Special correctional class. Correctional classes in schools

Correctional institutions of the VII type (in the terminology of the previous legislation on education) were created for the education and upbringing of children with mental retardation, who, with potentially preserved opportunities for intellectual development, have weakness of memory, attention, lack of pace and mobility of mental processes, increased exhaustion, unformed voluntary regulation activities, emotional instability, to ensure the correction of their mental development and emotional-volitional sphere, the activation of cognitive activity, the formation of skills and abilities of educational activities.

Clause 28 of the Model Regulation on a special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with developmental disabilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 12, 1997 No. 288, contained a rule according to which the transfer of a pupil from a correctional institution to another educational institution is carried out educational authorities with the consent of parents (legal representatives) and on the basis of the conclusion of the psychological-pedagogical and medical-pedagogical commissions.

At present, in the matter of transferring a student from a special (correctional) educational institution (a separate organization implementing an adapted basic general education program, in the terminology of the new Federal Law No. 273-FZ) to a general education institution, one must be guided by the following.

However, in such a translation, it is necessary to take into account the need to create conditions for obtaining, without discrimination, high-quality education for persons with disabilities, for correcting developmental disorders and social adaptation, for providing early corrective assistance based on special pedagogical approaches that maximize education of a certain level and a certain focus, as well as the social development of these persons (clause 1, part 5, article 5 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ). It seems that such conditions are absent in an ordinary general education organization that does not implement adapted educational programs for this category of students with disabilities.

It seems that the administration of the general educational organization, in which this child is studying according to an adapted educational program, should conduct a detailed explanatory conversation with parents (legal representatives), in which they explain the need to use special pedagogical approaches for their child, taking into account the peculiarities of his psychophysical development and individual capabilities, which is not always possible within the framework of an ordinary educational organization.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that the implementation of inclusive education should not violate the rights of other students to receive general education.

In this regard, it seems that, based on the interests of the child, a transfer from a separate organization that carries out educational activities according to an adapted basic general education program to an ordinary general education organization is possible provided that special conditions are created in it for receiving education in accordance with the specifics of organizing educational activities for students with disabilities. health opportunities (part III of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs for primary general, basic general and secondary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated August 30, 2013 No. 1015).

After remedial school, there are two options for continuing education:
1. Education for the purpose of obtaining a certificate of basic secondary general education - this may be an evening school, an external student, perhaps there are some other options. As a result, pass the exams of an independent commission, as students do at the end of the 9th grade of general education schools. With the received certificate, you can continue your education in almost any college.
2. Education in the system of vocational education (college). At the end of the correctional school, students do not receive a Certificate, but a Certificate of Education. With this document, you can continue your education only in the college that has a correctional group (KRO) that provides primary vocational education (NVE). Education will be only professional, with a certain number of general subjects (physical education, life safety, etc.). As a result, only a certificate of profession is issued, but not of secondary education. If desired and possible, obtaining a profession can be combined with studying at an evening school.
The list of colleges and specialties that accept graduates of correctional schools is not very long. I used information from a variety of sources. College staff and teachers of KRO groups usually answer all questions in detail, you can come to the college and look at the conditions of study, there are open days. Here's what I was able to find out:

  • In response to my request (I asked to send a detailed and up-to-date list of professional educational institutions), the Moscow Department of Education offered a total of 4 colleges:

  • Detailed lists of colleges with KRO groups are on the website http://center1.testov.net/ovs/ It is these lists that I recommend to take as a basis. , or stubbornly call all the colleges in general for admission. The information is very useful, but phone numbers and specialties may not be entirely correct. The correct phone numbers are easy to find on the Internet on the websites of colleges and further clarify all the details by phone. You can purchase a directory of secondary vocational institutions.

  • Another list that I managed to find on the Internet, but the link http://omczo.org/publ/468-1-0-2980 is not working now. It largely overlaps with the previous one, but there are differences.

  • I checked some colleges from the general lists (see above), I got another table. I left in it those that are definitely not accepted after the correctional school. Usually, colleges have several "sites" located in different parts of Moscow, where exactly the chosen specialty is taught, you need to check directly with the admissions office.

If the parents themselves have understood or doctors and other specialists have established that the child has developmental features, you need to find a suitable educational institution as soon as possible. And the sooner you find the one that suits your child with his individual characteristics, the higher the chances of his rehabilitation, social adaptation, psychological correction and overcoming health-related difficulties.

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Kindergarten plus elementary school

There are so-called elementary schools-kindergartens of a compensatory type, where kids with developmental disabilities are at first simply in the garden and socially adapt in the company of other kids, and then staying in the kindergarten smoothly moves on to primary school. Then, depending on how the child copes with the program, he goes to the 1st or immediately to the 2nd grade of a correctional school.

Features in development are too different

There are so many features in development and they are so dissimilar that "special children" sometimes do not fit into the "stencil" of a particular diagnosis. And the main problem of their education lies precisely in the fact that all the children are completely different and dissimilar, and each with their own oddities and health problems. And yet, experts have established the main developmental problems or diagnoses, which are indicated by such abbreviations:

cerebral palsy - cerebral palsy;

ZPR - mental retardation;

ZRR - delayed speech development;

MMD - minimal brain dysfunction;

ODA - musculoskeletal system;

ONR - general underdevelopment of speech;

RDA - early childhood autism;

ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder;

HIA - limited health opportunities.

As you can see, from all of the above, only cerebral palsy, MMD and problems with the musculoskeletal system are specific medical diagnoses. Otherwise, the names of children's features, oddities and problems are very, very conditional. What does "general underdevelopment of speech" mean? And how is it different from “speech delay”? And this is a "delay" relative to what - relative to what age and level of intelligence? As for “early childhood autism”, this diagnosis is made for children so dissimilar in behavioral manifestations that it seems that our domestic experts themselves do not agree on autism, since they have not yet studied this disease well enough. And today, almost every second restless child is given the “attention deficit hyperactivity disorder”! Therefore, before agreeing that this or that diagnosis will be attributed to your child, show it to not one, but at least a dozen specialists and get clear arguments and clear medical indications from them, according to which the child will be assigned a diagnosis. Such a diagnosis as blindness or deafness is obvious. But when a playful child, who gives caregivers and teachers more trouble than other children, is in a hurry to assign a “diagnosis”, just to get rid of him by transferring him to a kindergarten or school for “children with special needs”, then you can fight for your child . After all, a label pasted since childhood can thoroughly spoil a child's life.

Special (correctional) schoolsI, II, III, IV, V, VI, VIIAndVIIItypes. What kind of children do they teach?

In special (correctional) general educational schools of the 1st type children with hearing impairments, hard of hearing and deaf children are trained. IN schools II type deaf children learn. Type III-IV schools Designed for blind and visually impaired children. SchoolsVkind accept students with speech disorders, in particular stuttering children. Type VI schools created for children with problems in physical and mental development. Sometimes such schools function at neurological and psychiatric hospitals. Their main contingent is children with various forms of cerebral palsy (ICP), spinal and craniocerebral injuries. Type VII schools for children with ADHD and mental retardation. Type VII schools dealing with dyslexia in children. Alexia is the absence of speech and a complete inability to master speech, and dyslexia is a partial specific disorder of mastering reading, caused by a violation of higher mental functions. And, finally, in special (correctional) general educational schools of the VIII type educate mentally retarded children, the main goal of these educational institutions is to teach children to read, count and write and navigate in social conditions. At schools of the VIII type there are carpentry, locksmith, sewing or bookbinding workshops, where students within the walls of the school receive a profession that allows them to earn a living. The path to higher education is closed to them; after graduation, they receive only a certificate stating that they have attended the ten-year program.

Correctional school: strive for it or avoid it?

This difficult question is up to you. As we know, cerebral palsy also has such different and dissimilar forms - from deep mental retardation, in which doctors pass a verdict: "untrainable" - to completely intact intelligence. A child with cerebral palsy may suffer from a musculoskeletal system and at the same time have a completely bright and smart head!

Considering all the individual characteristics of the child, before choosing a school for him, consult a hundred times with doctors, speech pathologists, speech therapists, psychiatrists and parents of special children who have more experience due to the fact that their children are older.

For example, is it necessary for a child with severe stuttering to be in an environment like him? Will such an environment do him any good? Wouldn't it be better to follow the path of inclusive education, when children with diagnoses are immersed in an environment of healthy peers? Indeed, in one case, a correctional school can help, and in another ... harm. After all, each case is so individual! Remember the first shots of Tarkovsky's film "Mirror". "I can speak!" - the teenager says after a hypnosis session, forever freeing himself from a strong stutter that has oppressed him for many years. A brilliant director thus shows us: miracles happen in life. And the one whom teachers and doctors gave up on can sometimes surprise the world with an outstanding talent or at least become a socially adapted member of society. Not special, but an ordinary person.

Visit the school in person!

Doctors will be the first judge of your child's abilities. They will send him to the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission (PMPC). Consult with the members of the commission, which school in your district is best for your child, will allow him to reveal his abilities, correct his problems and shortcomings. Contact the district resource center for the development of inclusive education: maybe they will help with advice? To get started, call the schools available in your district. Chat on the forums with parents of children who are already studying. Are they satisfied with the education and the attitude of the teachers? And it is better, of course, to personally get acquainted with the director of the school, teachers and, of course, with future classmates! You must know what environment your child will be in. You can go to the websites of schools, but there you will receive only a minimum of formal information: on the Internet you can depict a beautiful picture, but will it correspond to reality? A true picture of the school will give only her visit. Having crossed the threshold of the building, you will immediately understand whether there is cleanliness, order, discipline, and most importantly, the reverent attitude of teachers towards special children. All this you will feel right at the entrance!

Home education - as an option

Doctors offer home-based education for some children. But again, this option is not suitable for everyone. Some psychologists are generally categorically against home education, because for children with special needs there is nothing worse than isolation from society. And home-based learning is isolation from peers. Whereas communication with them can have a beneficial effect on the mental and emotional development of the child. Even in ordinary schools, teachers talk about the great strength of the team!

Please note that there are several schools, for example, of the VIII type in each district, and there is even a choice, but not every district has schools for blind or deaf children. Well, you will have to travel far, drive or ... rent an apartment where there is a school your child needs. Many non-residents come to Moscow solely for the sake of educating and rehabilitating their special children, because in the provinces, by and large, there is simply no correctional education. So, visitors do not care in which district to rent housing, so first they find a school suitable for the child, and then they already rent an apartment nearby. Maybe you should do the same for your own child?

According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone is equal

Know that according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the law on education, everyone has the right to education, regardless of the diagnosis. The state guarantees the general availability and free of charge of preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education (Articles 7 and 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). The provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation are explained in the Federal Law of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 "On Education", in accordance with paragraph 3 of Article 2 of which one of the principles of state policy in the field of education is general accessibility of education , and adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of the development and training of students .

So, in order to enroll a child in the first grade, you must submit to a general education institution an application for admission, a birth certificate, a medical card in the form 0-26 / U-2000, approved by order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 03.07.2000 No. 241, a certificate of registration child (form No. 9). Parents have the right not to report the diagnosis of the child when they are admitted to an educational institution (Article 8 Law of the Russian Federation of 07/02/1992 N 3185-1 (as amended on 07/03/2016) "On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens in its provision" (with amended and supplemented, effective from 01/01/2017), and the school administration has no right to receive this information from anyone other than the parent (legal representative) of the child.

And if you think that the rights of your child are being infringed upon by attributing a false diagnosis to him (after all, objectionable people were hidden in psychiatric clinics at all times), feel free to join the fight! The law is on your side. Remember, there is no one but you to protect the rights of your child.

For those children who find it difficult to study due to existing health problems, there are special educational institutions or remedial classes are opened in a regular school. Here you can write a child with a disability or lagging behind in development. The main purpose of such institutions and classes lies in the social adaptation of pupils and their integration in society.

If your child is going to school soon...

The fact that their child lags behind their peers in development, caring parents understand already in the first years of his life. This becomes especially evident by the age of six. has poor speech and a low level of intellectual abilities. Sometimes these children do not even know how to hold a pencil in their hands. Not only for teachers, but also for parents, it becomes obvious that such a child needs to attend a remedial class. This will allow him to adapt to life socially and physically.

Where are specialized classes created?

The process of teaching children with an existing developmental delay can be organized in any educational institution. For those who do not know what a correctional class is at school, it is worth explaining that kids from special groups of preschool institutions enter it. Moreover, enrollment is possible only with the consent of the parents, upon their written application.

The correctional class, as a rule, is opened at the initial stage of the school curriculum. Moreover, it continues to function until receiving an incomplete secondary education. Specially trained teachers are on staff to work with children. In addition, the school must have scientific and methodological literature, as well as a material base corresponding to the direction of the class. All this will allow organizing the educational process, as well as providing medical and preventive support to these special children.

Correctional classes in schools are opened according to the order of the director. At the same time, there must be a conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the school for each of the children, as well as the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission of the district.

Who is accepted into the correctional class?

Special education in a general education school is given to children who experience certain difficulties in acquiring knowledge, as well as those who do not adapt well in a team. As a rule, such students show slight disturbances in the work of the brain, central nervous system, as well as a lag in the emotional-volitional type.

Children with severe developmental disabilities are not admitted to a correctional class opened in a general education school. This may include:

Gross vision, motor forms and speech;
- mental retardation;
- pronounced violations of collective communication, having the form of early autism.

Transfer to regular class

Children studying under a special program have the opportunity to gain knowledge together with their peers. To be transferred to a regular class, a child must have a positive developmental dynamic. In addition, he must successfully master a special program. This transfer is possible when an appropriate decision is made by the psychological, medical and pedagogical council, as well as with the consent of the student himself.

Mode of work and rest

For students of correctional classes, the most appropriate is the work in the first shift. At the same time, their daily routine is set taking into account low working capacity and rapid fatigue.

For kids attending grades 1 to 3, additional holidays are introduced. These children are allowed to rest in February for seven days.

Benefits of specialized training

Correctional classes in schools have a occupancy of seven to fourteen students. With a larger number of pupils, a rate for one more teacher should be allocated. In this case, an additional correction class is formed. A small number of children allows you to pay maximum attention to each of them.

The positive side of this class is that work with students is carried out not by ordinary teachers, but by defectologists. This specialty is taught in universities. Teachers-defectologists are called upon to work with children who have difficult medical diagnoses. These teachers can find the key to even the most difficult children.

Speech therapists work with students who attend remedial classes at schools. If necessary, such training is carried out individually. Psychologists work with children attending a correctional class. If necessary, these specialists advise parents.

The program for the correctional class takes into account the fact that special children are involved in it. It includes the most simple exercises and tasks. This allows the child to move up the learning ladder gradually, in microscopic steps. In other words, such a special program keeps pace with the slow development of the student.

Cons of remedial education

One of the main problems of the special class is the integration of children with dissimilar medical diagnoses and with different psychiatric and there is no universal program for all. Often, such children have a lag in one subject and giftedness in another. So, a child may be out of tune with mathematics, but at the same time draw like a real artist, write crookedly, but have the ability to learn foreign languages ​​(unfortunately, they are not provided for in a special program).

Children from families that are socially disadvantaged are often sent to the correctional class. Such children, deprived of parental care, at first really lag behind in development. However, with intensive training, they quickly catch up. As a result, these healthy children become bored with slow schooling.

Gradation of correctional classes

Special education is divided into eight types. For education, children are sent to them in accordance with medical diagnoses. There are the following types of correction classes:

I - for hearing-impaired and deaf children;
- II - for the deaf and dumb;
- III and IV - for the blind and visually impaired;
- V - for stutterers and children with speech disorders;
- VI - for students with problems of mental and physical development;
- VII - for children with mental retardation and ADHD;
- VIII - for the mentally retarded.

Special classes I and II type

They are opened to educate and educate hearing-impaired children. These special correctional classes are designed to form the verbal speech of students on the basis of auditory-visual perception, to compensate and correct possible deviations in mental and physical development. Teachers aim to prepare these children for independent living. What is the difference between these corrective classes? The work program of the general educational process is designed specifically for deaf children. The occupancy of this class is up to ten people.

Special classes III and IV type

They are created for training, education, as well as correction of deviations in children with existing visual impairments. Children with strabismus, with amblyopia can be accepted into these types of correctional classes.

The main task of teachers is the formation of compensatory processes in students. To do this, not only group, but also individual classes are held on the further development of tactile and visual perception of spoken speech, on social orientation, rhythm. In the process of learning in such correctional classes, children develop communication skills.

For the development of the school curriculum, pupils with visual impairments are provided with special equipment and tiflo devices. The Braille system is at the heart of the education of such children. The teacher uses non-standard didactic materials, as well as specific visual aids. All this allows to slightly expand the scope of the accessibility of the information presented.

Special classes of type V

They are created for the purpose of educating and educating children with severe speech pathologies. In parallel, the necessary assistance is provided to eliminate existing diseases and related features in mental development. With a positive trend in the development of the child, he can be transferred to a regular class. However, for this you will need to obtain the conclusion of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

The correctional class of the 5th type provides for obtaining over 4-5 years. The normative term for general basic education is six years.

The stage of training provides for the correction of various speech defects. These include violations of the tempo of speech, sound pronunciation, as well as deviations in the mental development of the child associated with these pathologies. Pupils are taught the skills of normal colloquial speech, the correct grammatical formulation of statements and expand their vocabulary.

At the second stage of education, children develop full-fledged skills of written and oral communication of information, which allows them to join the life of society without much effort. The maximum occupancy of class 5 of the type is 12 people. Correction of existing violations is carried out not only in the classroom, but also at various events.

Special classes VI type

They train children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system. In such a special class, the tasks of complex correction of speech, cognitive and motor spheres of pupils are solved. The purpose of this training is also the social and labor adaptation of children to society. The maximum number of people a teacher should work with should not exceed ten.

Special classes VII type

They are designed to teach children with mental retardation. The main signs of this pathology are expressed in the weakness of attention and memory, as well as in the lack of mobility and pace.

When visiting such classes, children are provided with the normalization of the emotional-volitional sphere and mental development. Pupils are developing the skills necessary for the educational process, and cognitive activity is also activated. This class has a capacity of 12 people. At the same time, children are provided with speech therapy assistance.

Special classes of type VIII

They are created for the purpose of educating children suffering from mental retardation in order to eliminate deviations in development. Correctional classes of the 8th type are intended for the social and psychological rehabilitation of the child. This will allow him to integrate into the life of society as painlessly as possible in the future. The maximum occupancy of this class is 8 people.

The course ends with a performance appraisal. This exam includes questions of materials science and manufacturing technology.

On what basis can a child be transferred to a special school? Tell me more about her.

Unfortunately, not all children can study in ordinary schools according to modern programs. Already in the primary grades of children who study very poorly, it becomes clear. By nature, these can be the most wonderful children, cheerful, sympathetic, favorites of children and teachers, but there is no way to write and read. And when it comes to more complex tasks, they barely make it to the middle level by hook or by crook. And there perishing at all carcasses light. And then the teacher (class teacher) will inevitably offer parents to transfer the child to a correctional school. She is located in Angarsk in the 12th microdistrict, school number 2.

In the classrooms, ordinary children who are simply not given theoretical knowledge. In the same school, the programs are simplified, stretched out in time, and they try to give them to students as accessible as possible. For example, if in a public school, students go through some kind of program in the 5th grade, then in this school - in the 6th. The director of one of the schools in the city told a story when the parents together with the child themselves decided to go to correctional school.

The girl underwent several complex operations and lost the ability to perceive educational material at a normal pace.

Correctional school teachers know examples when children who came to them with a diagnosis of mild mental retardation eventually became involved in their studies and after graduation continued their studies at technical schools and even graduated from universities. For example, one graduate is now a teacher at a school. And it was also noticed that these students are hardworking, they know how to sew, knit, draw, make, repair, cook. This can become a fulcrum in the future choice of profession. The school has an agreement with technical schools, which provide training groups for graduates of correctional schools. Professions are working, but in demand on the labor market.

And now the main thing. The decision to take a child out of a general education school and place it in a correctional school can only be taken by parents or legal representatives. Without their consent, no one has the right to transfer the child anywhere. The procedure goes like this: on the issue of the student’s constant underachievement, a pedagogical council gathers at the school, which should be attended by a defectologist. It is he who will decide whether the student's lag is not the result of any disease.

If the council decides that all methods have been applied, but there is no result, then the parents will be given a referral for the examination of the child by a psychiatrist or immediately to the medical-psychological-pedagogical commission. It meets in Angarsk twice a year, and works constantly in the regional center. The commission, in turn, can advise parents to transfer the child to a correctional institution and issue a referral.

If the referral is received, you need to soberly evaluate the transfer proposal. Experts advise to transfer the child to a correctional school, where it will be easier for him to learn and communicate. There he will not be an outcast. Otherwise, the child will daily receive psychological trauma from the fact that he is always lagging behind, the worst in his class.

Let such a child not be a professor, but remain a good person, not burdened with complexes.

You have no right to be angry with a child. Everyone loves children, without arms, without legs, with cerebral palsy. Yours was born this way.

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