Andrey Sergeevich Desnitsky

Remote treatment of a person using a phantom Is it possible to treat a person remotely?

Remote acupressure treatment. As many people think, this happens with the help of a professional massage therapist who has this massage method....

in detail / 24.03.2024
Physical foundations of microelectronics, lecture notes Designs and parameters of generators based on Gunn diodes

Sarapul Polytechnic Institute (branch) of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Izhevsk...

in detail / 17.03.2024
Breastplates of Soviet army soldiers

Do you want to sell military badges profitably? Or are you unable to find interesting specimens for your favorite collection? Always at your service...

in detail / 18.02.2024
Family Book of Memory and Glory Izobilin Nikolay Aleksandrovich 108th Infantry Division

, Stankovo, the width of the defense zone is 40 kilometers. The third regiment of the division (539 rifle regiment) continued to regroup in the Minsk region, a significant part...

in detail / 28.10.2023
Millionaires Zolotov and Kolokoltsev - from the taiga to the Chinese seas

Specialty of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation07.00.02 Number of pages 227 CHAPTER I. Attraction of foreign specialists and the legal basis for their service in the Russian...

in detail / 28.10.2023
List of metropolitans of the Russian Orthodox Church The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church is an opponent of foreign intervention

Contents of the article PATRIARCHES OF THE RUSSIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH. In 1453, the great Orthodox empire, Byzantium, fell under the blows of the Turks. Moscow...

in detail / 08.09.2023
State University of Management

Upcoming courses: - Bachelor's degree, starting in September 2019, full-time and part-time, duration 4-5 years. — professional retraining, starting with...

in detail / 19.06.2022
Pai-hoi See what "Pai-Hoi" is in other dictionaries

It consists of several parallel mountain ranges and adjacent plateaus. The name of the Pai-Khoi ridge comes from the Nenets words Pe-Khoi, meaning...

in detail / 10.04.2022
Like all normal people - is it worth it?

Since childhood, we have been instilled in various ways with the attitude “be like everyone else.” Everyone does it, so you should do it too. "Why"? - asks the child. "So as not to...

in detail / 26.10.2021
Seas that belong to the Atlantic Ocean

The southern seas of the Russian Federation include the Caspian, Azov and. These seas are combined into one group, since they have close geographic...

in detail / 12.10.2021
Life and work of Tyutchev

Fyodor Tyutchev is a famous Russian lyricist, poet-thinker, diplomat, conservative publicist, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences since 1857...

in detail / 25.02.2021
See what “Khivi” is in other dictionaries Who are the Khivi World War II

Uniform At first, the Khiwi continued to wear Soviet military uniforms, but without Soviet insignia. Gradually they were dressed in German uniforms, but...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Is Batman in the universe of Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl?

The first appearance of Batman as an independent character occurred back in 1939, on the pages of science fiction comic books. Since then...

in detail / 04.07.2020
“Heart of Darkness”: Belgian colonialists in the Congo Belgians in the Congo

King Leopold's Congo Free State. An unhappy father looks at the foot and hand of his five-year-old daughter, eaten by the plantation police...

in detail / 04.07.2020
Thematic control of knowledge in the Russian language dove

The manual consists of cut cards with thematic test assignments for the Russian language program in grade 2 (1-4) A4 format...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Course program “On the Road to the ABCs” (speech development and preparation for literacy)

Kislova T.R., Ivanova A.A. On the way to the ABC. A guide to speech development and preparation for teaching literacy to preschoolers. Part 5 This course manual...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Reading Literacy Tests

Formation of reading competence of students in primary school through the use of modern teaching methods and techniques in the direction...

in detail / 01.07.2020
Download textbook on technical mechanics

Arkusha A.I. Guide to solving problems in theoretical mechanics, 1971. (8.5Mb) - Download Arkusha A.I., Frolov M.I. Technical mechanics, 1983....

in detail / 01.07.2020