Visualization techniques for making wishes come true. Wish board: how to design and use it correctly

Greetings, dear readers! Reading this post will most likely help you change your life. You will be able to visualize your desires and how to correctly make your dream come true. This is a controversial and sometimes dangerous practice. But at the same time, it is fully worth the time, effort and risk that the mind takes to achieve its goals, leaving the “comfort zone.”

What is visualization and where did it come from?

Surely sparks of memories of phrases from childhood periodically flicker in your life:

  • “If you want, you don’t want to”;
  • “If you really want to, but you can’t, then you can”;
  • “If you really want something, it will definitely come true.”

These phrases were spoken by your parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, who were also once children and heard similar expressions in their childhood.

These expressions are folk wisdom, the essence of which is true, but there is no clear methodology for their application. In other words, how exactly do you need to want or not want something to actually happen or cease to exist?!

History is silent about this. But when the source of ancient wisdom is not generous in illuminating the details, the theory and practice of scientific research come to the rescue.

Visualization is the process of achieving a goal by changing the state of consciousness without the use of drugs. More succinctly, it is a change in mindset. Man is capable of the “impossible.”

Mental visualization depends on the power of our imagination. The human brain interprets image words by reading them as images. Each of these involves subconscious emotional interpretation and behavioral responses.

Theories about types of visualization of desires

Currently, there are two main types of visualization of desires:

  1. Internationalization.
  2. Open to the outside environment.

Internationalization is the creation of images within the mind. A person cooks up pictures on a mental screen. In this case, the eyes can be either open or closed.

Open to the external environment - visualization of drawings, photographs that are physically located outside of us. Eyes must be open.

Where and how to visualize?

Creating a kind of treasure map will make your dreams come true. This is the power, releasing which a person materializes images, getting what he wants to have. It is possible to use photographs, drawings and paintings, which are placed on the board and used daily for subject visualization. We'll talk about this later.

There is a good and convenient way to visualize while walking outdoors or while doing your daily activities, taking a bath, brushing your teeth, drinking tea or coffee. It is necessary to pay attention to how to turn on the setting or design the dream board in the mind.

There is also receptive visualization, which is activated while watching a performance within the mind, and we act as its director. The process is controlled by us and can be used to resolve various problems.

Student Research

A statistical study of groups of future 3rd year artists showed that those who actively used visualization showed better results in intermediate exams.

Visualization has a beneficial effect on unlocking potential not only in art, but also in other areas of human activity, such as:

  • sport,
  • personnel Management,
  • management of organizations at various levels,
  • teaching,
  • software development and many others.

Goal setting techniques

The ability to set a clear goal is one of the most important stages on the path to mastering the method of shaping events by visualizing dreams. Let's look at some of them:

  • SMART technology by D. Dourden.

The peculiarity of this approach is that goals are set specifically, realistically, with deadlines for achievement. For example, if we work with the dream of “becoming a millionaire,” then the SMART goal will be positioned as follows: “Have a million dollars in open access (liquid funds) by N – date, N – month, N – year.”

  • Mark Allen's goal setting technique.

The first step is to create a one-page description of an ideal happy life. Reread and update this script until your thoughts on paper coincide 100% with your idea of ​​an ideal life. Then you choose up to ten goals that need to be achieved in order for the dream to materialize. Here is a simple setup for achieving goals, brilliant in its simplicity and high efficiency. Read this installation every day – and the result will not be long in coming.

Risks and Consequences of Improper Use of Imaging Techniques

First of all, visualizing desires is dangerous because dreams come true.

At first glance, this is exactly what you would want. But your thoughts are a potentially dangerous force, the use of which will most likely take you out of your comfort zone.

Moreover, the sequence of events will line up independently. And when a hidden event has formed on the subtle plane, in most cases the process is irreversible until you get what you wanted.

How can a dream come true be dangerous? This can happen in the most unexpected way.

Let's look at examples

  • The desire to receive a large amount of money through uncontrolled expansion (if the method is used incorrectly) will come true in the form of the death of a relative and the receipt of an inheritance.
  • A woman’s dream of becoming more desirable to her man can materialize in a break in relations with her husband, divorce, loss of property, or depression. Then will come the stage of awareness and acceptance, spiritual growth and finding new relationships in which the woman will feel most desirable.

The application of this technique to improve quality of life should be carried out in a controlled environment after careful theoretical training and, if possible, with an experienced specialist.

To know how to use wish visualization to achieve your goals, you need to be aware of the risks. Aware means armed.

List of possible problems

Mistrust. Sometimes it is difficult to believe that the impossible is possible, even if the difference between the first and second is the strength of desire or faith.

  • Insufficient detail of desire. This skill can be improved by gaining practical experience.
  • Split attention. Working on your concentration will help solve this problem.
  • Substitution of concepts. The goals you set earlier have now lost their relevance. Visualization of thoughts that takes place only at the level of consciousness, but not at the subconscious level of desires, is doomed to failure.


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I wish you all the best! Bye bye.

In order to finally understand certain things, we sometimes need to hear it a hundred times and under different circumstances. The ten truths we'll talk about today relate to just such things. These are the kind of life lessons that many of us learned many years ago. Yet we are constantly reminded of them because we have never been able to learn them properly.

Friends, today I will try to help all of us, including myself, to realize and remember some things once and for all...

1. Life is quite short.

We know that life is short. We know that death, sooner or later, will come to our doorstep. And yet we seem to be climbing the stairs without thinking about anything. We all rise and rise and... suddenly we stumble and fall down.

We expected there to be another step at the top, but there wasn't one. We lose our balance, and it is at this brief moment that our attention switches to the present. We begin to realize what is happening and what the world is like.

Live your life today! Don't forget about death, but don't be afraid of it either. Be afraid that you won't live the life you could live. Why? Because you are too afraid to take action.

Death is not the main loss in this life. The main loss is everything that you allow to die while you are still alive. Go for it. Be brave. Take action even if you are scared to death.

2. You will only live the life you create.

Yes, others can convince you, but they cannot decide for you. Make sure that the road you choose is truly yours. Make sure it matches your desires and aspirations. When that moment comes, don't be afraid to change your path or start carving out a new path for yourself.

It's better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb to the top of than to be at the top of the ladder that was never yours. Remember this.

Be productive and patient. Tolerance does not mean to wait. Being patient means working hard towards what you believe in while maintaining a positive attitude. This is your life. It consists entirely of your decisions. Don't just talk, but do it. Let your life be a clear example that you have achieved everything you said you would. May success still overtake you.

Even if you only learn one truth in life, let it be this: Taking risks to follow your heart is always worth it. Even if you have no idea where you will end up, be brave. Be brave enough to approach the frontier, beyond which the unknown awaits you. Listen to your heart.

3. Being busy doesn't always mean being productive.

Busyness is not a virtue. Busyness doesn't deserve respect. Yes, we all have crazy days. However, few of us can actually be busy all the time. Many people simply don't know how to live within their means, set priorities, and say “No” when necessary.

Today, being busy doesn't always mean being productive. Just look around. There are many more busy people in the world than productive people. Busy people are always running somewhere and half the time they are always late. They run to work, to conferences, to meetings, to important events... They have almost no time to be with their family. They rarely get enough sleep. They receive new emails every minute and they have a lot of obligations that they must fulfill during the day.

Thanks to their busyness, they feel like super important people. But this is nothing more than an illusion. They are like hamsters that run on their own wheels all day long.

Although busyness makes us feel alive, this feeling is fleeting. It disappears very quickly. One way or another, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, or already on the verge of death, we realize something very important. Let's understand that we would like to spend less time being busy and more time living a life that has meaning.

4. Before achieving success, you always have to face failure.

In most cases, mistakes cannot be avoided. Learn to forgive yourself. Making mistakes is completely natural. Problems only arise if you don't learn from your mistakes.

If you have a very strong fear of failure, you simply won't be able to do what it takes to succeed. You need to come to terms with the fact that you cannot avoid failures along the way.

Do you know how a professional in his field differs from beginners? The professional has fallen many times. He tried and fell much more than a beginner. Every work of art is the result of many failed attempts to create it. The thing is that only the artist himself knows about these failures. We see only the work of art that he managed to create in the end.

What conclusion can be drawn? It's simple. If what you want does not happen now, this does not mean that it will never happen. For things to go right, sometimes it takes things to go wrong first.

5. Thinking and doing are two different things.

Success will not come to you on its own if you sit and only dream about it.

A person's actions speak about him, not his words. Knowledge that is not supported by action has no meaning. The beautiful and wonderful do not happen to those who only dream about it. It happens to those who work hard to achieve their goals.

Ask yourself what is really important to you, what you want in this life. Be brave enough to reshape your life according to your desires.

If you continue to live your life waiting for the moment when you are 100% ready, you will most likely spend your entire life waiting.

6. In order to forgive, it is not necessary to wait for someone to ask you for forgiveness.

When you learn to forgive without hearing someone ask you for forgiveness, your life will become much easier. The main thing is to be grateful for every experience that life gives you. It doesn't matter whether the experience is positive or negative.

It’s worth slowing down and saying: “Thank you life for this lesson.” You need to realize that clinging to past grievances means losing the opportunity to feel happiness today. Remembering old grievances is like putting thoughts in your head that you don’t need at all.

Forgiveness is a kind of promise. A promise you want to keep at all costs. When you forgive someone, you promise yourself that you will not use your past (which cannot be changed) against your present.

To forgive does not mean to justify a person for the wrongdoings he has committed. To forgive means to throw off the burden of resentment and no longer feel like a victim of the past.

7. Some people are just not right for you.

What you achieve in this life also depends on the kind of people you surround yourself with. That is why you need to be brave enough to cut off communication with everyone who is trying to drag you down. You should not try to maintain relationships with those next to whom you do not seem to be a wonderful person, capable of almost anything.

If you feel insecure and begin to doubt yourself, then this person definitely should not be part of your inner circle.

Do you feel like you can't be yourself? Do you feel emotionally drained every time after communication? Are you starting to feel anxious? All this is a reason to think about your social circle.

Listen to your intuition. You already have people who inspire, give energy and strength. That is why there is no point in trying to start relationships with those who simply are not suitable for you.

8. Loving you is not the job of others, it is your task.

Yes, it is important to treat the people around you with kindness and love. It is even more important to treat yourself with kindness and love. In order to achieve anything, you need to learn to love yourself.

Make sure you don't see yourself through the eyes of people who don't value you at all. No matter what they think of you, you must know your worth.

Get started today. Let someone love you for who you are. Let me love you with all your flaws. Let me love you no matter what. Let that “someone” be you.

9. Material possessions do not define you.

Visualization of desires is a well-known technique for materializing what you want in your life. It became popular back in 2006, immediately after the release of the acclaimed film “The Secret,” which revealed the secrets of the Law of Attraction.

Visualization is a vision, that is, a mental representation of the desired object or event in the form of an image or picture on the “inner screen”.

The internal screen is what we see when we close our eyes and begin to mentally imagine something.

An important tool in the “vision technique” is imagination.

The more developed your imagination is, the brighter and clearer you can see the picture of what you want on your mental screen, the faster your desire will come true.

That is why people with a rich imagination quickly achieve their cherished goals.

Well, what about those who have problems with imagination?

You need to train. What Nature did not give, you can and should acquire yourself. Below are the rules and recommendations for successfully visualizing the desired event in your life.

Visualization of desires. Secret rules

These tips will help you learn how to successfully visualize the desired events, objects or people that you would like to see appear in your life.

Rule No. 1 “Formulate correctly”

A correctly formulated desire will be quickly heard by the Universe and accepted for fulfillment. If the goal is vague and imprecise, the chances of its implementation are reduced to zero.

You must know exactly what you want. Formulate your desire right now. Please adhere to the following rules:

  • the desire must be in the present tense
  • do not contain negation and the words “I want”
  • be very specific

Example: “I am receiving a gold ring with a diamond as a gift!”

“I receive” - present tense (not “received” or “will receive”). The ring is “gold”, not silver or something else, with a “diamond”, not a ruby, etc., that is, specifically, with all the details.

Rule #2: “Visualize the end goal”

Your task is to focus on the final result, that is, on the moment when the desire has ALREADY been fulfilled, the goal has ALREADY been achieved, the dream has ALREADY come true.

It is not important to know how and in what way what you dream of will come true. The ways of the Lord are inscrutable, and the Universe is abundant and omnipotent. From above, as they say, it is clearer - exactly how and when to make your desire come true.

Don't limit the Universe! By concentrating only on the final stage, you are saying that you completely trust the Higher Powers.

Fixation on an already completed event activates the Law of Attraction, according to which everything we are currently focused on is attracted to us.

Rule #3 “Be inside, not outside”

An important condition in the visualization technique is to be inside your mental picture. That is, you need to imagine yourself on the internal screen not from the outside, but to be a direct participant in the events.

For example, your desire sounds like this: “I have healthy, young and elastic skin!” (if you want to get rid of, say, cellulite).

In this case, you should see your skin without the “orange peel”, feel it on yourself, touch the smooth surface with your hands. Do not look at yourself from the outside, but be yourself in your vision and see the world around you.

Rule No. 4 “A video is stronger than a picture”

Imaginary mental images are divided into 2 categories - photos and videos.

That is, you can imagine the final goal either as a fixed picture on your mental screen, or as a mini-movie or video.

Fact - the picture works much worse than the video

Your task is to edit a short video clip in your head in which your wish has already been fulfilled. Think of your goal as having been achieved. What will you do, how will you behave? Jump for joy, scream with pleasure or something else?

Give free rein to your imagination; to do this, think about your dream in peace and quiet. It just came true. What would you DO about this? Where are you at? Is there anyone near you? Who will you tell the good news to first?

Include all your ACTIONS in a video about your dream come true. Create a short video called “A Dream Come True!”

Rule #5 “Turn on all your senses”

To fulfill desires you need energy. Everything around us consists of energy, including our desires. In order for what we have planned to “manifest” in the physical world, we need to expend a certain amount of energy.

In other words, you have to pay for your dream. Pay with your energy.

Nothing increases energy levels like emotions! Emotions are the strongest catalyst for the fulfillment of our desires.

When visualizing desires, turn on your emotions to the fullest. Goal achieved! Dream come true! Rejoice, have fun, sing, dance, enjoy! Experience the full range of your emotions!

To do this, connect all your senses. Let your vision, taste, touch, smell and hearing work to realize your intentions.

If the goal is material, touch it in your video. If you can smell it, do it. Look at it up close if possible. Taste it in your imagination.

Turn on the sound in your mini-movie, make it as real and similar to everyday reality as possible.

Then the emotions will “swell” on their own and you won’t have to artificially evoke them. By filling your video with emotions of joy and happiness from the realization of your dreams, saturating it with them, you will significantly bring your long-awaited moment closer.

Rule No. 6 “Repetition is the mother of learning”

Doing visualization a couple of times is not the best way to fulfill your dream. Visualizing desires is a useful habit that you need to acquire or develop. And habits, as we know, are acquired through repetition. Any action repeated 21 to 40 times automatically becomes a habit.

If you want to achieve your dreams, make visualizing your dreams a healthy habit. To do this, scroll through your mental video as often as possible throughout the day, at least twice – in the morning and in the evening.

Morning is the best time to study. We still have a lot of strength, energy and emotions.

In the evening we are already tired, we don’t have the same strength, but just before we go to sleep, our subconscious opens up to the maximum, and we can easily and effortlessly put into it “a story about the fulfillment of a wish.”

Practice visualization throughout the day – whenever possible. She will never be redundant, that's for sure. Remember, the more complex and unrealistic the goal, the more visualizations you will need.

Rule No. 7 “Anchor – Hitch”

To quickly turn on the visualization process, create a special anchor-beacon for your consciousness. To do this, capture one frame from your mini-film. Take a freeze frame like this, the most vivid and memorable one. You can even come up with a name for it.

And at any opportunity, evoke it in your imagination. It starts the “seeing process” automatically.

This anchor in the form of a separate picture is an easy way to distract yourself and return to a positive mood if you suddenly feel sad or overwhelmed with negativity. We remembered the anchor - automatic visualization began - positive emotions began - the mood rose - the dream came closer!

Friends, visualize your dreams, imagine them fulfilled, experience emotions of joy and happiness from their realization!

Remember that visualizing desires is just a step in the technique for fulfilling desires. Powerful, effective, irreplaceable, but just a step. One of several things you need to do to make your dream come true as soon as possible!

An effective wish fulfillment system is simple. Manifesto - Visualization - Transformation - Gratitude. It is suitable for all types of desires. Regardless of what you dream of.

Correct visualization of desires


It's time to decide on your desires, and not rush to everything that causes wild delight in you! Just saying, imagining yourself as a fairy-tale princess: “I want” is critically insufficient. Most likely, you will hear the obvious answer, which will be an echo of your mother’s words in childhood: “You won’t want to.” In order for your wishes to begin to come true, you need to specifically understand what you want. Agree, it is impossible to equally want to have a huge dog in your country house and at the same time go to live in Phuket. We have to choose. To do this, choose a free minute and write down all your desires on a piece of paper, sort them and determine priority. The desire must be voiced in the present tense. For example, not “I want to get married,” but “I’m married.”

Visualization of desires

Once you have decided on your desire, visualize it. How? There are many ways. This could be drawing with pencils or paints on paper, working with a graphics editor, embroidery, clay modeling, writing poetry and texts, singing. Think about which type of creativity suits you, and use it to visualize your own desires.

Visualization rules:

  • identify yourself with the result of your creativity, the drawing and embroidery should depict you, the poems and texts should be about you
  • do creativity in a good mood
  • try to completely immerse yourself in your own desire, do not think about your work issues and household chores during creativity
  • the finished visualization item should always be at your fingertips


How to visualize desires? Don't be afraid to get creative. Even if the last time you held a colored pencil in your hand was in elementary school during art lessons, you’ve never written poetry at all, and embroidery seems like some kind of magic. Buy some inspiring magazines and books, take an art class, or watch instructional videos on YouTube. We are sure you will like it.

Ideas for visualizing desires:

  • meeting a loved one

A picture depicting two people in love will do. Always draw a man in company with a girl, that is, with yourself. Otherwise he will just pass you by.

  • marriage

How to visualize correctly? Draw a picture of a married couple with children. This could be a drawing in the style of a family portrait, a family walk in the park, dinner at the table. The main thing is that the characters depicted look happy and united. You should not draw a wedding, since it does not guarantee a further happy family life. Many couples file for divorce in the first year of marriage.

  • money

Of course, you immediately want to depict a suitcase with money, a huge house on the beach and a luxury car. But no. The best image will be a sketch of an ideal workplace, a stack of signed lucrative contracts and a dozen satisfied clients. Remember, the wish fulfillment system cannot bring prosperity for no reason. It can inspire you to work hard and start your own business, and help you come up with and implement successful ideas.

  • abundance in the family

Take an example from artists who paint luxurious still lifes with food on the table. Just draw not black bread and herring, but expensive products. Jamon and smoked meats from Italy, cheeses from Switzerland, confectionery from Belgium, fresh fruits and vegetables from the local market. Everything should be beautiful and appetizing.

  • weight loss

It's simple. Draw yourself slim. The way you dream of being. And get ready to fulfill your desires after visualization!


Compared to the first and second stages, the third is considered quite difficult: you need to behave as if the wish has already come true.

Do you dream of improving your well-being? Have you heard the saying “Do you want to become rich?” Act like you're rich! How do the rich behave? No, they don't waste money on trifles. They know how to plan a budget, calculate income and expenses. They buy expensive, but high-quality and truly necessary things. They enjoy all the privileges of wealthy clients - systems of discounts and bonuses, special offers. Do you dream of becoming slim? Be sure to prepare a healthy breakfast in the morning, take healthy snacks and lunch with you to work, and have vegetable salads for dinner. Do you dream about your loved one? Don’t be sad, write sweet notes and messages to your virtual lover, mentally declare your love and cook breakfast for two on the weekend.

Don't be afraid to look funny in your own eyes. Leave a serious mood for business negotiations and meetings. The wish fulfillment system works on a subconscious level. It depends on how much you believe in it whether it will work or not.


Be grateful. There is a simple and understandable law of acceptance in the world. According to his interpretation, we must accept everything that happens to us. However, most people deny the desire for a different life. It seems to us that somewhere is better than here. My friend has a good figure, but I have a bad figure. But we don’t take into account how much time and money she spent on going to the gym and regular workouts, mud wraps and massages, and dietary restrictions. The neighbors have a good family, but I don’t. But you don’t know what’s really going on behind the walls of your neighbor’s apartment, do you?

Everything you have is a reflection of your inner state of mind and attitude towards the world around you. To get something good, you need to change your approach. Become kinder and better. Our desires are not just “rosy” dreams. This is the transformation of yourself and your thoughts into reality.

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Every person has desires. Some can be realized instantly, others become cherished, that is, difficult to achieve. Those desires that cannot be achieved easily and quickly turn into goals or dreams. A special technique is used here - visualization of desires. How to visualize correctly so that your wishes come true?

This topic is popular because all people have goals that become unattainable for them. The poor want to get rich, the weak want to become strong. We are talking about desires that require a lot of effort to achieve. And here everyone wants to find a technique that will allow him to achieve what he wants with the least effort.

Visualization of desire is a simple technique that allows you to enjoy your goal, tune yourself in the right way, and become ready to realize it. You shouldn’t exaggerate the importance of this technique too much, saying that you can lie down and do nothing, and everything will become reality. In fact, visualization becomes useful at the stage of finding inspiration and energy for action.

How can you help yourself achieve what you want faster? Use the visualization of desires using the recommendations given in this article.

What is desire visualization?

What is it - visualization of desires? This is a technique for materializing desires into reality or attracting what you want into your life. The main motto: “What a person thinks about is attracted into his life.” This is a mental representation of what you want or replaying in your head a thought, a movie on the topic of what a person would like.

The basis of visualization is imagination. The more developed it is, the better. A person can fully imagine what he wants. Here the details that convey the desired picture, as well as the feeling of desire in all organs, become important. A person must hear smells, sounds, see what he wants, hear, and also touch and feel the surface of his goal.

A wish comes true if a person experiences strong positive emotions regarding what he imagines. Any mixed feelings or conflicting thoughts can prevent you from realizing what you want. The head, emotions and attitude must be clear regarding what one imagines.

When do wishes come true? Why does it happen that you want something, but it doesn’t come true, and when you stop wanting it, it comes true? Or why does it happen that you really want something, but it comes true late and in large quantities?

The energy of your desire does not go away. And if you want something, then it will definitely come true as soon as you gain enough energy for its implementation. But why do there be delays in realizing what you want? This is due both to the insufficient amount of energy for embodiment, and to the internal contradictions that reign within the person himself.

Often the person himself is the root cause of why his desires are not fulfilled. Notice how people usually realize their dreams:

  1. They have a certain desire: “I want this!”
  2. Perhaps the person does not fully understand what exactly he wants. For example, say: “I want to be beautiful!” - means not to say anything. What does it mean to be beautiful? How exactly will it manifest itself? How will it look on a specific person?
  3. A person usually does nothing to make his dream come true. He talks about what he wants, but does not take any steps to make his desire come true.
  4. A person usually doubts: “Do I need this or can I live without it?” A desire cannot come true until a person is sure whether he needs it or not. It's like going shopping but not buying it because you doubted whether you needed the things you wanted to buy or not.

As you can see, a person himself becomes the initiator of the fact that his desires slow down the process of their realization. While you are not sure what you want, while you do not see a clear picture of your desire, while you are inactive, your desires will gain energy and then come true at the most inopportune moment (when you no longer need it). If you want something, then be sure that you need it, have a clear picture of what you want, and take appropriate actions to help fate fulfill your desire as quickly as possible.

Vision board

To understand what you need to achieve, you need to see clear pictures of what you want. If a person does not have a developed imagination or time for visualization, then you can use another technique for achieving goals - a board (or card) for visualizing desires.

Its meaning is simple - a person places pictures, photographs, images and other pictorial representations of what he wants on a flat surface. After which he begins to look at these pictures every day to get inspired, recharge with energy and once again remind himself of what he wants.

If a person does not want other people to see his desires, then you can make an electronic version of the wish board. Find pictures on the Internet that clearly convey a person’s desires, and then view them daily. In this case, you can turn on music, drink your favorite drink, or connect other smells and sounds so that your desires are associated with other attributes. For example, you can twirl a rosary in your hands every time you look at a wish card. As you scroll through your rosary away from home, the experiences that accompany you when looking at your vision board will flash back into your head.

How can a vision board (pictures and images of what you want to manifest in your life) help you achieve your goals? As they say, “if you don’t know where to go, you won’t get anywhere.”

For a goal to become a reality, it is necessary to initially see it already realized when making a wish. How will your goal manifest itself in the real world: what will you see, taste or smell, what shape, color will your goal be? You need to clearly understand how exactly your desire will look in material embodiment.

The pictures that you choose for your vision board are precisely the clear guideline to which you should arrive. You should not just dream about something, but also go towards the goal. And you can come to it only when you understand and clearly see the material embodiment of your desire.

How does a vision board help you achieve your goals? It shows you what you are striving for. You no longer just dream, you see blurry and incomprehensible pictures of your goals, but you understand exactly what you are going towards. This is what makes a dream a goal. A goal is a clear understanding of what you want, which has its own color, shape, brand, number, size, expression in the real world, etc. You understand how your goal will manifest itself in the real world, which will give you confidence that it will be achieved. And the vision board is precisely what shows what your goals are, what they should be in the real world.

The main features of the vision board should be:

  • The pictures clearly convey what a person dreams of.
  • The pictures evoke exclusively positive emotions and inspiration.
  • I want to look at the pictures again and again.

The location of the pictures and photographs does not matter. The plane should become a field for the creativity of a person who himself better understands how it should be. Affirmations that encourage a person, as well as photographs that reflect already achieved success and happy moments in life, will be effective.

Setting a goal is the first step. Now you need inspiration to achieve your goal. Where can I get it?

Making your dreams come true is the goal of almost every person. And if you are one of those lucky people, then follow these guidelines to achieve your goals.

  1. Calm. Externally and internally you need to calm down, calm down, and not worry about anything.
  1. Energy of happiness. We add an inner feeling of happiness to calmness, lift our spirits, and add sincere joy. Outwardly, we remain relaxed and slightly smiling.
  1. Confidence. We achieve a state of mind of complete confidence that what we want will definitely come true. You are sure of it!

You have now created the triune state of leadership. You are a leader, which means you must proceed from the position of “This is how it should be!” Do it!”, and not from the position of the one asking: “I want!”

Once you have achieved the necessary triune state of mind, begin to dream about what you want as if it had already come true. At the same time, experience inner peace, high spirits and confidence that this will definitely come true.

You can work in a similar way with diseases or diseased organs. Instead of a dream, you focus on the sore spot, the organ, and imagine how it functions in a healthy state.

Simoron wish fulfillment

There is a whole school of wish fulfillment that examines various techniques that help with this. This is “Simoron”, which does not mean anything. It's just a word that was made up, like children make up words.

The goal of the Simoron school is to teach people various techniques that will help them realize their desires and change their lives. So, three methods are used:

  1. A method of washing money, when a person does not just bathe in a bath, but imagines that he is immersed in hundred dollar or other bills.
  2. A method of attracting love, when a person, when the kettle on which the inscription “Love” hangs, boils, imagines that his and his partner’s feelings are also hot.
  3. The tying technique allows you to say goodbye to the bad past. On a ribbon, a person writes down his past and ties it. The next day he throws this ribbon in the trash.

All techniques that are used at the Simoron school include a positive self-presentation, positive affirmations (“I am rich!”), as well as a positive attitude towards what is being presented.

Simulating means turning everything upside down, looking at the situation from an unusual side. A good technique here is to name the situation in a way that makes it funny or amusing to you. There is also a ritual of “undoing”, where a person cancels something in his life that he does not like.

The “Magic Notepad” technique is another way to realize what you want. First you need to buy a notebook that will be associated with magic. It must not be shown or given to anyone. Then you need to write down your first easily fulfilled wish. For example, “I am eating watermelon,” then go and buy it to eat. After fulfilling the first wish, you need to thank the Universe by writing “thank you” in a notebook, and then indicate two more wishes that are a little more difficult to fulfill.

The essence of this technique is that a person must believe in the magic of his notebook. After each wish fulfilled, you need to write gratitude to the Universe and identify new goals.

“Miracles from under the bed” is another technique that helps not only get rid of junk, but also understand the reasons for your failures. What does a person have under his bed? If there are a lot of candy wrappers, holey socks and dust, then it is not surprising that his wishes also do not come true. You need to tidy up your room, and put a note under the bed with a wish and an attribute that is associated with the fulfilled goal. For example, if a person is looking for a job, then it is necessary to put a work book and a note with the corresponding desire.

The Magic Mirror allows you to look at yourself every day and remind yourself of your desires.

If you study all the “Simoron” techniques, you will notice that they are all based on a person’s subconscious belief in miracles. All techniques copy magical rituals that could be observed in cartoons or science fiction series. If a person is still interested in supernatural forces, then Simoron techniques are ideal for him.

The main thing is that all desires do not interfere with other people in their fulfillment, do not infringe on their freedom and will. Then everything can be fulfilled.

Bottom line

A person will always want something. This is a completely normal phenomenon when a person strives for something, improves, and tries to achieve goals. This is why various techniques are useful here to help and encourage people in their endeavors. The result is an opportunity to achieve your goal and find happiness.

If something doesn’t work out for a reader of a psychological help website, then let him ask for help. There are many techniques that are ideal for everyone, taking into account their individual abilities.

How to fulfill your desire? Every person who strives to have what they want thinks about this more than once. Someone is looking for various methods of how to stretch their imagination so that the desire comes on its own. Someone begins to meditate all day and night, thinking that the Universe will finally hear him. But none of this works. Why? Because all people live in the real world and there are simple laws in it, by following which you can achieve any goal.

You need to know absolutely exactly what your desire should be. Clearly imagine your desired man/woman, job, salary, house you want to live in, etc. Do not waste your time on other stories that do not correspond to your image of the goal. If you meet people along the way who absolutely do not fit into the image of your desire, then walk past them. There is everything in this world, and from it all you just need to choose what you want to surround yourself with. This doesn't mean that you won't come across something else along the way. However, you must clearly understand what you need to have in your life and what is not worthy of your attention.

The desire quickly comes true when you are absolutely clear about your goal and formulate it in a positive context. Not “what I don’t want” or “what I’m tired of”, but “what I want” and “what I want to achieve.” After all, many people don’t know what they want, and that’s why they don’t succeed. You know what you don't want. What then do you want? You will move away from what currently causes negative emotions in you. But where will you end up? You need to know where to go, so that when you go there, you get rid of what irritates you now.

Your thoughts should work towards your desire. Visualization works very well here. Have a clear picture of what you want. Be in this picture, hear the sounds, smells. Imagine everything in motion so that you understand not only what you want, but how you will live with it.

And the last thing: the material world understands only actions. No matter how much you dream, but while you are lying on the couch and doing nothing, any practice will not help you. You need to go out, find the right people, take some action yourself. Then the Universe (the world) will help you. You don't have to do everything yourself. You just need to start acting, and the world will pick you up, add something of its own, bring it in, and then you will begin to interact with it... And everything will roll off like a snowball. The main thing is that you don’t forget what you want and clearly understand your goal. And then the “snowball” will roll in the right direction.

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