Find an open speech therapy lesson: sound differentiation. Synopsis of a frontal speech therapy lesson using modern educational technologies “Standing in the Teremok field”

Subject:“Differentiation of sounds [Zh] - [[Ш] in words and sentences.”

Target: learn to distinguish the sounds [F] - [SH] in words and sentences.


Correctional and educational:

1. Learn to differentiate the sounds [zh] and [w] in words and sentences.

2. Develop the ability to highlight words with sounds [zh] and [w].

3. Fix the rule for writing zhi – shi.

4. Learn to compare paronymic words by meaning, sound, and spelling.

5. Learn to work on deformed sentences.

6. Learn to make sentences using diagrams.

Correctional and developmental:

1. develop, enrich and clarify the vocabulary.

2. Develop and activate the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus.

3. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

4. Develop visual perception, memory, attention, thinking.


1. Develop the ability to think about your actions, implement

decisions in accordance with given rules.

2. Develop self-control.

3. Form an emotional focus on obtaining a joint positive result during the game.

4. Form motivation for educational activities.

Equipment: mirrors, Christmas trees, Christmas toys, computer.

Progress of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

Speech therapist: The bell is ringing again.

The lesson begins.

We stood up straight, pulled ourselves up...

And they smiled at each other.

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: And now the one who names the words with the sounds [ZH] and [SH] will sit down.

(Children's answers)

Speech therapist: Sit up straight, put your hands on the desk, your feet should touch the floor.

Articulation gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Now take the mirrors, we will do articulation exercises.

(Children perform the exercise “Fence”, “Pipe”)

Finger gymnastics.

Speech therapist: Now let’s do the “Ball” and “Flag” exercises.

(Children follow the speech therapist and do the exercises.)

Working on poems.

Speech therapist: Now let's read the poem. Which sound occurs most often in the poem?

The toad offered to the toad

Delicious blackberry jam.

Blackberry? - she asked -

Well, then, I guess I’ll eat it!

Children: Sound [F].

Speech therapist: Notice what punctuation marks are found here?

Children: Question mark, exclamation mark, dot, dash.

Speech therapist: Read the poem, don’t forget about the signs.

(Children read)

Speech therapist: Now let's read another poem. Which sound occurs most often in the poem?

Three little mice

In the silence of the night they rustle,

If the cat is suddenly heard,

Then they rustle more quietly.

Children: Sound [Ш].

(Children read)

Speech therapist: Guys, how many of you guessed what sounds we will be working on today?

Children: We will work on the sounds [ZH] and [SH].

    Working on the topic of the lesson.

Speech therapist: Today we will work on the sounds [F]-[W]. The topic of today's lesson: “Differentiation of sounds [F] - [W].”

Speech therapist: Open your notebooks, take pens, write down the date and topic of the lesson.

(Children write down the number and topic in a notebook.)

Speech therapist: Our old friends came to visit us. These are the gnomes ZHIK and CHIC. They brought us many different tasks. We will definitely deal with them.

Now tell me, what is the first sound in the name ZHIK?

Children: Sound [F].

Speech therapist: Now tell me, what is the first sound in the name CHIC?

Children: Sound [Ш].

Speech therapist: Let's characterize the sound [F].

Children: The sound [ZH] is a solid, voiced consonant.

Speech therapist: Let's characterize the sound [Ш].

Children: The sound [Ш] is a hard deaf consonant.

Speech therapist: What do the sounds [Zh-Sh] have in common?

Children: These sounds are consonant and always hard.

Speech therapist: How are the sounds [Zh-Sh] different?

Children: The sound [Zh] is voiced, and the sound [Sh] is unvoiced.

Speech therapist: What letter in the letter represents the sound [Zh]?

Children: The sound [Zh] is indicated in writing by the letter “ZhE”.

Speech therapist: What letter in the letter represents the sound [Ш]?

Children: The sound [Ш] is indicated in writing by the letter “Sha”.

Speech therapist: Our Dwarfs want to play a game with us "Voice-deaf." I will tell you the words, and if you hear [F], you clap your hands, and if you hear the sound [SH], you close your ears. Get ready, let's start...

Speech therapist: You completed this task well, but now there is another test. Who can tell what holiday is coming soon?

Children: New Year!

Speech therapist: Right! It is customary to decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year. Let's help Zhik and Shik decorate the Christmas trees. We’ll hang toys with the sound [Zh] on Zhik’s Christmas tree, and toys with the sound [Sh] on Shik’s Christmas tree.

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree."

(Children take toys out of the bag and hang them on the Christmas trees.)

Speech therapist: Well done!

Here's another task "Sounds, letters call - collect the word."

You must name the first sounds (letters will appear on the screen) and form a word. Make a sentence with the word.

Children: Hat – [Ш], letter “Sha”

Pineapple – [A], letter “A”

Giraffe – [Zh], letter “Zhe”

Wasps - [O], letter "O"

Crane - [K], letter "Ka"


The baby took his first step.

Job above PARONYMS.

Speech therapist: Guys, listen carefully to the sentences and find words that differ in only one sound.

Sasha has a red BALL.

Misha has a strong fever.

Children: BALL-HEAT

Speech therapist:


By sound. In the word BALL - [SH], and in the word HEAT - [F].

By writing. In the word SHAR there is a letter “SHA”, and in the word ZHAR there is a letter “ZhE”.

By value. Ball is... Heat is...

Speech therapist:

The hare has long EARS.

SPANS live in the grass.

Children: EARS

Speech therapist: Well done! Right! Tell me, how do the words differ from each other?


By sound. In the word EARS - [SH], and in the word UZHI - [F]

By writing. In the word USHI there is the letter “SHA”, in the word UZHI there is the letter “ZHE”.

By value. EARS is... PUZZI is...

Speech therapist: That's right, guys!

Words that sound similar but differ in meaning are called paronyms. Repeat.

Children: PARONYMS.

Speech therapist: Now let’s write these words in a notebook.

(Pay attention to the fit, position of the notebook...)

Let's write down the words and underline the letters "sha" and "zhe". Tell me, what kind of pencil do we need?

Children: Blue pencil, because these sounds are always hard.

Physical exercise.

Speech therapist: Now let's play the game " One is many." I will name objects in the singular, and you in the plural.

(Children call words in the plural)

Speech therapist: Who guessed why some syllables are highlighted in red? Tell me, what spelling did you encounter here?

Children: Red is a dangerous color. You can make a mistake.

ZHI-SHI is written with the letter I.

Speech therapist: Guys, let's do the tasks on the cards. Everyone will choose a task (one of 3) and try to complete it.

We work with ZHI and SHI.

Level 1:

Yo .. k, .. r, ..shka, jug..n, pi.., ..t

Level 2:

Nat.. ..wut chi.. and stri.. .

Level 3:

Masha and Misha had mice in their closet.

Charger for eyes

Speech therapist: Well done! Look, the gnomes have prepared riddles for us. But these riddles are not easy; the gnomes encrypted entire sentences in them. Let's look at the diagrams and make sentences based on them (In the first diagram: Masha, tap, pear. In the second diagram: grandmother, balls, socks).

Children: Masha washes the pear.

Grandma knits socks.

Grandmother knits socks from multi-colored yarn.

Speech therapist: Let's write these sentences in a notebook. And he’ll go to the board...

(Work on the board and in notebooks).

We underline the letters with a blue pencil.

Well done! The guys, JIK and SHIK did their homework and made sentences. See if they did everything right?

Zhenya put the scarf in the wool closet.

Let's fix the mistakes.

Children: Zhenya put the wool scarf in the closet.

Speech therapist: The leather bag had a passenger in its hands.

Children: The passenger was holding a leather bag.

Speech therapist: Well done guys, you completed the task.

But again a new test. You need to make sentences using words and pictures. Who will try to do this? (Words given: Shura, collected, and. Pictures: blackberries, gooseberries.

Children: Shura was picking blackberries and gooseberries.

Speech therapist:

Children: Shura - [W], blackberry - [F], gooseberry - [F].

Speech therapist: Let's make up the following sentence (Words are given: nimble, runs, for. Pictures: foal, horse).

Children: A nimble foal runs after a horse.

Speech therapist: Name words with sounds [ZH] and [SH].

Children: Nimble - [W], foal - [F], runs - [F], after the horse - [W].

    Summary of the lesson.

Guys, we completed a lot of tasks today. The gnomes are happy with your work.

Tell me, did you like the lesson?

What did you like most?

What tasks caused difficulties?

How do you feel when you leave class?

Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Differentiation of sounds [Ш] - [Х]”. Goal: To develop skills in differentiating the sounds Ш-З in syllables, words, sentences. Lexical topic “Professions”.


  • To develop skills in differentiating the sounds SH-Zh in syllables, words, sentences.


  • Teach auditory-pronunciation differentiation of the sounds Ш-З in words, sentences, text;
  • consolidate children's knowledge of the sounds and letters Sh-Zh;
  • Expand words knowledge;
  • develop skills in constructing a coherent statement;
  • develop articulatory motor skills:
  • to educate the emotional-volitional and motivational sphere, taking into account the correctional and educational needs of children.


  • subject pictures for each student, cards with words, computer, mirrors, snowflakes, cards with printed letters “Ш”, “Ф”, medals, suns, diagrams.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Teacher: Hello guys! Stand up straight, pull yourself up and, of course, smile. Have a seat.

We have many guests today. I will smile at you, and you will smile at me and our guests. We are calm and kind. We are friendly and affectionate, we are healthy.

Let's take a deep breath through our nose and breathe in freshness, kindness and beauty. And through our mouth we will breathe out all the resentment, anger and grief.

Let's start the lesson.

With the motto: “We listen carefully,
We pronounce it carefully,
Speak calmly, clearly,
So that everyone can understand"

Teacher: Well done, guys!

Tell me what date is today?

What day of the week is it today?

What time of year is it now?

How many spring months are there?

Name the spring months.

Mimic exercise.

Teacher: Now I will show emoticons with different moods, and you must depict one or another mood with facial expressions.

What do these emoticons express? (Slide 1 (a), (b), (c))

Children: Calm. (A)

Children: Sadness. (b)

Children: Joy. (V)

Teacher: In what mood will we continue our lesson?

Children: Happy!

Breathing exercises

Teacher: Spring has come and soon it will drive winter away. And now we will send snowflakes on a long journey, which will come to us again next winter. So, take some snowflakes. (Slide 2) A strong wind came. We blow on the snowflakes strongly (inhale through the nose, shoulders down, exhale through the mouth). Little by little the wind subsides and we blow quietly. A strong wind blew again. We blow strongly, but silently.

Articulation gymnastics.

Self-massage of face and neck.

Children must wash their hands before class. It is advisable to carry out such self-massage before each articulation gymnastics lesson.

We rub our hands and warm them up (rub our palms, clap)
And we wash our face with our warmth (we run our palms over our face from top to bottom)
Rake rakes away all bad thoughts (rake-like movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples)
We rub the ears up and down quickly (rubbing the ears up and down)
We bend them forward, pull them down by the lobes (bending the ears forward, pulling them down)
And then we put our fingers on the cheeks.
We stretch our cheeks to puff up.
We knead our lips to make them smile (we knead our lips: upper and lower)
Now we, ducklings, will stretch our beaks (lips into a tube)
Knead them gently, without touching them with your nails (thumb and index fingers knead both lips)
We lift our cheeks with the corners of our lips (fingers take turns lifting the corners of our mouth)
And you and I give each other a smile.

Teacher: Now we will stretch our tongue.

  • "Smile"
  • "Proboscis"
  • “The tongue is wide-narrow”
  • "Cup"
  • "Painter"
  • "Swing"
  • "Mushroom"

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today in the lesson we will learn to correctly pronounce and distinguish the sounds SH-Zh in words, sentences and text.

III. Work on the topic lesson.

1. Characteristics of the sounds SH-Zh.

Teacher: Pronounce the sound Ш. How are the speech organs located when pronouncing this sound?

Children: The lips are rounded and extended forward, the teeth are close together, the tongue is raised up to the alveoli in the shape of a cup. A strong stream of air.

Teacher: Say the sound Zh. How are the speech organs located now?

Children: The organs of speech are located in the same way, but the vocal folds vibrate, the exhaled stream of air is weaker and the gap between the tip of the tongue and the hard palate is smaller.

Teacher: How are the sounds Ш and Ж similar?

Children: Consonant sounds, always hard.

Teacher: How are they different?

Children: Sh – deaf, Z – voiced.

2. Differentiation of letters.

What letters represent these sounds?

Think about what the letter Z looks like? What does the letter Sh look like?

This letter is wide and looks like a beetle.

And at the same time, it’s like a beetle makes a “buzzing sound.”

What does the letter Sh look like?

To the snake that rustles in the reeds.

Draw these letters on the sand, on your palm, in the air. Draw the letter Z. Lay them out of small objects (for example, mosaics, beads, etc.)

How many letters are there Zh and Sh?

Underline the letter Z in the row of letters:

3. Differentiation zh-sh in words.

1 task.

Read the words. Choose antonyms.

What words are called “antonyms” (words with opposite meanings).


Task 2.

Find words among the letters.


Name it in one word.

What is a profession?

Read the names of professions that contain the sound sh, zh.

Task 3.

Pick up the card with the letter g. If there is a sound w or sh in a word, if in a word we hear the sound sh (by ear).

He writes, plants, plows, sews, guards, stews, plasters, conducts, juggles, dreams.

What question do these words answer?

What part of speech are they?

What do they mean? (actions of people of different professions)

Differentiation zh-sh in a sentence.

Exercise 1.

Fill in the missing letters. (mutual check)

What do you think needs to be done?

What is the rule for missing letters in words?

Journalist Grisha was reporting... He climbed into the depths. How nice... landscape...! There are trees around. Here are the lands... . Here f... . Crawling at... . We are running. Chi flies... What a t...t! Only the noise of the kama...

Task 2.

Read the card. Are these suggestions? Why? (No, because the words are not grammatically related)

Put the words in order and make sentences based on the questions.




Differentiation zh-sh in the text.

Exercise 1.

Look at the story plan using the pictures. (the pictures are cut, they need to be collected and the person must guess what profession these things belong to)

Tell us about your profession. Use the plan on cards.

  1. Name.
  2. What is he doing.
  3. What tools or devices does he use?
  4. Where does it work?



Task 2.

Restoring deformed text.

Suggestions are written on separate cards. After composing the letter from memory.

All professions are important.
All professions are wonderful.
We know that our hands
The Motherland will need them.

IV. Summary of the lesson.

Make a proverb out of words.

He is not good who has a handsome face, but he is good who is good at business.

What did you learn in class?

In what mood will we end our lesson? Choose an emoji that matches your mood.

Novikova S.N., teacher-speech therapist of the Municipal Autonomous Preschool Educational Institution of the Municipal Formation of Nyagan “Kindergarten No. 2 “Fairy Tale”.

Lesson objectives:

  • Corrective
    • clarify the articulation and correct pronunciation of the sounds [w] and [zh];
    • practice comparison, discrimination and correct pronunciation of sounds [w] and [zh] in syllables, words, phrases;
    • practice sound analysis and word synthesis.
  • Developmental
    • develop the ability to select a certain quality of attribute for an object;
    • develop visual attention, thinking skills, coherent speech.
  • Educational
    • cultivate interest and desire to work with computers.


    • Multimedia equipment
    • Table mirror.
    • Didactic game “Smart Train”.
    • Magnetic board.
    • Karinka “Teremok”


  1. Organizing time.
  2. The speech therapist shows the picture “Teremok”.

    What game should we play?

    Game “Teremok” (Children take turns saying the words “There is a Teremok-Teremok in the field, it is neither low nor high, in this little tower the sound ... lives,” name any speech sound and sit on the chairs).

    So we ended up in a clearing near Teremok. Who lives here? (Speech sounds)


    Children, look at the screen, did something happen here? What do you think?

    How to help these sounds get into the tower?

  3. Isolated pronunciation and characteristics of sounds.
  4. Speech therapist. What does the snake song sound like? Hiss (briefly, now for a long time). What does a beetle's song sound like? Buzz (quietly, now loudly).

    Tell us how these songs are made. (Children take turns telling the characteristics of the sounds [SH], [Zh] - the lips are rounded, the tongue rises up, turns into a cup, in the middle of the “cup”, a warm breeze passes, the bell does not work (it works with [g]. Since there is an obstacle in the mouth - the tongue, this means that this sound is consonant and hard).

    How are the sounds similar and different?

  5. Sound analysis and synthesis of words.
  6. Do we need all the sounds? Why? Prove it.

    What happens if the sound [Ш] disappears?

    Pictures appear on the screen: hat, fur coat, mouse, pencil . (The child explains what can come out of these words, and because of this, the object on the screen disappears).

    Similarly with pictures whose names contain the sound [Zh] - toad, giraffe, hedgehog, scissors.

  7. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.
  8. Speech therapist. You told about the sounds, they no longer quarrel and sing songs. Support them, sing with them. (One child pronounces syllables with the sound [Ш], and the second words with the sound [Zh]. Then they change)

  9. Visual gymnastics.
  10. We open our eyes - once,

    And we close our eyes - two,

    Open your eyes wider.

    And now they have closed again,

    Our eyes were rested.

  11. Differentiation in words.

And now the sounds invite you to play “Find the extra object.” Don't forget that the game is offered to you by sounds. Pictures on the screen:

  • Fur coat, shirt, shorts, vest. (Which item is extra? Why? Where in the word vest is there a sound [Zh]?
  • Scissors, pliers, putty knife, hacksaw.
  • Hedgehog, cat, giraffe, foal.
  • spoon, cup, knife, jug.

Speech therapist. Well done. So that the sounds do not quarrel and quickly return to the mansion of speech sounds, we will give them gifts. Guess the riddle and find out what you will give them.

The brothers are ready to visit,
They clung to each other.
And they rushed off on a long journey,
They just left some smoke.

Game “Smart Train”

What train do you think “snake song” should be given? (A train that will carry trailers with objects whose names contain the sound [Ш]).

What about the “bug song”? (child answers).

Don't forget to use signs to make the train beautiful and smart.

Independent work of children on a magnetic board.

Now... tell me about your gift. (The child describes the objects, selecting for them the values ​​of the attribute that will be located above the trailer with this object: for example - a train with the sound [F] will carry carriages with a buzzing beetle, a green toad, iron scissors).

The second child tells his story similarly.

Great. Let's check, have our sounds returned to Teremok? On the slide, the sounds are in Teremka.

  1. Reflection.

What were we doing now?

How did we do it?

Why did we do this?

Topic: Differentiation “F” - “W” in words


  1. Corrective - “Differentiation “F” - “W” in words”
  2. Grammar - “Consonant sounds “ZH” - “SH”, the rule for writing ZH, SHI
  3. Lexical - “Clothing”


  1. Develop the ability to differentiate the sounds “F” - “W” in words
  2. Develop the skill of phonemic analysis and synthesis using words of different sound structures
  3. Activate the subject dictionary on the topic “Clothing”
  4. Develop spatial orientation
  5. Develop fine motor skills

Equipment: object pictures, “pyramids” for characterizing sound, sound rulers, utensils, letters, notebooks, pens.

Lesson plan

I. Organizational moment

II. Main part

1. Exercises to develop spatial orientation
2. Exercises to isolate the common consonant sound in words
3. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson
4. Repetition of sound characteristics
5. Exercise to determine the presence of sounds “Zh”, “Sh” in words
6. Exercise to determine the place of sounds “Zh”, “Sh” in words
7. Development of ordinal sound analysis
8. Combined exercise for the development of fine motor skills and quantitative sound analysis
9. Laying out a diagram of the word “clothes”
10. Clarification of the meaning of the words “right”, “left”, “between”
11. Physical exercise with elements of psycho-gymnastics
12. Game “Find the letters”
13. Reading syllables with simultaneous development of spatial orientation
14. Game “Make no mistake”
15. Copying words into a notebook

III. Lesson summary

Progress of the lesson


Hello guys. I'm very glad to see you in class. Today in class we will

Main part
Development of spatial orientation
Game "Clown"
- Raise your right hand up
- And now the left one.
- Tap your left shoulder with your right hand.
- Now touch the tip of your nose with your left hand. Well done!
- Look at the objects shown on the slide. Name the item in the upper right corner; in the lower left corner; in the lower right corner; in the upper left corner.

Students are presented with a slide with pictures located in the corners
Pictures: giraffe, mice, cat, hedgehogs

Exercise to isolate the common consonant sound in words
- Name the common consonant sound in the words “ski” “toad” “circle”
- Name the common consonant sound in the words “ears” “hut” “porridge”

Sound " AND»

Sound " Sh»

Reporting the topic and purpose of the lesson
- Guys, try to guess what sounds we will distinguish today in class.

Right. The topic of our lesson is “Sounds “F” - “W”. We will learn to distinguish these sounds in words

Sounds "_ AND_» - «_ Sh

Repetition of sound characteristics
F - consonant, voiced, always hard

Ш - consonant, deaf, always hard

Each student has three pyramids, with four sides. On the edges of the pyramids is depicted:

  1. pyramid - red and blue circles
  2. pyramid - bell, crossed out bell
  3. pyramid - stone and grass

Students rotate the pyramids with the desired edge. Thus, they characterize the sounds “_ AND_» - «_ Sh

Reading syllables while raising your hands.
Letters are written under each syllable:
B - raise both hands up,
P - right hand up,
L - left hand up


Slide with syllables

Exercise to determine the presence of sounds “_ AND __» - «_ Sh __" in words: spoon, pear, lilies of the valley, magazine, school, puddle, ball, cup, Zhenya, Dasha

Students, hearing the sound “_” in a word Sh __” fold their hands into a ball (connect their fingertips). If a word contains the sound " AND" depict a beetle: clench your fingers into a fist, spread your index and little fingers apart

An exercise to determine the place of sounds in the names of pictures: car, knife, beetle,

Development of ordinal sound analysis
- What is the sound? AND"in words: knives, mug,
- What is the sound “_” Sh _" in words: frog, bag, noise

Students show the answer using audio rulers.

Exercise to develop fine motor skills of the hands

- We kneaded the dough, we kneaded the dough: we were asked to knead everything thoroughly, but no matter how much we knead and no matter how much we knead, we get lumps again and again.

Determine the number of sounds in words
- Place on your left palm as many peas as there are sounds in the words: ball, heat, pea,

Place on your right palm as many peas as there are sounds in the words:

Students put their hands in containers with peas, make movements simulating the work of their hands when kneading dough and pronounce the text.

Guessing the riddle. Laying out the word diagram
The snake crawled up the tree,
She saved the tree with herself:
When the winds blew,
She warmed the tree.

Students, using sound signs, lay out a diagram of the word

Legs, legs (Show legs one by one)

Where have you been?
We went to the forest to get firewood! (Floods right and left)
Pens, pens, where have you been? (Turn and show hands)
We were chopping wood in the forest. (Hand movements - “Wood splitter”)
Wow, wow, wow, wow!

Game "Guess where the letters are?"
The slide contains an image of one letter “I”, the remaining letters are covered with objects. Children are given the task of guessing where the given letters are located using a hint.
- Letter “_ AND _" is located above and to the right of the letter "I". Find the letter Z
- Letter "__" Sh __" is below and to the left of the letter "I". Tell me what object is the letter “SH” hidden behind?

Read the resulting syllables. Consolidating the rules for writing ZHI, SHI

Students name the object behind which, in their opinion, the given letter is hidden.

Game "Make no mistake"
The slide contains words with missing letters. Students are asked to name the missing letter. Call it in one word.

...ilet, ...uba,, ...orty, pi...ama, ruba...ka

Copying words into a notebook

Summing up the lesson
What did you learn in class?
Which task did you enjoy the most?

State budgetary educational institution of Moscow

compensatory kindergarten No. 1472




open individual speech therapy

classes to develop the pronunciation side of speech

Lesson topic: Differentiation of sounds[f], [w].

Teacher – speech therapist: Galushkina M.V.

Moscow, 2011

Subject: Sound differentiation[f], [w]

Target: Differentiation of sounds [zh] and [sh], preparation of the articulatory apparatus to reproduce the sound [r]



  1. Learn to differentiate the sounds [zh] and[w] in words and sentences;

2) Develop phonemic perception: the ability to distinguish by ear words with sounds [zh] and[w] ;

3) Improve the ability to correctly pronounce one-, two- and three-syllable words with one set of consonants;

4) To develop the skill of syllabic analysis of words;


1) Develop and activate the motor skills of the articulatory apparatus;

2) Develop fine motor skills of the hands;

3) Develop visual perception, memory, attention, thinking.


1) Follow the rules of conduct in class;

2) Cultivate a caring attitude towards handouts.


object pictures for differentiating sounds[g] and [w] in words and sentences;

subject pictures for syllabic analysis of words; large mirror.

Speech material:

1. A number of words for the development of phonemic awareness, differentiation of sounds [zh] and [sh] by ear:

Puck, magazine, cockerel, mop, greed, leather, lamp, giraffe, bed, pathetic, yellow, jug, crane, friendly, school, lemon, bait, bumblebee, rain, cup.

2. Words for differentiating the sounds [zh] and [sh]and work on syllabics
word structure

tummies, belly, ears, help, snowball;

acorns, hat, lilies of the valley, rose hips;

pillow, car, scissors, wardrobe;

snowdrop, beetle, jacket, horse.

3. Suggestions for differentiating the sounds [zh] and [sh]:

There are cherries in a basket. Zhenya is driving a car.

Natasha has delicious blackberries.Our skis are good.

Zhanna has a big flag.

Misha and Masha eat eggplants.

4.Words for syllabic analysis:

shower, vest, bag, skis, fur coat, bucket, helmet, hat.

Plan - outline

Organizing time(creating positive motivation for the activity).

The speech therapist asks riddles.

I caught it on a flower

He held it tightly in his hand.

He buzzes: “I’ll ask without hands,

I’m not made of iron, I’m… (BEETLE)”

That's right, it's a beetle, what sound does the word beetle begin with? ...That's right, with the sound [zh].

Listen to another riddle:

The door opened quietly,

And a mustachioed beast entered.

Sat by the stove, squinting sweetly

And he washed himself with his gray paw.

Who is this? Cat. What sound do I highlight in the word ko w ka? That's right, the sound [w].

What sounds do you think we will play with today?

Yes, we will play with the sounds [w] and [w].

Clarification of articulation. Comparative characteristics of sounds [w] and [g].

Speech therapist. Let's make the sound [w], and now [zh].

How do you think these sounds are similar?

Correctly, when pronouncing these sounds, the lips are extended forward and rounded, there is a distance between the upper and lower teeth, the wide tip of the tongue is “cupped” behind the upper teeth, the lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed to the upper teeth.

Speech therapist. What is the difference? Let's put our palm on the neck and say these sounds again.

When we pronounce the sound [w] - the neck is silent, and when the sound [zh] - it trembles.

Good girl, you and I compared the sounds, and now let’s stretch our fingers a little and play the game “Cat” with you.

Finger gymnastics “Cat”

Look at the cat softly, unclenching its claws, (The child clenches and unclenches his fists)

And she squeezes them quietly, she scares the mouse so much.

The cat walks so quietly that you can’t even hear a squeak (Fingers alternately “say hello”)

Only the mouse doesn’t yawn, it instantly runs away from the cat. (Fingers bounce off each other)

Well done, our fingers have worked hard, and now our tongue will work hard.

Articulation gymnastics:

"Mushroom" “Horse”, “Accordion”, “Motor”.

Visual control by a speech therapist, the use of a large mirror, the child performs exercises aimed at preparing the organs of articulation for pronouncing the sound [r]. The speech therapist gives recommendations to the child.

“Fungus” - you need to smile, show your teeth, suck your wide tongue to the roof of your mouth, open your mouth as wide as possible, so that the leg of the “fungus” stretches. “Horse” - do the “fungus” exercise, open your mouth as much as possible without lifting your tongue from the roof of your mouth. Then click your tongue. “Accordion” - do the “fungus” exercise, open your mouth as much as possible without lifting your tongue from the palate, then close it. “Motor” - The speech therapist asks the child to smile, open his mouth wide and tap the tip of his tongue behind his upper teeth, pronouncing loudly, abruptly, repeatedly, without lowering the tip of his tongue: ddddddd.

Game "Catch the Sound"

Our tongue did a great job. Now look who I have. Cat and beetle. Take the beetle in your right hand and the cat in your left. I will pronounce words with sounds[w] and [f].

If I say a word with the sound [w], you will raise and lower the picture with a cat, and if I say a word with the sound [z], what will you do? Yes, you will raise and lower the picture with the sound [g]. So, let's start:

“Puck, magazine, cockerel, mop, greed, leather, lamp, giraffe, bed, pathetic, yellow, jug, crane, friendly, school, lemon, bait, bumblebee, rain, cup.”

Well done, you did the task well, caught all the words with sounds[w] and [f].

Game "Add a word"

Listen to me carefully. Now I will read you short poems. I'll start a sentence, and you finish it, adding a word that fits.

And Aibolit runs to the hippos,

And pats them on... (tummies).

K. Chukovsky

Lazy red cat

I lay down... (stomach).

And he talked with the snakes, the hare flapping ... (ears)

The beetle fell and could not get up,

He is waiting for someone... (to help him).

S. Marshak

How a little white fell on thin ice... (snowball)

Clinging to the rear tire

The bear is driving... (a car).

Well done, you added all the words to the poem correctly.

A game "The Fourth Wheel"

Now let's play a game with you called "Fourth Wheel"

There are four pictures in front of you, sounds are hidden in the names of these pictures, one of the pictures is extra. You must name each picture, find the extra one and say why it is extra.

So, let's start:

Pictures: snowdrop, beetle, jacket, horse. Which picture is the odd one out, and why?

In the word horse, is the [sh] sound at the beginning, middle or end of the word?

Pictures: acorns, hat, lilies of the valley, rose hips. Which picture is the odd one out, and why?

In the word acorns, is the [zh] sound at the beginning, middle or end of the word?

Pictures: pillow, car, scissors, wardrobe. Which picture is the odd one out, and why?

In the word scissors, is the [zh] sound at the beginning, middle or end of the word?

She completed the task well and found all the unnecessary items.

Game "Finish the sentence"

I will start saying a sentence, and you will finish it with the help of the pictures that I will show you.

In a basket... cherries. Repeat the entire sentence that came out. Right.

Zhenya is driving...a car.Repeat the entire sentence.

Natasha has delicious…blackberries.Repeat the entire sentence.

Our skis are good.Repeat the entire sentence.

Zhanna has a big...flag.Repeat the entire sentence.

Misha and Masha eat...eggplant. Repeat the entire sentence.

Smart girl, she finished and repeated all the sentences correctly.

Game “Divide words into syllables”

Look - this is a cat, this is a beetle. The speech therapist puts pictures on the table. Let's determine how many syllables are in the word cat, how many syllables are in the word beetle. That's right, the word cat has two syllables, and the word beetle has one syllable. Now I will show you pictures. You must look at the picture, name it and determine how many syllables are in the word. If the word has one syllable, you will put the picture next to the beetle, and if there are two syllables, where will you put the picture? That's right, next to the cat.

Let's try.

Shower. How many syllables are in the word soul? Where will you put the picture? Etc.

Words for dividing into syllables: shower, vest, bag, skis, fur coat, ladle, helmet, hat.

Clever girl, she divided all the words correctly into syllables and arranged them correctly, with two syllables near the cat, with one syllable near the beetle.

Summing up the lesson

What sounds did we play with today? How are they similar and how are they different?

What did you do in class today? What games did you play?

Make up words with sound[w], with sound [w].

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