1919. Since 1932, Ch. ≈ region. city. From September 9, 1941 to September 21, 1943, it was occupied by Nazi troops, who caused enormous damage to the city. Rebuilt after the war.

The chemical (Khimvolokno association), light (worsted and cloth mill, primary wool processing factories, clothing, footwear), food (meat processing plant, dairy and brewery, confectionery and pasta factories, etc.) industries are developed. Factories: auto parts, tools; large-panel house-building plant, musical instrument (piano) factory, cardboard factory, etc.

The city has preserved architectural monuments of Kievan Rus: Spaso-Preobrazhensky (11th century: see. ill.), Borisoglebsky (12th century), Assumption (12th century) cathedrals, Ilyinskaya (late 11th ≈ early 12th centuries) and Paraskeva Pyatnitsa (late 12th ≈ early 13th centuries) churches; architectural monuments of the 17th-18th centuries. (Ukrainian Baroque): Lizohub's house (1690s), collegium (1702), cathedral (1679≈89) and refectory (1677≈79) of the Trinity Monastery, Catherine's Church (1715). At the beginning of the 19th century. Ch. was built up according to a regular plan with buildings in the style of classicism - the house of the Governor General (from 1975 ≈ Historical Museum; 1804, architect A. D. Zakharov), etc. Heavily destroyed during the Great Patriotic War, Ch. was restored according to general plans (1945 , 1958 and 1966), the center was built (1950–55, architect P. F. Buklevsky, I. D. Yagodovsky), theater buildings were built (1958, architect D. S. Fridlin, S. P. Tutuchenko, etc.) , regional committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine and the House of Political Education (1974). Monument to V. I. Lenin (bronze, granite, 1967, sculptors A. E. Belostotsky, O. A. Suprun, architect V. M. Ustinov), memorial to the victims of fascism (granite, 1974, architect A. A. Karnabed, sculptor G. P. Gutman).

In Ch. Pedagogical Institute named after. T. G. Shevchenko, branch of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, evening mechanical-technological, cooperative, Soviet trade, legal technical schools, medical and music schools. 2 museums (historical, literary and memorial of M. M. Kotsyubinsky); branch of the Sofievsky Museum reserve. Regional Music and Drama Theatre, Regional Puppet Theatre, Philharmonic Society.

Lit.: Logvin G.N., Chernigov, Novgorod-Seversky, Glukhov, Putivl, M., 1965; Karnob╨d A. A., Chernigiv. [Narisputivnik, Kiev, 1969]; Chernigiv. [Photo album. Author of the text M. Romanika, photo V. Sichov, Kiev, 1967]; Chernigov 1050 from. Recommended literature lists, Chernigiv, 1957; History of the city and forces of the Ukrainian RSR. Chernihiv region, Kiev, 1972.

N. N. Ostryanko, S. K. Kilesso.


Chernigov (station)

Chernigov- railway station of the South-Western Railway, located in the city of Chernigov in Ukraine.

It was rebuilt and acquired a new look after the Great Patriotic War.

Restored in 1999. It does not close at night; the waiting room is quite large, but not lit.

Chernihiv (disambiguation)

  • Chernigov- an ancient city in the north-east of Ukraine, the regional center of the Chernigov region. The historical center of Left Bank Ukraine, one of the largest cities of Kievan Rus.
  • Chernigov is a railway station of the South-Western Railway.
  • "Chernigov" - corvette of the Ukrainian Navy (1996-2005).
  • "" is a sea minesweeper of the Ukrainian Navy.

Chernigov (minesweeper)

Chernigov (U-310) - a sea minesweeper of Project 266-M (code "Aquamarine", according to NATO classification), a mine defense ship for the sea zone of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Navy. As part of the Black Sea Fleet, the USSR Navy was called " Antiaircrafter"and had the tail numbers S-923 (in 1986) and S-924 (in 1984 and 1990), as part of the Ukrainian Navy it was called " Yellow Waters", in 2004 was renamed to " Chernigov».


Chernigov- a city in northern Ukraine, the administrative center of the Chernigov region, as well as the Chernigov region. The northernmost regional center of Ukraine. The historical center of the Seversk land, one of the largest cities of the Old Russian state.

Examples of the use of the word Chernigov in literature.

Svyatoslav Yaroslavich, after the expulsion of his brother, received seniority along with the main table of Kyiv, then the next brother in his place, Vsevolod, who previously reigned in Pereyaslavl, takes the place of Svyatoslav in Chernigov.

Vsevolod sat down in Kyiv, on the table of his father and brother, took all the Russian volosts for himself, put his son Vladimir in Chernigov, and the nephew of Yaropolk Izyaslavich - in Vladimir-Volynsky, adding Turov to him.

Kyiv brother Vladimir, Having crossed the Dnieper and stood between Chernigov and Pereyaslav volost, Izyaslav sent to Chernigov his boyar Uleb to find out what was going on there.

Davydovich and Roman were already in Vyshgorod, they were transported across the Dnieper that night, and the next morning they arrived in Chernigov, where Izyaslav, having buried his brother, sat down on the table.

The Novgorodians saw that the danger from Vsevolod was close and great, and help from Chernigov bad hope, and therefore, having kicked out Vladimir Svyatoslavich, they sent for the prince to Vsevolod: he gave them his brother-in-law, Yaroslav Vladimirovich, the landless son of the landless father Vladimir Mstislavich.

Novgorod will be behind Kiev, Tmutorokan and the lands east of the Dnieper - behind Chernigov, Rostov land, Beloozero and Volga region - beyond Pereyaslavl.

When Bogushevich lived in Chernigov, served as an assistant clerk in the provincial government, he and Peter spent almost every evening together in companies where there were young ladies - they were bachelors then.

And so, forgetting that he had an unfinished murder case on his table, Bogushevich thought not about him, but about Chernigov and how to move there.

Volyn brothers met and made peace: Vsevolod ceded seniority to Izyaslav and Kyiv, but he himself remained as before in Chernigov.

This remark of the chronicler is very curious: Oleg lost Chernigov and Murom as a result of the war that his cousins ​​started against him, therefore, according to the concepts of his contemporaries, the war itself was unjust: otherwise the chronicler would not have corrected Oleg, because then the taking away of the volost would only be a worthy punishment for his untruth.

Putivl, which had approximately the same defense system as Kozelsk, had a protected area of ​​only 1-3 hectares, Vshchizh - 6, Lyubech - 5-10, Novgorod-Seversky - from 20 to 40, Chernigov- more than 40 hectares.

At the same time, he threw at least two infantry divisions along the western bank of the Desna to Chernigov.

You, Evpatiy, go to Chernigov, bow down there to Prince Mikhail and bring his army to our aid.

No big rivers, no important roads, with the exception of a forgotten road coming from Chernigov to Ovruch, Yelsk, Mozyr.

On the Left Bank, fortresses were needed because there were fewer natural forest barriers and the steppe reached almost to the very Chernigov.

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