Anthropology and asceticism

The Birth of Democracy in Athens Current Student Knowledge

The Court of Draco Draconian measures and Draco A man named Draco lived in Athens in the 7th century BC. e., belonged to the noble class and...

in detail / 03.05.2024
Wish board: how to design and use it correctly

Greetings, dear readers! Reading this post will most likely help you change your life. Visualization of desires will open to you...

in detail / 29.02.2024
Interactive game English alphabet

2016-05-02 Hello, my dears! Today we are waiting for an interesting lesson “English alphabet for children”, which will also benefit...

in detail / 26.12.2023
How to choose a profession after completing nine grades

The myth about the compulsory nature of higher education has long since become obsolete. The modern employer does not need muslin young ladies and young men who talk smoothly about...

in detail / 14.09.2023
Analysis of “Ionych” Chekhov Ionych analysis of the work briefly

Provincial city S. Doctor Dmitry Ionovich Startsev was appointed to serve in this city. The Turkin family lives here, reputed to be cultured and...

in detail / 04.09.2023
Determination of changes in body momentum

Basic dynamic quantities: force, mass, body impulse, moment of force, angular momentum.

in detail / 13.08.2023
Force is a vector quantity that is...

How to find an arithmetic progression?

in detail / 24.07.2023
Many people have heard about arithmetic progression, but not everyone has a good idea of ​​what it is. In this article we will give the corresponding definition, and...

Story mod large zone

in detail / 01.05.2023
Title: Big Zone Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl "Big Zone" - with this name a new modification developed for the game Stalker Shadow was released...

Three degrees of comparison of adjectives in English: rules of formation, examples

in detail / 12.03.2023
The concept of degrees of comparison In accordance with their general grammatical meaning, qualitative adjectives have two degrees of comparison,...

Individuality is in psychology

in detail / 18.08.2021
One is born as an individual, one becomes an individual, and one defends individuality... This is exactly the phrase we were told in social studies classes in high school...

How to relax after a hard day at work

in detail / 16.02.2021
Maria Soboleva How to relax after work? Rules for recuperation Hard work is certainly a good trait. But for the body to have time...

Hexagram 43 love interpretation

in detail / 23.07.2020
The hexagram 43 in question is a fairly strong symbol, consisting of 5 strong traits and 1 weak one. However, all this does not stop her from carrying...

Unified State Exam date Early period March 20 (Fri) geography, literature March 23 (Mon) Russian language March 27 (Fri) mathematics B, P March 30 (Wed)...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Kim's exam in society

The purpose of the demo version of the Unified State Exam 2018 in social studies is to provide an opportunity to any exam participant and a wide range of...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Which universities have distribution

The research center website presents to your attention a new project - SuperJob University Rating. The purpose of the rating is to evaluate the picture...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Apennines (mountains) Names of the mountains of the Apennine Peninsula

Mountains of Italy The Apennines are a mountain range located in Italy, or rather on the Apennine Peninsula. The Apennine Mountains can...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Structures of the limbic system and neocortex New cortex

So, the area of ​​the cerebral cortex of one human hemisphere is about 800 - 2200 square meters. cm, thickness -- 1.5?5 mm. Most of the bark (2/3)...

in detail / 01.07.2020
How to remove snow in long winter fashion

After the bombs fell, fire consumed the whole world. Over time, its remains were frozen in ice. And then they came... A Long Winter is, in fact, a new game on...

in detail / 29.06.2020