Structure of a presentation for certification of a Russian language teacher. Presentation of the work experience of a teacher of Russian language and literature Marina Nikolaevna Ustinova mbou "Pavlovsk secondary school" - presentation

General work experience - 14 years pedagogical - 14 years Work experience in this institution 6 years Position held teacher of Russian language and literature Certification April 2015 Qualification category first

Objectives To improve the forms of organization of educational activities; Use new pedagogical technologies in the educational process; Involve each student in an active cognitive process, and not passive acquisition of knowledge, but active cognitive activity; To reveal the creative, intellectual, moral potential of each student, to give the opportunity to express themselves; Instill the skills of independent work, effective organization of one’s activities, self-control, and objective assessment of the results obtained.

Speech development lesson “Types of speech” Task: try to predict information about types of speech “True - false statements” True and false statements Before studying After studying 1. To narrate means to describe an object, a phenomenon. 2. To the text description you can ask the question WHAT? 3. To the text of the argument, you can ask the question WHY? 4. The content of the argumentative text can be reflected in a photograph.

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Say what you know, do what you can, and remember that knowing and being able to do more is not harmful to anyone. Teacher's portfolio

I. Title page II. Business card III. Official documents IV. Criteria and indicators of professional activity Contents:

Municipal government educational institution "Secondary school No. 3 of Kirensk" Portfolio of professional activities of Oksana Aleksandrovna Trifonova with a teacher of Russian language and literature in the highest qualification category

Trifonova Oksana Aleksandrovna

III. Official documents Education (name of educational institution, series, number, date of graduation document) ISPU, DVS 0683710, December 21, 2011

Information on advanced training Year Date of training Institution that conducted advanced training Name of courses (according to the document) Number of hours (according to the document) Name and number of document 2010 March 29 - October 16 OSAU DPO IIPKRO “Artpedagogy as an effective educational tool” 144 hours Certificate No. 8028 2010 May 13-21 OSAOU DPO IRO “Technology for the use of educational electronic publications and resources. Organization of the educational process using educational electronic publications and resources.” 72 hours Certificate No. 9709 2010 November 1-13 OSAOU DPO IIPKRO “Teaching Russian language and literature based on second generation standards” 72 hours Certificate No. 5118/10 2012 November 19-December 1 OSAOU DPO IIPKRO “Improving the professional competence of teachers of Russian language and literature » 72 hours Certificate No. 3003

Advanced training (documents on advanced training, name of the program, date of completion) 1. Certificate; OGOU DPO IIPKRO; “Art pedagogy as an effective educational tool” (144 hours), 2010;

3. Certificate; Institute for Educational Development of the Irkutsk Region; “Technology for using educational electronic publications and resources. Organization of the educational process using electronic publications and resources” (72 hours), 2010

2. Certificate; OGOU DPO IIPKRO; “Teaching Russian language and literature based on second generation standards” (72 hours), 2010;

4. Certificate; OGOU DPO IIPKRO; “Improving the professional competence of teachers of Russian language and literature” (72 hours), 2012

IV. Criteria and indicators of professional activity 1. PROGRAMS AND TEXTBOOKS: Russian language: grades 5-9 – UMK M.T. Baranov, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, L.A. Trostentsova “Russian language” - Moscow, “Enlightenment”. 10-11 grade – A.I. Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkova “Russian language” - Moscow, “Enlightenment”. Literature: grades 5-9 – Korovin’s educational complex “Literature” - “Enlightenment”, grade 10 – Yu.V. Lebedev "Russian literature of the 19th century." – “Enlightenment” 11th grade – V.P. Zhuravlev “Russian literature of the 20th century.” - "Enlightenment"

2. Goals: The main goal of my teaching activity is to use the Russian language and literature to promote the formation of an independently thinking personality, capable of adapting to changing living conditions, to develop in students the ability and desire for self-improvement and self-education.

3. To achieve the goal, I set myself the following pedagogical tasks: To improve the forms of organization of educational activities; Use new pedagogical technologies in the educational process; Build individual trajectories of student personality development through a system of personality-oriented monitoring, including studying the dynamics and forecasting the child’s progress in the zone of proximal development; Involve each student in an active cognitive process, and not passive acquisition of knowledge, but active cognitive activity; Create conditions for intensive speech development of students in the process of learning their native language; To reveal the creative, intellectual, moral potential of each student, taking into account the multi-level training of students, involving them in research work on the subject, participation in competitions and olympiads; prepare for admission and study at universities and other educational institutions. Instill the skills of: independent work, effective organization of one’s activities, self-control, objective assessment of the results obtained; To form a sustainable interest in the subject being studied through classroom, extracurricular, and club activities;

4. Publications No. Name of publication Where published 1 Open lesson with a presentation on the topic “N and NN in suffixes of verbal adjectives and passive past participles” “Conversation about N and NN, live exchange of opinions Website of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 3; Site Social network of educators 2 Lesson-travel “Multiple or separate writing NOT with adjectives.” School methodological journal “Creative Search” 3 Methodological development of the event “Festive concert-congratulations on Teacher’s Day” Website Social network of educators http://

5. Public presentation of one’s own experience No. Name of the event Date and place of the event Level 1. Message on the topic “Educational space of the lesson: problems and realities” November-2010 regional 2. Message on the topic “Formation of key competencies” December-2010 school 3. Open lesson Russian language in 7th grade “N and NN in suffixes of verbal adjectives and passive past participles” October-2011 municipal 4. Message on the topic: “Educational space of the Russian language lesson” November-2011 municipal 5. Extra-curricular activity in 11th grade using ICT “Romance about romance” December 2012 municipal

6. PARTICIPATION OF STUDENTS IN EDUCATIONAL AND RESEARCH CONFERENCES, COMPETITIONS, OLYMPIADS No. Academic year Name of event F.I. student Class Result 1. 2010-2011 Municipal round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language Blokhina Anastasia 10 Prize-winner 2. 2010-2011 All-Russian competition “Cognition and Creativity”. Blokhina Anastasia 10 Winner 3. 2011-2012 Municipal tour of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language Zamaratskaya Anastasia 9 Winner 4. 2011-2012 Municipal round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language Blokhina Anastasia 11 Prize-winner 5. 2011-2012 Moon initial round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian language Tarasova Ksenia 7 Winner 6. 2011-2012 Regional round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language Anastasia Zamaratskaya 9 Participant

7. Level of training in Russian language

8. Level of training in literature

9. Results of final certification of graduates

10. Extracurricular activities Elective and optional courses “Fundamentals of speech culture”, “Speaking and writing correctly”, “The art of rhetoric and discussion”, “The art of mastering words”.

11. Theme of self-education Teaching the Russian language in 5th grade at the stage of transition to the second generation Federal State Educational Standard. Analysis of modern programs and textbooks (textbooks as a means of developing students’ literacy: potential, shortcomings, ways to eliminate them). Objectives: * study methodological and scientific literature on the issue; * use the computer and the Internet for self-realization; * attend the events of your colleagues and take part in the exchange of experience; * conduct introspection and self-assessment of your own activities.

Center for Scientific and Methodological Support of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC IIPCRO We are the first! Order of the Ministry of Education of the Irkutsk Region dated May 21, 2012 No. 640-mr “On pilot sites for the advanced introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for basic general education” MKOU Secondary School No. 3

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Seryakova Irina Ivanovna Teacher of Russian language and literature, Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 2, Inza There are so many roads on earth, Different streets and alleys, For me, one is dearer The eternal path to the hearts of children!

I made my professional choice a long time ago, during my school years. The reason for this was probably the respect for the teaching profession and the image of the school where I studied. My teachers left an indelible mark on my soul: first teacher Galina Vasilievna and class teacher Sarbaeva Maria Rashidovna. I thank them very much for awakening goodness in their students, teaching them to work, think, and create. Having entered the Ulyanovsk Pedagogical University in 1991, I was interested in the achievements of scientific thought and spent a lot of time reading books. A competent methodologist taught us methods and techniques for working with students. Using these methods today in class helps me create an atmosphere of trust, efficiency, creativity, and a good psychological climate in the class.

It all starts with childhood. Man begins with childhood. Any child can be raised to be a kind, sympathetic, honest person. It is in childhood that the sowing of good occurs. But only years later it will be clear whether the seeds of good were similar, or whether the weeds of evil destroyed them. “Being kind is noble. But showing others how to be kind is even nobler, and not so troublesome,” wrote M. Twain Photo with class

WORK DAYS I began my work biography at Inzen school No. 2 in 1999. 1999 – 2009 – counselor From September 1, 2009, she continued her career as a teacher of Russian language and literature. The walls of this school have become home to me.

Reflecting on my path in life, I understand perfectly well that I cannot draw the line where my work ends and my personal life begins. Probably, this is my road, calling and leading to the happiness of teaching work, to endless life in the souls of my students. I don't work as a teacher, I am a teacher. I like being a teacher. Many years ago I made my choice, and I still think it’s right. As a child, I dreamed of standing at the blackboard and opening up new horizons and new perspectives for children. I often played out these situations with my girlfriends. I desperately wanted to become an adult as quickly as possible, get a specialty and go back to school. And now my dream has come true, all my childhood “lessons” have come true... I have been working at school for many years. I know this work firsthand. In any matter, I try to look at the root, Otherwise, success will not come.

One of my favorite writers L.N. Tolstoy wrote: “If a teacher has only love for the work, he will be a good teacher. If a teacher has only love for the student, like a father, like a mother, he will be better than the teacher who has read all the books, but has no love for the work, "Nor to the students. If a teacher combines love for his work and for his students, and has read many books, he is a perfect teacher." Of course, I am far from being a perfect teacher, this is an ideal that everyone should strive for, but I am proud that I am a teacher, that I love my profession, my students, my family, life in all its manifestations, I try not to stop there, constantly move forward and learn something new. I sincerely believe that teachers can be loved, schools can be loved, tears at graduation ceremonies can be real, gratitude can be sincere; the lessons are ones that people take pleasure in, that are clear and interesting, and the children feel calm and comfortable, and the advice is the kind that is followed and expected. I hope that my students will be strong, kind, fair, self-confident; striving for their goals while maintaining their human dignity. They were creative, had their own opinion and knew how to defend it, while respecting the opinion of others, that they would become not only smarter, more educated, but also wiser. What kind of person do I want to be? Various. Lively, interesting to others, confident in her need for her loved ones, not afraid to admit her mistakes, honest, first of all, with herself, able to surprise and inspire, and most importantly, happy. To carry goodness, to teach goodness, to achieve a goal through difficulties, to serve truth with love - I call this wisdom. A. V. Elisov

To this day, that flame burns in me, the flame that was lit so many years ago in the soul of a very child, the sparks of which I carefully give into the hands of each of my students. And they are so different: calm, daring, sincere, restless, but so necessary. And I accept them as they are. I want to help them, to be aware of all events, to experience joy and sorrow, to feel the closeness of the child. I always think: who are my students? How will they grow up? What will our country be like? After all, the Future depends on what values ​​are important to them, what ideals they will profess. Having worked at school for 12 years, I came to the conclusion that the lesson should not be a burden for children, but arouse their interest and bring joy. A friendly psychological atmosphere in the classroom is a prerequisite for the creative self-realization of students. You must always work with full dedication, sparing no effort. Success never comes to those who work half-heartedly. To lead, you must lead yourself, without stopping in this movement for a single day.

Increasing the level of qualifications during the inter-certification period. Certification Certification September 2012 Refresher courses September 2009 September 2007

year year year Participation in testing "Porcupine" - 2010 2011 Publications on websites - 2010 2011 Speeches at pedagogical seminars 2009 2010 2011 Master Classes 2009 2010 2011 Participation in the competition "Russian Bear Cub" 2009 2010 2011 Participation in a local history conference 2 009 2010 - Presentation of experience work, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, innovative systems and methods of training and education

Unified State Examination 2010 Unified State Examination results in Russian language Average score 4.1

Results of the Unified State Examination of grade 11 in the Russian language (2010) Results of the State Examination of grade 9 “A” in the Russian language (2012)

Work with gifted children Form of work Individual Age of students 8-10 grades Frequency Weekly Results Students annually become winners and prize-winners of regional Olympiads in the Russian language

2010 2009 2011 Achievements of students Podlipaeva Anna Winner of the regional Olympiad in the Russian language Podlipaeva Anna winner of the regional Olympiad in the Russian language Gladkova Daria winner of the regional Olympiad in the Russian language

2010 2009 2011 My achievements 1 Place in the region in the local history quiz “My Goncharov” Text Text

The profession of a teacher is not easy, but I have never once regretted that I chose this profession. There are many difficulties in this work, but to be able to overcome them and then see the results of my work gives me joy.

I want my students not to go to school, but to run. To do this, you don’t need much - to see and appreciate the personality in each child and try to help each child find his place in life. My goal is to light a sparkle in the eyes of every child

The light we have lit will not go out!

Don't get used to miracles! Marvel at them, marvel at them! Don't get used to heaven! Stretch your eyes towards them. Look closely at the clouds, Look closely at the birds, Take a nap at the springs - Nothing will happen again! Moment by moment, hour by hour Fall into surprise. Everything will be like this and everything will be wrong in one moment! Teacher - that sounds proud!




MAOU "Secondary general education"

private school No. 10, Zlatoust

My hobbies -





Education : higher education, Faculty of Russian Language and Literature, Magnitogorsk Pedagogical Institute (1975-1979)

Job title : teacher of Russian language literature, MAOU Secondary School No. 10 with in-depth study of a foreign language

Teaching experience: 35 years old

Work experience in this institution: 15 years

My hobbies






I am a member of communities :

  • head of the methodological

association of teachers of Russian language and literature MAOU "Secondary School No. 10";

  • member of the methodological association

GMO teachers;

- member of the expert group for checking the work of the State Academic Inspectorate and certification of teachers

Themes of my



Various forms of work in preparing students for final certification


technologies in Russian language and literature lessons

ICT in the work of school education and classroom


  • I am working on the topic of self-education “Diverse special forms of work in preparing students for final certification"
  • This allows you to completely collect all the necessary materials for the lesson, and then demonstrate them in the required sequence on a computer monitor, repeat everything learned in the middle level and practice them using various forms of presenting the material: the use of computer technology, involving the students themselves in making presentations and accumulating them in the database. In the process of working on a presentation, students try to take information by coming up with their own examples or using works studied in literature lessons. This work is seen especially well in elective classes in the Russian language and in preparation lessons for the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam: each student, at the beginning of the course, chooses a topic for himself and works on it during the elective course, and then defends it in the last classes with the help of a presentation.

ICT in my lessons :

- checking the quality of knowledge using simulators;

- preparing and conducting lessons with

using multimedia


  • use of interactive visual aids


- various forms of independent research work of students using Internet resources

Work efficiency

1. Absolute academic performance in Russian language and literature is 100%; high-quality in the Russian language for the last 3 years - 70%, in literature - 80%

2. The rating of students based on the Unified State Examination results in 2007 was 64.4b. , in 2008 - 70.5 points, in 2010 - 70.5 points, which is 15% higher than regional indicators, 2nd place in the city. In 2007, student Khazhipova A., in 2014 Baryev D. received 100 points for the exam

3. Every year, students become prize-winners in competitions at the municipal level

4. By participating in the International Olympiad of the Urals Federal District in the Russian language, they become diploma winners

5. Over the past three years, students of grades 5 and 6 took 1st, 2nd, 3rd places and annually first team places in the All-Russian Heuristic Distance Olympiad “Eidos”

Achievements of students in extracurricular activities

1. Every year, students of different classes take an active part in the city competition “Literary Calendar”, becoming winners and prize-winners.

2. The theater holds a city competition “I love the theater” - in it my students are awarded first places.

3. The “Golden Wings” competition has become traditional in our city. Many of my students’ works were included in the city collection under the same name.

4. We also take part in the “Chrysostom’s Literacy” competition. We have excellent results.

Extracurricular work on the subject: my olympiads

Classroom teacher

I am the class teacher of 11 "A". There is student self-government in the class under the leadership of the headman. Children from the first grade studied in the folklore ensemble “Kolyadki” under the direction of V.A. Fakhrutdinova. Every year we took part in various competitions and won prizes.

  • In the class, together with the parent committee, three social projects are working: 1. Let's bow to those great years (visiting veterans and helping them)
  • 2. Ecology of the native land (greening the school grounds, getting to know the surroundings of the native land)
  • 2. Key to understanding (joint activities to help regulate relationships between parents and children)
  • 3. “Scarlet Sails” (a newspaper is published once a term, where students raise and solve pressing problems)

Dissemination of teaching experience

Speeches at GMO meetings:

  • Application of computer technologies in Russian language and literature lessons (2010)

Speeches at methodological councils:

  • Self-generalization of experience (teacher courses - 2007)
  • Work with gifted children within the framework of the Scientific and Practical Conference (2009)

Speeches at city meetings:

  • Exchange of experience in preparing students for final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam (2010)

Speeches at SMO meetings:

  • Difficulties in working with gifted children (2011)
  • Features of preparing part “C” of the Unified State Exam in Russian (2012)




Open lessons using ICT

programs (2010)

Difficulties in working


students for the Unified State Exam

Speeches at meetings of the ShMO summarizing work experience


Workshop “Preparation for the Unified State Exam”



"Open class"

Holiday "Key to Understanding"

Lesson in 6th grade “Possessive adjectives”

Development of literature lessons to prepare students for the Unified State Exam

Extracurricular activities

The work of ShMO teachers is awarded annually with GMO certificates






My work consists of:

Working with the class

Methodological work

Main directions of educational work

Morally- aesthetic

Sports and recreation

Civil patriotic



Injury prevention



and dependent conditions

  • Internet materials.
  • Own materials.

Thank you

  • Teachers of Russian language and literature

  • Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 19 of the city district

  • "City of Yakutsk"

  • Alekseeva

  • Nadezhda Vasilievna

  • Section 1. General information about the teacher

  • Section 2. Results of teaching activities

  • Section 3. Scientific and methodological activities

  • Section 5. “Educational and material base”

  • Year and date of birth: 1960, December 5

  • Job title: teacher of Russian language and literature

  • Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 19 GO "City of Yakutsk"

  • Education: higher education, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology, 1985.

  • Applicant for the Department of Professional Pedagogy, Psychology and Educational Management, PI YSU

  • UPD: highest category, 2005

  • Total work experience: 26 years

  • Teaching experience: 24 years

  • Work experience in this institution: 21 years old

  • Development and education for not a single person

  • cannot be given or communicated.

  • Anyone who wants to join them,

  • must achieve this on our own

  • forces, own tension.

  • A.Disterweg

  • There are two main components of a Teacher - skill and personality. The value of a teacher lies not only in the fact that he transfers the knowledge accumulated in a certain area to students, but his role is also personally formative. Only a deeply professional person can form a personality.

  • What should a teacher be like? To be a teacher means to master the methodology and technology of the pedagogical process. The closer the methodology and our direct communication with children are, the more fruitful the educational activities will become. Being a teacher means constantly looking for ways to solve the problems of teaching and upbringing in the most complete, successful, accurate, and sometimes skillful way. Here it is important to be able to immediately and correctly resolve complex pedagogical situations, to have a pedagogical flair, to be able to manage the pedagogical process without coercion, with ease, to be in it a simple, ordinary, but necessary and loved person for children, instilling in them joy, care, confidence and optimism .

    For a modern schoolchild, it is important not only what knowledge he has, but whether he is capable of acquiring new knowledge, whether he can reason, draw independent conclusions, fantasize, and search for the necessary information using various means. The impact of a book on a schoolchild is determined by the nature of the interaction of the senses, since “the perception of art should begin with feelings, it should go through it, without it it is impossible.”

    Based on the aesthetic perception of the book, aesthetic ideas, aesthetic standards, and aesthetic feelings are formed, which allow children to carry out an aesthetic assessment of objects and phenomena of reality, the products of their creative activity. Thus, we can say that specially organized communication with a book accumulates the aesthetic experience gained by students, and this experience is reflected in it, which allows us to judge the level of aesthetic education and development of children through the means of books, about their information culture.

Self-education topic:

  • Self-education topic: Formation of information culture among students in literature lessons

  • Relevance of the topic:

  • - formation of skills in using various information resources;

  • -the need to prepare schoolchildren to quickly perceive and process large amounts of information;

  • - the role of books and Internet resources in the intellectual, aesthetic and emotional development of a schoolchild.

  • Goal of the work: Explore pedagogical conditions that ensure students master information culture through books and Internet resources

  • Tasks:

  • - to trace the dynamics of the development of views on the problem of information culture of the individual and consider its current state in pedagogical theory and practice;

  • - to determine the structural and functional components of the student’s information culture, the patterns and principles of its formation, the criteria and levels of its formation;

  • - to identify and justify the set of pedagogical conditions under which the book acts as an effective means of developing the information culture of schoolchildren;

  • -to develop scientific and methodological recommendations for organizing work with books and Internet resources as a means of forming the information culture of the subject of the educational process of a schoolchild.

  • Stages and directions of work:

  • 1.Diagnostic. Diagnostic and analytical direction. The problem of diagnosing interest in a book as a medium of information. Beginning of OER.

  • 2.Prognostic. Design and forecasting direction. Identification of students’ levels of readiness to communicate with a book.

  • 3.Practical. Practice-oriented direction. Conducting open lessons. Publications.

  • 4. Generalizing. Ascertaining direction. Research results. Results of the OER. Creation of an abstract.

  • 5.Introduction. Scientific and methodological direction. Introduction of proven methods of using books and Internet resources as a means of developing an information culture among students.

  • Planned result:

  • - determine the structure of the student’s IC, criteria and levels of its formation;

  • - to reveal the pedagogical possibilities of books and Internet resources in the development of a student’s IC;

  • -development of a program for mastering information technology by schoolchildren will help in the search for new pedagogical solutions;

  • -materials of the scientific and methodological manual will help teachers in mastering ways to increase IC in schoolchildren

    In modern conditions, due to the exceptional complexity of production and social problems, the amount of information required to solve them increases enormously and cannot be provided without new information technology - computers, communication tools and systems. The book, as a traditional source of information, occupies a strong place in the system of communication means. Undoubtedly, all NIT are dynamic, but the book is static, and this is rather its advantage. The book is initially focused on the individual, on personal perception. Communication with a book is a process that requires intellectual effort, and therefore contributes to the development of personality and the formation of individual (non-mass) consciousness. “The question of obtaining information,” writes Samartsev O.A., “now is not a question of its availability, and not even a question of form, but only the ability to select and perceive it, to separate what is needed from the “background”, but in essence - a question of purpose and facilities". The above once again confirms the relevance of the formation of a student’s information culture through mastering various sources of information.

  • A book is a powerful communicative, informational and expressive system. It focuses the harmonious unity of various functions, which determine its significance as a means of information. The book as a synthesis of the arts is a powerful source of children's intellectual development.

  • Properly organized communication with a book leads to the fact that the student begins to experience pleasure from meeting an unfamiliar or familiar book, he has a desire to communicate with it independently, a desire to participate in theatrical productions, poetry recitations, riddle competitions, and his own little stories and fairy tales appear.

  • The general pattern of the perception process is selectivity in relation to the source of knowledge. That is why it is necessary to ensure that the student is familiar with various media, to form a certain attitude towards sources of knowledge, to teach how to obtain information using available means, and to help resolve their information needs and requests. Solving these problems requires special work to educate students about information culture. And it needs to start from early childhood. One way is to present a book to a child as a source of varied information and a means of solving information needs. I support the point of view of Vorobyov G.G. that a computer display is only good in combination with an ordinary book. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that of all the modern sources of information we have considered, the book is the most accessible means for the child. In the literature I have studied, there are no references to the negative impact of books on the mental and physical health of children, while modern media not only have a positive effect on the child, but also carry negative consequences. All this convinces us that before a child masters a computer and other new information technologies, a book and the ability to obtain the necessary information to solve his information needs should take its rightful place in his life.

  • 2003 - Insignia “370 years of Yakutia with Russia” (certificate No. 002437);

  • 2005 – “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)” (certificate No. 05-540);

  • 2005 – Letter of Gratitude from the Administration of the Yakutsk City Hall in connection with the 65th anniversary of the city’s methodological service; 2007 – Letter of gratitude from the State Assembly (IL TUMAN) of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia):

  • 2005 – Certificate of Honor from the District Administration of the State Municipality “Yakutsk” for many years of conscientious work in the education and upbringing of the younger generation and in connection with the 60th anniversary of the Victory of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45;

  • 2006 - Certificate of Honor from the Educational Institution of the State Educational Institution "Yakutsk" for the successful performance of students at the 2nd Scientific and Production Complex;

  • 2006 - Gratitude from the District Administration of the State Municipality “Yakutsk” for preparing the laureates of the Republican competition “My letter will save a friend”;

  • 2007 – Certificate of honor from the Educational Institution of the District Administration of the State Municipality “Yakutsk” for many years of conscientious work in the education and upbringing of the younger generation and in connection with the 20th anniversary of the founding of the school;

  • 2005-2008 - Letters of gratitude from the educational institution

  • 2009 - Certificate of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal Agency for Education;


Results of control sections

  • Results of control sections

  • In recent years, I have trained and released 3 silver medalists: 2000 - Vyacheslav Kostromin, 2007 - Nadya Tsygankova, 2008. - Vinokurova Anna.

    My students show a high level of academic performance and quality. This is confirmed by control sections, tests and exams. The results of exams in Russian language and literature in grades 9-11 show 100% academic performance with 73%-83% quality. Enrollment rate of my students in universities: 2005-61%; 2007-71%; 2008-73%. My graduates study not only in universities in Yakutsk, but also in Central Universities of Russia and abroad: Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk, Czech Republic, Vancouver (Canada), Milwaukee (USA), London. My graduates completed language internships in Malta and London. My graduates are candidates of economic, legal and medical sciences.

  • The results of the Unified State Exam from 2004 to 2008 in the Russian language remain quite stable: 100% academic performance with 62-66.6% quality.

    In my work I use the curriculum of basic general education in the Russian language (5-9 grades). class) edited by V.Ya. Korovina, V.P. Polukhin, approved by the Ministry of Defense and Science of the Russian Federation, according to the standards of the 2nd generation of 2007. These programs contribute to the development of communicative, linguistic and cultural competencies by students. I combine both traditional and non-standard forms of teaching, actively using elements of new pedagogical technologies, advanced methods and training systems for innovative teachers: Yu.S. Mezhenko, V.F. Shatalov, V.G. Marantsman, L.S. Aizerman, Kapinos. I am exploring I.I. Arkin’s proven methodology for problem-based learning. I adapt scientific ideas taking into account the characteristics of students. I introduce developing teaching methods: block presentation of material, reference tables, multi-level training, algorithms. I use forms of training aimed at developing collective support for everyone’s creative efforts (work in pairs, groups, seminars, workshops, colloquiums, reflection lessons, travel lessons, integrated lessons). Various forms of control: self-control, mutual control, differentiated and advanced tasks, testing - contribute to high-quality training.

  • - Problem-based research technologies;

  • - Technology of emotional and value stimulation;

  • - Dialogue technologies;

  • - Information and communication;

  • - Design;

  • - Technology of pedagogical workshops;

  • - Technology of gradual formation of skills;

  • - Gaming;

  • - Technology of differentiated learning;

  • - CSR

  • They contribute to mastering the most important general subject skills and universal methods of activity, extracting information from other sources, information processing of text, mastering the fundamentals of linguistics, the system of its key concepts, phenomena and facts.

    In 2008 made a presentation on her scientific and methodological topic “Formation of information culture among students in literature lessons” at the 2nd All-Russian scientific and practical conference with international participation “Current problems of functioning, teaching and studying the Russian language and literature in modern conditions” and at the V city ​​gathering of creatively working teachers “Development of the education system in the capital through improving the professional competence of teachers and quality education and upbringing.” Abstracts from the report on the methodological topic were published in the materials of the 2nd All-Russian Scientific and Production Complex with international participation.

  • Performances within the framework of city, republican events and at the All-Russian level through seminars, scientific and scientific training, forums, rallies, pedagogical readings, fundamental and problem-based courses:

  • 2005 – at the republican IPCRO seminar among course participants on the topic: Advanced pedagogical experience as a result of a teacher’s creative search” on the problem of “Health-saving activities at school”; at the republican scientific and industrial complex “Innovative technologies for teaching English in secondary schools”; at in-person city pedagogical readings; 2005 – participated in the republican seminar-meeting “Profile training in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): regulatory framework, final certification of 9th grade graduates in a new form”; as well as in the work of the republican seminar-meeting “Profile training in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia): intermediate results of the experiment and prospects for further development”; in the work of the republican scientific and industrial complex “Unified State Examination as a scientific and pedagogical problem” with a report in the section “Unified State Examination and educational and methodological support”;

  • 2006 - within the framework of the IV city gathering of creatively working teachers “Yakutsk is famous for its teachers”, she presented the school’s business card. The school was awarded a Diploma of Excellence;

  • 2006 – within the framework of a city seminar for Russian language teachers, she spoke on the topic: “Educating the Reader”;

  • 2007 – as part of a city seminar for deputy. Director for Educational Management “The role of creative associations of teachers in the joint activities of the administration and teachers as a factor of professional growth” made a presentation of the school “Teacher professionalism as the basis for the development of the creative potential of an individual”, in the republican review - competition of international education teachers of foreign languages;

    2007 – in the city correspondence competition for teachers of the humanitarian cycle “Eureka” - the school’s education department was recognized as the best; in the scientific and industrial complex of teachers of the capital “Use of modern information and communication pedagogical technologies in the process of teaching and upbringing” with a presentation at the city review-competition of methodological ideas and skills “Methodological service of educational institutions in the capital”.

  • 2008 - at the 5th meeting of creative teachers “Education for All” in the category “Pedagogical Studio”.

  • As a permanent participant in the educational projects of the First of September publishing house, I am a member of the First of September pedagogical club.

  • My lessons published on the website www.I

  • Within the framework of city and republican seminars, as well as at the All-Russian level, she conducted open lessons:

  • 2006-07 - “Romantic story of first love” (A.S. Green “Scarlet Sails”) - 8th grade. within the framework of the All-Russian festival “Open Lesson” and for teachers of the republic and city. Publication Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Open Lesson”, in the collection of scientific articles (YSU) 2007.

  • 2007-2008 - “Vasya’s Noble Heart.” Lesson-reflection on the story by Yu.Ya. Yakovleva “Knight Vasya” - 6th grade. within the framework of the All-Russian festival “Open Lesson” for teachers of the republic and city. Publication in the interuniversity collection of scientific articles, issue No. 4, 2008 (YSU), in the collection Festival of Pedagogical Ideas “Open Lesson”

  • 2007-2008- Lesson-seminar on the novel “The Sad Detective” by V.P. Astafiev. Humanism of the novel.-11th grade. as part of the All-Russian festival “Open Lesson” and a correspondence city tour for teachers of the republic and city. Publications in the collections of the Yakutsk City District “Literature Lessons Today” and “Open Lesson”.

  • 2008-2009- Speech development lesson in 8th grade. Preparation for a descriptive essay based on the painting “Vision to the Youth Bartholomew” by Nesterov M.V. as part of the All-Russian festival “Open Lesson” and a correspondence city tour for teachers of the republic and city. Publication in the collection “Open Lesson”.

  • 2008-2009- Open lesson “Being Human!” based on the novel “The Scaffold” by Ch. Aitmatov - 6th grade. within the framework of the All-Russian seminar “Formation in the educational environment of conditions for the development of a health-forming school space” for participants in the experimental site for teachers of the republic and city.

Section 4. Extracurricular activities

  • Section 4. Extracurricular activities

  • essay (Letter of warning) within the framework of the republican children's and youth competition-action "My letter will save a friend", 2005-2006, Pavel Ozhegov 9a class., Anya Postnikova 9a class., Anya Vinokurova 9a class. Mokhnachevskaya Kyunney 9a class, Tsygankova Nadya 9a class. – 1st place, teacher: Alekseeva N.V.;

  • Republican competition essay for the 120th anniversary of the library named after. V.G. Belinsky “My Favorite Librarian” (2006), Anya Postnikova, 9a class. - 1st place, teacher: Alekseeva N.V.;

  • essay “No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten” within the framework of the republican competition “Veteran of the Great Patriotic War” for the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory. - (2005) Vaskovskaya V., 11th grade. 1st place, Tsygankova Nadya 9a grade, Anya Vinokurova 8a class Postnikova Anya 8a class - 2-3 places, teacher: Alekseeva N.V.;

  • city ​​drawing competition (2005) “Salute, Victory - 60!” (based on literary material), Mokhnachevskaya Kyunney 8a class. - 3rd place, Lazarev Kostya 9a class - 4th place, teacher: Alekseeva N.V.;

  • All-Russian Festival of research and creative works of students “Portfolio” (2006), Nadya Tsygankova 10a class “Nature in the lyrics of Yakut and Russian poets”, teacher: Alekseeva N.V.;

  • Republican drawing competition for the 120th anniversary of the library named after. V.G. Belinsky “My favorite librarian” (2006), Mokhnachevskaya Kunney 9a class - 1st place, teacher: Alekseeva N.V.;

  • Republican scientific and practical conference of young researchers “Step into the future”. Presentation of the project in Microsoft Power Point “The Life and Work of A.S. Pushkin", Nikita Zaigraev, 10th grade, awarded the Diploma "Erudite-2005", teacher: Alekseeva N.V.;

  • Republican reading competition “Human talent is the wealth of the people”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of D.K. Sivtsev - Suorun Omollona. (2006) Anya Postnikova 9th grade, Anya Vinokurova 9th grade. were awarded valuable prizes and certificates for creative performance. Teacher: Alekseeva N.V.;

  • city ​​competitive essay as part of the preventive campaign “Children” (2006) (on fire safety) - Nadya Tsygankova, 11a class. – I place, teacher: Alekseeva N.V.;

  • 2nd city scientific and training complex “Linguistics for all” (2007):

  • - 2nd place - Tsygankova N. (11a); 3rd place - Postnikova A. (10th grade), 4th place - Ozhegov P. (10th grade).

  • All-Russian festival of research and creative works of students “Portfolio” (2006-2007, 2007-2008): Tsygankova N. (11a); Postnikova A. (11th grade); Ozhegov P. (11th grade).

  • Republican reading competition “With all my heart he sang his land”, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Semyon Danilov and the 85th anniversary of Sofron Danilov (2007) - 1st place (10th grade), Mokhnachevskaya Kunney.

  • Republican recitation competition (2007) “Poets of Pushkin’s era” - 3rd place, Pavel Ozhegov (10th grade).

  • 2007 Republican essay competition dedicated to the 375th anniversary of Yakutia’s entry into the Russian Federation. Anya Postnikova (10th grade) - 2nd place. She was awarded a 2nd degree Diploma and a valuable gift (digital camera). Teacher: Alekseeva N.V.

  • 2007 City essay competition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the birth of the First President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) Nikolaev M.E. Vinokurova Anna (11th grade) - 1st place. She was awarded a 1st degree Diploma and a valuable prize (personal computer). Teacher: Alekseeva N.V.

  • 2008 Republican quiz competition “...And there is nothing sweeter than these eyes!” The image of the mother in literature and art. 3rd place - Diploma, certificate of the Committee for Family and Childhood Affairs under the President of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Katya Kostromina (6th grade).

  • 2008 All-Russian competition “Russian Teddy Bear”. 13th place in the region. Diploma, Katya Kostromina (6th grade).

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