Are there aliens on the moon? The moon could help in the search for aliens

01.07.2017 - admin

The Moon is the closest planet to Earth, and the only astronomical object known today where humans have set foot. The Moon is a planet of many mysteries and incredible hypotheses.

When we look at the Moon, we always see the same side, about 60 percent of its surface - even though the planet rotates on its own axis. This feature of our satellite is caused by the fact that the rotation of the Moon around our planet and around its own axis is synchronized - this is another mystery of our neighbor.

Often the invisible part of the Moon is called the far side of the Moon, or the “dark side of the Moon.” Although the “dark side” is of course a metaphor rather than a reflection of reality, since on average the dark side of the Moon receives as much sunlight as the part of the satellite visible to us.
And yet this is really ““, a territory that has not been visible to humanity for many hundreds of years. What could be happening there, what is hidden in invisibility? — According to conversations in certain circles, there is no better place for aliens to establish bases that are secret from us.

A little history.

Little by little, the mystery of the dark side of the Moon began to lose its mystery in 1959, when the USSR automatic satellite Luna-3, while flying around the satellite, photographed the invisible area. Of course, the first images were rough and of poor quality, but they were able to show the lifeless deserts in the pockmarked craters, as well as on the side facing us.

Subsequent robotic exploration missions such as Lunar Orbiter 4 were able to provide more detailed images of the invisible region of the Moon by 1967. A year later, the Apollo 8 astronauts (Frank Borman, James Lovell and William Anders), flying around the Moon in preparation for the Apollo 11 mission, examined the far side of the satellite through human eyes.

  • Official reports about the expedition are uninteresting and dry - a dead planet whose surface has been plowed by asteroids for billions of years. Television broadcasts provided by the crew from the Moon also showed the gray surface of the planet. Unless this mysterious phrase, which flew from a ship to Earth, is confirmation that Santa Claus exists. - Supposedly this is the code designation of a UFO adopted by NASA.

Today, many photographs show details of the invisible side of the Moon, and topographic maps have been compiled showing the main features of this area. It would seem that in our time the dark side of the Moon has lost a significant part of its secrets and hypotheses. But there is still an opinion that many secrets are hidden in this area of ​​our neighbor, for example, why did the Apollo manned expeditions turn sharply? A number of researchers have a unanimous opinion, the reason for this was one thing: aliens do not want to see humanity on the Moon! They don’t care that we consider the satellite “ours”; they know whose it is, and are ready to defend their rights.

Ufologists' hypothesis about the Moon.

Ufology in general is very sensitive to everything extraterrestrial, and even more so to the Moon - there are a lot of anomalous phenomena there, visible through a telescope. A long-running UFO hunter theory warns that the oldest base of alien observers is located on the far side of the Moon. It is possible that this is not even one base, but a huge laboratory complex for studying all aspects of human life.

It is assumed that they (the aliens) come from some other star system. It is logical to assume that for long-term observations and regular visits to the Earth, they need to have a working base in our system. Naturally, considering this level of the issue, the invisible side of the Moon will be the best place for setting up a secretive outpost. A place where you can not only relax after a flight, but also the closest base to Earth.

To support this hypothesis, the authors of numerous publications about the alien economy on the Moon refer to statements by William Cooper, a former high-ranking American intelligence officer. In 1989, Cooper allegedly said under oath at a special meeting of the UN Space Committee that the American government was aware of alien spacecraft appearing near Earth and was well aware of an alien lunar complex.

Alien base on the far side of the Moon.

Some videos allegedly filmed by Apollo mission crews show details of the alien base. — There are huge mining machines, and nearby there is a large alien ship - most likely a transport transporting the mined goods. In the center of the crater, where all this action takes place, giant towers rise. Of course, all this is extremely suspicious information - for example, the Apollo 8 expedition and the Luna 3 spacecraft did not see any bases on the Moon (at least this is not known). Although, what can you see on the planet from orbit?

By the way, the story of William or Bill Cooper is shrouded in detective mystery. After retiring, from the 90s he described cases of alien presence, about the secret government, about UFOs, about the US treaty with a race of aliens. Many talked about falsification and other speculations on the non-loshy topic. However, there is one “But”, in 2001, Cooper was killed by sheriff’s officers in his home in Arizona - the reason was allegedly tax evasion (it is believed that Cooper started shooting first). Maybe it wasn’t a coincidence, he really knew “something like that”?

Virtual researchers point to the existence of large alien structures on the far side of the Moon. It sounds strange, but it's true, say the researchers - and we get solid evidence of this from NASA satellites.

In 1994, America sent the Clementine satellite to the Moon to obtain detailed photographs of the object under study. However, earlier, in the early 70s, abruptly ending the Apollo program before completion, NASA clearly announced: “The Moon has been studied well enough that it is no longer of interest.” There is no point in spending taxpayers' money on studying the Moon; bases must be built here, and moving forward is not the path to mastering our system and studying deep space. But nevertheless, the Moon continues to be studied no less closely, but now remotely - with the help of satellites.

The Clementine satellite took 1.8 million images during its operation, but only 170,000 images were made available to the public, foreign researchers indicate. And those available were not of the quality that was expected. What happened to the rest of the pictures? - The rest were classified!

But why did both American and Soviet scientists abandon manned flights to the Moon? Moreover, they refused almost simultaneously, as if they had coordinated their actions. Has someone - say, the owners of alien bases - really turned us away?

There are no working alien complexes there,” researchers voice a rare version. No one is mining helium-3, as many assume.

On one of their visits, the Americans discovered destroyed remains and... a cemetery of alien creatures! Assessing the condition of the remains of the buildings, scientists came to the conclusion that the explosion was intentional. Reflecting on the destruction, the cemetery and the warning signs, scientists conclude that there is an unknown epidemic that killed the ancient aliens - which even they, more advanced than our knowledge, could not overcome. Having correctly interpreted all these “signs”, people decide to get away from the Moon, but continue to study remotely.

Paranormal investigators, astral travelers.

Confirmation of the base of an extraterrestrial race on the far side of the Moon, and as a result, proof of the existence of aliens is provided by Ingo Swan, a psychic and a person who knows how to live in the astral field of the Earth. A specialist in astral life (travel to other worlds using thought in a special state of the physical body), Ingo Swan, allegedly worked for the American government and participated in the creation of a program for extrasensory observation in the 70s.

The discovery of 1973 can be cited as an example of his amazing abilities. Then, while making an astral journey to the planet Jupiter, Swan confidently stated that the rings of Jupiter are a gas and dust formation. This was confirmed six years later by Voyager 1, in 1979.
On one of his astral (mental?) journeys to the Moon, Svan, while examining the dark side of the satellite, came across buildings of extraterrestrial origin.

Being in the astral body, the traveler saw high towers in the depths of the crater, from the tip of which came powerful illumination of the crater. As the remote researcher himself spoke about his experience, he was stunned by the realization of the importance and improbability of the fact that a certain civilization had built some kind of structures on the Moon.

Moreover, developing his success, Swan mentally headed into the depths of the alien structure, where he discovered two humanoids, inhabitants of the lunar base. He also realized that the aliens sensed his presence, after which the visit was interrupted, and he himself was “thrown out” from the Moon! - in the sense of his astral spirit.

Return to the Moon.

Most (and maybe all) such stories about secret alien bases on the far side of the moon are fiction - or, well, scary stories around the campfire. The experience of traveling in the astral body is also unprovable, so one can treat its results with great confidence. None of these stories about the Moon have been confirmed. Yes, and cannot find confirmation or refutation until man returns to the surface of the Moon again. But things are not going well with the exploration of the Moon.

The Moon lies on average at a distance of 384 thousand kilometers from the Earth (the centers of the planets), the flight takes less than a week - this is practically a neighboring area. Lunar laboratories and telescopes hold enormous promise—a gigantic scale of space exploration! What about the lunar spaceport? - this is a launch from a planet whose gravitational force is six times less than that of Earth! The resources of the planet also go into the same piggy bank for the exploration of the Moon.

Plans to explore the Moon and create a “Village” of earthlings (settlements) on its surface have been discussed more than once. So, in the spring of 2006, NASA announced the development of a manned expedition to the satellite. The program envisaged landing four astronauts on the dark side of the Moon. They will collect samples, study and search for a place for lunar bases... but the program was postponed to 2015, then for another year - and this is just one example of postponed programs for the development of our closest neighbor.

It’s curious, but what can be found on the Moon, buildings? Spaceships of an alien civilization? Proof that ancient astronauts visited Earth? Returning to the Moon is no guarantee that these issues will be resolved. Even without finding an alien base on the Moon, fans of the “conspiracy theory” can always justify this by the silence of the government, which wants to protect the public from realizing the terrible fact that aliens exist.

Isn’t it true that many people interested in this issue will not be able to visit the Moon? At the same time, some suspect that we will not return to the Moon soon, if at all, skeptics add sadly.

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Why is information about cities on the moon hidden?

There was a time when no one expected that Earth’s cosmic neighbor could puzzle scientists with so many secrets. Many imagined the Moon as a lifeless stone ball covered with craters, and on its surface there were ancient cities, mysterious huge mechanisms and UFO bases.

Why is information about the Moon hidden?

Photographs of UFOs taken by astronauts on lunar expeditions have long been published. Facts suggest that all American flights to the Moon took place under the complete control of aliens. What did the first man on the moon see? Let us recall the words of Neil Armstrong intercepted by American radio amateurs:

Armstrong: "What is this? What the hell is the matter? I would like to know the truth, what is it?”

NASA: "What's happening? Is something wrong?

Armstrong: “There are big objects here, sir! Huge! Oh my God! Here are other spaceships! They are standing on the other side of the crater. They are on the moon and watching us!”

Much later, quite interesting reports appeared in the press, which said that the Americans on the Moon were directly given to understand: the place was occupied, and earthlings had nothing to do here... Allegedly, there were even almost hostile actions on the part of the aliens.

Yes, astronauts Cernan And Schmitt observed a mysterious explosion of the lunar module antenna. One of them transmitted to the command module located in orbit: “Yes, she exploded. Something flew over her just before... it's still..." At this time, another astronaut enters the conversation: "God! I thought we were going to get hit by this... this... just look at this thing!”

After lunar expeditions Wernher von Braun said: “There are extraterrestrial forces that are much stronger than we imagined. I have no right to say anything more about this.”

Apparently, the inhabitants of the Moon did not greet the Earth’s envoys very warmly, since the Apollo program was terminated ahead of schedule, and the three completed ships remained unused. Apparently, the meeting was so cool that both the USA and the USSR forgot about the Moon for decades, as if there was nothing interesting on it.

After the famous panic in the United States in October 1938, the authorities of this country do not risk traumatizing their citizens with messages about the reality of aliens. After all, then, during the radio broadcast of H. Wells’ novel “The War of the Worlds,” thousands of people believed that the Martians had actually attacked the Earth. Some fled the cities in panic, others hid in basements, others built barricades and prepared to repel the invasion of terrible monsters with weapons in their hands...

It is not surprising that all information about aliens on the Moon was classified. As it turned out, not only the presence of aliens on the Earth’s satellite was hidden from the world community, but also the presence on it ruins of ancient cities, mysterious structures and mechanisms.

Ruins of grandiose buildings

October 30, 2007 former head of the NASA Lunar Laboratory Photography Service Ken Johnston and writer Richard Hoagland organized a press conference in Washington, reports of which immediately appeared in all world news channels. And this is not surprising, because it was a sensation that caused the effect of a bomb exploding. Johnston and Hoagland stated that at one time American astronauts discovered on the Moon ruins of ancient cities And artifacts, speaking about the existence on it in the distant past of a certain highly developed civilization.

At the press conference, photographs of objects of clearly artificial origin present on the lunar surface were shown. As Johnston admitted, NASA From lunar photographic materials released into the public domain, all details that could raise suspicion about their artificial origin were removed.

“I saw with my own eyes how in the late 60s NASA employees were ordered to paint over the lunar sky on the negatives,” Johnston recalls. - When I asked: “Why?”, they explained to me: “So as not to mislead the astronauts, because the sky on the Moon is black!”

According to Ken, in a number of photographs, intricate configurations appeared in white stripes against the backdrop of a black sky, which were the ruins of grandiose buildings that once reached several kilometers high.

Of course, if such photographs were made publicly available, inconvenient questions would not be avoided. Richard Hoagland showed reporters a photograph of a grandiose structure - a glass tower, which the Americans called a “castle.” This may be one of the tallest structures discovered on the Moon.

Hoagland made a rather interesting statement: “Both NASA and the Soviet space program separately discovered that we are not alone in the universe. There are ruins on the moon, the legacy of a culture that was much more enlightened than we are now.".

So that the sensation does not become a shock

By the way, in the second half of the 90s a similar briefing on the topic was already held. The official press release then read: “On March 21, 1996, at a briefing at the National Press Club in Washington, NASA scientists and engineers involved in the Moon and Mars exploration programs reported the results of processing the information received. For the first time, the existence of artificial structures and man-made objects on the Moon was announced.”

Of course, already at that briefing, journalists asked why such sensational facts were hidden for so long? Here is the response from one of the NASA employees at the time: “...20 years ago it was difficult to predict how people would react to the message that someone was or is on the Moon in our time. In addition, there were other reasons not related to NASA.".

It's worth noting that NASA appears to have intentionally leaked information about extraterrestrial intelligence on the Moon. Otherwise it is difficult to explain the fact that George Leonard, who published his book There's Someone Else on Our Moon in 1970, wrote it based on numerous photographs he had access to at NASA. It is curious that the entire circulation of his book almost instantly disappeared from store shelves. It is believed that it could have been bought in bulk to prevent the book from becoming widely distributed.

Leonard writes in his book: “We were assured that the Moon was completely lifeless, but the data tells a different story. Decades before the space age, astronomers mapped hundreds of strange “domes,” observed “cities that grow,” and single lights, explosions, and geometric shadows were noticed by both professionals and amateurs.”.

He provides an analysis of numerous photographs in which he was able to distinguish both artificial structures and gigantic mechanisms of amazing size. There is a feeling that the Americans have developed some kind of plan to gradually prepare their population, and humanity as a whole, to the idea that an extraterrestrial civilization has settled on the Moon.

Most likely, this plan even included myth about the lunar scam: well, since the Americans did not fly to the moon, it means that all reports about aliens and cities on the earth’s satellite cannot be considered reliable.

So, first came George Leonard's book, which was not widely read, then the 1996 briefing, which attracted wider attention, and finally the 2007 press conference, which became a worldwide sensation. And this did not lead to any shocks, because there was never an official statement from the American authorities, or even from NASA itself.

Will earthly archaeologists be allowed on the Moon?

Richard Hoagland was lucky enough to obtain photographs taken by Apollo 10 and Apollo 16, in which the Sea of ​​Crisis is clearly visible city. The photographs show towers, spiers, bridges and viaducts. The city is located under a transparent dome, damaged in some places by large meteorites. This dome, like many structures on the Moon, is made of a material that looks like crystal or fiberglass.

Ufologists write that, according to secret research by NASA and the Pentagon, "crystal", from which lunar structures are made, its structure resembles steel, and in terms of strength and durability it has no earthly analogues.

Who created the transparent domes?, lunar cities, “crystal” castles and towers, pyramids, obelisks and other artificial structures, sometimes reaching dimensions of several kilometers?

Some researchers suggest that millions, and perhaps tens of thousands of years ago, the Moon served as a transit base for some extraterrestrial civilization that had its own goals on Earth.

There are other hypotheses. According to one of them, lunar cities were built by a powerful earthly civilization that died as a result of war or a global cataclysm.

Having lost support from Earth, the lunar colony withered away and ceased to exist. Of course, the ruins of lunar cities are of great interest to scientists. Their study could provide answers to many questions related to the ancient history of earthly civilization, and perhaps it would be possible to learn some high technologies.

Alien bases on the Moon. Proof.

There is more and more evidence for the hypothesis of lunar alien bases every year. And new evidence is emerging with increasing speed. However, let's begin to present the essence of the version in order.

Even in ancient China, in the 10th-11th centuries BC, astronomers wrote numerous treatises on the starry sky. However, none of them contains any mention of the Moon. In this regard, it can be assumed that the Earth’s satellite had not yet appeared at that time. Comparing this version with the legend of the Flood, some researchers come to the conclusion that it was the appearance of our current night star in near-Earth orbit that became the root cause of this ancient catastrophe. According to scientists, the first mentions of strange creatures flying to Earth from outer space date back to the historical period associated with the acquisition of the Earth’s natural satellite. One of the confirmations of this hypothesis are the drawings of the ancient Mayan peoples, which depict people descending from the Moon in unusual attire.

In 1968, NASA's Astrophysical Information System released a catalog containing descriptions of about six hundred anomalies on the lunar surface. These include moving unidentified flying objects of various shapes and sizes, lunar craters appearing and disappearing, rainbow mists, the appearance of shadows and flashes of bright light.

And the Russian astronomer Kozyrev managed to record several red flashes on the Moon. Such anomalies were most often recorded in the area of ​​one of the largest craters, the diameter of which is about one hundred kilometers. The crater was named “Alphonse”, it is the most mysterious place on the Moon.

In the 60s of the twentieth century, American astronomer Carl Sagan stated that caves were found in the lunar soil, the shapes and sizes of which suggest that they were created unnaturally. The interior space of the largest cave is about one hundred cubic kilometers.

American astronauts once made it clear that all missions of the Apollo spacecraft from 1968 to 1972 were monitored by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Moreover, cases of contact between aliens and astronauts have been recorded. The aliens communicated with earthlings using a code cipher. The version of the existence of a special cipher was confirmed by Japanese astronomer Kenzahuro Toyoda in 1958. A scientist from the Land of the Rising Sun saw seven huge letters on the surface of the Moon, which disappeared after a few nights. The appearance of these symbols remains unexplained.

And not so long ago, a phrase from American astronaut Neil Armstrong, uttered by him immediately after landing on the moon, was leaked to the press: “Oh, Lord! There are other spaceships here, lined up along the far edge of the crater. They are watching us!

Soviet astrophysicist Joseph Shklovsky believed that the Moon may well be an inactive ship of another civilization. Later, a similar version was proposed by Russian radio astronomer Alexey Arkhipov. He suggested that the Earth's satellite is an alien station created specifically to observe life on our planet.

Researchers, including NASA representatives, say , What world government prohibited informing people about the presence of aliens on the Moon.

However, the existence of photographs depicting various structures and traces of technology on the lunar soil indicates the opposite. Presumably, alien bases are on the far side of the Moon. The lunar kingdoms were witnessed by participants in the Apollo mission.

According to rumors, castles and towers made of transparent material reminiscent of rock crystal, as well as various equipment and vehicles, which leave traces, have been discovered on the far side of the Moon.

Even more amazing discoveries await us. It is not for nothing that the night luminary has seemed mysterious to people since ancient times, and with inexplicable force attracts their attention.

There are alien bases on the moon

The United States recently abandoned the lunar exploration program planned under President Bush. Is the reason for this only the economic crisis and the high cost of the project, or is this refusal due to the fact that the Moon is already occupied and it is simply dangerous for earthlings to try to colonize it?

Mysterious anomalies on the Earth's satellite

Back in 1866, astronomers noticed how one of the large lunar craters suddenly changed its appearance. Before this, a small light gray cloud appeared over the crater. In 1948, a very intense orange flash was seen inside Plato Crater, and in 1955, American scientist McCorkle noticed a bright flash on the Moon that lasted as much as 35 seconds.

On November 3, 1958, Professor I. A. Kozyrev managed to observe a real eruption of a lunar volcano. At that time it was a real sensation, because scientists believed that volcanic processes on the Moon had long ended. In addition to the volcanic eruption, changes in the color of certain areas were also observed on the surface of our planet’s satellite. The most daring researchers have even suggested that the change in color of the lunar surface is associated with the development of primitive vegetation.

Even before the start of studying the Earth’s natural satellite with automatic space stations, astronomers had already observed strange geometrically regular formations on the surface of the Moon. Thus, straight lines were noticed extending from some craters and even connecting them to each other.

Was the Apollo program canceled because of aliens?

It seemed that after the American expeditions there would be no mysteries left on the Moon, because more than a dozen astronauts visited it, directly explored its surface for 80 hours and delivered 400 kg of samples to Earth. However, after the lunar expeditions, the mysteries seem to have only increased. First, not all of the 12 planned lunar landings were carried out. Why? After all, rockets and crews were already available for three more lunar expeditions, which never took place. Secondly, officially unconfirmed information is well known that Americans saw spaceships of an extraterrestrial civilization on the Moon. Thirdly, after the flights to the Moon, American astronauts changed a lot: some turned to religion, others to parapsychology...

In April 1995, I attended a press conference by Edgar Mitchell, a member of the Apollo 14 expedition. Since 1973, he began to study parapsychology and founded an institute to study mental phenomena. Over the years of research, as Mitchell assured journalists, he was convinced that it was possible to bring together science and mystical experience, and consider supernatural phenomena to be completely natural. What could make this man change his destiny so dramatically? Many believe that American astronauts encountered something so incredible on the Moon that it radically changed their worldview. Maybe this incredible thing was the presence of very active activity of another intelligent civilization on the Earth’s satellite?

The same astronaut Mitchell, after returning to Earth, said: “My neck still hurts because I had to constantly turn my head, because we literally felt with our skin that we were not alone there. All that was left was to pray.” After the termination of the lunar program, American rocket designer Wernher von Braun said: “There are extraterrestrial forces on the Moon that are much more powerful than we can imagine, but I have no right to talk about the details.”

Alien lunar bases

In his book “We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon,” American ufologist Fred Steckling presented his evidence of the presence of representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence on the natural satellite of our planet. The ufologist analyzed about 10 thousand photographs of the lunar surface and came to the conclusion that many of them clearly contain artificial objects, and of very impressive size. Steckling writes: “We were assured that the Moon was completely lifeless, but the data tells a different story. Decades before the space age, astronomers mapped hundreds of strange “domes,” observed “cities that grow,” and single lights, explosions, and geometric shadows were noticed by both professionals and amateurs.”

Fred Steckling and his son also managed to conduct personal astronomical observations, during which they observed three cigar-shaped objects in the Archimedes crater, the sizes of which were estimated to be about 20 km long and 5 km wide... The “cigars” remained in the crater for several hours and then disappeared .

In the 1970s, George Leonard's book There's Someone Else on Our Moon was published. In it, using photographs and facts from conversations with participants in NASA's lunar programs, he proves that manifestations of extraterrestrial intelligence are obvious on the Moon. On the surface of our natural satellite there are artificial embankments, geometrically correct formations, towers, giant operating mechanisms, domes, pipelines, bridges and even... inscriptions that are quite visible from space. Moreover, the largest part of strange objects is concentrated on the far side of the Moon, inaccessible for observation from Earth. Apparently, the aliens prefer that observation of their activities be as difficult as possible.

Of particular interest are the giant installations, up to 2 km long, which clearly process lunar soil. Perhaps they contain the answer to the question of what aliens are doing on the Moon. It seems that elementary development of mineral resources and their enrichment is underway. It is quite possible that some of the craters are not of meteorite origin, but of artificial origin - these are simply huge quarries. Giant mechanisms can operate automatically under the supervision of a small number of personnel, and at certain times, “ore transporters” - huge spaceships several kilometers long - arrive to collect the ore. In the 90s, a video was shown on television by a Japanese amateur astronomer, where these huge UFOs were clearly visible maneuvering over the surface of the Moon.

American astronauts and the military spacecraft Clementine took thousands of photographs and videos, thanks to which they were able to identify 44 areas of the Moon where some structures and other anomalous formations are located.

When the next “armada” arrives on the Moon for the mined ore, and with it a group of researchers, there is a sharp intensification of UFO observations on Earth (we are being watched, we are being studied, we are being abducted...), because it has long been noticed that the peaks of observations of flying saucers have a fairly accurate periodicity.

Following the Americans, other participants in the space race stopped talking about their ambitious programs to conquer the Moon. It is possible that they were also convinced that the Moon had been occupied for a long time... So if you want to buy a plot of “land” on the Moon, first think carefully - is it worth your descendants to fight for their property with powerful aliens?

another side of the moon

There is someone else on the Moon, and the excessive activity of this someone frightens the governments of many countries...

Many mysterious phenomena recorded on the surface of the Earth's satellite suggest the incredible: the Moon is an artificially created space base.

In 1968, NASA (US Aerospace Agency) published a catalog of lunar anomalies containing 579 observations made over several centuries. Back in the 18th century, astronomer William Herschel first attracted the attention of scientists to the lights, lines and geometric shapes on the surface of the Moon. Since then, anomalous phenomena on its surface have been observed constantly.

Already in our time, for more than 10 years, systematically observing the Moon using an 800x telescope, the Japanese Yatsuo Mitsushima repeatedly filmed flights of dark objects over different parts of the Moon on a video camera. The materials he obtained are sensational: the diameter of the objects is on average about 20 kilometers, and the speed of movement is about 200 kilometers per second.

In preparation for landing a man on the Moon, a detailed study of its surface was carried out by photographing using spacecraft. NASA specialists received more than 140 thousand photographs. Most of them are of excellent quality, and the optical resolution of the equipment made it possible to detect something on the Moon that we were completely unprepared for. This is why conversations between astronauts from orbiting the Moon were often so emotional. Many newspapers quoted Aldrin Houston as saying:

"What is this? What the hell is the matter? I would like to know what it is? There are big objects here! Huge! Large spaceships. They stand behind the crater, on the opposite side.”

This message in the open channel was never refuted by NASA until the transition to an encrypted one.

George Leonard’s book “There’s Someone Else on Our Moon” is dedicated to the sensational discoveries on the Moon, which, after much censorship delay, was finally published and contained information previously unknown to the general public. Analyzing the images transmitted by Ranger 7 after its safe landing near the crater and taken by astronauts from low orbit during flights of the Moon, the author, like NASA specialists, came to an unequivocal conclusion: there are numerous mechanisms and structures on the surface of the Moon.

According to J. Leonard, most of these huge mechanisms have been destroyed, but others clearly continue to work. Some objects change their shape, disappear or reappear on the slopes or bottom of a crater. The greatest activity is observed on the visible side of the Moon. Thus, in the area of ​​the King crater there is a large number of mechanical devices, called by the author “X-Drones”, since they resemble the shape of the letter “X”. These mile-and-a-half-sized “excavators” mine the slopes of the crater, breaking off rocky soil and throwing it out in a stream to the surface.

J. Leonard believes that a pipeline about three miles long was laid from the ridge of King Crater, the ends of which were covered with identical caps. Similar structures were discovered by the Japanese researcher Mitsui and described in the book “Moon Explorations”. J. Leonard's book contains many impressive descriptions of various mechanisms rising above the surface of the Moon and tracking the movement of the Sun.

“Seven miles from Bulliald, Ranger 7 took unique photographs. The large metal object, partially in the shadow, has a rounded shape, a cylinder and a turret on its top. The cylinder has holes at equal distances from each other. Fog or steam comes out of the turret. Identification marks are visible on the objects.”

Does lunar technological activity have anything to do with UFOs?

Analysis of NASA photographs and some statements by astronauts give an affirmative answer to this question.

J. Leonard quotes astronaut Gordon (Apollo 15): “When we passed 30-40 feet away, there were a lot of objects flying nearby - so white and sparkling, they clearly had an engine.”

American astronauts had code words for Huston in case they discovered something unusual on or near the Moon, for example: "Anibel" means a sparkling fire on or near the Moon, "Barbara" means a structure, "St. Nicholas" means a UFO. . "Anibel" was observed by astronauts in the Sea of ​​Crisis. 2- and 3-story rectangular structures were also discovered here, with the top floor being a similar rectangle, but smaller in size. Sometimes large round holes could be seen at the base of the lower rectangle, arranged in a row at equal distances from each other.

At the bottom of the Copernicus crater there is a structure in the form of a triangle placed on a base. On its side surface one can distinguish signs reminiscent of numbers and geometric shapes. As for the signs, on the surface of the Moon, judging by the photographs, one can find luminous (possibly in the reflected light of the Sun) signs, for example, in the form of blue crosses installed vertically in the ground. Usually the same sign is installed in those places where there are mechanisms united by a single technological function. Thus, blue crosses are installed near the craters in which X-Drones operate. In other places, arrow-shaped signs are visible.

J. Leonard believes that the King crater and its surroundings may be something like the base of another civilization, since it is there that the platforms are located, rising 0.5 miles above the surface. Many are 6 to 10 miles across. It is difficult for us on Earth to imagine structures of this size...

There is more and more evidence for the hypothesis of lunar alien bases every year. And new evidence is emerging with increasing speed. However, let's begin to present the essence of the version in order.

Even in ancient China, in the 10th-11th centuries BC, astronomers wrote numerous treatises on the starry sky. However, none of them contains any mention of the Moon. In this regard, it can be assumed that the Earth’s satellite had not yet appeared at that time. Comparing this version with the legend of the Flood, some researchers come to the conclusion that it was the appearance of our current night star in near-Earth orbit that became the root cause of this ancient catastrophe. According to scientists, the first mentions of strange creatures flying to Earth from outer space date back to the historical period associated with the acquisition of the Earth’s natural satellite. One of the confirmations of this hypothesis are the drawings of the ancient Mayan peoples, which depict people descending from the Moon in unusual attire.

In 1968, NASA's Astrophysical Information System released a catalog containing descriptions of about six hundred anomalies on the lunar surface. These include moving unidentified flying objects of various shapes and sizes, lunar craters appearing and disappearing, rainbow mists, the appearance of shadows and flashes of bright light. And the Russian astronomer Kozyrev managed to record several red flashes on the Moon. Such anomalies were most often recorded in the area of ​​one of the largest craters, the diameter of which is about one hundred kilometers. The crater was named “Alphonse”, it is the most mysterious place on the Moon.

In the 60s of the twentieth century, American astronomer Carl Sagan stated that caves were found in the lunar soil, the shapes and sizes of which suggest that they were created unnaturally. The interior space of the largest cave is about one hundred cubic kilometers. American astronauts once made it clear that all missions of the Apollo spacecraft from 1968 to 1972 were monitored by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations. Moreover, cases of contact between aliens and astronauts have been recorded. The aliens communicated with earthlings using a code cipher. The version of the existence of a special cipher was confirmed by Japanese astronomer Kenzahuro Toyoda in 1958. A scientist from the Land of the Rising Sun saw seven huge letters on the surface of the Moon, which disappeared after a few nights. The appearance of these symbols remains unexplained.

And not so long ago, a phrase from American astronaut Neil Armstrong, uttered by him immediately after landing on the moon, was leaked to the press: “Oh, Lord! There are other spaceships here, lined up along the far edge of the crater. They are watching us! Soviet astrophysicist Joseph Shklovsky believed that the Moon may well be an inactive ship of another civilization. Later, a similar version was proposed by Russian radio astronomer Alexey Arkhipov. He suggested that the Earth's satellite is an alien station created specifically to observe life on our planet.

Researchers, including representatives of NASA, claim that the world government has banned informing people about the presence of aliens on the Moon. However, the existence of photographs depicting various structures and traces of technology on the lunar soil indicates the opposite. Presumably, alien bases are on the far side of the Moon. The lunar kingdoms were witnessed by participants in the Apollo mission. According to rumors, castles and towers made of transparent material reminiscent of rock crystal, as well as various equipment and vehicles, which leave traces, have been discovered on the far side of the Moon.
Even more amazing discoveries await us. It is not for nothing that the night luminary has seemed mysterious to people since ancient times, and with inexplicable force attracts their attention.

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