Hexagram 43 love interpretation. Exit

The hexagram 43 in question is a fairly strong symbol, consisting of 5 strong traits and 1 weak one. However, all this does not prevent her from carrying a huge charge of positivity when the accumulated creative potential requires decisive action. And then a breakthrough occurs in consciousness.

Description of hexagram 43 Guai Exit Determination

The book of changes described by the 43rd hexagram is interpreted as a positive symbol - Exit and Determination are combined in it, a similar meaning. But there is always a risk of misinterpretation due to human error, the harshness and rudeness of the individual, bringing resentment into life. Therefore, you should not be stubborn and always be the first to meet someone who is dear to you, helps and loves you.

The loving interpretation of the symbol is due to its name - Determination and Exit. It indicates that the way out of this situation lies precisely in your determination and to preserve your own happiness, you should take everything into your own hands.

If love fortune-telling is carried out on a lonely person, the hexagram gives advice not just to wait for the weather from the sea, but to begin decisive action. If you like another guy or girl, get acquainted first.

If the fortune-telling concerns a person already in a relationship, then the symbol itself indicates that the problems you are currently facing can be resolved quickly and in your favor. But only on condition that you yourself show a certain amount of determination and activity.

Important! Showing a sufficient amount of determination will allow you to find the optimal way out - do not doubt your abilities.

Hexagram meaning

If we look at the symbol itself in more detail, it is worth knowing what each of its component features represents.

  1. The initial nine in the hexagram indicates that if you cannot cope with your difficulties, then you are mistaken. Therefore, you should not do everything rashly - preliminary preparation is important. It is better to choose a management position in a small enterprise than to be a middle manager in a large company.
  2. The second nine indicates that you are sufficiently prepared and you have nothing to fear here - bring your work to its logical conclusion without falling off halfway through the journey.
  3. The third nine in the hexagram is advice from above to show more determination and not stand still, even despite the bad weather. And here it is important not to succumb to temporary pleasures - they come with negative consequences.
  4. The fourth nine says that it is worth working according to your own plan - you can overcome considerable difficulties that cannot be encountered with the cohesive work of a team. But problems can be overcome with good tools in your hands.
  5. Fifth nine - she says that the time has come to get rid of every weed, including unscrupulous partners who deceive you. But now is the time to make changes to the situation.
  6. The top six is ​​the 43rd hexagram and promises a favorable outcome only in the east; in all other respects, trouble follows on your heels.

Important! Sufficient preparation and loyal companions - a favorable outcome is guaranteed.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

The I Ching book interprets this symbol from the position of the canonical text - the road leading to the royal palace, proclaiming the truth, but at the same time you should not take up arms in the daytime. But at night you should control your words and take up arms. If you decide to go out, you should act steadily, but being silent means you will end up with misfortune.

The name of the symbol is translated as guai - exit, and here it is worth choosing decisive actions, dividing everything into two parts, cutting off the old. The figurative symbol series contains a call to act - clearly and clearly, revealing everything hidden. The figurative symbol series is time, indicating to make decisions and move towards the goal. Your inner strength will manifest itself in the actions and decisions of the outside world.


8. The last step on the path of this cycle. Everything that has passed through dissolves in you - it becomes something that you no longer notice as something external. At the same time, you yourself have changed so much that you have become a different person than you previously remembered.
The old personality has already disappeared, now you give yourself a different definition. This stage consolidates what has been passed, finally me you.

Your uncertainty in this matter most likely arose due to the fact that you are trying to look at new things with old eyes. The other option is rather the opposite - you are updated and look at the old stuff in bewilderment.

This is what you have to decide for yourself - who is looking and what is he looking at?

The uniqueness of this hexagram lies only in the fact that there is bewilderment within you associated with the discrepancy between your approach and task.

You could say that in front of you is a door and a bunch of keys - you just need to pick up the key. The question is not how to do this, but to be aware of this particular aspect in a given situation. If you don't see the key, just take a closer look.

You are now in the perfect stage to plant a seed that will grow into something big.

The point of this process is that you have recently acquired a needed skill that is waiting to be applied to a larger endeavor.

It is important not to waste this potential on trifles.

This position is ideal for studying the experience of others, to which you can add your own skill, in order to then create an event that is important for yourself.

This can also be the final stage in personal development - you have mastered something that it’s time to turn it on at full capacity.

Hexagram 34 suggests that you now have a combination of energy and awareness of where it should be directed.

If you are in a negative state of mind, then this is a moment of self-destruction. In this case, it is better to think about completely changing your personality, otherwise it will destroy your body...

If you are now at high vibrations, then turn them to the most important thing in yourself - it will transform in the desired direction very quickly. This is the point of materialization of what you asked about.

Realize the moment that the hexagram is aimed specifically at the focus of the issue, and therefore do not try to solve all the problems at the same time. However, it provides you with additional energy for other events while you hold this wave.

A place of creativity. Your ideas reach their highest peak at this point.

This is one of the most important events in your life. But its importance is not in the action itself, but in what you can see from that perspective.

This is the zone of any decision. Whatever you determine is meaningful to you, you will implement.

Don't waste your time on small things.

Remember that this is not the limit, but the highest peak in the current development, from which you can survey not just what has been passed, but also see other peaks.

From this position, any advice you give will have prophetic power.

An excellent position to take your skills to the mastery stage.

You could say that in this place you are guided by your Higher Self.

The subtlety is that here you get the opportunity to do your job without thinking about the details - when you take on it, you already fully feel how to finish it.

For some, this is an intuitive message, but in reality, this is the moment when the student becomes a master, although he himself does not yet understand it.

This somewhat insidious hexagram denotes a state in which everything seems achievable, but you don’t want to do anything.

It may seem to you that everything is too simple and that new guidelines for action are needed, but this is not so. You actually saw the palace (target) and sat down in front of the gate entrance. But no one will enter for you, so give in to the illusion of achievement.

This is not the time to rest on your laurels. If you allow yourself inaction or despondency here, you will quickly slide back to the beginning, after which it will be difficult to get up again.

At this point, many never achieved enlightenment, remaining “almost masters” until the end of their days.

For a business, this is the moment when it is sold, having grossly underestimated the scale of future development.

The moment of inspiration of mastery, when you realize that there is just a little left.

Within the framework of I-Ching love fortune-telling, it should be understood that the Guai hexagram has a very interesting semantic name, reflecting the essence of the situation itself. It consists of two words - “Decision” and “Exit”, and indicates that the way out of the current life situation lies in determination, in the ability to be daring, active, courageous. In other words, if you want to find happiness in love, then you need to be decisive and, as they say, take the situation into your own hands. Now there is no place to expect help, not even from your own love partner. You need to do everything yourself, but if you make every effort now, you will get a good result.

If love fortune telling is carried out on a person who is currently single. But if you would like to have a love relationship, then the appearance of the Guai hexagram will indicate that you need to stop just waiting, but need to act quickly and actively. And if you already have someone you like in mind, feel free to meet them, talk about your feelings, show them. If he is already “busy”, demonstrate that you are better, that together you will become happier in love than now. In a word - if you want happiness, then achieve it!

If the fortune telling is performed for a person who is already in a love relationship, then the Guai hexagram indicates that the problems you are facing can be quickly resolved if you show courage and stop hoping that everything will disappear on its own. Start actively changing yourself and your life.

But no matter what the I-Ching love fortune-telling is carried out for, you need to remember that the appearance of the Guai hexagram is a warning - if you don’t do anything yourself now, then very soon a dark streak in your life will come, from which you will not be able to get out for a very long time, even if they will help you. Now there is power to find your happiness in love, but this period will soon end, so you need to hurry, hurry and hurry again. But, all the same, beware of hasty decisions in love, especially those dictated by negative emotions, otherwise you will lose everything at once.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik

The Guai hexagram does not so much predict the future as it gives advice on how to behave so that everything is fine, so that the future becomes more rosy than it can be if a person remains passive. Now is a good time to show yourself in a new way.

The Guai hexagram has a very interesting semantic name, reflecting the essence of the situation itself. The name consists of two words - “Decision” and “Exit”, and indicates that the way out of the current life situation lies in determination, in the ability to be daring, active, courageous. Moreover, this applies not only to some negative aspects, it is already clear with them - if it’s bad, then you need to act more firmly. But we are also talking about positive situations, in which it is also worth behaving more courageously in order to consolidate success, in order to use favorable energies to further advance towards your goals.

For determination to bear positive fruit, you need to be patient. You should not count on immediate completion of tasks or instant implementation of projects. Everything takes time, just your activity will shorten the waiting period. But at the same time, you should also show tolerance for other people's shortcomings and opposing opinions. This will help you not to get irritated once again, not to fall into anger and, as a result, not to waste energy on resolving unnecessary conflict situations, on endless “showdowns.”

Among other things, the I hexagram also recommends for a while to refrain from gambling, from everything that, one way or another, causes an acute sense of competition in you, as well as from actions involving a strong risk in the field of health and finance, both yours personally. , and those who are dear to you.

The big danger in the current situation is not listening to wise advice. Anyone who is stubborn risks simply ruining his destiny and ending up in a financial crisis for many years. Therefore, try to listen to the opinions of wise and authoritative people, this can save you from difficult situations.

Exit. Determination. Decision-making

A bathtub should appear in the chambers with a loud warning of impending misfortune. Inform the townspeople that it is better not to use weapons. It's good to go somewhere.


1. Starting nine.

Strength in the tips of the toes; going forward, you will not win. A tragic mistake is possible.

2. Nine second.

Warily calling: “Weapons will flash in the twilight!” - do not be afraid.

3. Nine three.

Strength is in the muscles. Misfortune. A noble man, resolutely moving forward, will be caught in the rain. Once wet, he will be indignant, but will not make mistakes.

4. Nine fourth.

Buttocks without meat. Trying to move, you mark time and pull the stubborn sheep. Repentance will disappear. Don't believe what you hear!

5. Nine fifth.

Grass-covered road - move forward decisively. There will be no mistakes.

6. Top six.

Voicelessness, but in the end there will be disaster.


1. Starting nine.

You feel the need to take action and are determined, but circumstances are beyond you and there are no real opportunities to achieve success. Overconfidence can be your downfall.

2. Nine second.

From your environment, you alone are able to understand and see the impending problems and dangers. Warn and tell about your worries and doubts, you should be heard and your words taken into account.

3. Nine three.

The symbol of bad weather is a warning about the difficulties that lie ahead. You will not suffer financially, there will be no major losses. But everything that happens will cause annoyance and disappointment, embarrassment and sadness. Expect emotional experiences.

4. Nine fourth.

The hopeless situation around you. Things are not moving, everything has to be difficult to get off the ground, those around you are stubborn and uncollected, you have no one to rely on, deceptions and intrigues lead you astray. Calm down and don’t waste your energy, analyze the mistakes you’ve made.

5. Nine fifth.

A situation in which, figuratively speaking, everything is overgrown with grass. Do not be afraid of neglect in business, non-standardity of your actions or chosen business. You are following an unbeaten path that will lead to success and prosperity.

6. Top six.

Silence, reluctance or fear of the need to resolve painful issues will ultimately lead to loss; you will not be able to preserve what you valued and were afraid to disturb.


Pay attention to the predominance of Yang energy in the hexagram and the only passive, Yin line. It is the yang lines that create the situation of a breakthrough, a release of accumulated strength. Only you know what your life, soul, body is filled with. This hexagram tells you what to do with everything that has been accumulated and stored for a long time.

Long-suffering is a positive quality, but if something does not agree with your life beliefs, leads to a dead end, a crisis will definitely come, a moment when you have to decide: to endure further or to break with the usual. You must have serious arguments that have matured through long painful reflections, awareness of mistakes, and now you are able to calmly, without aggression, hysterics, or abuse, express what you are thinking. The sooner you do this, the safer and more secure your future will be. If you are concerned about personal relationships, then show your partner that he also needs to understand what is happening. If you value your relationship equally, you will definitely make concessions and changes. Otherwise, with determination and courage, you can choose your own path and free yourself from a destructive connection. But remember that the hexagram does not welcome war. Your task is to establish peace and prosperity in order to avoid unpredictable future problems.

Do the same in business life, warn the team and management: if changes do not occur, a difficult existence awaits everyone. Share your plans and ideas. For this you will need courage, but not rudeness and arrogance.

Lack of courage and determination will cause you to endure further and delay making a decision. In this case, fate in a rougher form will decide for you and make a decision itself. As can be seen from the sixth line, it is not entirely safe and happy.

Learn to express your opinion, your wishes, explain what disgusts you and what offends you. Avoid empty squabbles, crafty excuses from partners, and bickering. Difficulties will arise due to stubbornness and unwillingness to look at yourself from the outside. Many things can cause you frustration and disappointment. But you continue to explain patiently and tactfully, because now silence is worse for you than a wall of misunderstanding among the participants in the events.

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