Where to go to study after 9. How to choose a profession after completing nine grades

The myth about the compulsory nature of higher education has long since become obsolete. A modern employer does not need muslin young ladies and young men who talk smoothly about the centuries-old culture of mankind, but intelligent, qualified workers and competent service sector specialists.

In order to get a real specialty, it is enough to graduate from a vocational school, technical school or college. You can enroll in all these educational institutions after finishing the ninth grade. What specialties can you really study with a certificate of basic general education?

Specialties taught to 9th grade graduates

Working professions are often clearly divided into strictly male and strictly female. Based on this division, we present two lists, and then separately list the relatively few universal options.

Career guidance for girls

  • Seamstress;
  • salesperson-cashier;
  • visagiste;
  • cosmetologist;
  • cosmetics;
  • merchandiser;
  • nurse;
  • designer (tailoring, interior design);
  • educator;
  • housemaid;
  • conductor.

As you can see, the selection is quite good; There are specialties for a wide range of abilities and tastes.

Work for the guys

  • Painter;
  • plasterer;
  • milling machine operator;
  • crane operator;
  • assistant driver;
  • mechanic (car mechanic, plumber, etc.);
  • welder;
  • electrician;
  • operator of road or forestry equipment;
  • computer network technician;
  • driver.

If you urgently need income, you can immediately look for employment options - it is possible that it will be convenient for the employer to train you in their own courses.

See current vacancies here:

Universal professions

  • Shop assistant;
  • manager;
  • hairdresser;
  • advertising specialist;
  • catering technologist;
  • confectioner;
  • pharmacist;
  • paramedic;
  • accountant;
  • masseur;
  • banking specialist;
  • specialist in land and property relations;
  • lawyer;
  • economist;
  • programmer;
  • waiter;
  • hotel administrator;
  • tourism specialist;
  • guide;
  • landscaper

It should be emphasized that some of the highly competitive professions mentioned should be acquired only with an eye to subsequent admission to a university as a part-time student. For example, finding a good job as a lawyer or economist with a college diploma is almost impossible - preference will be given to candidates with university degrees, and not just any.

Which ones exist? professions after 9th grade? What to do when 9th grade is almost over? Who should I become and what profile should I connect my life with? Let's find out!

Perhaps it is worth continuing your studies at school, having completed grades 10 and 11, or maybe it makes sense after grade 9 to go to college, technical school or college? If yes, then where? What to choose from?

There are so many answers that it seems that life is not enough to find the answer to them. We're not sure we can help you sort everything out, but we'll try.

Where to go to study after 9th grade: professions

Completing 9th grade promises many prospects, but even more so it is associated with the problems of choosing a future path in the life of a graduate. It seems that the first serious exams await the schoolchild just a little bit longer. And without having time to take a break from them, the almost graduate is again required to make a decision - now he will have to solve not problems from school textbooks, but more complex problems - what to become after 9th grade and where to go to study? The decision is complicated by the fact that 98% of school graduates do not know what professions exist after the 9th grade, which of them are not so much fashionable as necessary, which are practical, and which do not promise any prospects.

Let's add to this that parents often make choices for schoolchildren, predetermining their future. And it turns out that the choice of profession after 9th grade is limited to the choice of mom or dad.

At the same time, often a mother or father wants a future for their child that the graduate himself does not want. Parents, of course, will not give bad advice, but the list of professions after 9th grade is much wider than they think.

In addition, it is not at all necessary that the parent’s vision of the child’s profession coincides with the opinion of the graduate himself. Perhaps you are seen as a foreman of an enterprise or a lawyer for a large company, but you want to connect your life with the stage? Perhaps you see yourself in the office of an international company, and your parents say that you definitely need to go to medical school? In a word, there are many questions, but no answers. But a choice has to be made, and then authoritative opinions are used, as a rule, parents or friends, and maybe teachers. Don't rush into making a choice, weigh everything. But first, determine what is on the scale.

List of professions after 9th grade

Unfortunately, the difficult question of where to go to study after 9th grade does not have a single correct answer. The reason for this is the list of professions that become available to school graduates after 9th grade. It's huge. But, fortunately, it is much smaller than the list of professions after 11th grade.

Who to apply for after 9th grade? There are a lot of specialties, how can I even understand what is right for me and what is not for me?

Let's try to find an approach to solving this problem. To do this, you should pay your attention not so much to the list, but to the profiles and areas of activity, then it will be much easier to choose.

If you try to predetermine the main ones, it turns out that there is not such a large list of areas where school graduates can go to study.

These include:

  • Economic professions - cashier, economist, salesman, manager, merchandiser, etc.
  • Medical professions - for example - homeopath, nurse, pediatrician, doctor, massage therapist, etc.
  • Scientific professions - for example - scientist, geographer, mathematician, physicist, philosopher, etc.
  • Professions in the field of information technology - telephone operator, programmer, system administrator, roboticist, PC operator
  • Professions in the field of media - television journalist, copywriter, blogger, translator, announcer, etc.
  • Technical professions - car mechanic, bulldozer operator, engineer, crane operator, painter, etc.
  • Professions in the field of publishing - layout designer, typographer, proofreader, printer, editor, etc.
  • Transport professions - driver, taxi driver, forwarder, conductor, machinist, etc.
  • Aviation and maritime specialties - air traffic controller, flight engineer, cook, pilot, astronaut, etc.
  • Creative professions - actor, conductor, musician, model, architect, etc.
  • Professions in the field of cinema - cameraman, producer, screenwriter, film director, critic, etc.
  • Professions in the field of service and maintenance - librarian, packager, bartender, florist, storekeeper, etc.
  • Professions in the field of cleaning - janitor, cleaner, gardener, garbage man, cleaner, etc.
  • Pedagogical professions – teacher, dean, psychologist, educator, speech therapist, etc.
  • Food professions – miller, baker, cook, confectioner, baker, etc.
  • Professions in the field of agriculture - agronomist, milkmaid, horse breeder, machine operator, farmer, etc.
  • Professions in the field of law and jurisprudence - lawyer, lawyer, notary, inquiry officer, investigator, etc.
  • Military professions - technician, navigator, gunner, pilot, cavalryman, etc.
  • Church professions - deacon, regent, icon painter, bishop, priest, etc.

To the delight of school graduates, the number of specialties and directions is very large. But, unfortunately, the vast majority of areas do not belong to the list of professions after 9th grade. For example, it will definitely not be possible to go to study after 9th grade to become a doctor, journalist, speech therapist, film director, pilot, librarian and many others. Access to these specialties will be open only after graduating from a higher educational institution, which you definitely cannot enter after 9 years of school.

But is it worth worrying about? Yes, if you want to become a doctor, if you don't want to study anymore, but all your life you have dreamed of becoming a pilot, if you wanted to become a teacher or an editor. But if you have a desire to learn, you definitely don’t need to worry.

Firstly, the list of professions after 9th grade is not so small, and secondly, your goal is quite achievable over time.

Do you want to become a doctor? No problem. Enroll in a degree in Nursing. Do you want to become a pilot? Start by learning to be a flight attendant and you'll be taking to the skies in just a few months. Do you dream of becoming a teacher? Try working as a nanny and studying to become a teacher. Are you interested in working as an editor? Start by training to become a layout designer.

As you can see, even though the list of professions after 9th grade does not include the vast majority of highly qualified specialties, you will be able to connect your life with a profile by becoming one step lower.

In-demand professions after 9th grade: list

Separately, it is worth mentioning the in-demand specialties. Do you still think that a turner or an electric and gas welder is the lot of the weak? Do you still think that the job of a painter or crane operator is not so prestigious? Then you should definitely pay attention to the list of professions in demand on the labor market after 9th grade. Surprisingly, you won’t find such an abundance of vacancies for general directors or doctors, but an electric and gas welder is worth his weight in gold. There are almost no vacancies for lawyers here, but turners and painters are almost always required.

But this is not the main thing. The main thing is that the list of professions after 9th grade is so wide that it is not possible to describe it.

But we can say for sure that any profession that you get after 9th grade is not the final, but only the beginning of your career.

List of professions after 9th grade for girls

Girls are suitable for almost the same specialties as boys, but there are some features, or rather, accents. For example, specialties for girls should not be physically difficult, related to metal smelting, work in a mine, or as an assembler.

At the same time, professions for girls can be more creative, related to child care, work in the field of nail services, work as a seamstress, teacher, or social worker.

Here are some of the professions after 9th grade for girls:

  • It’s better to become an interior designer after university, but you can start learning the specialty in courses right after 9th grade.
  • Cashier is another job familiar to girls, where you can get a job right after school.
  • Social worker - this profession does not require higher education if you go to work as an adult care worker.
  • A food service technologist is a good option for those who love mathematics and want to manage a team of cooks.
  • An assistant kindergarten teacher is also an option for girls who have matured and become girls.
  • Seamstress - the ability to sew can be monetized by connecting your life with work in the clothing industry, manufacturing and as a private seamstress.

There are many other specialties for girls who, after 9th grade, can go to college, technical school, college, or immediately after school begin their first steps towards employment.

If you stay in school until the end of the 11th grade, new prospects open up for girls - you can enter an institute, academy, university, without limiting yourself to just a college or technical school.

Professions after 9th grade: list for boys

Future fathers, defenders of the fatherland and real men, but for now boys after the 9th grade can choose a profession not only based on strength and endurance, but also based on desire and personal qualities.

This means that you can become almost anyone, focusing both on specialties related to technology and physical labor, and professions that are creative, humanitarian or scientific.

If after 9th grade you don’t go to study anywhere, then you can go to such jobs as:

  • A loader, where endurance and strength are needed, but the pay is not much, but this is real man's work.
  • An industrial climber, which you can become by just taking 2 weeks of training.
  • Driving is also a profession that you can study at a school or college, or you can take short-term courses. Of course, you also need to obtain a driving license.
  • A mechanic is not a very difficult profession, but it requires knowledge for boys who are about to become men.
  • Rescuer is a job for strong guys who can do anything.
  • A firefighter is a courageous profession that involves risk to life.

I want to continue studying after school, who should I apply for after 9th grade?

When entering college, technical school or college, boys will have more options for obtaining a profession after 9th grade.

Here are some of the specialties that only guys can master:

  • Driver - in our country this is a male profession and, for example, only men can work as a train driver.
  • An assistant driver is also a male profession, which is mastered in schools, colleges and technical schools only by boys.
  • Electrician - it’s hard to find a female electrician, but guys can easily succeed in her.
  • Programmer - girls are also trained in this profession, but in 80 percent of cases this is still a male profession, which can be mastered after 9th grade.

Of course, if you finish 11th grade, then the guys will have even more opportunities to master their specialty.

Professions after 9th grade in secondary schools

Suza is usually called secondary vocational educational institutions. These include colleges and technical schools. You cannot get a higher education there, but you can enroll after 9th grade and get both a working and a creative specialty.

Admission to college after 9th grade is carried out based on the results of the school GIA (final certification). Sometimes the grades on the certificate are not enough, then you may need to take a test in Russian, mathematics, or simply pass an interview.

After 9th grade, both boys and girls can enroll in a secondary school, so the path to college or technical school is not closed for either boys or girls.

Professions in college after 9th grade

Colleges can be public or private. And here they study to become economists, lawyers, psychologists, and master humanitarian, creative and economic specialties.

We can say that college is a new trend for previously familiar schools and technical schools, where training specializations are not tailored to training for work in technical specialties. If your choice is to study to become an accountant, a specialist in the field of design, or to become a teacher after 9th grade, then after 9th grade choose a college, you can’t go wrong.

Professions in technical school after 9th grade

Physics and mathematics, technical and engineering specialties are just the part of the technical school. But not only. After 9th grade, many creative specialties can be mastered at a technical school. There are also professions for girls here - after 9th grade you can easily study to become a manicurist, hairdresser, landscape design specialist and many other areas right at the technical school.

As a rule, technical schools are state educational institutions where there are scholarships, dormitories for nonresidents, and employment agreements with city enterprises.

Specialties after 9th grade in schools

If the goal is to get a working specialty, then going to school after 9th grade is the best option. Become a pastry chef, catering technologist, train to become an installer, baker, service technician or auto mechanic - the school will help you with any task.

In recent years, schools have been shrinking, they are being replaced by training centers, where you can get a specialty much faster, but they still remain relevant for many. Also, there are medical, theater, and pedagogical schools - this is targeted training and you definitely cannot displace them.

Professions after 9th grade at the institute

Unfortunately, admission to higher educational institutions is impossible without completing 11 grades, but today many educational institutions successfully use the “school-college-university” training program, which assumes that after completing 9th grade, students can go to college and then continue studying at a higher educational institution - often without exams or under special conditions. Therefore, starting to get a profession after 9th grade at the institute, even if not immediately, is realistic.

In general, if you have clearly decided for yourself that the 10th and 11th grades of school are not for you, this only means that immediately after school you will not be able to enter an institute, academy or university, that the road to admission will be closed for you in many directions, but this is only for now, only for a few years. This is because by enrolling in a technical school, college or school, you will definitely complete the 10th and 11th grades there, and also receive a profession - the very fundamental basis on which your secondary vocational education will be built. And with it you will significantly expand the options for your future life. You will be able to get a job and receive higher education. Thus, life after 9th grade is definitely not predetermined; there are so many colors and options that await you in just a few years.

List of professions after 9th grade without education

Don’t think that only those who receive higher or secondary vocational education are lucky in life. Of course, the generally accepted standard is to obtain a specialty at least in college, but the list of professions after the 9th grade includes not only those that can be obtained in a college. It is worth mentioning such professions for which there is practically no need to study and for which education has no significance: janitor, cleaner, order picker, dough mixer, salesman, conductor, courier, nurse, loader, packer, kindergarten nanny, postman, concierge, watchman .

We have no doubt that in the list of professions that are open to employment for 9th grade graduates without training, you probably didn’t find anything interesting for yourself.

Let’s add to this the fact that many of them will only take you on if you are 18 years old, that some of them will require physical endurance and we will get a clear answer - if you don’t want to work on shift, pack and pack, clean the territory, learn everything - you'll have to. And not necessarily at the institute. Do you want to work faster? Enroll in a technical school, college or school, where dozens of educational professions await you.

And if your dream is to become something big, if your goal is a judge, not a paralegal; a doctor, not a nurse; an architect, not a builder, i.e. – at most, you should not try to overtake the standards and rules, consider the option of entering a college or completing school. Then professions will certainly open up before you after 11th grade, in which you will definitely be able to find something suitable for yourself.

But still, do not forget that even after 9th grade, schools, colleges and technical schools are waiting for you, which are ready to give you your first start and help you find a profession that may become the only right one for the rest of your life.

Find out more about where to go to study after 9th grade - colleges, technical schools, courses and schools. Where to go to study? Where is it prestigious and where is it not?

Look at what professions there are for girls after 9th grade - what direction of training should a girl choose? How many female machinists are there in our country? What job will a woman never be hired for in Russia and which one is definitely not worth studying for?

Check out the list of professions after 9th grade for guys - what male professions exist? Can yesterday's boy become a real man by working as a model? Are there male secretaries?

To succeed in life, it is important to choose your professional path wisely. And this fate-determining problem first faces young people after receiving basic general education. Many decide to go to secondary specialized educational institutions. And here it is important to understand which professions are relevant after 9th grade, and what you should pay attention to when choosing a specialty.

Is it worth leaving school after 9th grade?

The problem of completing school after 9th grade depends on many factors. In many small settlements there are only schools where basic general education is given, that is, children study only up to the 9th grade. It is better to immediately go to college, technical school or college to get a real working specialty.

Another reason to graduate from school after 9th grade is low academic performance, the reluctance of the boy or girl himself to continue studying at school. If young people want to go on an independent voyage, it is worth directing their energy to obtaining a useful specialty that will allow a person to begin an independent life earlier.

What are the advantages of getting a profession after finishing 9th grade:

  1. Adaptation to adulthood at a young age.
  2. Introduction to work and integration into adult society.
  3. The opportunity to gradually obtain a complex and high-tech profession.
  4. Instilling in the child greater independence. This advantage is especially important for guys.
  5. Facilitating the opportunity to enter a university.

How to make a choice

Before you enroll, you need to make a balanced and thoughtful choice. Each person has an individual, unique set of interests, characteristics and qualities. In schoolchildren, many of these qualities are at the stage of formation. In such conditions, it is extremely important when choosing a profession to take into account your characteristics, interests and predispositions. Parents should also pay attention to these points when giving advice to their child.

There are clear criteria on the basis of which you should make a choice of profession after 9th grade:

  1. Wage level.
  2. Kudos.
  3. Perspective.
  4. Interest.

Money plays a big role in life. Schoolchildren, when deciding on their future, must clearly understand this. Therefore, when choosing a business in life, you need to take into account the financial factor and select a profitable and profitable job. To do this, it is worth analyzing specialized research articles that are published in the media. Based on the processing of numerous parameters, they provide ratings that present the best and highest paid activities.

Specialists in the following fields are highly valued:

  1. Information technology, programming, web design. A qualified and competent programmer who has mastered key languages ​​earns from 100–150 thousand rubles. The larger the list of skills, the higher the reward.
  2. SEO and SMM specialists involved in the promotion of goods and services. The salaries of such employees with a wealth of practical skills start from 50–80 thousand rubles and above.
  3. Nutrition. The industry is actively developing, so skilled chefs and pastry chefs are in great demand. Owners of restaurants and food chains are willing to pay real professionals several hundred thousand rubles a month.
  4. Lawyers. They say that we have many lawyers. Yes, there are many people with law degrees, but there are not enough real specialists. A qualified lawyer is a very highly paid profession.
  5. Engineers and designers in industry. Production facilities and factories require modernization and increased productivity, and this requires specialized engineers.

It is worth reviewing analytical materials that provide ratings of scarce professions necessary for the development of the country. In 2018, the professions that are relevant after grade 9 included the following specialties:

  • construction;
  • engineering;
  • qualified mechanics and craftsmen;
  • doctors;
  • drivers;
  • teachers.

The most important factor in choice is prospects. It shows professions that can be chosen from the 9th grade. The criterion helps determine which specialties are better, how they will be in demand and relevant within a certain territory in the coming years.

The government of the country has set the task of building a digital economy. Information services, automation systems and communication technologies will be gradually introduced into all areas of life. This work will require a large number of engineers and programmers.

In the field of sales of goods and services, advertising on the Internet plays a key role. Websites will be created, improved and made more complex, and new solutions will be introduced into social networks. This situation requires a large number of specialists in online promotion and advertising (SMM, SEO, targeting, context). The role of programmers, web designers, analysts, application developers, etc. will increase.

Medicine and education should soon become promising. The country has big problems in these areas, and sooner or later they will require solutions. Upbringing, education and health are areas that are important to the state.

The third factor is prestige. The profession must be valued in society, and its representatives must be respected and understood for their high importance. Today, prestigious and well-paid professions are represented in the military sphere and other law enforcement agencies. They provide special status, significant benefits and normal wages. Professions in information technology and design are becoming increasingly prestigious. Qualified lawyers and economists always hold a high level of assessment in society.

The last parameter that must be taken into account is personal interest in any activity. Predispositions to certain activities are laid down in childhood. The person who correctly understands his passions and finds an interesting activity will be successful and happy.

What are these lists for those who are thinking about choosing a profession after finishing 9th grade? The answer is simple; when choosing a professional field of activity after receiving incomplete secondary education, you need to think comprehensively, weighing the available factors.

When deciding on a list of professions after 9th grade, you need to correlate all four parameters. When choosing technical specialties, you need to understand that these are working professions, i.e. there is always a demand for them. Humanities majors, with the right approach, allow you to build a successful career in the long term.

How parents can help when choosing

Parents must be involved in choosing a profession after their child graduates from 9th grade. We cannot shy away from discussing this issue.

What parents should consider:

  1. Interests and passions of the child.
  2. Accessibility and proximity of educational institutions from home.
  3. Prospects, prestige and popularity of the profession after 9th grade.
  4. Financial opportunities.

The main thing that parents can give is support and their experience. A well-constructed conversation with a child about choosing a professional craft, using memories from life experience, explaining the real picture of adult life, the characteristics of working in a particular profession, will allow you to make a truly useful choice.

What female and male professions are most in demand?

All specialties must be distinguished according to the degree of accessibility, i.e. in which educational institutions they can be mastered. The question is important when choosing a profession that is relevant after 9th grade.

Professional skills of varying degrees can be obtained at a university, institute, college, technical school or college.

There is no need for university after 9th grade. This means that you need to choose from other types of educational institutions. Technical school and college can provide not only a useful profession, but also become an intermediate stage for entering a university. Cooperation between specialized educational institutions allows, after receiving a secondary specialized education, to immediately enroll in the second or third year.

Professions after 9th grade list for men and girls:

  1. Technical specialties. Prestigious and always in demand professions. Possessing such skills forms an excellent foundation for further growth.
  2. Economic specialties.
  3. All professions related to sales.
  4. Design. Professionals who know how to create external design are in great demand today. Such specialists are needed in the field of web development, landscape, clothing, home, everyday life, flowers.
  5. Medical specialties - nurses, paramedics, pharmacists.
  6. Legal.
  7. Pedagogical.
  8. Agrarian.
  9. Accountant.
  10. Sphere of beauty.

When choosing a specialty, you should understand that there are universal, female and male professions. What professions to choose for boys after finishing 9th grade:

  • electric train driver assistant;
  • industrial alpinism;
  • professions related to cars - auto mechanic, auto electrician, auto mechanic;
  • driver, truck driver;
  • dental technician, medical brother;
  • blacksmith;
  • forester;
  • crane operator;
  • locksmith;
  • welder;
  • turner;
  • milling machine operator

Professions after 9th grade for girls:

  1. Nurse.
  2. Manicure/pedicure specialist, hairdresser, stylist, makeup artist.
  3. Cook, pastry chef.
  4. Pharmacist, cosmetologist.
  5. Master of restaurant service.
  6. Designer.
  7. Cutter, seamstress.
  8. Clerk, cashier, accountant.
  9. Nanny, teacher, teacher, librarian.

The list of professions that are available after 9th grade for girls and boys is huge. When choosing a specialty, it is important to really understand what it is and whether it suits your personality. To do this, each area of ​​interest should be discussed with parents and other adults.

Advantages of going to college after 9th grade:

  • ease of admission (colleges are accepted without the Unified State Exam and with a low score);
  • the training program is simpler than at a university (minimum theory, maximum practice);
  • shortened course. After only 4 years you can find a job in your specialty;
  • there are many more budget places, and in the case of tuition on a paid basis, costs are lower;
  • You can go to college at a university. Such training is considered as the first stage of a bachelor's degree and makes it possible to enter a higher educational institution without entrance exams and the Unified State Examination, only based on the results of an interview and testing.

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Studying in college has its disadvantages:

  • the level of education is lower than in higher educational institutions;
  • a college diploma is not considered for employment abroad;
  • employers do not always welcome the young age of graduates.

Continuing education after 11th grade has other advantages:

  • enrollment in a university based on the results of the Unified State Exam (a certificate of passing the Unified State Exam is valid for 4 years);
  • the prestige of a higher education diploma does not depend on the form of study (full-time or part-time);
  • While studying, it is possible to get a part-time job;
  • upon receipt of the first higher education, you can apply for a second one under a shortened program (2.5 years);
  • A university diploma gives you a chance to continue your studies abroad.

Disadvantages of entering a university after completing secondary education:

  • high tuition fees and a minimum number of budget places;
  • in order to enter a university based on the results of the Unified State Exam, you need to decide on the direction and prepare for exams in your major disciplines at the beginning of the last year of study;
  • strict control of discipline and academic performance. Failure to comply with standards may result in expulsion.

If a teenager has not even completed secondary education, this does not mean that he cannot continue his education.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of paragraph 21 of the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 14, 2013 No. 464 “On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities,” a teenager can enter a college in which the vocational education program is integrated with primary education. Such educational institutions admit students without a certificate with a certificate.

List of professions where you can enter after 9th grade

The choice of professional orientations after colleges and technical schools depends on the teenager’s inclination towards a particular activity.

Humanities scholars should take a closer look at the following areas:

  • hotel business;
  • design of clothing, premises, landscapes;
  • marketing and advertising;
  • social security law and organization;
  • photo;
  • choreography;
  • psychology;
  • cinematography, etc.;

Young people with a mathematical mind may consider majors such as:

  • accountant;
  • merchandiser

The widest choice of professions is presented in the direction of engineering and high technology development:

  • computer's operator;
  • electromechanic;
  • builder;
  • vehicle repair and maintenance technician;
  • mechanic for repairing construction machines, etc.

For girls

It is impossible for a girl with bad grades to get a budget place at a university in Moscow, but technical schools, lyceums and colleges are more accessible.

The TOP specialties that are worth trying to enroll on a budget basis include:

  1. Junior medical staff. Depending on their specialization, nurses are divided into:
    • district police officers;
    • operating rooms;
    • procedural;
    • seniors

    To become the chief nurse, in whose hands the organization of the work of the junior medical staff of the entire hospital is concentrated, you must obtain a higher education in nursing.

  2. Manicure-pedicure master:
    • this profession is very popular, but it requires attention, patience and good artistic taste, as well as the absence of problems with the spine;
    • learning is quick, but the reputation of a good master takes years to earn;
    • the advantage of this choice is the opportunity to work from home and independently plan your working hours;
    • The disadvantages of individual practice include the need to purchase expensive consumables and tools.
  3. Hairdresser:
    • training does not take much time, but the level of professionalism must be high;
    • Not every college graduate can get a job as a stylist in an expensive salon. Someone will first have to work in a simple hairdressing salon for 12 hours a day, doing machine haircuts for 300 rubles.
  4. Master of restaurant service. The responsibilities of the master include:
    • menu development;
    • advertising;
    • management;
    • organization of special events;
    • servicing foreign tourists;
    • catering (offsite service).
  5. Information and software processing operator. After mastering this specialty, the student receives a diploma as a software engineer. The main activities of the operator are:
    • analytical processing of information data;
    • editing of video materials;
    • programming;
    • site construction.

A good option for a girl might be to become a cook, seamstress, cashier or accountant.

For boys

Recently, there has been a significant shortage of technical specialists.

  1. Locksmith. Preventative and repair work on heavy equipment is sometimes associated with risks, so the profession is suitable for healthy and physically resilient people.
  2. Welder. The work involves hazardous working conditions. In the future, early retirement and monetary compensation for harm are possible.
  3. Collector. The task is to create a single whole from disparate elements using a technological diagram. This type of work would suit a young person with a technical mindset. Typically, assemblers are trained directly on the job.
  4. Builder. Large-scale urban planning work will allow this profession to remain at the top for a long time. The skills acquired during training are useful not only at work, but also at home.
  5. Auto Mechanic. Due to the increase in the number of car owners, the demand for specialists capable of providing high-quality vehicle maintenance has increased. This is the main reason to recommend this profession for young people with a technical mindset.

You can also enroll in a military school. Military training time is included in the insurance period, and further employment is guaranteed.

Profession test

A profession determination test will help you decide on your choice of specialty. It is conducted remotely online.

There are several methods for determining career guidance:

  • J. Holland test. Consists of 240 questions and takes 25 minutes to complete;
  • determination of the socio-psychological attitude of the personality of Potemkina O.F. (40 questions in 5 minutes);
  • Determination of the future profession according to the method of Klimov E.A. (30 questions, 5 minutes);
  • map of interests of Golomshtok A.E. (96 questions, 15 minutes).

Completing basic school is the first step on the path to a profession. Many young people decide after 9th grade not to go to 10th grade, but to enter a special educational institution. That is, get a profession. Guys usually prefer technical specialties. What profession should a girl choose after 9th grade, who should she go to study, where? What exams do I need to take?

Hobbies and abilities

First of all, you need to pay attention not to the list of professions with the highest salaries, but to your own strengths and aspirations. A profession should bring not only money (although this is important), but also, first of all, satisfaction, so that in the future work will not be hard labor, but a favorite thing.

If a girl likes creativity, then it is better to study the list and choose a profession in this direction. For example, you can enroll and study after 9th grade in:

  • hairdresser;
  • interior designer;
  • actress;
  • musician;
  • singer;
  • advertising specialist.

The first specialty on this list is very popular. A good hairdresser will always find a job. In addition, you can cut hair for friends, acquaintances and relatives. At first it is very useful for improving skills, and in the future it can bring good income.

It is important to understand that the profession is associated with constant movement. If a girl has difficulty standing on her feet for a long time or working with her hands, this specialty is not for her.

If you have a mathematical mindset, you can go to study where you need to take the corresponding subject and work with numbers in the future. For example, go study at:

  • accountant;
  • economist;
  • cashier.

These specialties are for those who have no problems with numbers. You need to know that these professions require organization, composure, and attentiveness. At work you will have to sit at a cash register or computer for a long time. An accountant performs the same operations every month. Therefore, this profession is unlikely to be suitable for restless people who are constantly looking for something new.

Cashier is a financially responsible person. Responsible for goods sold and money received for them. After each shift, the specialist submits a report showing the correspondence of the funds received to the amount of “punched” checks. For a seller working with money, attentiveness is very important. You can pay for her absence with your earnings. Another important quality of a cashier is politeness to customers. Regulatory documents developed by the government carefully protect their interests. Any dissatisfied customer can leave an unpleasant entry in the complaint book. Smiling, friendly salespeople and cashiers, on the contrary, improve the image of a store or other retail facility.

Analyzing the list of professions, the girl must decide whether she is ready to constantly communicate with people without losing patience and politeness, or whether she is better off working in an office with numbers.

An economist must have an analytical mind, be able to compare, draw conclusions, look for reasons for changes in indicators, and make predictions. These specialists in organizations can identify, for example, why the financial condition is deteriorating, where the company needs to move, and suggest ways out of the crisis. A good economist is a very valuable person. But to become one, you need to learn not only the subjects taught, but also attentiveness and accuracy.

Some girls love to cook since childhood. The specialty of a cook is best suited for them. This profession has excellent prospects. A good cook can easily get a job in a decent place (cafe, restaurant). And cooking skills will come in handy for your future family.

Another similar profession that you can study for is catering technologist. This is the person whose job it is to supervise and direct the cooks. That is, the profession is associated with both cooking and leadership (management). This specialty can be chosen by those girls who have organizational skills.

Not everyone is able to effectively lead a team. Here it is important to take into account the psychological characteristics of everyone, to be able to persuade and gain authority. Quiet, calm people are unlikely to cope with such a task. And those who became good organizers while still in school may well choose a profession related to management and organization.

Many girls like to draw clothing models. As children, girls often create outfits for dolls with their own hands. Those who are good at this should consider studying to become a seamstress. With this specialty you can not only earn decent money, but also create clothes for yourself. A good seamstress can become a famous fashion designer in the future.

Difficulty of choice

Often parents have their own idea of ​​the child’s future profession. They could choose in advance where he should go to study after 9th or 11th grade. They believe that adults know better what advantages a particular profession has.

This situation is bad from all sides:

  1. Firstly, a conflict arises that can last a lifetime.
  2. Secondly, a child, having obeyed his parents and received an unwanted profession, will hate it. And no one needs such workers.

A girl after 9th grade is a fairly mature person, she has her own opinions, judgments, inclinations and abilities. Parents need to listen to girls' needs and thoughts and build relationships on trust and cooperation.

“Adult children” really like this equality; they are ready for dialogue if their opinion is respected.

You need to explain your position to the girl, tell her why you consider this profession to be the most suitable. It’s better to offer a list of specialties and educational institutions where your daughter can go and study. Search together for information about professions and features of the educational process. Help a teenager decide which specialty to choose, where to go to study after 9th grade, or maybe finish 11th.

It is imperative to take into account the girl’s abilities. There is no point in planning to become an accountant if mathematics at school is very difficult. The list of where you can go to study needs to be analyzed carefully. Specialists from recruitment organizations and psychologists unanimously claim that the best performers are people who were able to choose a profession based on their own desires and abilities.

The most popular professions among girls after 9th grade where you can go to study:

  • educator, primary school teacher;
  • cashier;
  • seamstress;
  • cook;
  • journalist;
  • Social worker;
  • finishing specialist.

There is a list that includes the most popular specialties for women. These are professions that, according to research, will not lose their relevance in the coming years. For example, this includes construction specialties of all qualifications - housing will always be built.

Programmers, website developers and web designers are in demand, as the role of the “global web” is increasing every day. Scientists who are capable of making new discoveries, inventing methods and technologies will also never be left without work.

Some specialties, on the contrary, are in little demand in the labor market. The reason is an oversaturation of specialists.

For example, at the beginning of the 20th century, the profession of lawyer was very popular, but it was quite difficult to apply for one because of the large number of applicants. As a result, over the past few years, so many specialists have appeared in this field that it has become very difficult to find a job in this field.


It is important to know that just the desire to go to school after 9th grade is not enough. Each educational institution has its own list of requirements for different specialties. What matters is academic performance, that is, the average grade after finishing 9th grade. Wherever the girl decides to apply, her success in completing basic school is taken into account. It is better to think about this in advance and make every effort to complete 9th grade as best as possible.

Some educational institutions accept applicants based on the results of a certificate competition and an interview. To enroll in others you need to pass exams. You need to find out exactly what conditions are in the chosen place where you decide to enroll in advance in order to have time to prepare well and be guaranteed to become a student at a college, technical school or college.

After graduating from the chosen educational institution, the girl receives secondary education and a specialty. If you wish, you can enroll in a university of the same profile or choose another.

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