Apennine Mountains on the map. Apennines (mountains) Names of the mountains of the Apennine Peninsula

Mountains of Italy

The Apennines are a mountain range located in Italy, or more precisely on the Apennine Peninsula. The Apennine Mountains can be called the backbone of the peninsula: a mountain range runs along its territories, crossing them exactly in the middle. Thus, the Apennine Peninsula is divided into western and eastern parts.
In fact, the general name of the Apennine Mountains refers to several mountain regions. Thus, in the northern part of the peninsula there are the Ligurian, Tuscan-Emilian, Umbro-Marcian Apennines, the central part of the mountain range is occupied by the Abruzzese Apennines, and in the south you can see the Campanian, Lucanian and Calabrian Apennines. On average, the height of the mountains reaches 1200-1800 meters. The highest point of the Apennine mountain system is Corno Grande (2912 m), which means Great Horn. You can see it in the central part of the mountain range, in the Abruzzo region.
The surrounding nature makes the Apennine Mountains a truly miraculous work of art.
The territories, which extend at low altitudes (about 500-700 m), are actively used for agriculture: vineyards are planted here, lemon and olive trees are grown. At a level of about 900-1000 m, mixed forests grow, which are replaced by coniferous trees a little higher. Closer to the mountain peaks, sun-drenched alpine and subalpine meadows open up. Snow in the Apennine Mountains is found only on the highest mountain of the chain - Corno Grande. Other parts of the Apennines are too low for glacial formations to form there.

Despite its pastoral beauty, the Apennines pose a serious danger to the inhabitants of Italy. The Apennine mountain system is one of the youngest in the world, so seismic activity in the region is very high. One of the last earthquakes occurred in April 2009 in the city of L'Aquile in the Abruzzo region. Then 308 people died, 1,500 residents were injured, according to various sources, from 3 to 11 thousand buildings were destroyed. Moreover, in the Campanian Apennines region in the south peninsula is the legendary volcano Vesuvius, and on the island of Sicily is the volcano Etna, which is a tectonic continuation of the Apennine mountains. Both volcanoes are still considered active, and an eruption can occur at any time. By the way, today Vesuvius is the only active volcano on the entire mainland Europe.
Although the eruption of Vesuvius was a frequent occurrence in the history of the Apennine Peninsula (the last one dates back to 1944), the most famous event occurred in 79 AD. Even after almost 2000 years, this story is chilling: then the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum were hidden under a thick layer of volcanic ash. It is thanks to the ashes that today scientists have the opportunity to see Pompeii and Herculaneum in their original form: all the buildings were protected from moisture and sunlight, and therefore have survived to this day in almost unchanged condition. Today Pompeii is a unique city-museum, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The Apennines are a region where local residents manage to coexist peacefully with nature without harming it. Although minerals are mined in the mountains, and part of the territory is sown or planted with fruit trees, the Italians take care of preserving the local unique flora and fauna. There are several protected areas in the Apennine Mountains, including the famous national parks of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga and Majella.
The main and oldest national park of the Apennine Peninsula - Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise - was opened in 1923 in the Abruzzo Apennines. The rarest species of animals live here. In the park you can meet Marsican brown bears, which live only in Italy. Today, there are only 30-40 individuals of these animals left in the world. Other rare inhabitants of the lands of Abruzzo are Eurasian wolves, the number of which in Europe is about 25 thousand. The park, covering an area of ​​more than 506 km2, is home to approximately 2,000 species of birds, including raptors. For example, goshawks, sparrowhawks, and peregrine falcons are found here. In addition to them, among the inhabitants of the park there are several species of owls and mountain birds.

Located near the city of L'Aquila, the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga park is no less interesting. These lands are home to a huge number of species of animals: deer, chamois, foxes, wild cats. If you are lucky, you can see a unique mountain plant here - the Alpine edelweiss. This is a small flower with velvet fluff on light petals, usually growing in alpine meadows.By the way, it is not necessary to travel through the endless expanses of Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga on foot: there are special paths in the park, so it is quite possible to arrange a horseback ride or ride a bicycle.
Also in the area of ​​the Majella mountain range there is a national park of the same name. Here you can not only enjoy all the diversity and beauty of mountain nature, but also look into the caves open to tourists. Local attractions include Monte Amaro (2,793 m), one of the Majella's highest peaks.
But beautiful mountain views are not all that awaits the traveler in the Apennine Mountains. There are many ancient cities in these parts, interesting for their rich history. Florence is located on the banks of the Arno River in the Tuscan Apennines region. This city is one of the most ancient and art-rich European cultural centers. Visitors to Florence can visit the world-famous Uffizi Gallery, which displays works by Renaissance masters such as Raphael, Giotto and Leonardo da Vinci.
The decoration of the Umbro-Marcian Apennines is the city of Perugia. The charm of this place lies in the beautiful winding streets, the architecture of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, and even earlier periods. One of the city's attractions is the Church of Sant'Angelo, which was probably built in the 5th-6th centuries. In addition, Perugia is known throughout the world for the chocolate products of the local Perugina company. Chocolate festivals are held here every October.

general information

Geographical region of Italy.
Language: Italian.

Currency unit: Euro.

Largest rivers: Arno, Tiber, Enza, Parma, Sangro, Pescara, Volturno.

Largest lakes: Trasiminskoe Bolsena, Bracciano.
Largest cities in the region: Perugia, Florence, Arezzo, L'Aquila.

Volcanoes: Vesuvius.


Area: 84,000 km2.

Average mountain height: 1200-1800 m.
Highest peak: Corno Grande (2912 m).

Length: 1200 km.

Climate and weather

In the valleys: sharply continental.

Average winter temperature: 1ºС
Average summer temperature: 20°C.
Precipitation: 500-3000 mm.


■ National Park of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise;
■ Park Foreste Casentinesi;
■ National Park Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga;
■ Majella National Park;
■ Perugia: Church of Sant'Ercolano, Palace of the Priors;
■ Florence: Uffizi Gallery, Palazzo Pitti;
■ Arezzo: Archaeological Museum.

Curious facts

■ In the Apennines there is the famous Carrara quarry, famous for the quality of the marble mined here. Michelangelo Buonarrotti used Carrara marble in his work, in particular when creating the sculpture "David".
■ The name “Apennines” is believed to be derived from the word Rep, which means “top of the rock” in Celtic.
■ The Italian Apennines have their own analogue on the Moon: mountains with the same name are located near the Sea of ​​Rains.
■ The first to call the mountain range of the Apennine Peninsula the Apennines was the Greek historian Polybius (203-120 BC), the author of the 40-volume historical work “General History”.
■ In the Ligurian Apennines the city of Genoa is located - the largest port in Italy.
■ Despite the water barrier of the Strait of Messina, the Apennine Mountains extend beyond the borders of the Apennine Peninsula, passing into the territory of the island of Sicily.
■ In 1924, the famous Italian film actor Marcello Mastroianni was born in the small village of Fontana Liri in the Apennines.
■ The Apennine Mountains are famous for their lakes. Among the particularly famous are Lake Trasimene and Campotosto.

The Apennine Peninsula, in addition to the peninsula itself, includes the islands of Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica and smaller ones: Lipari, Elba, etc. It includes Italy and the department of France - Corsica. The peninsula is located in the center and has the most pronounced features inherent in the subcontinent.

The configuration of the Apennine Peninsula is of great importance for the formation of natural features: it is narrow (up to 300 km at its widest point) and stretches from north to south for 750 km.

The Apennine Peninsula is characterized by mountainous terrain, and the mountains are low and stretch from north to south.

The axial part is occupied by the ridges of the Apennines - low mountains of Alpine folding (the highest point of Corno is 2914 m). In the north they are common loose rocks of Paleogene age, predominantly clayey. This is associated with the widespread development of landslide relief. To the south, the mountains are composed of limestone, dissected by tectonic faults into steep massifs. This part of the Apennines is characterized by karst formation, and the highest massifs bear traces of ancient glaciation. Karst forms formed by sea activity are common on steep mountain slopes close to the coast in the very south. Continuation of the Apennine structures - Fr. Sicily. The coastal plains along the Tyrrhenian Sea in the north represent the remnants of the ancient Tyrrhenians, which sank under the seas as a result of Neogene rift movements. Volcanic activity along the faults has not stopped even now: numerous are known (Vesuvius, Etna, Stromboli, etc.). Some areas of the coastal plains were formed on lava sheets, and in many places there are outlets of hot water. The mountains of Calabria are formed on fragments of the Tyrrhenides in the same way as the mountainous terrain of Sardinia and Corsica.

The Mediterranean climate is characteristic of the entire peninsula.

Climatic conditions change from north to south: winter temperatures are rising (January averages are from 6-7 ° C to 10-12 ° C), summers are becoming drier (in the three summer months in Naples an average of about 70 mm of precipitation falls, and in Syracuse - only 20 mm). There are climatic differences between the western and eastern parts of the region. In general, the climate in the west is warmer and wetter than in the east. In the Apennines, altitudinal zonation is evident: at the latitude of Rome, summer temperatures exceed 20°C to an altitude of 700-800 m, and in the mountains snow lies from to . On the plains in winter there are short snowfalls and slight frosts associated with the invasion of cold weather in the rear of cyclones. In general, the region is protected from the entry of cold air masses by the Alps. The warmest region of the Apennine Peninsula is the coast of the Ligurian Sea (the so-called Riviera), covered from the north by the Ligurian Apennines. This is one of the most famous resort areas in the world.

The rivers of the Apennine Peninsula are short, have uneven drainage: in the summer they dry out, sometimes completely, and during the winter rains they overflow with water. There are also floods, including catastrophic ones.

The vegetation was poorly preserved. Primary forests have been replaced by shrub formations. This applies to both hard-leaved forests on the plains and broad-leaved or pine mountain forests. There are artificial tree plantations, and plantings of subtropical crops are widespread.

The region stands out for its agroclimatic, land and diverse recreational resources, which attracts a large number of people in need of recreation and treatment, and tourists. The mineral wealth is small. It is necessary to note the presence of valuable building and facing materials, including the famous white Carrara marble. The resources of the seas washing the peninsula are intensively used.

The region has been densely populated for a long time. Its nature has been greatly altered by various economic activities and requires environmental protection measures. Protected areas have been created in the few areas with preserved natural complexes. In the Circeo National Park, organized in 1934, where hilly coastal plains, dunes, lakes, and diverse fauna were protected, in the 70s. XX century areas of complete reserves were allocated with the prohibition of any activity other than scientific. The park is part of the international system of biosphere reserves. There are several other such territories in the region, as well as a number of nature reserves.

Author Irina Bulycheva asked a question in the section Other things about cities and countries

Write the name of the mountains of the Apennine Peninsula and the mountains that protected the peninsula from the north and received the best answer

Answer from Ivan Nezhentsev[active]
The Apennines stretch along the peninsula, in the north the Italian Alps

Answer from Ramzes[guru]
alpiyskie gori

Answer from Vladimir[guru]

Answer from Oleg Orlov[newbie]
where are they now, are they retired?

Answer from Igor Dementyev[active]

Answer from Katya Gorokhova[newbie]
The Apennine Peninsula is one of the largest peninsulas in Europe, located in the south of the continent and washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. The peninsula contains the bulk of Italy, as well as the Republic of San Marino and the theocratic state of the Vatican. The area of ​​the peninsula is 149 thousand km². Length is about 1100 km, width from 130 to 300 km. In the north, the Apennine Peninsula is bounded by the Padanian Plain, in the west it is washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the east by the Adriatic Sea, and in the south by the Ionian Sea.
The peninsula got its name from the Apennine Mountains, which stretch along most of it.
The Apennine Peninsula is characterized by high seismicity, modern mountain building and volcanic activity. Thus, the Stromboli volcano has been active continuously throughout historical time and has been called the “lighthouse of the Tyrrhenian Sea,” and the volcanoes Etna, Vesuvius and others have also erupted repeatedly, leading to massive deaths. Strong earthquakes are a common occurrence on the Apennine Peninsula. It is obvious that the threat of a tsunami constantly looms over the coastal villages of the Apennines. These processes are caused by the global tectonic process of movement of continental plates, when the African continent collides and moves under the plate on which Europe is located as part of Eurasia. Africa is not only moving north, but also turning clockwise. Volcanologists expect a catastrophic eruption of Mount Vesuvius on the shores of the Bay of Naples in the near future with inevitable casualties.

Answer from Daniil Lantsov[newbie]

Answer from Natalya Zhukova[newbie]

Answer from Larisa[active]
The Apennines stretch along the peninsula, in the north the Italian Alps

Answer from Daniil Oleynik[active]

Answer from Andrey Shishlin[newbie]
what exactly are the Alps or the Andes or the Apennines.

Answer from Roman Ponomarev[newbie]

Answer from Dasha Sribna[newbie]

Answer from Yopartan VF[newbie]

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

The Apennine Peninsula is the largest peninsula in Europe, which is located in the south of the continent. It is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean Sea on three sides, and in the North it intersects with the Alpine ridge. The peninsula is mainly home to Italy, as well as some autonomous territories dependent on it. The Apennine Peninsula is a typical example of Mediterranean landscapes and climate. Read about these and other features below.

Geographical position

So, first let's look at where the Apennine Peninsula is located. The well-known “boot” is located in the very south of Europe, in the Mediterranean Sea. In the west it is washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea, in the east by the Adriatic, and in the southeast by the Ionian Sea. The northern part is separated from the mainland by the Padan Plain, immediately followed by the Alpine mountain range. They are the “filter” of most cyclones that pass over the continent. The total area of ​​the peninsula is 149 thousand square kilometers, the maximum length from north to south reaches 1100 km, and from west to east - up to 300 km.


To a large extent, the Apennine Peninsula is a mountainous area. Here is the mountain range of the same name, which covers the entire part of the land and literally goes into the sea with its rocks and cliffs. In the north of the peninsula, the Apennines connect with the Alps. There is no clear boundary between the two mountain ranges, therefore, from a geological point of view, these two massifs are one. It is worth noting that seismic changes are currently taking place in Italy, as a result of which small volcanoes erupt - Stromboli, Etna. The mountain ranges here are covered with dense forests, mostly evergreen. In the south, where the climate becomes especially mild and hot, the rarest species of palms and ferns are found. Due to the fact that the peninsula is covered with mountains, the coastline here is indented. On the shores of the seas there are countless quiet bays, which are an excellent place for a secluded holiday.


Now let's look at the weather conditions the Apennine Peninsula is famous for. The climate here varies from Mediterranean to continental, depending on the latitudinal zone. In coastal areas, weather conditions are mild and gentle. Summer is always warm - up to +30 degrees, and there is no rain. In winter, the humidity level rises and the temperature drops to +8. In the interior of the continent, seasonal differences are significantly greater. Summers here are very dry and hot - above +30, and winters are cold, frosts and snow often occur. The warmest region of the peninsula is considered to be the Riviera, a northern resort area located near the border with France. It is protected from the continent by high mountains, so cold air does not penetrate here.

Inland waters

Far from being the longest and deepest are the inland waters that cover the Apennine Peninsula with their net. The rivers here are mostly short, narrow, completely unsuitable for navigation. The longest and deepest of them is considered to be the Po, which stretches as much as 652 km. It occupies more than a quarter of the length of Italy and flows into the Adriatic Sea basin, as a result of which it forms a delta. The Po has many tributaries that feed it. These are Dora Baltea, Ticino, Adda and many others. Some of them dry out in the summer, but at the end of winter and spring they literally overflow with water, flooding all coastal areas. Another important waterway of the peninsula is the Tiber River, on which the historical city of Rome is located. Its length is 405 kilometers, and, like the Po, it has many tributaries that dry up completely in the summer.

Vegetation of the region

The Apennine Peninsula has a predominantly tropical climate, but due to the vast mountain range, the local flora is very diverse, and its characteristics depend on the specific region. The territories that are located in the interior of the continent, with their landscape, are more reminiscent of continental latitudes. Evergreen oaks, ferns, and many other shrubs and trees grow here. Moreover, in particularly cool regions they often shed their leaves for the winter. Nature changes radically along the sea coast. The climate becomes Mediterranean and the plants become tropical. These are all kinds of palm trees, low-growing tropical shrubs, and huge citrus plantations. It is worth noting that the southernmost regions of Italy are literally planted with orange trees. Many of them are combined into private fields and grown not in the wild, but in domestic ones, taking into account all the rules. It is also important to know that most of the reserves on the Apennine Peninsula are created artificially. Seismic destructive processes here often destroyed the entire flora, so people themselves sowed vast areas with trees and bushes of various types.

Animals, birds and insects

Considering the fact where the Apennine Peninsula is located, what climatic zone it falls on and what features the local topography has, it is easy to imagine what the animal world will be like here. There are extremely few mammals here due to the fact that the natural wooded area has been repeatedly destroyed. Among this species, only mountain goats, chamois, mouflons and rams remain. Small mammals here are also not very diverse - these are just ferrets, hare, hedgehogs and several species of wild cats. The bird fauna here is represented by a much wider range. In the mountain ranges, goshawks, vultures, golden eagles, falcons, eagles and other predatory inhabitants of the heavenly heights are often found. Ducks, swans, geese, herons live closer to bodies of water; of course, seagulls and albatrosses of various species are found along the sea shores. The bird flora in the Alps is considered unique. Hazel grouse, swifts, partridges, wood grouse and many others live here. Despite the fact that the peninsula is located in the tropics, there are few insects here. There are only spiders, centipedes and other arthropods familiar to us.

Political division of the peninsula

Now let's look at the administrative divisions of the Apennine Peninsula. The countries that are located here are exclusively those territories that belong to Italy, which occupies the bulk of these lands. The state stretches from the southern border of the Alps and ends on the island of Sicily. Within its borders there is a country with a special status - the Vatican. It is also the smallest on the planet. Also in the western part of the peninsula is San Marino. This is another tiny country that has more of a sacred meaning for the Catholic world than a political one. In fact, it is a republic of Italy.


The Apennine Peninsula is a unique place on earth. Despite the fact that it lies in the tropical zone, the weather here is incredibly varied. Most of this mini-continent is covered with mountain ranges. Among the peaks there are active volcanoes that correct the seismic activity of the region. And in those areas that are close to the shores of the seas, the climate is much milder and more stable than in the latitudinal zone. There is a richer flora and fauna, less sudden temperature changes and higher humidity. That is why the coastal areas of Italy are considered one of the best places for a beach holiday.

Almost 4/5 of the surface of the Apennine Peninsula is occupied by mountains and hills, and less than 1/4 of its area is occupied by the Padana Plain and narrow coastal lowlands.

The basis of the relief is the Apennine mountain system, which crosses the entire length of the Apennine Peninsula and passes to the island of Sicily. The Apennines are one of the youngest mountains on earth. In their length (1500 km) they exceed the Alps, but are much inferior to them in height. Their highest point, Mount Corno, reaches only 2914 m above sea level. The peaks of the Apennines do not reach the snow line and are devoid of eternal snow; only on the eastern slopes of Monte Corno, the only glacier in the Apennines descends to an altitude of 2690 m. In the north, the Apennines stretch along the coast of the Gulf of Genoa, limiting the Padana Plain from the south. The narrow strip between the mountains and the sea is called the Riviera: French - in the west, Italian - in the east. Within the peninsula, the Apennines deviate to the southeast and retreat quite far from the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The entire region is characterized by a predominance of mountainous terrain. Borderlands are almost everywhere formed by fault lines along which recent subsidence has occurred, shaping the modern contours of the coast. The coastline is relatively little dissected.

One of the most characteristic features of the Apennine Peninsula is the widespread development of volcanic and seismic processes, as well as modern land movements, due to the fact that the region is located in the zone of young Alpine folding.

A characteristic feature of the geological structure of the peninsula is the wide distribution of volcanic rocks, which are especially common in Tuscany, Lazio, and Campania.

The only extensive lowland is the Padan Plain, which occupies most of the Po River basin. The remaining lowlands, small in area, stretch along the coasts. The Padan Plain gradually decreases from west to east.

Italy, which occupies the entire Apennine peninsula, is one of the few European countries where earthquakes occur frequently. Often they are catastrophic in nature. In the 20th century Over 150 earthquakes have been registered in the country. The zone of greatest seismic activity occupies Central and Southern Italy. The last strong earthquake occurred in November 1980. It covered a vast territory - 26 thousand square meters. km (from the city of Naples to the city of Potenza).

On the Apennine Peninsula there are volcanoes of different types and in different stages of development. There are both extinct volcanoes (Euganean Hills, Alban Mountains) and active ones (Vesuvius, Stromboli).

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