Which universities have distribution. What we thought

The research center website presents to your attention a new project - SuperJob University Rating.

The purpose of the rating is to assess the real employment picture of graduates of Russian universities.

The source of information for constructing the rating is the largest resume database in Russia, a website containing more than a million resumes of Russian specialists. The information base of the portal contains information about graduates of most higher educational institutions in Russia in almost all professions that exist at the present stage of development of the labor market. Two-thirds of the entire database consists of resumes of specialists with completed higher education.

The structure of the consolidated rating is a set of independent ratings for individual segments that characterize the picture of employment and quality of education of graduates of higher educational institutions today, namely:

  • employment rating by specialty;
  • rating of average salaries of university graduates working in their specialty;
  • rating of average salaries of university graduates working outside their specialty;
  • index of variation in salaries of university graduates when changing their specialty.
First of all, we address our rating to future applicants and their parents, that is, directly to those who will soon face a difficult choice - the choice of a profession and a university in which to receive an education. Of course, it is impossible to look into the future, but we hope that our rating, showing the real situation as it has developed for hundreds of thousands of graduates of Russian universities, will become a reliable guide for young professionals.
Rating Employment by specialty Average salary of workers in their specialty (M c) Average salary of workers not in their specialty (M n) Wage Variation Index
A more than 60% over 50,000 rub. over 50,000 rub. the ratio of the average salary of workers not in their specialty to the average salary of workers in their specialty
(IVM= M n )
M c
B 45-60% 40,000 - 50,000 rub. 40,000 - 50,000 rub.
C 30-45% 30,000 - 40,000 rub. 30,000 - 40,000 rub.
D 15-30% 20,000 - 30,000 rub. 20,000 - 30,000 rub.
E less than 15% less than 20,000 rub. less than 20,000 rub.

Attention! The place of the university in the table has nothing to do with the place of the university in the ranking! There is no first place, no second, no third in the ranking.

The SuperJob.ru Research Center presents to your attention a new project - SuperJob University Rating.

Infographics: Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ivoilova

In 2017, universities will recruit more target students than before, and the requirements for them will become stricter. The legislation will be amended so that students who fail to fulfill their obligations will be held accountable. A tripartite agreement will necessarily be concluded with them with the participation of the university and the customer organization that sent the applicant to study.

If a graduate does not fulfill his employment obligations, he will have to pay a fine - no less than the amount spent on his education. This money will go to the regional budget or for socially significant purposes.

Places for students who were accepted through referrals from the regions will now not be available at all universities. Specialties and areas of training for which targeted recruitment can be conducted will be approved by the government. A new mechanism for distributing quotas to regions will also appear. Not all target students will be enrolled in universities, but only those who pass the competition. This is an indispensable condition.

Infographics: Leonid Kuleshov / Irina Ivoilova

Take note

Which universities should I bring the highest Unified State Exam scores to? From 85 to 90 points in each subject will be required to enroll in the areas of “Oriental and African Studies”, “Art Theory”, “International Relations”, “Journalism and Literary Creativity”, “Linguistics and Foreign Languages”, “Political Science”, “Jurisprudence” ", "Economy".

Most of the 100-point students study at MGIMO, MIPT, MEPhI, HSE, St. Petersburg State University, Moscow State University, Moscow State Linguistic University, ITMO University.


Olga Shaporova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Oryol State University of Economics and Trade:

Students named our university among the most comfortable. Why? With us, they can come to any vice-rector for an appointment without any appointment and resolve their issue on the same day. The most conflict situations are usually associated with failure or retaking exams. According to our regulations, you can retake the exam within a year. We always meet students halfway, but in other universities this period can be a month, or the university does not inform students about this at all.

How to choose a good non-state university?

Vladimir Zernov, Chairman of the Association of Non-State Universities of Russia:

If a university promises to teach you for 30-40 thousand rubles a year, don’t believe it. Free cheese only comes in a mousetrap. We encountered this when non-state universities began to close. Students come to a strong university, but it cannot take them. Why? The programs diverge too much, students from weak universities know almost nothing, so many were transferred with the loss of not one, but two or more courses. There are many such examples. In my opinion, the price cannot be less than 120-150 thousand rubles per year.

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